Thursday, November 30, 2006

The $73 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Zero

Shark America Six ?

First of all, the reason America's invasion of Iraq does not work is because it is a stupid, fascist fraud.

Second of all, the reason George W. Bush does not work as president is because he is a stupid, fascist fraud.

After that, things get worse.

It remains a fantasy that Republican American Fascism will give up power in 2008 if turned out by the American people. A Republican America Fascist coup took place in 2000 and that New Order is designed to stick, to take over, to rule, to dictate no matter how any damned election goes.

The Republican American Fascist plan is stupid and simple: war, war, war, war and by the time 20008 comes around the world will be declared too unsafe for democracy in America.

Republican American Fascism is less than ten years away from hanging Democrats by the neck with piano wire.

Fortunately, the best-laid schemes of rats and Republican American Fascists oft go awry, and that is the story we approach here today.

This Earth will be dead by 2065.


Working Codes

(There are no new codes today..

(If you have read this section previously, it has expanded only slightly and there is no need to be read again. It is for recorded-keeping, for summing up after this demonstration of God's Space War against the United States of American has run its course. It looks messy, but it is as messy as a spider's web.)

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was initially bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter, and has become the poker table of God at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

This code expanded with the pre-election news Ms. Coulter may be charged for illegal voting, indicating election illegalities might play large in the collapse of Republican American Fascism.

This code was expanded again with Ms. Coulter's post-election article, "Historic Victory for Diebold", an article concerning the Diebold voting computers, widely suspected of being an avenue for election fraud. Our bounce-off changed the word from German to English and separated Die and bold, making the simple sentence, "Die bold", and further expanded it to, "A bolt of death out of the blue".

This code was expanded by Ms. Coulter's very intelligent piece of 11/22 on the removal the of six Muslims from a commercial flight, pointing out that it makes sense that people became nervous about them. Sometimes she hits the nail on the head, sometimes she bends the nail; as all writers do.

As for me, I am tortured too much by the American people to fly commercial. There is nothing Americans like more to find me helpless and entrapped in a situation I cannot escape, such as in a two-hour line waiting to buy a ticket, or as a passenger on a plane on a flight to somewhere where they can torture me silly and if I respond I will be arrested for air craziness; but were that not the case I would not fly on a plane with six "religious" Muslims acting funny, and I would certainly not want anyone I love and care for flying on such a plane.

That is why I consider Ms. Coulter's 11/22 piece, entitled, "What Can I Do to Make Your Fight More Comfortable?" to be exceptionally good. It is a truth outside right-left politics, and therein lies the salvation of America.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, Japanese for a duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder; a murdering, power-hungry fool about to be roasted by God.

This code was expanded to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois who lost both legs as a helicopter pilot in Iraq; my interpretation being George W. Bush does not have a leg to stand on. Ms. Duckworth lost the election.

This code may expand to the friendly fire death of famed athlete Pat Tillman, but this is not yet clear.

This code also seems to have expanded to the suicide of Melinda Duckett, for which CNN law commenter Nancy Grace is being sued on the accusation she interviewed Duckett too aggressively about her missing child, thus triggering the suicide. Personally, I think this lawsuit is nonsense.

This Teal code also seems to be connected to the Birth of the Blues/St. Louis Blues code.

The Birth of the Blues code appeared just before the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son just after she had given birth to her daughter, mixing birth and sadness.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America. This will eventually be a most powerful code. On election day it expanded to: "It is better to be a sodomite preacher in Colorado than a snake-oil preacher on television, marketing God's word for gold, turning Jesus' flock into a cash cow."

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness. I expect Flash Point to be reached at almost the same time all over the United States of America. "Oh, oh, duh, perhaps we should not have tortured Virgil."

PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--first concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the first four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire. With the fifth death the code was expanded to "Go", Japanese for Five, with the English verb, "Go", blended in. "Go to Hell", is the suggestion.

The PSPD code further expanded to Oyler (read it Oiler) when a man of that name was arrested for deliberately starting the fire.

My suggestion is this was writing by God on the wall of the news pointing to the killing of this Earth by drilling and burning oil, and to the fire to which all Telepath torturers go.

The public damnation code is very strong. It includes the public damnation of Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. Confirmed public damnation requires extra-worldly, miraculous, demonstrations, as was the case with Reagan, and George and Laura Bush.

This PSPD code may expand to the new code, "Dream Job" because both codes go back to military snipers, but that is not yet known.

Dream Job--A code representing God's supreme hostility toward the United States of America, the implication being a dream job would be that of a Muslim resistance sniper hunting American military personnel in Baghdad.

The moral to this code is, if you do not want to be hated by God do not do hateful things.

Sixty--This code was established with the death of the media weasel Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes. The assumption is this code will climax when we reach "The $60 Billion Defeat", if the United States has not surrendered before then.

Later update, this code does not seem to have worked, yet there seems to have been a news media bending away from its fascism toward me in the direction of truth. This is like a pancake flipped into the air, and where it will land we do not know.

Birth of the Blues/ St. Louis Blues--Seems to have something to do with America's unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment of me without charge or trial. Seems to connect to the "Teal" code.

Star--This code is linked with the "Sixty" code, and is aimed at the movie industry. If Sixty works there will be a God's Space War attack on American journalism Friday. If that happens a God's Space War attack on the movie industry can be expected on Saturday.

Catching up on Sunday, November 19, we have not seen that hit take place.

Osama Atama Kubi Dama--A code describing a high impact event. The code can with difficulty be read prior to the event, even to the point of preventing the event, and can be easily explained after the event.

This code worked on Tuesday, November 21, with the assassination of Pierre Gamayel. Leading indicators say Israel was behind it.

Deciphered, the code reads "Important person shot in the head". Gamayel was shot in the head.

Gone Fission--The description of this magnificent attack by God on the United States of American is encoded in the two shark stories published Friday, November 17.

Tyre/Tire--This code was established on 11/21 in direct association with the assassination of Lebanon Cabinet Minister Pierre Gemayel, documented in advance with the Osama Atama Kubi Dama code.

Bakatori No Zankoku Monogatari--deep code for the Shark America countdown. The countdown has not yet been established.

Agony of the Sprit--The feeling to be contained in the Shark America countdown.

Balloon Payment--This also connects to the Shark America countdown, which is yet to begin. The target of this countdown will almost certainly be the US Navy.

Tel Aviv Sion--points to Jews' Jaws countdown.

God Loves To Kill People Who Torture Virgil--Points to God's attack on the United States of America.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The $72 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws One

Shark America Seven ?

As we Space Sailors in service in God's Space War say, Movement Is Strong.

We have two very interesting new codes today. "Tel Aviv Sion" and "God Loves To Kill People Who Torture Virgil".

The first code, of course, goes with the Jews' Jaws countdown, which reaches zero tomorrow

The second code seems to point to the great US Navy disaster, tentatively expected in about eight days; and to point to much more, to God's great attack on the United States of America for its torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

Regular readers may recall that the Metaphor of Attack of Jews' Jaws was based on the story of the bosun cutting out one eye of the shark, and holding it in the palm of his hand, and showing it to the crew, who were standing around the shark like soldiers standing around a hated prisoner of war.

If you can see the shark's "eye" concept in the word "television", and see "television" in the code Tel Aviv Sion, you are looking at tomorrow's news today. You are not seeing it clearly, but you are seeing its form in the mist of Time.

There seems to be no interest in the Jews' Jaws event, certainly no Jews have stepped forward to apologize for Judaism's torture of me since I became audibly telepathic some 35 years ago.

It is safe to assume the Jews require God-inflicted pain, need to undergo punishment by God, before they will admit the immorality and fascism in their treatment of me.

There have been two interesting stories in the news that run tangent to the Tel Aviv Sion code.

First, in its zeal to demonize Islam and Islamic nations, Fox TV told its viewers a most interesting lie a day or two ago.

That lie was than if Iran were to have a nuclear bomb it would be the only country in the Middle East to have one. Israel, which is in the Middle East, has at least 100 nuclear warheads, and very likely many more.

God loathes nuclear warheads. This is a very important thing to understand as God's Space War progresses. God will force the human being to dismantle nuclear weapons; if necessary by exploding nuclear warheads in the faces of their owners.

Consider India, for example, it has a reported 40 nuclear warheads and only one potential military opponent, Pakistan; and while I rarely speak to the subject of India because the Jewish-Christian-Muslim Tornado of War it currently the greatest danger to this Earth, India is a very important target in God's Space War to save this Earth. It is not the number of people in India, God loves the Indian people, it is the number of nuclear warheads.

(While this is not one of our tangent stories, there is another lie Fox tells every day many times a day, that being that it is "fair and balanced".

(This is such an absurd claim that it makes a bald-faced liar out of every Fox "journalist" who is paid to say it.

(A more honest slogan would be "representing the conservative view", which would still be a lie.

(A more truthful slogan would be "representing the Republican American Fascist view".)

On to our second tangent story. We Space Sailors say "coincidence is the rockets' red glare of space war", and we see the interesting coincidence in the postponing until tomorrow, Jews' Jaws Zero day, of the meeting between Republican American Fascism's current "leader", George W. Bush, and his current pet Iraqi, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Now I will throw out a wild card. Yesterday I told you that over two decades ago I asked God where God intended to hit the United States of America, and God said "right between the eyes", and I realized, over two decades ago, that Iraq and Iran are those two eyes.

