Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The $1,078 Billion Defeat

The USA's 18th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Now One Day to the Damnation of the American People
Now One Day to the Damnation of the American People
Now One Day to the Damnation of the American People

"'But all this was done that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.' Then all the disciples forsook Him and fled."--Mathew 26:56

Those brave and stalwart Republican and Democratic members of the House who voted against the squalid and perfidious attempt by fascism to overtake America through fear and economic pressure should all be given the Congressional Medal of Honor.

The fight against George W. Bush and Republican American Fascism is not yet over, but that was a mighty fine victory.

This contrived world-wide economic crisis is designed to be a Republican American Fascist gateway to world conquest--and conquest of the American people first--and this anti-fascist victory slowed that assault.

Can Congress stand again against the onslaught of the Republican American Fascists, who are out to crucify the American people on a cross of economic extortion; and can Congress weather the blah-blah of most of the TV news media which keeps screeching that the Hitlerite National Socialist plan is salvation?

The vast majority of the American people can smell the stink of this plan and are in thankfulness supporting those Members of Congress who voted against it, but the pressure Congress and the American people are under by the most of the TV news media and all the Republican American Fascists is intense enough to make diamonds out of coal, or in the case of Congress, to make dust out of diamonds.

An interesting situation, the vast majority of American people are right about this and the vast majority of the TV news media is wrong.

I have been a journalist since I was a cub reporter in Pensacola, Florida, in 1957, and in every big story I covered in Japan and Vietnam for UPI, and in Southern California for the Los Angeles Times, the news media was a volunteer propaganda organ of American government policy.

Watch these TV news personalities, every ten minutes they are saying how stupid the American people are to be opposed to this plan; and remember Big Money signs their big, fat paychecks and only people selected by Big Money get their faces on your TV screen. No wonder the TV Blah-Blahs ride the Big Money band wagon for all its worth.

Beyond that, let's leave this subject today, since it is being talked silly on TV and more words have been written about it than are in the New Testament.

Here at I.C. News we are asking if this great Congressional stand against fear and fascism might have altered the time schedule I.C. News has been following, the speed at which America is stumbling through The Valley of the Shadow of Death toward the Gate to Hell.

We ask: Is our projected date of October 1, tomorrow, for the damnation of the American people still accurate? Did those brave Members of Congress slow or prevent America's descent into Hell?

Today we are saying no, America's damnation is right on schedule.

This is because America's damnation is by God, not Wall Street, not Big Money, and all the blah blah you are seeing and hearing on TV comes from headless chickens running around the barnyard of damnation.

God has decapitated the United States of America, and all the Congresspersons and all the Senators and all the TV Blah-Blahs cannot put that head back on America's shoulders.

I suggest to you that there is one chance and one chance only that God will perform that miracle; and that is that America end its torture enslavement of me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath before American passes into Hell tomorrow.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Monday, September 29, 2008

The $1,077 Billion Defeat

The USA's 17th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Now Two Days to the Damnation of the American People

"Everyone is dull-hearted, without knowledge; every metalsmith is put to shame by an image; for his molded image is a falsehood, and there is no breath in them"--Jeremiah 10:14

"In God We Trust"--A falsehood on American money.

The reason the so-called bailout or rescue plan is not seen as the re-creation of National Socialism it is, is because the current economic crisis is not seen as the planned, contrived, premeditated extortion it is.

This National Socialist coup has been so easy because the Hitlerite mission of George W. Bush and Republican American Fascism has never been recognized for what it is; and because the Democratic and the Republican parties and the American news media are so cowardly.

It is of passing interest that the Democrats bowed to George W. Bush before the Republicans bowed to him in this final locking of the American people into perpetual servitude.

The Democrats and the Republicans deserve to be hung by their necks from the Gallows of Despair to which they have betrayed the American people.

In holding out against this evil business many Republicans called this bailout "Communism", but were it Communism the wheeler dealers of Wall Street would now be being lined up against the walls of Wall Street and shot; no, this is National Socialism, the economic religion of Adolph Hitler.

