Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The $43 Billion Defeat (2)

It seems to me damnation is an excellent subject for this very spooky Halloween, with the alleged "President" of the United States of America damned for child murder and so many Americans following him into Hell.

The spooky reality on this Halloween is that America's torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history, is a damnable crime.

In terms of damnation, in a totally impossible scenario, were 100% of all American citizens to die in one day, at least 50% would be damned for America's torture-enslavement of me.

Dismiss this if you like, but I will explain this whether you like it or not.

First, great numbers of people committing the same sin does not de-sin the sin.

Second, voting a sin not to be a sin, even if all the Catholics and all the Protestants are united in the vote, does not de-sin the sin.

I am saying here, Dear Reader, that America's torture-enslavement of me since I became audibly telepathic is a sin despite the apparent universal Christian agreement that it is not a sin.

To take this a natural step further, America's torture-enslavement of me since I became audibly telepathic is a felony in terms of constitutional law. Even if 100% of the American people were to agree that I should have the constitutional rights of a laboratory animal, it would be illegal.

That said, let's look to the damnation so many now-dead Americans have suffered, and so many millions more will suffer when they die unless they recant.

When you look at damnation you have to look at the cost of the crime. There is no metaphysical game in which deathbed confessions eradicate lifetime evils. That is a Christian fantasy.

To keep this concept simple, any human being in the history of the human race who murdered a child lost his soul. There is no, "The King told me to do it", "The Devil told me to do it", "My dick told me to do it"; it is an indelible tattoo on the soul.

Not only is the murder of a child in itself a profound evil, and a child's murder a cause of life-long sorrow of those who loved the child; but there is another concept to be considered.

When a child is murdered, also murdered with that child are all the children that child would have had, all the grandchildren, and so on, an ascending wave of murder going on into the future; and lost to all the world are the loves they would have had and the things they would have achieved.

While every Christian priest and minister would in opposition to this view bang my head with a Bible until I died, as they virtually have done, the sin of the child-murderer is not removed by priestly absolution or by post-murder conversion to the convenient salvation of Christianity.

God is not stupid. You may allow baby murders to return to society because your fascist shrinks tell you they are cured; or because they serve all or part of their pitiful prison sentences, but God does not.

Most Americans can understand the damnation-worthiness of the murderer of a child, even though America's state religion, psychiatry, tells them child-murders are just sick, not evil.

Dear Reader, they are evil, they are evil, they are evil; and when you start hanging them rather than having them hanging around in nuthouses wearing pajamas and being waited on hand and foot by psych-techs who light their cigarettes, you will always have them, and they will multiply like evil rabbits.

Psychiatry, Dear Reader, is Satan's false religion.

Now let's apply what I have said about child-murder to America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.

The murder of my children took place when America cast me into its pit torture-enslavement. To be sure, my children were murdered before they were conceived, and that was a constant fun-factor among the Americans over decades, but it was also the genocide of my progeny; and the sin of murdering future generations applies just as it does to child-murder.

When God said, "Thou Shalt Not Kill", God was not making a suggestion; God was telling us the difference between human evolution and human extinction.

There were also critical reasons God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, and among those reasons was to warn some 35 years ago about the approaching death of this Earth; so now we have only some 60 years left before the death of this Earth, and we are still locked into planet-killing war and planet-killing economics, where we otherwise would have had 90 years to face the facts and save the planet.

And there is something else for which so many Americans have lost their souls, something which Americans are loathe to face. God loves me, and God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy out of love for me; and the Americans might just as well have been torturing a lion's cub right in front of the lion when they tortured me right in front of God.

I have just scratched the surface in this Halloween report of the seriousness of the America's sin in torturing and enslaving me, and here I stand at America's door saying, "Trick or Treat".

That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble,
But house or (before) hald,
To thole (endure) the winter's sleety dribble,
An cranreuch (hoar-frost) cauld!

Working Codes:

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter and has become the poker table at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, the duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder, about to be roasted by God; and has gone on further to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Army helicopter pilot in Iraq who lost both her legs as is now running for Congress as a Democratic in Illinois.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America.

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness.

PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire.

The $43 Billion Defeat


I am expecting a major Halloween event today. It's code is "PSPD", meaning "Public Salvation, Public Damnation", and it refers to the four firefighters killed in the Palm Springs area fire, who are encoded as "The Four Firemen of the Apocalypse".

The theme of this expected event is a demonstration of the states of the souls of the four firemen; good if they were innocent of knowledge of America's torture-enslavement of me, bad if they knew about it.

This is a variation of a reoccurring theme of Public Damnation, meaning advance-documented events which demonstrate the damnation of famous people. At this time they include Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Laura Bush. These have all been very strong demonstrations.

You should bear in mind that America's torture-enslavement of me is a damnable crime, and everyone with knowledge of it is a participant in it, and therefore everyone with knowledge of it is in danger of damnation.

The codes preceding this expected Halloween event are so interesting I plan to do the unusual and file two or more reports today.


In other very interesting news, our "Teal" code has expanded further to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Illinois Democratic candidate for Congress who lost both her legs while serving as an Army helicopter pilot in Iraq.

Teal has now gone to "Kamo-Negi", a Japanese phrase for a duck carrying its own onion, meaning here the damned soul of George W. Bush proudly wearing the cause of its damnation, child murder disguised as collateral damage; and now the code goes to Duckworth.

I do not know yet know the meaning of this Duckworth code, but since this Teal code pattern was established by God, and is directed at God's destruction of George W. Bush (expected a few days after the mid-term election) I will for now interpret it as meaning that in the eyes of God, George Wrong-Way Bush doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Recall, George W. Bush lost his soul with the death of the first child he murdered in his stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.

This brings us up to date at about 9:15 a.m. Pacific Time. I note again that these are fast-moving codes and I intend to expand today's report in coming hours.


Following is the sixth verse of our battle map poem, Robert Burns' "To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough", the Plowman being God and the United States of America being the Mouse

The second line of the verse, "Has cost thee mony a weary nibble", is featured today, almost certainly relating to the cost of the Palm Springs area fire.

Palm Springs has been a very important city in terms of God's Space War against the United States. It seems possible a pivotal event in God's defeat of the United States of America will take place there.

The importance of Palm Springs will be reviewed if there is time and reader interest; but one of the first events I documented in advance after America began its torture-enslavement of me was the death of a US Congressman on a Valentine's Eve, who crashed flying his own plane, to be with his wife, from Palm Springs to San Bernadino, possibly in the very location of this current fire.

That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble,
But house or (before) hald,
To thole (endure) the winter's sleety dribble,
An cranreuch (hoar-frost) cauld!

Working Codes:

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter and has become the poker table at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, the duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder, about to be roasted by God; and has gone on further to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Army helicopter pilot in Iraq who lost both her legs as is now running for Congress as a Democratic in Illinois.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America.

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness.

PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire.

Monday, October 30, 2006

The $42 Billion Defeat

This is a quiet news day at I.C. News; something is up but I haven't figured it out yet.

I have been asked by God to offer my expertise in the investigation into the cause of the fire near Palm Springs that killed four US Forest Service firefighters and left a fifth terribly burned.

Since it was God who gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy some 35 years ago, I can only assume it is God's intention to reveal yet another use for this gift.

So, I herewith offer my help, even though I can see no possibility of this offer being accepted. Let's see what happens.

Meanwhile, back at the stench which it America's torture-enslavement of me, we enter the sixth week of our eight-week documentation of God's Space War against the USA.

Following is the sixth verse of our battle map poem, Robert Burns' "To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough", the Plowman being God and the United States of America being the Mouse

The first line of the verse, "That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble", is featured today, almost certainly relating to the Palm Springs area fire.

Has cost thee mony a weary nibble!
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble,
But house or (before) hald,
To thole (endure) the winter's sleety dribble,
An cranreuch (hoar-frost) cauld!

Working Codes:

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter and has become the poker table at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, the duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder, about to be roasted by God.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America.

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The $41 Billion Defeat

We have a very interesting new code today, "Flash Point", and damn if it doesn't look good for me, and damn if it doesn't look bad for the American people.

So on this our day of rest before we enter into the sixth week of this eight-week proof of the existence of God's Space War against the United States of America, we approach the concept of flash point; and I direct your attention to two flash points in the future, one probable and one certain.

The Probable Flash Point is that point when the American people learn they are being punished by God for their torture-enslavement of me.

The Certain Flash Point is that point when the human race becomes aware of the rapidly approaching death of this Earth, this planet's now estimated to take place shortly before 2065.

This Flash Point code is very important, and I intend to approach it in some detail this coming week, when America's attention is focused on what very likely will be its last mid-term election prior to the destruction of American democracy by Republican American Fascism.

It is suggested that today I connect this Flash Point code to the story of my losing my battlefield cherry, which I published on October 21, in the report called "The $33 Billion Defeat"; and also connect the Flash Point code to the flash fire deaths of the US Forest Service firefighters, which I most reluctantly approached yesterday.

(If I don't approach such hard stories, if I let you think the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is milk and cookies, you will roast when the big fire hits, and you will roast if you are a participant in America's torture-enslavement of me.)