Now it seems we have a further development in this concept. When we look at's name we see the last three letters are i-k-i, giving us what might be a further identification of God's target when God hits America between the eyes, a target which somehow is associated with the letter "K".

So, expecting God to explode one of America's nukes in America's face soon, and expecting that explosion to involve the US Navy, we might see the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy
evaporated by one of its own on-board nuclear warheads.

I am not saying this is the case, but considering the codes we have, and considering the expected US Navy death toll of 3,500, the Kennedy would fit the Metaphor of Attack.


Working Codes

(Two new codes were added today. "Tel Aviv Sion" and "God Loves To Kill People Who Torture Virgil".

(If you have read this section previously, it has expanded only slightly and there is no need to be read again. It is for recorded-keeping, for summing up after this demonstration of God's Space War against the United States of American has run its course. It looks messy, but it is as messy as a spider's web.)

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was initially bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter, and has become the poker table of God at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

This code expanded with the pre-election news Ms. Coulter may be charged for illegal voting, indicating election illegalities might play large in the collapse of Republican American Fascism.

This code was expanded again with Ms. Coulter's post-election article, "Historic Victory for Diebold", an article concerning the Diebold voting computers, widely suspected of being an avenue for election fraud. Our bounce-off changed the word from German to English and separated Die and bold, making the simple sentence, "Die bold", and further expanded it to, "A bolt of death out of the blue".

This code was expanded by Ms. Coulter's very intelligent piece of 11/22 on the removal the of six Muslims from a commercial flight, pointing out that it makes sense that people became nervous about them. Sometimes she hits the nail on the head, sometimes she bends the nail; as all writers do.

As for me, I am tortured too much by the American people to fly commercial. There is nothing Americans like more to find me helpless and entrapped in a situation I cannot escape, such as in a two-hour line waiting to buy a ticket, or as a passenger on a plane on a flight to somewhere where they can torture me silly and if I respond I will be arrested for air craziness; but were that not the case I would not fly on a plane with six "religious" Muslims acting funny, and I would certainly not want anyone I love and care for flying on such a plane.

That is why I consider Ms. Coulter's 11/22 piece, entitled, "What Can I Do to Make Your Fight More Comfortable?" to be exceptionally good. It is a truth outside right-left politics, and therein lies the salvation of America.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, Japanese for a duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder; a murdering, power-hungry fool about to be roasted by God.

This code was expanded to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois who lost both legs as a helicopter pilot in Iraq; my interpretation being George W. Bush does not have a leg to stand on. Ms. Duckworth lost the election.

This code may expand to the friendly fire death of famed athlete Pat Tillman, but this is not yet clear.

This code also seems to have expanded to the suicide of Melinda Duckett, for which CNN law commenter Nancy Grace is being sued on the accusation she interviewed Duckett too aggressively about her missing child, thus triggering the suicide. Personally, I think this lawsuit is nonsense.

This Teal code also seems to be connected to the Birth of the Blues/St. Louis Blues code.

The Birth of the Blues code appeared just before the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son just after she had given birth to her daughter, mixing birth and sadness.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America. This will eventually be a most powerful code. On election day it expanded to: "It is better to be a sodomite preacher in Colorado than a snake-oil preacher on television, marketing God's word for gold, turning Jesus' flock into a cash cow."

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness. I expect Flash Point to be reached at almost the same time all over the United States of America. "Oh, oh, duh, perhaps we should not have tortured Virgil."

PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--first concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the first four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire. With the fifth death the code was expanded to "Go", Japanese for Five, with the English verb, "Go", blended in. "Go to Hell", is the suggestion.

The PSPD code further expanded to Oyler (read it Oiler) when a man of that name was arrested for deliberately starting the fire.

My suggestion is this was writing by God on the wall of the news pointing to the killing of this Earth by drilling and burning oil, and to the fire to which all Telepath torturers go.

The public damnation code is very strong. It includes the public damnation of Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. Confirmed public damnation requires extra-worldly, miraculous, demonstrations, as was the case with Reagan, and George and Laura Bush.

This PSPD code may expand to the new code, "Dream Job" because both codes go back to military snipers, but that is not yet known.

Dream Job--A code representing God's supreme hostility toward the United States of America, the implication being a dream job would be that of a Muslim resistance sniper hunting American military personnel in Baghdad.

The moral to this code is, if you do not want to be hated by God do not do hateful things.

Sixty--This code was established with the death of the media weasel Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes. The assumption is this code will climax when we reach "The $60 Billion Defeat", if the United States has not surrendered before then.

Later update, this code does not seem to have worked, yet there seems to have been a news media bending away from its fascism toward me in the direction of truth. This is like a pancake flipped into the air, and where it will land we do not know.

Birth of the Blues/ St. Louis Blues--Seems to have something to do with America's unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment of me without charge or trial. Seems to connect to the "Teal" code.

Star--This code is linked with the "Sixty" code, and is aimed at the movie industry. If Sixty works there will be a God's Space War attack on American journalism Friday. If that happens a God's Space War attack on the movie industry can be expected on Saturday.

Catching up on Sunday, November 19, we have not seen that hit take place.

Osama Atama Kubi Dama--A code describing a high impact event. The code can with difficulty be read prior to the event, even to the point of preventing the event, and can be easily explained after the event.

This code worked on Tuesday, November 21, with the assassination of Pierre Gamayel. Leading indicators say Israel was behind it.

Deciphered, the code reads "Important person shot in the head". Gamayel was shot in the head.

Gone Fission--The description of this magnificent attack by God on the United States of American is encoded in the two shark stories published Friday, November 17.

Tyre/Tire--This code was established on 11/21 in direct association with the assassination of Lebanon Cabinet Minister Pierre Gemayel, documented in advance with the Osama Atama Kubi Dama code.

Bakatori No Zankoku Monogatari--deep code for the Shark America countdown. The countdown has not yet been established.

Agony of the Sprit--The feeling to be contained in the Shark America countdown.

Balloon Payment--This also connects to the Shark America countdown, which is yet to begin. The target of this countdown will almost certainly be the US Navy.

Tel Aviv Sion--points to Jews' Jaws countdown.

God Loves To Kill People Who Torture Virgil--Points to God's attack on the United States of America.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The $71 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Two

Shark America Eight ?

A long time ago, 20 years at least, I asked God where God was going to hit the United States of America, and God said, "right between the eyes"; and so I went to a map and looked around the world, looking for two eyes; and there they were as plain as a lie on George W. Bush's face, Iraq and Iran.

We are approaching a profound defeat of the United States of America. No, we are approaching two profound defeats of the United States of America. One coming out of its stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, the other coming out of its stupid and fascist invasion of me, God's One True Telepath.

Let me stress this: The only possible way out of these two profound defeats is for the United States of America to end its torture-enslavement of me; and that, even that, is not a guarantee.

We are talking about the rapidly approaching death of God's Beloved Earth here, and Republican American Fascism's flagrant policy of hurrying that death in the expectation of profiting from it by murdering billions of people.

We are talking about America's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq leading directly to the bubbling agony that exists there today; and America's pompous folly in blaming the violence in Iraq on shortcomings of the Iraqi puppet government and the conquered Iraqi people.

We are talking about 35 years of willing and energetic torture of God's One True Telepath by the American people, government and system.

Put these three things together and you can see the snake in a puppy-suit which is the United States of America.

Now let's turn our attention to God's current attack on the United States of America, which I have encoded as "Shark America" and which I am currently estimating to take place in eight or nine days at the cost of some 3,500 US Navy lives.

Let's return to our Metaphor of Attack, which is the plan of the battle as God gave it to me.

Our Metaphor of Attack came out of the days when I was 14 and working on a party fishing boat and one of my jobs was to take sharks off the lines of tourists and then to put my knife up the shark's anus and slit its gut open and throw it back to the other sharks.

If I am still America's torture-slave when Shark America is brought aboard God's fishing boat that is what will happen; and I will enjoy it.

There is another layer to this Metaphor of Attack which I have not explained, and it comes into play if I am freed by the Americans in time to save themselves from my knife up their anus and my knife slitting their gut open; and it is why I say freeing me is no guarantee that Shark America is going to be let off easy and simply thrown back into the water.

When I worked on that fishing boat the captain was an immensely strong man, and if I were not slitting open the guts of sharks he would ruin them in another way. He would hold them in a tight grip from the nap of their neck to their gills and would press their nose into the deck until it was broken and bent, then he would throw it back, crippled and an easy prey for other sharks.

In this metaphor, God is that captain and America is that shark, so not only must America free me before it finds itself flopping around on the deck of God's fishing boat, it must negotiate with God and ask God to throw it back un-crippled.

God, Dear Reader, is very angry at the United States of America; and what America must understand is that while America lies to itself and believes its own lies God sees through those lies, and God hates a liar.

Let me point out a currently common lie America is telling to itself and believing, but a lie which God sees through and hates. A version of this lie was in the lead paragraph of an AP story yesterday, but it permeates the news and government statements during this phase of America's terrible defeat in Iraq.