This manipulated delusion of economic disaster is a seminal part of the "Mein Kampf" of the Republican American Fascist "New Order", as the Republican American Fascists call their version of the Thousand Year Reich of Adolph Hitler's National Socialism.

An aspect of the Nazism of this fraud-crisis is that the federal government is ramming this law through despite a massive clear majority of the American people being opposed it despite all the scare tactics in the selling of it.

In fact, there has been no selling of it, no caring at all what the American people think of it.

If this bill becomes law--when this bill becomes law--the United States of America will cease to exist, and the Nazi Nation of North America will be firmly established.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The $1,076 Billion Defeat

The USA's 16th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Now Three Days to the Damnation of the American People

"Whoever walks blamelessly will he saved, but he who is perverse in his ways will suddenly fall"--Proverbs, 28:19

"Suddenly" is the key word here.

We are entering a week of compressed events.

We are looking for a betrayal of Republican American Fascism and the United States of America by Israel.

We are looking for a betrayal of the American people by Congress, that being the establishment of National Socialism against their will.

We are looking for the damnation of the American people by God.

All this by Wednesday, October 1.

The American people should bear in mind that just because they are being sodomized by Bush-Congress-Satan does not mean they will be rescued by God.

The American people have been sodomizing me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath, for over 35 years, so in God's eyes this is a case of sodomites being sodomized by stronger sodomites.

And so, today, Sunday, it seems the Republican America Fascist gambit has worked, National Socialism is to be crammed down the throats of the American people despite the fact they do not want it.

That's the Fascist-American way. The road to Hell is paved with compounded error upon compounded error.

It has been this way since the fascist coup of 1999-2000, every time the American people needed Congress to stand up for them, Congress bolted.

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans serve the people; both the Democrats and the Republicans serve Big Money. Both parties deserve to go extinct.

Now let's turn our attention to the four road signs in The Valley of the Shadow of Death which we have published twice before, bearing in mind that The Valley of the Shadow of Death leads to Hell on this Earth, and the four road signs confirm America's progress in that direction.

Bear in mind, if your masters allow you to have minds, Dear Reader, I.C. News told you about the financial disaster two days before the rest of journalism told you about it, and I.C. News has been alone and ahead and correct with this story all the way.

That is, having documented this crisis in advance we now document in advance where the bedlam of the Bush-Congress National Socialist solution to this crisis leads.

For the third time, we publish our brief report of September 22, which pointed to October 1, as the day the United States of America ceases to exist.

This does not mean the USA physically disappears from the face of this Earth, as delightful as that might be to those of us who live under the fascist heel of the United States of America, but that the USA ceases to be what the founding fathers founded, and becomes something else, becomes Adolph Hitler's wet dream.

Here is our September 22 report, with parenthetic updatings added.

"The $1,070 Billion Defeat"

(Today marks The $1,076 Billion Defeat.)

"The USA's 10th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death"

(Today marks the USA's 16th day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death.)

"As noted in I.C. News' previous report, 'In general terms, the United States of America will no longer exist after October 1, 2008.'

(The news today, Sunday morning. September 28, tells us America will become National Socialist (Nazi) within hours, likely by some time Monday.)

"This analysis remains accurate today."

(This analysis remains accurate today, Sunday. September 28.)

"This is Monday, September 22; we are talking about a week from Wednesday."

(This is Sunday, September 28, we are talking about next Wednesday.)

"These are things we can expect during that time frame:"

(Road Sign One)

"The Republican American Fascists will betray the Constitution of the United States of America."

(This was the Republican American Fascists' putting the American people over the economic crisis barrel, saying, "Your money or you life".

(Road Sign Two)

"Israel will betray the Republican American Fascists and the United States of America."

(If this has happened, it has not yet made the news; so either this road sign has not yet appeared, or we have not seen it.

(If I.C. News is to be correct this second road sign must appear before Road Sign Three is seen; Road Sign Three being the signing of the Bailout/Rescue/National Socialist bill into law.)

(Road Sign Three)

"George W. Bush will glory in having accomplished what his mentor, Adolph Hitler, failed at."

(Congress, according to today's news, has bowed to George W. Bush's plan to Introduce National Socialism into the United States of America, has bowed to National Socialism's basic tool, Fear. This road sign will become reality when the Bailout/Rescue/National Socialist bill is passed.)

