Sunday, April 30, 2006

Death of a Nation

So, as America has told me since 1967, there is no use in kicking the dead heart of America; and now Titanic America has struck the iceberg of Space War, and no amount of warning or pleading or cajoling  will make any difference, except perhaps for the numbers in the lifeboats when that corrupt ship of state goes down, down, down to its infernal reward.
If my understanding of the process of this sinking is correct, we can expect two landmark events before Titanic America disappears under the waves of the ocean of its own lies.
First, we can expect to see a nervous awareness developing among the American people sometime in June.  That means somewhere within the next four to eight weeks all the passengers and crew members of Titanic America can be expected to become aware that perhaps the worst has happened.
Second, we can expect to see the destruction by God of George W. Bush sometime next April, for, if my understanding is correct, George W. Bush's world-destroying policies.
For me personally, this rupturing of the hull of Titanic America involves an extreme makeover of sorts.  My life's work has been focused on warning of the iceberg Titanic America has now struck, and now there is little value in telling the sinking ship it is sinking.
In that regard, my life's work may appear to be a failure, and perhaps America can chortle at that as it rusts on the bottom of the sea of Hell.
It also seems unlikely that I can convince any Americans to put on their life vests and board the lifeboats.  To do that they would have to step away from America's mass bearing of false witness against me.  Perhaps the Space War events of June will convince them, and the lie they love so much will not be funny anymore.
The American people can be expected to continue along in blissful ignorance until that point in time when events outside this work force them to face stark reality; and then they will likely go to their masters in the media and government for direction, and not come to me, their torture-slave; and their masters will lead them deeper and deeper into Hell.
Today the American people are still locked into the psycho-fascism that forms the invisible torture chamber in which I live.  They are joined at the hip in perpetuating the mass bearing of false witness against the existence of my audible telepathy, smug in the false knowledge that I cannot prove what millions upon millions of Americans know, and that I cannot prove it as long as their union of false witness holds.
In the burning house they hold the key to the fire engine, and mock the fireman who cannot start the fire engine.   Unity in stupidity is a pitiful thing.
So now even I who so loved America understands there is no longer time for me or anyone else to save America from this disaster; and to be sure, maybe America just did not want to be saved.  The whore might rather be a whore than sing in the choir of God.
So I thought I might divert this work from the microcosm of Earth to the macrocosm of the galaxy, or as we Space Sailors call it, the Gala Sea.  I thought I might take you back in Time some fifty-seven thousand years to when God first began mustering Space Sailors from throughout the Gala Sea to save God's dying wife, this Earth.
As I set about to put my ship on that new tack, I want to underscore one very important point.
When you see the talking heads on the Sunday political talk shows, unless they are speaking in the honest context of America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath they are wrong in everything they say, be they left right or in the middle of the political daisy chain that is America.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Killing

I am killing time while Time kills you.

Friday, April 28, 2006

A Suffering Japanee Mother

Perhaps you have heard the story of the kidnapping of Japanese citizens by North Korea some 30 years ago.
These kidnappings were truly bizarre and cruel actions; their purpose, ostensibly, was to use those people as Japanese language teachers for North Korean intelligence agents.
They were people plucked at random, a security guard, an engaged couple on a seaside holiday, an apprentice carpenter, a beautician; not people of intelligence value or academic standing.
The estimated number of people taken is 12, four of them were returned to Japan decades later, the others were reported dead by the North Koreans.
One of those Japanese kidnapped and reported to have died decades later was a 13-year-old girl named Megumi Yokota, who was reportedly locked in an iron room in the bowels of a North Korean ship in 1977, and taken to North Korea, and held  there in enslavement all her life there.
It has always struck me how odd it is that this story does not reverberate around the world, it revealing a clearly grotesquely illegal action by a widely disliked regime.  It it a story of such poignant content that it makes the stomach turn,
It is not just that this story is not well known and well reported in the United States; it was not even openly discussed by the Japanese government until 2002.  Thirty years of hush-hush is a story in itself.
The mother of the kidnapped girl, Sakie Yokota, has been in Washington this week, presenting her story to Congress yesterday (Thursday) and scheduled to talk to George W. Bush today (Friday).
I have as yet seen no national TV coverage of this visit, which surprises me because it is such a profound story, and a story so telling of the mind set of North Korea.  Not even Fox News, which sees in North Korea the embodiment of evil, has reported this story.
So, I.C.News reports this story.
You can tell a lot about a nation by the nature of its cruelties.  The North Korean government has said this episode of profoundly evil kidnap and torture was the result of a few overzealous intelligence agents.  There is an American term for this:  Bull Shit.
I have never really bought the language-instruction theory as the reason for the kidnappings, although that is certainly the use these kidnap victims seem to have been put to.  These were ordinary people, not scholars or specialists, and they were enslaved into teaching North Korean intelligence agents how to speak Japanese and better understand Japan.
I have always felt these kidnappings were in some warped way responsive to Japan's really cruel occupation of Korea, formalized in 1910 and ended in 1945, an occupation in which the Korean language was made illegal, Korean men were forced to serve a laborers in the Japanese military, and Korean women were forced to serve as sex slaves for the Japanese army.
The point I make here is, how valuable can a 13-year-old Japanese girl be as an enslaved Japanese language teacher to North Korea?  I think it more likely that she was taken in random, cowardly revenge.
Now look at the poignant event in Washington DC this week, the mother of this kidnapped girl who has suffered for some 30 years has been pleading with the United States of America to somehow ease her pain, and the American TV media has not reported her plea.
I have seen nothing on the TV news about this agonized mother, but this is a very important story.
This story represents for this bumbling "president", George W. Bush, an opportunity to do something good, and to do something well, for a change; but I expect he is ignoring it..
I don't expect anything of Bush, except perhaps for some self-serving propaganda, but this issue, properly handled, could break the deadlock of bull-headedness between the United States and North Korea.
In my view, and in my experience, cruelty is the common denominator of all nations.  The United States is cruel, North Korea is cruel, China is cruel, Japan is cruel, Russia is cruel and on and on around the globe.
This cruelty travels in waves, appearing in greater and lesser degrees here and there, Nazi Germany then, Dafur now, but it is always present, everywhere.
I have discussed at great length America's cruelty to me since I became the only audible mental telepath in history, but for the purpose of today's report that cruelty is just another piece of cruelty in the world-wide mosaic of cruelty.
Americans torture me every day; as I write this report Americans torture me through the walls; but these Americans cannot see their own cruelty; and, Dear Reader, that is the common denominator of all human beings.  I can see your cruelties but I cannot see mine; America can see the Boogie Man of Iraq's cruelties, but it cannot see its own.
This is a constant equation in human relationships, as constant as two plus two equals four in the mathematics of the destruction of the human being.
This work, The Obituary of the World, concerns the death of this Earth by 2065, and I want to suggest to you that a large piece of the pie of that death is common human cruelty.
Cruelty is Satan.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Defeat, Defeat, Defeat

