Tuesday, January 17, 2006

How to Beat this Stupid End

I was talking to a guy in Italy yesterday and we were talking about this and that, the death of this Earth and how now it comes walking toward us like some boogie woogie of disaster and we all dance to it, boogie woogie boogie woogie all the way to Boogie Woogie Hell; and how we can small that Hell, how we can smell the brimstone of it; and how we can see this poor Earth in her death shudders, shudders so established that I can bet you all you have that just about next Christmas there is going to be a big bad earthquake somewhere between Iran and Indonesia.
But I don't have to bet you; you have bet it all already.  You have bet your money, you have bet your life, you have bet your fine reputation before the world, you have bet that fine soul God gave you, lo, so many millions of years ago; and you are just sitting there hoping you die before this Earth dies under you, hoping you never have to stop drinking gasoline, not minding that George W. Bush is your fascist Judas selling you out, so long as he murders someone else and not you; wishful thinking, wishful thinking, wishful thinking of a nation of fools in a Fool's Paradise.  George W. Bush will murder you all.
So this Italian guy said, "How do we beat this stupid end."
I tell you, I have been working this puzzle, trying to solve the anti-miracle of the Anti-Christ, which is the human being's future, since I was a Boy of four; like Mozart sitting down the keyboard I sat down to ending war; and in all those 60 years, in all the thousands of people I have talked to, in all the millions of people I have reached since God gave me the gift of being the only audible mental telepath in human history, (think about it, in all of human history, one diamond on the whole pile of coal), in all that time only one person has asked me, "How do we beat this stupid end".
I do not know which is more remarkable, being asked that question or never having been asked that question before.
How do we beat this stupid end?
Albert Gore should have asked it when he ran against Republican American Fascism in 2000; Hairy Kerry, the Democratic candidate who threw the election like a pug the Heavyweight Championship of the World, should have asked it when he ran against Republican American Fascism that last, (and as the Republican American Fascists have it planned), that last and final election.
How do we beat this stupid end?
And who was that other guy, Billy Bob Clinton, he should have asked it when he was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.
How do we beat this stupid end?
And who was that other guy, the first George Bush, the father of Satan's Fool-children, he should have asked it rather than playing king-my-family games in the back rooms of rich men's mansions, rather than joining in on the age-old plot of the rich to murder the poor.
How do we beat this stupid end?
And who was that other guy, Ron Reagan, had he asked it he would not have been damned to Hell for murdering poor people in Central America.
And who was that other guy, Spick and Span Jimmy Carter, he should have asked it as he picked the nose of his Presidency saying Jesus this and Jesus that.
How do we beat this stupid end?
And who was that other guy, Ford, he should have asked it when he received the Presidency as a gift-tit-in-the-mouth.
Before that it was all Nixon-murder-sandwich, a murder sandwich around the Kennedy's, a murder sandwich around me, a murder sandwich around you; and we have to go all the way back to Eisenhower to find a President of the United States of America who was not murdered, or a product of murder, or a plotter of murder.
How do we beat this stupid end?
And that petticoat carpetbagger New York Senator, Mrs. Clinton, who thinks she can be President by standing in line with two tits and a vagina and name recognition, but with not a bold idea in her pretty little head, she should be asking it loud and clear.
How do we beat this stupid end?
In your elections you have been having the political constant of choosing between two pre-chosen "leaders" who do not lead, who dance a political dance that is more like professional wrestling than real sport, (this time we win, next time you win), while even a telepathic slave like me, ( the only one of his kind in human history, think about it, one diamond on the whole pile of coal), can see this Earth is just about done for and that the "leaders" are taking no notice; and now, surprise! surprise! you get "The Leader" George W. Bush who tells you murder is leadership.
How do we beat this stupid end?  Well, a little less stupidity wouldn't hurt.
We have a pack of ratty rat-scat newspeople, who read scripts on TV, and when they write they write what they are told to write by the anti-news people who write their paychecks; and if they don't they are thrown into the fire of unemployment; and what they are forbidden includes writing about America's murderous torture-enslavement of the only audible mental telepath in human history (think about it, only one diamond on the whole pile of coal).
We've got scientists all over this globe straining at the bit to bite into the problem of the death of this Earth, but on the most part they are paid to munch on something else; and scientists, Dear Reader, in general scientist have no balls at all; egos, yes, big round proud egos, but scientists have no balls at all.  That means they have to be assured it is safe to save the world, and their paychecks won't stop coming in, and their governments won't stop jacking them off.
We've got the only audible mental telepath in the history of the world, (think about it, in all the history of the world, one diamond on the whole pile of coal), and Americans torture me, for the fun of it, and it makes them happy, it makes them proud, it gives them the delusion they are for a few minutes master of a masterful man.  God gave me this telepathy to help save this Earth, not to be the object of the sadism of cowardly, psycho-fascist Americans; so many of them already damned, so many of them on their way to damnation.
And we've got God, but God's not as pretty or as prompt as you want God to be, and God doesn't hop through the hoops of your scriptures, and either you figure there is no God or if you figure there is a God God will save you no matter how spineless you are; and you Christians think god will save you no matter how many Muslim babies you murder.
A little less stupid, a little less mean, a little less cowardly, a little less allowing of murder in your name, a little less faithlessness, absolutely no Telepath-torturing; that would be a good start to stopping this stupid end.
Now here's a little thing you might consider if you are at all interested in stopping this stupid end.
Sometimes at the end of one report I tell you the title of the next report.  Well, the next report would be entitled "Here Come the Teeth", and it was scheduled to come out tomorrow, just before God is going to take a big bite out of Republican American Fascist crime.
But, and here is that big butt that smells to High Heaven, the American people have driven me out of yet another home, (what fun! what fun!) and some time this afternoon I am going to have to holster this computer and put it into a box and put the box into my poor overloaded little car and once again go in search of someplace where I can live and work in peace and freedom, someplace where Americans will not torture me in their mousy, cowardly little ways.
So, unless I find a home before tomorrow, "Here Come the Teeth" will go unwritten. 
This, therefore, is something how the Teeth events will go:
Picture yourself as having a dream, a dream in which you are happily swimming in warm water and suddenly a gray bullet of a shark swims up and bites you on your back, and you wake up with a start, very thankful when you realize it was just a bad dream.
How do we beat this stupid end?
Having you ever watched sharks swimming around your fishing boat when all the fishermen had their lines in the water and the fish were frenzy-biting, and the sharks are swimming round and round so fast you could hardly see them gray in the gray water, and you pull in your croaker, bottom half missing, fish bitten in half, in spasm from the shock of the bite, and drowning in the light of day; double-damned, worst end for a fish, sharked and hooked, that's Republican American Fascism about two days from now.
How do we space sailors beat this stupid end?  We bite.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Jaws and Teeth Opened Wide