"God will play God's Ace in the Hole."

(I.C. News expects an Act of God relative to this tragic development on or before October 1.)

So, I.C. News is expecting three road signs early this week.

First, betrayal or news of a betrayal by Israel of both Republican American Fascism and the United States of America, before the National Socialist bill is signed.

Israel has a fondness for religious symbolism combined with political/military action, so let's look for Jewish symbolism.

The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, beings Monday night-- and for the sake of this exercise let's make that Monday night, Israel time.

When it is 5 PM Monday in Jerusalem it is 10 AM Monday in New York City, so you can see there is plenty of time for Israel to betray Republican American Fascism and the USA before the National Socialist bill is signed into law (expected on Monday).

There is a lovely symbolism connected with the Jewish New Year, in which apples are dipped into honey in the hope of a sweet year, and what do we see, the Big Apple, New York City, ground zero of fascist Big Money, about to be dipped into tax payer honey-money by Bush and Congress.

I suggest to you, Dear Reader, that America's becoming National Socialist, the economic system of Hitler, might be offensive to Israel even though Israel sucks $10 billion dollars a year out of the American taxpayers, and even though Israel had led America around by the nose since 1948.

So, let's watch for the second and third road signs of the four road signs on the autobahn to Hell, down which American now speeds, to be seen on Monday.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The $1,075 Billion Defeat

The USA's 15th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Now Four Days to the Damnation of the American People

Just prior to I.C. News' advance documentation of this delightful economic-crisis-panic America now struggles with--just prior to God casting America into The Valley of the Shadow of Death--I.C. News documented the coming collapse of the Democratic and Republican parties.

This event, of course, has not yet taken place--and how could it possibly?--but in the murky future, this event seems to be taking form.

What might it be that would cause those two dominating American political parties to collapse?

Joint incompetence in the face of economic crisis?

Lackluster presidential candidates when America hungers for and needs the real thing?

An Act of God?

Or...or...or slaughter by the Republican American Fascist coup within days of becoming an obvious and bloody event?

Leaving that conundrum for a moment in Time, let's turn our attention to the most important news story on the face of this Earth today and for more than 35 years in the past, America's torture-enslavement of me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath.

The single most important news story on the face of this Earth...I know you can't readily grasp this because your masters in media, government, medicine and religion tell you not to grasp it, but in a democracy--if you consider the United States of America a democracy--beware of such universal agreement.

Universal agreement is mob rule, and universal agreement is rarely based on truth.

The only positive form of universal agreement I have seen in my lifetime was America's universal agreement to fight fascism and militarism during World War Two, and even that was flawed.

I suggest when we look to the collapse of the Democratic and Republican parties we look to see where they are both wrong...where they both have universal agreement on the same errors.

For example, while the debate on Iraq centers on the "success" of the "surge" and who was for it and who was against it, the debate should be on the stupidity and fascism of the invasion in the first place.

Were the United States to "win" in Iraq, were the allegedly strongest nation in the world finally be able to conquer a poor and relatively defenseless nation, that would not legitimize the invasion, just as the noose around Saddam Hussein's neck did not legitimize the destruction of the lives of millions of Iraqis and the destruction of thousands of American families.

If conquest were the criteria for military correctness, Germany would have been correct in conquering France, and Italy would have been correct in conquering Ethiopia, and Japan would have been correct in conquering the Philippines.

For the Democrats and the Republicans to debate the success of America's invasion of Iraq is like two rapists debating who raped their common victim better.

The universal agreement between the rapists would be the rape was good and justified, the argument would be who stopped the bitch from struggling first.

There was a hidden seed to disaster in the first presidential debate Thursday in the universal agreement between both men as seeing Russia as being in total error--total evil--in the Georgia-Russia Crisis; McCain because he really does think about such things beyond stereotypical Good Guy-Bad Guy categories, Obama because of his inherent cowardice which drives him into what might be called "Leading the Consensus".

Both men demonstrated themselves to be as empty headed about Russia as Sarah Palin demonstrated herself to be in her interview with Katie Couric; but both men were more authoritatively stupid.