WASHINGTON (Nov. 26) - Congressional leaders displayed eroding patience in the Iraqi government on Sunday, adding pressure on President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to find a faster path to peace when they meet this week.

The vicious lie, self-believed lie, can be seen in the words "displayed eroding patience". America has kicked over a beehive, and now that the angry bees are swarming America does not blame itself, it blames the pet bees it put into power.

This is classic American madness, this is classic American vanity to the tenth power.

There are a number of rationalizations taking place these days, one of them is being put forward by Republican American Fascist TV commentators who are saying, well, our great leader George W. Bush turned out not to be so great after all; and then it follows that these TV alter boys of the cult of Republican American Fascism are wistfully dreaming of Ronald Reagan, the Lenin of Republican American Fascism.

Another rationalization is the one pointed out in the above AP paragraph, that the turmoil and chaos now taking place in Iraq is Iraq's fault, but it would not be taking place but for America's stupid and fascist invasion.

This self-lie is told to America by America because America must come out of its wallowing in blood and fascism in Iraq as pure and as white as driven snow. It has to, because that is the self-image of the liar.

Now back to America's torture-enslavement of me, the crime that put America's head in God's noose. Somewhere in the dark and smelly soul of America there is a self-believed lie that America has the right to go against the Constitution, against the Bible, and against common decency and common sense to torture and enslave me BECAUSE I THINK TOO LOUD.

This takes us back to the current Shark America countdown, which seems to be pointing toward the deaths of some 3,500 US Navy personnel in the accidental explosion of at least one nuclear weapon on at least one US Navy ship, in direct response to that torture-enslavement.

An added element to the difficulty in estimating the US Navy death toll in Shark America is that the death toll is in direct response to the torture of me by cowardly American men and silly American women, and since that torture continues the expected casualty figure also continues to rise.

I have been for some time telling the cowardly psycho-fascist Americans that when they torture me they kill American military personnel. Of course, ignorant as a bucket of mud, they have no idea of past evidence and they don't believe me; and they get very huffy and torture me all the more. Because of this continuing torture more American military people have been put on the death list of God's Space War.

An example of this result of torture and my warning to the torturers took place few nights ago, when I told the torturers who torture me through the walls the that an American military plane would crash, that God would crash an American plane because of their torture of me; and the next day an American plane crashed in a field near Baghdad and the pilot, dead or alive, has not yet been found.

Think about it. Consider the juxtaposition. When was the last time you heard of an American plane crashing in Iraq? Consider, a plane crashes the day after I said one would, and I said it would because I was in torture-instilled agony.

Ask the cowardly psycho-fascist Americans who were torturing me if you don't believe me. They may tell you the truth; or they may lie to you, which is the American way. My guess is you won't even be able to learn the name of the government pig or civilian volunteer who was doing the torture that night.

No matter, God crashed that plane because it is America's pleasure to torture me, and there are more, many more Americans on the way to God's Space War death.
Unless bigger news breaks, tomorrow I will review the codes I have received lately that outline the Shark America event, the huge Shark America disaster.

For today I will tell you why I feel the Shark America countdown remains unclear, and why I still have "?" behind the count.

Within Republican American Fascism's freedom to be stupid there are stupid and fascist decisions being made even as you read these words; George W. Bush's brain is swirling like a toad's; and Republican American Fascism is in the process of choosing the time and place it will put the US Navy's priggish neck on God's chopping block.

Also, slightly out of context but of immense importance is the repeating question being asked by TV talking heads. They are asking why the current strongest man in Iraq was not killed when America had the chance.

I don't know if you can see the debasing of all America was meant to be in that TV big-mouth opionion.

Right now there are criticisms of Russia's President Valdimir Putin that say he kills his political opponents, and that this is a sign of rising fascism in Russia; and that this is bad; and at the same time those smug commentators on American TV are saying, "Duh, why did we not murder this political opponent when we had the chance?"

Tweedle-Dee-Dee looks a lot like Tweedle-Dee-Dum to me.

The question of the day: Does the United States of America still exist? Well, it must because it, or the grotesque outgrowth of what it was meant to be, is right smack dab in God's sights.


Working Codes: (No new codes were added today. If you have read this section previously, it has expanded only slightly and there is no need to be read again. It is for recorded-keeping, for summing up after this demonstration of God's Space War against the United States of American has run its course. It looks messy, but it is as messy as a spider's web.)

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was initially bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter, and has become the poker table of God at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

This code expanded with the pre-election news Ms. Coulter may be charged for illegal voting, indicating election illegalities might play large in the collapse of Republican American Fascism.

This code was expanded again with Ms. Coulter's post-election article, "Historic Victory for Diebold", an article concerning the Diebold voting computers, widely suspected of being an avenue for election fraud. Our bounce-off changed the word from German to English and separated Die and bold, making the simple sentence, "Die bold", and further expanded it to, "A bolt of death out of the blue".

This code was expanded by Ms. Coulter's very intelligent piece of 11/22 on the removal the of six Muslims from a commercial flight, pointing out that it makes sense that people became nervous about them. Sometimes she hits the nail on the head, sometimes she bends the nail; as all writers do.

As for me, I am tortured too much by the American people to fly commercial. There is nothing Americans like more to find me helpless and entrapped in a situation I cannot escape, such as in a two-hour line waiting to buy a ticket, or as a passenger on a plane on a flight to somewhere where they can torture me silly and if I respond I will be arrested for air craziness; but were that not the case I would not fly on a plane with six "religious" Muslims acting funny, and I would certainly not want anyone I love and care for flying on such a plane.

That is why I consider Ms. Coulter's 11/22 piece, entitled, "What Can I Do to Make Your Fight More Comfortable?" to be exceptionally good. It is a truth outside right-left politics, and therein lies the salvation of America.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, Japanese for a duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder; a murdering, power-hungry fool about to be roasted by God.

This code was expanded to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois who lost both legs as a helicopter pilot in Iraq; my interpretation being George W. Bush does not have a leg to stand on. Ms. Duckworth lost the election.

This code may expand to the friendly fire death of famed athlete Pat Tillman, but this is not yet clear.

This code also seems to have expanded to the suicide of Melinda Duckett, for which CNN law commenter Nancy Grace is being sued on the accusation she interviewed Duckett too aggressively about her missing child, thus triggering the suicide. Personally, I think this lawsuit is nonsense.

This Teal code also seems to be connected to the Birth of the Blues/St. Louis Blues code.

The Birth of the Blues code appeared just before the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son just after she had given birth to her daughter, mixing birth and sadness.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America. This will eventually be a most powerful code. On election day it expanded to: "It is better to be a sodomite preacher in Colorado than a snake-oil preacher on television, marketing God's word for gold, turning Jesus' flock into a cash cow."

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness. I expect Flash Point to be reached at almost the same time all over the United States of America. "Oh, oh, duh, perhaps we should not have tortured Virgil."

PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--first concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the first four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire. With the fifth death the code was expanded to "Go", Japanese for Five, with the English verb, "Go", blended in. "Go to Hell", is the suggestion.

The PSPD code further expanded to Oyler (read it Oiler) when a man of that name was arrested for deliberately starting the fire.

My suggestion is this was writing by God on the wall of the news pointing to the killing of this Earth by drilling and burning oil, and to the fire to which all Telepath torturers go.

The public damnation code is very strong. It includes the public damnation of Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. Confirmed public damnation requires extra-worldly, miraculous, demonstrations, as was the case with Reagan, and George and Laura Bush.

This PSPD code may expand to the new code, "Dream Job" because both codes go back to military snipers, but that is not yet known.

Dream Job--A code representing God's supreme hostility toward the United States of America, the implication being a dream job would be that of a Muslim resistance sniper hunting American military personnel in Baghdad.

The moral to this code is, if you do not want to be hated by God do not do hateful things.

Sixty--This code was established with the death of the media weasel Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes. The assumption is this code will climax when we reach "The $60 Billion Defeat", if the United States has not surrendered before then.

Later update, this code does not seem to have worked, yet there seems to have been a news media bending away from its fascism toward me in the direction of truth. This is like a pancake flipped into the air, and where it will land we do not know.

Birth of the Blues/ St. Louis Blues--Seems to have something to do with America's unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment of me without charge or trial. Seems to connect to the "Teal" code.

Star--This code is linked with the "Sixty" code, and is aimed at the movie industry. If Sixty works there will be a God's Space War attack on American journalism Friday. If that happens a God's Space War attack on the movie industry can be expected on Saturday.

Catching up on Sunday, November 19, we have not seen that hit take place.

Osama Atama Kubi Dama--A code describing a high impact event. The code can with difficulty be read prior to the event, even to the point of preventing the event, and can be easily explained after the event.

This code worked on Tuesday, November 21, with the assassination of Pierre Gamayel. Leading indicators say Israel was behind it.

Deciphered, the code reads "Important person shot in the head". Gamayel was shot in the head.

Gone Fission--The description of this magnificent attack by God on the United States of American is encoded in the two shark stories published Friday, November 17.

Tyre/Tire--This code was established on 11/21 in direct association with the assassination of Lebanon Cabinet Minister Pierre Gemayel, documented in advance with the Osama Atama Kubi Dama code.

Bakatori No Zankoku Monogatari--deep code for the Shark America countdown. The countdown has not yet been established.