At this point in Time, the American people still do not know the fatal danger they are in.
I know this to be the case because they are still vicious and cruel and perfidious toward the only audible mental telepath in human history.
The important thing will to be note the change in their attitude when they come to understand that their playful evil toward me has had a great price.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Deadness of Soul

Say it's a nice August day and you are swimming in the Niagara River some miles up from Niagara Falls, and at some point you realize the current has caught you, but you figure you are a strong swimmer and you can make it to the shore, but then the current suddenly has a hold on you, and you know you cannot overcome it.
As I can see, standing on the bank of that river in the Augustine Sun (and as I have been told, standing in the warm love of God) America passed that first point yesterday, that point where Republican American Fascism has taken it too far, but America does not yet know it.
I documented yesterday's passing of that point the day before yesterday in the report entitled Drag-Out.
I can give you a good gauge today so you might weigh the state of your soul, know how caught up you are in the Republican American Fascist current to Hell.
This is the gauge of the state of your soul:
If you did not see the great crime America committed yesterday; if you did not recognize by moral instinct the deadness of soul America exposed to all the world and all the Universe; and if you were not ashamed at what America did in your name; you are in deep, deep danger of damnation.
If you do not know what I am talking about, you are in deep, deep danger of damnation.
The murdering of many Pakistani innocents through planned collateral damage in an attempt to kill one wanted person was sin enough to send 300 million American hypocrites to Hell.
For the people of United States of America not to be disturbed or even touched or even concerned about what they have done; to have made no huge supplication for forgiveness and admission of error; and to have added insult to murder by announcing their plan to go to the scene of the crime and pick up pieces of bodies in the hope DNA of the targeted man might be found, is blasphemy against all America mouths itself to be, blasphemy against the teachings of Jesus Christ, blasphemy against the Word of God.
That what America did yesterday was not an unusual act for America, that it is common for America to murder innocents in the name of Good Guy-ism, was the reason for God's damnation of America yesterday.  When Mount Augustine explodes you will know America is over the falls, and then before the end of 2006 America will hit the rocks below.
Just before Christmas I told you if you follow George W. Bush he will lead you into the fire; then he went to Texas, and Texas burned.  Your deadness of soul yesterday demonstrated that you have followed him all the way to the brink of your Doom.
Dead of heart, dead of soul, dead of reason; you Americans are truly hollow monsters of yourselves now.
If you are a politician and did not raise your voice in shame and protest yesterday; if you own or edit a newspaper and did not editorialize against this most contemptible and unconscionable uncaring; if you are a preacher or a priest and today did not approach this crime from the pulpit, you are in deep, deep danger of damnation.
The hugeness of what has taken place, the hugeness of America not caring that it has killed these innocent people, is difficult to fathom this close to the event.  Not caring.  It is not even an issue in America that this crime has been committed.
Were America not so murderous America would be pitiful, but it is a murderous drunkard drunk with self-righteous revenge, a murderous Christian crucifier of Muslims, a murderous nonchalant killer of children.
Dead of heart, dead of soul, dead of reason, you Americans are being swept now toward the Niagara Falls of your Hell, and other nations are being swept with you as you now prepare nonchalantly (except for the great excitement of it) to murder hundreds of thousands of Iranians with nuclear explosions.
Dead of heart, dead of soul, dead of reason, treasonous to God, Lucifer-nation damned.
Dead of heart, dead of soul, dead of reason, how low the mighty voice of justice has fallen, how sodden the good people of America have rotted.
An interesting thing happened on New Year's Day which adds testimony to this.
You may remember how I was scheduled to leave this house of torture in my continuing hope of finding a place where I can live in peace and freedom; and you may remember how God asked me to turn my ship back into the battle; and you may remember how I did not know the reason why, I being captain of my ship but not admiral of the fleet.
It was on January 1, 1963 that I was given by God the commission to write The Obituary of the World, the story of how this Earth is on a course to death by 2065; and I have pretty well done that, pretty well proven what no one wants to know, that the human being has finally done it, that the human being has finally done this Earth in.
On January 1, 2006 I was given by God an added commission, that being to announce and report the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
And what is the first thing Jesus does?  Jesus damns America for child murder.
Dear Reader, I turn your attention to Mount Augustine, the seed of the coming Alaska Disaster; the news media and the government tell you today it will sputter.  I turn your attention to dead babies in the mountains of Pakistan, the news media and the government tell you today they do not matter.
Dear Reader, I am not caught in that current of Republican American Fascism with you, I stand warm and dry and saved and safe upon the bank of your Torrent to Doom, watching as you are carried toward your everlasting future of hopelessness, of pain and of despair; and I wonder, would you like me to throw you a rescue line?
Or are you afraid, nation of cowards, that Satan will be angry at you if you do not want to go to Hell?

Saturday, January 14, 2006


In space war we say, "When bad things happen, they happen fast".  A very bad thing happened to the United States of America today; I cannot tell you yet how bad it is because the horror of it is just now coming in; in essence, America failed Judgment Day.
Before the end of 2006, the United States of America will be defeated, smashed, and destroyed by God.

Fight, Round One, Second Minute

What little I have caught on the news about America's killing of innocent Pakistanis indicates America does not have the slightest understanding of the depth of what it has done.
I realize I erred when I said earlier they were Afghanis, but why is it I am more concerned about this little thing than America is about its errant murders?

