Sunday, December 31, 2006

The $104 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Nine

Shark America Three ?

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 132

Bringing you up to date on this New Year's Eve, God has offered America something of a prisoner exchange; God to salvage the damned soul of Gerald Ford in exchange for America ending its torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, Virgil Kret.

The Americans, on their part, are preparing one of their more slimy attacks on me should I break out of the torture chamber they keep me in. You can expect a blitz of TV propaganda making me into the most wicked man the human race has ever produced.

For now, the focal issue at I.C. News until December 31 disappears at the International Date Line is whether or not America prefers to end its torture-enslavement of me or begin God's eternal damnation of Gerald Ford.

Of course the Americans will almost certainly not to appreciate the reality of this and will almost certainly continue their torture-enslavement of me in the hellish torture-chamber they created for me. In immediate and eternal terms, this is bad news for Gerald Ford.

The state of Gerald Ford's soul is at this time something like that of the life a newborn baby abandoned in dumpster. Like Ford's soul, the baby can be saved, but time is of the essence.

Perhaps God will give the Americans a sign as proof of Ford's damnation, as God gave signs of proof of the damnation of Ronald Reagan and Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bush. However, for Americans to see that sign that sign must be very clear; and beyond that, that sign must be frightening.

As the record shows, the Americans love torturing me too much to let a little sign from God keep them from that pleasure.

And to be sure, if the Americans allow Ford to slide down the steep incline into deepest Hell, there are more psycho-fascist American big shots to die and be damned as Time goes by.

This prisoner exchange offer, however, will not always be available as Time goes by.

At some point there will no chance for any of the bastards and bitches who run America to save their souls. This is because there is a Danger Zone where the slope into Hell is too steep and descent is too rapid.

I cannot overstate the seriousness of America's crime against God in its torture-enslavement of me. God is far more angry at America for this than I am; far, far more; and sometimes God opens the door of the furnace of that anger for me to see, and it is a million times hotter than the heat I would sink America in if it were up to me.

Right now God's interest in plucking Gerald Ford out of Hell is far, far less than was Gerald Ford's interest in plucking me out of the Hell America created for me. This should be understandable to Christians; Do Unto Others.

Go figure, I accurately warned of both attempts to assassinate Ford, and he treated me like a turd in his White House toilet. Now Ford is a turd in Death's toilet. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

Not a bad hand I have here, a Straight Flush.

I would wish America a Happy New Year, but that would be giving false hope where there is no hope at all; 2007 will be a year of defeat, shame and misery for the United States of America.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

The $103 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Ten

Shark America Two ?

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 136

We Space Sailors have a saying: You can lead an American to thought, but you can't make an American think. That said, Americans, I will lead you to some thought even though I know your nature.

I think it might be worth your while for me to tell you about the damnation of Gerald Ford, both the physics of his damnation and how he came to lose his soul, at least as much of the story as I know.

You see, it is not what America, or his wife, or his children, or his cronies in government, or his pals in college, or his chums in high school, or his mother and father or his grandparents might think of Ford; it is what God thinks of Ford.

There is a very interesting juxtaposition of three events in the news these days, the natural death of the Godfather of Soul, the death by execution of one former head of state and the supposed natural death of another.

James Brown's soul was saved, and I suggest the timing of his death was an honor God gave him, marking as it did the day the United States of America lost its soul.

Recall, God's Space War involves Metaphors of Attack, and if you learn to read the Metaphors of Attack you learn to read the battle map, and to understand where you are on it.

So, James Brown's soul was saved, as would be expected.

I cannot speak to the state of the soul of the hanged man because the gallows and the story are too far from the torture chamber America keeps me in. From what little I know, it seems to me he died bravely and made a strong final statement to the Arab world, a final statement that will haunt America and Israel.

(Isn't it strange that it is more acceptable to take God's name in vain than to criticize Israel?)

While not knowing the state of the hanged man's soul, I do know for certain that Gerald Ford's soul was lost.

Now here is a really interesting similarity between these two dead former heads of state: neither man saw himself as being in error.

Likely neither Ford nor anyone close to Ford knew or suspected Ford was damned.

There is also a very interesting difference in how these two dead former heads of state are perceived by the World. While much of the world sees the Boogie Man of Iraq as a sinner, most of the World, except for Ford's victims, does not see Ford as a sinner; yet the sins which both men took with them into death are almost precisely the same.

While the infamous Iraqi tortured and murdered many, the respected American, at the minimum, took part in the torture and murder of me by the many. One word from Ford or any other occupier of the Oval Office could have freed me at any time.

I don't know the whole story of why Gerald Ford lost his soul.

Did he, as is the American presidential custom, assist quietly in the murder of people by taking sides in some nation's internal affairs? Certainly that has not been broadly reported in the media.

Did he participate in something unknown and evil when he sidled into the Presidency as Nixon slithered out? Certainly that has not been broadly reported in the media.

Did he cowardly turn his back on America and the world when Republican American Fascism committed the foul crime of invading Iraq, as his pre-recorded posthumous statement to the Washington Post seems to indicate?

I personally experienced one evil thing Ford did; and what he did, even if it were his only crime in his whole life, would find him where he is now, sinking, sinking, sinking, deeper, deeper, deeper into Hell, like a weighted corpse sinking into the deepest pit of the deepest ocean.

What he did was participate in America's torture-enslavement of me, which is as damnable as child-murder.

When many Americans are Telepath torturers, few Americans are chosen.

Certainly Ford did not consider his role in my torture-enslavement to be a sin, or to be even a thing of importance. Like the Boogie Man of Iraq, he saw absolutely no criminality in his crime.

This is a very important concept, because it is the near-universal opinion among Americans that no matter how evil their torture of me, their torture of me is not evil. This is lovely self-hypnoses but it burns away with the first licks of the flames of Hell.

Yet it is evil, and God sees it is evil, and every American of high office, the House, the Senate, the Presidency, the Supreme Court, who has died since this torture-enslavement began, and who will die in the shadow of this horrid crime, is damned. Nixon is damned, Reagan is damned, Clinton the Blow-Job President is damned unless he repents; and Jimmy Carter, as nice a man as he is, doing good works left and right, will lose his soul if he dies still stained with the sin of participating in the America's national crime of torturing and enslaving me.

For example, the government pig in the next room tortured me awake about six times last night, and while the government pigs lost his soul for doing so, a deserved fate he is blithely unaware of, Jimmy Carter shared in the sin the pig committed against me last night, as did every other damned American who knows of my status.

Do unto others is not a catchphrase, it is a fundamental law by which you rise or descend.

And remember, I documented in advance the death of Gerald Ford, right here, in this work, about a week before it took place. Who is to say he was not executed by God, plucked from the Tree of Old Age a little early? After all, in my advance documentation I said it would be God who would kill a Washington Deceit person, and what is more Washington Deceit than a president?

There is a funny thing about damnation, although "funny" here is a funny word. In its early stages it can in some cases be reversed. In some cases prayer by the living can do that; and in some cases it takes forgiveness by the victims.

In Ford's case, there are no innocent people to pray for him. There is not one among those who would pray for him who is not aware of, and therefor a participant in, America's torture-enslavement of me. And as for me, one of the victims of Ford, I am not obliged to forgive him and I certainly have no inclination to do so as long as that torture-enslavement continues.

Now I will explain to you the state of Gerald Ford's soul, with emphasis on the fact that.time is critical if he is to be plucked from Hell.

Upon death Ford found himself in a dark place, like dark part of skid row at night, with no street lights, and experiencing the dismal feeling of skid row hopelessness in the pit of his stomach; and he looked around; and knew immediately he was not where he had expected to be; he was not in Glory; he was in Glory's Opposite; and he knew by the sinking feeling in his total being he was lost but he could not pinpoint the reason why; and then he heard one word spoken in the darkness, "Virgil"; and in horrible knowledge of his sin he began sinking, sinking, sinking, deeper, deeper, deeper into the madness and dismay and endless regret of Hell.

For a week or so he can still be salvaged, after that his soul will be so crumpled and so distorted, so eternally insane, so eternally in pain, that there is no more saving him than saving the life of a sailor on his back at the bottom of the sea, arm raised upward in death, eyes staring blindly upward toward the surface and seeing nothing in God's Creation but death; dead as dead a dead sailor can be.

The only chance to save Gerald Ford's soul rests on America freeing me before New Year's morning.

I said the same with considerable evidence at the time of Reagan's death and damnation; and NBC knew I was right, but NBC let the poor bastard sink into the smelly pit which to this day and forever remains his home.

Meanwhile, back at God's Space War and the forthcoming damnation of half the population of the United States of America, from the top echelons down. Clearly we have entered into a new stage of battle, God's mounted forces are charging across a ford on the River of Self-Praise behind which America hides.

My own role has changed. It is past time for me to warn. All the advance documentations I have accomplished while America's torture-slave were for that purpose, to warn; the rattle of the rattlesnake saying Don't Tread On Me, the signal of the sentinel signaling there is danger near.

I now have only two advance documentations outstanding, a major earthquake on December 26, 2007 and the fabulous events of The Year of Adjustment, which I first estimated to be in the year 2020, but now I am thinking it might be much sooner.

