Thursday, July 31, 2008

The $1,017 Billion Defeat

Pardon me, Boy, is that the God's Space War poo-poo? Yea, yea, it's the end of the line.

So, today we enter the Void of Homelessness again. I know this sea; I have sailed it many, many times before.

Two days ago this report mentioned an expected God's Space War action called "The Big Karma", with the sub-name "Flamenco Dancer"; this action to be God's response to the extreme Telepath-torture meted out to me by the flamenco dancer from whom I have rented a room for the past several months.

Yesterday's report opened in this way, "We have set up an ambush, and we are in a mood to unleash it."

The report went on to say that some famous American somewhere would die for the flamenco dancer's sin of torture.

I pointed out that Tim Russert had died for American journalism's sins of Telepath torture, and as proof reminded my Dear Readers that I documented Russert's death in advance here in this work.

The Big Karma-Flamenco Dancer code began "working" yesterday; and this morning at about 3 a.m. the flamenco dancer's car was towed home after it had broken down on the freeway.

This would be taken as just a coincidence by the Telepath torturers but we who understand what is going on know the old God's Space War maxim, "Coincidence is the Rockets' Red Glare of God's Space War".

The Telepath-harassing flamenco dancer was not hurt, but it was a harassing event coming as she is exhausted from moving and cleaning the house in order to get her deposit back...and to me a message, reminding me God is taking care of the terrible injustice of my torture-enslavement.

I.C. News has quietly established the core code of this The Big Karma-Flamenco Dancer attack. That code is "Void". A search of this work would not turn up the use of that word ever in the past.

It was used in the second paragraph today's report in this way: So, today we enter the Void of Homelessness again.

As long term Dear Readers might know, this work off and on refers to the writings of the great Japanese swordsman of the 17th Century, Miyamoto Musashi, entitled "The Book of Five Rings".

This book, written as he lived in a cave in his old age, discusses the art of swordsmanship as applied to individual combat and to the mass combat of armies.

The Five Rings are five lessons, and the fifth ring, the most difficult to understand unless you transport your mind to the battlefield, is called by Musashi, "The Void".

Musashi explains it this way: "What is called the spirit of the void is where there is nothing. It is not included in man's knowledge. Of course the void is nothingness. By knowing things that exist, you can know that which does not exist. That is the void."

Musashi goes on to describe the Void as "Bewilderment".

This language may be obscure to most Dear Readers, but condensing it, it means to attack the enemy at the void of the enemy's ignorance, from a position not included in the enemy's knowledge.

It further cautions the developing swordsman to be aware of his being ignorant of some things, and understand that attacks will come at him from that zone.

I am using the code word Void at this time because the God's Space War attack America is about to experience will come through its ignorance.

There might be a tendency to think such events as Pearl Harbor and 911 came out of the Void because they were surprise attacks.

No, they did not attack through America's void of ignorance, but rather through America's inability to apply its knowledge.

Barely competent intelligence work could have prevented both events.

No, the attack from the Void that is coming is from an area of which America has absolutely no knowledge and not even an expectation that it exists.

I have described, for example, the God's Space Sailors' capability to go back and forth in Time and to attack yesterday or the day before or last year, and so on.

This would be an example of an Attack from the Void; but the area of America's ignorance is so vast, the area of existence America knows nothing at all about is so vast, that the coming Attack From the Void could from a near-infinite number of areas.

Where's it coming from? Where's the gun? What used to be a joke is no longer fun.

With that thought in mind I.C. News unplugs from the Internet today and enters into the Void of Homelessness. I may be back soon, or it might take longer, but America grows weaker as I grow stronger.

Until then, remember this: a kiss is just a kiss but a nuclear explosion is something else; and George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The $1,016 Billion Defeat


Another bout of America-contrived homelessness begins tomorrow. I plan to file a report tomorrow, then it is off into the Void for me, round and round he goes, and where he stops no one knows.

If one looks at it the right way, homelessness is a key to adventure, a journey into the unknown, into risk, into potential pleasant surprises--which is what adventure is.

I like adventure. I like looking a bear in the eye and feeling, not fear, no, awe at the beauty of the bear. I have done that once close-up and it was marvelous. The bear was quite telepathic.

When God gives us duties, God prepares us for what we must, let me rephrase that...for what we are honored to do.

I was born to write The Obituary of the World, and God could see ten thousand years ago how wicked and cruel America would be to me. God understands the nature of the beast, Man.

So, when in 1967 that cowardly organization of men and women in uniform, US Naval Intelligence, attacked me, God had prepared me for that attack my whole life through.

Why would US Naval Intelligence attack me? I suggest is the nature of the secret pig beast to attack the innocent and the helpless; just as it is the nature of the public police pig beast of torture prisoners and create false charges.

This is true in every nation on this Earth. Give a human being power over another human being and sadism and injustice will result.

When God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy in about 1971, God gave me the gift of helplessness.

In fact, of course, I was helpless before, helpless to defend my home and my woman in Tokyo from the American secret pig beast, and helpless before the ever-growing government pig swarming of my life when I returned to the States.

But there is no fighting secret government pigs, who have endless numbers and endless time and endless petty meanness, and no checks on their power...on paper perhaps...but in reality, no.

The American secret pigs could and did with government-blessed impunity contrive to get me, a 27-year-old American wire service journalist in Tokyo, murdered by the Japanese radical left--and face absolutely no condemnation for it.

The reason they tried to get me murdered? No reason, other than I had caught the eye of the beast.

Once when I was a little boy, maybe 3, I wandered into the corral of a bull, and suddenly there I was in a staring contest with the bull, the bull ten yards in front of me, the fence and safety ten yards behind me. Fortunately my grandfather came along and saved the bull from me.

It was much that way with the government beast and I. Suddenly there it was, the beast bent on trampling my life.

I was accused by the naval intelligence beast of being a violent revolutionary, I think because I spoke against the Vietnam War over gin and tonics with friends at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan.

That was it, and from my exercising of free speech came 40 years of government pig attacks.

Where secret government pigs go, the Constitution of the United States of America does not go with them.

So what did the gift of audible mental telepathy do that was good for me when it made me helpless before the American people?

It gave me a big target, a torturer I could see and fight, and it taught me as George Orwell had tried to teach us in Animal Farm, in the end you can't tell the pigs from the people.

This had been my argument with God when I first learned of God's plan to rip the American people to shreds, that the pigs and the people are different.

I said the old saw to God, the government is bad but the people are good.

God had always said I loved America too much, and that gift of audible mental telepathy allowed America to prove that to me. America proved to me, Dear Reader, that America is not love-worthy.

So, when I suddenly appeared on the news events stage as a man gone strangely audibly telepathic I was attempting to introduce what I called
"The 28-Day Peace Plan".

It was a plan not just to open a way to end the Vietnam war several years and 20-30 thousand American and untold hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese deaths before it ended, but also a plan to bring peace to American families, who were so ruptured in those days, and also a plan for individual peace, peace in the hearts and minds of individual people.

That was my "crime", Dear Reader; that is the reason the American people have tortured and enslaved me for over 35 years.

How dare I? What ego! First the son of a bitch talks against war, then he tries to stop it.

I have to admit, God was right. Not only is the American government bad, but the American people are bad, too.

Look, everybody! A helpless man, a telepathic man, how easy it is for us to have total power over easy it is for us to make his life miserable!

The joy of torture is America's greatest joy, concealed within the gingerbread of rationalization, but joy nonetheless.

I have seen the glassy eyed joy of torture in thousands of American eyes.

It is not my duty or responsibility to psychoanalyze the psycho-fascist American volunteer torturers. We God's Space Sailors deal with Good and Evil, not health and sickness.

A child murder is evil; and if he has the flu he is sick.

I understand that the rationalization for the torturing me by Americans comes down to the...what?...creepiness of my audible mental telepathy, that somehow I am invading their space.

I can dig that; but here is the evil thing: they force me to be in their space.

Were that not the case I would have found a way to live and work in peace and freedom and be raising my children by 1975. I would have found my telepathic range and I would have found a place to live out of telepathic earshot...a ranch in Montana perhaps, or in a cabin deep in the wilderness; where I could have polished my natural, telepathic gift of finding children lost in forests.

I could have done great good with my gift of audible mental telepathy. We would be living in a different world today.

There are many directions this story could have gone, but each time a fork in the road came along, one road to happiness for the Telepath and the other for pain for the Telepath, the American people voted with false coughs to inflicted pain.

What if another fork in the road had been taken? What if, when I documented two weeks in advance Squeaky Fromme's pathetic attempt so assassinate President Ford, NBC had not kept the story to itself?

Ronald Reagan would not have been shot. The 911 attack would have been foiled because my credentials would have been solid and my warnings heeded, all that growing out of the NBC lie, and the supporting lies of all journalism.

Think about that when you allow yourself to know I documented NBC's Tim Russert's death in advance. It is in the achieves. He died on June 13, and I started talking about it about four days before.

NBC is guilty of a huge crime when it comes to the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

Now the American people are in a hell of a jam, being sodomized by Big Money, and being demonstrably evil in the Eyes of God.

As far as they are down the Road to Hell, still to this day the Americans torture me with glee; and bend over and spread their cheeks for Big Money.