Fight, Round One, First Minute

I rise early into this day; it is a day of events and decisions; and if I am understanding what I have learned the United States of American will have a bloody nose before the sun sets on California.
It is my guess the bloody nose will come in response to America's killing some 17 innocent Afghanis, including children, in the apparently failed attempt to kill al-Qaida's alleged number two man.
If you want to see why George W. Bush and all who follow him go to eternal damnation, take a look at the AP photo of the Afghani man named Shah Zaman and two of his daughters looking at the rubble of their home where three of his children lie dead.  Put yourself in that picture, put your children in that rubble.
I realize I appear to stand alone in this matter of collateral damage, but I in fact stand with God on this.
The whole business, the whole great crime, the whole military and spiritual stupidity of America's response to 9/11 is contained collateral damage.  It was not necessary, and it is still not necessary.  Given freedom of speech and press I would show you why and how; and do not fool yourself, this blog is not freedom of speech and press.
The approaching bloody nose on the deceitful face of the United States of America may be the last event I can document in advance before the Alaska Disaster takes place; this is because I am again at a point where I must abandon a home to save myself from being tortured to death by my American neighbors.
I have extended here for two weeks ending Tuesday because the co-renter who tortures me so much has been away ill since the beginning of December, and he is apparently due to come back Wednesday or Thursday.
It is interesting to me that he became so deathly ill, afflicted with some liver crisis, within a day or two after he had put my heart into irregular beating for about 30 minutes with his torture.
(The Americans now have learned how to do that, put my heart into irregular beating; perhaps the American who finally kills me in that way will get a prize.)
This home has been unusual in that a person in a neighboring household (that has tortured me so much since the day I moved in) fell and hit his head and died; and then this co-renter was near death during much of December, and in fact he may not be out of the woods yet.
This close-in space war response to the torture of me is is very unusual; usually there is a ricochet effect in which Americans further removed suffer for the torture of me by close-in Americans.  The dead from this ricochet effect number in the thousands, but close-in dead are only rarely seen in 33 years of torture.
There is in regard to this a peculiar situation here that I must mention, although it probably has the weight of collateral damage or less.
That is that the man who died next door is damned, I mean at this moment he is in Hell and will be in Hell forevermore, and while the co-renter here could still in theory save his soul by asking my forgiveness he is hardly likely to do so, and he will go to Hell, too.
I realize Americans think they are in some special sinless zone in their enslavement, torture, and projected and planned torture-murder of me.  There you have it again, that silly ability of the American people to lie to themselves.  Thou Shalt Not Kill, and torture is murder.
Damnation is the wage of this sin; tens of thousands of telepath torturers now dead are damned, tens of thousands yet alive will be damned unless they confess and ask my forgiveness.  That is, only my forgiveness and my forgiveness alone, not some priest's, not some minister's, not some shrink's, and not some mirror's no matter how intently they look into it.
Americans think they are playing for funzies when they torture me, but in fact they are playing for eternal keepies.
So back to my immediate problem, what I must find if I am not to be tortured to death is a place I can live either out of range of American torture or in a community, American or foreign, where that torture does not exist and will not be allowed to enter.
This means I know today what I cannot do, but I do not yet know what I can do.
I cannot live in an apartment, because Americans will torture me through the walls.  I cannot live in a house within earshot of neighbors, because neighboring Americans will torture me if I do.  Likely I cannot even live in an isolated house because government pigs will set up a torture pattern, getting paid for what most Americans are more than happy to do for free.
The one place I can still find peace when I am among Americans is in my car and on the road, but if I stay in a motel Americans will likely torture me through the walls, and the police love to mess with me in that on-the-road environment.
So, as I pack up my things, reducing them to an amount that will fit into my little car, I review possibilities of places to go.  I look locally to Central California; I look to Hollywood to write my movie; I look to as far North as Seattle and as far east as Nebraska, and then further eastward to Florida and the East Coast states; I look to South America; I look to China; I look to Europe; I look to God to figure this out for me..
A couple years ago, when I was making good money taking care of senior horses, I was able to live on my Social Security and bank my paycheck; and one day I was driving along and God suggested I buy gold with my extra money, which I did, so now while I write these words I am making money because the price of gold is going up.
God is a pretty good investment advisor.
So, while in the past when the Americans have done their most favorite thing and made me homeless I have entered into utter destitution, this time I have enough money to search for a place where I can live and work in peace and freedom.
Seek and you shall find, my old pal Jesus told me; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, says the Declaration of Independence..
So, the adventure I am scheduled to enter in a few days is to stay alive until I find a place to live where I will not be tortured to death by my neighbors.
Hope springs eternal, and like the Greek philosopher Diogenes walking around Athens with a lamp in the daylight looking for an honest man, I keep expecting to find a community of good Americans.
Therein lies the reason God made me the only audible mental telepath in human history, to demonstrate just exactly what the American people are; just as the nonchalant killing of innocents in Afghanistan being reported in the news today demonstrates just exactly what the American people are..
I do not know how big a seam in this work there will be between my leaving this home and finding another; I like producing this work so I will be back at it as soon as possible; but you already know the basics of this story whether I am reporting it or not.
God is going to save this world from the human being, and if I am not online to click off the smaller signs along the Road to Hell, you will be able to read the big writing on the wall.
While the OK/Tex fires may be difficult to see as signs even though this work documented them before they began, when the Alaska Disaster takes place that will be a big Road to Hell sign flashing Doom's Day!  Doom's Day!  Turn Back!  Turn Back!
Likely you will also be able to read the events of The Pyramid Gin, since they will involve the close time-juxtaposition of three events, then four events, then five events, and by then The Pyramid Gin should be eerie enough for even Republican Americans Fascists to know God is going to wring their necks.
The government and media will try to hide Pyramid Gin news, but I do not think they will be able to.
There is a little sidebar of interest in the placing of Arnold Schwartzenegger with Dick Cheney at the second level of The Pyramid Gin maneuver, because in one of his movies, Total Recall, the point of contention was the Pyramid Mine on Mars, which exploded.
Hmmm?  Now that I totally recall, Mount Augustine, the volcano that will bring you the Alaska Disaster, is shaped like a pyramid.  God sure does work in poetic ways.
So to restate the stated, I am currently scheduled to lose this connection to you in a few days; and I have much to tell you during that time; then we will likely come to a seam in this work, wide or narrow I do not yet know.
Meanwhile, back at space war, expect to see the United States of America get that bloody nose today.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Attention, Northern and Southern Hemispheres all the ships at sea, let's go to press, we have a massive tableau of news for you today.
We have Republican American Fascism drooling down its chin with a hunger for a preemptive nuclear attack on Iran, and we have pompously blathering diplomats all around the world all abuzz and antsy-pantsy with what-to-do, what-to-do.
The stage is set for an expansion of Republican American Fascism's incredibly stupid military folly;  America cannot smell its own many weaknesses; and the Followers of The Leader don't know or care where they are being led.
We have an approaching unnatural natural disaster brewing in Alaska that will make the great tsunami look like an electric splash the baptistery of the University Baptist Church in Waco, Texas; and I have told you what event would precede it, and that event has taken place.
We have the actor-governor of my Stalag Kalifornia, huffing and puffing and pissed over my two of my three previous reports, "Clampdown" and "Knockdown", asking his advisor-puppeteers where I can be attacked, looking for perceived weaknesses in my character, looking for ways to lock me up or lock me away, looking for ways to bust me with the California Highway Patrol when I am driving innocently down some California highway.
California has done it all before, can Kalifornia do it now?  Wast ist dis ding cvalt freedom of sprechen?  Relax, he is a play-actor, and I am the real thing; he reads the script, I report the Word to the world.
We have the Faux-President of the United States, damned to true-Hell, his damnation demonstrated on this site with the advance documentation of the OK/Tex fires, apparently still burning since Christmas; a faux-man damned to Hell for killing thousands of Muslim babies, his butter-brain bubbling toward killing millions more.
And we have the distinct possibility that America's telepathic torture-slave, Virgil Kret, is just  about to kick America's ass like no country's ass been kicked in all the history of ass-kicking on this Earth.
Well, Dear Reader, take you seat around this boxing ring called Earth, the fight for the Heavyweight Championship of the World will begin tomorrow, Saturday, January 14, 2005.
Ooops!  Is this Friday the 13th?  Bad luck for the fascists and the slave-keepers and the murders of this Earth; bad luck for the torturers of the Telepath.
Tomorrow's entry will be entitled "Fight!".  God will come out swinging hard, and America's nose will bleed before the end of the first round, before the sun goes down.
"In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you."--Leo Tolstoy, author of War and Peace.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Alaska Disaster