I established those advance documentations on Tuesday, December 27, and repeated them on the 28th and 29th.

I feel no inclination to further warn America of the doom it is approaching and which it so richly deserves; but I will watch with great interest as America's doom unfolds. If I become free, or find asylum in another country, I will continue to document and warn humankind of the death of this Earth in 2065 or shortly before, but it is all pearls before swine in America.

So, Dear Reader, I have again led America to thought; it is hardly likely I made America think.

Friday, December 29, 2006

The $102 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Nine

Shark America One ?

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 131

Well, Dear Reader, it seems we have reached an end to an era in this work. By that I mean there is no need to continue this work as I have approached it since about 1965. That is, there is no more need to document events in advance from within my American torture chamber.

With this exception: there is one more important event to document, the major impact on the United States of America I noted yesterday. That event is God's hanging of the United States of America.

The United States of America was hanged by God at the moment the Boogie Man of Iraq was hanged, and for basically the same crimes. This was not in support of the Boogie Man of Iraq, but rather in support of me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath, the victim of American torture-enslavement for some 35 years.

This is straight Jesus stuff; do unto others, be judged as you judge. America has tortured and murdered me and murdered my children and murdered my grandchildren and murdered my great-grandchildren, and murdered ad infinitum; not to mention how many other peoples' progeny throughout the world America has murdered, usually by proxy.

I refer you again to my report of Tuesday, December 27, which seems to me to be a good place to draw a line in the sands of Time. It was a perfect documentation, fulfilling in my advance documentations of the earthquakes of December 26, and the death and damnation of Gerald Ford, also on December 26, and projecting into the future to the calamity to be known as Black Christmas.

The only possible way Gerald Ford could have been saved from Hell was if he was innocent of the knowledge of America's torture-enslavement of me; no matter what that torture enslavement was called or rationalized as by Ford.

It is the same for every politician dead or yet to die, no matter how glowing the funeral oratory; America's torture enslavement of me is a damnable crime; as damnable as the Iraqi Boogie Man's crimes; and woe to the person who swears an oath to the Constitution and supports or goes along with America's torture-enslavement of me.

That report of December 27 also projected into the future with such accuracy that it will stand forever; by that I mean it will stand even after this Earth is dead by 2065. It described in accurate detail a period of 340 days into which our Earth will enter and how, within that period of 340 days, our Sun will go through seven distinct oscillations, creating havoc in our Solar System.

Pray you are not under the influence of, or a member of, or in service of Republican American Fascism when that happens.

Here I repeat, again, my report of December 27.


My much advertised quake between Iran and Indonesia expected on December 26 did not take place, but two large quakes took place off Taiwan on that date.

This is better than government work, but not good enough for I.C. News. Right church, wrong pew; right day, wrong longitude and latitude.

The two Taiwan quakes, however, support I.C. News' hypothesis that a great earthquake disaster will take place on or about December 26 of some yet unknown year in the near future; the time we Space Sailors call Black Christmas.

Today, I am the first to say there will be a major earthquake event on December 26, 2007, making it five years in a row such an event has taken place.

Monday we introduced the code, "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet". Today I am going to approach the meaning of that code, but first I want to sum up where we are, because all our running codes have played out.

We were expecting a major Washington Deceit death, and Gerald Ford died on December 26.

We we were expecting a major earthquake on December 26, and we had two on that date, a 7.0 and a 7.1 off Taiwan.

The fly in the ointment of our work is that we were expecting at least one death among the space shuttle Discovery crew, and that has not been reported. At the same time, there seems to have been no follow-up presentation of the Discovery crew at the end of the mission, as is traditional.

So, knowing how readily the news media will lie through commission and omission, and having seen no report on or interviews of the crew since the Discovery mission came to an end, the question of Discovery fatalities remains, to me, a mystery for the mystery pile. The codes were strong.

So, my desk at I.C. News is empty of old business; and while there is some new business to report I do not know if America is up to it. That is the new business contained in the code, You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet.

This code will demonstrate one very great reason why America's policy of torturing and enslaving me has been a colossal error.

This is because by now I should have been in a position to tell the world with some credibility what I am about to tell you; and the world should be aware enough of my work and my credentials to know to brace itself for the once in 200 million years event approaching it.

You may have noticed a new count at the top of the page, the count giving the number of earthquakes recorded over the past seven days. As we enter into the You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet code, we expect the average number of quakes to gradually increase until we reach a point in time we Space Sailors call "The Year of Adjustment".

The year of adjustment is not a full year, it is precisely 340 days. I do not yet know the date The Year of Adjustment begins. I will explain, and I explain only because I have been asked by God to do so.

I have established this earthquake watch because I have been asked by God to talk to you about Space; or more precisely, about where our Earth is in her circumnavigation of our Galaxy; well, even more clearly said, where our Sun is in his circumnavigation of our Galaxy, but since our Earth follows our Sun it amounts to the same thing.

While our Earth is traveling around our Sun, our Sun is traveling around our Galaxy.

This journey around our Galaxy takes our Sun some 200 million years. This is rocket journalism, not rocket science, but that is a good casual estimation for a raggedy assed newsman in rags, living in a torture chamber in California.

Now here we come to a point of information which is super-rocket journalism, which is worth 16 Pulitzers and a Nobel, which I expect will prove itself in our tracking of earthquake patterns during the coming months.

Within that 200 million year cycle there is one period of 340 days during which our Sun makes about seven irregular movements, as if it were a cue ball bouncing off the cushions of a pool table about seven times. This creates havoc with the other balls on the table, of which our Earth is one and our moon is another.

As I said, we Space Sailors call that period of 340 days The Year of Adjustment; and as luck would have it, Dear Reader, 2007 appears to contain or usher in The Year of Adjustment.

For human beings, this is good news and bad news.

The good news is it is a unique opportunity to live in a unique time, something you would want tell your grandchildren about. After all, this will not happen again for another 200 million years.

The bad news is The Year of Adjustment could very well kill every human being on this Earth, and there will be no grandchildren to tell the story to. It is up to you, "you" being the Human Being.

My point is, we are entering into a batten-down-the-hatches zone in Space, with water in the scuppers all the time, and our ship keeling over far enough to make an old salt queasy. My point is, great seamanship will be required of the human being during The Year of Adjustment.

In terms of the welfare of the human soul, The Year of Adjustment is a very bad year during which to kill or to steal and so forth; not that any year is a good year for that but there is little margin for error in saving the human being during this period; and therefore there is a very low tolerance for those who add misery and death and what we Space Sailors call "out-of-trueness" to this ship, our Earth.

This approaching 340 day period is a very risky time to be at war, and I mean for the ordinary soldier as well as for the political idiots who send them to war; and I mean in terms of loss of souls whether the soldier dies in battle or not.

God has never appreciated the religiosity the human being has for soldiers. War is Satan's Catholic Mass.

What is being said here is that there is nothing more important in 2007 than hunkering down and saving this Earth. I can tell you this and your pooh-pooh brigades will pooh-pooh it; but God and Time will show you I know what I am talking about; and that is why I have decided to run a daily record of seven-day earthquake frequency.

There is one thing I am going to attempt to do that falls purely in the area of professional pride, like a craftsman polishing a piece of work to perfection. I am going to attempt to tell you the day the 340-day Year of Adjustment begins; but frankly your teeth might be rattling by then and you may not have to be told.

Be Prepared, it is good enough for the Boy Scouts and is it good enough for you.

Now, looking at The Year of Adjustment in the context of the standard behavior and failings of Republican American Fascism; there are some Republican American Fascist actions we can with reasonable certainty anticipate.

As with Katrina and the other Gulf storms, and as with the 9/11 attack and the subsequent military follies, the Republican American Fascists can be expected to attempt to crookedly profit from the chaos of the Year of Adjustment; and to spread the chaos; and seek to perpetuate the chaos.

To Republican American Fascism, chaos and theft within chaos are power and profit.

The Republican American Fascists can also be expected to censor news of The Year of Adjustment, to not allow the reporting of events fully in the public media; or allow the connecting of events, as if a major earthquake in Siberia has nothing to do with a major earthquake off the Philippines.

Major earthquakes in distant places can be expected to be censored, or reported minimally, and the importance of such Space events as the recent sun flare which was perhaps the greatest ever recorded, to go unexamined.

When America experiences massive disasters during The Year of Adjustment it will likely be taken by the Republican American Fascists as a reason and opportunity to suspend liberty; and to establish the dictatorship of fascist fools over the foolish American people, who have allowed fascism to grip their throats.

The result will be national fascist terror combined with world-wide chaos, unless the American people decide clearly if they would rather be free than fascist.

This is not a prediction. This is not written in stone. It is a projection based on my observations of fascism in America since American fascism first attacked me when God gave me the gift of audible telepathy some 35 years ago.

By the way, Gerald Ford lost his soul.


Thursday, December 28, 2006

The $101 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Eight

Shark America Zero ?

Number of Earthquakes in the past seven days: 127

Yesterday's report was a very accurate and important projection of a world wide disaster of huge importance; and more importantly of a disaster that can be anticipated and prepared for.

For that reason I am running yesterday's report again today.

