Thursday, August 31, 2006

Passion Playing Possum

I have bad news for America today.  The detail may be too great for the market, but I am watching such an exquisite Space War attack that I feel I owe it to the record to describe it as clearly as I can.
We have clearly entered the fourth and final stage of the current attack pattern, having passed through America's window of opportunity for confession and redemption relative to America's torture-enslavement of me.
It is interesting that the biggest Space War news story of the day deserved hardly a mention after it was first reported, perhaps because no deaths occurred.
I refer to the US Airlines incident at Miami, two tires blown, a small fire, giving us three out of three advance documented Space War events concerning commercial aircraft in less than a week.
Can you see the blown tires as the end of the time when America can run like Hell?
We are expecting one more event in this stage of the Space War x-ambush attack on the United States designed to damn the souls of some fifty percent of the population of the United States, and we have the symbolic death count of 49 with one still teetering.
The final event in this attack pattern is the tsunami of America's lie against me about to crash down on America.
To review our battle map, first posted August 25:  "You are standing on the beach and the water has retreated far, far out and fish are flopping where they had just before been swimming (the day of seven panicked airliner landings).  I suggest you turn and run like Hell (the Kentucky wrong runway accident killing 49); and how you do that is abandon the lie that enslaves me (the US Airlines plane blowing two tires ending the time to run), or the tsunami of that lie will overrun you, indiscriminately."
We are now waiting for that tsunami to hit with 48 hours.
If I understand today's code, "Passion Playing Possum", it indicates God is about to reveal God's furious anger at America for torturing and enslaving me, an anger which in general  played possum while evidence against America was being gathered.
In closing, I thought I might reveal today's log to you.  Every day I receive codes, usually telepathically, sometimes in other ways, and I put them together as the day goes on.  You might find interesting my notes on information received today.
Today's code, "Passion", received.
Today begins quietly.  No wind to fill the sail of the story.  The sea is flat.  No mail, almost no memory.  We are expecting the deaths of many Americans.
All quiet on the Space War front.  News coming out of the United Nations is predictable.  Today's code expanded to "Passion Playing Possum".
The code, "God's Aborting of Israel" surfaces, indicating it is still active; "habitual war criminality" is the phrase in the air.  A breeze from some tomorrow, it does not fill the sail.
Caught news of air emergency at Miami airport, U.S. Airways Boeing 737, two blown tires, small fire.  The two previous hits in this pattern have involved aircraft, but this is not the hit we are expecting, but it is a message to me ("My Friend" is an old code for Miami).
This puts a puff in the sail and we are on course, waiting for Tsunami...hummm ... a poetic balance "Tsun Ami" and "Mi Ami", read it "Soon, My Friend", and see what happens.
Code comes in, "Fascist Elephant in the Room"; this refers to the obviousness of the fascistic nature of the current Republican occupation of the White House, to the fact that the elephant is in the room but no one talks about it.
This code seems to go back to the most important message given to me by God a little over a year before the 9/11 attack, that message being "George W. Bush will destroy the world".
This is the central point of God's Space War at this time; while the fact of it is not recognized and is discounted out of hand, the course the United States of America is on at this time will rapidly destroy the world, destroy the world far ahead of the 2065 projection I work with.
The theme of today's tsunami attack seems to be taking form.  Since we know airlines have figured in the first two hits, we can assume the US Airlines incident was a hit, that is, that God blew out the tires where and when and on what airline God wanted to.
This sends me a message, which I know to be important, and which I pass on to you, whether you think it is important or not.
The message is, "Virgil, My Friend, soon I will stop America."
If you remember that far back,  this x-ambush is scheduled to damn about fifty percent of the population of the United States of America.  There are two crimes I can point to, the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, and the murder of the planet Earth.
Note the number of people on the Kentucky crash, 49 killed and one still critical.
One of the most remarkable things about God's Space War, is the preciseness and interweaving in the detail.
The question I am asking myself at this time is do I have my lead story for today. or is there more information coming in before deadline?  Deadline is 2000.
No new information.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Choice to be Hated

We have an interesting juxtaposition of deadlines today and tomorrow, the deadline relative to Iran's nuclear research and the deadline relative to America's torture-enslavement of me.
Adding to this interesting juxtaposition are the "water" elements in each.  At issue with Iran is heavy water; at issue back in the USA is the tsunami of response coming out of America's ocean of lies against me.
I have often wondered why the American people want so much for me to hate them.  Over 30 years of public torture-enslavement, Dear Reader, was not designed to encourage love.
However, hate is not within my nature.  I can't say for certain it is impossible for me to hate, but it may be.  Please don't hold that against me, I know how popular hatred is among you Americans and how odd a non-hater might seem.
I can see America's use of this same strategy of hate-creation in its policies in the Middle East, Korea, South America and elsewhere; and I think the thinking behind the international strategy might be the same as behind the home grown hate-creation.
America's goal has long been to trigger violent response from me, to torment me into responding so that I might end up in prison or worse, or to torment me to death; and that is the strategy of Republican American Fascism relative to those nations it intends to attack.
America seeks to trigger war with the weaker.  This has been the policy of Republican American Fascism at least since 2000, and certainly since long before September 11, 2001.
It is fundamental fascist political science that war consolidates power
Just as there is no way I can make peace with America, there is no way Iran, Korea, Venezuela and so on can make peace with Republican American Fascism..  No way at all; war is the current official policy of the USA until the world is beaten or dead.
(You know, Dear Reader, that I am saying this Earth will be dead by 2065; but I do not think you yet know how accurate I am.)
You are told that if Iran kisses America's ass relative to nuclear research that will solve the problem, but it will not.  Republican American Fascism is looking for a publicly acceptable justification to attack Iran with nuclear weapons, even if it has to phoney up a justification as it did in Iraq.
Iran is not the true issue; putting nuclear war on the table is; and nuclear war is what Republican American Fascism, with America's 7,000 nuclear warheads, has been blackmailing the world with since 2000.
We are killing time today, waiting for the tsunami of America's lie against me to kill an impressive number of Americans, listening to the babbling news people babble babble, babble babble and avoid at all cost (At All Cost) the news that I just documented in advance the deaths of 49 people in the Kentucky airline crash.
Later information on the Kentucky crash continues to confirm what I said about its cause being intentional telepathically induced confusion; the crew first boarding the wrong plane and the lone controller turning his attention away.
I know you are not legally-intellectually capable of considering telepathy as a weapon, even though you have tortured a telepath for over 30 years.
It is fitting that the American people, having so attacked me for my telepathy, should have telepathy used against them.
That I documented that crash in advance is, of course, of no importance.  The Telepath is for torturing, not for saving Kentucky lives.
In any case, the tsunami is coming within days, and I am beginning to think it might be designed to thwart Republican American Fascism's plot against Iran.
I know these Space War attack patterns are difficult to follow so I will publish the full pattern again.
"You are standing on the beach and the water has retreated far, far out and fish are flopping where they had just before been swimming.  I suggest you turn and run like Hell; and how you do that is abandon the lie that enslaves me, or the tsunami of that lie will overrun you, indiscriminately."
The flopping fish, as reported previously, were the seven panicked airliner landing in one day.  The run like Hell, also reported previously, was the Kentucky wrong runway crash..
We are now in the zone in which America should abandon the lie that enslaves me, or be hit by the tsunami rising out of the ocean of American evil against me.
I don't know about you, Dear Reader,  but I am very interested in seeing what the "tsunami of the lie" will be.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Space War Information

I have just documented for you in advance the deaths of 49 very nice Americans in an aircraft crash in Kentucky.