Agony of the Sprit--The feeling to be contained in the Shark America countdown.

Balloon Payment--This also connects to the Shark America countdown, which is yet to begin. The target of this countdown will almost certainly be the US Navy.

Monday, November 27, 2006

The $70 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Three
Shark America Nine ?

I am having a little trouble setting up the countdown to Shark America. I have received enough information on it to start the countdown, but we have a failsafe system which requires a clear confirmation code, and that code has not come in.

However, this is such an important approaching event I don't want to hide it below in the Running Codes section, so for the first time since I started doing these countdowns over 30 years ago, with an accuracy rate over 90%, I will start with a tentative countdown with the advisory that I may have to adjust it.

The Jews' Jaws countdown continues to remain accurate, but I have documented this event well enough for after-the-fact review, and I see no market for further documentation.

I have been advised that I am calculating the Shark America disaster accurately in terms of target, that being the US Navy, but that I am underestimating the death factor. I have been estimating about 1,000 US Navy personnel dead, but I am told a more accurate estimate is 3,500.

The trigger of this expected US Navy catastrophe remains at least one nuclear "accident" aboard at least one US Navy vessel carrying nuclear weapons. The indication is explosion and not radiation leak.

The reason for this expected US Navy catastrophe is America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath, the only audible telepath in human history. This torture-enslavement was initiated by the Naval Investigative Service in Tokyo in about 1967.

I am two for two in anticipating nuclear "accidents", having documented Three Mile Island and Chernobyl before they took place.

I have documented in advance two events with comparable casualties as those expected in Shark America. They were the 9/ll attack, and the easily foreseeable results of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.

The most important event I have documented in advance is that George W. Bush will destroy the world. That remains my lead story.


Working Codes: (No new codes were added today. If you have read this section previously, it has expanded only slightly and there is no need to be read again. It is for recorded-keeping, for summing up after this demonstration of God's Space War against the United States of American has run its course. It looks messy, but it is as messy as a spider's web.)

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was initially bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter, and has become the poker table of God at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

This code expanded with the pre-election news Ms. Coulter may be charged for illegal voting, indicating election illegalities might play large in the collapse of Republican American Fascism.

This code was expanded again with Ms. Coulter's post-election article, "Historic Victory for Diebold", an article concerning the Diebold voting computers, widely suspected of being an avenue for election fraud. Our bounce-off changed the word from German to English and separated Die and bold, making the simple sentence, "Die bold", and further expanded it to, "A bolt of death out of the blue".

This code was expanded by Ms. Coulter's very intelligent piece of 11/22 on the removal the of six Muslims from a commercial flight, pointing out that it makes sense that people became nervous about them. Sometimes she hits the nail on the head, sometimes she bends the nail; as all writers do.

As for me, I am tortured too much by the American people to fly commercial. There is nothing Americans like more to find me helpless and entrapped in a situation I cannot escape, such as in a two-hour line waiting to buy a ticket, or as a passenger on a plane on a flight to somewhere where they can torture me silly and if I respond I will be arrested for air craziness; but were that not the case I would not fly on a plane with six "religious" Muslims acting funny, and I would certainly not want anyone I love and care for flying on such a plane.

That is why I consider Ms. Coulter's 11/22 piece, entitled, "What Can I Do to Make Your Fight More Comfortable?" to be exceptionally good. It is a truth outside right-left politics, and therein lies the salvation of America.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, Japanese for a duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder; a murdering, power-hungry fool about to be roasted by God.

This code was expanded to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois who lost both legs as a helicopter pilot in Iraq; my interpretation being George W. Bush does not have a leg to stand on. Ms. Duckworth lost the election.

This code may expand to the friendly fire death of famed athlete Pat Tillman, but this is not yet clear.

This code also seems to have expanded to the suicide of Melinda Duckett, for which CNN law commenter Nancy Grace is being sued on the accusation she interviewed Duckett too aggressively about her missing child, thus triggering the suicide. Personally, I think this lawsuit is nonsense.

This Teal code also seems to be connected to the Birth of the Blues/St. Louis Blues code.

The Birth of the Blues code appeared just before the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son just after she had given birth to her daughter, mixing birth and sadness.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America. This will eventually be a most powerful code. On election day it expanded to: "It is better to be a sodomite preacher in Colorado than a snake-oil preacher on television, marketing God's word for gold, turning Jesus' flock into a cash cow."

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness. I expect Flash Point to be reached at almost the same time all over the United States of America. "Oh, oh, duh, perhaps we should not have tortured Virgil."

PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--first concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the first four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire. With the fifth death the code was expanded to "Go", Japanese for Five, with the English verb, "Go", blended in. "Go to Hell", is the suggestion.

The PSPD code further expanded to Oyler (read it Oiler) when a man of that name was arrested for deliberately starting the fire.

My suggestion is this was writing by God on the wall of the news pointing to the killing of this Earth by drilling and burning oil, and to the fire to which all Telepath torturers go.

The public damnation code is very strong. It includes the public damnation of Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. Confirmed public damnation requires extra-worldly, miraculous, demonstrations, as was the case with Reagan, and George and Laura Bush.

This PSPD code may expand to the new code, "Dream Job" because both codes go back to military snipers, but that is not yet known.

Dream Job--A code representing God's supreme hostility toward the United States of America, the implication being a dream job would be that of a Muslim resistance sniper hunting American military personnel in Baghdad.

The moral to this code is, if you do not want to be hated by God do not do hateful things.

Sixty--This code was established with the death of the media weasel Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes. The assumption is this code will climax when we reach "The $60 Billion Defeat", if the United States has not surrendered before then.

Later update, this code does not seem to have worked, yet there seems to have been a news media bending away from its fascism toward me in the direction of truth. This is like a pancake flipped into the air, and where it will land we do not know.

Birth of the Blues/ St. Louis Blues--Seems to have something to do with America's unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment of me without charge or trial. Seems to connect to the "Teal" code.

Star--This code is linked with the "Sixty" code, and is aimed at the movie industry. If Sixty works there will be a God's Space War attack on American journalism Friday. If that happens a God's Space War attack on the movie industry can be expected on Saturday.

Catching up on Sunday, November 19, we have not seen that hit take place.

Osama Atama Kubi Dama--A code describing a high impact event. The code can with difficulty be read prior to the event, even to the point of preventing the event, and can be easily explained after the event.

This code worked on Tuesday, November 21, with the assassination of Pierre Gamayel. Leading indicators say Israel was behind it.

Deciphered, the code reads "Important person shot in the head". Gamayel was shot in the head.

Gone Fission--The description of this magnificent attack by God on the United States of American is encoded in the two shark stories published Friday, November 17.

Tyre/Tire--This code was established on 11/21 in direct association with the assassination of Lebanon Cabinet Minister Pierre Gemayel, documented in advance with the Osama Atama Kubi Dama code.

Bakatori No Zankoku Monogatari--deep code for the Shark America countdown. The countdown has not yet been established.

Agony of the Sprit--The feeling to be contained in the Shark America countdown.

Balloon Payment--This also connects to the Shark America countdown, which is yet to begin. The target of this countdown will almost certainly be the US Navy.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The $69 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Four

We are four or five days away from the event we are calling Jew's Jaws. The Metaphor of Attack of the event, the plan of the event, is that God will remove one of Israel's eyes.

This metaphor has been explained several times. How the metaphor translates into reality will be very interesting to see.

All those so-called Christian people who say God told them this and God told them that are likely to see a true and clear statement by God written on the wall of the news in about five days. Almost certainly they will not like what God has to say.

I think it might be a good idea today to review what I call "Little Miracles", little demonstrations of God's presence and approval God has given me since America began its torture-enslavement of me some 35 years ago.

These are sometimes very gentle events and sometimes very dramatic, and one of the more gentle Little Miracles seems to relate to the forthcoming punishing of Israel by God.

I will tell you the Israel Little Miracle in some detail today because I think what we are about to see take place at the end of the Jews' Jaws countdown will in some way mirror it.

First I will review a few other Little Miracles so you will understand the context of the Little Miracle of the Crack in the Wall of Jerusalem, as I will call it today.

These Little Miracles have included a dollar bill appearing out of thin air when I was hungry and asked God for food; the spiritual marking on my map by God of the location of a cave when I was trapped in the wilderness in a sudden snow storm; stating the exact instant of a meteor's appearance in the sky before it appeared; stating the exact instant of an earthquake before it occurred; saving my life in a certain-death fall in the wilderness in exactly the way I was told the day before my life would be saved...there are too many to mention here but this gives you an idea of what I mean by Little Miracles.

The common denominator of all God's Little Miracles for me is that they were not witnessed by anyone. These were private, meaningful conversations between God and I and while I sometimes write about them I have no interest in proving them.

So, this is the story of the Little Miracle of the Crack in the Wall of Jerusalem.

Immediately after God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy I was attacked by American Jews and Christians in that order, and soon it did not matter whether people believed in anything or everything, all Americans leaped into that cowardly attack like fools leaping into Hell.

After having traveled from coast to coast to see if I could find a pocket of civility and justice in the United States of America, and learning that was a pipe dream, learning that America has taken to psycho-fascism like a junkie to a new drug, I decided to take a trip around the world.