We are approaching a remarkable development in the space war story, so remarkable that I am  breaking into my current pattern of work with this second lead for this date, second leads being very rare in this work.
I expect my current pattern of work, "Clampdown" to "Knockdown" to "Drag-Out" to continue on schedule tomorrow.
New developments have taken shape which indicate the Alaska Disaster I have been talking about is now on the brink of taking place; and the encoded preceding event I noted in my advance documentation of the Alaska Disaster, the thrown-stone event, has apparently taken place, although not in the form I theorized.
On New Year's Eve and New Year's Day in my repots entitled "Cast The First Stone" and "Cherry Pop", I spoke of an approaching Alaska Disaster which would be preceded by a stone-throwing event, and I theorized the stone-throwing event would be a meteor of newsworthy size.
The pertinent sentence in the January 1 report was:  "When you see the Stone, the Alaska Disaster will be close behind, when you see the Alaska Disaster, you will know your Cherry of Blissful Ignorance is about to be popped."
I suggest you can see the Alaska Disaster's development in the news of the volcano on the brink of eruption on an Alaska island; and you can see the Stone that precedes it in the human stampede disaster at the event just outside Mecca which involves the ceremonial throwing of stones at Satan.
(Parenthetically I will also note this was the second Mecca incident in relation to the Pyramid Gin maneuver we are watching, the first being the hotel collapse in close time-juxtaposition with Ariel Sharon's crisis, the second now in close time-juxtaposition with the Cheney-Schwartzenegger development.)
As I have reported earlier, it is my feeling that the Alaska Disaster will likely demonstrate to be true what I have been saying about the relationship between the approaching breaking up of this Earth and the sucking of oil.
My suggestion is the heavy non-explosive oil is being replaced by light explosive gas, gas which molten lava under the surface of the land will cause to explode, and the Alaska Disaster will demonstrate this.
If you look, you can see the Hand of God writing on the wall of Time for you in the Pyramid Gin maneuver, and in the West Virginia coal mine disaster, and in my accurate advance documentation of news events for over 30 years. God is my news source; I am God's newsman.
Of course, in order to look you must open your eyes and put down your lies.


In yesterday's report I noted the strange lack of media coverage of the motorcycle accident involving and injuring California's actor-governor, Arnold Schwartzenegger and his young son, and today NBC national news tells us he was driving without a license.
This brings us to two obvious points, equal justice under the law and the malfunctioning, kiss-ass status of American journalism relative to political big shots.
There is here a total absence of equal justice because no charges will be filed against Schwartzenegger; but if you or I had done the same thing, driving without a license, causing damage to another vehicle, causing injury to a minor child, we would be up to our necks in trouble with the law.
Further, if this were Schwartzenegger the actor and not Schwartzenegger the governor he would have been cited and the story would be all over the news.
Personally, I think there is still more to this story, this classic case of media clampdown and governmental cover-up.  If I were a free journalist allowed to be working for a California newspaper I would be on this story like Virgil on Republican American Fascism.
I would like to know, for example, if there was any alcohol in Schwartzenegger's system, or if his system was even tested; and I would like to know whose car Schwartzenegger's motorcycle struck, and if that person was really at fault as the news media has constantly implied, and if that person was injured, and if charges had been filed against that person, and if any damages to that person's health and car are Schwartzenegger's financial responsibility.
I would also like to know if Shwartzenegger had insurance, which is a state law in California.
Of course, there is no such thing as equal justice in the United States of America, blacks are judged worse that whites, poor are judged worse than rich, and I am judged worse than Charles Manson; and thousands upon thousands of Californians have been charged with and have suffered greatly for the crime Shwartzenegger has committed but will not be charged with.
I opened yesterday's report with:  "Sometimes no news means there is news that is being held back." 
This is what the phrase "nose for news" is all about; sensing stories like this is the job and the duty of the newsperson; and it is a job and a duty the newsperson voluntarily takes on when entering the world's second-oldest profession; and this is a classic example of every reporter in California having a code in da node at the same time.
By the way, I was kicked out of journalism for wanting to cover a news story involving some 30,000 people the Los Angeles Times wanted to black out.
So, unless bigger news breaks, the title of tomorrow's report, as announced yesterday, will be "Drag-Out".