The overwhelming news on my desk today concerns the defeat of the United States of America.  I realize this is patriotically incorrect news, but defeat is as sure as July 4, 2007.
I had thought today to continue my explanation of the art of Time Travel, but it is no use teaching dance to people who have lost their feet.
I might come back to this subject as an exercise, philosopher teaching philosophy to monkeys in the American zoo because he has nothing better to do, but for now I stand awestruck by the scope of this American defeat.
I had also thought today to continue tracking the Space War attack on the movie, The Da Vinchi Code, but that attack has evolved into tracking Middle East war events; and no one, not even God, pays me to reveal military secrets of Islam.
To me, America's war on Islam is separate from America's war on me, God's One True Telepath.  Even though America's defeats in both wars result from the same American flaws, to me the two wars are a historical coincidence.
I must tell you, there is nothing else on my scope but America's defeat.  There is no chance, there is no way out, there is no redemption.
Relative to me, America reinvented evil and called it good; and I think is it likely America did the same to Islam, and by extension to the world.
Within that reinvention lies America's utter defeat.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Torpedo Prophesy

Suddenly things had changed, and the world would never be the same again.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Surrender, Hollywood

The expected movie industry event I have telling you about, called The Scalding, is now coming into sharp focus, and since time may be of the essence I will deal out more information today.
The best apple on top: The targeted motion picture is The Da Vinchi Code.
The theme of this Space War attack is: " America goes gaga over a fictional Jesus story, but tortures and enslaves a true man of God".
I know there are some readers who are quite interested in the Titanic America/Fool's Mate/The Scalding code/riddle I presented here recently.
While I must continue to hold back the punch line of this code pattern because it would in effect be illegal to identify the target of The Scalding, I thought I would mention a event involving Titanic star Leonardo DiCaprio because it fits so well into the Metaphor of Attack.
My only problem in doing this is I do not know how much about my work the American people are allowed by their masters in the media and government to know.  That is, I have been establishing and explaining Space War codes for over 30 years, but I do not know if I have successfully relayed the technique to the American people.
Certainly, if I get within five miles of a vagina that is a matter of widespread amused buzz; but when I prove over and over again that God is acting in opposition to America's torture-enslavement of me that is not passed around.
My assumption, therefore, must be that I have not established even the ABCs of Space War encoding with the American people.
While the American people might enjoy their knowledge of the pain torture-enslavement causes me, they are likely not familiar with the life-saving work I have done.
So, keeping focus, let's return to my hypothesis that a person closely connected with the movie, The Da Vinchi Code, is in extreme danger of suffering extreme injury.
When this event happens it will be reported in the media, and it will likely be reported as an accident; but you, Dear Reader, will know it was not an accident.
That said, let's look to the mechanics of Space War encoding, and let's see how an apparently accidental injury to Titanic star Leonardo DiCaprio on location in Africa fits into that mechanics, and was not accidental.
In tracking these codes there are almost always a series of supportive or tangent events which in effect leave a trail similar to the wake of a torpedo.  These are events which almost fit the metaphor but do not fit it perfectly.  Round pegs in a square holes.
For example, that Julia Roberts was "scalded" by critics does not fulfill the metaphor, even though I might prefer this symbolic fulfillment to the true pain now approaching a person connected with The Da Vinchi Code movie..
While this Pretty Woman connection is a vague connection, like the wake far behind the torpedo is more vague than the wake just behind it, we had in yesterday's news the report on Leonardo DiCaprio being injured while making a movie in Africa, and this connection is far less vague.
It is still a square peg because while it filled out the Titanic part of the code nicely it did not fill out the other two aspects.
There has been no description of DiCaprio's injury, but it is reported not to have been serious.  Even if it had been a scalding it would still be a square peg because it did not fill out the Fool's Mate aspect.
Now let's look at this DiCaprio event in terms of Space War, and understand that Space War in this work is a euphemism for God's intervention against the murder of this Earth by the human being.
Therefore, this being an other-worldly subject one needs in to think in other-worldly terms.
In this context the injury of DiCaprio was an act of God, and the purpose of that act of God was too further point fill out the Titanic America/Fool's Mate/The Scalding code, a warning if the movie industry cares to heed the warning.
That is, DiCaprio was injured because he is so connected with the Titanic story, the Titanic story being the central theme of this current stage of Space War..
Sometimes Republican American Fascism is warned, sometimes Democratic American Fascism is warned, sometimes the national psycho-fascism of America is warned, but in this case movie industry psycho-fascism is being warned.
The DiCaprio code is the modern equivalent of God's writing on the wall.  That is, God gave me the Titanic America/Fool's Mate/The Scalding code pattern to be read and interpreted for the Americans who enslave and torture me.  I cannot make the Americans take in this information, but I can lead them to the wall the information is written on.
I know my saying this about God offends many Americans, but the whole point of what I have been saying for over 30 years is that God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy so I could transmit untransmittable information, not to be America's torture-slave.
God is involved.  God is involved.  God is involved.
In DiCaprio's injury we have an excellent example of how God is attempting at this time to communicate with people who torture the Telepath, in particular in this case the movie industry.
God is telling those psycho-fascist movie people that God is going to punish the movie industry through The Scalding, and that The Scalding will be a warning of further and greater punishment..
So, the DiCaprio injury was a warning.  Now let me show you how to read it.
I have known all along The Da Vinchi Code is the Hollywood movie in question and I have known all along the name of the person identified with that movie who is the target in The Scalding.  The DiCaprio injury, therefore, was not for my edification but for the movie industry's.
At I.C. News, where we are well practiced in reading God's writing on the wall of current events, we note what we call two "connectives" with the Titanic America/Fool's Mate/The Scalding code pattern, Leonardo DiCaprio-Leonardo Da Vinchi (a sameness of name) and Titanic movie-Titanic America (an underscoring of metaphor).
Another DiCaprio connective is that the Titanic star was injured while filming The Blood Diamond, a movie about a very large diamond, and he was injured coincidentally in time with the news story in the American media about a very large diamond being found.
As we say at I.C. News, coincidence is the rockets' red glare of Space War.
This may or may not be clear to you, but that is about as much as I can give you today.  If I were a free man and did not have the gun of psychiatric and police persecution at my head, I would give you the target's name.
I note that yesterday I was required to buy a "walkman" type cassette player because the harassment through the walls where I am holed up has been growing steadily, and with the earphones on I can block out a good portion of it.
I suggest to you that this torture of me as public sport is a crime of the first magnitude in the eyes of God.
I also note that Hollywood was very instrumental in the establishment of America's torture-enslavement of me, and the suggestion here is that Hollywood should make a separate peace with me, hopefully before God-given pain on The Da Vinchi Code movie takes place.
Surrender, Hollywood.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Today I want to talk to you about a sudden change that is about to take place, and to note that whoever your favorite, most trusted news person or politician is, that person is unaware of this approaching sudden change.
Likely, too, that person will until the last minute remain unaware of this sudden change because that person has a momentum of thought and action which does not allow for that awareness.
In this context I remind you that I knew of and tried to warn of the 9/11 attack before it took place, and I suggest the only reason I could not get my information through is because I have the constitutional rights of a laboratory animal.
I also remind you that before George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq I said the United States of America would lose that war like no other nation in the history of the world had ever lost a war.
Unless you are a total Pollyanna you can perhaps see that defeat developing; and even if you are profoundly opposed to that stupid and fascist war you cannot see the scope of that defeat.
It is mass America's awareness of that approaching great and total defeat that will appear suddenly.
The bedrock reason for that defeat is what I have always said is the greatest weakness of the United States of America; that greatest weakness being that America lies to itself and believes its own lies.
This self-deception has blinded America to knowledge of what the rest of the world thinks about America's drift into fascism since the questionable election of George W. Bush.
What America sees is the only most outspoken opposition, Iraqi resistance, Iran, Venezuela, Colombia, North Korea, but what it does not see is the unspoken opposition all around the world, which bridges great political differences just as the development of Nazi Germany bridged the political differences between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Certainly the United States does not see itself as fitting this comparison, but it is how the rest of the world sees the United States that in important here; and the rest of the world is seeing America as an emerging and irrational fascist threat.
When Bush talked to Hu, Hu was seeing Bush in that context even though he did not speak of it.  It was the same when Bush talked to Putin.  They know what America has become, the gangster owner of 7,000 nuclear warheads preparing to use those warheads for blackmail and for punishment and for conquest.
In truth, the United States has only two allies at this time, England and Israel.  Israel leads the United States into Hell by the nose, and England follows along in America's wake.  India is currently in line, but that will not last long.
The story of America's approaching defeat by the world is only half the news.  The other half of the story is America's already accomplished defeat by the forces of Telepathy, and by that I mean by God and God's Angels.
In noting the level of public torture of me yesterday, and the smirks on the faces of the torturers, I understood my running of the Fool's Mate gambit convinced no one of anything, because when my demonstrations sting there is always a grace period of no torture.
I further note it was not within the metaphor of attack for Fool's Mate to be a convincer, the convincer is expected in June when the American people come to understand that God has sunk their ship in response to their torture-enslavement of me and myriad other crimes against mankind and this Earth.
Remember the Space War Metaphor of Attack.  Titanic America.  The iceberg has already been hit, and there is no going back, the ship is sinking and there is no stopping that sinking.  Fool's Mate was a code within that larger code.
The American people, the passengers aboard this doomed, "unsinkable" luxury ship, have not yet realized what has happened, that their torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath has cost them the good will of Heaven.
They will know when the icy water is up to their ankles, and that is expected around June; and until then they can be expected to retain their smug, mean, psycho-fascist attitude toward God's One True Telepath; but after that, liquid brown smelly stuff will run down their quaking legs.
There remains something missing in the news relative to Fool's Mate, either it did not take place or it took place and was not reported, but I had the name of the target, and Fool's Mate is still in play at I.C. News until I know the status of the target.  When I know the status of the target, harmed or unharmed, I will show you how to find the target's name in the Fool's Mate code-riddle I gave you.
To emphasize what I am saying, the most striking thing about the news today is that the United States does not know how much trouble it is in, but it is in fact in trouble in both of its stupid and fascist wars--its war on Islam, which actually extends to its war on the world, and its war on Telepathy, which actually extends to its war on the Will of God.
The question here at I.C. News is who will defeat the United States first, the forces of Islam and the world or the forces of God?
We are expecting the forces of God to have utterly and completely defeated the United States by approximately a year from now, so by extension, knowing the closeness in time of the two defeats, we are expecting Islam's/world's victory about that time as well.
It is the expectation at I.C. News that God will defeat the United States first so the world will unmistakably see that God has stepped in; and then God's attention will be turned to the rest of the world.
The bedrock of America's defeat by God also goes back to America's greatest weakness, that it lies to itself and believes its own lies.  The lie in focus here is that America has the right to enslave and torture God's One True Telepath.
So what are the two things the United States is soon to suddenly learn?  First, that it alienated God with its Psycho-Fascism; second, that it alienated the world with its Republican-American Fascism.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Three Days of Rain