The American people took glee in killing my children--ah, not allowing them to be born, a fine legal point here on Earth but not in Heaven--and took glee in driving me out of home after home after home.

If you be the son of God come down from that cross, the mocking Jews said to Jesus.

If you be God's One True Telepath come down from that cross, the mocking Americans say.

Same, same; 2,000 years of Christianity and not an inch of growth.

Everything else in America's arsenal of rationalization--the criminal charges against me kept secret from me, the argument that people around me have the right to torture me if they do not like me or my telepathy--all melt before the basic fact that Americans love to torture me.

That, Dear Reader, is a most serious and telling crime in the Eyes of God. I know America thinks it is a damn funny joke; but I value God's Opinion more.

So, off I go on another adventure into homelessness. What do I leave behind? I have been renting a little room in a house where almost all who come here tortured me as if they had every right in the universe to do so, to torture me because that is what is done to God's One True Telepath in the United States of America.

And sure, I am leaving one frying pan of a home and looking for another home which will almost certainly be another frying pan if the past indicates the future, but God has something up God's sleeve for me and there is pleasurable anticipation in that; and in the mean time I will be in my car, a zero torture zone, driving along, listening to music on the radio. I love to drive long distances. I would drive to South America if there were a road.

What I will be looking for as I travel is a way to live on $499 a month, my Social Security pension, or find additional income, and within that search I have a "Rich Plan" and a "Poor Plan".

The two plans are actually quite similar in that they involve doing things I like to do--like going to sea and hiking wilderness trails...and writing the Word of God as I know it; that is, writing what you are reading right now, The Obituary of the World.

In the Poor Plan I live on a little sailboat. In the Rich Plan I live on a big sailboat. In the Poor Plan I hike the trails of the Olympic Peninsula. In the Rich Plan I hike the trails of the Siberian wilderness.

The writing in both cases would be the same, because this Earth dies before the sun sets on 2064 whether I am rich or poor.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The $1,015 Billion Defeat

We have set up an ambush, and we are in a mood to unleash it.

How interesting it is that the psycho-fascist Americans want the Telepath to hate them. It's a stupid thing to intentionally create hatred of one's self, even if it seems that hatred cannot bite them.

Thousands of Americans have been bitten to death by that intentionally created hatred.

If all goes well I will turn 69 on August 13, yet the psycho-fascist American people drive me into homelessness yet again on July 31. What fun it must be for them, to be willing to pay with their Souls for that pleasure.

I.C. News has not documented an event in advance since its advance documentation of Tim Russert's death well over a month ago.

This is because we have shut down that part of I.C. News' coverage, which includes I.C. News' phenomenal record of documenting earthquakes in advance, hence we missed the LA quake.

We miss the action. We miss the thrill of Time Travel. Sure, we have stopped covering that story because we can't cover it in peace and freedom, but we miss it nonetheless.

There wafts toward us smoke from another fire. That is, another famous psycho-fascist American is about to bite the dust.

Saying that alone does not document the death in advance because famous psycho-fascist Americans die off at a normal attrition rate.

No, to document this death in advance we must establish an identifier code, as we did in our advance documentation of Tim Russert's death.

The approaching death event is code-named, "The Big Karma", a sub-code being, "Flamenco Dancer".

The Americans have never gotten away with their torture-enslavement of me, God's One True telepath. There are thousands of Americans dead because of it.

They think they have gotten away with it because God's response to it is so indirect.

If it were the case that those individual psycho-fascist Americans who torture me were immediately or soon thereafter punished for their crimes of torture and enslavement, the torture-enslavement of me would have ended decades ago; and the Americans would have pretended all these subsequent decades to be a good and decent people.

It is the deliciousness of torture of an apparently helpless person that stimulates psycho-fascist America's torture of me. America is a nation of rapists of the Soul.

It is so rare that the actual torturer is punished that the fact that punishment is taking place remains lost to the Americans, even though I have documented scores of examples in advance.

This punishing one or more distant Americans for the torture of one or more nearby Americans may be very well illustrated in The Big Karma-Flamenco Dancer event; because the torture of me by the flamenco dancer from whom I have rented a room for some months has been so vicious and so sadistic that she has triggered a karmic retaliation.

For me to see the karmic payback, and then report it to you, it must be a national or international news event because I will leave California in a couple days, and I could not know if the flamenco dancer herself paid the karmic bill she has rung up--unless it somehow made the national and international news.

Christians are fond of saying Jesus died for their sins, and now in that tradition one or more psycho-fascist Americans will die for the psycho-fascist flamenco dancer's torture-sins.

This action-reaction has been going on since America established its torture-enslavement of me over 35 years ago.

While I would prefer to see the cost of the psycho-fascist flamenco dancer's cruel torture come back to her personally, that almost certainly will not be the case.

No, someone else will pay for her sins, like Tim Russert paid for journalism's group sin of Telepath torture-enslavement.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The $1,014 Billion Defeat

I.C. News leads the world on a number of news stories.

One of them, first offered well before the 9/11 attack took place, is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Consider, at the time I.C. News first presented this story George W. Bush had not yet committed his stupid and fascist crime of invading Iraq, nor had he yet sat on his ass while New Orleans was destroyed.

All George W. Bush had done by that point was openly take billions of dollars from the American people and give it to Big Money; and, of course, plot the overthrow of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Seven years ago it was less obvious than it is today that George W. Bush will destroy the world, but just as true.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Th $1,013 Billion Defeat

There is a story going around I must caution you against, even though you might think it could lead to the American government coming clean about the "UFO" phenomenon.

The American government never comes clean about anything.

The story is the venerable Apollo moonwalker Dr. Edgar Mitchell's saying not only that the "UFO" is real, but that the real story dovetails nicely with the general impression of the "UFO" researchers and believers.

Explaining that the government had to lie about the "UFO" from about 1948 to the present because it did not know if the "UFO" was hostile, and it wanted to keep its knowledge from the Soviet Union, Dr. Mitchell went on to say the Roswell incident is true and the aliens look like the common concept of them, big head, big eyes, little mouth, no ears.

The interesting part of Dr. Mitchell's story is not that this Earth is being visited--because this Earth has been visited for nearly 60,000 years--but that the details of this allegedly real version of this story match the myth of this story so perfectly, and the myth is so inaccurate.

The old government lie about the "UFO" not existing is failing after 60 wasted years when we could have been getting to know the "UFO"; but instead of coming clean about it now, and tell the "UFO" story as it really is now, the government is looking for another lie to tell.

When the old lie wears out, buy another lie.

The structure of the perfect new "UFO" lie is already in place, the whole body of "UFO" research and myth.

Like George W. Bush pretending to be a Christian to get the Christian vote, the government's new lie about the "UFO" pretends to support the "UFO" cult.

This indicates to me that Dr. Mitchell is taking part in the intentional planting of a false story, whether or not he knows it.

Why? Because the true "UFO" story is so much bigger and so different from the "UFO" myth that the government does not feel the American people are up to knowing the truth about it.

Basically, that is why the government has taken control over just about everything, because it does not think its employer, the American people, are not up to the truth of just about everything beyond the birds and the bees, and nine to five.

And besides, if the government were to tell the American people the truth about the "UFO" it would have to admit the "UFO" loathes the government of the United States of America.

No, better false space stories for the American people, cute stories of little green. sterile men who will love and amuse the American people; than true space stories of great space sailors who hate and kill the American people.

This lie would not be fine even if government people were all good and better than you and I, and ordained by the Constitution to protect us from truth; but they are not, they are as slimy as most Americans and more than some.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take you eye off that ball.

It is interesting how the enslavement of me by the American people predated their own enslavement by Big Money. Truly I am a good core sample.

American fascism loves precedent. If it has been done before it is the law. Now the American people have determined, in a way, the rules of their own enslavement by Big Money, by the rules they established in their torture-enslavement of me.

The American people have legalized Big Money's torture-enslavement of them by the precedents they set in their torture-enslavement of me.

I don't mean from God's point of view, God had the American people figured out long before the Battle of the Little Big Horn, but from the point of view of precedent-using Big Money.

Big Money has learned how to enslave you all. Before now you were to Big Money nought but sheep to be shorn again and again and again; now big money owns the means of existence of the sheep, therefore Big Money owns the existence of the sheep. Bingo! Serfdom.

If the metaphor is too murky; Big Money plans to enslave all American people below a certain level of wealth...a very high level of wealth.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

There is still no one on the political stage who is talking of the world as it really is, how dire this Earth's situation is. Better the people not know about this, McCain and Obama seem to agree, the people are not up to it.

So the presidential campaigning goes on as if the human race were in a 200-hundred year-long problem-solving situation.

No, there are not 200 years left to solve the problem, there are not even 20 years left.

No, by 2020 every human being on this Earth will know without a doubt that the human race is irrecoverably going extinct by 2045.

Then the Doom's Day Party begins. Wars of hatred, wars of revenge, wars of blame, wars upon wars as all humankind goes insane.

Big Money knows this today, it has all the scientists, politicians, preachers and popes money can buy at its disposal; but it sees profit in the disaster, so it puts its shoulder into the development of the disaster.

Big Money's final solution to the environmental problem is the same as Hitler's final solution of the Jewish problem, mass murder, but this time in the billions, not just the millions.