By the way, we are expecting a major impact on the United States of America tomorrow, Friday, December 29, 2006.


My much advertised quake between Iran and Indonesia expected on December 26 did not take place, but two large quakes took place off Taiwan on that date.

This is better than government work, but not good enough for I.C. News. Right church, wrong pew; right day, wrong longitude and latitude.

The two Taiwan quakes, however, support I.C. News' hypothesis that a great earthquake disaster will take place on or about December 26 of some yet unknown year in the near future; the time we Space Sailors call Black Christmas.

Today, I am the first to say there will be a major earthquake event on December 26, 2007, making it five years in a row such an event has taken place.

Monday we introduced the code, "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet". Today I am going to approach the meaning of that code, but first I want to sum up where we are, because all our running codes have played out.

We were expecting a major Washington Deceit death, and Gerald Ford died on December 26.

We we were expecting a major earthquake on December 26, and we had two on that date, a 7.0 and a 7.1 off Taiwan.

The fly in the ointment of our work is that we were expecting at least one death among the space shuttle Discovery crew, and that has not been reported. At the same time, there seems to have been no follow-up presentation of the Discovery crew at the end of the mission, as is traditional.

So, knowing how readily the news media will lie through commission and omission, and having seen no report on or interviews of the crew since the Discovery mission came to an end, the question of Discovery fatalities remains, to me, a mystery for the mystery pile. The codes were strong.

So, my desk at I.C. News is empty of old business; and while there is some new business to report I do not know if America is up to it. That is the new business contained in the code, You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet.

This code will demonstrate one very great reason why America's policy of torturing and enslaving me has been a colossal error.

This is because by now I should have been in a position to tell the world with some credibility what I am about to tell you; and the world should be aware enough of my work and my credentials to know to brace itself for the once in 200 million years event approaching it.

You may have noticed a new count at the top of the page, the count giving the number of earthquakes recorded over the past seven days. As we enter into the You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet code, we expect the average number of quakes to gradually increase until we reach a point in time we Space Sailors call "The Year of Adjustment".

The year of adjustment is not a full year, it is precisely 340 days. I do not yet know the date The Year of Adjustment begins. I will explain, and I explain only because I have been asked by God to do so.

I have established this earthquake watch because I have been asked by God to talk to you about Space; or more precisely, about where our Earth is in her circumnavigation of our Galaxy; well, even more clearly said, where our Sun is in his circumnavigation of our Galaxy, but since our Earth follows our Sun it amounts to the same thing.

While our Earth is traveling around our Sun, our Sun is traveling around our Galaxy.

This journey around our Galaxy takes our Sun some 200 million years. This is rocket journalism, not rocket science, but that is a good casual estimation for a raggedy assed newsman in rags, living in a torture chamber in California.

Now here we come to a point of information which is super-rocket journalism, which is worth 16 Pulitzers and a Nobel, which I expect will prove itself in our tracking of earthquake patterns during the coming months.

Within that 200 million year cycle there is one period of 340 days during which our Sun makes about seven irregular movements, as if it were a cue ball bouncing off the cushions of a pool table about seven times. This creates havoc with the other balls on the table, of which our Earth is one and our moon is another.

As I said, we Space Sailors call that period of 340 days The Year of Adjustment; and as luck would have it, Dear Reader, 2007 appears to contain or usher in The Year of Adjustment.

For human beings, this is good news and bad news.

The good news is it is a unique opportunity to live in a unique time, something you would want tell your grandchildren about. After all, this will not happen again for another 200 million years.

The bad news is The Year of Adjustment could very well kill every human being on this Earth, and there will be no grandchildren to tell the story to. It is up to you, "you" being the Human Being.

My point is, we are entering into a batten-down-the-hatches zone in Space, with water in the scuppers all the time, and our ship keeling over far enough to make an old salt queasy. My point is, great seamanship will be required of the human being during The Year of Adjustment.

In terms of the welfare of the human soul, The Year of Adjustment is a very bad year during which to kill or to steal and so forth; not that any year is a good year for that but there is little margin for error in saving the human being during this period; and therefore there is a very low tolerance for those who add misery and death and what we Space Sailors call "out-of-trueness" to this ship, our Earth.

This approaching 340 day period is a very risky time to be at war, and I mean for the ordinary soldier as well as for the political idiots who send them to war; and I mean in terms of loss of souls whether the soldier dies in battle or not.

God has never appreciated the religiosity the human being has for soldiers. War is Satan's Catholic Mass.

What is being said here is that there is nothing more important in 2007 than hunkering down and saving this Earth. I can tell you this and your pooh-pooh brigades will pooh-pooh it; but God and Time will show you I know what I am talking about; and that is why I have decided to run a daily record of seven-day earthquake frequency.

There is one thing I am going to attempt to do that falls purely in the area of professional pride, like a craftsman polishing a piece of work to perfection. I am going to attempt to tell you the day the 340-day Year of Adjustment begins; but frankly your teeth might be rattling by then and you may not have to be told.

Be Prepared, it is good enough for the Boy Scouts and is it good enough for you.

Now, looking at The Year of Adjustment in the context of the standard behavior and failings of Republican American Fascism; there are some Republican American Fascist actions we can with reasonable certainty anticipate.

As with Katrina and the other Gulf storms, and as with the 9/11 attack and the subsequent military follies, the Republican American Fascists can be expected to attempt to crookedly profit from the chaos of the Year of Adjustment; and to spread the chaos; and seek to perpetuate the chaos.

To Republican American Fascism, chaos and theft within chaos are power and profit.

The Republican American Fascists can also be expected to censor news of The Year of Adjustment, to not allow the reporting of events fully in the public media; or allow the connecting of events, as if a major earthquake in Siberia has nothing to do with a major earthquake off the Philippines.

Major earthquakes in distant places can be expected to be censored, or reported minimally, and the importance of such Space events as the recent sun flare which was perhaps the greatest ever recorded, to go unexamined.

When America experiences massive disasters during The Year of Adjustment it will likely be taken by the Republican American Fascists as a reason and opportunity to suspend liberty; and to establish the dictatorship of fascist fools over the foolish American people, who have allowed fascism to grip their throats.

The result will be national fascist terror combined with world-wide chaos, unless the American people decide clearly if they would rather be free than fascist.

This is not a prediction. This is not written in stone. It is a projection based on my observations of fascism in America since American fascism first attacked me when God gave me the gift of audible telepathy some 35 years ago.

By the way, Gerald Ford lost his soul.


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The $100 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Seven

Shark America One ?

Number of Earthquakes in the past seven days: 130

My much advertised quake between Iran and Indonesia expected on December 26 did not take place, but two large quakes took place off Taiwan on that date.

This is better than government work, but not good enough for I.C. News. Right church, wrong pew; right day, wrong longitude and latitude.

The two Taiwan quakes, however, support I.C. News' hypothesis that a great earthquake disaster will take place on or about December 26 of some yet unknown year in the near future; the time we Space Sailors call Black Christmas.

Today, I am the first to say there will be a major earthquake event on December 26, 2007, making it five years in a row such an event has taken place.

Monday we introduced the code, "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet". Today I am going to approach the meaning of that code, but first I want to sum up where we are, because all our running codes have played out.

We were expecting a major Washington Deceit death, and Gerald Ford died on December 26.

We we were expecting a major earthquake on December 26, and we had two on that date, a 7.0 and a 7.1 off Taiwan.

The fly in the ointment of our work is that we were expecting at least one death among the space shuttle Discovery crew, and that has not been reported. At the same time, there seems to have been no follow-up presentation of the Discovery crew at the end of the mission, as is traditional.

So, knowing how readily the news media will lie through commission and omission, and having seen no report on or interviews of the crew since the Discovery mission came to an end, the question of Discovery fatalities remains, to me, a mystery for the mystery pile. The codes were strong.

So, my desk at I.C. News is empty of old business; and while there is some new business to report I do not know if America is up to it. That is the new business contained in the code, You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet.

This code will demonstrate one very great reason why America's policy of torturing and enslaving me has been a colossal error.

This is because by now I should have been in a position to tell the world with some credibility what I am about to tell you; and the world should be aware enough of my work and my credentials to know to brace itself for the once in 200 million years event approaching it.

You may have noticed a new count at the top of the page, the count giving the number of earthquakes recorded over the past seven days. As we enter into the You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet code, we expect the average number of quakes to gradually increase until we reach a point in time we Space Sailors call "The Year of Adjustment".

The year of adjustment is not a full year, it is precisely 340 days. I do not yet know the date The Year of Adjustment begins. I will explain, and I explain only because I have been asked by God to do so.

I have established this earthquake watch because I have been asked by God to talk to you about Space; or more precisely, about where our Earth is in her circumnavigation of our Galaxy; well, even more clearly said, where our Sun is in his circumnavigation of our Galaxy, but since our Earth follows our Sun it amounts to the same thing.

While our Earth is traveling around our Sun, our Sun is traveling around our Galaxy.

This journey around our Galaxy takes our Sun some 200 million years. This is rocket journalism, not rocket science, but that is a good casual estimation for a raggedy assed newsman in rags, living in a torture chamber in California.