We have passed through the four-day period which I expected to be capped by The Scalding.
While it looks like the code or riddle I set down has been fulfilled, to fulfill it I have to hammer square pegs into round holes; so I think the code is still perking.  That is, I think the target is still in danger.
To be sure, a movie star, Julia Roberts, was "scalded" by critics for her Broadway performance in Thee Days of Rain; and in another event we saw the checkmate metaphor played out in the heading off of a potential student murder incident in Kansas; and there were two huge events unnoticed in the Bush-Hu meeting in Washington that set the stage for a most serious scalding of all America; and while this was a very interesting cluster of events, none of these events fit the code well enough to hold up to history.
Since we have passed through the expected zone of danger, four days as established the four moves of Fool's Mate, and we saw no scalding of a Hollywood movie person, other than the Julia Roberts' reviews, and since this code was renewed for me as late as yesterday evening, I have to assume that the event called The Scalding is still in motion.
It is possible my riddle was correctly solved and the person in danger was warned, which would be all right with me since that was the first purpose of this exercise; however, warned or not, the person is still in danger.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Fool's Mate

My desk is piled high with news today.
Were I a free journalist I would be putting out life-saving work all day and most of the night; but I am not a free journalist so I have to pick and choose between which disaster I will tell you about and which disasters I let be a surprise to you.
In olde timey journalism we put the best apples on top, and of all my news apples today the best is that I think I know who is the subject of what we are calling "The Scalding".  That is, I think I know who will be scalded.
I cannot say who I think it is, and I cannot say why that person will be scalded, because scalded or not I would be punished by psycho-fascist America for saying it.   So I have to dance around the subject a bit.
I have thought about this long and hard, because it is not my policy to let bad news happen if I can possibly prevent it.
This is the idea I have come up with.
The target for The Scalding works in the American movie industry, and apparently the reason this person has been targeted is because of the crimes committed against my by the American movie industry.  There are more layers to this development than just that, but that is a good starting point.
Understand, if I were to name the targeted person I would risk being arrested for being insane or for threatening the person.  The best I can legally do is document The Scalding before it takes place in a way that will identify the target after the fact.
Anyone is free to decipher the code; I do not think it that would be very difficult.
I know this is crazy, but the these are the ground rules psycho-fascist America has imposed on me.
Here is my suggestion:  the movie industry watches my work with some interest and is well into planning some grotesque version of my life's story if I should at some time kick the bucket.  That way the movie industry can distort my story and steal it in one fell swoop.
I would suggest if the movie industry would confess to just one of the many crimes it has committed against me, and offer me safe haven from American abuse for six months, I would openly name the target; and thus, like Mighty Mouse, save the day.
In the mean time, I will identify the target in the following encoded form.
There can be found in almost any book on chess, a four-move gambit called "Fool's Mate"; that is, check mate in four moves.
When I was in college I used to play chess frequently, but when I used the Fool's Mate gambit my opponents invariably became angry at me.
The gambit suited me fine because I didn't really like chess and Fool's Mate got the game over quickly.
Soon no one would play chess with me, and I was glad of it.
Within that anecdote is encoded the identity of the target of The Scalding.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Scalding

We are tracking the sinking of Titanic America, and we have witnessed the mammoth iceberg gash her hull, and if we follow our Metaphor of Attack we can expect some kind of huge scalding to appear in the news, and to appear very soon.
We can expect this because one of the first results of the flooding of the Titanic was the flooding of the engine room and the bursting of steam pipes, and the scalding of some of  the crew working there.
This is how we track Space War maneuvers.  We discover the Metaphor of Attack and anticipate the next event by following the metaphor.
So, what we are looking for in the American news is some scalding event which merits national coverage.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Titanic America