The quote I am asked to give you from my October 21 report is:

"So, naturally the sergeant and I hit the dirt behind the paddy dike, and as I lay there on my side curled up a with my right hand on my helmet waiting for whatever I was waiting for, the sergeant asked, "You ever been shot at before?"

" 'No,' I said, 'this is my first time.'

"Then the sergeant said, 'Wait until it comes over in sheets.' "

I was asked to tell you that story on 10/21 for a very important reason, that reason being to tell you the fire is going to be coming over in sheets.

You Americans have been torturing me for nearly 35 years; and you are accustomed to it and to you torturing me is natural fun; and your masters in the government and the media have hidden from you the cost to you of that torture, billions of dollars and well over ten thousand American lives.

The Flash Point code means the fire is going to come over in such horrible sheets that the American people will know in a flash, without having to be told and with no possibility of the masters keeping the knowledge from them, that they are in deadly fire, just as those firefighters who had fought fires for years, suddenly in a flash knew they were lost.

I say this to the American people: I know you love torturing and enslaving me, and I know you love your blissful ignorance of the crime of it and the cost of it, but you are going to be enveloped in the flame resulting from it, suddenly, and like those firemen on a hill, good guys, good fathers, good husbands, good sons, you will suddenly be out of reach of all help, and your cowards' courage and your smug self-righteousness, will sizzle down to your bones.

Just a warning, take it or leave it, but God is going to save me from you, and God is going to save this Earth from you.

Following is the sixth verse of our battle map poem, Robert Burns' "To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough", the Plowman being God and the United States of America being the Mouse.

That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble,
Has cost thee mony a weary nibble!
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble,
But house or (before) hald,
To thole (endure) the winter's sleety dribble,
An cranreuch (hoar-frost) cauld!

Working Codes:

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter and has become the poker table at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, the duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder, about to be roasted by God.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America.

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The $40 Billion Defeat

Today our fifth week of this eight-week attack pattern, God's attack on the United States of America resulting directly from America's torture-enslavement of me.

On the surface, it seems we have had no attacks since God crashed the damned Yankee's plane into a Manhattan building a couple weeks ago; but there was something that happened this week that bodes ill for America.

I hesitate to tell you about it because I don't think you have the stomach for it, yet it points to how evil America has been to me, and how harsh America will be punished for that evil, and I think you should know that.

I know American's do not understand that their torture-for-fun of me is evil, but we are talking about damnation here, mass damnation because that mass agreement to torture me is so evil.

So here is the dilemma I face; whether to tell you something you may not have the backbone to know, or not tell you and let that lesson be lost; so that more of you Americans, millions more of you Americans, will face the same agonizing fate.

The fire next time.

This is no small question here at I.C. News. To face this question I must look at my commission from God to write The Obituary of the World, and to write the death of this Earth as it is taking place, and to point out again and again why and how that death is taking place; and how the American people are such a criminal part of that death.

I am, therefore, not a popular fellow.

So, I must tell you this story knowing full well you may hate me for the telling whether you believe the story to be true or not; and, Dear Reader, this story is true.

To tell you this story I must tell you that many years ago I found a way to briefly escape from under the heel from America's constant torture of me. That way was to go into the wilderness for a month or more each summer.

Over time I became very skilled at the art of long duration backpacking, and would leave the city after eleven months of constant torture and return after a month or more, fit as a fiddle, to do God's work again in the face of private-citizen-torture.

After a time the government pigs became aware of this salvation I had found in the wilderness, and began following me into the wilderness to torture me there. Those chosen to do that, either as volunteers or under orders, were member of the US Forest Service.

Finally, the level of harassment and the level of threat on my life by the US Forest Service became so great I could not go on those long, beautiful retreats any longer, and my body grew weaker and my sadness grew greater, because I loved the wilderness so much and those hikes restored my health so fully.

I had planned this past summer to hike deep into the wilderness and on my 67th birthday climb to a particular pass I love so much, but immediately upon my arrival in the wilderness the US Forest Service torture of me was so great and so threatening that I decided to spend the summer in a motel room where indeed I would be tortured just as much, but where I would not be so easily murdered by the US Forest Service.

In the news these days is a huge fire near Palm Springs, California, and news of the great tragedy of five US Forest Service personnel being burned to death and a sixth lying in agony in a hospital with burns over 95 percent of his body, waiting to die or waiting to live a life of pain.

This, Dear Reader, is the same US Forest Service that tortured me out of the mountains, tortured me away from my most beautiful and intimate conversations with God that took place there, forced me to leave under constant torture and threat of death.

Therefore, Dear Reader, I see Ranger Rick in a different way than you. (You may perhaps remember my mentioning of Ranger Rick, somewhat out of context, in this work before that fire began.)

So, perhaps you can understand I see poetic justice at work in that fire and in that hellish death of five and burning of one US Forest Service people, and hate me though you might, I have no justice in America other than such poetic justice.

Those same US Forest Service people, had I attempted to backpack in their region, would have inflicted me with torture and threat of death, because that is the God-damned American way with me.

The community of Banning, now in mourning because those men lived there, would have tortured me had I attempted to live there; and the diner you see on TV where people express their sadness would have served me adulterated food, that being a favorite American diner practice.

Do you understand? The Forest Service personnel near Palm Springs, California, share responsibility in the torture of me by the Forest Service personnel near Sonora, California, just as do the Forest Service personnel near Bangor, Maine. This may not seem fair to you, but what is fair about America's torture-enslavement of me?

Do Unto Others, Stupid. You have heard this, but what you are going to learn is that God takes this very seriously.

So, let me throw some salt in that US Forest Service wound today. If those US Forest Service people knew of America's torture-enslavement of me; just knew of it but did not participate in it, the dead are already in Hell and the pitifully injured is on his way.

Hate me, Americans; I don't care, I don't like you all that much anyway; and I suppose that is what you wanted to create in your torture of me, immense dislike for you; a funny thing if I am helpless bur a horror if I am not.

Welcome to the horror.

Now let's see if I can establish a proof to what I have just said; and I know you Americans hate me for saying it; but you Americans are going to torture me whatever I say and whatever I do, so why not say it?

I am saying what you loathe to hear, Americans have been damned for over 30 years for America's torture-enslavement of me, and these US Forest Service people are among the latest Americans in Hell.

The news tells us the fire that killed five and horribly burned one was deliberately set; but the news lies a lot so I will wait and see the proof; but if this is true and the proof is reported in the news, let's see if the event fits into our encoding pattern for this week.

Meanwhile, back at the stench that is America, momentum builds toward this most acrimonious mid-term election; it is donkeys and elephants to you, rattlesnakes and cobras to me; and we have three more weeks in this current attack pattern, this proof of damnation of every unrepentant American who knows of America's torture-enslavement of me.

Unless something bigger breaks, I will return to the subject of Palm Springs, California, tomorrow, because the fire now burning is near Palm Springs, and Palm Springs is very important in the story of God's punishment of the United States of America..

Thou saw (sow) the fields laid bare an' waste,
An' weary winter comin fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell-
Till (To) crash! the cruel coulter past

working codes
Kakimashita--has become the poker table
Teal has gone to Kamo-Negi

The $40 Billion Defeat

Today our fifth week of this eight-week attack pattern, God's attack on the United States of America resulting directly from America's torture-enslavement of me.

On the surface, it seems we have had no attacks since God crashed the damned Yankee's plane into a Manhattan building a couple weeks ago; but there was something that happened this week that bodes ill for America.

I hesitate to tell you about it because I don't think you have the stomach for it, yet it points to how evil America has been to me, and how harsh America will be punished for that evil, and I think you should know that.

I know American's do not understand that their torture-for-fun of me is evil, but we are talking about damnation here, mass damnation because that mass agreement to torture me is so evil.

So here is the dilemma I face; whether to tell you something you may not have the backbone to know, or not tell you and let that lesson be lost; so that more of you Americans, millions more of you Americans, will face the same agonizing fate.

The fire next time.

This is no small question here at I.C. News. To face this question I must look at my commission from God to write The Obituary of the World, and to write the death of this Earth as it is taking place, and to point out again and again why and how that death is taking place; and how the American people are such a criminal part of that death.

I am, therefore, not a popular fellow.

So, I must tell you this story knowing full well you may hate me for the telling whether you believe the story to be true or not; and, Dear Reader, this story is true.

To tell you this story I must tell you that many years ago I found a way to briefly escape from under the heel from America's constant torture of me. That way was to go into the wilderness for a month or more each summer.

Over time I became very skilled at the art of long duration backpacking, and would leave the city after eleven months of constant torture and return after a month or more, fit as a fiddle, to do God's work again in the face of private-citizen-torture.

After a time the government pigs became aware of this salvation I had found in the wilderness, and began following me into the wilderness to torture me there. Those chosen to do that, either as volunteers or under orders, were member of the US Forest Service.

Finally, the level of harassment and the level of threat on my life by the US Forest Service became so great I could not go on those long, beautiful retreats any longer, and my body grew weaker and my sadness grew greater, because I loved the wilderness so much and those hikes restored my health so fully.