Prior to George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq there stood a series of identical statues of Bush's Boogie Man, Saddam Hussein, all pointing to Iran, all pointing to the Boogie Man's great enemy, Iran.

Obama, Bush and Palin are like those identical statues, but in their case they are all pointing to Russia.

I assume Biden, too, is such a statue but I have not heard him mouth the standard stupidities about Russia so I will not put those stupidities in his mouth.

In contrast, there was recently a panel of former Secretaries of State on a television program, and they all expressed an entirely different view of the Russia-Georgia crisis than the single minded dribble being expressed by the candidates, and the Republican American Fascists now in power, and the news media.

(The news media always seeks the simple; the news media always agrees on the group cliche; the news media always keeps two fingers up the nose of the people and leads them around from simple interpretation to simple interpretation.)

Why would all living former Secretaries of State hold different and more sophisticated opinions about the Russia-Georgia crisis than the candidates, than the Republican American Fascists, than the crisis-driven, cliche-dictated American news media?

I suggest it is that in being FORMER they are not required to defer to and speak for the CURRENT error in power.

The tragedy of this is that every time Obama or McCain or Palin or Bush or Rice utters the standard cliche lies about the Georgia-Russia crisis they sign the death warrants of Americans and Russians yet to die for their unified stupidities, their universal agreement.

Again, I suggest to you that somewhere in this unified stupidity--this universal agreement--lies the demise of both the Democratic and Republican parties; but there is more to it than that...there is more to it than that...both parties seek to lead the United States of America in the same, wrong direction; both parties seek to lead American into Hell.

The road to Hell is paved with compounded error upon compounded error upon compounded error.

Now let's approach the compounded error of America's torture-enslavement of me.

See America's compounded error against me as a series of forks in the road, America taking the wrong fork each time in the series.

The first wrong fork was the attack on me by US naval intelligence in Japan. Not only did it not have the constitutional right to attack me, but I was innocent and not deserving of its attack.

The second wrong fork was the FBI's continuing that attack when I returned to the States. I was innocent.

The third wrong fork was the attack on me by Nixon-Reagan Axis. I was innocent.

The fourth wrong fork was the attack on me by the American news media. I was innocent.

The fifth wrong fork was the attack on me by the American people when I became audibly telepathic, a gift given to me by God for the good of humankind. I was innocent, but the American people did not care about that, they had become a mob, they were in universal agreement about me.

Compounded error leading to compounded error leading to compounded error leading to Hell.

At the bare minimum, that compounded error led to the wounding of Ronald Reagan; at the bare minimum that compounded error led to the loss of the space Shuttle Challenger; at the bare minimum that compounded error led to the success of the Marine barracks truck bombing in Lebanon; at the bare minimum that compounded error led to the success of the 9/11 attack, which led to the stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, which leads, in the end, to the utter defeat of the United States of America.

Why, because I warned of all those events well enough in advance to have prevented them, but the torture of me was just too delicious to the American system and people to pay any attention to why...to why...to why God had placed one audible mental telepath among them.

What was lost in this compounded error, this universal agreement, is immeasurable; and part of that loss might very well be the extinction of the human race by 2045 and the death of this Earth by 2065.

This is because the fundamental job God honored me with in 1963 was to write The Obituary of the World, to demonstrate that this Earth is dying, and to present and prove the causes of her death.

That was 1963, this Earth can be expected to die late in 2064; and this was God giving humankind 101 years of advance warning, but torture and enslavement...but torture and enslavement...but torture and enslavement are a universal agreement among humankind.

This just scratches the surface of why the Democratic and Republican parties--both in unholy agreement that one telepathic American should be tortured all his life--will be crushed like chicken eggs under God's feet.


Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Friday, September 26, 2008

The $1,074 Billion Defeat

The USA's 14th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Now Five Days to the Damnation of the American People

"Give not that which is holy unto dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."--Mathew 7:6

You can always count on the American people to be brutally stupid.

You people of the world watching the unraveling of the American people's petty nation should never underestimate that brutal stupidity. The Americans will commit suicide and accuse you of murdering them.