Now here we come to a point of information which is super-rocket journalism, which is worth 16 Pulitzers and a Nobel, which I expect will prove itself in our tracking of earthquake patterns during the coming months.

Within that 200 million year cycle there is one period of 340 days during which our Sun makes about seven irregular movements, as if it were a cue ball bouncing off the cushions of a pool table about seven times. This creates havoc with the other balls on the table, of which our Earth is one and our moon is another.

As I said, we Space Sailors call that period of 340 days The Year of Adjustment; and as luck would have it, Dear Reader, 2007 appears to contain or usher in The Year of Adjustment.

For human beings, this is good news and bad news.

The good news is it is a unique opportunity to live in a unique time, something you would want tell your grandchildren about. After all, this will not happen again for another 200 million years.

The bad news is The Year of Adjustment could very well kill every human being on this Earth, and there will be no grandchildren to tell the story to. It is up to you, "you" being the Human Being.

My point is, we are entering into a batten-down-the-hatches zone in Space, with water in the scuppers all the time, and our ship keeling over far enough to make an old salt queasy. My point is, great seamanship will be required of the human being during The Year of Adjustment.

In terms of the welfare of the human soul, The Year of Adjustment is a very bad year during which to kill or to steal and so forth; not that any year is a good year for that but there is little margin for error in saving the human being during this period; and therefore there is a very low tolerance for those who add misery and death and what we Space Sailors call "out-of-trueness" to this ship, our Earth.

This approaching 340 day period is a very risky time to be at war, and I mean for the ordinary soldier as well as for the political idiots who send them to war; and I mean in terms of loss of souls whether the soldier dies in battle or not.

God has never appreciated the religiosity the human being has for soldiers. War is Satan's Catholic Mass.

What is being said here is that there is nothing more important in 2007 than hunkering down and saving this Earth. I can tell you this and your pooh-pooh brigades will pooh-pooh it; but God and Time will show you I know what I am talking about; and that is why I have decided to run a daily record of seven-day earthquake frequency.

There is one thing I am going to attempt to do that falls purely in the area of professional pride, like a craftsman polishing a piece of work to perfection. I am going to attempt to tell you the day the 340-day Year of Adjustment begins; but frankly your teeth might be rattling by then and you may not have to be told.

Be Prepared, it is good enough for the Boy Scouts and is it good enough for you.

Now, looking at The Year of Adjustment in the context of the standard behavior and failings of Republican American Fascism; there are some Republican American Fascist actions we can with reasonable certainty anticipate.

As with Katrina and the other Gulf storms, and as with the 9/11 attack and the subsequent military follies, the Republican American Fascists can be expected to attempt to crookedly profit from the chaos of the Year of Adjustment; and to spread the chaos; and seek to perpetuate the chaos.

To Republican American Fascism, chaos and theft within chaos are power and profit.

The Republican American Fascists can also be expected to censor news of The Year of Adjustment, to not allow the reporting of events fully in the public media; or allow the connecting of events, as if a major earthquake in Siberia has nothing to do with a major earthquake off the Philippines.

Major earthquakes in distant places can be expected to be censored, or reported minimally, and the importance of such Space events as the recent sun flare which was perhaps the greatest ever recorded, to go unexamined.

When America experiences massive disasters during The Year of Adjustment it will likely be taken by the Republican American Fascists as a reason and opportunity to suspend liberty; and to establish the dictatorship of fascist fools over the foolish American people, who have allowed fascism to grip their throats.

The result will be national fascist terror combined with world-wide chaos, unless the American people decide clearly if they would rather be free than fascist.

This is not a prediction. This is not written in stone. It is a projection based on my observations of fascism in America since American fascism first attacked me when God gave me the gift of audible telepathy some 35 years ago.

By the way, Gerald Ford lost his soul.


Monday, December 25, 2006

The $98 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Five

Shark America Three ?

Today's codes are "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet" and "California Will Lose an Arm and a Leg" as we approach the December 26 Asian earthquake I have documented many times this year.

The question we are asking today is do you think the people of California can take from God what they have dished out to me? The question is, will Californians survive their well-deserved return blows or not, because there is no doubt they will take those blows directly from the fist of God.

The code, California Will Lose an Arm and a Leg, comes in as I am tortured throughout the nights of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; and after the "coincidence" of my having appealed to California's actor-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for help, only to be ignored, shortly before Shwarzenegger broke his leg skiing.

As I have often told you, Coincidence is the Rocket' Red Glare of God's Space War.

Let's look to California's horrible fate in the context of tomorrow, December 26.

Several times this year I have recorded there will be a major earthquake along the fault line that goes from Iran to Indonesia on or about December 26, 2006.

The reasoning behind this long range advance documentation is that there have been major quakes along that fault line on that date for the last three years in a row, including the quake the caused the great tsunami.

(That quake and tsunami catastrophe was one of my best advance documentations. I counted down to it on the Internet for ten days before it took place.)

I have documented the quake expected tomorrow so well that a Republican American Fascist guest on Fox News alluded to my documentation; of course not giving me credit because theft is a fundamental aspect of Republican American Fascism.

Along with and connected to that December 26 quake pattern something else seems to be coming up, something very much like what Californians call The Big One.

Understand, we are documenting the death of this Earth here and saying the throes of Earth's death can be seen in her earthquake patterns.

No matter how good and clear my earthquake work is, it is very likely it will take the deaths of California, Oregon and Washington to attract considered examination of my hypothesis. This is because even if all of Indonesia were to die when I said it would America would continue torturing me, and torturing me, and torturing me, ignoring I had been right. This is because to the Americans, other peoples' lives are cheap.

That brings us to the potential death factor in tomorrow's expected quake. If people die because they have not been warned, and if they have not been warned because America so loves its torture-enslavement of me that it would not allow my warnings to reach them, America will suffer ten times the deaths in its next earthquake. Write it down; see if it doesn't turn out that way.

I am beginning to get the feeling we have entered into a new stage of God's Space War against the United States of America; and if we look we can see my oft-repeated statement that God will cut America off at the knees played out symbolically and warningly in the broken leg of Schwarzenegger and also the cancerous leg of the silly wife of the Republican American Fascist "president", George W. Bush.

For those following our two-sword metaphor of attack, I am advised by God that Schwarzenegger's skiing "accident" was the sword thrust the Japanese call "tsuki", straight through the neck at Adam's Apple level.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

The $97 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Four

Shark America Four ?

It is something of a tradition at I.C. News to re-publish The True Story of Santa Clause on Christmas Eve. I wrote this story on Christmas Day, 1980.

This year I had a happy surprise in that a reader in Russia, a Mr. Ded Moroz, who read The True Story of Santa Clause last year, has asked me to be sure to publish it again this year, and to dedicate it to his daughter, Snegurochka.

So, for Snegurochka, here is The True Story of Santa Claus


The True Story of Santa Claus

By Virgil Kret

There is much talk these days of there being no Santa Claus; and it seems to me there is an over-anxiousness of those who hold this view to convince the rest of us of the absolute correctness of such nonsensical talk.

These anti-Santas have gone to the extent, even, of flooding the season with many men in Santa suits, Santas ringing bells for good causes, Santas talking to good children in department stores, Santas landing in helicopters, Santas arriving by bus, Santas winking from the television, and so on, until we see but a blur of red fabric and cotton bearding, and the real Santa is lost from our sight.

Well, this is not accidental, nor is it incidental to you and me. There never used to be this imitation of the real Santa; and everyone knew, children and grownups too, that Santa is real.

In those days Santa always came to visit, left his gifts, and departed.

Of course he couldn't do such things unless he was different from you and I. He had to be as fast as magic to move so fast, to visit so many houses in just one night.

He had to be something special--and he was, and he still is.

Have you ever seen lightning flash on a storm-clouded evening and watched the bolts stand so scary-exciting on the horizon? Well, Santa is faster than that.

Have you ever seen a flash bulb flash and leave little blue and red lights in your sight for a while? Well, Santa is faster than that.

Have you ever looked into a mirror, and looked right into your eyes, and seen how fast your eyelids blink? Well, Santa is faster than that.

So, at best people could only get a glimpse of Santa when he was still coming around every Christmas, just a brief short flash of sight, like a shiny bubble almost, a flash of white with jolly red in the middle.

(Did I just say, "...still coming around every Christmas"? Well, I will explain that in just a minute.)

Of course you'd miss it altogether, the sight of Santa in your room, if you happened to be blinking at the time; and that's why children would look at him wide-eyed, and adults too, so they would not miss him by blinking; and that leads us to our story.

Back in the year 1914 there was a terrible war going on in Europe. That war was so big and so bad that we still call it, "The First World War".

Of course it wasn't the first war ever to take place in the world. There had been many, many wars before it; and Santa had never liked those wars because of the horrible things they did to boys and girls and grownups too; so in 1914 Santa decided to put his foot down.

Santa Claus sent a letter to all the countries fighting in the war that said: "Unless you stop this war and put your weapons into the junk yard I won't come to visit you on Christmas Eve!"

But nobody believed him. Santa had always come at Christmas. It was, well, it was his duty; and besides, Santa had put up with many wars before, so why not with this war, too? So all the presidents and kings and queens said, "Let's continue this war, Santa will come anyway."