I had planned this past summer to hike deep into the wilderness and on my 67th birthday climb to a particular pass I love so much, but immediately upon my arrival in the wilderness the US Forest Service torture of me was so great and so threatening that I decided to spend the summer in a motel room where indeed I would be tortured just as much, but where I would not be so easily murdered by the US Forest Service.

In the news these days is a huge fire near Palm Springs, California, and news of the great tragedy of five US Forest Service personnel being burned to death and a sixth lying in agony in a hospital with burns over 95 percent of his body, waiting to die or waiting to live a life of pain.

This, Dear Reader, is the same US Forest Service that tortured me out of the mountains, tortured me away from my most beautiful and intimate conversations with God that took place there, forced me to leave under constant torture and threat of death.

Therefore, Dear Reader, I see Ranger Rick in a different way than you. (You may perhaps remember my mentioning of Ranger Rick, somewhat out of context, in this work before that fire began.)

So, perhaps you can understand I see poetic justice at work in that fire and in that hellish death of five and burning of one US Forest Service people, and hate me though you might, I have no justice in America other than such poetic justice.

Those same US Forest Service people, had I attempted to backpack in their region, would have inflicted me with torture and threat of death, because that is the God-damned American way with me.

The community of Banning, now in mourning because those men lived there, would have tortured me had I attempted to live there; and the diner you see on TV where people express their sadness would have served me adulterated food, that being a favorite American diner practice.

Do you understand? The Forest Service personnel near Palm Springs, California, share responsibility in the torture of me by the Forest Service personnel near Sonora, California, just as do the Forest Service personnel near Bangor, Maine. This may not seem fair to you, but what is fair about America's torture-enslavement of me?

Do Unto Others, Stupid. You have heard this, but what you are going to learn is that God takes this very seriously.

So, let me throw some salt in that US Forest Service wound today. If those US Forest Service people knew of America's torture-enslavement of me; just knew of it but did not participate in it, the dead are already in Hell and the pitifully injured is on his way.

Hate me, Americans; I don't care, I don't like you all that much anyway; and I suppose that is what you wanted to create in your torture of me, immense dislike for you; a funny thing if I am helpless bur a horror if I am not.

Welcome to the horror.

Now let's see if I can establish a proof to what I have just said; and I know you Americans hate me for saying it; but you Americans are going to torture me whatever I say and whatever I do, so why not say it?

I am saying what you loathe to hear, Americans have been damned for over 30 years for America's torture-enslavement of me, and these US Forest Service people are among the latest Americans in Hell.

The news tells us the fire that killed five and horribly burned one was deliberately set; but the news lies a lot so I will wait and see the proof; but if this is true and the proof is reported in the news, let's see if the event fits into our encoding pattern for this week.

Meanwhile, back at the stench that is America, momentum builds toward this most acrimonious mid-term election; it is donkeys and elephants to you, rattlesnakes and cobras to me; and we have three more weeks in this current attack pattern, this proof of damnation of every unrepentant American who knows of America's torture-enslavement of me.

Unless something bigger breaks, I will return to the subject of Palm Springs, California, tomorrow, because the fire now burning is near Palm Springs, and Palm Springs is very important in the story of God's punishment of the United States of America..

Thou saw (sow) the fields laid bare an' waste,
An' weary winter comin fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell-
Till (To) crash! the cruel coulter past

working codes
Kakimashita--has become the poker table
Teal has gone to Kamo-Negi

Friday, October 27, 2006

The $39 Billion Defeat

Today we expand both our codes on God's attack on Republican American Fascism, scheduled for just under two weeks from today. You may recall those two codes are "Teal" and "Kakimashita" (It Is Written). Today we have a new code, "Spiker".

(Remember, we are talking about an act of God here, not the act of some lunatic thinking he or she is acting on instructions from God, like some nut in a nut house, like some nut in the White House.

(I mention this because the recent much talked movie depicting the fictional assassination of George W. Bush will increase that risk factor.

(It is a good thing that movie is not on TV, and I suggest that scene should not be shown on TV, because TV is a hypnotic in that it can trigger action where there is just the latent idea.

(Said another way, modern American assassination and assassination attempts are lunacy based, and TV fertilizes looney minds.

(I am a Christian, Dear Reader, and the true Christian knows killing is never the answer, and the true Christian knows God has never ordered killing in God's name, not of man, not of beast, not of dove, not of ox.)

We have been waiting for some days to develop the Kakimashita code, which is to be bounced off an aspect of this week's work by the conservative writer, Ann Coulter. The code was set up because today's line of our overlay verse of Robert Burns' "Mouse" poem reads, "Till (To) crash! the cruel coulter past!."

This has been explained; but to review, our overlay poem, our metaphor of attack, our current battle map of the attack by God on the United States of America is Robert Burns' 1785, "To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough".

This "coulter" code was established several days before Ms. Coulter's emailed work was sent out; and perhaps even before it was written, but I have no way of knowing that.

It was established for no more sophisticated reason than the coulter-Coulter coincidence. In God's Space War, codes precede actions, actions are created to follow codes; just as in human warfare.

As explained, Ms. Coulter will play the role of the coulter on God's plough as the "nest" of the Mouse, here Republican American Fascism, is turned over.

The coulter is a blade or wheel that comes before the plowshare, preparing the ground for the plowshare; and thus Ms. Coulter's writing of this week will set the tone for God's attack on Republican American Fascism.

I think there is need for a bit more review before we get to Ms. Coulter's unwitting aiding of God in God's destruction of Republican American Fascism, but first I want to tell you about the development of the Teal code, and the Spiker code which, as expected yesterday, I received today.

You may recall I said the Kakimashita (It Is Written) code is of my own authorship and the Teal code is of God's authorship; so you can expect the Teal code to be much more spectacular in its playing out that the Kakimashita code.

The Spiker code is an old code, at least 30 years old, describing my relationship with God.

In that code God and I are working on railroad tracks, God from one direction, I from another. We are driving in the spikes, hence this old code means God is the other spiker spiking from the other end, meaning we will join forces with the two tracks connect, when we drive in the Golden Spike, but that's a later story; that is when I cease to be helpless before American psycho-fascism, that is when the brown smelly stuff hits the fan.

(I rarely talk about my relationship with God because it is one of friendship and comradeship, not worship, and these are concepts not easily understood by most people who believe in God; but I must touch on my relationship with God here to explain the Spiker code. In fact, any Christian reading this probably has steam coming out of his or her ears about now, so blasphemous what I have just said might seem.)

God and I are soldiers together, Dear Reader, and have been since before barely erect men hunted wooly mammoths on the steppes. This is true; eat your heart out.

Back to the expansion of the Teal code; the teal is a form of duck and today's expansion of Teal is to "Kamo-Negi", which is a Japanese expression meaning "A duck carrying its own onion", meaning a duck inviting itself to be cooked, meaning a person who is a easy mark in a gambling game; in English comparable expression would be "He is a fish".

The implication of this code is that Republican American Fascism has sat down to a game of chance with God, and Republican American Fascism is an easy mark.

This innocent-faced American form of fascism has sat down to that gamble with God by claiming instruction and guidance from God in a policy of mass murder and perpetual warfare, which God knows will destroy this Earth God loves so dearly.

Also, of course, Republican American Fascism's torture-enslavement of me comes into play, the torture of me having increased dramatically after the Republican American Fascist coup of 2000.

As Shakespeare would say, Republican American Fascism is about to be hoisted by its own petard. As the Bible would say, Republican American Fascism is about to fall into the pit it dug for the world. As Virgil Kret would say, God is about to slap Republican American Fascism silly.

Now let's return to the Kakimashita (It Is Written) code. You will recall Ms. Coulter is setting the stage for the turning up of Republican American Fascism's nest by the plough of God.

This is the paragraph I have chosen from Ms. Coulter's piece of this week, entitled "Dem's Favorite Halloween Costume: Patriot"

"If Bush had gone to war with Iraq immediately after 9/11 and waited to attack Afghanistan, Democrats would now be pretending to support the Iraq war while pointlessly carping about Afghanistan. Afghanistan didn't attack us on 9/11! The Taliban didn't attack us! What's our exit strategy? How do you define "victory" in Afghanistan, anyway? It's a quagmire -- aahhhhh!"

This is representative of the state of mind right wing talking heads have worked themselves into, creating ludicrous scenarios of what would have happened if something different had happened, always the liberals being monstrous villains, grotesquely cartoonized like Jews were cartoonized on Nazi posters in 1939.

(There was even a silly young woman on Fox this week who believed CNN wants America to lose. No one in America, stupid, wants America to lose; but it is the losing course on which George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists have forced America that brings the bristle to the backs of so many millions of Americans.)

This is a very intelligent woman writing, (Ann Coulter I mean, I don't know about the silly woman on Fox) but because she is a true believer in her Leader she cannot allow herself to see the argument against her belief. She is like a member of one sect of Christians who believes all members of other sects of Christians are damned. She must, therefore, twist Scripture to fit her religion.
While this piece by Ms. Coulter is representative of the incredible twisting of thought and facts conservative writers and news people are obliged to commit to in order to support George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, it is not my purpose here to enter that brawl; both sides, Democrat and Republican, are fascist in their treatment of me; and in the end I intend to hoist all who torture and enslave me on their own petards.