Cute as buttons, mean as snakes, that's the American people.

When it comes down to it, before the deceitful politicians, before the slimy government pigs, before the immoral Wall Street goons, before the false witness Christian ministers, preachers, priests and nuns, before the state religion called psychiatry, it was the brutal stupidity of the American people that damned the United States of America.

The American people volunteered to torture God's One True Telepath, and they loved doing it, and in so doing they lost their souls.

As it turned out, when it came down to it, their crabapple souls were not much to lose.

Dear Reader, God does not like the American people. It is their mixture of stupidity and meanness, their penchant for enslavement of others, and their Earth-killing gluttony that is so revolting to God.

You will see what I mean when you see what God does to the American people in just five days.

Were the Americans more than just empty hot air self-praise, I would warn them that when they invented perpetual torture of me when God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy--and when they then also applied that invention to captured Muslims--they invented their own Hell.

Do Unto Others. One would have thought even the Americans would have been smart enough to figure that out.

God knew they never would, they are historically conditioned to theft, enslavement and murder, the three legs upon which the United States of America has always stood.

Five days to go, only five days. Hallelujah!

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The $1,073 Billion Defeat

The USA's 13th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Now Six Days to the Damnation of the American People

We have twice published a schedule of four road signs the world will see as the United States of America approaches Hell on October 1. We passed the first of those four road signs Wednesday. More on that below.

While Chicken America is running around the barnyard with its head chopped off a certain deadness of understanding has overtaken it; a certain denying that I.C. News announced the economic disaster on a Saturday and the rest of the news media announced it on the following Monday.

It is as if the first thing the severed head forgets or denies is executioner's blade, and it begins a panicked contemplation of how it gets out of the basket-situation it finds itself in.

It is not I.C. News' job to convince the chicken that its head is chopped off; it is I.C. News' job to watch the headless chicken run until it drops.

If you have been following this work you know I.C. News is saying Chicken America will drop into Hell on October 1, 2008, six days from today.

I.C. News is saying this will happen no matter what is decided by Congress and no matter what is done by Wall Street; the only chance America has being to openly emancipate me from its torture-enslavement of me and compensate me; acceptable compensation today being $1,073 billion, tomorrow it will be $1,074 billion.

I.C. News is saying God has damned the United States of America, and The Valley of the Shadow of Death which America now stumbles through leads to the Gate of Hell, and the Gate of Hell opens to the USA on 10/01/08.

You might find it interesting, Dear Reader, that I have received at least four attacks from Wall Street since Monday. Of course they were cowardly, oblique attacks, but that is the American Way.

The peculiar thing about Wall Street is that it has absolutely no morality; it is a religion unto itself which proclaims Greed is Good.

Like a con artist blaming the sucker he has conned, Wall Street is blaming the American people for allowing themselves to be wall-streeted.

When America's Republican American Fascist faux-president spoke on TV Wednesday night he praised "Democratic Capitalism", but in fact there is no such animal.

To be sure, Wall Street Big Money is parasitical to American democracy, and has buffaloed, bullied and bought its way into being the non-constitutional overlord of the United States of America, but there is not an ounce of democracy in its bones.

Do not include Capitalism with Democracy, Mr. Bush, Capitalism is pollution of Democracy.

About 50 per cent of Wall Street's attacks on me this week (that I caught) were TV-based mockery of my saying God has entered into America's business, and that God does not like America's business because America's business, insatiable greedy goon that it is, is the primary murderer of this Earth and slaughter of human beings.

You will note that Wall Street does not allow me to compete in the marketplace. It keeps me in torture-enslavement, and it feels it has by virtue of its Golden Rule the right to do so; but on Wall Street the Golden Rule is the person with the gold makes the rules, and greed and avarice are the natural states of humankind.

To repeat, there is no such thing as "Democratic Capitalism", no matter what that lying, fascist fool in the White House says on national television.

Now, let's turn our backs on America's home-grown Satan, Big Money, and talk about what we are talking about: The American people, slaves to Big Money, will be in Hell in six days.