My evidence, particularly with my record of accuracy over more than 30 years, proves those 49 very nice people were intentionally killed in response to America's torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history.

Now we turn our attention to the next response to that torture-enslavement, encoded as "Tsunami" and expected to take place in less than 48 hours.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Time Travel, Again

The first things you should know today is that I documented the Kentucky air crash in advance on this site; and that it was a God's Space War event, a telepathically manipulated event in which the plane's crew was deliberately, telepathically, confused and guided onto the wrong runway.
This action is a mirror image of one of America's favorite tortures of me, the infliction of confusion; and it is an example of the Do Unto Others aspect of God's Space War against the United States of America.
That crash that killed 49 people Sunday was documented in my report of Thursday and that documentation was repeated in my report of Saturday; Thursday's report in fact being a battle map of the current stage of the x-ambush I have been reporting.
I will show you where America is on that map now.
Again quoting Thursday's report, "You are standing on the beach and the water has retreated far, far out and fish are flopping where they had just before been swimming.  I suggest you turn and run like Hell; and how you do that is abandon the lie that enslaves me, or the tsunami of that lie will overrun you, indiscriminately."
The flurry of seven panicked airliner landings on Friday marked the flopping fish, as I told you Saturday; now I inform you the Kentucky crash was marked in advance by "...turn and run like Hell...".  Perhaps you can see the plane's turning onto and running down the wrong runway in "turn and run like Hell".
Note that the two runways involved in the crash, the one that should have been used and the shorter one that was used., form an "x", remindful of our x-ambush maneuver.
Let's look at our battle map as it stands today.
"...I suggest you turn and run like Hell (the Kentucky runway confusion); and how you do that is abandon the lie that enslaves me, or the tsunami of that lie will overrun you, indiscriminately."
"...and how you do that is abandon the lie that enslaves me..." is the part of the battle map America occupies today
This battle map is moving fast, about a day or two between events.  I suggest that gives the American people two days or less to abandon the lie that enslaves me, or be struck by the tsunami of that lie in from two to four days.
After that?  If this battle map does not free me the x-ambush will continue; and I.C. News will likely take another hop into the future and back to the present, and I will likely give you another battle map.
Time Travel is one of my great gifts, perhaps an even greater gift than my audible mental telepathy.  With my Time Travel ability I could have saved countless American lives, including all those killed on September 11, 2001.  It is a pity I have to use this gift to defend myself against the American people.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Salvation From Calamity

In the months prior to George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq I repeatedly said the United States of America would lose that war worse than any nation has lost a war in the history of the world.
America has lost that war, now the progression is from defeat to calamity; after calamity will come calamity-to-the-tenth-power.  George W. Bush invented a perpetual motion suicide machine.
Today in the most brief form possible I will suggest the only solution to that disaster; that pitiful disaster which grows greater and greater every day; that wretched disaster which will in time gnaw away the very existence of the United States of America.
This solution has nothing to do with the cliche arguments about withdrawing and not withdrawing.   It also on the immediate level does not concern America's great tactical follies in the face of "Terrorism".
This solution, pardon me, is the Christian solution.
The key to America's salvation from its self-created damnation in Iraq is recognizing that America committed a capital crime against Iraq, and confessing that crime to the world, and asking the people of Iraq for forgiveness.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

An Example of Time Travel

I have been thinking I should buy a donkey, because so many Americans are going to be wanting to kiss my ass very soon.  They won't like me anymore than they do now, but victory is an ass-kisser's aphrodisiac.
American fascism, in all its forms, is running out of time; by that I mean Time is going to drop out from under American fascism.
In Space War we have a saying, "Even Yesterday Is Not Safe"; and this is because Space War is largely based on the physics of Time, a physics which in fact allows for back and forth movement in Time.
Time Travel comes in handy when one Good Guy is attacked by 300 million Bad Guys.  It is an Ace in the hole; and the hole is a pit.
At I.C. News we conceal our back and forth movement in Time by describing in metaphor the future we find, and since my I.C. News colleagues find me in a state of torture-enslavement in the United States of America, we speak of this in terms of "Metaphor of Attack".
For example, on Thursday I.C. News traveled to Friday and back, and delivered you Friday's news in metaphor Thursday night.  That is why we gave you only a one-paragraph report Thursday; so it would be easy to quote it back for you.
Thursday's report, entitled "Tenth X-Ambush Report read:  "You are standing on the beach and the water has retreated far, far out and fish are flopping where they had just before been swimming.  I suggest you turn and run like Hell; and how you do that is abandon the lie that enslaves me, or the tsunami of that lie will overrun you, indiscriminately."
Consider the concept of metaphor, and see Thursday's   " are flopping where they had just before been swimming..." as being the same as Friday's news of seven commercial planes making panic landings in one day.
If you want further fine tuning, the college idiot arrested for carrying dynamite in his luggage is named Howard McFarland Fish, so in his dubious honor read the line as, ...the water has retreated far, far (from) land, and fish...
.If you can see this, consider the broader metaphor, and understand those flopping fish airliners were advance warnings of a great tsunami growing out of America's earthquake of lies, and that tsunami is about to overwhelm America.
Now remember the last part of Thursday's report, "I suggest you turn and run like Hell; and how you do that is abandon the lie that enslaves me, or the tsunami of that lie will overrun you, indiscriminately."

Friday, August 25, 2006

Tornado Puddin'