The point of the Kakimashita (It Is Written) code is just what Ms. Coulter brought up; what would history be like without the bumbling fascism of George W. Bush?.

What would have been the case had there been an intelligent, non-fascist Republican in the White House?

What if Colin Powell had been allowed to run, a general of great standing, a man of courage before enemy fire? You would have seen the "war against terrorism" fought in a much different, much more intelligent, much less dishonest, much less murderous way.

What if there had been a commander in chief who understood war, like that great Republican president, Dwight David Eisenhower?

What if George W. Bush were not a snobbish rich boy coward who hid from the war of his generation, Vietnam, protected and prepped by daddy for his role in the establishment of the New Order, the new Republican American Fascism that would seek to rule the world?

Had there been a real man and not a boy-man in the White House, the backs of those love constitutional America would not be so bristled, the Republican president would be loved and respected, and the battle against terrorism would by now be won.

I have told you many times, Dear Reader, George W. Bush lost his soul at the moment of death of the first child he murdered by proxy; so what does he have to win, what more can he lose, as he sits down, poor fish, at the Poker Table of War with God? Let's see. We will know in just under two weeks.

Thou saw (sow) the fields laid bare an' waste,
An' weary winter comin fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell-
Out throw thy cell

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The $38 Billion Defeat

It seems to me I am running about 24 hours ahead of schedule. I am supposed to meet my Old Pal God on this corner to talk about the best-laid schemes of mice and men, but I am a day early; so I thought I would just remind all concerned that America's policy of Telepath torture is a damnable sin.

Thou saw (sow) the fields laid bare an' waste,
An' weary winter comin fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Till (To) crash! the cruel coulter past
Out throw thy cell

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The $37 Billion Defeat

Steady as she goes.

No matter what was said by the alleged "President of the United States", George W. Bush, at his press conference today, the United States of American is---due to his foolishness and fascism---sinking deeper and deeper into military defeat and moral excommunication from the human race..

Other than that, things are going fine, except that God is furious at the United States of America for its enslaving and torturing God's One True Telepath for over three decades, and for its gluttonous participation in the murder of this Earth.

Other than that, things are going fine, except that the United States of America is locked into a form of fascism that makes German Nazism look like milk and cookies.

Other than that, things are going fine, except that I have been tracking God's Space War against the United States of America since 1972, and can prove God killed the damn Yankee who crashed into a Manhattan building about two weeks ago, and I can show why that damned Yankee died.

Other than that, things are going fine, except that had it not been for America's fanatical lust for torturing me I could have successfully warned of the 9/11 attack at least a month before it took place, and I can prove it, and all the senseless murder and politically righteous madness that has taken place since would not have, and all the dead GIs would not be dead, and all the amputees would still have their arms and legs, and all the innocents murdered in Iraq and Afghanistan would yet walk this Earth.

Other than that, things are...hmmm?...come to think of it, America is in deep doo-doo, and deservedly so.

I remind you that as I continue this demonstration of proof of God's Space War against the United States of America I am tortured every day and night by a government pig who occupies the vacant room next to me, unregistered, for no purpose other than to torture me, particularly if I dream in shallow sleep; apparently one of the "crimes" I commit in being the only audible mental telepath in human history.

This is my America, as America goes into perhaps its seventeenth national election since American began its torture-enslavement of me.

To me, every candidate during that time, win or lose, can go to Hell. To God, every candidate during that time, win or lose, will go or has gone to Hell for the crime of bearing false witness against me and aiding and abetting in America's murder-by-attrition of me.

The immensity of America's crimes against me will sink America into the hot bogs of Hell, and America will not be missed.

My current tracking of the events expected a few days after the mid-term election, as I described them yesterday, remains on schedule.

Of the two codes recorded yesterday, "Teal" has been strengthened, and "Kakimashita" (It Is Written) should be more defined by tomorrow' report; this because the source of the code's development, this week's report by conservative writer Ann Coulter, has arrived but I have not yet read it.

To remind you, I am expecting Ms. Coulter to this week unwittingly describe the form of Republican American Fascism's destruction in her report, as that destruction will be seen in the news within days following the mid-term election.

In this work, Republican American Fascism and American conservatism (including the Republican Party) are different things.

The Kakimashita code is a delicate and beautiful code, and I must say one of my own authorship; God is the author of the Teal code.

Thou saw (sow) the fields laid bare an' waste,
An' weary winter comin fast,
Thou thought to dwell-
Till (To) crash! the cruel coulter past
Out throw thy cell

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The $36 Billion Defeat

Within the next 20 days I am going to demonstrate something most remarkable; I am going to document God's defeat of Republican American Fascism.

There are some readers who enjoy my tracking of future events; and there are new readers who have not yet experienced this phenomenon. So, since I expect this current advance-documentation to be a classic example of this gift from God, I will attempt to record a good deal of detail on it as we proceed.

While the focus of this particular attack by God on the United States of America is on Republican American Fascism; other attacks have been and will be focused elsewhere. God is in the process of destroying the United States of America one layer at a time, top to bottom, until God reaches that level where America believes in saving the life of this Earth.

While there are many reasons for God's intended destruction of the United States of America, generally coming down to America's leading role in the rapidly approaching death of this Earth, the only issue in this current eight-week attack pattern is America's torture-enslavement of me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath, a crime shared by the full spectrum of American politics, media and society.

This attack on Republican American Fascism is shaping up to look very much like I anticipated two days ago when I introduced the "coulter" line in this week's verse of our war map overlay, Robert Burns' "To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough".

The timing of this attack will run from this coming Friday, when the coulter line ("Till (To) crash! the cruel coulter past") appears, to the Thursday and Friday, just over two weeks from now, following the American mid-term election, when the most famous lines of the poem appear, "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men /Gang aft agley".

I now have one and possibly two codes on this upcoming attack.

The first code, which may yet be dropped, is "Kakimashita", which for our purpose is Japanese for, "It Is Written".

The second code is "Teal", which I assume is for the family of duck called a teal, but it could also be for the color teal, which is greenish-blue or bluish-green. I expect this code to expand over the next two weeks.

As explained two days ago, the "cruel coulter" reference of Friday's line in this week's verse will end up relating to Ann Coulter, the conservative writer perhaps best known in the broader public sense for her "cruel" comments on some 9/11 widows.

This Kakimashita (It is Written) code is very interesting in that it will bounce off Ms. Coulter's writing of this week, as distributed in her weekly email report.

What is meant here is she, a true believer of Republican American Fascism, will unknowingly describe God's punishment of Republican American Fascism in her work.

(I feel I should interject here that political conservatism and Republican American Fascism are two different things, although the latter is trying to fit into the skin of the former.)

This is difficult to explain, but follow this advance documentation and it will make sense.

In order to follow this code's development I have subscribed to Ms. Coulter's weekly email report, but the code will be dropped if I do not receive it by early Friday.

What I have received up to deadline time today is an email promotion for a book apparently critical to Muhammad and a request for subscriptions for the conservative publication, Human Events, for which Ms. Coulter is a correspondent.

I assume this promo is not her weekly piece, so I must wait and see what I might receive from her by early Friday..

The first paragraph of Ms. Coulter's promo email reads:

"The truth is usually pretty simple, but as I'm sure you would agree, finding it in the mainstream media is next to impossible."

This is an applicable quote when referring to my status in America, where I have been kept as a torture-slave for some 35 years. I have not seen one mention of me or my status in the mainstream press; and only mocking references on television.

This, however, falls short in that I do not find mention of my status in any media, regardless of political leaning. So, Human Events, Time Magazine, The Daily Worker, Ranger Rick, they are all the same to me in that they all bear false witness against me, my status and my existence; a common sin of omission.

One hundred percent of the American media outlets and political parties seem to be supportive of America's torture-enslavement of me. America's blow job president, Bill Clinton, is just as supportive of it as is America's snow job "president", George W. Bush, and both men share to a profound degree responsibility in the forthcoming death of this Earth.

However, Republican American Fascism now controls the helm of Titanic America, and God's current Space War attack is aimed at Titanic America's bridge.

So, I am hoping for more thoughtful, more focused, writing from Ms. Coulter than contained in her promo; but having just subscribed to her weekly email report for the purpose of harvesting a quote for the Kakimashita (It Is Written) code I don't know what to expect.

That is the beauty of this demonstration, I cannot anticipate what Ms. Coulter might write that would open up Republican American Fascism to God's plough.

Let me give you an idea of what I mean; let's look at the "Metaphor of Attack", Robert Burns' "Mouse" poem, as it applies to Ms. Coulter.

Our metaphor concerns the home of the Mouse, America, being turned over by the Ploughman, God; and as this attack pattern continues the entire United States of America, not just Republican American Fascism, will be turned over by God's plough.

The "coulter" on a plough is the blade or wheel just before the plowshare, which breaks the ground for the plowshare.