What does that mean? Is it economic Hell? Is it lines of panicked depositors at the banks being told their money (puff!) has turned to wishful thinking? Is it the reoccurring Hell of Depression Big Money now and then casts the American people into?

Or is it the Hell God has created for the America people in response to their torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath, and for their gluttonizing this Earth to death, and for their warmongering around the world, and for their chopping off the heads, arms and legs of Afghani, Iraqi, and Pakistani children and calling it macaroni?

Or was it was merely coincidental that the American people teetered on the lip of economic disaster just two days after I.C. News reported God had cast them into The Valley of the Shadow of Death?

Let me tell you something about America's approaching damnation, with the proviso that I was never the hook of it, I was the bait on the hook of it.

You might quibble that the bait knows nothing about the Fisherman (and I am happy to encourage that quibbling) but in fact I know a great deal about the Fisherman, and in fact my self-deprecating metaphor falls short of the actuality.

The damnation of the United States of America will take place from the top down, the rich before the poor, the powerful before the weak, the voiced before the voiceless, Wall Street before Main Street.

If you are an American who has taken the bait, if you are an American who knows about America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath (no matter how a nice name it has been given) you are on the hook and the Fisherman will pull you in.

If you are small fry--and not piranha small fry, not one of the hundreds of thousands of small fry who have tortured me--you will be released back into the Sea of Life and expected to live by the lesson you have learned.

If you are a big fish and you know about America's torture-enslavement of me...if you are a Wall Street greed goon, if you are a politician, if you are a journalist, if you are a doctor or a lawyer, government pig or cop or a university student, minister, priest or nun, gangster or moll or entertainment celebrity, or just typical American ass hole, who knows about America's torture-enslavement of me...well, you are bound for Cannery Row.

Six days, just six more days to go. Hallelujah!

Repeating our expected schedule of events before the D Day of God's Space War against psycho-fascist America, Damnation Day, as previously published twice:

"The $1,070 Billion Defeat

"The USA's 10th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

"As noted in I.C. News' previous report, 'In general terms, the United States of America will no longer exist after October 1, 2008.'

"This analysis remains accurate today."

(And still remains accurate.)

"This is Monday, September 22; we are talking about a week from Wednesday."

(This is the Thursday before that Wednesday.)

"These are things we can expect during that time frame:

"The Republican American Fascists will betray the Constitution of the United States of America."

(You can see how they have effectively voided the Constitution by holding a Depression Gun to the heads of the American people, and they are saying, "Your money or your life".

(This economic meltdown-blackmail is a planned continuation of all the blatant theft of the American people's money and deletion of the American people's rights by the Republican American Fascists seen since 2000; it is a planned fait accompli.)

"Israel will betray the Republican American Fascists and the United States of America."

(We are watching for this now, now that America is over Israel's barrel.)

"George W. Bush will glory in having accomplished what his mentor, Adolph Hitler, failed at.

"God will play God's Ace in the Hole."

God will play God's Ace in the Hole.

God will play God's Ace in the Hole.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The $1,072 Billion Defeat

The USA's 12th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Now Seven Days to the Damnation of the American People

A most remarkable event took place in Washington Deceit Tuesday, members of the United States Senate actually stood up against Republican American Fascism and its extortion-driven institution of National Socialism as American economic policy.

I do not think that has happened since the fascist coup of 1999-2000.

In a word, Wow. In another word, Inspiring.

The question is, can the Senators continue their stand against Big Money's ownership of them, against Big Money's ownership of the United States of America?

Big Money owns the Democratic Party. Big Money owns the Republican Party. Big Money owns the Republican American Fascist Party. Big Money owns ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox news and all the newspapers and all the TV and radio stations.

The left wing and the right wing are wings of the same Big Money bird.

Big money signs all journalists' paychecks. Big Money bends all journalists' tongues in the directions they want those tongues to go.

Wether it is to be brief or extended, that stand against National Socialism by the Senate Tuesday made me wonder: Are the American people capable of calling Big Money's bluff?

That's what it is, you know, a bluff based on instilling fear in the American people, a mugging by a mugger with no pistol in his pocket; Big Money is saying, "Your money or your life".

Buck Big Money.