Dangit!  There was a rare tornado warning for New York City, but no tornado touched down.
New York City was the first city on Earth to establish a union of perfidy against me after I became audibly telepathic; and today I am looking for something big and bad to happen to America, and a tornado marching up Madison Avenue would have been a good advertisement announcing America's damnation.
Damnation, damned nation, is what we are talking about..
Well, cheer up, Virgil, God has something bigger in mind.
The codes of God's Space War are running so thick these days that if I try to report them to you, I not knowing how much about God's Space War you are allowed by your media/government master's to know, I would expect the codes might turn to mud in your mind.
Unless you have been allowed to track the codes of God's Space War over years, tracking them over weeks or months does not give you the big picture.
The little picture is George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, and all the double dealing and thievery the Republican American Fascists have carried out.
The tiny picture within the little picture is the general blindness of Americans to Republican American Fascism's conquest of America through intentionally dragging America into war and repeatedly creating chaos as far and wide as it can.
The big picture takes the little picture and the tiny picture and puts them into a thimble, and then drops that thimble into Hell..
God's Space War codes are meant for me to read going forward and for you to read looking back, and to open a trapdoor under the feet of those who torture and enslave me; a surprise to them but likely not to you, and certainly not to me.
For example, I know the abandonment of Tom Cruise by Paramount is in direct relationship with the same ripple in Time caused when God rolled the cruise ship Crown Princess, that done by God in confirmation of the public damnation of the First Lady, Laura Bush.  You do not know that, yet, but I do.
Time and the waves and ripples in Time are the nuts and bolts of God's Space War; and here we have the media condemnation of Tom Cruise because he spoke against psychiatry, which is a atheistic religion disguised as medicine, and which will disappear beneath of Sea of Time, and which will rank in the future as low as phrenology ranks in our time.
In God's Space War, everything is connected; and peaks in the news can be seen in relation to one another as clearly as a doctor sees the peaks of heartbeats in relation to one another.
To underscore, I am saying here that God's rolling of the cruise ship Crown Princess, so clearly documented in advance by me in this work, has a Time-Historical relationship of the rolling of Tom Cruise, a crown prince of the movie industry, by Paramount Pictures.
There is running these days a particularly sweet code that demonstrates this Time-Historical relationship of news events in God's Space War; I mean where God does something that is later metaphorically repeated in the news; as if God's event was like a stone dropped into a pond.
This code is sweet to me now and forever, and will be bitter to America soon and forever.
I refer here to the the old "Leaving Missouri" code I told you about way back when I documented in advance the death of the president of the Elks Club of Clinton, Missouri, killed when the Elks Club building suddenly collapsed.
That was my re-introducing you to the "Sudden Collapse" code, which comes up again and again, like a dolphin swimming.
In the end this code will see the sudden collapse of American fascism in all its forms; Republican American, Psycho-Fascism, Democratic Cry-Along Fascism, and forms of fascism unnamed and unrecognized anywhere but in Satan's knowing cackle cackle, Satan's pleasure at winning of the soul of America by making American fascist.
As I told you then, the Leaving Missouri code was established early in America's torture-enslavement of me, when I was still living in the briar patch of my traitorous wife, when I was still hoping to recover my stolen life, when America was still experimenting with just how to torture me; when I told the story of The Man Who Could Walk Through Space, and how he came to be able to do that.
In terms of God's Space War it was a most important story, and is mostly lost I suppose because the only thing America was interested in hearing coming from my telepathic mind was telepathised screams of pain.
Tough titty;what a pity; now it turns out that lost story tells the story of how America goes to Hell.
So much pain and suffering could have been avoided had America only been decent to me; Challenger would still be flying, the World Trade Center would still be standing, the Constitution of the United States of America would still be in force.
There was one part I particularly liked in that lost story of how the world came to be saved from American fascism.
The Man Who Could Walk Through Space walked past the moon, past the planets, and eventually past Pluto, where he saw something shiny turning over, turning over in space, reflecting the distant sun differently with each position of its roll.
The Man Who Could Walk Through Space; the same man who had walked on America's molten sea of hatred for over 30 years; walked up to the object and found it to be a bullet-riddled highway sign which read, "Leaving Missouri".
Seeing the sign he smiled, and he knew it's true meaning was "Leaving Misery"; and he knew God had placed that sign there to tell him his suffering was over, he need never again put up with the satanic monster that had been the United States of America.
Now, just at this critical time, just at the crossfire of America's doom, just as we are deep into the x-ambush, we have passed Pluto in the news; and we have seen something shiny beyond Pluto, recently reported in the news; and so I know Leaving Misery cannot be far from where we stand today.
God is constantly writing on the Wall of History; and that writing has nothing to do with the current attempt by Republican American Fascism to force the artificial fulfillment of Revelations; that attempt at artificial fulfillment being cause for many a Republican's damnation, including the damnation of enough fundamentalist Christian Republicans to sink Noah's Ark with their weight.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Tenth X-Ambush Report

You are standing on the beach and the water has retreated far, far out and fish are flopping where they had just before been swimming.  I suggest you turn and run like Hell; and how you do that is abandon the lie that enslaves me, or the tsunami of that lie will overrun you, indiscriminately.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ninth X-Ambush Report

Today's code is "Teeth", and it points to the event or events that will cause America so much pain, or awareness of being bitten, that it will put down its torture-enslavement of me
and openly offer me the six billion dollar good faith payment required to begin its normalization of relations with me.
Certainly today America sees little possibility of this happening.  America holds total power over me and can inflict as much pain and agony on me as it wishes; and therein lies America's damnation, what it does with total power over me, total power over the world.
(There were two events in the news today concerning America's damnation, but I will get to them below.)
The suggestion today is that the x-ambush has inflicted wounds on America that America is yet to feel.
You may have experienced being wounded and only finding out later that you were wounded, having felt no pain at the time.  A soldier might prepare to pull the trigger of his rifle and find his trigger finger has been chopped off by bullet or shrapnel; so he has learned about the wound before pain has informed him of the wound.
America is under grave attack by God and has suffered deaths in that attack, but like a monster stung by a poison dart it feels nothing and continues in the monstrous behavior that brought on the dart in the first place.
This is what is happening in America right now:  It has just lost at least three cops, three fingers, in three days of God's Space War, but the pain of that Truth has not yet reached America's understanding.
In reading today's report consider that I,  America's torture-slave, am holding up three fingers and telling America to read between the lines.
What I am going to tell you now will likely not impress you.  I will describe the very early stages of encoding patterns that will lead to remarkably devastating attacks on the United States of America.
I suggest you look back to my remarkable advance documentations of the rolling of the cruise ship Crown Princess and the automobile carrier Cougar Ace.  The accuracy and detail of those two successes would stand as miraculous if anyone but Virgil Kret, America's torture-slave, had accomplished them.
My point here is that those two miracles, too, began with unimpressive early encoding patterns.
Back to those three dead cops.
One of the cops was killed in Virginia on Sunday.  I suggest you bear in mind that your torture-slave is named Virgil, and loosely make a tie-in, because Virgil is your guide through Hell here, as was Virgil in Dante's Inferno.
In time I will prove American cops are on the wrong side of God's Law because of their part in America's torture-enslavement of me.
The other two cops died in Indiana Tuesday in a classic Space War event.  It was a bizarre accident that killed the two cops riding motorcycles on a run to raise money for widows and orphans of cops killed in the line of duty.
On Monday, in Georgia, a cop was wounded.  Close call; and more cop stories to come as this x-ambush pattern develops.
There are two news stories today relating very closely to God's Space War against the United States of America.  They are the Northwest Airlines story out of Amsterdam, and the captured Fox news people.  Both stories are still in development.
There is a third, but I will approach it below.
It is interesting that in Fox's coverage of the capture of two of its people in Gaza it repeatedly says the news media is the only chance for the Palestinians to have their side of the story told, but likely in all its history Fox has not reported any fair stories about the Palestinians.  It it had, Fox would be re-running those stories now to demonstrate past fairness.
In fact, Fox always sides with Israel over the Palestinians and has demonstrated no interest in knowing or reporting the Palestinian side of that story.
It is only because of the situation now the Fox strokes the Palestinians, talking about the Palestinian sense of hospitality, but Fox still says nothing of the oppression of the Palestinians under the iron heel of Israel, nor mentions that Israel sits on land stolen from the Palestinians.
I share some common conditions with the Palestinians, attacked by Jews and all the powers of the United States of America, driven out of home after home, living under the iron heel of America, my story likewise not reported fairly by Fox.
In the real sense, in the context of God's Space War against the United States, those two captured Fox people are my captives too, because my Space Sailors are waiting on the other side of Death for them, should they be sent over by their Palestinian captors.
My Space Sailors would ask their miserable souls this question:  Have you ever reported on America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath?  In their answer would be their salvation or damnation.
I know very little about the Northwest Airlines/Amsterdam story, only that I have been told it will fit into God's Space War attack on the United States of America.
I am reminded by God of the crimes committed against me by the people of Seattle, in the northwestern United States, and how those people conveniently forgot I had warned of the space shuttle Challenger disaster for three months before it took place.
Further, I am asked to encode Amsterdam as "American Stir Damn".  "Stir" here means "prison", and the code refers to America's damnation for imprisoning me in its glass torture chamber.
There is a third code, one directed at the American medical profession, but it remains too gossamer to relate to you.  Oddly, it seems somehow connected to the Tom Cruise story, Mr. Cruise having been secretly attacked viciously because of his anti-psychiatry statements.
Recall, the opening salvo of the x-ambush was directed at the American news media, medical profession and police.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Eighth X-Ambush Report