This use of Ann Coulter's writing as the coulter of God's plough overturning the "nest" of this particular mouse, Republican American Fascism, is a classic example God's Space War style. Ms. Coulter's expected worshipful words about Republican American Fascism will prepare the ground for the public damnation of that error in political-economic-military thought and action.

Going back to my question whether this Kakimashita (It Is Written) code remains in play, while anything Ms Coulter sends out will contain the destruction of Republican American Fascism, I cannot be sure if I will receive it, or if her promo was the full extent of her report this week. So, if I do not receive her weekly report by Friday, the Kakimashita (It Is Written) code will be dropped, leaving us with just the mysterious Teal code.

This is most difficult to explain, best you watch and see how it plays out. We are talking about anticipating act of God here, anticipating God's writing a message on the wall of the news. Think of it as possibly saying, "See the fate of Republican American Fascism, follow it and lose your soul, too"; but that is my expectation, perhaps not God's intention.

Thou saw (sow) the fields laid bare an' waste,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell-
Till (To) crash! the cruel coulter past
Out throw thy cell

Monday, October 23, 2006

The $35 Billion Defeat

Sometimes America's horrid fate, now close enough to smell the sulphur wafting, makes me abysmally sad; which is a marvel, really, considering how abysmally wicked America has been to me.

Look to Friday.

An' weary winter comin fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell-
Till (To) crash! the cruel coulter past
Out throw thy cell

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The $34 Billion Defeat

This is our day of rest before we begin the fifth week of our eight-week tracking of God's Space War against the United States of America; and it seems to me this week might knock Republican American Fascism on its pompous ass.

Look to Friday.

First of all, pay no attention to those twin railroad accidents in Pennsylvania and Arkansas; perhaps they were just a coincidence; even though I have often told you coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War.

Overlooking those perhaps unimportant twin train accidents, we seem to have had no true God's Space War events reported in the news last week. The most recent true event, disregarding those twin train accidents, took place in the previous week; that being the advance-documented crash of the damned Yankee into a Manhattan building.

To me, this lack of activity is a little like being in the eye of a hurricane, quiet after the storm, quiet before the storm, as I watch the progression toward doom of the ongoing train wreck which is the United States of America.

Such lulls are not uncommon in tracking God's Space War. In fact, periods of activity are usually followed by periods of lull; and up to now my practice has been to do ten-day countdowns, such as my advance documentation of the coup in Thailand in the "Timber" countdown, then to wait until codes for another ten-day countdown appeared.

In this case, however, we have an unprecedented eight-week count-up, which seems to be open-ended because we have codes beyond the climax of this count; and I have been advised to continue the billion dollar daily increase in America's good faith payment to me beyond this count if need be.

I can only speculate on the reasons for this change of tactic; I am not the general I am just the journalist; but perhaps the government pigs who monitor this work were beginning to get hip to the ten-day count after thirty years of its being used.

Being hip to the count would allow the government pigs to create false events, like the government's football stadium hoax of last week, to blend their American fascist pig activities in with God's war against American fascism; that is, to create false signs and wonders in pretense of being connected to my work, or to contrive false charges against me.

Now let's look at the fifth verse of our eight-verse overlay poem, Robert Burns' 1785 classic, To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough, recalling that in the God's Space War overlay of this poem, God is the Ploughman and America is the Mouse.

There is a point of expected climax within this poem which I have mentioned before, that coming in the seventh verse when we reach the poem's famous lines, "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men/ Gang aft agley".

While we are yet to know what American schemes we can expect to go wrong, the first two schemes that come to mind are the scheme of world conquest secretly held by Republican American Fascism (Today America, Tomorrow the World) and the scheme of torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath practiced by American Psycho-Fascism.

There is a very interesting and potentially amusing line in this week's verse, the line that will come into play on Friday, a line that may point to one of the "best-laid schemes" to be undone in the seventh week.

That line is: "Till (To) crash! the cruel coulter past".

American readers may recognize the word coulter by the name Coulter, Ann Coulter, one of the more charming, attractive and outspoken nuns of the Church of Republican American Fascism, who is perhaps best known for her cruel remarks relative to some of the widows of 9/11 dead.

The "cruel coulter" in this verse is a blade or wheel forward on a plough that makes a vertical cut in the soil in advance of the plowshare which, in our overlay of Burns' poem, is destroying the home of the Mouse, America.

The coincidence of the "cruel coulter" and the "cruel Ann Coulter" at this time and in this context offers a great possibility of humor, there being a certain Divine Comedy aspect at work; and, as I reminded you above, coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War.

I will note that Ann Coulter is a demon in the eyes of American liberals; and American liberals treat me as if I am something brown and smelly on the soles of their shoes, so while Ms. Coulter and I may differ in viewpoints, she being a believer in the fraud and I calling the fraud a fraud, we are accidental allies in that regard.

So, in this amusing coincidental metaphor, Ms. Coulter is one who prepares the soil for the plough with her public worship of George W. Bush and Republican American Fascism.

With that introduction, here is this week's verse:

Thou saw (sow) the fields laid bare an' waste,
An' weary winter comin' fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell--
Till (To) crash! the cruel coulter past
Out throw thy cell

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The $33 Billion Defeat

Here's the deal, Dear Reader, God's submarine is running silent and deep. Apparently what I have documented I have documented and there's no need to document any more.

I have been asked to tell you the story of how I lost my battlefield cherry, not much of a story as war stories go but there's a reason behind the asking.

It was back in the days before I was blacklisted from journalism. I had plucked the plum so many journalists longed to take a bite out of, I was a combat correspondent in Vietnam; brand new, three days in country, still tasting the kisses of my girlfriend in Tokyo; and I was sitting on a paddy dike talking to a sergeant who was teaching me the ropes, when Pow Pow Pow three bullets hit the paddy dike right below my butt, one of God's Angels having put her finger on the barrel of the sniper's rifle, and lowered his aim.

So, naturally the sergeant and I hit the dirt behind the paddy dike, and as I lay there on my side curled up a with my right hand on my helmet waiting for whatever I was waiting for, the sergeant asked, "You ever been shot at before?"

"No," I said, "this is my first time."

Then the sergeant said, "Wait until it comes over in sheets."

And that's the reason I was asked to tell you this insignificant little war story, because it is about to come over in sheets for America.

Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin!
It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething, now, to big (build) a new ane,
O' foggage (foggy) green!
An' bleak December's winds ensuin,
Baith (both) snell (biting) an' keen!

Friday, October 20, 2006

The $32 Billion Defeat

There were no God's Space War codes today.

This happens sometimes, the codes disappearing like a submarine submerging, they are still there and there are still torpedoes in the tubes, but we cannot see them no matter how keenly we scan the surface of the sea.

Meanwhile, back at the brink of America's doom, the The Do Unto Others Factor is the factor that destroys America.

I have been asked to point out the sense of innocence and superiority of goodness held by the United States of America, particularly since the rise of Republican American Fascism, but historically was well.

This sense of innocence and superiority of goodness is America's Achilles' Heel in both its relationship with the nations of the world and its relationship with God.

Look to Iraq and you can see how that sense of innocence and superiority of goodness remains constant no matter how much death and chaos America's infantile "president" and Republican American Fascism cause to take place there.

There is absolutely no recognition by the United States of America, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, of the sin it has committed in its stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.

Sinless Sin, that is what America has invented and sold to itself; but there are no other buyers on this Earth, and not One in God's Heaven.

That America has learned to commit the most horrible of sins while retaining a pompous belief of its own sinlessness is why God is about to cut America off at the knees.

So, we have had no God's Space War hits this week, the last one being last week, the advance-documented death of the damned Yankee who crashed his plane into a building on Manhattan Island; a warning; perhaps the final warning.

The week is not over, though; the fat lady as not sung and the last ball has not been pitched.

Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin!
It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething, now, to big (build) a new ane,
O' foggage (foggy) green!
Baith (both) snell (biting) an' keen!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The $31 Billiion Defeat

I have not seen a true example of God's Space War against the United States since I documented in advance last week's death of the damned Yankee who flew his plane into a New York City apartment building.

There are codes running and ready, like a bowstring pulled back waiting to be loosed, but whatever is happening is as if it is happening hidden by an enveloping fog.

Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin!
It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething, now, to big (build) a new ane,
An' bleak December's winds ensuin,
Baith (both) snell (biting) an' keen!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The $30 Billion Defeat

Most of what I have for you today concerns the massiveness of God's defeat of the United States of America; but I detect no market, and America's torture of me continues at its usual level.

I will hold off reporting this story until God's artillery softens the market and does away with the torture.

The meaning of today's line of this week's verse of Robert Burns' "Mouse" poem is that after God is through ploughing up the United States of America there will be nothing left on which to rebuild it.

Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin!
It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
O' foggage (foggy) green!
An' bleak December's winds ensuin,
Baith (both) snell (biting) an' keen!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The $29 Billion Defeat

You Americans who about to die, we damn you.