Then Santa sent a letter to all the newspapers that said: "War is just too bad and too mean; and unless all the weapons are broken up and made into something else I won't come at Christmas."

Well, the newspaper editors took the same position as the kings and queens and presidents, and wouldn't even print Santa's letter.

So Christmas came in 1914, and everybody had a big surprise!

Children jumped out of their beds and ran to find...what? No stuffings in their stockings, no present from Santa under the tree.

There were presents from their mothers and fathers, grandparents, sisters and brothers and so forth, but nothing, absolutely nothing, from Santa.

Well, you can imagine the shock!

Parents didn't know what to say, and children were crying like crazy; and everywhere in every house, in every town, in every country fighting in the war--and, what!, also in every country in the whole world!, Santa had not come.

It was a terrible day, Christmas Day of 1914. The presidents and kings and queens wished everyone a merry Christmas, and the newspapers, in big letters above the news of the war, did the same--but Christmas just was not the same without Santa Claus.

Then a whole year went by, and as the world approached Christmas of 1915 the presidents and kings and queens and parents became very nervous.

What were they going to do? The children were asking if Santa was going to come, and they did not know what to say. The war, after all, was still going on and nothing more had been heard from Santa.

The kings, queens, presidents and parents didn't want to tell the children why Santa had not come in 1914. The children would only ask them why they didn't just stop the war so Santa would come in 1915; and they couldn't tell the children the truth, could they?, that they didn't know how to stop the war.

So as Christmas of 1915 approached, when parents bought presents for their children they bought an extra present just in case Santa didn't come again, writing on it "From Santa", and hiding it away to put under the tree on Christmas morning if Santa had not been there.

And sure enough, he hadn't! Yet because the children had fallen asleep and had not seen that Santa had not come, and had found their present marked "From Santa" under the tree, they believed that Santa had come; and the parents and the presidents and the kings and queens breathed a big sigh of relief.

But when you tell one lie you usually have to tell another; and right away the grownups were faced with that problem because the older children, those children who went to school, could read the writing on the presents.

They could see the words "From Santa" seemed to be written with the same hand that had written "From Mom and Dad" on the presents their parents put under the tree for them.

Furthermore, the presents from "Santa" were store-bought, and the older children could still remember when parents and others gave store-bought presents but Santa never did.

When the older children asked about this their parents would say, "Well, the truth is Santa is just for little girls and boys, and big children know Santa Claus doesn't really exist".

Well, while they might sob a little with this new and false news, the children believed the story their parents told them; and the children of 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920--on up to this very year, have believed the same false story.

You know the story I mean, the false story that says Santa Claus is only for little boys and girls.

Now, of course, even the parents of today believe this false story because they were not even born in 1915 when this false story was first told; and they, too, were told this story when they were children, and believed it.

You see, if you tell the same false story year after year after year, after a time everyone believes it to be true.

But Santa Claus really exists. And if you want proof, have a Christmas with no war going on anyplace in the world and you'll see for yourself.

And you might want to know what Santa is doing now. Well, he's his same old self and I hear he is preparing a very special Christmas surprise to help boys and girls (and their parents, too) put an end to war forever so they can live happily ever after; but that's another story.

December 25, 1980
St. Virgil

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The $96 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Three

Shark America Five ?

We have two new codes today, "Doom Generation" and "Black Christmas".

Killing time while Time is killing you; killing time while the children to be opening gifts on Christmas morning represent the Doom Generation, children who within their expected life span will see the death of this Earth.

The Doom Generation, now less than 60 years away from total planetary death.

Black Christmas, the first Christmas after virtually everyone of this Earth has come to know this Earth has passed the point of no return; by which time the infamy of George W. Bush will be far, far greater than the infamy of Adolph Hitler; Hitler murdered millions, George W. Bush murdered all.

The expected year of Black Christmas is 2020. The expected death of this Earth is before 2065.

Working Codes:

We have two new codes today, "Doom Generation" and "Black Christmas".

(If you have read this section previously, it has expanded only slightly and there is no need to be read again. It is for recorded-keeping, for summing up after this demonstration of God's Space War against the United States of American has run its course.

(It looks messy, but it is as messy as a spider's web.)

Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was initially bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter, and has become the poker table of God at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.

This code expanded with the pre-election news Ms. Coulter may be charged for illegal voting, indicating election illegalities might play large in the collapse of Republican American Fascism.

This code was expanded again with Ms. Coulter's post-election article, "Historic Victory for Diebold", an article concerning the Diebold voting computers, widely suspected of being an avenue for election fraud. Our bounce-off changed the word from German to English and separated Die and bold, making the simple sentence, "Die bold", and further expanded it to, "A bolt of death out of the blue".

This code was expanded by Ms. Coulter's very intelligent piece of 11/22 on the removal the of six Muslims from a commercial flight, pointing out that it makes sense that people became nervous about them. Sometimes she hits the nail on the head, sometimes she bends the nail; as all writers do.

As for me, I am tortured too much by the American people to fly commercial. There is nothing Americans like more to find me helpless and entrapped in a situation I cannot escape, such as in a two-hour line waiting to buy a ticket, or as a passenger on a plane on a flight to somewhere where they can torture me silly and if I respond I will be arrested for air craziness; but were that not the case I would not fly on a plane with six "religious" Muslims acting funny, and I would certainly not want anyone I love and care for flying on such a plane.

That is why I consider Ms. Coulter's 11/22 piece, entitled, "What Can I Do to Make Your Fight More Comfortable?" to be exceptionally good. It is a truth outside right-left politics, and therein lies the salvation of America.

Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, Japanese for a duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder; a murdering, power-hungry fool about to be roasted by God.

This code was expanded to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois who lost both legs as a helicopter pilot in Iraq; my interpretation being George W. Bush does not have a leg to stand on. Ms. Duckworth lost the election.

This code may expand to the friendly fire death of famed athlete Pat Tillman, but this is not yet clear.

This code also seems to have expanded to the suicide of Melinda Duckett, for which CNN law commenter Nancy Grace is being sued on the accusation she interviewed Duckett too aggressively about her missing child, thus triggering the suicide. Personally, I think this lawsuit is nonsense.

This Teal code also seems to be connected to the Birth of the Blues/St. Louis Blues code.

The Birth of the Blues code appeared just before the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son just after she had given birth to her daughter, mixing birth and sadness.

Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America. This will eventually be a most powerful code. On election day it expanded to: "It is better to be a sodomite preacher in Colorado than a snake-oil preacher on television, marketing God's word for gold, turning Jesus' flock into a cash cow."

Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness. I expect Flash Point to be reached at almost the same time all over the United States of America. "Oh, oh, duh, perhaps we should not have tortured Virgil."

PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--first concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the first four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire. With the fifth death the code was expanded to "Go", Japanese for Five, with the English verb, "Go", blended in. "Go to Hell", is the suggestion.

The PSPD code further expanded to Oyler (read it Oiler) when a man of that name was arrested for deliberately starting the fire.

My suggestion is this was writing by God on the wall of the news pointing to the killing of this Earth by drilling and burning oil, and to the fire to which all Telepath torturers go.

The public damnation code is very strong. It includes the public damnation of Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. Confirmed public damnation requires extra-worldly, miraculous, demonstrations, as was the case with Reagan, and George and Laura Bush.

This PSPD code may expand to the new code, "Dream Job" because both codes go back to military snipers, but that is not yet known.

Dream Job--A code representing God's supreme hostility toward the United States of America, the implication being a dream job would be that of a Muslim resistance sniper hunting American military personnel in Baghdad.

The moral to this code is, if you do not want to be hated by God do not do hateful things.

Sixty--This code was established with the death of the media weasel Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes. The assumption is this code will climax when we reach "The $60 Billion Defeat", if the United States has not surrendered before then.

Later update, this code does not seem to have worked, yet there seems to have been a news media bending away from its fascism toward me in the direction of truth. This is like a pancake flipped into the air, and where it will land we do not know.

Birth of the Blues/ St. Louis Blues--Seems to have something to do with America's unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment of me without charge or trial. Seems to connect to the "Teal" code.

Star--This code is linked with the "Sixty" code, and is aimed at the movie industry. If Sixty works there will be a God's Space War attack on American journalism Friday. If that happens a God's Space War attack on the movie industry can be expected on Saturday.

Catching up on Sunday, November 19, we have not seen that hit take place.

Osama Atama Kubi Dama--A code describing a high impact event. The code can with difficulty be read prior to the event, even to the point of preventing the event, and can be easily explained after the event.

This code worked on Tuesday, November 21, with the assassination of Pierre Gamayel. Leading indicators say Israel was behind it.

Deciphered, the code reads "Important person shot in the head". Gamayel was shot in the head.

Gone Fission--The description of this magnificent attack by God on the United States of American is encoded in the two shark stories published Friday, November 17.

Tyre/Tire--This code was established on 11/21 in direct association with the assassination of Lebanon Cabinet Minister Pierre Gemayel, documented in advance with the Osama Atama Kubi Dama code.

Bakatori No Zankoku Monogatari--deep code for the Shark America countdown. The countdown has not yet been established.