There were two basic purposes in making that journey.

First to learn if there was a country in which people did not know of my gift, and there were none among those I visited, and to see if there was a pocket of justice and freedom for me in any of those countries, but there wss none.

While different countries treated me better than others; while England was an American lapdog in Telepath torture France approached a level of nobility toward me; but no country said to me, Stay here, Virgil, we will let you live in peace and freedom.

While it is hard to imagine any country treating me worse than England did, Israel stood head and shoulders above England in its cruelty to me. I might have been a Palestinian, or some other Nigger on Judaism's long, long Nigger List.

Second, I was a foreign correspondent and had foreign correspondent friends around the world and I wanted to see if any of them had not been compromised by American psycho-fascism, but all had been, and they treated me like a mangy dog.

But I digress, I was going to tell you about the Little Miracle of the Crack in the Wall of Jerusalem.

I have written about this miracle here twice over the years, so those old stalwarts of you please bear with me.

If you stand facing the Java Gate entrance to the old city, to your right approximately 30 yards is a little cul de sac in the ancient wall.

I assume it had some military purpose in the days when cities were put under siege, a false gate, a dead end into which to draw small elements of the attacking force, there to find themselves blocked by four walls and jammed in by fellow soldiers following them in through the narrow doorway, finding boiling oil, piercing arrows and heavy stones coming down on them.

When I was there in the early Seventies this little cul de sac seemed totally unused and rarely visited, overgrown with weeds and populated by a beautiful old tree, and if I recall there was a stone bench but I was young then and might have comfortably sat on the ground.

The size of the cul de sac, if memory serves, was about that of a quarter of a tennis court.

I loved that cul de sac and would go there for quiet moments. The mass public constant, daily torture of me had not yet begun, and I was quiet comfortable in crowds and enjoyed touring the old city.

(In the course of this tour I found a place I am quite certain I had been before, but that's another story, a story of reincarnation in the service of God, a great honor, but an unwelcome subject among Christians and Jews, and perhaps also Muslims.)

In all, it was a happy visit to one of the great cities of history, and for me of course part of my pilgrimage happiness was in walking the streets, roads and shores Jesus had walked; and the peak of that happy visit was my few visits to that cul de sac.

So, back to the Little Miracle of the Crack in the Wall of Jerusalem.

I was sitting in the cul de sac one day facing the outside wall, talking things over with God, God having long ago had said I had prayed enough prayers to last another 159 years and that now God wanted me to talk to God, Virgil to God, God to Virgil.

So I was sitting there looking at the wall made up of those huge old stones that had weathered the crusades and I don't know how many hundreds of years, and right before my eyes, my eyes focused on it, one of those stones cracked diagonally, with a nice little "crack" sound.

I had been talking to God long enough to know there was a message there, I mean a message greater than "I Am Here", which is great enough message of course; but God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy because there was work God wanted me to do; so I filed that Little Miracle away in my Little Miracle File, waiting for it to come due, like a bond.

It seems to me, 30-some years later, that bond will come due about the time the Jews' Jaws countdown reaches zero.

In other news, we have a new code on the Shark America countdown.

The new code is "Balloon Payment". The previous codes are "Gone Fission", "Tyre/Tire", "Bakatori no Zankoki Monogatari" and "Agony of the Spirit".

The target these codes are leading to is becoming clear. It will almost certainly be the US Navy, and death by fire will almost certainly be the weapon. I cannot calculate the casualty figure but it seems large enough to represent the crew of at least one major ship.

One interesting thing about the Shark America countdown is that it will follow the Jews' Jaws countdown, so you will know how solid that first hit was when you are anticipating the second.

I am currently getting a lot of information on this Shark America hit and am tempted to start the countdown today; but I will hold off and perhaps start it at "Shark America Nine" tomorrow.

There is one thing I want to say about God and religion as we proceed into this massive attack on the United States of America.

I have in all my life and all my reading never met of heard of an human being who understood more than one/one-trillionth of the reality of God.

I have never met a Christian or a Jew deep enough to understand the reality of God; and I think it is a safe assumption that the same is true of every member of every religion of this Earth.

I will tell you one small thing about God which has probably never crossed your mind. God so loathes nuclear weapons that God is going to begin setting them off. In the Shark America countdown, every US Navy ship carrying nuclear weapons will be in dire jeopardy of those weapons being exploded by God.

Welcome to God's Space War.


Working Codes: (The code, "Balloon Payment" was added today. If you have read this section previously, it has expanded only slightly and there is no need to be read again. It is for recorded-keeping, for summing up after this demonstration of God's Space War against the United States of American has run its course. It looks messy, but it is as messy as a spider's web.)

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was initially bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter, and has become the poker table of God at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

This code expanded with the pre-election news Ms. Coulter may be charged for illegal voting, indicating election illegalities might play large in the collapse of Republican American Fascism.

This code was expanded again with Ms. Coulter's post-election article, "Historic Victory for Diebold", an article concerning the Diebold voting computers, widely suspected of being an avenue for election fraud. Our bounce-off changed the word from German to English and separated Die and bold, making the simple sentence, "Die bold", and further expanded it to, "A bolt of death out of the blue".

This code was expanded by Ms. Coulter's very intelligent piece of 11/22 on the removal the of six Muslims from a commercial flight, pointing out that it makes sense that people became nervous about them. Sometimes she hits the nail on the head, sometimes she bends the nail; as all writers do.

As for me, I am tortured too much by the American people to fly commercial. There is nothing Americans like more to find me helpless and entrapped in a situation I cannot escape, such as in a two-hour line waiting to buy a ticket, or as a passenger on a plane on a flight to somewhere where they can torture me silly and if I respond I will be arrested for air craziness; but were that not the case I would not fly on a plane with six "religious" Muslims acting funny, and I would certainly not want anyone I love and care for flying on such a plane.

That is why I consider Ms. Coulter's 11/22 piece, entitled, "What Can I Do to Make Your Fight More Comfortable?" to be exceptionally good. It is a truth outside right-left politics, and therein lies the salvation of America.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, Japanese for a duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder; a murdering, power-hungry fool about to be roasted by God.

This code was expanded to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois who lost both legs as a helicopter pilot in Iraq; my interpretation being George W. Bush does not have a leg to stand on. Ms. Duckworth lost the election.

This code may expand to the friendly fire death of famed athlete Pat Tillman, but this is not yet clear.

This code also seems to have expanded to the suicide of Melinda Duckett, for which CNN law commenter Nancy Grace is being sued on the accusation she interviewed Duckett too aggressively about her missing child, thus triggering the suicide. Personally, I think this lawsuit is nonsense.

This Teal code also seems to be connected to the Birth of the Blues/St. Louis Blues code.

The Birth of the Blues code appeared just before the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son just after she had given birth to her daughter, mixing birth and sadness.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America. This will eventually be a most powerful code. On election day it expanded to: "It is better to be a sodomite preacher in Colorado than a snake-oil preacher on television, marketing God's word for gold, turning Jesus' flock into a cash cow."

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness. I expect Flash Point to be reached at almost the same time all over the United States of America. "Oh, oh, duh, perhaps we should not have tortured Virgil."

PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--first concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the first four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire. With the fifth death the code was expanded to "Go", Japanese for Five, with the English verb, "Go", blended in. "Go to Hell", is the suggestion.

The PSPD code further expanded to Oyler (read it Oiler) when a man of that name was arrested for deliberately starting the fire.

My suggestion is this was writing by God on the wall of the news pointing to the killing of this Earth by drilling and burning oil, and to the fire to which all Telepath torturers go.

The public damnation code is very strong. It includes the public damnation of Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. Confirmed public damnation requires extra-worldly, miraculous, demonstrations, as was the case with Reagan, and George and Laura Bush.

This PSPD code may expand to the new code, "Dream Job" because both codes go back to military snipers, but that is not yet known.

Dream Job--A code representing God's supreme hostility toward the United States of America, the implication being a dream job would be that of a Muslim resistance sniper hunting American military personnel in Baghdad.

The moral to this code is, if you do not want to be hated by God do not do hateful things.

Sixty--This code was established with the death of the media weasel Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes. The assumption is this code will climax when we reach "The $60 Billion Defeat", if the United States has not surrendered before then.

Later update, this code does not seem to have worked, yet there seems to have been a news media bending away from its fascism toward me in the direction of truth. This is like a pancake flipped into the air, and where it will land we do not know.

Birth of the Blues/ St. Louis Blues--Seems to have something to do with America's unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment of me without charge or trial. Seems to connect to the "Teal" code.

Star--This code is linked with the "Sixty" code, and is aimed at the movie industry. If Sixty works there will be a God's Space War attack on American journalism Friday. If that happens a God's Space War attack on the movie industry can be expected on Saturday.

Catching up on Sunday, November 19, we have not seen that hit take place.

Osama Atama Kubi Dama--A code describing a high impact event. The code can with difficulty be read prior to the event, even to the point of preventing the event, and can be easily explained after the event.

This code worked on Tuesday, November 21, with the assassination of Pierre Gamayel. Leading indicators say Israel was behind it.

Deciphered, the code reads "Important person shot in the head". Gamayel was shot in the head.