As we continue in our documentation of this eight-week "Mouse" attack by God on the United States of America, remember:

All Americans who have died or will die in the knowledge of America's torture-enslavement of me, no matter under which stone of pretty name or ironclad rationalization that knowledge is hidden, have lost and will lose their souls---with the exception of my mother and all Black Americans.

I will point to an element in common American law which, except for the Black exclusion, fits God's law as it is being applied at this time in this massive damnation of millions of Americans.

If you have 25 people who capture one person and hold him in enslavement, and three repeatedly torture him to the edge of death with little knives, while four hold him down, and the remaining 17 stand around and watch, all 25 are guilty of the same capital crime.

This truth remains constant even if the 25 people are 250 million people. Majority, no matter how vast, does not make wrong right.

God's Space War is straight Do-Unto-Others war; the Hell you Americans have created for me is the Hell you have created for yourselves; you fall into the pit you dug for me.

The mass damnation of this particular class of Americans is the first of the many winnowing stages of God's Worldwide Judgment Day.

American Blacks are excluded from this initial winnowing because despite the terrible suffering White Americans have inflicted on them they did not participate in America's torture-enslavement of me, a White man.

Thinking back, I can remember only about five Blacks who participated during the 35 years Whites have been torturing me day in and day out.

While it has been difficult to find a White Christian who would not torture me; it has been nearly impossible to find a Black Christian who would torture me. One, only one.

Perhaps it is a matter of Blacks having greater nobility of heart, perhaps it is the race's experiential repugnance to slavery; I leave that to God to understand; but I have always appreciated it and; and believe it or not; God sees and appreciates it.

The Americans have allowed themselves to be ignorant of the fact that God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, and that the presentation of that gift is of great importance worldwide.

One of the reasons God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy was to reveal the evil in the hearts of cowardly American men and silly American women; and while you Americans seem to think what you do to me involves some unique and exclusive license, you are in fact committing the same sin you have committed from the founding of this country to the present.

The leopard does not change its spots, it only pretends to be spotless.

Let's look at another instance of claimed legality on a mass level of something that is illegal on an individual level.

If George W. Bush, even as "President", had walked up to an Iraqi child in Baghdad and burned the child to death all the world would agree he would be guilty of the crime of murder; but if "President" George W. Bush orders a pilot to drop a bomb on an Iraqi child he is alleged to be acting within the law, and the Iraqi child is known as "collateral damage".

God does not recognize the concept of collateral damage.

The concept that murder becomes legal under certain circumstances and under certain rituals, such as warfare or mass agreement, is a human and sub-Christ concept, not a Divine concept.

I have told you, about half the population of the United States of America can expect to be publicly damned during this eight-week demonstration, and can expect to know it or at least have a strong inkling of it. For that knowledge to be gained, something big is going to have to happen during this demonstration--something very, very big.

The damned Yankee who crashed into the New York building is dead and damned now, but he was damned before he took off, damned even before I documented his death in advance in this work on this site.

Damned for what? Damned for participating in the national crime of Telepath torture-enslavement. I don't know if he was damned for other things as well.

The damned Yankee now knows he is damned, but he was as ignorant of this as are all you God-damned Americans; he was ignorant up to and for a short time after he crashed into that building.

It never crossed the damned Yankee's mind there was anything wrong with America's torture-enslavement of me. Like you, he thought there were so many Americans doing it that it had gone beyond crime, gone beyond sin, gone into some sort of glorified national will.

The way out of this damnation is the Christian way, owning up the sin and asking for forgiveness; but it is God and I, not priests and ministers, who have the option of forgiveness. One person can be saved or 250 million can be saved; but this sin does not go undealt with.

Today's verse of Robert Burns' Mouse poem is:

Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin!
An' naething, now, to big (build) a new ane,
O' foggage (foggy) green!
An' bleak December's winds ensuin,
Baith (both) snell (biting) an' keen!

Today's verse points to the scattering by the winds of Hell the souls of all Americans who participate in Telepath torture-enslavement.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The $28 Billion Defeat

If you enjoyed last week's advance documentation of the death of the damned Yankee who flew his toy plane into the Manhattan apartment building, you are going to love this week's continuation of The Second American Civil War.

There is a code for this week: "I, Weapon".

The first line of this week's verse is obvious, America's house will be in ruin. Think Atlanta; think Atlantis.

It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething, now, to big (build) a new ane,
O' foggage (foggy) green!
An' bleak December's winds ensuin,
Baith (both) snell (biting) an' keen!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The $27 Billiion Defeat

This is our day of rest before we enter the fourth week of this eight-week attack by God on the United States of America.

The strongest of our three code patterns seems to be the one involving the deaths of athletes in aircraft crashes, having just documented in advance the crashing into a Manhattan building of a New York Yankees pitcher, but one of our other code patterns seems to be taking form, promising much more force and finality.

The other two code patterns we have been following, school shootings and ecological disasters seem to be active, but the disaster factor is beginning to loom.

This week should tell us if the "storm" of school shootings has passed.

My having documented two fatal school incidents and several non-fatal in advance in recent weeks, we had at least four non-fatal, even minor, events last week, like the last sprinkles of a storm.

So, I watch this school code with anxious interest this week. If there is not another fatal incident, we are likely out of the woods. If we have another fatal shooting, however, we are looking at weeks if not months of child-murder misery.

The ecological disasters (Green) code had seemed to me to be the weakest of the three, but I am beginning to think it may be the big surprise attack by God on America.

The question is asked, what if I have been wrong in my estimation of the death of this Earth coming in 2065; what if it is coming much sooner?

There was the briefest news report of an oil drilling platform accident in the Gulf of Mexico last week, but apparently there was no immediate ecological threat. We can't tell, censorship in America grows more common every day, and information on ecological disaster on a planetary scale is more censored than the Manhattan Project of World War Two.

The whole evil plot of Republican American Fascism is directed toward taking advantage of the great ecological disaster approaching this Earth, and at gaining rulership over the world in the course of that disaster.

I think this apparently minor Gulf of Mexico event is important, reminding us that the sucking of oil in the Gulf of Mexico is one of the critical aspects of a great ecological disaster to come, removal of oil causing the sudden collapse of the seabed under the Gulf, one of the major triggers of the shifting of the Poles.

The other major trigger of the movement of the Poles is the earthquake zone between Iran and Indonesia.

The sucking of oil from the Earth is the great killer of the Earth, far greater than the effects of using the oil as fuel and the resulting changing of the atmosphere, although the two do work together in unholy matrimony.

In the context of the current fragility of this Earth I want to point to three events, which I say were inter-connected, one causing the other in chain reaction. The underground nuclear explosion in "North" Korea, the quake off Japan, and the Hawaii quake today.

The Earth is like an egg, its shell too thin for its own good.

We are talking these days almost exclusively about America's approaching defeat in God's Space War, but America's defeat in the politics and warfare among peoples and nations is also rapidly approaching.

The world knows America became fascist in 2000; and it does not like it; and it will not appease it.

The question is, who will defeat America first, God or all the rest of humankind?

Looking to Iraq, President Nitwit's War; some time back I said a telling point in the process toward ultimate and ignominious defeat of the United States in Iraq would be when the American death toll reached 4.5 per day. The toll America pays to go down this wrong road seems to have reached that level.

Over many weeks before George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq I said America would lose that war worse than any nation in the history of the world has lost a war. That is very much in the offing. Censorship is currently blocking the worst of the bad news.

America took the wrong road when it invaded Iraq, and all the American debates now concern which offshoots of the wrong road to take. The wrong road leads to Hell, as do all its offshoots.

It is not a matter of staying or leaving; it is a matter of undoing. The American people need to admit their error, admit their sin against the Iraqi people; ask the Iraqi people for forgiveness; and seek to rebuild what they have broken and return what they have stolen.

They will be damned lucky if the Iraqi people forgive them; they will be damned if they don't.

This is the Christian Solution.

Turning to this week's verse of our Battle Map poem by Robert Burns, To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plow, we see it reads:

Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin!
It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething, now, to big (build) a new ane,
O' foggage (foggy) green!
An' bleak December's winds ensuin,
Baith (both) snell (biting) an' keen!

Remember, God suggested this poem to me. I had never read it and I still have not read it through. I read each new verse as I give it to you. Remember, in the God's Space War overlay of this poem, God is the Ploughman and America is the Mouse, and the home of the Mouse will be destroyed by the Ploughman.

December; this verse introduces December. Christmas; yesterday I mentioned America's bad Christmas and my good Christmas. This week's verse tells us America's Christmas will be bleak, and the December winds of God's war on America will be biting and sharp.

This current "Mouse" attack pattern extends into November; thereafter another attack pattern will be introduced. As I said, God is gong to cut America off at the knees.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The $26 Billion Defeat

We have just completed the third week of our eight-week proof that God is making war on the United States of America.

From America's point of view this week was a good week because America tortured me into excruciating pain; from my point of view it was a good week because I documented in advance the aircraft death of an American athlete, that damned Yankee who crashed into a New York City building.

Among we Space Sailors it is considered impolite to speak the names of the dead who are damned, so I will only lightly touch upon the subject of that damned American baseball player.