Agony of the Sprit--The feeling to be contained in the Shark America countdown.

Balloon Payment--This also connects to the Shark America countdown, which is yet to begin. The target of this countdown will almost certainly be the US Navy.

Tel Aviv Sion--points to Jews' Jaws countdown.

God Loves To Kill People Who Torture Virgil--Points to God's attack on the United States of America.

Snake Warning--A most serious advisory to the Republican American Fascists that they rapidly end America's torture-enslavement of me.

This advisory seems to have a time link with the resignation of Revoltin' John Bolton from his sneakily appointed position as Ambassador to the United nations, connecting to the "Bolt of Death Out of the Blue" aspect of the "Kakimashita (It Is Written)" code, which points to the sudden collapse of Republican American Fascism; and also to the "Teal" code, which has George W. Bush as a duck carrying his own union as he waddles into Hell to be roasted.

For Jews to Say the Word Jesus is as for Whites to Say the Word Nigger--This points to the Jews' Jaws punishment. The reference is to contemptuous or cursing use of the word Jesus.

Dezth-- a word coined to mean the state of the human soul after death in weightless Space, the "z' represents the constant, eternal zzzzzzzz or static feeling of souls lost in weightless Space.

War, huh, yeah/ What is it good for/ Absolutely nothing--a code describing the cause of death of the Discovery crew. This code was expanded with the small meteoroid hit on Discovery's left wing. (The connection being "stone" in meteoroid and Spring"steen") One or two more media hits were expected (The second hit was the massive sun flare, the connection being Edwin Starr, who wrote the words), resulting in death in weightless space (The third hit...awaiting as of 8 am, PST,Dec. 16).

Singapore--refers to America's attempt to railroad me into imprisonment in Singapore, and Singapore's kindness to me in defiance of America.

Accident/Mistake and Killing the Maggots--which seem to indicate a God's Space War attack on the American military in what will appear to be an accident or as a mistake. Came in on Dec. 15, 2006)

Black Ugly--God's Space War codename for Condoleezza Rice, because she has turned her back on Jesus in her worship of power.

Doom Generation--People born in 2000 or later; the generation that will see the death of this Earth before 2065.

Black Christmas--the first Christmas after everyone of this Earth has come to know this Earth has passed the point of no return, by which time the infamy of George W. Bush will be far, far greater than the infamy of Adolph Hitler; Hitler murdered millions, George W. Bush murdered all.

The expected year of Black Christmas is 2020.

Friday, December 22, 2006

The $95 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Two

Shark America Six ?

So, according to the news the space shuttle Discovery crew returned to Earth, apparently in good shape and not damaged by the huge sun flare.

At I.C. News we popped champagne in celebration; but that is because we like to party; and we would also have popped champagne had they died in weightless space, and in that case our hearts would have been much lighter.

The moral of this story is that when you torture the Telepath for 35 years, and genocide his progeny, and he finds himself at 67 holed up in a motel room where you pay government pigs to stay up all night in the vacant next room in order to bang on the wall to wake the Telepath time and time again, the Telepath will keep looking until he finds a way to rip your heart out.

This two-sword operation still continues, the other sword being God's Space War attack on Washington Deceit. We are expecting that sword to cut America off at the knees within two weeks.

But what's this? Christmas is just around the corner! I wonder what God is going to give me for Christmas? America's head on a platter? America's heart on a spit? America's soul in Hell?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The $94 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws One

Shark America Seven?

This has been a day of considerable computer problems which have taxed my old-man's brain, not having a ten-year-old kid around to help me; but I am back on line before deadline time, and I will bring our story up to date.

The focus of our current story as been for about two weeks the space shuttle Discovery and the danger of death in weightless space faced by its crew, or some members of its crew.

The news media has expressed some concern about Discovery's safe return today, apparently because there is bad weather over the preferred landing sites, and Discovery must return by Saturday due to fuel limitations.

There has also been a little anger at me (cowardly and concealed, as usual) by the news media for reporting the danger to the Discovery crew as I see it; but then, the American media gets angry at me for inhaling oxygen, so that is not big development.

So, until the Discovery crew returns safely or burns up in the atmosphere or experiences the agony of human death in weightless space, I.C. News is between stories.

As luck would have it I received a kind and considered email from a reader asking me a number of questions, the central one seeming to me to be, am I anti-Semitic?

I feel his email deserves the consideration which with it was written, and so with his permission (I asked him for it in a return email) I will publish his email, and answer it as best I can.

The email I received:


"I was reading your blog a moment ago, and I just have some curiosity about a
few things. Are you meaning to blame the Jewish people for some of the evil
that the United States has created? Are you meaning to blame the Jewish
people for some of the evil that Israel has produced? Parts of some of your
posts come off rather anti-semitic, and I'm just curious if that is your
intention. Also, do you mean the Christian references to be partially
satire in that they comment on the supposed Christianity of a great number
of Republicans, or are the references heart-felt?
I don't mean to be harsh; it is truly pure curiosity.


Thank you, Kent.

It is not a matter of blaming the Jewish people, but of including the Jewish people in the blame shared by all humankind in the approaching death of this Earth.

Since the wickedness of Hitler, the Jewish people have occupied something of a status of sainthood, a status of critical untouchable-ness; but the Jewish people are not saints, they are a mean as most and meaner than some; and in terms of the great dynamic of disaster now taking place in the Middle East, the sainthood status of Israel in the American mind creates a constant distortion of the facts in favor of Israel, and Israel takes advantage of it.

In our time we cannot speak critically of Jewish people without being called anti-Semitic; we can in our time take God's name in vain more readily than find fault in Israel.

As for Christianity, I am probably the most loathed Christian in the world--I mean loathed by other Christians.

This is because I say it is a gift of God that I am the only audible mental telepath in the history; and Christians like to think it is a punishment from God.

I am an uncommon kind of Christian. I say I was a Christian in the womb; I say I was a Christian before I was conceived into this life; and contrary to the belief of Buddhism, I say I was reborn into this life as an honor; that it is a blessing of God to be given the cross of life after life after life bear.

We Christians of this school call this "Soldiering"; Joan of Arc was a soldier of this school.

The title of this work is The Obituary of the World, and it is my suggestion that God gave me this work to do, and God suggested this title way back in about 1965.

God did this because God likes my style and my backbone and my balls and my honesty in my approach to journalism; and my fearless approach to Christianity.

The Obituary of the World. Few people understand that in journalism obituaries of famous people are written long before those people die. This is done so when the news of death is flashed the obituary can follow minutes or seconds later.

When I was a UPI correspondent in Tokyo, one of my jobs on slow news days was to go into the obit file and update obituaries.

So, this work is like that; it is the Obituary of the World, updated daily.

Key to any obituary is cause of death. This work daily updates the cause of death of this Earth
The Jewish people are a part of the cause of that death, no matter how much I wish they were not.

The Christian people are a part of that death, no matter how much I wish they were not.

The Muslim people are a part of that death, no mater how much I wish they were not.

And so on and so on inclusive of all the people of this world, although I wish it were not so.

Thanks again for your email, Kent; I live in the glass torture chamber America constructed for me when I became audibly telepathic, and emails are as rare as full eclipses of the sun.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The $93 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Zero

Shark America Eight ?

A very interesting development is approaching.

We have twin operations running, one against the space shuttle Discovery and one against Washington Deceit.

Both operations have seen two non-fatal hits, and now both operations are expected to see a third and fatal hit.

Reviewing the hits:

Meteoroid hit Discovery's left wing, stroke hit Democratic Senator; largest recorded sun flare passes by and through Discovery, Laura Bush reveals sun-generated cancer. This is classic God's Space War Metaphor of Attack.

An interesting but perhaps too esoteric expansion of our understanding of this attack is that it is a "Two-Sword" attack, based on the Samurai concept of fighting with two swords, the long sword in the right hand and the short sword in the left.

Discovery is scheduled to return Friday, so whatever is going to happen with that sword has to happen before Discovery leaves weightless space; but the Washington Deceit attack is not time-restrained in this way and is expected to come a week or two after the Discovery attack.

There is something missing in the above paragraph, but I do not yet know what it is. I am advised there is a Discovery code in the oven. I am expecting it tomorrow, and I am expecting it to fill that gap in my information.

In the news today, there were too many lies folded into George W. Bush's press conference to use up megabytes pointing them out; but there was one very important aspect of that Pit of America's Disaster which is Iraq that was not mentioned at all.

That important aspect was this: The Iraqis now loath the United States of America. Though apparently not taken into account by the fool in the Oval Office or his worshipers, this is a major aspect of the equation of America's inevitable ignoble calamitous defeat in Iraq.

This loathing happens when you bomb people's children and make of their nation a cauldron of pain. This seems to be a difficult concept for Americans to understand.

Because America lies to itself and believes its own lies, that element of loathing remains a Joker in the deck and will bite America hard when it is played. The United States of America feels itself to be so god-like that it cannot perceive of being hated by the people it murdered "to make free".

No wonder God has damned George W. Bush.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The $92 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws One

Shark America Nine ?