You, Dear Reader, whatever your race or your religion, are the "Jew" of Republican American Fascism today, unless you have several million dollars in liquid assets.

That is, Big Money's plan to save the world is its applying its final solution to the overpopulation problem; and of course, saving the world for Big Money itself, and a beautiful world for Big Money it would be, the world having been scoured clean of the poor, Africa vacant, India vacant, Central and South America vacant; the entrepreneur is in its Heaven and all is right with the world.

Though this is a rich man's happiness dream, this plan of Republican American Fascism and other forms of fascism around the world will not work.

All the Big Money schemers are going to accomplish is getting their Souls damned by God and their throats slit by humankind.

Speaking of the damned, George W. Bush will destroy the world. Do not take your eye off that ball.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The $1,012 Billion Defeat

As we approach encroaching homelessness, the status America has enjoyed putting me into since at least 1967, I note there is always the same feeling just before each time I go from home to homeless, like the world is flat and we will sail off the edge when we reach Homeless Day.

Of course the world is not flat, and we sail on.

In the No-Justice-For-Me-But-Poetic-Justice Department, I find it interesting that the American people, who just love driving me out of any home I establish, are experiencing the same thing, being driven out of their homes due to the wickedness and guile of Big Money.

I see a karmic balance being sought out. I see the Hand of God in the act of writing on the wall of that news.

I see many millions of Americans loosing their homes to the wickedness and guile of Big Money, just as their own wickedness and guile destroyed my homes.

Poetic Justice is the only justice I have in the United States of America.

With all that, wouldn't it be a surprise if I turned out to be strong enough to defeat the psycho-fascist United States of America?

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Do not take your eye off that ball.

I hear the psycho-fascist Americans are preparing a big attack on me, an attack on my character and my mind, an attack which will be spearheaded by a media blitzkrieg.

How does one prepare?

First, one sets up an ambush.

Friday, July 25, 2008

The $1,011 Billion Defeat

I feel it is necessary sometimes to remind psycho-fascist America it is not I who is so important, but what America has done to me that is so very important.

What America has done to me for over 35 years is pure, unadulterated evil; and God watched every minute of it.

What psycho-fascist America has done to me is a core sample of what psycho-fascist America has done to the world, a microcosm of the macrocosm; and it offers a true analysis of psycho-fascist America all the way through.

We God's Space Sailors call my little part in the Great Arrival of God, "The Litmus Paper Ambush".

It amazes me that psycho-fascist American Christians missed the very essence of God's litmus test of them on this Judgment Day, now over 35 years long.

And it flabbergasts me that psycho-fascist American Christians don't know God found them not to be Christians at all--members in a Jesus Club, yes, but not true followers of Jesus.

How can we tell? We know them by their works; and in particular their works against the Litmus Paper, against the core sampler, against God's One True Telepath; and their works were totally unchristian against me.

The thing about you Christians and you Jews is you don't expect God to mean what God says.

You can't Jew God down. God gives you ten big laws of gold, and you break them down to a couple hundred shekels of clay.

"What you do to the least of mine, you do to me." Do you Christians think Jesus was joking when he said that?

And along comes me, Virgil Kret, the least of all Christians, not allowed into Christian churches unless I agree to be tortured by the congregation.

Only Black churches are an exception to that.

I know what it is among American Christians, they don't think me worthy, they don't think God would ever choose a knave like me; therefore God's gift to me must be a curse of me by God; yes, Stupid Christians, like God was cursing Jesus when God put Jesus on that cross.

As already stated, you will know God better when you come to know God the Poet.

Look for the Art of God when you read God's writing on the wall of the news. See it as a drama written by a thousand Shakespeares, and Time the paper it is written on.

I also feel I should note today that I never said, except with psycho-fascist America's gun to my head, that my commission from God is anything but to write The Obituary of the World, a kind of living autopsy into why this Earth died in late December, 2064.

...and it keeps coming back to psycho-fascist America.

The odd thing is, God likes me very much. I am one damn good soldier in God's war against evil in all its forms--in all its forms, America, even in the form of America.

Yet the Christians, who claim to be so close to God that they alone will be taken to Heaven, and humankind will exist in a Hell beneath them, despise me.

Yes, I find that odd, that God and the Christians should have such hugely different opinions of me.

If you want to be a Christian you have to be Christ-like. Christians hate it when I say that. It makes being Christian difficult. They want to be little lambs in Jesus' arms, lambs that will kill at the drop of a hat.

The entire Judeo-Christian communication from God is designed to end War in all its forms, and that design put forth by God is followed by neither the Jews nor the Christians.

The reason you Jews don't see what happens to you as a result of your not following the design God gave you in the Ten Commandments--your cycles of destruction and death--is because you are so vain you don't think God's Laws apply to you.

Thou shalt not steal does not mean thou shalt not steal from other Jews, as the Jews warped that design to be. The result is they are the piranhas of the world, plundering all but Jews.

The way to peace is to plunder no one at all.

The Commandments God gave to the Jews through Moses were tailored for the Jews, they fit the bill of the Jews, they went straight to the flaws of the Jews; stop being so covetous, it causes people to hate you; stop killing people, it causes people to kill you back; and so on through the ten.

Had the Jews begun living by the Ten Commandments as they were stated when they were stated, their example of civilization would have been a marvel to the ancient world, and the light of that example would have brought Peace to this Earth 2,000 years ago.

The Jews blew it.

In the view of I.C. News, the Jews have not had true contact with God since their turned their back on the Ten Commandments.

Therefore all the contact with God claimed in the Old Testament of the Bible to have taken place after that point in Time is self-serving folk history and mythology.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The $1,010 Billion Defeat

There is nothing sweeter than a battlefield when the battle is done, and the dead are there stiller than the stones, and you are not one of them.

It's like walking on the Fragility of Life, feeling bullet proof, magic dancer who can dance through the shrapnel.

(Pardon me, Boy, is that the God's Space War poo-poo? Yea, yea, it's the end of the line.)

But it is no use coming through the battle alive if you do not fight the battle, otherwise you are left with but the scum of yourself.

Daddy, what did you do in the war? I cowered behind a stone.

And what did you do in the great war against Republican American Fascism when it tried to take everything you had? I hid my mind in front of the TV, and I hung my courage in the closet for a less dangerous day.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

It was with a sigh of relief that I saw the news Senator Barack Obama has left Israel alive.

I.C. News' purpose in documenting events in advance is to help prevent those events, to change history for the better; or rather prevent history from being changed for the worse.

Assassination always changes history for the worse.

I make this suggestion: I could have written about Israel's intent to murder Senator Obama in deeply encoded form, and when it was done and he was as dead as a mackerel on an Israeli beach, I could have deciphered the code and said, "See, I told you so".

Better to say it straight, "Watch out!" than let that Israeli bus run over that American man.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

An example of an encoded advance documentation was the case with Tim Russert's death. You may recall two advance codes, "Blackout" and 'Famous Person's Death'.

So what happened on Friday, June 13? First a blackout in Washington Deceit and then the famous TV personality dies in Washington Deceit.

That's pretty good advance documentation, folks; but it was in code Why was it in code? Because American journalism is at war with me; and Senator Obama is not.

Now let's juxtapose I.C. News' warning to Senator Obama, open and straightforward. with Russert's warning of danger, cloaked in code.

I don't know if this is interesting to you or not, but it is damned interesting to me. It is like the stroke of an artist's brush; pure God, pure Do Unto Others, those two advance documents being together one stroke of the brush.

You will understand God a lot better if you understand God is a Poet.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The $1,009 Billion Defeat


We are speaking here of the death of this Earth in less than 50 years. I don't think there is anything more important going on.

In the three ring circus of the human race, this is the center ring.

At this point the spirit of humankind's suicide, Mephistopheles--like the disguised Republican American Fascist Senator Joe Lieberman whispering into the ears of the powerful and ignorant--is whispering into the ears of all the powerful, stupid men who misrule this Earth.

"Power, power; money, money; pussy, pussy."

And the beat goes on, the consumers' drummers' beat that sets the pace of humankind's blind march toward extinction.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

"We are a nation of consumers, and there is nothing wrong with that," says a Discover Card ad on the Internet.

There is everything wrong with that.

Someplace between 1945 and 1957 Americans stopped being citizens and started being consumers. It became their function in life, their patriotic duty, to consume.

Today America needs more citizens and fewer consumers.

Buy less, think more, you Americans.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

Like a snake, mouth open wide and attempting to swallow a soccer ball,
Americans are consuming the world--leading to the death of the snake-America, of course, because snake-America cannot digest that ball.

Looking for a Japan story with which to begin my telling for the Japanese the true story of the founding of Japan by Tatoo-Amaterasu, God's Space Sailor extraordinary.

Probably most important to begin with would be "The Fuji Sama Story".

I first reached a point of understanding I was being spoken to--I call it my Helen Keller Moment--on January 1, 1963.

I had been spoken to for a long time before that, but that was the day the light turned on.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

It was the New Year holiday and a chum from UCLA days, a Japanese-American, had invited me down to Fukuoka for the New Year celebration in the home of his parents.