A year or more ago I told you to expect a Big Money assault on the American people loosely based on the concept of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", a 1957 novel dedicated to the worship of Big Money in which Big Money goes on strike, showing the uppity common American people they cannot live without the stewardship of Big Money.

That is what we are seeing now. Big Money is saying, "Worship at our alter or your children will starve like we starved America's children during the Great Depression. We taught you a lesson with that...and we will teach you that same lesson again".

There is a quaint American response to this extortion: "Bull Shit!"

I think the American people should call Big Money's bluff and not fall for the institution of Hitler's financial system, National Socialism.

Pardon me for adopting the current "Wall Street-Main Street" cliche heard on every news commentary TV program, but I think Main Street should tell Wall Street to go to Hell.

Wall Street is telling Main Street that if Main Street does not kiss Wall Street's Ass Wall Street will collapse and if Wall Street collapses the poor, dumb American people of Main Street will just suck their thumbs and will have no credit cards by which to be cheated with usurious interest charges.

That is, they will have to buy only what they can afford. That is, they must live fact rather than fiction.

Main Street would be better off if Wall Street disappeared from the face this Earth--this Earth would be better off if Wall Street disappeared from the face of this Earth--so let it disappear, and let Main Street develop a better way.

Let's take that $700 billion to $2 trillion Wall Street is attempting to extort out of Main Street and use it to cushion Main Street while Wall Street rots away, and in its rotting away opens up opportunity for a New Way; and in its rotting away emancipating the American people from their enslavement to Big Money.

Big Money is the wickedness and snares distorting all American politics and all American news coverage.

War is profit for Big Money and war is loss for Main Street.

There is profit in every dead soldier for Big Money. There is profit in every roadside bomb-bombed vehicle for Big Money. There is profit in every American uniform torn by bullet or shrapnel for Big Money.

There is profit even in American military defeat for Big Money.

War, every aspect of war, is profit for Big Money, and that is why Big Money drives the American people now to endless war--endless death and endless grief for the American people; endless profit for Big Money.

There is profit in sending your job to India. There is profit in globalization of Big Money because it makes every American worker as cheap as the cheapest worker anywhere in the world.

Politicians are bought and paid for by Big Money and American government policies--all American government policies--are dictated by and are in the service of Big Money.

And the great whore of Big Money is the news media. All of the news media is owned by Big Money. There is no liberal bias vs. conservative bias, Big Money owns both biases. The news media is as contrived as professional wrestling, which pits good guys and bad guys against each other and cons the fans into thinking there is a difference between the two.

Every journalist you read or watch or hear is owned by Big Money.

Every journalist's paycheck is signed by Big Money.

In America, freedom of the press is freedom of the owner of the press.

Yesterday on CNN there was an excellent example of how the news media serves Big Money and the warmongering of Big Money.

Because war is profit to Big Money, and Big Money is not satisfied with its stealing of trillions of dollars in war profits since George W. Bush became chief puppet on Big Money's puppet stage, Big Money wants the American people to go to war against the people of Iran, and then against the people of Russia, and then the people of all the nations on this Earth whom Big Money wants to own or destroy.

So, bit by bit, the American the news media has conditioned the American people to go to war against Iran, just as it has recently begun conditioning the American people to go to war against Russia.

This is done with a constant media diet of lies and half truths about the targeted nations.

I suppose one might call CNN a liberal media outlet--I suppose some might call crap poop--but it serves Big Money as eagerly and as slavishly as does Fox news.

Tuesday CNN's Wolf Blitzer called the UN speech of the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a "rant"; and in calling it a rant Blitzer lied to his audience.

If you saw the speech you know it was not a rant; it was a careful, calm, patient explanation of Iran's position; but Blitzer's false reportage reminds us whose pockets Blitzer and almost all American media weasels are in--Big Money's and Israel's.

In the American news media any criticism of Israel is a rant, and any act of genocide and murder and theft of land by Israel is non-news. The same goes for Big Money.

The American news media lies in thousands of subtle ways, and if its ingredients had to be listed as are the contents of packaged food products everything on the journalism list would be synthetic.

One of those thousands of journalism's subtle ways of lying is in the use slanted words in allegedly straight reportage.