Watching these x-ambush codes "ripen" they seem to indicate a noticeable increase in the death rate of American police officers.
My work on this problem was interrupted today by torture from the person in the next room.
The interesting thing about this is that the neighboring room is listed as vacant, and this psycho-fascist American has occupied it for at least two days and probably more, his sole purpose being to torture me off and on 24 hours a day.
This indicates to me that the psycho-fascist in the next room is a government pig who has compelled the management of this motel to allow him to stay unregistered, a psycho-fascist American who is drawing an American government check for torturing me.
Since he is breaking the law in staying in a motel room unregistered and also in practicing felony torture (he strikes me with the cowards' cough for writing the words "felony torture"), and since it is well known by local police that he is breaking these laws, it makes no sense for me to attempt to save the lives of police officers.
The sweet aroma of roasting pig can be smelled throughout Hell.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Seventh X-Ambush Report

The opening salvo of the x-ambush went very well, unless you are an American.
This x-ambush is directed at the public damnation of fifty percent of the population of the United States, and the opening salvo damned the news media, the police forces and the medical profession.
One common denominator of these three groups is that they have each actively participated in America's torture-enslavement of me.  Another common denominator is that they are all Sacred Cows.
Today's code is "Barabas", from the story of the kangaroo court trial of Jesus, when the Jewish mob was given the choice between freeing Jesus or freeing a murderer named Barabas, and the mob chose to free Barabas.
It is a very important code, because it sets the tone of the horror that is about to be visited on the United States of America.
I think I know the direction of this code, but in Space War terms the code has not yet "ripened", so I can only outline it in general terms.
In America, the status of the murderer, even the child murderer, is higher than the status of me, God's One True Telepath, the only audible mental telepath in the history of the human race.
This is a profound American crime, even though Americans do not see it as a crime.  God sees it as a crime; and God set the x-ambush I am tracking for you at this time.
Some interesting and unexpected codes came in as the story of the double murder in Blacksburg, Virginia, unfolded today.
Those codes indicated the event was part of the x-ambush, and the murder victims, and all members of the professions they represented, were damned along with the murderer.   Up to that time I was thinking only American journalism had been fed to the fire Sunday.
I know this does not seem fair, but fairness was written out of the rules of Space War by America's torture-enslavement of me.  Consider, America wrote the rules of Space War and defined the conditions of the Hell awaiting half its population.  Do Unto Others, Dear Reader, actually means Do Unto Others.
When the police in California violated the law by persecuting me, they represented all police in the United States of America; and likewise, California hospital workers in their persecution of me represented all American hospital workers, from doctors to security guards.
My status compared to the status of the murderer in America is the status of a laboratory animal compared to that of a pet animal gone bad.  The murderer of those two men in Blacksburg will be treated with a thousand times greater kindness and justice than I am treated with every day of my life.
In God's Space War against the United States of America, this mass injustice brings mass punishment.  The dead sheriff's deputy in Blackburg is a co-criminal with the sheriff's deputies of San Luis Obispo, California, who framed and tortured me.
So, those who are murdered, with the exception of murdered children, are damned along with their murderers if they belong to a group involved in the torture-enslavement of me.
You can see by this formula how damnation of half the population of the United States of America will quickly add up as all journalists, all police, and all members of the medical profession, and all other classes of people whose members persecute me, come to the end of their lives.
The American people have acted in mass agreement to torture and enslave me, so the American people will face mass damnation together.
For example, there are currently two Fox news people held captive by Palestinian forces.  If those Palestinians are aware of how vicious and unfair Fox is in covering Palestine, it is reasonable to expect those two whelps of Fox to be executed.
At the same time, Fox is vicious and unfair in its coverage of my torture-enslavement, so it is reasonable to expect those two whelps of Fox to enter Hell upon death.
So when you see the handsome women and pretty men on the TV news, understand they are bound for an afterlife of Hell, whenever and however they die.
And why, Dear Reader?  Because they feel perfectly justified in making my life Hell.
God's Space War is Do Unto Others war; and pity the American whose fingerprints God finds on my cross.
I often say God's Space War is going to kick America's ass all the way to China; and in this x-ambush we see an expansion of ancient Chinese law which made the family of the criminal as guilty as the criminal.  That is the meaning of "kicking America's ass all the way to China".

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sixth X-Ambush Report

The most important news story of Saturday-Sunday is that the American news media created at least 100 child-murderers with its insane and vulgar coverage of the return to America of the confessed murderer of a little girl.
There has been more news coverage of this obscene event than of all the homecomings of all the soldiers and Marines of the last 50 years combined, of all the cures of disease, of all the acts of greatness in our time, and it tells the warped minds watching TV in fantasy darkness and drooling pleasure, and it tells the lunatics in lunatic asylums, and it tells the monsters in cellblocks, that child-murder is the way to slobbering, fawning news coverage.
This coverage makes me ashamed to be a journalist and ever to have known a journalist.
This damned and petty pipsqueak is America's Barabas.  Unless a bigger story is breaking, I will tell you why tomorrow.  

Fifth X-Ambush Report

I think this would be a good time to step back and take a look at the broader tableau of God's Space War against the human being.
The cause of this war is the human being's murder of this Earth; the purpose of this war is to save this Earth's life.
From time to time I present the view in this work that this Earth is alive, that it is a thinking, feeling being.
I have also presented the view that God has a relationship of love with this Earth which predates the presence of the human being on this Earth.
I have also presented the view that this Earth has the right and the capability to put to an end the human being's murder of Her.
So, when I say this Earth is about to change Her poles I am saying She is about to intentionally change Her poles, and that She intends to put the North Pole where it will do the most good, where it will bury New York City and Washington Deceit under a mile of ice.
Much of my training by God and by this Earth, and what I have learned from the totality of America's treatment of me, has prepared me for that new location of the North Pole; and, Dear Reader, has led me to understand the United States of America deserves that new reality.
The world will be a much better place when the Washington Monument becomes the North Pole.