America lost a great deal more than one damned Yankee this week, it lost the codes that could have saved him and thousands of other not-yet-dead-and-damned Americans.

America's torturing me caused those codes to be lost because I was in too much pain to capture and record them. So much valuable work was lost this week, work that cannot be regained.

Perhaps you will recall that when I began this demonstration three weeks ago I presented you with an American Civil War analogy; and perhaps you will recall I later used the terms "stepping up to that plate" and "taking another swing at that ball" after the fatal shooting at Platte High School in Colorado, a shooting which I documented in advance of its taking place; and perhaps you will recall I told you repeatedly aircraft carrying athletes would be crashed during this demonstration; and perhaps you can connect those references to that damned New York Yankee pitcher dying in a plane crash.

Certainly the part about his having lost his soul remains, for now, beyond your understanding, but that's another story.

We are talking here about the damnation of about half the population of the United States of America, which is way, way, way beyond your understanding; and that is the other story to which I refer.

Consider this image: See that skein of metaphorically connected events I just described as part of one strand of God's spider's web running from the center to the outside edge.

I don't know if you Americans have it in you to follow that string of codes. If you are a government pig, likely not; if you are a media weasel, maybe; if you are a real American person, you can if you want to but you will probably wait until your masters allow you to.

There is another skein which showed itself again this week, and likely we can follow this skein in the news just as we followed the skein that documented in advance the death of the damned Yankee.

I have been telling you God will relocate the North Pole over the New York-Washington Deceit area within eight years; and suddenly we see in October Buffalo, New York looking like it does in January, the glory days of autumn suddenly taken away. This is not a full skein of confirmation codes to my news that the poles will shift, but it is a good part.

Before this skein ends you will see snow on the sand of Miami Beach.

Likewise, there are more American athletes to die in the skein that saw the damn Yankee die.

And there are many other skeins to God's spider web, skeins you Americans do not want to know about..

I think America's government pigs still retain the idea that this work is useless, or they think they can modify the events it concerns by torturing me.

They can modify my work by torturing me, as they have; they can destroy my life, as they have, they can murder my progeny, as they have, they can make this work much less than it would have been had I been free; but they cannot modify the events of which I speak except to make them worse.

As I told you, the streets of Hell waft sweet with the aroma of roasting government pigs.

This "Mouse" demonstration I am carrying out is an attempt to describe a massive attack on the United States of America, an attack being carried out by God; and the attack will continue whether I am allowed to, or choose to, report it or not. I am a war correspondent covering God's war; I don't even pack a piece; and I certainly don't tell the general what to do.

I know, my referring to God gets you Americans' goat. You think God gives you license to do evil as long as you give it pretty names. You think you are God's super-loved country. Surprise, surprise, what a wonderful surprise will be under your tree this Christmas.

America's dead to God's anger will die whether or not I document those deaths in advance; but since such people as the recently dead and damned Yankee are killed and damned for America's torture of me, if America were to stop torturing me and let me prove to the world what is happening with God, America could learn how to stop those deaths from taking place.

I realize America's torture-enslavement of me is considered by the Americans to be more valuable than human life, that has been demonstrated many, many times; but now we are approaching the massive defeat of the United States of America, massive death, as a direct result of America's torture-enslavement of me.

This is separate from any war against the United States by any peoples or any nations; this is between God, Me, and America.

Other things count, too, like America's murder of innocent Iraqis and Afghanis; America's nuclear blackmail of the the world; America's leading role in the murder of this Earth; but this attack I am describing to you is in direct response to America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.

Consider it my Christmas present from God.

You should understand that I established enough evidence prior to that damned Yankee's death that he would not have died if he had paid attention to the evidence, if he had been aware the evidence was being established. It was simple enough. God is going to crash airplanes carrying American athletes during this demonstration. Had he known of that warning, and known of my 30 years of accurate warnings, he might not have flown.

(There was, by the way, another New York Yankee aboard another plane who survived a serious accident on the ground within hours of the death of the first, remindful of the old Space Sailor saying, "Double Shadow Mysterious, Repeat of Message, We Are Serious".) It was hardly mentioned in the news, despite the coincidence.

The damned Yankee who crashed into the building lost his life and his soul because of America's torture of me. The evidence proves I documented his death in advance; so consider what I might have been able to do if I were not being tortured in America's torture chamber.

The scope of what has happened, in the case of the damned Yankee and in thousands of other cases, is not understood by the Americans. They prefer it that way. They prefer to go to Hell stupidly than to Heaven intelligently.

Once the American defeat I am describing happens there will be no going back, no more chance of going back than that damned Yankee has of getting out of his grave and putting his little airplane back together and playing his boyful game of baseball next summer.

Let me point out to you the great scale of the battlefield I am describing to you, my map of which you are destroying as fast as I produce it. It leads exactly, precisely to what Christians call Judgment Day, which American Christians will find to be a most unpleasant day indeed.

When Americans torture me they are like insane passengers on a sinking ship who are breaking up the lifeboats because the boats look so pretty when they burn.

You Americans do not know the suicidal indecency of what you do to me, nor do you want to know because you are so happy in that indecency; but it is indecent and suicidal whether you know it or not. You are guilty of self-imposed ignorance about your torture-enslavement of me, but such ignorance is not the innocence you have constructed it to be.

What would you say to God if God were to stoop to talk to you? "We did not think there was anything wrong with our inflicting pain on the Telepath". Or would you tell God the lie you would swear to today on a stack of Bibles: "What Telepath?"

God is not as stupid as you Americans think, nor as forgiving of you Americans as you would vote God to be.

As I mentioned above, what is taking place during this eight-week attack pattern is similar to the construction of a giant spider web, a web in which America will be caught and thereafter sucked dry, and I am describing that construction to you as I name in advance such unimportant events as the death of that damned Yankee.

Your destroying my writing about God's web does not destroy the web that is entrapping you, it only makes it more obscure to you; and your destroying my life only makes Hell worse for you.

Tomorrow I will give you the fourth verse of the eight verses of Robert Burns' 1785 "Mouse" poem, on which our battle map is based. See it as dew on the web that reveals the web's form, reveals your doom and your damnation and your pathetic, wretched immortality.

For today, I have cast enough pearls before you American swine.

Friday, October 13, 2006

The $25 Billion Defeat

I have to take a moment to tell you about the most obscenely stupid thing I have ever seen on television.

On the NBC Today show this morning, which normally has a staff IQ average of just below 50 anyway, and a courage quotient of minus 20, the new girl, What's-Her-Name, was reading lines about an upcoming interview with John Carr, the pedophile false-confessor to the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, saying (now get this) NBC was going to interview him about his "ordeal".

Ordeal? Ordeal? It reminded me of what I already knew, there is a decency prohibition at NBC.

As the "exclusive" interview approached, an interview to be conducted by a priest-shrink from America's state religion, psychiatry, the words being read by those empty Today show heads were that the whole country wants to know who this "man" is...blah, blah, blah.

Do you know of anyone who wants to know?

Repeating what I have said before, the news media's celebrity treatment of that loony pedophile (his ordeal! his ordeal! his ordeal!) is creating legions of like pedophiles, making of John Carr the John Wayne of would-be baby killers.

Already having a full supply of NBC BS by 7:30 a.m., I turned to another channel to see if any real news was taking place, and what did I find? Two dead children and two dead adults found beside a Florida highway; and George W. Bush well on his way to destroying the world.

Is it any wonder God is going to slap America silly?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The $24 Billion Defeat

The intensity of the nightly torture of me is wearing heavily on my health, which is what it is meant to do because America's torture-enslavement of me is murder by attrition.

As I mentioned, the level of torture is so great it is compromising this work, so while I would normally review in some detail the great success I have just had---my advance documentation of the death of the Yankee pitcher, Cory Lidle---I will just skim over this success.

You do know, I suppose, that my work of the past two and a half weeks proves Lidle was intentionally killed. I say Lidle was killed by God in response to America's torture-enslavement of me, but whoever or whatever killed him the evidence recorded in this blog is undeniable proof that he was intentionally killed.

Space War is spacey, Dear Reader.

After yet another night of vicious government pig torture I am sitting here looking at the profound importance of my advance documentation of the killing of Lidle, and feeling the heat of the New York print media's anger at me for having pointed that story out to it in a form email yesterday.

I can expect an attack from New York print media, and I can assume the attack will be cowardly and dishonest, as is always the case.

In the past the print media has sicced the FBI on me, sending the FBI to administer even more torture, theft and threat (the only response to God's One True Telepath the FBI has ever been capable of).

The FBI, that's a gaggle of silly girls for you, but that's another story.

This is to say I have not reached the mind of the New York news media with my most remarkable advance documentation of the death of Lidle. I have only succeeded in giving the New York newspapers a stick in the eye; better that than nothing, but that too is another story.

That I cannot get this story out is bad for New York, because it is becoming more and more apparent New York City is the bull's eye of God's attack on America.

Those of you who have been following this report on God's Space War might be interested in the importance of this hugely symbolic Lidle death, touching on the beloved national pastime, baseball, and the big shots of baseball, the New York Yankees, and on the 9/11 Scar of Fear New Yorkers have but would not have had I been a free man prior to 9/11.