During the night of the New Year, December 31-January 1, I dreamed of Mt. Fuji; and the first thing my friend's mother said to me when I went down to breakfast was, "It is good luck to dream of Mt. Fuji on New Year's Night."

Ding. A speck of light; I knew to be happening what I had thought for some time was happening. I was being taught to read the Writing on the Wall of Life.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

When I was spoken to again a few months later, the conversation went this way: "We are going to let you write it." "Write what?" "The Obituary of the World."

That was in 1963. Flash forward to March 5, 1966, and a short time before that sad day.

I had left Japan in 1964, worked my way on a Norwegian freighter to Europe and done the young man's tour of England, Germany, France and Italy.

I had returned to the USA, and as usual found no spot for me. From at least the age of 15 I had had high blood pressure, and I could not pass physicals for jobs, and almost all jobs for college grads those days required physicals; nor could I join the military or the merchant marine, both of which tried.

So, after kicking that dead horse called American Opportunity much too long, I hopped another Norwegian freighter, got back to Japan, was offered my old job at the Mainichi Daily News, and took it with great happiness.

Then the fly in the ointment, a spoonful of tar in the barrel of honey, as the Russians say, I could not stay in Japan to work because I had entered as a merchant seaman and could not change my visa status unless I applied from another country.

So I worked the deck and stood the wheel watch on that beautiful Norwegian ship, loving every moment of it, from Japan to Australia to South Africa, and then the long 35-day haul to the East Coast of the USA.

I applied for and got a proper visa, flew back to Japan; and it was about February, 1966--and Fuji appeared in a dream again, this time in the form of my editor, nicknamed "Fuji".

Nothing special to the dream, Fuji was just bringing me work, news stories written in English by Japanese reporters, my job being to clean up any mistakes in language.

Then, on March 5, 1966, I was riding the commuter train from Kobe, where I lived, to Osaka, where I worked at the Mainichi, and I looked at a commercial jet just taking off and had the strangest, most unusual feeling it was about to crash.

No, it did not crash; but when I got to the newspaper office my editor, Fuji, told me of the crash of the BOAC plane into Mt. Fuji, killing 124 people.

The news had broken when I was on that commuter train.

Greek to you, perhaps, perhaps not, but to me, it was like a puzzle suddenly coming together. I knew that BOAC crash into Mt. Fuji was a very important event; and I knew I had been talked to about it for over three years before it took place.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

When you understand that one reason I went to Japan was to go to God's School of Life, consider that Fuji Sama story to be my first lesson, my "Dick and Jane" book's first page. One lesson, over three years long.

If the Japanese were allowed by the United States of America to read my work in freedom and in truthful knowledge of what America has done to me and what I have accomplished, that would be the first story I would tell them as I began the story of Tatoo-Amaterasu.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The $1,007 Billion Defeat

Let's turn our attention today to Japan, that God-beloved country that saved my Soul from American single-mindedness.

Even God's Space Sailors gotta go to school; and Japan was one of mine.

The course of study: How to become less the American Lizard and more the Japanese Sun Rise.

Do you understand that the Spiritual Body the United States of America is like that of a Giant Lizard; murderous and ruthless and bound for extinction?

America is the Godzilla of this Earth.

Since about the time this battle took off in earnest; when I documented in advance so beautifully Israel's pre-meditated murder of Reuters' Palestinian cameraman, Fadel Shana...since then, our minds here at I.C. News have been too focused elsewhere to continue in quality our God's Space Sailor version of the Japanese myth of their creation.

Also, of course, Sweet Muse the teller of Tatoo's story and is now in this battle with an ear or two hanging from her belt already; and she won't want to talk about Tatoo or anything else these days; she'll only talk about war.

How can I say it? Sweet Muse gets deeply, intensely into war.

According to the God's Space Sailor version of the Japanese myth of their creation, somewhere around 700 BC God's Space Sailors rescued a tribe of people on the verge extinction, from an "Impossible Pocket", as they--God's Space Sailors--refer to it.

They took this small tribe of about 40 people to their Great Ship Peacemaker, which circles the Sun in the same orbit with Earth, but on the far side of the Sun almost all the time, making it undetectable from Earth.

From there the Peacemakers' smaller ships are sent out.

This rescued tribe lived aboard Great Ship Peacemaker for some 40 years, and about 660 BC they were returned to Earth and set down at Ama-no-Hashidate (Bridge to Heaven) on the island of Honshu, Japan.

The Japanese myth says it was the Sun Goddess Amaterasu who did this. We say the same thing in a slightly different way. We say we God's Space Sailors did it, we saved the Japanese, and we made the Japanese Japanese.

We say Japan's ancient Sun Goddess Amaterasu was and is one of us; she is the God's Space Sailor we call Tatoo.

This Japan story has been a background story in this work since at least early in the year, when we ran the Art of Space War novella trilogy; "Tea", "The Not-Forgetting Society", and "Retreat", and then began adding the fourth novella, "Tatoo".

I'm sorry I can't repeat the whole story today, but the novellas are in the achieves of this work if you care to read them.

All this said today (Tuesday) is preamble to our re-entering the story of Amaterasu/Tatoo where it is today, July 22.

Unless bigger news is breaking, we will turn our backs on the United Satans of America's story now, and return to telling the Origin of the Japanese Race story tomorrow.

Meanwhile, remember, George W. Bush will destroy the world. Don't take your eye off that ball.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The $1,007 Billion Defeat

Come, let us talk as we walk down this old man's beach, of laughter and of tears and childhood fears, things now out of reach. Let us talk of snow and ice upon the deck; let us talk of foreign creatures swimming around the wreck.

I thought today I would tell you something of the states of the Souls of Tim Russert and Tony Snow.

You see, Dear Reader, The "Flames of Hell" are the Firestorm of Remorse you damned come upon in the Land of the Dead, not a fire pit God dug for you; it is you, it is you, who dug the pit, and therein lies the Eternal Remorse of your Souls.

You murder this Earth and so as a result you exist as specks of pain floating in the Void after this Earth has exploded. That, Dear Reader, is where you come upon the Firestorm of Remorse.

Tim Russert's Soul is so full of remorse the flames of his Hell are very thick, and it's hot enough to fry an egg on top his cement dense head.

Out East someplace they are going to name a highway after Tim Russert, but they might as well call it The Highway to Hell.

Don't believe me? You will see what I mean. Because of Remorse, you damned rapidly enter so much pain, too much pain to function. At that point, you are nought but pain; no other awareness can enter you.

God did not do this to you; you do it to yourselves. You have murdered this Earth; and you accidentally damned your own Souls for it; and you will spend eternity in the Firestorm of Remorse for having done it.

That's what this has all been about; Jesus, Moses, Mohamed, Krishna, yes, and my buddy the Buddha, too, and thousands and thousands more. The whole effort, the nearly 60 thousand years God's Space Sailors have been here have been directed at preventing your Firestorm of Remorse Doom.

And what have God's Space Sailors been doing for those nearly 60 thousand years?

They have been trying to bend the straight-line track to Doom upon which the human ("Bu Man" in God's Space Sailor lingo) are traveling.

We always knew the human being was bound for the Firestorm of Remorse; it was that obvious nearly 60 thousand years ago.

Remember this, a kiss is just a kiss--and Tim Russert's death was a kiss--but a nuclear explosion is something else.

I am talking about the Physics of Hell here, and I am leading up to explaining that in that part of Hell where the Firestorm of Remorse burns. there is a certain Unity of Purpose among the damned Souls at this time, that being to get the hell out of there well before this Earth explodes in about 2065.

What will take place stemming from that Unity of Purpose will be a kind of spiritual volcano of the Souls of the Remorseful Damned, the souls of the dead suddenly raining themselves down on the Souls of the living like lava, stone and ash.

Why are they in such pain that they make of themselves a subatomic nuclear explosion? Remorse, remorse, remorse, remorse.

(Pardon me, Boy, is that the God's Space war poo-poo. Yea, yea, it's the end of the line.)

What is Tim Russert's Remorse? In his view now, he understands he bore false witness against a fellow journalist, and he knows that fellow journalist documented his death in advance, and he knows he died for that sin of false witness.

Had he covered the Telepath Story rather than helping keep me in a torture chamber...well, he knows...he knows...he knows he is damned because he betrayed his craft when he betrayed the one audibly telepathic human being in history.

In Dante's Inferno terms, Tim Russert is in the Ninth Circle of Hell, the worst circle of the nine circles; which Dante in his wisdom reserved for Traitors.

God did not do this to Tim Russert. Tim Russert did it to himself.

(The Boys and I were teaching Birds to fly, and the Girls were dancing on a Fable.)

Emancipation and compensation of me, that would be the two best things the Americans could do to save their Souls from the Firestorm of Remorse at this time.

Remember, in the Hell through the portals of which you have already blundered you are Satan's Torture Cow, you belong to Satan now, to be tortured and be tortured and be tortured and plundered.

And that brings me to Tony Snow, who resides in another part of Hell, that reserved for the Followers of False Creeds, in his case the Church of Big Money.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The $1,006 Billion Defeat


Saturday, July 19, 2008

The $1,005 Billion Defeat


Friday, July 18, 2008

The $1,004 Billion Defeat


First, the big question upon which millions of lives depend, including yours:

Do you believe the current ruse being perpetrated by Israeli Victim Fascism and Republican American Fascism?