Not a crust of love, not a crumb of decency; an iron ball of cruelty, a feather of kindness; and so the icy sea poured into the hole in the hull of Titanic America; and the Angels were saying among themselves, Good Riddance, Good Riddance.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Learning to Swim

So, I having failed to warn Titanic America of the mammoth ice mountain it hit a few days ago (or having succeeded in not warning) America is now unstoppably, slowly taking on the water of Space War defeat,
I promised you I would begin to teach you how to swim, I mean to swim in time and space, not water, but there is a common aspect to each.
The good water-swimmer knows the human body has a natural buoyancy.  Once that truth of physics is understood by the swimmer, the art of staying afloat is a known, natural capability.
When I was a boy I understood this, and though I was a very slow swimmer, the slowest on my high school swim team, I could from childhood swim for very long distances, knowing I could stop and rest on my back, letting my natural buoyancy take over; and because I knew that, I would never panic.
Panic is the swimmer's death, as is exhaustion, as is cold, as is being weighed down by heavy things.
In a report I posted last November 5, called, "God", I metaphorically described God as a pond which covers all existence, a pond within which you and I live, the same pond in which all other beings live in this galaxy and all galaxies.
I will republish that piece today, with the notation that all the creatures, all the people within God the Pond, have a right to be there, and are loved by God there, and God is their environment there.
This God the Pond concept is a metaphor, but I think it is a good one for our purposes here.
So, you can swim through God but you need not swim to God, because God is the water in which you are swimming, not a location elsewhere in the pond.
God the Pond is where you are all the time no matter where you are, and you will not drown in God the Pond as long as you do no evil that weighs you down, and as long as you do not panic or let others panic you by telling you that you have no right to be in God the Pond.
That is, you can in perpetuity swim in God the Pond, and that is your birthright; but better said, that is your existence-right..
This is the first lesson in learning how to swim.
You the Muslim Frog, and you the Christian Frog, and you the Jewish Frog, and you the Hindu Frog, and you the Agnostic Frog, and you the Atheist Frog, and so forth, including all the Frogs and all the Fishes, have the natural, God-given right to swim in God the Pond.
The most common war-producing aspect of the religions of mankind is that each Frog Church believes itself to be wetter than every other Frog Church; but in fact God is the water,  and the water is equally wet everywhere in the Universe.
Having said that I will republish my report called "God".

We Space Sailors have a saying, "You've got to think about the size of things, you've got to see the scope; if you dwell in smallness, Folks, well, then you're out of hope".I mention this because it seems as good a starting point as any, because there have been some requests lately that I write about God; one from a reader of this work, one from a Russian Orthodox Christian, and if you don't mind my saying so, one from God.Well, you can't put ten tons of gold into a marshmallow bag, God being the ten tons of gold here and my ability being the marshmallow bag, but I will take a good crack at it.I have been mulling over this writing about God, and mulling it, and mulling it, and mulling it; and I have decided the best way to approach this subject is to run hard at it, and then leap across the void of what is unknown about it.To see this metaphor think of the long jump event in the Olympics where the athlete runs down a track from a measured distance, hits a board with one foot and leaps through the air as far as he can fly, coming down on the sand, where his distance is then measured by the closest mark to the board he left in the sand.First, let's look to the point in the sand we are leaping for; we are looking to better understand God.To do this, being a lifelong Christian, I have asked God for inspiration, and as a result it seems to me a good jumping off place is what I consider to be one of the secret teachings of Jesus, that being, "In my Father's house there are many mansions".My suggestion that Jesus might have taught secret things might be offensive to you, but you should look to what was the task Jesus faced, and what was the mind set of the time and place he was born into.Like it is very difficult for me to talk to a Baptist about Jesus without the Baptist getting all superior on me because of comparative numbers of biblical verses memorized, it was pretty much the same with Jesus talking to the Jews of his time.What was Jesus to do two thousand years ago, when simply saying our Earth is round would have got him stoned by the good citizens of Nazareth long before he got crucified by the good citizens of Jerusalem; how could he possibly have said our Earth revolves around the sun, and the sun is a part of a revolving galaxy of billions of suns, and there are unfathomable numbers of galaxies?Hence, "In my Father's house there are many mansions".So my point is, to understand better the Father consider the size of the house.Now, change this image a little and see all the galaxies as particles of earth, or vegetation, or frog poop, suspended in the depths of a pond, a warm summer pond where fish are a-jumping and the living is easy, now think of God as being the water of that pond, the water of that pond, the water of that pond, touching all and being everywhere equally.So, imagine if that part of God that is on and around our Earth became aware long ago of the fate of our Earth; and that knowledge traveled throughout God's Entirety; and all those in all the mansions of God's house were in that way told about Earth's fate, and many were recruited by God to help God alter that fate.I am suggesting that, allowing for metaphor, that is just about what took place.So I am saying we Space Sailors feel the same God in the same way on our planets light-years away from here as you feel here on Earth, and when God called we came for the purpose of gutting Satan, and once and for all and preventing the death of this beautiful planet.If there is a difference in how you and we understand or feel God, I suggest that difference is that we are natives of planets that are not dying. You would be surprised how the death throes of this Earth over tens of thousands of years have influenced your conceptual and physical development.As an example, consider one aspect of one storyline of the history of the human being, the story of Adam and Eve. That story is a primordial memory of the near-extinction of the human race.I know there are many who will get angry at me for saying this, "No, the Bible says there was a naked man and a naked woman and the serpent tempted the woman and..."; but come on, we are grownups here.(Speaking of gutting Satan, at this point I am struck by the neighbor who lives in the next house up the street, the striking being done with the torture-cough Americans love so much.(One of the favorite American tortures of me is to interrupt this work, perhaps to influence it by giving me pain, or perhaps just to get a mention in it.(A far more popular American torture over the years has been to torture me as I make love to a woman, the moment of entry being the favorite time to cough the cowardly American torture-cough through the walls.(There is an interesting sidebar to this neighbor's story in that a month or more ago, when the torture coming from that house was constant and brutal, I walked to the gate of that house of torturers and wrote down the address, and the next day a member of that household tripped, hit his head, and died. Coincidence? I think not.(Since then the torture coming from that house has been much reduced, but these Americans love the freedom to torture the Telepath, it is like a drug to them, so events like this morning's torture sometimes still take place.(While I am on this subject of America's public torture of me, if some reader might know of a place in this world where I can live in peace and freedom, I would appreciate hearing about it.)Where was I, oh, yes, I was talking about God.Perhaps this would be a good time to begin to tell the story of Jesus from another point of view, the story of where Jesus left to come here; and also to tell you that the Angels, too, we Space Sailors, have homes of our own to return to after Earth is saved. In that sense this is truly a story of strangers in a strange land.I imagine I will be slow in telling this story, in part because it is not one well told from a state of pain, but also because it is a vast story and takes some limbering up to get to, like an athlete stretching before making the big leap.I will note, though, that the story I am working toward telling you at this time is a story that is well known and very important to all who live in the many mansions of the Father. I do not know if you realize this, but the plight of this Earth is known of by ordinary people on planets throughout the Universe.So, unless all Hell breaks loose before writing time tomorrow and I have to put on my steel helmet and kick ass with my words, I will begin to tell you the story you have never been told before, how millions sailed here from light-years away to save the human being from Hell, and how God is here on Earth, sleeves rolled up and working every day and every night.Next time I approach this subject I will attempt to tell you why the fingers of God cannot be just snapped by God and all the problems of the Universe be corrected instantaneously, and this will lead us to the problem Earth faces, and to the monumental campaign to save her.It is my custom in this work to give evidence of its accuracy as I go along.That is, in attempting to prove our Earth is rapidly dying I have time and time again reported on events before they took place, thinking perhaps that might add credibility to my warnings of Earth's death before it takes place, hence bringing about a change in course.I shall endeavor to do that as I attempt to give a reasonable description of God; that is, I shall attempt to give you any proofs God asks me to present to you.
That was what I wrote about God in November, but nothing irks Americans more than for me to write about God, and there began a frenzy of torturing me, which took my thoughts back to the battlefield and away from the Pond of God I love so much.
A few days ago, of course, we passed the point at which further warnings serve no purpose because America was defeated, the gash was opened in the hull of Titanic America, and America will sink.  There is no saving America now, just as there was no saving the Titanic; it is now about saving passengers and crew.
Said again, up to that day a few days ago almost all my efforts were aimed at attempting to prevent Titanic America from hitting the ice mountain, but now that purpose is no more.  Titanic America is lost and gone forever, dreadful sorrow.
I am currently calculating Titanic America will disappear beneath the Space War waves before the end of June, 2007, hence these swimming lessons I begin here today.
To be sure, Americans will continue to torture me until there is that common "Oh Oh" among them, when they sense the list of the ship and feel the cold water up to their ankles.
If we should enter into another zone of heavy torture it is well for you and I to remember that Jesus taught us on the cross that agony does not lend itself to clear thinking about God.
"Father, why have you forsaken me?"  Forsaken, indeed, that was the agony talking.
Americans like putting me into a state of agony; America has me crucified on a cross of lies; and it hurts; so in order to write for you what I hope to write over the next several days I have removed myself to the most peaceful place I can get to, and while my saying that may bring on more torture, because Americans loathe my finding peaceful places, I think I can stay relatively agony free these next few days.
That said, last night I was having a most beautiful dream about God, but in America it is illegal for me to dream about anything, and my neighbor in the next room banged on the wall to wake me up.
This was a shame because there was a good message developing in the dream, and the Old Testament teaches us that God sometimes instructs through dreams; but my right to dream was trumped by my neighbor's right to wake me, so whatever message for you there might have been in that dream was knocked away by my neighbor.
So I wrote this report in the middle of the night, when my neighbors on both sides and above were asleep, so I would not be struck for thinking and writing about God.  After having written all but the final drafts I went to sleep again, and began to dream again, and my neighbor knocked on the wall again.  This is par for the course.
That neighbor has continued his travels; today a new neighbor will likely arrive; likely that new neighbor will bang on the wall to wake me if I dream.  Millions of Americans constitute a Telepath-torture-machine, and likely that machine cannot swim.
So, Dear Reader, what are the basics of the art of swimming in God the Pond?
You are a natural swimmer, and God wants you swimming in the pond, and God is not stupid, and God is not narrow, and God is not mean, and God is the water and the water contains the entire Universe. 