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Sometimes no news means there is news that is being held back.
The no-news I am wondering about today is that there has been almost no news coverage on the recent motorcycle accident involving California Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger and his son.
Except for a brief report that he and his son were slightly injured when a car backed out of a driveway as they were driving down a street, there has been nothing more, at least nothing I have seen.
For the media not to be making hay with this story is to me very unusual considering the two-pronged fame of Schwartzenegger, governor and movie action hero, so I am wondering:  Is there something not being reported?
That's how a nose for news works.  Hmmm?  Do I smell smoke?  Where's the fire?
Meanwhile, back at the space war, the "President" of the United States, unaware that he has lost his soul for murdering Muslim children, but aware the tortured and enslaved Telepath says he has, continues in the consolidation of power that will melt like molten lead in his hands.
Unless bigger news breaks, tomorrow's report will be entitled, "Knockdown" and Friday's report will be entitled, "Drag-Out".

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Abortion Warps Nature

I have been asked to write about abortion today.  By that I mean I have been duty-compelled to write about abortion, a subject I am most loathe to approach.  I have been asked in the past to go into combat without a weapon, and that was easier than this.
Also, I have been asked to underscore a point inferred yesterday, that the motorcycle accident involving California Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger and his son was not a true accident, but rather a space war manipulation.  By that I mean it was a warning from God.
Now, returning to the dreaded subject of abortion.  I suggest it constitutes one of the greatest errors ever made by the human being.
I realize that even my suggestion that the American people do not have the right to prevent the conception and birth of my own children falls on dull minds and deaf ears, and what I am about to say about abortion will also likely fall there too.
In this work I attempt to prove the death of this Earth, as projected with current politics and economics, will take place in less than 60 years.  I point out that the chief cause of that death is the sucking of oil from the Earth, but that error does not stand alone; the abortion of millions of human beings in recent decades is right up there with oil-sucking.
Please consider these points, some of which are sociological, some are metaphysical.
(1)   Abortion causes changes in the structures of societies over long periods, changes in particular damaging the status of females relative to males.  These changes can be seen in their early stage today in China and India, where far more girls are aborted than boys.
In time, the resulting huge imbalance of the ratio between men and woman will make commonplace and socially understandable such acts as rape, sexual enslavement, and war for the purpose of raiding for women.
The following points are more difficult to explain because they concern the nature of the human soul, one of the great unknowns within the intellect of the human being.
(2) The human being is incapable of death, and this includes the fetus of the human being.
Abortion causes hellish static stress and perpetual anger in the state of existence of aborted fetuses, now numbering in the millions, and those millions are rapidly becoming a combined paranormal force driven by anger at and hatred for the born.
(In space war we call such a soul-formation a "galactic".  There are many galactics in the Land of the Dead, all of which are currently forming up to attempt to prevent the murder of this Earth by the Land of the Living.)
 (3) Abortion causes changes in the development of the outlook of fetuses not aborted.
The human fetus is aware it is a human fetus and has some surprising knowledge sources, ranging from inter-communication among fetuses, to telepathic/astral projection exploration of the near-world, to genetic memory and, yes,  to memory of past lives.
All fetuses in abortion societies become aware of abortion, and are traumatized by this knowledge, and are born shell-shocked by this knowledge.
It is not good for a child to know it was allowed to live; it is good for a child to know it has an inalienable right to live; and both forms of knowledge influence the child's attitude toward the world.
 (4) Abortion causes the loss of naturally evolved genius in the human species--the absence of Einsteins in the place in time where Einsteins are needed.  In general, abortion creates a rupture in the evolution-reincarnation process.
This goes to the unappreciated fact that the human being as a species contains the seed of divinity,  that it is a sense an idiot-god who chooses what talents within itself it needs in order to deal with its future; and it makes these choices, chooses those souls, prior to the arrival of that future.
At this time there should be a generation of human beings rallying to face the dilemma of the approaching death of this Earth, just as the American people rallied to face World War Two, but this generation has been on the most part lost to and damaged by abortion.
This is why you see the human being of today being totally incapable of facing the great crisis of Earth-death now rapidly evolving; under the blanket hides the idiot-god from the flames.
I think I should make a few comments on the idiot-divinity of the human being, since it is a force that creates the future of the human being in an almost magical way, and since it is the force that was approached by the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Without Thou Shalt Not Kill, as poorly as it is followed, murder would be as normal today as is kissing.
By the time of Christ, the human being was well into in its idiot-god downward projection, and the concepts introduced by Christ were, like The Ten Commandments, designed to alter that projection and bend it upward.
Christ introduced the concept of equality in the eyes of God of all human beings, for example; and likely without this Jesus-given concept the idea of political equality would never have crossed the human mind.  Without the political influence of Jesus, slavery would still be the norm in the United States of America.
But leaving my favorite subject of God and returning to my least favorite subject of abortion, even though intellectual exploration of the subject of abortion is a dead-horse issue, I will kick it a little.
This whole seething battle over abortion has melted all discussion down to slogans and euphemisms.  Pro-life is anti-abortion; pro-choice is pro-abortion, the euphemisms conceal the profundity of the subject.
Within this seething argument is the proposition that men have it easier than women, but while women have to have babies in their bellies man have to have bayonets in theirs.  That is, for both men and women life sucks in many ways; but as undeniable as the sunrise in the morning, Nature has it worked out the way Nature has it worked out.
Abortion warps nature.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Angel in the Prison Cell