It sounds just fine, doesn't it? The warmonger George W. Bush suddenly wants to sit down and talk with Iran, leaving his trance-like worship of Israel for an enlightened road to peace with the nation Republican American Fascist propaganda has been for seven years prepping the American people to go to war against?

The leopard has changed its spots! The straw man has a brain! It's's's like Pixie Dust is in the air.

Snap out of it, and see how this game is played.

I don't know who advised Senator Barack Obama to put his campaign for the votes of the American people on pause and go flying about the world, but whoever did talked him into death.

Today's God's Space War code is "December 6", indicating the United States of America is on the edge of a massive betrayal.

The code's reference is to the day before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

I.C. News is tracking two news stories today, Israel's plan to murder Senator Barack Obama next week, and the extraterrestrial, Mars-related event encoded as "Foreign Creatures Swimming Around the Wreck".

On July 14, 15 and 16, I.C. News reported there is a 98% certainty the Israelis will murder Senator Barack Obama during his scheduled visit to Israel on July 23 and 24.

Israel's plan is still active; and the Israelis are now preparing the scene to frame Muslims for the crime.

This plan is known to the upper echelon of Republican American Fascism, and both Israel and its stooge ally, the United States of America, are already planning military "reprisals" after the shocking murder of Obama by the heathen Muslims.

Meanwhile, back on Mars, God's Space Sailors are preparing a demonstration that will shiver America's timbers.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The $1,003 Billion Defeat

Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin


George W. Bush will destroy the world.

An now, Dear Reader, today I.C. News will complete its advance documentation of an astounding extraterrestrial event begun when we were still covering God's Space War against the United States of America.

We encode the event today as, "Foreign Creatures Swimming Around the Wreck".

This event is expected not only prove indelibly the reality of extraterrestrial contact with this Earth, but also prove the extraterrestrial mystery factor is at war with the United States of America.

About a week ago, I.C. News set aside its God's Space War coverage until I.C. News is allowed to compete openly and fairly in the media marketplace, and we are not establishing new evidence in that area.

However, prior to that cutoff I.C. News had reported extensively on an event it expects to take place on Mars in connection the NASA's Phoenix research craft now on Mars, and that event is coming into play now.

Having begun that demonstration I.C. News will see it through.

That expected event centered on God's Space Sailors doing something astounding within camera range of the Phoenix.

A day or two after the cutoff, on Saturday, July 12, I.C. News' report included these paragraphs:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"Come, let us talk as we walk down this old man's beach, of laughter and of tears, of childhood fears, things now out of reach. Let us talk of snow and ice upon the deck. Let us talk of foreign creatures swimming around the wreck.

"And what's this? That most charming spokesperson for Republican American Fascism, Tony Snow, has died of the cancer he fought so bravely. Pity.

"Hmmm? ...snow and ice upon the deck... If I were still reporting God's Space War, I would tell my Dear Readers to look for "Ice" to go next; and if Ice goes, then sure to follow will be foreign creatures swimming around the wreck."

I had been expecting July 15 to be a pivotal date relative to my battle against America's torture-enslavement of me, but the 15th seemed to pass with no news on that score; then yesterday, July 16, the news broke that NASA had discovered clear signs of Mars once having had water in abundance, including an area of ice, apparently not at the poles, roughly the size of Texas.

I suggest that Texas-size field of ice is the "ice upon the deck" we were looking for, and the "foreign creatures swimming around the wreck" will soon follow.

Let's look again at the key paragraph:

"Hmmm? ...snow and ice upon the deck... If I were still reporting God's Space War, I would tell my Dear Readers to look for "Ice" to go next; and if Ice goes, then sure to follow will be foreign creatures swimming around the wreck."

I have explained in the past that the "foreign creatures" in that oft-repeated "Come, let us talk as we walk..." opening paragraph in these reports are extraterrestrials.

Now here is something very interesting, that July 12 report also contained the anecdote of how the rats were taking over the abandoned Mainichi newspaper building in Tokyo when I was the last to leave after ending UPI's final shift in that building, and that anecdote seems to have considerable importance in connection with this approaching extraterrestrial event.

I say this because the local locals at the supermarket were exceptionally mean and rat-like yesterday, and very smug about something, relishing their torture of me even more than usual.

Perhaps their smugness came from my disappointment in not having seen the expected July 15 pivotal event; or perhaps they know of some additional cruelty America has in store for me. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Telepath Torturers?

This elevated rat-ness in American behavior toward me continued at the Grass Valley, California, 76 station where I took my car to be "smogged", and one of the two reasons it allegedly failed the smog test was an alleged leak in my radiator.

This seemed to be just another case of a dishonest mechanic attempting to gouge a sucker by conning me into having my radiator repaired at $85 an hour, since there has been no leak in the five years I have owned the car, and besides, the radiator has nothing to do with the smog test.

So, just as in the anecdote of the rats taking over the old Mainichi building as I closed down the old UPI bureau the night UPI changed to its new bureau in the new Mainichi building, so too the American rats are coming out as I am forced to change the location of I.C. News yet again.

What you should understand is this legalized American wickedness, this rat-ness, this Telepath Torture, is taking place on Judgment Day. It is just that Judgment Day, thus far, is some 40 years long.

This is to say, some Grass Valley, California, Americans lost their souls yesterday.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The $1,002 Billion Defeat








George W. Bush will destroy the world.

To be critical of American Big Money in the United States of America is like calling the Pope a sodomite in the Vatican.

The American people are constantly sodomized by American Big Money, and the American people constantly say, "Oooo, that feels good".

American Big Money is sacred in America; American Big Money is holier than Jesus in America.

The reason American Big Money does not work to the benefit of America is that its underlying principle, tactic and purpose is theft.

American Big Money is pro-profit only, and it is only pro-American democracy in that Washington allows it to profit through the buying and selling of Congress and the Presidency, and by extension the Supreme Court.

The American economy is collapsing now because American Big Money has stolen just about everything there is to steal from it.

There has been much patriotism talk in the United States of America since Republican American Fascism stole the White House in 2000.

It is peculiar that this patriotism talk centers on the pettily symbolic, such as don't call French fries French fries because we are mad at France; or Senator Barack Obama's not wearing a little tin flag in his lapel indicates lack of patriotism; blah, blah, blah.

(This tin flag hoopla reminds me of something that happened when I went to India in March of 1971, my plan being to cover the India-Pakistan war that was just about to break out.

(One day I was in a public square in New Delhi after the war had broken begun, and patriotic fervor was running thick, fast and deep, the Indians being a very excitable people.

(A young woman walked up to me and offered me a tin flag of India to wear in my lapel, and I thanked her very politely and said I was neutral in that conflict.

(The young woman then walked over to a nearby policeman and said to him while pointing at me, "That man refuses to wear a flag!"; and almost immediately an angry mob began to form, so I walked away and left the scene, probably avoiding a lynching.

(I thought to myself, if these brown people are the type to lynch my white ass as over a tin flag. how dangerous will covering the front be for me? That influenced my decision not to cover Indian-Pakistani combat.

(When the big tin flag hoopla broke out around Obama, I thought how much like India America has become, with homeless people starving in the streets, having become America's untouchable cast, and outrage over a tin flag.)

But, and here is the big butt that destroys the United States of America, the American people, with their quasi-religious patriotism and finger-pointing at those they say are not patriotic enough, do not notice American Big Money is not patriotic at all.

American Big Money is not patriotic. If it were, it would not be robbing the American people blind during a time of war, during a war it created for profit-taking.

It does not occur to the patriotic American people to notice the untold billions of dollars American Big Money has scammed off the stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, or the shoddy goods and services American Big Money delivers in return for outrageous profits made on the deaths of tens of thousands of people, including American people.

A while back I heard a Republican American Fascist snake

A while back I heard a Republican American Fascist snake oil TV propagandist lamenting that American movies and movie stars are not as patriotic now as during World War Two.

Well, different rhymes for different times; then America was with the world in its fight against fascism; now America is the fascism the world must defend itself against.

Sure, the movies were far, far more patriotic during World War Two, but so was American Big Money.

American Big Money now blatantly rips off the American people's war budget at a level that would have sent Big Money to the gallows during World War Two.

American Big Money has never been America's friend; it has manipulated and robbed the American people from the earliest days of the development of the economics of the country.

From the start, American Big Money has been a thief with job openings--sometimes--offering that teat to suck upon while robbing the American people via the gift of graft from The Bank of Congress.

Now, so accustomed to working against the welfare of the American people, American Big Money claims a constitutional license to rip off America and any other country it can for astounding profits in myriad ways, and anyone who proposes taxing the exorbitant, boundless swag of American Big Money is called a leftist, today's variation of "Pinko Commie Bastard".

Take a look at the Constitution of the United States of America; American Big Money has no standing there.

We are told that taxing American Big Money will destroy American Big Money's incentive to create new jobs.

What we are not told is that American Big Money has no interest at all in creating new American jobs, has no interest at all in the freedoms and health and comfort of the America people except for the profiteering opportunities they offer.

American Big Money would rather employ the less costly workers of China and India and other labor markets around the world than employ American workers--until American workers are willing to work for rice and tea.