Fourth X-Ambush Report

Pay no attention to that strong earthquake that took place between South America and Antarctica today or yesterday, nor the erupting volcano in Central America, those are just elements of this Earth's finding new North and South Poles within the next eight years.
Instead, follow Fox News' giddy coverage of the confessed murderer of JonBenet Ramsey, learn that he drank champagne on the plane and he visited a sex-change doctor in Bangkok to maybe, perhaps, giggle giggle, have his pee pee cut off, and see live shots of the Los Angeles International Airport where this top news celebrity is scheduled to land many hours later.
I am surprised we do not know the frequency and quality of his bowel movements; but we do know he used a real knife and a real fork when he ate his meal, which Fox news says might indicate he is not considered to be a killer by his three burly guards.
I suggest this fanatic coverage will create a gaggle of child-murders; and I suggest you can see the fanatic nature of all Fox News' "journalism" in this pitiful example of its work.  This is the same giddy fanaticism you see in its coverage of the great and important issues of the day, half propaganda machine, half supermarket tabloid, gender uncertain.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Third X-Ambush Report

Consider this word:  Despicable.
Consider the damned person named Carr, confessed murderer of JonBenet Ramsey, now in transport across the Pacific to Los Angeles, then to Boulder, Colorado, where it is to be determined if he murdered that child and perhaps other children.
I suggest the word "despicable" suits that damned person.
I have told you many times that not one child-murderer in the history of this Earth has any other destination but damnation.  Not one, not even those who blubber "Jesus!  Jesus!" on the gallows.  I am right about this, the rest of Christianity is wrong.
It was a thief Jesus forgave on the cross, not a child murderer.
I want to suggest to you that this despicable, damned human being plays a tertiary and symbolic role in the x-ambush I am reporting to you, the x-ambush which leads to the damnation of half the population of the United States of America---in general the upper half, except for the inclusion of child-murders and Telepath torturers.
Let me show you the tie-in.  If you don't know God rolled both the Crown Princess and the Cougar Ace, and that I documented both events in advance with definitions of their meanings; if you don't know that a genuine miracle was performed in this work at that time, your bucket has a hole in it and it is empty of knowledge you bought and paid for.
In the classic x-ambush, the last dies first and the first dies last; the point of an infantry column is allowed to pass through the killing zone, then the column is attacked.  Later the point is attacked.
In this x-ambush first the Cougar Ace attack takes place, then the Crown Princess attack.
What was the Cougar Ace carrying?  Cars.  That the despicable damned person named Carr is arriving smack dab in the killing zone of the x-ambush, where the car-carrier target is in the killing zone, is more than the coincidence psycho-fascist America will want it to be when it hears of this.
God knew the timing of Carr's movements before God rolled the car-carrier Cougar Ace.  That's one of the things I like best about God, God is a damned good tactician.
The message here is this:  God finds America to be despicable.  God sees America as America sees Carr.
I will repeat that for you because that is the horrible, shocking truth that will hit America like a hurricane of pain:  God finds America to be despicable, and for the same reason we all find Carr to be despicable, rationalized child murder.
George W. Bush lost his soul with the death of the first child he murdered in his stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, and many share that crime with him.  Roughly, 150 million Americans share that crime with him.
This is the inner meaning of this x-ambush.

Second X-Ambush Report

I have been asked since this x-ambush was set up not to explain to you what we mean by x-ambush.
There is a reason I am asked not to do this, because we do not want interlopers taking the code and running with it.  God wants to defeat the United States of America, not show some other guy the way to do it.
At the same time, however, I feel I should record the essence of the x-ambush for you, because after the fact I will want to describe for you what has just happened; and you will have my words before and news' words after, both describing the same thing.
So I will quote Jesus, or perhaps better said paraphrase something attributed to Jesus, because I do not trust direct quotes unless the person actually wrote the words down in the person's own hand or said them within range of my own ear, and even then fraud and error stick their noses into everything.
So, having made those murderous Christians even more angry at me, Jesus is said to have said, "The first shall be last, and the last first".  This is the essence of the x-ambush.  You will see what I mean as this remarkable Space War event plays out.

First X-Ambush Report

If everything goes as it seems to be going, the United States of America will suffer a Space War calamity before Sunday disappears into the International Date Line, and the x-ambush I have been telling you about will have been successful.
In addition we can expect to see God's aborting of Israel, at least the beginning of it, as described over the past few weeks.
This pattern of events seem important enough to change the format of this report slightly, a change from one report a day to several, to make it like time-lapse photography recording the opening of a flower.
We can see the bud of the flower begin to awaken with the tiny movement of Israeli treachery reported in the news today, treachery that could be expected because treachery is the nature of Israel.
The treachery took place in the form of an Israeli raid on Hezbollah, breaking the cease fire, a treachery that will be forgiven and forgotten by the American media, as all Israeli treacherous acts are.
Look at the context of this treachery.
The Lebanon army had just begun to move in, as per the insistence of the United States and Israel; Israel breaks the truce and attacks Hezbollah; if Hezbollah responds Hezbollah will be blamed by the American media; the Lebanon army will then come under attack by Israel because it has been conned into being there for that purpose.
This will mark the official Israel attack on Lebanon, which is what it always was, the "Israel-Hezbolla War" being a convenient contrivance.
This is why France and other nations hesitate to send their troops in.  They know if things are going too smoothly Israel will stir things up.
You should understand that the underlying strategy behind bringing foreign troops in is to involve them in the next stage of Israeli-American treachery, the invasion of Syria, for which, of course, Syria will be blamed.
In this current stage of this unspoken but obvious alliance between Israel and Republican American Fascism it is Israel's job to needle the situation, finally bringing the forces of the United States and possibly the United Nations to the rescue of poor, innocent, sweet Israel, virgin Jewish princess pursued by Muslim rapists.
Meanwhile, back at The Truth, this Earth inexorably moves toward forming new poles in from two to eight years, the New York-Washington Deceit area almost certain to be the new North Pole; expressed in the metaphor of Dante, the Ninth Circle of Hell.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Codes of Attack

There is a lot of anger at me in America today.  There is nothing that makes these cowardly psycho-fascist Americans more angry than their telepathic torture-slave fighting back.
The x-ambush I told you about two days ago seems to have been sprung.  It remains top secret, a uniquely rare event at I.C. News.
I am asked not even to review the Crown Princess-Cougar Ace miracle for you.  I am asked to not disturb the ignorance America loves so much; not to point out the noose around America's neck; not to point out America's Achilles Heel.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wicked Jay Leno

The most wicked thing I have ever seen a TV personality do---by far, by far the most wicked thing---was Jay Leno's constant and vicious attacks on the parents of JonBenet Ramsey for years after their beloved child's murder.
That brutal clown should walk on his knees to the grave of JonBenet's mother in the faint, faint hope God will forgive him; and NBC should apologize to the nation for allowing him to spew his vomit into the homes of the American people.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The X-Ambush

I may be a bit premature in telling you this; this is all rather hush-hush; the United States of America entered into an x-ambush a few days ago.  This is a continuation of the two atomic Space War bullets pattern we have been tracking.
I suggest the person or persons who have tortured me through the wall for the past three nights be arrested and charged with felony torture.  It will make a big difference in America's death toll.  My neighbor killed at least 100 Americans last night.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Jewish Victim Fascism