I have some interesting news for you today.
First, there was development in the space war military maneuver called "The Pyramid Gin"; and second, I have been asked to tell you the Little Miracle story called "Angel in the Prison Cell"; and third, I have been asked to give you the code "C-130" for your later enjoyment and edification.
The Pyramid Gin was discussed in my report of a week ago tomorrow, January 3, and it described a space war maneuver designed to trim the world's Pyramid of Power from the top down; to encourage, perhaps, people in power to turn their attention to the real crisis of the day, the approaching death of this Earth in less than 60 years.
In measuring the depth of this attack I estimated it would bring about the surrender of the Pyramid of Power by the time the cut reached the iris of the eye on the pyramid on the backside of the one dollar bill.  I have not spent much time calculating that depth, but I would estimate it to be where the pyramid would be about five stones across.
This estimation will become important as this maneuver progresses, whether it is right or wrong.
That the first trimming of the Pyramid involved the striking down of Israel's Ariel Sharon may not seem like such a big thing because Sharon is just short of 78 years old, and hospitalization at that age is to be expected.
It is the timing of the event relative to the starting up of the Pyramid Gin that is important here.
You can see the second layer of the cut in Monday morning's news, with the hospitalization of "Vice President" Dick Cheney and the motorcycle accident involving California's actor-Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger and his son.
That the second layer of trimming involved the striking down of two people at the top of the Pyramid of Power in close time-juxtaposition is important, also is the going from one person who, like Sharon, is old and in poor health to another person who is younger and robust.
Since the first cut involved one stone, Sharon, and the second cut involved two stones, I am now looking for a third event which will involve three stones, three people.  At about that time, if that takes place, this demonstration should be getting rather eerie, since the next development would be four people, then five people, and so on.  That's why I think we can expect surrender by row five.
The C-130 code concerns the story of a prison break, the closest reference would be to the movie "Conair", which involved a C-130 aircraft.  I have little more on this code, other than there was a pictorial that went with it having to do with escape aboard a C-130 through use of hand grenades.
That brings us to the Little Miracle story called Angel in the Prison Cell.
In the past I have described a few Little Miracles, how God gave me a dollar bill out of thin air, how God cracked one of the huge stone blocks in the wall of the old city of Jerusalem right before my eyes, how God led me to a cave in the wilderness when I was caught in a sleet and snow storm.
Long time readers may be familiar with some or all of those Little Miracle stories.   Any readers who would want me to tell them again, please let me know and I will try to work them in in the course of the swashbuckling defeat of Republican American Fascism now underway.
The Angel in the Prison Cell was not such a big Little Miracle; but the Angel did something and said something in the prison cell I think you might be interested in, even though you might find it anti-climatic or even humdrum.
This Little Miracle took place in my prison cell in Singapore, a prison cell the American Department of State had taken great pleasure (and violated US law and custom) in herding me into, but that's another story.
As prison cells go it was not a bad prison cell.
I had a cot cemented down in the middle the small cement room; only one blanket because the climate in Singapore is warm; a woven straw mat to cover the cot; a chamber pot for when I was not allowed out of my cell; I could keep tea in my cup to sip during the night; I had my very beautiful little Bible I had bought in London and had pressed in it a dried rose I had bought fresh in Venice; and there I was, prisoner in a foreign prison, happily reading my bible cover to cover, and sniffing my rose and sipping my tea.
As I said, it was not a bad prison cell as prison cells go; and frankly it was a bit of a break from the exhausting. traveling I had just done from London through Europe through Israel through India through Thailand through Malaysia to Singapore, every country I has passed through slavishly following America's lead in how to treat the only audible mental telepath in human history.
I had been sentenced to four years in prison for having no money and no way out of Singapore, but I was confident I would get out much sooner, and in fact I got out in five weeks through use of brains and faith in God, but that's also another story.
So, it was early December and the weather was balmy; and there was no glass, only bars, on the small window of my cell so the sweet night air came in; and I was lying back in my boxer shorts (we prisoners not being allowed other clothes) on my cot after lights out, meditating in what I call my "Mummy Pose", when who should unexpectedly appear at the foot of my cot but a very kind and friendly Angel.
Now when I say "appear", you could not have seen the Angel even had you been there, and I in fact could not see this Angel either in the normal sense, but the fact that I have telepathic abilities about ten thousand times that of the average human being gave me what might be called a bat's-eye view.
You are welcome to delude yourself by calling this a hallucination; that is of no importance nor interest to me.
So, there stands the Angel at the foot of my cot, and what did the Angel say?  "Virgil, you are a good man."
I have always found that a very interesting thing for the Angel to have said because I would have expected on such an occasion something much more grand or holy.  "Hail, Virgil, loyal son of God, I bring you greetings...", something like that.
"Virgil, you are a good man."
So the Angel and I began to have a little talk about my future, my future as psycho-fascist America had it laid out for me:  prison, nut houses, torture, despair, poverty, and lonely death.  That is why the Angel began by telling me I am a good man, because my whole God-damned country would try to convince me otherwise.
So, sitting on by cot in my underwear I joked to the Angel, "I think I should be inoculated against this", and in the semi-darkness of my cell there appeared a little white tornado about an inch and a half long, and it burrowed into my left arm just where I had received my childhood inoculations.  It left a scar that lasted several months.
Like I say, this was not a big event.  It seemed (how can I say this?) rather commonplace; and as I think about it, all the Little Miracles that have been given to me have seemed commonplace at the time; nothing special, no trumpets, no heavenly choir.
It was in that spirit God led me to a cave that saved my life; it was in that spirit God gave me a dollar out of thin air because I said I was hungry; and it was in that spirit God gave me the future of Jerusalem when God cracked that huge stone before my eyes.
So, that is what God asked me to tell you today.  I think you might find it interesting as time goes by, like a flower sprouting from the soil and growing to its beautiful unfolding.  It is my feeling God is about to give you all a Little Miracle.
Oh, yes, there was one other thing I was asked to tell you during my morning Mummy Pose meditation prior to writing this today.  I quote:  "You  have the expression, 'The bigger they come the harder they fall'; we have the expression, 'The bigger the lie the hotter the Hell'."
I have been asked to talk to you in my next report about abortion, and the hypothesis that mass abortion is one of the greatest errors in the history of the human being.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I am expecting the event we call Cherry Pop; that is, I am expecting America's iron maidenhead of fascism relative to me to be ruptured.
How that will happen, I cannot say; but I am looking forward to it.
As I think about this tonight these thoughts stimulate a little extra torture from the psycho-fascist citizens of Atascadero, California, who in this way tell me nothing, absolutely nothing, will free me from the torture-enslavement of me by the American people.
However, these are citizens of the United States of America, and as such they will do with me what their masters tell them to do with me.  They have no right of independent action relative to me; they can be my enemy but they cannot be my friend, unless their masters tell them they can.
This is the way the poker deck is stacked this last Sunday night before Cherry Pop.
So, obviously I am in suspense about Cherry Pop.
What will it take to convince 300 million liars to suddenly tell the truth?  Will it be a matter of their liar-masters being convinced, such as with the profoundly obvious proof of the already accomplished damnation of George W. Bush; or will it be a matter of these 300 million poor, voiceless mouths being convinced independent of their masters?
God will do this, not I; and I have never been all that good at second-guessing God; and in my experience sometimes God tells me what God is going to do, and sometimes God does not let me know what is going to happen, only that something is going to happen.
That is the case tonight.
I have given God many suggestions over the years on how to deal with this situation of mass public torture of me by the American people, but God has always politely declined my suggestions.
Other than the fact that God is considerably more intelligent and more powerful than I, my suggestions, if carried out, would always have awakened the Americans to the space war draw play they have been herded into over the past 33-some years.
You see, the American people chose to take an anti-Christian, anti-Constitutional, anti-intelligent, anti-honest, anti-kind position relative to my audible mental telepathy, and I think God has allowed them to go on with this so long to demonstrate that such a position is natural and normal for the American people, not just a knee-jerk reaction to events 33-some years ago.
Had the torture-enslavement of me by the American people lasted three months it would have been a serious sin, that it has lasted 33-some years it very well may be self-damnation.
You see, God could read the cowardly, cruel, fascist hearts of the American people way back when I was still telling God the American people were brave, kind and democratic; and God has let them walk into this draw play either to cleanse their hearts, or to break their hearts, or to crush their hearts, or to burn their hearts in the flames of Hell; that's up to God, not me, although I do have some suggestions.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Cruelty is Folly