Gone Fission--The description of this magnificent attack by God on the United States of American is encoded in the two shark stories published Friday, November 17.

Tyre/Tire--This code was established on 11/21 in direct association with the assassination of Lebanon Cabinet Minister Pierre Gemayel, documented in advance with the Osama Atama Kubi Dama code.

Bakatori No Zankoku Monogatari--deep code for the Shark America countdown. The countdown has not yet been established.

Agony of the Sprit--The feeling to be contained in the Shark America countdown.

Balloon Payment--This also connects to the Shark America countdown, which is yet to begin. The target of this countdown will almost certainly be the US Navy.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The $68 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Five

You Americans are so close to nuclear Hell that had your news media had not cut off its nose to serve Republican American Fascism it would be wheeling with the smell of sulphur and brimstone.

Pay no attention to both Cheney and Bush going to the Middle East within the same time frame, even if it is an extremely rare event for both to be in a hot zone at the same time.

I have not seen comment on or analysis of this peculiar event in the American media, which in loyal service to Republican American Fascism treats the two visits as if they were separate events.

Picture America the bull, ring in nose, leash attached to ring, being led by its supposed ally, Israel, to the sacrificial alter; Cheney and Bush, little boys in a grown up world, Bush still nursing, Cheney still stealing money from the treasury, riding atop the bull.

See this as the curtain going up on the contrived Armageddon cooked up by Republican American Fascism and Israeli Victim Fascism. Israel will betray America as this Fools' Armageddon proceeds, if for no other reason than betrayal is Israel's nature, but America is so busy kissing Israel's ass it cannot see betrayal's revelation in Israel's eyes.

Israel's eyes, that reminds me of the theme of the "Jews's Jaws" countdown.

Do you recall the story that preceded the Jews' Jaws countdown? Our ship was dead in the water, the bosun dropped a fishing line into the ocean and brought up a mean, gray shark; and as the shark lay on our hot deck and we sailors stood around it, as if it were a hated prisoner of war, the bosun cut out one of its eyes and held it on the palm of his hand like a white billiard ball and showed it around. A ritual killing in its way.

From that story we know the Metaphor of Attack of the event or events to take place just about when our Jews's Jaws count reaches zero. God, the bosen in this story, will cut out one of Shark Israel's eyes and show it to the world.

let's see how this Metaphor of Attack will develop in about five days.

Yesterday I suggested the story of Adam and Eve is not the story of the Jews' past but it is the story of the Jews' future. It is a story of prophesy, not memory.

This is a very important point, and as true as sunrise in the morning.

We still have not having begun is the Shark America countdown, although the codes point to something one might call Agony of the Spirit.

The Metaphor of Attack story, as you may recall, came out of the second true shark story I told you recently, that of when I was a bait boy on a fishing boat and one of my duties was to put my knife in the anus of caught sharks and slit their gut open before throwing them back into the water, to be eaten by other sharks.

How this fits Agony of the Spirit I cannot yet say; except that, truly Dear Reader, Psycho-Fascist America's sprit is in its anus and its gut.


Working Codes: (The code, "Agony of the Sprit" was added today. If you have read this section previously, it has expanded only slightly and there is no need to be read again. It is for recorded-keeping, for summing up after this demonstration of God's Space War against the United States of American has run its course. It looks messy, but it is as messy as a spider's web.)

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was initially bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter, and has become the poker table of God at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

This code expanded with the pre-election news Ms. Coulter may be charged for illegal voting, indicating election illegalities might play large in the collapse of Republican American Fascism.

This code was expanded again with Ms. Coulter's post-election article, "Historic Victory for Diebold", an article concerning the Diebold voting computers, widely suspected of being an avenue for election fraud. Our bounce-off changed the word from German to English and separated Die and bold, making the simple sentence, "Die bold", and further expanded it to, "A bolt of death out of the blue".

This code was expanded by Ms. Coulter's very intelligent piece of 11/22 on the removal the of six Muslims from a commercial flight, pointing out that it makes sense that people became nervous about them. Sometimes she hits the nail on the head, sometimes she bends the nail; as all writers do.

As for me, I am tortured too much by the American people to fly commercial. There is nothing Americans like more to find me helpless and entrapped in a situation I cannot escape, such as in a two-hour line waiting to buy a ticket, or as a passenger on a plane on a flight to somewhere where they can torture me silly and if I respond I will be arrested for air craziness; but were that not the case I would not fly on a plane with six "religious" Muslims acting funny, and I would certainly not want anyone I love and care for flying on such a plane.

That is why I consider Ms. Coulter's 11/22 piece, entitled, "What Can I Do to Make Your Fight More Comfortable?" to be exceptionally good. It is a truth outside right-left politics, and therein lies the salvation of America.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, Japanese for a duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder; a murdering, power-hungry fool about to be roasted by God.

This code was expanded to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois who lost both legs as a helicopter pilot in Iraq; my interpretation being George W. Bush does not have a leg to stand on. Ms. Duckworth lost the election.

This code may expand to the friendly fire death of famed athlete Pat Tillman, but this is not yet clear.

This code also seems to have expanded to the suicide of Melinda Duckett, for which CNN law commenter Nancy Grace is being sued on the accusation she interviewed Duckett too aggressively about her missing child, thus triggering the suicide. Personally, I think this lawsuit is nonsense.

This Teal code also seems to be connected to the Birth of the Blues/St. Louis Blues code.

The Birth of the Blues code appeared just before the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son just after she had given birth to her daughter, mixing birth and sadness.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America. This will eventually be a most powerful code. On election day it expanded to: "It is better to be a sodomite preacher in Colorado than a snake-oil preacher on television, marketing God's word for gold, turning Jesus' flock into a cash cow."

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness. I expect Flash Point to be reached at almost the same time all over the United States of America. "Oh, oh, duh, perhaps we should not have tortured Virgil."

PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--first concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the first four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire. With the fifth death the code was expanded to "Go", Japanese for Five, with the English verb, "Go", blended in. "Go to Hell", is the suggestion.

The PSPD code further expanded to Oyler (read it Oiler) when a man of that name was arrested for deliberately starting the fire.

My suggestion is this was writing by God on the wall of the news pointing to the killing of this Earth by drilling and burning oil, and to the fire to which all Telepath torturers go.

The public damnation code is very strong. It includes the public damnation of Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. Confirmed public damnation requires extra-worldly, miraculous, demonstrations, as was the case with Reagan, and George and Laura Bush.

This PSPD code may expand to the new code, "Dream Job" because both codes go back to military snipers, but that is not yet known.

Dream Job--A code representing God's supreme hostility toward the United States of America, the implication being a dream job would be that of a Muslim resistance sniper hunting American military personnel in Baghdad.

The moral to this code is, if you do not want to be hated by God do not do hateful things.

Sixty--This code was established with the death of the media weasel Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes. The assumption is this code will climax when we reach "The $60 Billion Defeat", if the United States has not surrendered before then.

Later update, this code does not seem to have worked, yet there seems to have been a news media bending away from its fascism toward me in the direction of truth. This is like a pancake flipped into the air, and where it will land we do not know.

Birth of the Blues/ St. Louis Blues--Seems to have something to do with America's unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment of me without charge or trial. Seems to connect to the "Teal" code.

Star--This code is linked with the "Sixty" code, and is aimed at the movie industry. If Sixty works there will be a God's Space War attack on American journalism Friday. If that happens a God's Space War attack on the movie industry can be expected on Saturday.

Catching up on Sunday, November 19, we have not seen that hit take place.

Osama Atama Kubi Dama--A code describing a high impact event. The code can with difficulty be read prior to the event, even to the point of preventing the event, and can be easily explained after the event.

This code worked on Tuesday, November 21, with the assassination of Pierre Gamayel. Leading indicators say Israel was behind it.

Deciphered, the code reads "Important person shot in the head". Gamayel was shot in the head.

Gone Fission--The description of this magnificent attack by God on the United States of American is encoded in the two shark stories published Friday, November 17.

Tyre/Tire--This code was established on 11/21 in direct association with the assassination of Lebanon Cabinet Minister Pierre Gemayel, documented in advance with the Osama Atama Kubi Dama code.

Bakatori No Zankoku Monogatari--deep code for the Shark America countdown. The countdown has not yet been established.

Agony of the Sprit--The feeling to be contained in the Shark America countdown.

Friday, November 24, 2006

The $67 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Six

Albert Einstein likes this story, as does that other well known physicist of Time, Nostradamus. Me, I just kick the Time Can around..

The story of Adam and Eve is not the story of the Jews' past; it is the story of the Jews' future. It is a story of prophesy, not memory.

The true name of the story Adam and Eve is Atom and Forever. This means if the Jews use the nuclear weapons they lose their souls, forever. The nuclear bomb is the forbidden fruit; well, one of the forbidden fruits offered in the forbidden fruit market of Tel Aviv..

The Jews were given a homeland, Israel, by an empathetic segment of the human race which did not own the land; but once in the neighborhood the Jews committed all the sins for which they are now famous: stealing from the Palestinians, killing the Palestinians, coveting what was the Palestinians'.

Of course they are not famous for this in America, where the American media has its lips up snug on Israel's ass.