This seems to be a slow day for God's Space War news, except that we can expect a national news level death in Washington Deceit very soon.

I will explain below instead of here on top, because the codes seem too thin to be seen if they are standing sideways.

Also, we are still expecting a Discovery death before Friday, but those codes are skinny today, too.

On such slow God's Space War days I.C. News looks around for signs of the rise of fascism around the world, because the various forms of fascism, including but not limited to Republican American Fascism, are major forces in the death of this Earth before 2065.

First, a brief look at Jewish Victim Fascism.

That Muslims all around Israel are in or near states of civil war is a tribute to the manipulative genius of Israel. The starvation of the Palestinians after their election results which Israel did not approve of, and Israel's massive destruction of Lebanon, are now bearing fruit.

In Iraq, there seems to be a cessation of media reports on the daily US body count, which indicates the count may be very high.

With the recent death of General Augusto Pinochet, cruel dictator of Chile for some 17 years, there have been a number of retrospectives of that 1973 US-backed fascist coup that saw thousands of tortured and murdered.
One of the more prominent quotes from that time is a statement by Henry Kissinger, then Secretary of State under that prototype of Republican American Fascism, Richard Nixon; Kissinger himself being the prototype of the "intellectual" side of Republican American Fascism.

Note what he said about democracy.

Kissinger said: "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves."


Right here we can see one of the core concepts of Republican American Fascism; and as sure as the sun will rise on Christmas morning, the day will come when George W. Bush or some other voice of Republican American Fascism will say, THE ISSUES ARE MUCH TOO IMPORTANT FOR THE AMERICAN VOTERS TO BE LEFT TO DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES.

This contempt for the democratic process is the underlying, rock solid view of Republican American Fascism; and the fate of the American people will be the same as that of the Chilean people if the American people ever vote too "left" while Republican American Fascism is has its finger on the trigger--and very soon voting Democratic will be the same as voting too left.

Now let's look at a few words from the final speech of the legally elected President of Chile Henry Kissinger helped murder in 1973. President Salavador Allende said these words on the morning of the September 11, 1973 coup, quite certain he would be dead before the end of that day.

"Standing at a historic point, I will repay with my life the loyalty of the people. And I say to you that I am certain that the seed we have surrendered into the worthy conscience of thousands and thousands of Chileans, will not be able to be reaped at one stroke. They (the forces of the coup) have the power, they can make us their vassals, but not stop the social processes, neither by crime nor by force. History is ours and is made by the people."

Chile's current President, Michelle Bachelet, who along with her mother and her father, was imprisoned and tortured after that 1973 US-backed coup, has recently been elected Chile's first woman president, fulfilling Allende's words, "History is ours and is made by the people".

This brings us to an example of why Fox News is such a valuable window into the heart of Republican American Fascism.

There was a discussion today about a comment made by one of the women on the TV program,"The View", in which she compared Donald Rumsfeld to Hitler in what seemed to me to be a joking way.

In response, a Republican American Fascist guest on Fox said she had committed treason in making that comparison and should be imprisoned. A later Republican American Fascist guest called her statement a "felony".

"Treason", weigh that word, that is the gravest of crimes against one's nation not a flippant comparison, not an act of freedom of speech.

Were that an isolated use of the word "treason" on Fox it would not be news, but it is a word frequently thrown about like bread crumbs to the pigeons, along with calling the Center the Left, the Left being the classic enemy of fascism. Dear Reader, there is no left in America, it is all right and more right.

Such baseless accusations of treason is one reason why Republican American Fascism must be denounced openly in America, by Americans, if America is to survive as a democracy.

To call people who are critical of Republican American Fascist leadership treasonous, harkens straight back to Nazi Germany.

Any candidate running for the Presidency who does not call the fascist spade a fascist spade in only bending over to take Republican American Fascism in the rear win or lose.

Voting Republican American Fascism out of power in 2008 would only lead to later invalidation the election by hook or by crook or by mercenary coup unless the "F" word, "fascism" is used, and unless the American people are given a clear, crisp choice of if they want to be fascist or not.

And brace yourself, the American people may want to be fascist; they sure love being fascist to me.

Because I was enslaved and tortured by Republican American Fascism in about 1967, I relate to the pattern of Republican American Fascists accusing people of treason for what they say or what they write.

It was nothing I ever did that caused the fascist wing of US Naval Intelligence (assuming the whole bird is not fascist) to accuse me of being a violent revolutionary and to attempt to murder me.

No, my "treason", my "felony" was saying in 1966 that America would lose in Vietnam, and saying it in a conversation with a media weasel and a government pig over drinks at the Foreign Correspondent's Club of Japan.

That was "treason" and that was "violent revolution" to the fascist American mind, and now a woman on a low-IQ TV talk show is accused of committing treason and committing a felony, by comparing a leading Republican American Fascist to Hitler.

Hell, Rumsfeld and that gang make Hitler and his gang look like Father Christmas and his elves.

And as I have said before, voting Republican American Fascism out of office in 2008 is a pipedream, because there was a Republican American Fascist coup in 2000, and there will be no honoring of the 2008 election unless it is clearly going Republican American Fascism's way well before Election Day.

The chances of the Republican American Fascists starting a nuclear war just before the 2008 election are very high. If I had any takers, I would bet it would take place on September 11, 2008. This would be the natural extension of Republican American Fascism's "New Order" statement by the first George Bush in the White House, and the stupid and sinful invasion of Iraq in order to soak the second George Bush in American soldier blood and suck America into the quicksand of endless war and endless fascist dictatorship.

Now, briefly to the two thin codes about death in weightless space and death in Washington Deceit.

You may recall I said I thought the stoke suffered by Senator Tim Johnson might be the first hit of a three-it pattern, comparable to my expectation of the Discovery three-hit pattern.

That pattern is anticipated as being non-fatal, non-fatal, fatal, in both cases.

Johnson's stroke was, in this theory, the equivalent of the meteoroid hit on Discovery, and then, in this theory, a second non-fatal hit could be expected in Washington Deceit, matching the sun flare hit on Discovery.

It seems to me the story of Laura Bush's skin cancer treatment is the second non-fatal Washington Deceit event, even to the point that it relates to sunburn. Of course, Mrs. Bush's treatment took place before Mr. Johnson's stroke, but let's go with the order in which the two stories hit the news.

So, we are expecting a Discovery death story before Discovery leaves weightless space, now scheduled for Friday; and we are expecting a national news level death in Washington Deceit.

We expect both these events to be acts of God, as God continues to express God's opinion that the United States of America is a sinner among nations.

Monday, December 18, 2006

The $91 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws One

Shark America Nine ?

The key to peace in the world is for the United States of America to take the Christian path and admit its crimes.

These crimes are in general crimes committed unbeknownst to the American people, or crimes so covered-over by news-propaganda that their criminality is lost to all but those against whom the crimes are committed, and to God.

Crimes against Korea, crimes against Cuba, crimes against the Pelestinians, Crimes against Chile, crimes against most of South and Central America, crimes around the world, crimes utterly outside the awareness of the American people, but crimes which create hatred for America all around the world.

(I suggest it is an American tactic to be hated because America feels so much stronger than those who hate America, the same tactic of the schoolyard bully who inflicts pain on a weaker student hoping the weaker will be driven to attack the stronger. The flaw in this, never seen by America, is that the weaker, like Iraq, like Vietnam, like the Telepath, can defeat the stronger.)

America constantly proclaims itself to be a Christian nation, and it is therefore dangerous for it not to practice the teachings of Jesus, if for no other reason than murderers and thieves claiming to be Christians pisses off God. America should admit to its chronic bully sin, and sin that sin no more.

The first and easiest admission of America's criminality would be admitting to its torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history.

This is an exceptionally important matter in that the government and the media conned the American people into torturing the Telepath, and the American people loved the crime, thereby putting their souls in jeopardy along with those of presidents and members of Congress and government pigs and media weasels.

The second needed admission, and critical to the survival of the United States as one nation, is America's facing and admitting the criminality of its invasion of Iraq.

Admitting these two crimes is the only way out of both situations.

I shutter to think what "intelligence" made it "legal" for America to invade my life; but all the stuff about bad intelligence prior to George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq is poppycock; that invasion was inevitable from before the absurd and fraudulent "Axis of Evil" proclamation was made.

In order to survive its Middle East disaster, America must openly and clearly disavow itself from the fascism of George W. Bush and the fascism of the invasion of Iraq. It is not enough to call the fool-president a fool; the fool must be recognized by America as a criminal.

Therein lies salvation; anything short of that leads to damnation.

Now back to the subject of the space shuttle Discovery, and the sea of danger into which it now sails.

There is a joke that reportedly went around Germany during the Second World War; it goes to the point I think you should understand today, as we kill time while Time kills you.

There was a German general who had a lover who was a blonde movie star known more for her T&A than her IQ, and the general was showing her a map of the war which he kept on his wall; and centered on the map was little Germany; and he pointed to the Soviet Union and to the United States of America and to England and to all the nations at war with Germany; and after some thought the blonde actress asked, "Has Herr Hitler seen this map?"