There was a moment's stoppage
A collective taking of breath
When Understanding came
I thought I would mention a few things about my gift of audible mental telepathy today; there were many uses intended for it, not one of them being to give gratification to America's lust for torture and oppression.
The immediate purpose of this gift was to save me from the murderous rage of Richard M. Nixon, that prototype of Republican American Fascism.  All I did and accomplished at that time was meant to make me too well known to be murdered in the cowardly American way cowardly American government pigs like to murder.
The second purpose of that gift was to allow the invention of a new form of media, all the other forms of American media having been lost to mediocrity and Big Money ownership.  That is, God gave me this gift of audible mental telepathy so that I might have the freedoms of speech and press, they some time before having been stolen from the American people.
The third purpose of that gift was for it to serve as a herald to the world, so that the question might be asked why such a thing had happened, why one human being had become what no other human being in history was known to have become, an audible mental telepath; and so that the answer might be given that it was because this Earth is in grave peril of death.
One of the many follies of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq is that there was a greater use of the precious time that has been lost, of the precious energy that has been diverted from the great dilemma of humankind, of the precious human beings who have been murdered; and the same is true of America's torture-enslavement of me--years squandered to shut me up and beat me down.
There were some uses for this gift of audible mental telepathy that you may not have considered.
I can speak to the profoundly deaf; I can speak to any person of any language; I can speak to the mentally retarded, to their intellect and beyond the damage to their brain; I can warn of earthquakes and murders; I can track assassins and suicide plane crashers weeks before the event their loudly broadcasting, swirling minds are leading them to; I can find lost children in forests; I can reveal the depths of the souls of horses and other animals; and perhaps most important, I can do what apparently no other American can do:  I can tell the truth.
These are just some of the things America exchanged for the joy of torture.
There were other uses for my life that you may not have considered.
I could have fathered and raised my children; I could have introduced my feckless wife to happiness and weaned her from the soul-less moroseness of psychiatric fascism; I could have made my mother proud and rescued her from the threats of US Navy government pigs; I could have risen in journalism to establish the new standard I was well on my way to establishing; and I could have made my fortune and used it as I saw fit.
These are just some of the things America stole from me for the joy of torture.
Most importantly, I could have warned of the dire state of the health of this Earth over 30 years ago, and could have established proof in a systematic and meaningful way; and I could have given you a better history of the last 30 years, thousands now dead would now be alive; and I could have secured for you the future now are on the brink of losing.
That is a pretty heavy price to pay so that the American people could have the joys of torture and enslavement.
Oh, yes, and one more thing:  America lost my love for her.
There was a moment's stoppage
A collective taking of breath
When Understanding came