Monday, April 10, 2006

A Change in Motivation

I know today what you will know in June, that America suffered utter and total defeat early in April.
That defeat is at this time almost unnoticeable, like the gash in the hull of the Titanic was almost unnoticeable minutes after her collision with the most famous iceberg in history; and you, like those souls aboard that most famous of ships, are unknowingly facing icy death or chilly salvation; but you, like they, are yet ignorant of that tragic truth.
I knew about the iceberg of America's destruction over 30 years ago, over 30 years before it punctured America's hull; and all my work for all those years was directed at influencing a change in course, a change in speed, a sharper lookout in the crow's nest, a better captain on the bridge; but now, Dear Reader, that motivation is out of date.
I know, I know, you have hated me for trying to save you, (oh, the vanity of it!); and as it turned out I failed to save you, (oh, the tragedy of it!).
So what am I to do now, me the doctor, you as good as corpse on the slab?  I need new motivation if I am to move on; and I think I should move on before you realize you are as good as dead; things will get ugly then.
You will blame me, you will blame me, Sweet Jesus, you will blame me.  Why was I not better at my work?  Why did I not warn you of your danger?
I know, I know, you still do not know of this danger now; and now you are still the same smug asses you have always been.  As usual, I am ahead of you in Time.
Having failed to save you, what am I to do?  Woe, woe, what purpose will I have when all you asses are in Ass Hell?
This is not easy for me.  I feel no joy in failure.  God told me from the start you were lost; and I objected; so God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy so I would know the wisdom of and the reasons for your damnation.  So now I know you deserve your end, but I still have this hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach where your salvation should have been.
As mean and cruel as you have been, I cannot look at you without seeing how beautiful you are.  As lost as you are, I cannot help but thinking of what you might have been.
I cannot wallow in this forever; I cannot take with me the memory of your broken Earth, your Earth so soon to be naught but an asteroid belt where Life used to be.
Sure, to be sure, your fate saddens me, you are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorrow, but I have been on battlefields before, I have had tea and cigarettes while sitting next to the dead.
Sure to be sure, I still see those dead in my mind; and sure to be sure, I will still see you in my mind in some future time; but I cannot take you with me, I must leave the bodies where they fall.
Perhaps I should review how I came to be here, it does not matter that you will not understand a word; this is for me, I must save myself from the sorrow of losing you.
Believe it or not, there are things you do not know; and believe it or not I know things you will never know.
The death of this Earth was predictable hundreds of millions of years ago.  When it came down to it, it was simple math.  There was a place in space that was growing more hostile by the century, there were stars colliding with stars, there were hopes sinking into hopelessness.
If I could have shown you your situation from a space-bird's eye view you would have understood immediately, Gala Seas colliding, Earth rotating into the debris, and you could have braced yourselves, like sailors brace their legs in stormy seas.
Sadly, I could not do that, so I had to rely on your inner goodness; I had to rely on that which did not exist; so I attempted to created it; so I tried to get blood out of a turnip; God told me from the start I would fail; and that's the other story I am now motivated to tell.
Stay tuned, Dear Reader, while I teach you how to swim.