I am killing time while Time is killing you, so I thought I might point out over the next few days a few of the things that are killing you.  One of those things is Jewish Victim Fascism.
I know, your Masters have not given you permission to think for yourselves on this, and to you Israel is the Blessed Virgin Mary of nations, but file this insight away until Fox news finally becomes aware and comes crying to you about how Israel has betrayed the USA.
One night I was shopping in a nearly empty supermarket in Morro Bay, California, and absolutely no one was playing the torture-the-telepath game.  This absence of torture is rare even now when America on her knees in Whores' Ally, Sucking the Nuclear Sin.
I was at the vegetables display checking things out, and behind me silently crept a man who gave me a very loud false cough inches from the back of my head.
The false cough is the favorite form of Telepath torture among America and its allies in the torture-enslavement of me.  I have been struck with possibly millions of them, and driven several times to the edge of death by them.
I turned and looked to see who had struck me with such cruel enthusiasm, and I instantly understood he was a Jew; and that understanding instantly produced a telepathic message to him, "Oh, you're a Jew"; and he became angry that I had thought that thought.
Understand, he had just attacked me in a most cowardly, vicious way, in a way first developed by American Jews when I first became audibly telepathic, and he was upset that I recognized him as being a Jew, as if my knowledge was somehow Anti-Semitic.
Let me repeat this, this was a Jewish man who attacked me in what amounts the slow murder of me and genocide of my progeny, and I was Anti-Semitic for knowing and thinking he was a Jewish man.
Had I responded to this Jewish man as he deserved to be responded to, as he hoped I would respond, had I fed him a non-kosher knuckle sandwich, I would have been sent to prison, where I would have been tortured to death in a matter of weeks or months.
Notice, he hit me but the deck of cards is stacked so that I could not hit him back.  My suggestion to you is that this same stacking of the deck exists in Israel's relationship with Muslims.
Instead of hitting him, I said to him, telepathically, "This is why people kill Jews".
This experience, Dear Reader, offers an excellent example of Jewish Victim Fascism, which I suggest is the reason the Jews have gotten themselves in trouble with non-Jews as regularly as clockwork for thousands of years.
That Jewish man attacked me, and he attacked me for the fun of it and for the sense of power it gave him, and he attacked me in the full understanding that all the force of the United States of America would be brought down on me if I counter-attacked; and then the bastard was offended that I recognized and telepathically pointed out that the attack came from a Jew.
This is the convoluted con of Jewish Victim Fascism.
As a nation, America falls for this con.  It does not see what the Jews do to the Muslims, it only sees what the Muslims do to the Jews; but America is one huge betrayal away from allowing its news media the examine the action-reaction factor of the Jewish-Muslim conflict.
Let me emphasize this:  One Huge Betrayal Away.
More clearly:  Israel will betray the United States of America.
Throughout my long experience of being the only audible mental telepathy in human history the Jews have been in the forefront of America's torture of me.
From the earliest days, when I was confused and trying to understand what was taking place, my traitorous Jewish friends and my traitorous Jewish wife attacked, attacked and attacked, seeking to add to my confusion and to damage my mind, seeking to drive me to rash action.
Like that cowardly Jewish man in the supermarket, my false-friends and my false-wife tortured me with the happy knowledge that I was socially compelled to consider them Americans and not recognize they were Jewish Americans working in concert, Jewish Americans happy to be torturing a Christian American who said God had given him the gift of audible mental telepathy.
I suppose you know, Dear Reader, Jews don't really like Christians.
It was those American Jewish false-friends who set up the torture all Americans came to love so much, the mass agreement to bear false witness against the existence of my telepathy, along with the mass agreement to torture me because of the existence of my telepathy.
This, Dear Reader, is a satanic torture sandwich put together in a New York Jewish deli.
(Israel personnel in Lebanon now, during this alleged cease fire, are saying they have the right to shoot Lebanon personnel, but Lebanon personnel do not have the right to shoot them.  Do you see something familiar here?  This is precisely the same reasoning of the cowardly Jew who struck me in the supermarket.)
There is much talk these days about the Muslims being Evil.  This talk is being revved up faster than I had thought possible; the latest level being that the Muslims are planning just what the Republican American Fascists and Israel are planning, the artificial creation of Armageddon.
Speaking of Evil, America's torture-enslavement of me is the essence of Evil; it is as if perfume had been made of the Weed of Evil, and as if by atomizer spread all over the world.  I suggest the Shoe of Evil fits America and Israel better than it fits Islam.
Dig it, the Jews are of proud of having tortured my life away, and they do not feel an ounce of guilt for having done so.  Guiltlessness is the self-damning accomplishment of the Jews.  This is why Sigmund Freud is the Jesus of the Jews, he allows them to be guilty without feeling guilty.
Do you see my anger at the Jews?  That anger was intentionally created by the Jews in the hope it would cause my death or my imprisonment, or at least make my life miserable.  The Jews deserve my anger, and their false messiah Freud would say I would be insane not to be angry at them.
This is not to say the Jews are any worse than anyone else; it is just to say they are just as bad as anyone else; and to point out to you their common attack pattern, an attack pattern I have seen repeated hundreds of times during my Jewish-invented torture-enslavement, an attack pattern which today you are also falling victim to.
When I say the United States of America is Israel's drone ally this is a true and astute observation; and even though the United States of American now has a clearly fascist government that has formed a willing and obvious Axis of Treachery with Israel, the United States is still as mindlessly doing Israel's bidding as it has since 1948.
That drone status, and that stealth alliance between two forms of fascism, Republican American Fascism and Jewish Victim Fascism, is just weeks away from signing your death certificate, and the death certificates of your children, and all whom you love, and of your neighbors whether you love them or not.
This, I suggest, is a good time for America to stop kissing Judaism's ass.
I learned a lot about Jews by being married to a Jewish woman, and the first lesson I learned was on our first date.  I noticed she had bitten my penis and caused it to bleed.  I mentioned this to her and she said, "Don't make me feel guilty".  I thought "Sorry" would have been a more appropriate response.
Later, after I became audibly telepathic, this Benedict Arnold of wives would guiltlessly encourage me to commit suicide.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Knock, Knock; Kconk, Kconk

So, the knocking-on-the-wall torture resumed last night.   It is so telling of the nature of the American people that two days without torture is news as I.C. News.  Of course at I.C. News we look forward to when the counter-knocking can be heard by all.
The suggestion today is that person be immediately arrested for felony torture and the American news media report the story nationally and internationally.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Changing America's Tack