Friday, January 06, 2006

No Human Trace At All

It becomes my duty now to talk to Christians about Christianity, I who have not been allowed to pray in peace in a Christian church for over 30 years.
It would be more easy, I think, to talk to snakes about shoes than to Christians about Christianity.
I have, however, been asked to do this, and I have been asked with insistence rarely encountered in my life-long friendship with God.
If I understand what I am being told, I am being asked to do this because American Christianity is in such a dire state of sin, and it cannot see this error in itself.
As best I can I always do what God asks of me, so let's begin with one of the central themes of Christianity, a theme wherein can be found the common flaw of Christians.
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
I suggest there are two important concepts in that statement which Christians would do well to contemplate prayerfully.
First, it says God so loved the world; it does not say God so loved the human being.
Second, what constitutes belief in Jesus?
I suggest here the reason Jesus was born, taught and was crucified was to save this Earth from the calamity now rushing toward it, the calamity human-bourne; and if people say they believe in Jesus and do not live up to the message of Jesus, they are not Christians relative to this calamity.
What was the core of the message of Jesus?  Obey the Ten Commandments and also the Eleventh Commandment Jesus added, Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself.  Thy Neighbor is me, though I live a thousand miles from you; Thy Neighbor is Muslims, though they live across the sea.
Christians overwhelmingly fail these Commandments, and have done so since the blood was scarcely dry on the cross.
The Jews and the Christians are the same in this, and in this the Christian apple does not fall far from the Jewish tree.  Both set aside the basic laws they were chosen to follow, and both tattooed upon their brows their status of "chosen".
Had the Jews followed the Ten Commandments they would have established utopia on this Earth four thousand years ago; and they would have become so famous around the world that even in far off China, even in far off Peru, wise men would have been sent by emperors to the Holy Land to know the cause of their success.
That is, the entire history of the world would have been different.
And so too the Christians, with their history so blood-thirsty it would make a cannibal blush.
Have you Christians ever thought for a moment about the murders and enslavements committed by so-called Christian nations and so-called Christian cultures?
If you have not you are deliberately blind in your mind's eye; and if you think Jesus was there with those murderers and those slave-masters even though they claimed to be his own, you are out of you God-damned mind.
In current terms, if you believe it is within the framework of Christianity to slaughter innocent Afghanis and Iraqis as you American Christians do every day, you are not true Christian no matter how well you can quote the Bible, no matter how calloused you knees may be from kneeling.
Further, if you believe it is within the framework of Christianity to have tortured and enslaved me for over 30 years, well, you might as well pack your bag and hop the next freight train to Hell.
God so loved this Earth that he sent Jesus Christ to save this Earth, and the contract made with Christians, which Christians always smugly misinterpret, was if you do what Jesus told you to do you will save this Earth from the darkness of the human spirit which is Satan, and you shall have everlasting life.
Well, in some two thousands years relatively few Christians have lived up to that code.
At the start of America's torture-enslavement of me, when I was still a young man and America had not yet stolen my life from me, I got a glimpse of the fate of the human being, and I said to God (as if my view meant so much), "No, this race is better than that".
And God said, "Virgil, you think that because you are of that race", and then God gave me the gift of audible telepathy so I might better know what the human race is, and it has been torture, torture, torture ever day since; and I have come to understand what God meant.
And way before, when I was very young and was given this commission to write The Obituary of the World, the first words I wrote about the death of this Earth in Osaka, Japan, in 1965, were about the legacy the human being would leave behind.
In fact, when this world dies it will die because of the human being, and there will be no legacy, no word written waiting to be read, no monument built left standing, no memory remaining of the human being; so angry is God at humankind's murder of this Earth.
This is what I have been asked to tell you today: you will be forgotten, lost and forgotten, and all traces of you swept away, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and all the other religions of Mankind, if you do not pull back from the murder of this Earth.
If this world dies, nothing will be left of the human being.
There will be no Michael Angelo, nor memory of him; there will be no pyramids, nor memory of' them; there will be no America, nor memory of America; no Rome; no Athens; no Paris; no London; no Shanghai; no town called St. John, North Dakota, where I was born; no place now named upon this globe will continue to exist.
The Universe will be as if the human being never was.
Christians think they are exempt frm this, and some of them even wilfully hurry the death of this Earth because of that sinful vanity.  They are not exempt because they do not live up to their contract with Jesus, they clutch the name of Jesus to their breasts, like a treasure guarded, but they do not walk the walk of Jesus.
This will be God's judgment of Man, and Christian Man too:  nothing worth having, nothing worth remembering; and even the walled City of Jerusalem will fall into the fire, and the fire will fall into the sea, and the sea will fall into the void of Space.
I think the thing to understand at this point, as the ice mountain of Truth awaits its sinking of your Titanic-Everything, is that God, so capable of Love, is capable of not loving at all; and God is not stupid; and God will not transplant the poison fruit.
This is what I was asked to tell you today, and my addition to it is this:  If you claim to be a Christian you should seek to be Christ-like; not Paul-like, not John-like, not Mathew-like, not Luke-like, not Mark-like, not Mary-like; only Christ-like.
That said, let's return to the subject of space war.
What are we looking for now, we lookouts in the lookout tower?  What are the road signs we are looking for along this Road to Hell? 
We are looking for the Alaska Disaster preceded by a thrown stone; and yet more proof of the damnation of George W. Bush; and the continuing trimming from its top the human being's Pyramid of Power; and the footprints of Invisible Doom clomping around the planet; horrible signs and horrendous wonders; disasters compounding disasters; and as is Pakistan the survivors left to freeze; and as in New Orleans, the survivors set adrift and stolen from; mankind watching mankind suffer until all of mankind suffers, too.
And what is the reason for the mass damnation of the human race?  It is humankind's murder of this Earth; nothing less, yet something more.  For now, call that something more the near-universal human talent for evil and disdain.
Damnation is more passive than active.  God does not damn the human being, the human being damns itself.
Salvation, that is active; that is the plucking of flotsam souls from the hole in the Universe where this Earth used to be.  But...but...but...but for the human being this Earth would not perish, not in this way at this time.
Considering that, and considering how God so loves this Earth, how many planet-murdering human beings do you think God will pluck from Hell's Sea?
God saves those who save this Earth.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Approaching Horror

I have been tracking the death of this Earth for over 40 years, and I have been accurately reporting news events before they took place for over 30 years, but the mathematics of Doom I see unfolding at this time dumbfounds me.
You can't see it yet; the news can't see it yet; but this planet is the Titanic a mile away from the mountain of icy truth that will sink her.  "All is well; all is well," says the ship's bell five minutes before you sail into Hell.
Soon you will know what I have known all along; it will no longer be Virgil's idea; it will be common, dreadful knowledge.
There is one constant message coming across my desk these past few days, that being the state of sin of American Christianity.  I shake these messages off, thinking they must be wrong; "repeat, repeat" I say to the sender, but it always comes back the same.
The feeling in these messages is that soon the obviousness of the entry of Jesus Christ into the battle to save this Earth from the human being will raise great elation among American Christians, and then plummet them into horror when it becomes clear how angry God is at them.
Here at I.C. News, the whole tone of this journalism has changed from watching the passive killing of this Earth by Man, to seeing the aggressive approach of God.  Here comes the bear whose cub you have been torturing; here comes the bear whose forest you have been ruining.
This is my gut feeling:  American Christians will be terrified by the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and the smug self-confidence they feel about their standing with God will melt away like a clear and beautiful ice cube on a Texas sidewalk on a hot August day.
That is to say, American Christians will not fare well when Jesus comes; and what they will find, and what they will find, is that they are, in the eyes of Jesus, not really Christians at all.
Some, sure, yes; but damn few.
Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor.  Thou Shalt Not Kill.
I cannot overstate how important my becoming audibly telepathic was, what a supremely important test of American Christianity it was; I cannot overstate the gravity of the sin American Christians committed in bearing false witness against the existence of my audible telepathy; I cannot overstate the harshness of judgment coming down on American Christians for having joined hands with the American government in its torture-murder of me.
So, let us return the tableau of the battlefield of space war, and to the closing of the draw play I have been telling you about.
We have recently documented in advance the Public Damnation of the so-called President of the United States of America; that fork-tongued talker who tells us God has told him to murder; who mouths the cliche that he is a born-again Christian but whose soul will have sunk to the depths of Oblivion within 40 days after his death.
We have talked about The Pyramid Gin, a metaphorical war machine in God's war against Earth-murdering Man, the whirling bade that will slice the Pyramid of Power from the top down, and we watch the destruction of the Israeli Prime Minister as soon as the blade begins to whirl.
We have talked about the Tornado of War which is the joint dynamic of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and we see in close time-conjunction with the above two events a hotel in Islam's most holy city, Mecca, collapse.
Think of this as music now, the pace of the notes just a little too spaced to register as a tune in your mind; soon closer together and closer together will come the notes.
While this is a world-wide orchestration, we are talking today about the United States of America, and within that, American Christianity.
If I am hearing right what I am hearing loud and clear, the arrival of Jesus Christ will be like a storm across America, a tsunami of divine power and furious anger; and the ship of American Christianity will sink like a stone; and there are few lifeboats, and there are few life vests; and many were called, but few will be chosen.