No Chance, No Chance At All

So, Dear Reader, it has come to this; my America is defeated; there is nothing more I can do.
Like the Titanic, Titanic America is sinking, and all I can offer is play music on the deck for you while your panic grows, as you see there are not enough lifeboats for all, and as you begin to understand the sea is too cold for flotsam drifting.
Before the end of next April, just over a year from now, sunken America will be resting, cold and moaning, on the bottom of the sea.
On or about April 1, 2007, George W. Bush will go down with the ship, loathed in the eyes of humankind and isolated from the heart of God for having rammed the ship of state into its doom; for having murdered, for having murdered, for having murdered Muslim children.
By, say, June-sometime, it will begin to dawn on the American television news fools that they have missed the story, missed the boat, that their confidence was group confidence but in the end they stand alone, a gaggle of cowards before the singular truth.
As for me, my duty is done.  Over 30 years ago I knew America's defeat was coming, and I tried to warn, and I tried to warn, and I tried to warn, and so amused and so cruel was America that America tortured me all those years for having attempted to warn; and now my duty is done because even if America were to heed my warnings today America would, like the Titanic filling with water, still sink.
Oddly, patriotism was my motivation in attempting to prevent America's sinking.  Like a fool hopelessly in love with a whore sucking and fucking behind his back, I was hopelessly in love with America, murdering and robbing behind my back.
Then God said, "Hey, Virgil, these Americans deserve what they are going to get", and God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy to make God's point, and the American people tortured me, and tortured me, and tortured me, and tortured me; and would have tortured me without end had they not died in the way they did.
The question to be asked, Dear Reader, is have I failed to save Good America or have I succeeded in letting Bad America die?  Success or failure, the result is the same.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

An Act of God

I have in this work just completed an advance documentation of an act of God, an act of God which dropped three Americans into a hole in the Earth to their deaths.
This advance documentation proves the three people who fell into a thermal-caused crevice on Mammoth Mountain in California on April 4 died in response to America's torture-enslavement of me, Virgil Kret, the only audible mental telepath in human history.
This advance-documented event marked God's defeat of the United States of America just like the gash in the hull of the Titanic marked the defeat of the Titanic.
That is, just as the Titanic took hours to sink after it struck an iceberg, Titanic America will take many months to hit bottom; but there is no saving America from this fate.
I can at this time offer a time frame within which God's defeat of United States of America will reach completion.
This would be excellent journalism which would document in advance at least three other acts of God hostile to the United States of America during that time frame.
One of those advance documented events, documented to the day if not to the hour, will be God's destruction of George W. Bush.

Friday, April 07, 2006

A Titanic Development

I have for a little over a week been tracking an act of Space War we Space Sailors call The Telepaths' Revenge, and later I refined it to a Titanic metaphor.
About five days ago I said The Telepaths' Revenge was expected to take place today, Friday; and that expectation seems to have been accurate.
In Space War we have a concept called Metaphor of Attack.  That means the attack is carried out within the framework of a historical event, or a well known work of literature, or other things along that line.
In terms of military science this allows widely separated units to operate independently, each unit carrying out actions within the metaphor; these actions, when reported in the news, functioning as communication between the units.
The scope of these actions is very broad, ranging from weather and seismic events to airplane crashes to social manipulations, and it was through my tracking of such events that I learned Monday that today was the day Titanic America would strike the iceberg.
Recall, this work is saying God is intervening in the human being's murder of this Earth, hence you can expect some most amazing events to take place, amazing events sometimes not particularly friendly toward the human being.
To follow and understand this Titanic metaphor it is important that you bear in mind that those aboard the Titanic, particularly the passengers and lower echelons of the crew, did not know something had happened until some time after it had happened, and even the captain of the Titanic was not aware of the significance of what had happened for some time.
The same is true aboard Titanic America today.  Titanic America struck the metaphorical iceberg yesterday and the event appeared in the news today, but the importance of the event is not yet known.
The iceberg Metaphor of Attack was filled out with the accident on Mammoth Mountain, California, which killed three members of a ski patrol unit assigned to fence off a thermal-generated fissure which had suddenly appeared.
While I do not expect people to readily appreciate the importance of this event (because it involved a highly sophisticated act of God which included God's killing of three human beings) I will note here for the record that this event is a massive event within this Titanic metaphor.
Perhaps you can see the metaphorical overlay of the mammoth ice mountain in the historical Titanic event and the mammoth snow-covered mountain in today's Titanic metaphor news.  The "berg" in iceberg means mountain in German.
I will note something about the killing of the three ski patrol members.  In practical terms had they not been killed the thermal-generated fissure would not have made the news, in space war terms they died in response to America's torture-enslavement of me.
In my report yesterday, just before those three people died, I noted how government pigs and volunteer civilians hounded me when I went into the wilderness in my attempt to survive the frenzy of torture going on a few years ago; well, those government pigs threatened to come into my camp and murder me, and their torture of me day and night was part of America's larger plan to torture me to death.
I suggest the three dead ski patrol people ate the karma of those government pigs and civilian volunteers; that is, they died for those sins.
Do unto others, folks, do unto others.
Bear in mind, we are talking about the death of this Earth by 2065, a major cause of that death being internal explosion and disruption.  That pattern of internal explosion and disruption will kill every living thing on this Earth, including all the ski patrol people and their parents and their children and their friends.
Consider this demonstration a sample taste of your future, as the human being has written it.
It is within this context of the death of this Earth that the immensity of the error of America's torture-enslavement of me can be seen, since the primary reason I was given the gift of audible mental telepathy was to point out this larger event that is taking place but is not being seen.
Were I free today I would go into considerable detail on the tracking of this Titanic metaphor.  It is so compressed in time and has so many tracking points, ranging from one airplane crash to tornadoes in the USA and Israel, to grass fires, and to political events, it would serve as a Rosetta stone of space war encoding.
In addition, this Metaphor of Attack will, of course, continue into the future with Titanic America slowly going down with a huge loss of life.  The captain, miserable captain of Titanic America, George W. Bush, will go down with Titanic America in 2007, if I am understanding the timing of this sinking correctly.
In immediate terms, as I track this Titanic metaphor, I will look for greater and greater damage appearing in the ship, and greater and greater awareness among the passengers and crew of the disaster that has befallen them.
It is done.  There is no going back.  Titanic America will sink.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Things God Likes About Me

I sometimes get the idea some massive number of  American Christians don't like me very much; perhaps it is their abuse of me that gives me that idea; perhaps it is their preaching against me; and perhaps, yes, it is their praying against me.
Frankly, God likes a lot of people Christians don't like.  God likes Muslims, God likes Jews, God likes Hindus, God likes everyone.  That is the nature of God.
God has a nickname for me, my nickname is Faithful, and that's what I am and what I have been all my life, faithful to God.
I'm the kind of guy God likes to have sharing the foxhole when the going gets rough.  God gives me a job and I do it.  God gave me my audible mental telepathy and I use it, no matter how much Americans hate me and torture me for using it.
God doesn't often tell me what God likes about me, and I don't ask, but I thought I'd give you a couple examples today.
Perhaps 20 years after the event I am going to describe to you, God one day out of the blue and out of context told me it was one of God's favorite moments of all the moments of my life.
Now God and I have been hanging out together since I was in my mother's womb, and it is my view (as the most disliked Christian among Christians) that God has been hanging out with you since you were in the womb, too.
Actually, I go further than that, I say God has been hanging out with us since before we entered the womb, and we were us before we entered the womb; but that's another story.
The result of this, and the result of my being aware of this, is that I am very comfortable with God, so I get along with God quite well even though the Christians have driven me out of their churches.
"Chumming Around With God" is what I call my writings on long duration backpacking, where I backpack for a month or more, where I can sometimes get far enough away from Americans to talk with God in peace. Chumming around with God is how I think of the friendship between us.
So, back to something about me God likes.
As events happened in 1967, I found myself in some pretty hot combat three days after I arrived in Vietnam from my desk job at United Press International in Tokyo.
For the longest time, maybe three hours, as that combat situation developed, I felt no fear at all; but that fearlessness was not courage, it was stupidity.
You see, I knew I could get killed in Vietnam, but I hadn't considered it might hurt; and suddenly three or four Marines a couple yards from me got hit by a mortar round, and one of them started screaming, and screaming, and screaming; and that screaming dropped me into a pit of fear so deep and so cold I did not know such fear could exist.
Bear with me, we are coming to the part God liked so much.
So, there I was lying on a Vietnamese grave, mortar rounds coming in by the dozens, and I was figuring each one had my name on it, and I was in a fetal position on the grave thinking the next round would hit me right smack dab on my ribs, and the skin over my ribs was crawling in anticipation, and I asked myself, "Should I pray?"
"No", I answered myself, "God would think me chickenshit if I did."  God liked that and, by the way, the fear left me at that point and I have never felt fear since.
Many years later, perhaps three years ago, the wonderful, democratic, free American people were harassing me to the point of death,  I was 63 years old and had had one stroke and a run-in with congestive heart failure, and the Americans were in a torture frenzy and wanted me to die; I mean they really wanted me to die, and told me so.
I did not have enough money for motels or hotels and I had been harassed out of my home and my income.
If I slept in my car the cops would harass me; if I went into the mountains to sleep in my tent government pigs and citizen volunteers would follow me and harass me day and night.
 One night I was siting in my car in a pool of misery and I asked the question, "Why can't I die?"
And God stepped in and said "Virgil, don't die, don't die", and God showed me a little movie of myself soon after I had just received the gift of audible mental telepathy from God, when I had gone around the world, announcing, "God is on the way, God is on the way".  There I was, pictures of me from God's view of me, smile on my face, courage in my heart, and the United States government on my back
God likes very much the way I handled myself on that journey, and God likes very much how I handle myself at this moment, quite old now, nearly 67, and homeless and abused by Americans wherever I go, and the message is still the same, "God is on the way".
So, it seems to me the things God likes about me are the things the American Christians dislike about me. 