The Palestinians were neighbors who would have accepted the Jewish influx if the serpent of the Jews' greed, vanity, and overbearing snobbishness had not led the Jews to virtually enslave the Palestinians, and that, too, was forbidden fruit.

And and now comes the Jews' decision to use nuclear weapons against the Muslims they hate and have such disdain for, and they would use them against the Christians if the Christians were their neighbors.

The decision to atomic bomb Iran already made as you read these words, and a decision no more than weeks away from being acted upon if the prevailing winds in Iran flow away from Israel.

And so, Dear Reader, the suggestion of the current "Jews' Jaws" countdown is that in a week or less we will see proof that God will expel the Jews from their Paradise, Israel, if they use nuclear weapons; as in the Adam and Eve story where God expelled them from Paradise for eating the forbidden fruit..

The suggestion to the Jews is the Jews consider this demonstration of God's intent as a shot across their bow, and they reverse course from aggressive war against all humankind to aggressive peace in favor of all humankind.

Now along with this suggestion is the acknowledgement that the Jews, all the Jews all around the world, consider me to be less than the brown, smelly stuff they flush down the toilet, so understand my work here is for warning and for record-keeping, not convincing not the Jews to join the human race, a race which they are disdainful of.

Jesus was a Jew even though Jews like to pretend he was a Goy; and Jesus pointed to the greatest flaw of the Jews, that they loved no one but themselves.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself" was a direct message to the Jews of Zero B.C., not to Catholic school girls in Boston 2,000 years later.

The great flaw of the Jews from the time of Moses to the time of Jesus was that they turned their backs on the Ten Commandments, they ignored their God but claimed their God ordered all their crimes, all their genocides.

Had Israel not turned its back on God's Word they would have been the center of enlightenment on this Earth 3,000 years ago, and the entire history of the world would have been changed for the better. They would have been a beacon in the world rather than a slug in the forest.

What infuriated the Jews about Jesus was that he not only reinforced the very Ten Commandments they had rejected, but added an eleventh which was utterly repulsive to them, "love thy neighbor"; and projected into these times Jesus meant, love the Palestinians, do not steal from the Palestinians, to not kill the Palestinians,.et cetera, the sense of which is totally beyond the understanding of the Jews.

My life's experience has been, never let a Jew have power over me; it may be different for you but it is not different for the Palestinians or to anyone else of the Muslim faith within Issrael's striking range.

All of the conflict concerning Israel stems from the anti-Ten Commandment stance of Israel.

Unstopped by God or man, Israel's plan to destroy the Middle East, east and south goes this way:

First, several nuclear bombs on Iran, with the secondary intent to atom bomb Egypt if Egypt does not immediately kiss Israel's ass. Syria and Lebanon will not be atom-bombed because they are too close, and the danger of radio active fallout on Israel is too great.

The timing of the bombing of Iran will be based on the direction of prevailing winds, the direction the poisonous radioactive clouds will go. It does not matter to the Israelis where the poison goes, just so it does not blow back on Israel.

In the year 2000, Israel was estimated to have between 100 and 200 nuclear warheads.

Meanwhile, back at the comic book intellect which is Republican American Fascism, George W. Bush, that fool among men, sputters over the POSSIBILITY Iran will have ONE nuclear weapon some day.

This means that while Israel bombs the beautiful country of Iran into radioactive oblivion, Israel will have its drone ally, the USA in tow; and America will sucked into Israel's nuclear poker game; and will be betrayed by Israel again (yet again as is Israel's habit to betray America) when Israel drops three vengeance nukes on Germany.

That leads us to why God is about to delete Israel from the map of the world and destroy the United States of America. It is not that the other nations the world are so good. there is a common ass-hole-ness among them, and God will deal with them, too, but if the world is to be saved from humankind it must first be saved from Israel and the United States of America.


Working Codes: (No new codes were added today. If you have read this section previously, it has expanded only slightly and there is no need to be read again. It is for recorded-keeping, for summing up after this demonstration of God's Space War against the United States of American has run its course. It looks messy, but it is as messy as a spider's web.)

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was initially bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter, and has become the poker table of God at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

This code expanded with the pre-election news Ms. Coulter may be charged for illegal voting, indicating election illegalities might play large in the collapse of Republican American Fascism.

This code was expanded again with Ms. Coulter's post-election article, "Historic Victory for Diebold", an article concerning the Diebold voting computers, widely suspected of being an avenue for election fraud. Our bounce-off changed the word from German to English and separated Die and bold, making the simple sentence, "Die bold", and further expanded it to, "A bolt of death out of the blue".

This code was expanded by Ms. Coulter's very intelligent piece of 11/22 on the removal the of six Muslims from a commercial flight, pointing out that it makes sense that people became nervous about them. Sometimes she hits the nail on the head, sometimes she bends the nail; as all writers do.

As for me, I am tortured too much by the American people to fly commercial. There is nothing Americans like more to find me helpless and entrapped in a situation I cannot escape, such as in a two-hour line waiting to buy a ticket, or as a passenger on a plane on a flight to somewhere where they can torture me silly and if I respond I will be arrested for air craziness; but were that not the case I would not fly on a plane with six "religious" Muslims acting funny, and I would certainly not want anyone I love and care for flying on such a plane.

That is why I consider Ms. Coulter's 11/22 piece, entitled, "What Can I Do to Make Your Fight More Comfortable?" to be exceptionally good. It is a truth outside right-left politics, and therein lies the salvation of America.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, Japanese for a duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder; a murdering, power-hungry fool about to be roasted by God.

This code was expanded to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois who lost both legs as a helicopter pilot in Iraq; my interpretation being George W. Bush does not have a leg to stand on. Ms. Duckworth lost the election.

This code may expand to the friendly fire death of famed athlete Pat Tillman, but this is not yet clear.

This code also seems to have expanded to the suicide of Melinda Duckett, for which CNN law commenter Nancy Grace is being sued on the accusation she interviewed Duckett too aggressively about her missing child, thus triggering the suicide. Personally, I think this lawsuit is nonsense.

This Teal code also seems to be connected to the Birth of the Blues/St. Louis Blues code.

The Birth of the Blues code appeared just before the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son just after she had given birth to her daughter, mixing birth and sadness.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America. This will eventually be a most powerful code. On election day it expanded to: "It is better to be a sodomite preacher in Colorado than a snake-oil preacher on television, marketing God's word for gold, turning Jesus' flock into a cash cow."

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness. I expect Flash Point to be reached at almost the same time all over the United States of America. "Oh, oh, duh, perhaps we should not have tortured Virgil."

PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--first concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the first four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire. With the fifth death the code was expanded to "Go", Japanese for Five, with the English verb, "Go", blended in. "Go to Hell", is the suggestion.

The PSPD code further expanded to Oyler (read it Oiler) when a man of that name was arrested for deliberately starting the fire.

My suggestion is this was writing by God on the wall of the news pointing to the killing of this Earth by drilling and burning oil, and to the fire to which all Telepath torturers go.

The public damnation code is very strong. It includes the public damnation of Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. Confirmed public damnation requires extra-worldly, miraculous, demonstrations, as was the case with Reagan, and George and Laura Bush.

This PSPD code may expand to the new code, "Dream Job" because both codes go back to military snipers, but that is not yet known.

Dream Job--A code representing God's supreme hostility toward the United States of America, the implication being a dream job would be that of a Muslim resistance sniper hunting American military personnel in Baghdad.

The moral to this code is, if you do not want to be hated by God do not do hateful things.

Sixty--This code was established with the death of the media weasel Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes. The assumption is this code will climax when we reach "The $60 Billion Defeat", if the United States has not surrendered before then.

Later update, this code does not seem to have worked, yet there seems to have been a news media bending away from its fascism toward me in the direction of truth. This is like a pancake flipped into the air, and where it will land we do not know.

Birth of the Blues/ St. Louis Blues--Seems to have something to do with America's unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment of me without charge or trial. Seems to connect to the "Teal" code.

Star--This code is linked with the "Sixty" code, and is aimed at the movie industry. If Sixty works there will be a God's Space War attack on American journalism Friday. If that happens a God's Space War attack on the movie industry can be expected on Saturday.

Catching up on Sunday, November 19, we have not seen that hit take place.

Osama Atama Kubi Dama--A code describing a high impact event. The code can with difficulty be read prior to the event, even to the point of preventing the event, and can be easily explained after the event.

This code worked on Tuesday, November 21, with the assassination of Pierre Gamayel. Leading indicators say Israel was behind it.

Gone Fission--The description of this magnificent attack by God on the United States of American is encoded in the two shark stories published Friday, November 17.

Tyre/Tire--This code was established on 11/21 in direct association with the assassination of Lebanon Cabinet Minister Pierre Gemayel, documented in advance with the Osama Atama Kubi Dama code.

Bakatori No Zankoku Monogatari -- deep code for the Shark America countdown. The countdown has not yet been established.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The $66 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Seven

Killing time while Time kills you, thinking of old stories since there's not much else to do.

Thanksgiving Day, no family, no friends, no home, no country, just me and my Old Pal God, kicking ass and taking names.

Old stories come to mind.

We were on a run from western Japan to Western Australia when we ran into a typhoon somewhere along the way. Damn those were big seas, like tall buildings all around the ship.