Today is my sixty-seventh birthday.  They said it couldn't be done.
Forty years ago today was my favorite birthday; but I was Kissing the Cobra three days in a row and my birthday slipped by unnoticed.
"Kissing the Cobra" means taking the chance, in that case dancing through the shrapnel, making three helicopter assaults in three days, looking death in the eye time and time again, and time and time again death blinking.
Those were the good old days. hot war and dry rice paddies; but that's another story.
On this birthday I am Decapitating the Cobra; and that's this story.
For those of you who care, I have not been struck-awake by neighbors for two nights in a row.  I don't think this has happened since about August of 2000, when Republican American Fascism's murder-by-attrition policy was initiated.
My second-favorite birthday was my sixth, in 1946.  So many candles on my cake; six is a lot to a child.  I was more than half way to double digits, almost half way to my teens, and then soon after would be old enough to be a Marine.
We were World War Two boys; we fought the Japs and the Krauts in our dreams; and we hoped the war would last long enough for us to be in it.  By the time I was six the war was over, but I was smart enough to know there would be another war coming along, and knew I would not be disappointed, I knew I would have my Great Adventure.
It was on my twenty-seventh Birthday, forty years ago today (or a day one way or the other) when we came down into a hot LZ and the incoming stopped, just stopped, seconds before we touched down; as if God had put Angels' fingers into all those mean damn muzzles.
I jumped out of the helicopter and was running toward the tree line and almost stepped on a dead American soldier hidden by the tall grass.  His uniform was first-day clean, as if he had drowned in the font of his baptism of fire.
When I was fifteen years old a doctor told me I wouldn't live much past thirty because my blood pressure was about 200/140, which took me into world record range; so when it finally came time for my war, when I had planned to be an infantry officer in the Marine Corps, I was as 4-F as a one-legged lady preacher, and the only way I could get to Vietnam was as a combat correspondent.
As you might expect, I found that war without a weapon was like sex with a rubber, close but not really there; and I found that in covering combat for United Press International I had absolutely zero freedom of press.
There I was, couldn't fight, couldn't write, going into combat with a pocket full of ballpoint pens and a steno pad, and the pens were firing blanks; so I went back to my lovely life in Tokyo.
God, of course, had never seen me as a soldier in human warfare; and from before I was born, before I was dreaming fetus dreams in the womb, God had decided I would write The Obituary of the World.  That decision had been made long before my conception; but that, too, is another story.
There was a great gift God gave me in Vietnam, something you might feel it strange for me to consider a gift.  It was not the gift of living through it because God had long since determined I would live through it; it something else.
God gave me the gift of not knowing how guarded by God I was.
This was because God wanted me to enjoy the high of war, that great pleasure only warriors know; and to feel fear down to the marrow of my bones; and taste courage, courage so thick it changed me forever. 
God wanted me to know the taste and the temptation of Satan's Whisky; God wanted me to Kiss the Cobra human men so love to kiss, that Cobra-love that makes all men part of the engine of war.
Meanwhile, putting my birthday memory book aside, let's look to the news of the day, to the atomic Space War bullet impacting America before the last moments of August 13 disappear into the International Date Line.
You may recall this bullet is a continuation my most excellent advance documentation of the rolling of the cruise ship Crown Princess, which was in itself confirmation of the public damnation of the First Lady.  You can expect this atomic Space War bullet to contain the same metaphor patterns, including the event's arriving late in the time frame..
I tracked the news programs off and on today but saw no news that fit this attack pattern.  I saw only smart asses pontificating on war and politics, not knowing they will lose their souls in one week's time for their part in America's torture-enslavement of me.  It will be the second of the two atomic Space War bullets that damns them.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Taking America's Tiller

The goal of Republican American Fascism is chaos, not victory.
Look to New Orleans, look to Baghdad, look to Beirut, look to famine and plague and war in Africa; therein lies the future of the world in the vision of Republican American Fascism; a world broken and in chaos, a world in darkness, anger, terror, despair and fear;  American Democracy broken and replaced by National Religionism.
To Republican American Fascism nuclear war between India and Pakistan is a wet dream.
To Republican American Fascism Africa is a leper colony.
The Republican American Fascist public relations solution to a crisis is to add a new crisis, because it knows American journalism is a one-crisis-capable business; so when Iraq becomes too much of a disaster Lebanon is added, when Lebanon becomes too much of a disaster a contrived Alaska oil crisis is added.
This crisis-adding concept is the focal factor of Republican American Fascism's plan for conquest of America and then the world; and the Republican American Fascist concept of conquest of the world is not in capturing its value but in creating chaos and ruin, civilization bombed deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper into the Stone Age, bombed into the cessation of meaningful human life but for the super-rich and their worker-humans and their servant-humans and their guard-dog-humans, just as National Religionism will say God wants it to be.
These are the false biblical prophesies Republican American Fascism plots to fulfill.
Within this betrayal of the human species by Republican American Fascism is the willing and subservient American news media, constantly mouthing its Master's Voice, and pretending the word "allegedly" scattered about makes honest women of the whores they are.
The most pathetic betrayal by American journalism is American journalism's removal of history from the news equation.
Israel's long-planned destruction of its leading business competitor, Lebanon, was not simply the result of the capturing (obediently called "kidnapping") of two Israeli soldiers.
Those soldiers were pawns on the chess board of Israel's intent; but the whole Israel-Lebanon story begins and ends there as far as American journalists know.  They call it the Israel-Hezbollah war, but Lebanon is being destroyed, not Hezbollah Land.  It is the invasion of Lebanon by Israel; call that Spade a Spade.
Dumb and Dumber occupy the TV anchor desks.   There is no history, and the best they can do is go all the way back to 9/11, 2001, about as deep into history as a TV journalist is educated enough to go, and they declare that on 9/11 the Beast hatched from Satan's Egg and it was from that moment on that Islam's All Evil was in opposition to America's All Good.
Even that this is a historically consistent wartime propaganda technique is missed by these news virgins, who when they babble the babble of '06 they do not know they are repeating the babble of '42, or that '42 was repeating the babble of '17, and back and back into the Pit of Babble which is human history.
We are Good; they are Bad.  "Gott Mit Uns", "God With Us", said the belt buckles of Hitler's soldiers.  Blasphemy to Americans, truth to Germans.  It is always the same, flip the pages of the history book of war and put your fingertip anywhere, and it will say God is with whichever side you land on.
Yet even if 300 million Americans tell me they are the Good Guys, I know better because I have felt America's fascist whip on my back for over 30 years; so I know they are either liars or totally delusional.  I watched America murder my progeny for the fun of it.
Meanwhile, back at the opinion polls, the crisis-drunk public thinks things are going well in Iraq because the story has almost disappeared from the evening news, and they do not know the terror Iraqis are living in as a result of George W, Bush's stupid and fascist invasion; and the same in Lebanon where the Jews are supposed be beating the Sand Niggers pretty good last we heard and where the Holy Word of the Bible is being fulfilled; and the Alaska oil problem is only half as bad as we first thought; and so on and so on.
The Republican American Fascist takeover of the United States of America is child's play.  All that is needed is crisis after crisis after crisis and the total absence of crisis resolution; and when there is no natural crisis Republican American Fascism can create one, like the flames of civil war sweeping Iraq; or its ally Jewish Victim Fascism can create one, like the rape of Lebanon; or its Republican Fascist Oil Money can create one, like the Alaska oil crisis.
Look to the future; a week before the next fraudulent presidential election (the third in a row) or a month before, or two months before, a crisis of such huge proportions will develop that will make an election impossible and Republican American Fascist dictatorship will be the only patriotic course; and just a little after that the Democratic Party will be declared illegal because it is white-flag-traitorous; and opportunistic politician-rats like Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman will leave the sinking Democratic ship and swim to the open arms of Republican American Fascism.
The Liberals of 2010 America will be the historical equivalent of the Communists of Germany in the Thirties, belief in abortion will come be a capital crime, to complain will come to be a capital crime, to criticize will come to be a capital crime...and eventually, poverty will come to be a capital crime.
Eventually, the few living Americans will be multimillionaires and the people who service them, and fascist peace will rule the rubble of the world.  All this can be expected to take place by 2017, and Jesus will have come in the form of nuclear war.
This is the course the ship America is steering; this way lies the shoals of Hell; this way lies damnation.
This is Saturday, the first of the two atomic Space War bullets is scheduled to smack into America during the today-tomorrow window.  God is going to save the world from America; and the National Religionists will go the way of the National Socialists.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Breaking America's Back