American Big Money would rather keep the American people for sodomization purposes, to get their asses so sore they will want to fight the world.

American Big Money is a parasite; the American people are the body it occupies; American Big Money will not stop until it devours the body.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The $1001 Billion Defeat







George W. Bush will destroy the world.

As you consider today's report, consider, too, the archaic concept, "contrapasso", the sin equals the punishment; sinning is its own hell as it destroys the very life of the sinner; but for the word "sin" let's substitute the word "error"; and if we do that it all begins to make sense.

Today is July 15, long awaited as a pivotal date in my fight against the torture-enslavement of me by the United States of America.

I scan the news looking for a pivotal event.

Certainly, like anyone who is not a child I can see the collapsing of America taking place like a slow-motion film of a large building being professionally imploded.

Certainly, I see America's money turning to crap in its wallet; I see the Constitution of the United States of America being turned into Big Money's toilet paper; and I see the utter disintegration of Reason in the American people.

Contrapasso, the sin equals the punishment. But for America's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq gas would be cheaper, banks would not be failing, the now dead warriors would be home fathering children, and this would be a good time to fall in love.

But those are chickens coming home to roost for American sins--errors--other than America's torture-enslavement of me.

What I am looking for today is the Telepath-Torture Chicken coming home to roost.

(Like a promise promised long, long ago.)

In the context of my looking for that chicken to come clucking in, my Old Pal God has asked me to expand on my reference of two days ago to the Ninth Circle of Hell as depicted in that 14th Century Italian classic of literature, Dante's Divine Comedy.

I think the reason for this is that after the Ninth Circle was visited by the story teller, the story teller escaped Hell and entered Purgatory, and later entered Paradise.

I know this request will lead to the impacting of Time Travel on America, the snake over 200 years long being attacked by God in the past, the present, and the future simultaneously, but when I mention that I am putting the cart-load of Hell before the horse that pulls it.

You may recall I noted--or you may already have known--that the Italian poet Dante Alighieri wrote himself into his work and became one of the two main characters of Dante's Inferno, the other being the Roman poet, Virgil, who predated Jesus by a few decades.

Likewise, I, the American poet-journalist, Virgil, have written myself into the story of 20th- 21st Century America's descent into Hell.

As the 14th Century story opens, Dante finds himself in a dark woods, having lost his way, and the Soul of Virgil comes to him and guides him through the Nine Circles of Hell.

As I said above, the story then goes on through Purgatory and Paradise, but you psycho-fascist Americans are not yet--if ever you will be--out of the Ninth Circle of Hell.

The pivotal point I am expecting today has me escaping America's torture-enslavement of me, "like a bat out of Hell", but if that is happening it is not being reported in the news.

(We know, you and I, from long experience, that everything important that happens in a day is not in the news of the day.)

We are saying that at this time the United States of America tactically is in the Ninth Circle of Hell; tactically both in its foolish and fascist Middle Eastern misadventure and in its stupid and psycho-fascist torture-enslavement of me.

Two days ago, in my report called The $999 Billion Defeat, I explained that Dante was shown the Ninth Circle of Hell by Virgil, and found it to be a frozen-solid lake of ice where the Souls of the worst sinners of all, depending on the severity of their sins, spent eternity trapped in the ice; from the waist down for lesser sins, to from the top of their heads down for the greatest sins.

This is Dante's metaphor, not mine, but it fits very well the state of America and the American people today.

And who were the worst, most punished sinners in Dante's vision of Hell? Traitors. Traitors of country, traitors of friends, traitors of various kinds.

The suggestion here is both America's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq and its foolish and psycho-fascist enslavement of me are forms of betrayal, betrayal against of the Constitution of the United States of America, and betrayal against honesty and justice, and betrayal against international rules of law which America had not only agreed to but helped to establish.

I understand that you psycho-fascist Americans do not consider your torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath, to be a traitorous act; but God does, and God's opinion is what counts in this story.

If you have a complaint about this (and if you do not now you will soon) I suggest you go to Jerusalem and get down on your knees before the Jesus of the modern Jews, Sigmund Freud; and perhaps Freud can psychoanalyze God and cure God of God's ungodly prohibition of killing, torturing, false witness and coveting what belongs to others.

In your false witness-based psycho-fascist torture of me you have declared your allegiance to the Liar, a false god you have placed before God; the Liar who, coincidentally, is also frozen in the ice of Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell, i.e., Satan.

God tells you not to bear false witness. Satan tells you to bear false witness. You bear false witness against God's One True Telepath. Who are you serving, God or Satan?

Returning to our Ninth Circle of Hell metaphor, instead of frozen water, consider frozen Time. Consider frozen Time some 35 years deep and getting deeper every day.

That is the Hell you telepath-torturers are now encased in.

Juxtapose the two: encased in Iraq with all the pain and woe that sin (error) is bringing you: and encased in Telepath Torture-Enslavement, with all the pain and woe you have unknowingly suffered and will suffer more for it.

(It is your not knowing that keeps you from pooping your pants right now.)

Both are the same sin; invade Iraq, enslave Virgil; both are the same error.

The media weasels tell you little tidbits about the pain and woe of the Iraq sin (error), but nothing about the pain and woe of the Telepath-Torture sin (error); but the pain and woe are there in both cases whether the media weasels report them or not.

Now, like Virgil talking to Dante, I am going to point out some of the Souls of traitorous, damned Americans encased in that frozen Time.

(By the way, as the ice continues to melt in Antarctica there will be revealed a remarkable discovery of an ancient, ancient civilization, but that's another story.)

Encased in this frozen block of Time some 35 years deep are the Souls of every American who has participated, participates or will participate in the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath; big shots, little shots, strangers, friends and family.

If you have ever participated in that sin (error) your Soul is frozen in that sin (error), and whatever else you have done or will do will not melt that ice.

This includes Telepath torturers still living, and this includes Telepath torturers now dead.

I once saw a Roman Catholic nun lose her soul right before my eyes as she lasciviously wagged her tongue at me on San Francisco street; one small incident in the Roman Catholic Church's massive persecution of me.

Certainly that wicked nun did not see the sin in her torturing me--nearly everyone in San Francisco was torturing me so why should she be any different?

Why indeed? Was she a bride of Jesus Christ; or was she a bride of Count Dracula?

To this day that nun, now old and damned or dead and damned, does not see her torture of me to have been sinful; just as most sinners of great sins to not consider themselves to be sinners.

(Telepath torture-enslavement is a great sin, Dear Reader, right up there with baby murder.)

Most modern baby murderers might cop to being mentally ill, thus saving themselves from the noose they so richly deserve, but few would consider themselves morally evil, sinners of great sins.

Part of the hell of Hell, is that the damned all think they were damned unjustly. This is a case of the dragon being unable to smell its own dragon breath.

Here is an excellent example.

I have told you--and I have told you from a position of clear knowledge and understanding--that George W. Bush lost his Soul with the death of the first child he murdered in Iraq, in the early hours of his cowardly and stupid invasion, that megalomaniac's "Shock and Awe".

George W. Bush cannot see that "collateral damage" as a damnable sin, he thinks a president of the United States of America has the right to murder, but damnable sin it was even if Bush kisses the rings of a thousand and one popes; and even if a thousand and one TV snake oil preachers quote a thousand and one scriptures to the contrary.

That "man" who sits conniving and plotting in the White House today is damned for child murder.

Why? Other than the fact it is not nice to burn babies alive? There are many reasons, perhaps the most important is he had countless other options, but he wanted to burn that baby alive?

No? He didn't? He knew that baby would be burned alive when those stupid smart bombs rained down--er, in American sanitized form--he knew there would be collateral damage; so the burning alive of that baby was an x-factor in his calculations prior to his stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.

It was worth it to George W. Bush to burn that baby alive (and countless others) to hang the Boogeyman of Iraq. This was stupid, evil thinking.

There is more to George W. Bush's sins, of course; his killing of tens of thousands of people, and, projected into the future, his killing of tens of millions of people, his betrayal of his oath of office, his betrayal of the Constitution of the United States of America, his betrayal of you, his betrayal of me--but that first murdered baby marked the Doom of his Soul and all the rest just adds to the chill of the ice of his Hell.

Thou Shalt Not Kill, Stupid, Thou Shalt Not Kill.

I know, that morally grotesquely ugly Condoleezza Rice likes to say I am simplistic, but I say to her, Thou Shalt Not Kill, Bitch, Thou Shalt Not Kill.

Had America chosen a way other than killing innocents to get Saddam Hussein out of power it would have accomplished that years ago; and America would not be frozen in the Ninth Circle of Hell, as it is today.

Oops, there goes another bank collapse.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The $1,000 Billion Defeat






George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Senator Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Israel and the occupied West Bank on July 22 and 23; and there is a 98% chance the Israelis will murder him while he is there.

Let's look at this a little today.

No matter how much Obama smooches Israel's ass, Israel and the Jews of America do not want a "Schvartzer" in the White House.

They want Senator John McCain there to continue the Israeli-American conquest of the world.

There is a tendency for the Israelis to relive biblical stories. It is the script they follow, and, through the Christian naivete of America, they expect and manipulate America to follow that script with them.