We were plugging on through it, holds empty and our ship high in the water, bouncing around like there was no tomorrow and as if the bottom wasn't a mile below; and we got word there was a Japanese fishing boat missing; and the law of the sea said we had to stay in the typhoon and look for survivors; so there we were every seaman who wasn't on night watch and sleeping was standing watch, straining through the storm, each hoping to be the one who spotted them, saved them, but no one did, and they drowned; sometimes you ride the waves, sometimes the waves ride you.

Wait until you see the typhoon of war Israel is planning and America is stumbling into like a sacrificial bull with a ring in its nose; bull America being led to the sacrificial knife on a leash of its own sympathy; strong and stupid bull-headed America; bull thinking he is loved by the high priest, and then SLIT and America drops to its knees bleeding and dying on the alter of Israel; and all the Middle East blistered with Israeli nuclear fire; and Israel drinking umbrella drinks saying, "Finally we own the cinder of the world, and this is what we were chosen for".

See in your mind two intersecting lines, see them going back five thousand years, one is false-god Israel the other is the Real Deal, one is bent on murdering all mankind the other saying, "No, no, Israel, you will do no such thing".

"Chosen", no better it be said "observed", "watched", like watching a serpent, seeing which way it will slither so as not to step near it in tall grass.

Israel is a long con. Treachery is its Three-Card Monty; slight of hand and distraction. All nations, friend and foe, are the enemy of Israel from Israel's point of view.

God tried to correct them; Jesus tried, too; now tell me, Dear Reader, what can Virgil hope to do but track the murder, track the murder, track the murder, while Israel kills you.

This is Jews' Jaw Seven, only seven or eight more days to go. Thank God on this Thanksgiving Day.

The Bible is a quasi-historical record into which God wrote a line or two of Truth. Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not covet, honor thy father and thy mother... Simple enough, but Israel was never able to walk that walk; that Ten Commandment patch by God on Israel's leaking morality was warped by Israel to thou shalt not kill Israelis, though shalt not steal from Israelis, though shalt not bear false witness against Israelis, thou shalt not covet what belongs to Israelis; and their latest false god Sigmund Freud told them their mothers and fathers are at fault.

This is Jews' Jaw Seven, only seven or eight more days to go. Thank God on this Thanksgiving Day..

When God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy the Jews attacked me as if they were sharks and I a sailor afloat in the sea and my dangling legs were mana from Heaven; and that is why God gave me that gift, for me to see how I would be treated; "You shall know them by their works", Jesus said.

Damn if Jesus wasn't right.

We were pulling out of Durban, South Africa, the whole crew drunk as frogs in a bourbon swimming pool, drunk as French sailors in Marsailles, drunk as George W. Bush on his high school graduation night; and the shipmate who almost never spoke was standing next to me, and we were watching the tug take us away from the dock, and the word came to let go the tug's line; and the Silent Seaman said to me, "Virgil, do you want to do it or should I?" "Go ahead," I said, and as he was lifting the line to free it the tug pulled back and the line chopped off two or three of his fingers. He gave out a yelp. The captain gave him morphine or something to kill the pain while we were waiting for the ambulance to take him to a hospital. I hadn't heard him say 20 words from Japan to South Africa, but with that pain-killer in him he talked up a storm. I don't know what he said because he was speaking Norwegian.

Killing time while Time is killing you. This Earth will be dead by 2065; as will all the Jews, all the Christians, all the Muslims, and everyone else, including you, Dear Reader.

The Boys and I were teaching Birds to fly, and the Girls were dancing on a fable. The fable was the Jew's egomaniacal tale that said they were the chosen of God; a tale that but for Christianity would have melted into the past.

Do you realize I just documented five days in advance the murder of a very important man in Lebanon, whose death is important to every American because it was like the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand which triggered World War One; and do you realize America flushed that accomplishment down the toilet as it has flushed my every accomplishment, my every home and all my children?

How did I know Pierre Gemayel was to be murdered five days before the world found him dead? I knew because I can read the heart of Israel from 10,000 miles away.

There was development in the "Tyre/Tire" and "Bakatori No Zankoku Monogatari" codes today, but they remain too hot to talk about; perhaps tomorrow.


Working Codes: (No new codes were added today. If you have read this section previously, it has expanded only slightly and there is no need to be read again. It is for recorded-keeping, for summing up after this demonstration of God's Space War against the United States of American has run its course. It looks messy, but it is as messy as a spider's web.)

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was initially bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter, and has become the poker table of God at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

This code expanded with the pre-election news Ms. Coulter may be charged for illegal voting, indicating election illegalities might play large in the collapse of Republican American Fascism.

This code was expanded again with Ms. Coulter's post-election article, "Historic Victory for Diebold", an article concerning the Diebold voting computers, widely suspected of being an avenue for election fraud. Our bounce-off changed the word from German to English and separated Die and bold, making the simple sentence, "Die bold", and further expanded it to, "A bolt of death out of the blue".

This code was expanded by Ms. Coulter's very intelligent piece of 11/22 on the removal the of six Muslims from a commercial flight, pointing out that it makes sense that people became nervous about them. Sometimes she hits the nail on the head, sometimes she bends the nail; as all writers do.

As for me, I am tortured too much by the American people to fly commercial. There is nothing Americans like more to find me helpless and entrapped in a situation I cannot escape, such as in a two-hour line waiting to buy a ticket, or as a passenger on a plane on a flight to somewhere where they can torture me silly and if I respond I will be arrested for air craziness; but were that not the case I would not fly on a plane with six "religious" Muslims acting funny, and I would certainly not want anyone I love and care for flying on such a plane.

That is why I consider Ms. Coulter's 11/22 piece, entitled, "What Can I Do to Make Your Fight More Comfortable?" to be exceptionally good. It is a truth outside right-left politics, and therein lies the salvation of America.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, Japanese for a duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder; a murdering, power-hungry fool about to be roasted by God.

This code was expanded to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois who lost both legs as a helicopter pilot in Iraq; my interpretation being George W. Bush does not have a leg to stand on. Ms. Duckworth lost the election.

This code may expand to the friendly fire death of famed athlete Pat Tillman, but this is not yet clear.

This code also seems to have expanded to the suicide of Melinda Duckett, for which CNN law commenter Nancy Grace is being sued on the accusation she interviewed Duckett too aggressively about her missing child, thus triggering the suicide. Personally, I think this lawsuit is nonsense.

This Teal code also seems to be connected to the Birth of the Blues/St. Louis Blues code.

The Birth of the Blues code appeared just before the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son just after she had given birth to her daughter, mixing birth and sadness.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America. This will eventually be a most powerful code. On election day it expanded to: "It is better to be a sodomite preacher in Colorado than a snake-oil preacher on television, marketing God's word for gold, turning Jesus' flock into a cash cow."

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness. I expect Flash Point to be reached at almost the same time all over the United States of America. "Oh, oh, duh, perhaps we should not have tortured Virgil."

PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--first concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the first four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire. With the fifth death the code was expanded to "Go", Japanese for Five, with the English verb, "Go", blended in. "Go to Hell", is the suggestion.

The PSPD code further expanded to Oyler (read it Oiler) when a man of that name was arrested for deliberately starting the fire.

My suggestion is this was writing by God on the wall of the news pointing to the killing of this Earth by drilling and burning oil, and to the fire to which all Telepath torturers go.

The public damnation code is very strong. It includes the public damnation of Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. Confirmed public damnation requires extra-worldly, miraculous, demonstrations, as was the case with Reagan, and George and Laura Bush.

This PSPD code may expand to the new code, "Dream Job" because both codes go back to military snipers, but that is not yet known.

Dream Job--A code representing God's supreme hostility toward the United States of America, the implication being a dream job would be that of a Muslim resistance sniper hunting American military personnel in Baghdad.

The moral to this code is, if you do not want to be hated by God do not do hateful things.

Sixty--This code was established with the death of the media weasel Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes. The assumption is this code will climax when we reach "The $60 Billion Defeat", if the United States has not surrendered before then.

Later update, this code does not seem to have worked, yet there seems to have been a news media bending away from its fascism toward me in the direction of truth. This is like a pancake flipped into the air, and where it will land we do not know.

Birth of the Blues/ St. Louis Blues--Seems to have something to do with America's unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment of me without charge or trial. Seems to connect to the "Teal" code.

Star--This code is linked with the "Sixty" code, and is aimed at the movie industry. If Sixty works there will be a God's Space War attack on American journalism Friday. If that happens a God's Space War attack on the movie industry can be expected on Saturday.

Catching up on Sunday, November 19, we have not seen that hit take place.

Osama Atama Kubi Dama--A code describing a high impact event. The code can with difficulty be read prior to the event, even to the point of preventing the event, and can be easily explained after the event.

This code worked on Tuesday, November 21, with the assassination of Pierre Gamayel. Leading indicators say Israel was behind it.

Gone Fission--The description of this magnificent attack by God on the United States of American is encoded in the two shark stories published Friday, November 17.

Tyre/Tire--This code was established on 11/21 in direct association with the assassination of Lebanon Cabinet Minister Pierre Gemayel, documented in advance with the Osama Atama Kubi Dama code.

Bakatori No Zankoku Monogatari -- deep code for the Shark America countdown. The countdown has not yet been established.