I warned of 9/11 for three months in advance.

While it is a difficult link to make, the Lidle crash was a part of the same attack pattern as the GOL Airlines crash in Brazil, which was caused by a small plane carrying news media people, including a New York Times writer. I will approach the linking codes below.

This current "Mouse" attack pattern is pointing to the United States of America as the chief villain in the rapidly approaching death of this Earth, and to God's plan to so totally disrupt the USA that it cannot continue on in its murder of this Earth.

Within this attack pattern is punishment of America for its torture-enslavement of me, and in that regard Lidle died for that sin.

If I understand the direction of God's battle plan correctly, God will move the North Pole to the New York-Washington Deceit area. This to be expected within eight years. I have been saying it would happen within seven years, but the added year seems needed for accuracy.

This movement of the poles will not be an overnight event. It will be preceded by scores if not hundreds of events pointing to it; time enough, I would think, for the Atlantic Coast of North America to be evacuated.

Now let's approach the linking codes we can expect to find in the remaining two or more "sports" airline crashes expected in the next five weeks. I expect that number of events because we have had two sports crashes in three weeks and I expect that ratio to continue.

I think these linking codes will end up being an excellent example of God's writing on the wall of the news, and may also spell out God's divine intent to punish America for its torture-enslavement of me.

Here are the first two linking codes: Sirius and Cirrus.

Sirius, often called the Dog Star, is in Canis Major, one of the constellations in the flag of Brazil, constellations I made a point of drawing your attention to soon after the GOL Airlines crash. You may recall the GOL crash was included in the sports crash series with some poetic license with the word "Goal".

Cirrus is the make of plane Lidle was flying. Cirrus clouds are a type of white cloud, high and wispy, between 20,000 and 40,000 feet, formed from ice crystals. Allowing for poetic license again, let's let those ice crystals remind us of that wonderful wandering North Pole putting an end to America's Earth-murdering policies.

We can expect that Sirius-Cirrus linking code pattern to appear in subsequent sports crashes.

There is a secondary code, that being that both events involved small, private aircraft, and a third more distant code in that both events involved to lesser and greater degree, New York City.

Let's turn briefly to school shooting pattern we have been tracking.

We see our school shooting pattern getting stronger, with at least two schools closed down today due to threats

Remember, this "Mouse" attack runs for five more weeks, and I am expecting school attacks to continue with at least two a week during that time. At I.C. News we call this a "storm".

Think of those who attack schools as being of a group mind. There is much made in the news media that these events have been in planning for some time; and that is just the point I am making; and I have reported that there are at lest fifty school shootings in planning stages at any time in the United States.

Rarely are any of these plans carried out, but once they begin there is the potential for a storm like the one we are currently seeing.

These later attacks we are seeing are not "copycat" events. Picture their movement as being like a flock of birds feeding on the ground, one takes off, then another, then more, then the whole flock. Each is not copying the other, each is an independent bird of the same feather, but each is stimulating the other, and the news media is stimulating them all.

This is why I suggested schools be closed for a week, to allow this current storm to dissipate. As it is, given standard news coverage policies, this storm can be expected to go on for at least another month, the news reports of today stimulating the flight of more looney birds on subsequent days.

Another fatal school incident would likely open the floodgates of Hell. We cannot stop the news but we can quietly close the schools and let the lunatics settle down.

Back to the critical subject of America's torture of me, critical in that is has cost thousands of human lives and will cost tens of thousands more---perhaps millions. The scope of this national crime is not yet appreciated. (I am struck by a neighbor with a loud, cowardly cough for calling it a crime, which illustrates my point.)

It is possible that the torture at this motel, where I holed up because of ongoing intense torture, has become so professional and so life-threatening that I may soon have to leave this place to find another.

That, of course, is one of the purposes of the torture, to keep me homeless and moving, unable to work, unable to relax, unable to have friends or love in my life. Another purpose is to inflict pain for the fun of it, eventually leading to miserable death.

This, Dear Reader, is America as America has shown itself to God to be. When God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy it was a test of America, called The Litmus Paper Ambush, a test which America has failed pitifully.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The $23 Billion Defeat

First things first, Dear Reader; you may recall I have been saying I am expecting plane crashes carrying American athletes in the course of this current God's Space War campaign designed to cut America off at its knees within the next five weeks.

Look to the crash into a New York building of a plane registered to Cory Liddle of the New York Yankees, apparently killing the damned Yankee pitcher, whose body is reported to have ended up on a New York sidewalk.

This is to say, Dear Reader, that advance-documented crash was a warning by God to America, and a gift from God to me. America should pay attention, and I am deeply grateful, living as I am in intense American government pig torture every day.

There are two interesting connections in this event to the GOL Airlines crash in Brazil two weeks ago, but I will go into them later, perhaps tomorrow.

The following is what I had written before the baseball star's plane crashed. I have not changed it; that is, I have not added the reference to baseball player deaths.


The torture of me is now so intense, so professional, so government-piggish, so directed at murder by attrition that this eight-week advance demonstration of the looming, massive defeat of the United States of America is compromised.

For example, I picked up only one code before the huge ammunition dump explosion in Baghdad, and my standards require three.

This is something I have learned in being under attack by government pigs for some 40 years: All government pigs are alike, KGB, FBI, Gestapo, Mossad, CIA ; it doesn't matter what country, it doesn't matter what system; like similar people go into medicine and education and the military all over the world, similar people become government pigs.

It is the invisibility and the extra-legal power that brings out the wickedness and fascism of the government pig's soul

Here we have here a person or persons who are paid by the American people to do nothing else but inflict pain and sleep deprivation on me. The professionals have had to come in because I have been able to put myself out of the range of the amateurs, the endless line of American citizens who torture me for being the only audible mental telepath in the world.

Generally civilian volunteers fill the bill, but government pigs will follow me into places the civilian volunteers will not go, such as deep into the wilderness when I go there to regain my health, the government pigs even seeking me out by helicopter, so valuable to America is America's torture-enslavement of one human being.

The cost of this torture in terms of American children murdered in the last three weeks alone shows the unacceptable result of Telepath torture America accepts without a blink of the eye, and that's just a drop of American blood in the bucket of American blood that has been spilled over the decades, and will be spilt in the course of this eight-week demonstration.

So, in this week's demonstration we are expecting one more school shooting incident, this one fatal, and a Green (ecological) disaster, and an American sports disaster, likely through the crash of a plane carrying a professional team. Late information points to a baseball team.

We have been seeing a "School, School" pattern each week of this current "Mouse" demonstration; that is, two school incidents each week. This has shown itself to be the strongest code.

There was a second school event for this week today, a school in Oregon closed down because of a called-in threat; but the pattern we have been tracking since before the Green Bay blocked attempt has been one of alternating fatal events and non-fatal events.

While it is to be hoped these two events will fill out this week's School-School pattern, it yet to be seen if the expected fatal event is yet to occur. The codes are there. That is, I am receiving codes for a fatal shooting.

Frankly, right now, today, there are at least fifty people in the United States contemplating killing school students and staff. There are plans in the planning stage perhaps in every state in the Union today.

Repeating what I have said, were I a free man, given my gifts and my network, I could be saving student lives rather than documenting student deaths in advance. The government pigs and America's priesthood, the shrinks, insist there is no useful function for my telepathy other than the joy of torture it offers to the cowardly.

As approximately fifty percent of the American population will learn in the course of Judgment Day, the streets of Hell waft sweet with the smell of roasting government pigs. It's the nicest aspect of Hell, but that's another story.

Let's turn our attention now to Asia, where the Republican American Fascists are swan-diving America into Hell.

You have to understand that war with "North" Korea has been planned by Republican American Fascism at least since it snuck into the White House by way of Florida, and this intent can be seen in the ridiculous "Axis of Evil" map targeting Iraq, Iran and "North" Korea.

Once Iraq was invaded for fraudulent reasons, Iran and "North" Korea knew the triggers of the American guns at their heads would be pulled.

This intent is further revealed in the really nasty "diplomacy" of the Secretary of State, characterized by bullying and insult.

You can see this intent further in the US response---both media and government---to the speech of the Iranian president at the United Nations. It was a truly calm and patient explanation of Iran's viewpoint, and not at all the "rant" against the United States America the media and government claim it to have been.

Look at the speech if you don't believe me; it is in the public record.

We see in this current "North" Korea crisis two things: A tendency for the American government and media to panic, and the inability of the American government and media to appreciate history.

There is all this finger-pointing at the Democrats' blow-job president and the Republicans' idiot-child president, but in fact this whole problem was created in 1945 when the United States of America forced "North" Korea to become Communist in an agreement with the Soviet Union.

I wonder sometimes, does America's bitter-mouthed Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, know this; does she understand the dynamic of today is based on the history of Japan's long and vicious occupation of Korea and that agreement between the Soviet Union and the United States?

I have no doubt America' idiot-"president", George W. Bush, has no knowledge of history deeper than 1999.

I have no doubt American journalism has to knowledge of history deeper than yesterday.