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Most Peculiar Request

God has asked me to do something, and I do not quite understand why; but it is God who has asked me, so I will do it.
God has asked me to suggest to America's Republican American Fascist liar-president, George W. Bush, to openly and publicly declare an end to America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.
Since it is the misfortune of America and the world that George W. Bush is at the helm of the Titanic, and this is Wednesday, and the Titanic strikes its doom on Friday, I would suggest this is a matter of some urgency.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Interesting Things

My top news today is that I have been asked to advise you that the United States of America is in a situation exactly analogous to that of the Titanic shortly before she struck the killer iceberg, the berg is visible, shining in the night, but the watch in the crow's nest has not yet seen it.

In this situation those aboard do not know the fate that awaits them minutes and hours away; and by extension of this Metaphor of Attack, total defeat of the United States in only a relative moment away.

By this I mean it could be days, but not as far into the future as a week. At I.C. News we like to be as precise as possible, and the guess here is that America will strike the iceberg on Friday.

(It is worth noting for you that I.C. News named the exact date of the great tsunami ten days in advance.)

Hmmmm? Perhaps the Telepaths' Revenge I reported two days ago is not the dud I thought it might be.

That titanic news now dutifully reported, to be listened to or ignored by this psycho-fascist nation (something over which I have no control) I thought I would mention a few things I find interesting about being the only audible mental telepath in history and being America's torture-slave for something like 35 years.

I find interesting that America has chosen to censor and distort my journalism; which has reported in advance such major news stories as the 9/11 attack, the intentional destruction of the space shuttle Challenger, at least half a dozen commercial airline crashes, three presidential assassination attempts, and the assassination of John Lennon; and has consistently been ahead of the pack in interpreting the results of such follies as George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.

It is as if having once decided that the incredibly unique phenomenon of my becoming audibly telepathic had no purpose other than making me an easy victim for cowardly Americans, America needed to reject all evidence to the contrary in order to justify continued torture, which by then had become a national sport more popular than baseball, basketball and football put together.

This is typical of America these days, it defends its errors to the last drop of wasted blood, such as it did in Vietnam and such as it is doing now in the Middle East.

While the "Titanic" defeat of America I am expecting in five days seems to be Heaven-sent, perhaps the most important Earth-bound news story I am reporting is the approaching defeat of the United States of America stemming from George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.

These are two separate stories, two separate defeats.

It is interesting to me that Christians want to censor my writings on abortion, even though I probably do the most intelligent and productive counter-abortion writing available.

A major theme of my writing is that while women so tenaciously want the right to abort, abortion is disproportionately directed at female fetuses. Consider the irony.

Already in India and China, where male children are valued higher than female children, detection of the sex of the fetus dooms or saves the fetus; that is, female fetuses are weeded out; and as a result there is a constantly growing imbalance between the sexes.

This, Dear Reader, spells social chaos when the sexual drives begin driving, when there are far, far too many penises and not nearly enough vaginas.

It is interesting to me, too, that Christians want to censor my writings about Jesus Christ. Personally, I don't think they can stand the competition; they think they have Jesus down pat, but they have been misinterpreting Jesus for 2,000 years.

To understand the truth of this you only need look at the long and sorry record of Christian atrocities which began not long after the Romans fed them to the lions, and in my private view began even before then, but that's another story.

While I am a graduate of The Divinity School of Hard Knocks, which is not recognized by the Bible schools and the seminaries, I have in addition been chumming around with God longer than I have lived this life. That is, God knows me by my first name; by that I mean my name of some six million years ago; and God and I are genuine friends.

You would be surprised to learn how difficult it is for God to find good friends on this Earth. Worshippers and users, yes, but foxhole buddies, no.

I find it interesting that I am not publicly credited for my reports on the approaching death of this Earth, even though the subject is now one being exploited by the television networks.

As I was right from before the start of the Iraq war when I described the disaster you can now see unfolding in Iraq, I am right when I say our Earth will die in less than 60 years, given the course of the human being now and as it can be projected; and I am also right when I say George W. Bush is a major factor in the death of our Earth.

I find it interesting that the American intelligence systems throw away my intelligence, such as my advance intelligence on 9/11 and on the planned and successful destruction of the space shuttle Challenger, and even my remarkable advance intelligence on the fragging incident just before the beginning of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.

That event involved an American Muslim in the US Army killing and wounding some officers by throwing hand grenades into their tents. I documented that incident so well about a week before it took place, and I documented it almost exclusively with US military intelligence; and I could clearly only have documented it if my source of information knew what was going on in that Muslim American soldier's mind.

That is, that intelligence alone proved the value of my telepathy as an intelligence gathering tool.

What I got in response to that miraculous advance warning was abuse and threats. I suggest this brutal and stupid response took place because it was military intelligence that first attacked me in about 1967, and it is now married to that policy.

I find it interesting that it hasn't dawned on George W. Bush how accurate my future projections are.

Were I to become a free man, I would in one month be able to present a far, far better solution than anyone in the media or the government to the Christian-Muslim-Jewish dynamic of war now building in such a steady progression. America should give it a try, otherwise it has nothing before it but death, damnation and defeat.

I find it interesting that anti-Bush people are meaner to me than Bush people, and that in general I will be harassed much more savagely in a room full of liberals than in a room full of conservatives, and that Democrats have always been meaner to me than Republicans.

I find it interesting how Americans decide on new tortures for me. There is always the old standby, the cowards' cough, but other tortures come and go.

At one time in San Francisco Roman Catholic nuns liked to lick their lips lasciviously at me, while priests generally kept to coughs and smirks.