This is Friday; the first atomic Space War bullet strikes America on Saturday-Sunday, the Hiroshima of Space War is at America's door.
Perhaps you should understand, just a little, the anger behind this bullet.  By this I mean God's anger at America; because you are going to feel it like a hot hurricane blowing.
I think the American people have never understood the grotesque nature of their sin of Telepath-torture; it is to them some kind of game, a blinding of the canary to better enjoy its song; and they see no wrong in this sin, like the Master whipping his Nigger slave in 1776; and in fact they feel they have a right to it, like the Master whipping his Nigger slave in 1826.
Every night without fail I am awakened by neighbors in the next room of this motel, this motel where I stay because I am not allowed to have a home (and if I should be without money I would die on the street) awakened by their banging on the wall, and that banging will surely come even though different Americans may be my neighbors every night.
(One night of peace was afforded me when a young Mexican mother and her children stayed in the neighboring room.  God bless her.)
Do you know why Americans torture me in this way?  Perhaps simply because it is so damn much fun; but their inference is because I, the only audible mental telepath in history, invade their space when I dream.
Never before in the history of God's Universe has a people passed a law against dreaming.
These people are all huffy that I might enter into a dream state while they are within telepathic earshot, but eighty per cent of this motel is vacant nearly all the time and yet that room next to mine is always occupied by American torture-volunteers who look forward to punishing me for dreaming.
They have a choice of not being within earshot of my telepathy, but I do not have a choice of being out of earshot of their torture.  Even when I attempt to go into the wilderness Americans follow me and torture me, not allowing me to put myself out of telepathic range.
Yes, they say they torture me because my telepathy annoys them, but they will not allow me not to annoy them.  This, I suggest, is satanic reasoning.
Do unto others as you would have God do unto you; and within the laws of existence the Americans have established for me lie the laws of the Hell which they have created and to which they go.
These Telepath-torturers represent you, Dear Reader, more than any Senator or Congressman, because you allow them to torture, and likely if you were in the next room you, too, would torture me for dreaming.
I am just scratching the surface of this American sin in mentioning this No-Tell-Motel torture, and I have not yet begun to reveal the punishment for it.  Look to Saturday-Sunday, and smell the brimstone.
The Muslims call America the Great Satan; I know America to be the Petty Satan; and I know America is going to fry in Hell; well, freeze solid in Hell might better describe it..
While there is the corresponding God-helping-Islam response going on, that is totally out my field of knowledge, except for what I hear about God's intention to abort Israel.
(Consider Israel and America to be Adam and Eve in the context of God's Space War, Israel being the male, America being the bitch.)
I received a code yesterday which I opted not to report to you because yesterday was such a full news day and passions were running too high to expect much consideration of a report on why America is at war with Islam.
You are never told why, and in fact your are never told what is going on.  You think you are at war with "Terrorism", but what you call terrorism is the natural result of your war on Islam.  You shot first, you took first blood, you created the hatred for America that exits in Islam just as you created the hatred for America that exists in me.
(As I write this Mat Lauer opens the NBC Today show by asking, "Are these the faces of Evil?" while on the screen are shown pictures of people arrested in the alleged terrorist plot; and God says to me, "Tell Matt to look in the mirror if he wants to see a face of Evil".  Matt is well aware of America's torture-enslavement of me and supports it to the hilt.)
To understand why America is at war with Islam you need to look to the future and understand that the upper crusts of America and Israel are well aware this Earth is dying; sure to be sure, certainly not the rich bitches at country club cocktail parties, but the movers and shakers understand.
You don't know this because you have not been given permission to know, and when you are allowed to know you will claim you knew it all along.  You are always as smart as the herd, and you are proud of that.
Excuse me, you are at war with God and I am trying to tell you why.
That understanding of the approaching death of this Earth by the movers and shakers means, according to the Republican American Fascists and the Jewish Victim Fascists, and according to the standard misinterpretation of the Old and New Testaments, that billions of people must die.  If you don't believe me, ask your TV snake oil preachers and they will confirm this will glassy eyed joy..
Among those billions who must die are the Muslims, the Indians, this Pakistanis, the Africans, the Asians, and in general almost all members of the brown, black and yellow races of this world; but the Muslims first, Dear Reader, because they are the Spiritual Niggers of both the Christians and the Jews, and they own so damn much oil.
Naturally, the Muslims know this even if you do not, and they fight back; and having no armies or air forces or navies, no pinpoint blockbuster bombs sent as USA Christmas presents, no tanks, no cannons, no nukes with which to legally slaughter, they resort to Poor Man's War, that which you are told is "Terrorism" and which they call "Holy".
So, yesterday's code which I did not report was "Enemies", referring to the willful creation of enemies for tactical purposes; and I have been asked by God to include it in today's report and explain it whether you want it explained or not.  You are free not to read this truth; but I am not free not to report this truth; this is the responsibility of being a truthful voice in a wilderness of liars.
Dig it, the willful creation of enemies for tactical purposes.
Today's code points to two examples of intentional enemy-making; first, America's intentional making an enemy of me and, second, Israel's (and its drone ally America's) intentional making an enemy of Islam.
The suggestion in this code is that the chaos and Hell now existing in Iraq and the utter destruction and Hell now existing in Lebanon are in themselves hidden victories for the United States and Israel.
The point of the Enemies code is that In both cases these chickens have come home to roost.  That is a country boy's way of saying America and Israel will eat their bad karma.
There are some very interesting similarities in these two examples of intentional enemy-making; and while I will be hated all the more for saying this, one of those similarities is that there are Jewish fingerprints all over both examples.
One common characteristic of both examples is the utter inability to approach these examples, their taboo status protects them.  There is no acknowledgement of America's torture of me and no acknowledgement of the Israeli-American torture of Islam; both acknowledgments are taboo.
Another common characteristic is that any response from the victims is treated as evil or insane.  Even when Lebanon is clearly the victim of a diabolical Israel, an example of Cain killing Able, the sacrosanct status of Israel remains taboo-protected.  Even as America hounds me again and again to the edge of my grave, America's torture-enslavement of me remains taboo-protected.
The Enemies code contains the suggestion that this taboo-protected enemy-making has been a Jewish tactic for thousands of years, one adapted and learned well by the Republican American Fascists.
There have been hundreds of attempts in the course of America's torture-enslavement of me to trigger violent response, to torture me past the point of endurance, and if any of those attempts had been successful I would have been imprisoned, or murdered on the spot, and what little record there would be would be of a man gone mad striking out at imagined persecutions.  Jewish fingerprints are all over this technique.
The Jewish-Muslim record reads much the same.
In my case this strategy of attack was exercised from the first days, in fact from the first hours, of my becoming the only audible mental telepath in human history; and the early thrust of the attack on me came from American Jews who had claimed to be my friends, and the non-Jewish element of the American population soon learned and adopted the tactic.
The suggestion is this same strategy was exercised on the Muslims from the first days of the heavy Jewish influx into Palestine that was arranged by Hitler in the Thirties, when he was still expelling Jews and before he began murdering them.
In those days the British occupied Palestine, and in those days as in these days the Palestinians had no non-violent voice.
This was intentional; the Jews never gave the Palestinians the option of living in peace with them, just as the American Jews never gave me the option of living in peace with them; confrontation with neighbors being a Jewish cultural trait, covetness and conflict with neighbors being one of the common cultural sins of the Jews God addressed in the Ten Commandments; and which to their centuries of pain, the Jews ignored.
The point here is that neither I nor the Palestinians were guilty of anything when we came under assault, we were both driven from our homes and oppressed, and absolutely no avenue of complaint or even recognition of having a valid complaint was available; and like me, the Palestinians were constantly prodded with the intention of eliciting violent response from them.
The only reason I am alive today, the only reason the Americans did not succeed in murdering me by attrition, is because God stepped in and helped me; and the further suggestion of this Enemies code is that God is also helping the Muslims, and opposing the fascism of the Christians and the Jews.
Look to Saturday-Sunday and see what I mean.