In the same spirit I am going to show you a map of God's Space War against the United States of America, which while it shows only the beachhead reaches as far as Mars and to God's total command over even the meteoroids rushing toward America; and in so doing I ask the same dumb blonde question: Has America's stupid and fascist "president" seen this map?

Thus far, in the course of the current and likely final and fatal flight of the space shuttle Discovery I have documented two events before they took place, the striking of Discovery by a meteoroid and the greatest sun flare ever recorded.

I know you likely do not see this in my work; but this is because your fascist masters have not given you permission to see it.

Nor do your fascist masters allow you to ask questions. You are not allowed to demand of me that I prove what I am telling you; your fascist masters tell you to ignore it, and to ignore the thousands of Americans who have died as a result of that ignorance.

You are told to ignore everything I say, until you are destroyed by your ignorance.

And, Dear Reader, as God is my witness, it is your destruction I am documenting in advance here.

In the course of the three-plus decades America has tortured and enslaved me since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy there have been only five advance documentations concerning events connected to meteors, meteoroids and, within our immediate neighborhood, outer space.

Of these five, one was totally private and only two are currently available to you in this work. Those two are the meteoroid that hit Discovery and the sun flare that swept over and through Discovery.

The other three, two recorded by Mars landers, are most interesting and I tell you about them today in the hope that some glimmer of the scope of the battlefield on which your fascist masters have put you becomes clear to you, so you might choose to live by your own truths rather than die by their lies.

The first took place during a Mars landing back in the Seventies or early Eighties. There was no Internet at that time, and I had no television, but the news radio reports told us that the Mars lander had sent back photos of some letters of the alphabet on a rock, letters which were later said to have been caused by shadows.

However, the letters fit perfectly with a codebook I was producing at the time, and when decoded they said, all the way from Mars courtesy of NASA, "I am with you".

The next outer space message from God took place on one of my beautiful month-long hikes in the wilderness; hikes I could take before Republican American Fascism usurped power and the intensity of government pig torture increased so much and followed me there, threatening murder.

In those days, deep, deep in the wilderness I would play a game you can play, too, if you dare.

Lying in my sleeping bag, looking up a the Milky Way for long periods, I learned that as my eyes became strained from looking at one point in the sky I would see cartoon images in the mist of stars which is the Milky Way by connecting the star-dots; and the images would move, dancing clowns, running horses and so forth, purely a product of eye strain and atmospherics.

So one night I was watching these eye-strain-generated little movies, a clown dancing, and suddenly the clown stopped dancing on its own accord, and outside of my control the clown raised onr finger as if to say, "Wait"; then the clown raised his right leg, and through the space the clown had opened a meteor passed.

God, too, was playing with the stars, and God had demonstrated to me God knew of and cared about the exact moment that meteor would appear; and of course God wanted to remind me God is with me.

The third example of these outer space messages was recorded on the Internet in my WriterBytes work, which was later destroyed and deleted by fascist lawyers.

That work documented in advance an image of a crab in a photo transmitted from Mars--at the same time a God's Space War operation called "Red Pincer" was going on back here on Earth.

If you can connect pincer to crab and Mars to red planet you can perhaps appreciate God was backing up the Red Pincer code, again through NASA, and again reminding me God is with me..

The point I am making here today is the same point I was making when America enslaved me and taped my mouth shut: God does not like what the United States of America does to others.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The $90 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Two

Shark America Ten ?

I have been asked for the past few days to give you a new code, but I have put it off hoping for a softer version.

When I do this, and it is rare that I do this, it in the end adds to America's death toll in God's Space War because the warning contained in the code is lost.

Having said that, I will give you the code; "Black Ugly", the God's Space War code for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, because she has turned her back on the teachings of Jesus in her worship of power.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The $89 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Three

Shark America Nine ?

We are watching today for news of Discovery, not news of the Discovery disaster we are expecting, but any news at all.

Perhaps shuttle flights are such old hat now that they are not being covered by the news media, and that is why we have seen nothing but canned stuff and minimal cliche coverage since the great sun flare took place.

And for that matter, there was no real coverage of the great sun flare, perhaps the greatest ever recorded, an event as unusual as the great tsunami; but no, nothing about it, nothing about its possible effects on this Earth now approaching death in less than 60 years; except for the questionable and immediate report that the Discovery crew was not effected by it in any way.

The space program is hanging on the performance of the space shuttle fleet in its few remaining years, there is a shuttle in orbit that has been hit by a meteoroid and a massive sun flare, both events documented in advance right here in this blog with codes both accurate and as obscure as America deserves, and yet the Discovery story is almost totally off the news. Is journalism dead, or just hiding in its master's pocket?

After the pre-documented meteoroid hit I estimated there would be a total of three hits on Discovery; then came the pre-documented sun flare. Two down and one to go; the next to be fatal. Guaranteed.

The only way out of this third hit is for America to end its torture-enslavement of me; and end it in good and decent form.

Currently Discovery is scheduled to return to Earth on Thursday. Plenty of time for big space shuttle news before then.

I realize I have not documented an America death in advance since the damned Yankee flew his plane into a Manhattan building, but even Babe Ruth had a slump now and then.

Friday, December 15, 2006

The $88 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Four

Shark America Eight ?

We have a new and hopeful development in the Discovery story; and we have two new codes today, "Accident/Mistake" and "Killing the Maggots", which seem to indicate a God's Space War attack on the American military in what will appear to be an accident or as a mistake.

In the past I.C. News has documented in advance a few military "accidents" that were in fact not accidents.

By far the most horrible of these was the Arrow Air crash at Gander on December 12, 1985, which killed 248 soldiers of the 101 Division and the Arrow crew of eight. It is important to note the troopers were returning from peacekeeping duties in the Middle East. I documented that crash in advance by mail; but the American custom was, as it still is, to destroy evidence of my accuracies.

The Killing the Maggots code indicates the target will involve new recruits.

I note this for the record and anticipate further developments; and now let's return to the very high probability of deaths among members of the Discovery crew while Discovery is still in weightless space.

I.C. News likes very much to fine tune its advance documentations of American deaths, we consider it craftsmanship, and in the case of the Discovery we are going to attempt to identify at least two members of the crew who will not, repeat not, be among the dead.

I am not saying it is certain we can do this, just that the attempt is being made.

As I understand it, there are two black Americans aboard Discovery. These are two we expect not to be among the dead.

I have explained in the past that God's judgment of the human being will involve a series of winnowings, and to a large extend those people who have participated in America's torture-enslavement of me will lose their souls in the first winnowing.

I know God's law; and I know the purposes of my having been given the gift of audible mental telepathy; and I am right in this, and American Christians are wrong..

On this Earth, you see, human Evil has long since learned to disguise itself as Good; disguise itself even from itself. My helplessness as God's One True Telepath inspired the evil in people to reveal itself.

I have also previously reported that the kindness toward me by Black Americans amidst the wicked cruelty of White Americans has resulted in Black Americans being exempt from the first winnowing.

God's making me audibly telepathic was a most important test, a test not of me but of how human beings treated me, and Blacks, with very rare exception, did not participate in the mass public torture.

For writing this at this time, of course, I am slapped by a White neighbor with that evil American slap, the Coward's Cough; but that cowardly American "man's" cowardly slap serves as a case in point; here we witness a damned "man" dooming himself for the pleasure of exerting fascist power over the telepathic human being.

This process of self-damnation, this suicide of the soul, has been repeated hundreds of thousands of times since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy. It identifies wicked souls disguised as decent people, wolves in sheep's clothing.

Of course, this most recent of the hundreds of thousands of damned souls is still some time away from awareness of his fate; and he is allowed to remain a cowardly fascist until the Gates of Hell open for him.

Back to the first winnowing, the only exception to the Black exception in this first winnowing is Blacks who have murdered children; child-murder being a guaranteed slide into damnation. It is the vastness of the crime of child murder that comes into play here, but that is another subject.

There have as far as I know been two shuttle disasters, and in each the entire crew perished. That both disasters occurred below weightless space was fortunate for the dead, so horrible is the state of the human soul in weightless space.

As it was, the Columbia disaster took place at such a high altitude that it took some two years for the souls of the dead to drift, scattered and feeling lost, to Earth.

As far as I know there have been no shuttles lost in weightless space, but it is apparent from the running code "Dezth" that death in weightless space is what is about to happen.

So, call it ego or call it love for the people who have been not only kind to me but have been virtually isolated in their kindness to me, we are going to attempt to save the lives of the Blacks aboard Discovery.

At I.C. News, where we relish such fine tuning of events, this is something like drawing to an inside straight; but this intent does reveal our understanding that the cause of death aboard Discovery will not be the total destruction of Discovery.

Going back to the massive sun flare which I say was the second of three hits on Discovery, and which I say was also documented in advance in the "War" code, as Bruce Springsteen's name documented in advance the meteoroid that hit Discovery, Edwin Starr's name documented in advance the sun flare. Starr also recorded "War".

I suggest something at this time which you may learn if the censorship of the sun flare story is removed. The sun flare caused Discovery great damage, although NASA has reported it did not.

Working codes: Working codes are being kept up to date, but in a separate file. I will file them with these reports if there are requests, but I think the codes must be quite boring to most readers, and they are certainly available in past reports.