This is best seen by comparing the actions of the Israelites after the death of Moses, after "Joshua fit da battle of Jericho", with the actions of the Jews since Israel was founded on the homes and lands of the Palestinians in 1948.

The Jew's folk-historical claim, the Jew's biblical claim, is that God told the Israelites to commit genocide against those living in the Holy Land.

This is a falsehood. God told them not to kill.

These were the same Israelites who rejected ten out of ten of the Ten Commandments.

American Christians fully believe this mythological-biblical lie; but that's another story for which American Christians hate me to the core for telling.

When the Jews, at the death of the rights of the Palestinians, were given the Holy Land by a feeling-guilty Western world in 1948, they repeated their allegedly God-given right of genocide.

That is, they claimed and believed they had a God-given right to murder and expel all Palestinians from Palestine.

They believe that to this day.

This is not new information. It is simple, obvious history; and this genocide is at the core of Israel's detestation within the Middle East.

Israel has practiced genocide on the Palestinians since 1948. That is detestable.

American do not understand this because they only see the Israeli side of the story.

Said another way, the Israelis feel they have a God-given right to murder, further, the Jews feel that have a God-given right to murder anyone they want to murder.

They believe this to this day.

That leads us back to the point of today's report. The Israelis feel they have a God-given right to murder Senator Barack Obama.

You have perhaps heard the biblical-mythological story of Cain and Able. The Jews are about to run a variation of that story; McCain and Obama.

If Obama is stupid enough to go to Israel, the country that hates him more than any other nation in the world could possibly hate him, a country where deceit and betrayal and murder are as common as gefilte fish on Passover; well, Hell, he deserves the character assassination of him on the cover of the Jewish-dominated New Yorker magazine this week; and he will deserve the physical assassination he will meet up with in Israel.

Obama should not go to Israel. Give me good odds and I will bet $1,000 Obama will come home in a box.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The $999 Billion Defeat





George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Come, let us talk as we walk down this old man's beach...

There are but three things I have done in my life that I regret.

Two of them were the same thing. Twice I came upon baby birds that had fallen out of their nests, and they begged me for help but I left them there. These things happened over 40 years ago, and they still gnaw at me.

You should understand. I am not like you. I could understood the chicks and they could understood me. It was like God had sent them help, but the helper would not help.

The third one is a bit more complicated, and I know many Dear Readers will be disappointed in my telling of this shameful act on my part, because they have been told I am a great sinner and my audible mental telepathy is punishment by God and not a gift from God.

Perhaps they think I sodomized a poodle bitch and threw a baby into a campfire; why else would they have tortured me incessantly for over 35 years?

The third thing I am really ashamed of is going to piss them off because to them it would not be shameful to do the same thing.

This shameful thing took place in late 1967 or early 1968, when the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan was hosting a gala night for wounded Grunts from a nearby military hospital.

Wounded by hot shrapnel and biting bullets.

The reason it was so shameful was that I should have behaved better because I had been to Vietnam and had been baptized in the same baptismal font of fire as they, and had seen enough dead and wounded American Grunts to have known the score, to have known my higher duty lie with the wounded Grunt I met, a comrade from the same battlefield.

Each member of the club was assigned sponsorship of one wounded American warrior.

As a sponsor, I was to pay for the food and drink of the wounded Grunt assigned to me, who, as random choice would have it, was a Black soldier.

We ate a good meal, watched a good strip show, and drank quite a bit of hard liquor, and in the course of our conversation the wounded Black Grunt asked me: "Where's the joint factory around here?"

For those of you not hip to the lingo of the Sixties, he was asking me where he could get a joint, a doobie, or as the squares would say, a marijuana cigarette.

Now, of all the foreign correspondents in that room I was one of the few who had a joint factory, and more...and more...and more, I had a joint in the inside breast pocket of my suit coat right there at the table.

There it was again, the bird fallen out of its nest and in trouble asking me to relieve its pain; and I could have slipped him that joint and he could have smoked it later; but I said, "No, there's not much pot in Tokyo".

Sure, to be sure, if the wounded Black Grunt had revealed where he got the joint it could have cost me my job, and possibly even ended me up in a Japanese prison, but I still feel bad about not having taken a chance on that wounded Black man.

That little walk down memory lane completed, you now knowing the worst of my sins but still believing the Big Lie told about me, I find myself in a similar situation today.

That is, I have really needed help to offer the USA, but I am holding it back.

I speak, of course, of news of God's Space War, which I.C. News no longer carries.

At I.C. News, the most important story of the day is the surprise volcano eruption in the Aleutians, which is not a God's Space War story but the ultimate reason God is making war on Israel and its stooge, the USA.

This Earth will die of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions by 2065.

In the not so distant future volcano eruptions will be a common as stupidity and lies coming out of the mouth of George W. Bush.

Being out of touch with the reading habits of you moderns, I cannot assume people these days know the reference in today's opening headline, "TACTICALLY, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS IN THE NINTH CIRCLE OF HELL".

The reference is to the Ninth Circle of Hell in Dante's Inferno, the deepest most terrible part of the Hell Dante described, where the damned are forever frozen in a lake of ice.

Very loosely, much of this work, The Obituary of the World, is modeled after Dante Alighieri's 14th Century Italian masterpiece the Divine Comedy.

I am particularly fond of Dante's work, notably the first and most famous of the Divine Comedy's three books, The Inferno.

This is perhaps because in the Inferno, the Italian poet, Dante, is guided through the nine circles of Hell by the Roman poet, Virgil; and here I am, the American poet-journalist, Virgil, showing the American people the Hell to which they go.

(Those of you who seek to understand God might do well to consider God the Poet, but that's another story.)

Each of the nine circles of Hell Virgil guided Dante through was populated by different kinds of sinners; on your left you see the suicides, on your right the blasphemers; you get the idea.

Each circle was worse than the circle before it, and the Ninth Circle was the worst of all.

It is important to note that there, in the Ninth Circle, were damned the traitors, and the souls of all traitors were frozen in a lake of ice, from the waist down to the tip of the head down, depending on the degree of their treason.

So too did the American people commit treason against the Constitution of the United States of America in their torture-enslavement of me; hence it is to that Circle of Hell they go.

And what do we see when we look at the condition and status of the American people today? We see the American people frozen in bad politics and bad policy, doomed to suffer collapse and defeat and disintegration, all because of treason against the Constitution of the United States of America by the Republican American Fascists as well as treason by the government pigs and media weasels and all elected to high office, and by the American people.

George Washington would stand George W. Bush up against a wall and unleash a firing squad on him.

War is Hell; and the Republican American Fascists have sent the American people into a pit of Perpetual War...and even though the vast percentage of the American people loath this policy they are frozen into it; they are damned to it, and there is nothing they can do about it.

And it will get worse before January 20, 2009, Inauguration Day, when George W. Bush is scheduled to leave office. The key word here is "scheduled" because the Republican American Fascist choo-choo train to Hell sets its own schedule, has its own agenda for the future, and what is scheduled by American law might not be the schedule of the Republican American Fascists.

What the Republican American Fascists have accomplished is like that game with dominoes children love to play, in which as many dominoes as they can gather are set on edge so that if one domino is knocked over they all tumble in a delightful patten.

The way the Republican American Fascists have it set up is that all of which America is and what America once stood for, is tumbling in that way.

To be tumbled away, and you can see it if you have the courage to look, is the Constitution of the United States of America.

The rights Americans had, rights won with Blood and Reason, are today made of flimsy paper; gone, gone, gone, with only the fiction-shadow of their existence remaining.

I do not know why the Democrats failed the American people so fully.

The American people had given them a mandate to stop the Republican American Fascist monster's coup; but instead they bowed to fascism.

Were they afraid of death? Did they coward-out? Tough Titty; patriots regret having the chance to die but once for their country.

You could hear the nation's heart drop with a thud when that silly woman Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, said the impeachment of George W. Bush was off the table.

The American people wanted George W. Bush impeached; the America people wanted Bush tarred and feathered and run out of Washington Deceit on a rail; the American people wanted to see their democracy fight back against Republican American Fascist tyranny...and then...and then...and then they learned, Nancy Pelosi is George W. Bush's bitch.

I don't know why the Democrats turned and ran when the going got tough. No guts, no glory, traitors to the core of America's democracy; but because of the cowardice of the Democrats, now and possibly from now on, every American citizen's fate is enslavement and perpetual war.

I don't know why the media kissed the ass of George W. Bush; and I don't know why it cowed from the world "fascists" and used the pansy pseudonym "neo-cons".

There were two underlying things I learned about American journalism before I was blacklisted from it: it serves its master dutifully, and "freedom of press" applies to the owners of the press, not the pay-check journalists.

I have known and known of many American journalists who would brave machinegun fire to get a story, but not one who would risk his or her job over the issue of that story being distorted and turned into propaganda by editors along the way.

To be willing to risk one's life but not risk one's job, what a sorry commentary. There are fewer balls in American journalism than there are in a henhouse.

Here I go again, slipping back into my coverage of God's Space War. I am like an old horse who knows the road and clippity-clops along it; I suppose this is because I know how hard God is about to hit American journalism.

Looking at our Time Map, our Battle Map, we see we are almost upon July 15, and if memory serves that is a pivotal date, one which tells us here at I.C. News what we will be doing in August.