These days, since I am being forced to travel around looking for a home and to stay in motels in the process, the fad is for the person in the next room to rap lightly on the wall to awaken me, whereas the cowards' cough is rarely heard coming from the next room, and the cowards' cough would have been constant a couple years ago.

I do knot know why this change in through-the-wall torture has taken place, perhaps because the cowards' cough has become clearly recognized as a form a murder and some ruling has come down, there being much organization among the American torturers.

Sunday night, the neighbor next door enjoyed the rap on the wall technique, waking me two or three times, and occasionally came out with a cowardly, muffled little cough.

He seemed to be male, but he is certainly not a man in quality, and he drives a gray Chevy Cruiser, Washington state license 446 SNR; the car apparently purchased in Grays Harbor, Washington.

Speaking of males who are not men, I have found it very rare for physically large and strong men to participate in the public torture of me. Perhaps the cowardice of it offends them.

Christians take great pleasure in torturing me, as do Jews. I have met very few Muslims, but in general they have been kind to me.

American medical professionals have been wicked to me. American police officers have committed felonies against me. American judges have perjured themselves in trying me.

The kindest Americans in their treatment of me have been Black Americans. Black Christian churches are the only Christian churches I can attend without being tortured by the "Christians" all around me, and in fact in nearly 35 years of torture by Americans I do not think there have been five incidents where Blacks participated.

Well, I must qualify that, homosexual Black males are often very cruel to me, as are male homosexuals in general; male homosexuals are right up there with Christians and Jews in just plain meanness.

And finally, I find it very interesting how similar America's torture of me is to America's torture of captive Muslims. Noise abuse, sleep deprivation, sexual degradation, religious violation; these are tortures which seem to come natural to these God-damned Americans.

"God-damned" is the operative phrase here.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Lucky Dummy Duckies

Well, I see nothing in the Sunday morning news about The Telepaths' Revenge. Oh well, it was my first attempt at fission; back to the drawing board.

Today I think I should tell you about the Lucky Dummy Duckies.

When it comes to the approaching death of this Earth, now less than 60 years away, the old expression "Ignorance is Bliss" applies to most of the human race.

This ignorance, however, is not lucky for them because their ignorance prevents solutions from being found. These billions of people are therefore not necessarily the Lucky Dummy Duckies this work introduces today, although there are untold numbers of Lucky Dummy Duckies among them.

The Lucky Dummy Duckies we approach here are those people who do not know about America's torture-enslavement of me; ignorance in their case is like a free pass through the first two stages of Judgment Day. Knowledge of that torture-enslavement is very dangerous knowledge indeed.

There are many stages to Judgment Day, such as the stage where murderers of children are cut down, but that's another story, the subject here is America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, for which hundreds of thousands have been damned and millions more are in danger of following them..


Let's stop here a minute and approach some news coming over the wire, we will get back to the Lucky Dummy Duckies a few paragraphs down; and we will get back to the story of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which at this time remains my scoop.

There are two stories I want to point out to you.

First, the remarkable concession of George W. Bush's henchwoman, Condoleeza Rice, that thousands of tactical errors have been made in Iraq by this liar-president and his gang; and, second, what happened with the painter-torturers I told you about two reports back.

These are both very interesting stories.

Of course Condoleeza slip-slided her way out of her moment of truth, but that is to be expected of Republican American Fascists, and she did not step back from the precipice to Hell at which she now stands; that is, she did not disavow herself of the great sin, that of murdering thousands of Iraqi children to put the Iraqi Boogie Man on trial.

I know, I know, in Ms. Rice's sophisticated view those dead babies were not murdered, they were collateral damage; but God doesn't see it that way and neither to I, and hopefully neither do you.

There was no reason any child should have died in the process of removing the Boogie Man from leadership in Iraq. No reason whatsoever. The whole world wanted the Boogie Man removed, and most of the world begged George W. Bush not to proceed with his fascist folly of invasion.

The problem could have been solved without murdering thousands of Iraqi children. The problem could have been solved without murdering anyone.

It is for child-murder that this idiot-president has lost his soul, the question his henchwoman, Condoleeza Rice, should be asking herself is does she want to go to Hell with him?

Jesus said, know them by their works, and this so-called president's works are death.

And now to the second story, that of the torture-painters I spoke of in two reports ago.

You may recall I was staying at the Motel 6 in King City, California, and workers refurbishing the buildings went into an orgy of torturing me with the cowardly cough Americans have loved to cause me pain with for over three decades.

I reported to you the name of the company that employs them, and that report silenced them, saving me from hours of gleefully inflicted pain.

That is, the torture-painters did not torture me after I published the name of their employer, not at all, and in fact they were rather sheepish; which indicates this blog is more widely read than the counter indicates, and more influential than many dare consider.


Now let's return to what we were talking about, the Lucky Dummy Duckies and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, my scoop.

Of course, the hundreds of millions of people who know about America's torture-enslavement of me would all swear on a stack of Bibles that they do not know what they know; and that mass bearing of false witness constitutes the glass torture chamber in which America keeps me; and, of course, that mass bearing of false witness is a very serious sin.

America's torture-enslavement of me could not go on if these millions of bearers of false witness thought there would suffer any consequence for their mass violation of God's law. Their torture-enslavement of me is nothing but a lark to them, a right they think they have.

I suggest these people are in fact in grave danger; I suggest it is God's plan to allow those millions of telepath torturers their blissful ignorance of their danger, since if they were not ignorant of their danger they would conceal the sadism of their souls and be as sweet as apple pie to me.

This goes back to knowing people by what they do, not what they say they are.

Do you understand? If God showed America the power I have America would be kissing my ass, but thinking me weak and alone America tortures and enslaves me, thus revealing America's true nature.

Among the millions of Americans who know about America's torture-enslavement of me (to be sure, calling it something pretty) there are two groups, those who participate in the torture and those who do not. I would estimate that the torturers are less than ten percent within any group I am exposed to.

The torturers will be cut down in the first stage of Judgment Day. Those people who have tortured me and subsequently died are in eternal damnation as you read these words.

I know, your ministers and priests tell you this does not fit scripture, but neither do murder and false witness and those ministers and priests participate in both.

The crime of the remaining 90 percent is that they hold me down while the others torture me. This involves a far more complex judgment, The torturers are simply weeds, the other 90 percent are wheat and chaff.

While I do not expect you to believe me, those torture-painters lost their souls when they tortured me, and their only way to save their puny little souls is to step outside the mass lie and ask my forgiveness. That, I think, would take courage so it is hardly likely to happen.

I cannot overstate the seriousness of the sin Americans have committed in their torture-enslavement of me. The Americans might as well be hundreds of millions of baby murderers, so in jeopardy are their souls.

And that brings us back to the Lucky Dummy Duckies, those people who are truly ignorant of America's torture-enslavement of me.

In space war we say, Knowledge is Responsibility. Lucky are the Lucky Dummy Duckies, for they are not stained by the knowledge of this sin, this sin that will bring down damnation upon hundreds of millions of human beings.

One of my functions in this space war is to be Satan Bait; and we have seen how Americans, and their millions of allies in Telepath torture-enslavement, love being satanic.

I am attempting to introduce you here to how the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will work, murders, torturers and bearers of false witness will lose their souls, even though they may claim to be Christians, even though they may believe they are Christians.