Homeless in August? That seems to be the story; but there was a promise to the contrary promised long, long ago. We shall see what we shall see.

It is ironic, really, that the American people are now frozen in the Ninth Circle of Hell, damned to be slaves of fascism until the human race goes extinct in about 2045.

Ironic in that in so many ways their future is a mirror image of what they did to me, God's One True Telepath.

They enslave me, and they think it funny; and now they are being enslaved by Big Money.

Do Unto Others, Stupid, Do Unto Others.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The $888 Billion Defeat





George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Come, let us talk as we walk down this old man's beach, of laughter and of tears, of childhood fears, things now out of reach. Let us talk of snow and ice upon the deck. Let us talk of foreign creatures swimming around the wreck.

And what's this? That most charming spokesperson for Republican American Fascism, Tony Snow, has died of the cancer he fought so bravely. Pity.

Hmmm? ...snow and ice upon the deck... If I were still reporting God's Space War, I would tell my Dear Readers to look for "Ice" to go next; and if Ice goes, then sure to follow will be foreign creatures swimming around the wreck.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

It is not easy closing down one's office, it puts a strange smell in the air; call it, "The Essence of Melancholy".

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Homelessness, America's favorite punishment of me for being the only audible mental telepath in human history, seems to be just a few weeks away; but, and this is that big butt that will sit on America and squish the wickedness out of it, my Old Pal God and those foreign creatures swimming around the wreck might get more involved.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

It does not matter, my having to leave this place; it is rife with torture. I am surrounded by nice, unblemished singers and dancers and musicians; cute as buttons and mean as snakes.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

America is rife with torture no matter where I go. I look to God for permission to go to another country. I need the permission because the soldier does not leave the battlefield without it; and America is my battlefield.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

God's Space War continues. Even though I am not reporting it I can't help but follow it for the love of the game. God's war on psycho-fascist America is better than ten Super Bowl Sunday's in a row. I am glued to my telepathic TV screen and I'm sitting on the edge of my seat.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The USA is behind the Eight Ball. It is about to experience "Shock and Loss", in response to its evil "Shock and Awe".

I wonder to myself, there must be something not done that I might yet do to help my Dear Readers save their lives and their Souls.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

There must be a warning for me to ring out, a last gasp last chance to prevent that terrible end of humankind I have seen so many many many times.

I have seen that painful extinction of the human race in 2045 more times than I have seen "Gone With the Wind".

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Some few years before America enslaved me something happened that is metaphorically analogous to what is happening at this time.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

I was working for United Press International in Tokyo, and the UPI bureau was in the Mainichi newspaper building; but the Mainichi organization had built a new building, and for UPI the changeover from old to new was taking place that night.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

As it turned out, I was working the night trick at UPI on that last day in the old bureau; and I was to close down the old bureau at 11 p.m. and the overnight man working in the new bureau a mile or two away would take over.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

So, I found myself to be the last human being working in the old Mainichi building, the Japanese having already moved out.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

So, as usual, I performed my chores, monitoring Chinese, North Vietnamese news services, and handling all UPI copy from Burma to Hong Kong and Seoul, looking for local stories on the Japanese wire and in the Japanese newspapers, trying to make sense of the atmospherically garbled stories riding radio waves from Vietnam, putting the jumble they were into coherent form, and at 11 p.m., on the dot, the new UPI bureau in the new Mainichi building took over, and I closed down the old bureau.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

As I left the old building, walking down long, dark halls and descending dark staircases, I became aware that something alive was taking over the building.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Ghosts? No such luck. Rats.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Hundreds, thousands of rats were everywhere, in all the old offices and in the old press room, talking among themselves in high pitched rat lingo I did not understand, claiming ownership of the building soon to be demolished.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The rats would be king for a time.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

I realized as I walked along those dark halls that if for any reason I should become incapacitated, if I should break a leg tripping over a rat, for example, (and they were scampering all around me), the rats would eat me alive.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

I had worked in that building for some time, and I had never seen a single rat, even when often leaving at 11 p.m. when all the offices were vacant.

The rats knew this night was different. The rats knew there were no men returning.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Now that the human being had left the building, the rats ruled.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Since humanity left the White House in 2000, the rats have ruled.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Tatoo, Part 44

The $698 Billion Defeat




Jews Jaws Five Up

Shark America Five Down

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (44)

Today's code is "193rd Day, Last Year"

We have tacked hard-a-lee and our sails are momentarily slack, the wind not being sure which way we want it to take us.

That is, we have left the story of God's Space War, having changed course to another story, but that new story has not grabbed hold yet.

Changing horses in the middle of a stream; changing courses in the middle of a dream.

Yesterday Sweet Muse suggested I approach the Damnation Story.

For some reason that is my least popular story, and yet I see it as one of my best, Dante's Inferno to the Tenth Power.

To begin to tell that story; first to say what one would expect me to say if one knows my work; the Christian concept of Hell is stupid. It is the result of the Roman Catholic Church attempting to control the European mind with fear for hundreds of years.

The falsehood of Hell was a part of the big Roman Catholic false belief that the Protestant Reformation did not reform.

What does my experience of being a torture-slave of American Christianity since 1972 tell me? It tells me I can lead a Christian to thought but I cannot make a Christian think.

So, if we are going to talk about Damnation at all, let's bypass the stupid concept of Hell that holds sway in Christianity.

Long ago, in the early Seventies, when I was being tortured by a psych tech, he said I had been "rejected". The implication was that I was not being tortured constantly, I was being rejected constantly.

Psychiatry, it always calls the sow's ear of itself a silk purse. Like one of the fascist US Supreme Court Justices who recently said torture is not cruel and unusual punishment--not punishment at all--because punishment requires conviction by a court of law. Psychiatry says we are not torturing you, we are rejecting you. Same convoluted bullshit.

To understand The Damnation Story you need to understand the world as it is, Nature as she is.


A friend of mine, a cat, once had kittens and she kept removing one of the kittens from her nest, and I kept putting the kitten back. Finally that cat told me to mind my own goddamn business, that there was a reason she was rejecting that kitten.

You Christians, who see yourselves as God's kittens in a basket, should bear this analogy in mind.

The Damnation Story has been around for roughly 87 thousand years, since we God's Space Sailors first came upon what we call the "Earth Situation".

We are not dummies, Dear Reader; yes, you can catch one of us God's Space Sailors and torture us silly, but we knew way back then--87 thousand years ago--that the human race would kill this Earth.

What did you know 87 thousand years ago? Sex feels good and meat tastes better cooked.

(Pardon me, Boy, is that the God's Space War poo-poo? Yea, yea, it's the end of the lie.)

In this work there is the general truism that there is no such thing as death; that the Soul continues.

In this work there is also the general truism that this Earth will be dead by 2065.

When we talk about damnation here at I.C. News we refer to the state of the Souls of all human beings--Souls incapable of death--were this planet to be dead and exploded as we God's Space Sailors project.

Let's look at this as a space story, which in fact is what it is.

Say Spaceship Earth is metaphorically Her Majesty's Ship Titanic; and all aboard her who get off her alive (but for the lucky ones in lifeboats) are cast into the freezing North Atlantic.

Expanding on that metaphor, when Spaceship Earth explodes all Souls aboard are cast into freezing Space.

This is what Sweet Muse was referring to yesterday when she asked me to tell you The Damnation Story.

All this work, all that I have said, done and written since I returned out of love for God to deceitful America in 1969, has been focused on the sure death of this Earth by 2065, and the gradual breaking up of this Earth down to her parts and her pieces--her frozen rose petals and her frozen tropical beaches will all combine to become a glittering asteroid belt around the Sun.

Ok. Sad enough and bad enough, but what happens to the immortal Human Souls who are a part of that asteroid belt?

Going back to our analogy of the HMS Titanic; the doomed died frozen in the cold, cold sea; but doomed Human Souls adrift in Space cannot die their way out of their hopeless situation. That will be Hell.

That is The Damnation Story in a nut shell. Hell is not a pit God dug for bad human beings, as Christians believe, but a pit the human being dug for itself when it murdered this Earth.

Naturally, if we follow the HMS Titanic metaphor we have to ask, Where are the lifeboats, where are the rescuers? That's another story.

Does God rescue the good and leave the bad to their Fate? And who are the good and who are the bad? And what makes you think so?

I am suggesting to you that in regard to the approaching death of this Earth, all religions are false religions, all gods are false gods.

Were Christianity a true faith, it would have rolled up its sleeves by now and would be as a unified entity bringing peace and salvation to this Earth. That is, there would be millions of Jimmy Carters.

I am not saying Jesus Christ is not true, I am saying Christianity is not true.

So, I will tell you The Damnation Story as if there were to be no rescue; as if Christians and Jews and Hindus and Buddhists and all the others are doomed to end up as frozen, miserable flotsam, little specks of pain on a shiny asteroid belt encircling the Sun.

Irony of Ironies, I was an intended rescuer.

Tatoo, Part 4

Close to hopeless, Isn't it? Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here. Dante's Inferno to the Tenth Power.

To be Continued

Meanwhile, the United States of America, about to sacrifice its existence in support Israel's Victim Fascism, passed through the 193rd day of its last year.