Example: The man said he was innocent. The man claimed he was innocent. See the difference? Example: The president of Iran's speech. The president of Iran's rant. See the difference?

So, for one day in a row the US Senate stood up to Big Money, and you can bet your last shred of liberty Big Money has been turning its screws on the Senate and on the news media behind the scenes, just like Big Money is openly turning the screws on the American people, telling them they are doomed without Hitler's economic system, National Socialism.

Can the Senate hold out two days in a row, three days in a row, a month in a row, two months in a row? Can the Senate beat Big Money's extortion? Can the American people call Big Money's bluff?

And here we are, eight days from America's damnation. A real cliffhanger.

Is America's redemption possible?

God is going to damn Big Money, ask Jesus if you do not believe me; just look at Big Money's mortal sins if you don't believe me.

I suggest the American people climb aboard their Constitution as if it were a lifeboat, and row, row, row as far away from Big Money as they can, so that Big Money does not drag them down into Hell with it when it sinks.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The $1,071 Billion Defeat

The USA's 11th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Now Eight Days to the Damnation of the American People

Today's code is "Kamonegi".

There is a word in Japanese that fits the American people so well at this time, at this time when they stumble frightened and lost through The Valley of the Shadow of Death, at this time when they are some eight days away from the extinction of their democracy.

That word is Kamonegi. "Kamo" means "Duck". "Negi" means "Onion". Together they mean, "A Duck Who Carries Its Own Onion", a duck so stupidly bound for the cooking pot that it carries its own seasoning for the duck stew of which it will become the main ingredient.

The equivalent words in American English are "Fish" and "Sucker", but the Japanese word Kamonegi more poetically fits what the American people are.

On Monday I heard the most stupid statement I have ever heard from a TV pundit's mouth, when Chris Mathews of CNBC's Hardball thanked God for Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, since, Mathews said, he (Mathews) and all the poor, dumb American people know nothing about the convoluted Big Money shenanigans that have brought on the doom of American democracy--as those shenanigans were intended to do...as those shenanigans were intended to...as those shenanigans were intended to...as those shenanigans were intended to do.

This financial meltdown crisis is a planned part of the Republican American Fascist coup over the Constitution of the United States of America; and the American people's defeat by Republican American Fascism goes back to the unwillingness of the Democrats and the Republicans and the news media to use--or their fear of using--the word "fascism" to describe the faux-presidency of George W. Bush.

This financial meltdown crisis is all a big shell game in which Big Money has blinded the American people then robbed them blind, and now Big Money prepares to rob the poor blind bitches and bastards again.

The American people, they are sheep getting sheared by Big Money again and again and again, and sooner or later they are mutton stew, and they think they are free because they can say Baa Baa Baa and can decide by vote which butcher will butcher them.

For that idiot TV snake oil news pundit, Chris Mathews, to thank God for Paulson, was like a duck thanking God for being cooked by a chef who has mastered orange sauce; because having butchered and cooked the American people since George W. Bush side-winded his way into the White House, Paulson and Big Money--of which Paulson is a card carrying member--are about to butcher and cook the American people again.

In this crisis can be seen the betrayal of the American people by the Democratic and Republican parties and the news media; a crisis in which Big Money has the American people over a barrel and is sodomizing them, and for this sodomy Big Money is to be rewarded by the people with a minimum of $700 billion.

As Big Money learned soon after the American Revolution, there is profit in sodomizing the American people. The more things change, the more things remain the same.

Of course, the American people have loved torturing and enslaving me, God's One True Telepath, for over 35 years, so it can be said there is Poetic Justice in their being sodomized into Hell by Big Money; and as you know, Dear Reader, Poetic Justice is the only justice I have from sea to shining sea.

In our previous report (The $1,070 Billion Defeat) I.C. News presented a time table of events to be expected as the American people stumble through The Valley of the Shadow of Death and blunder into the Hell that valley leads to.

To review:

"The $1,070 Billion Defeat

"The USA's 10th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

"As noted in I.C. News' previous report, 'In general terms, the United States of America will no longer exist after October 1, 2008.'

"This analysis remains accurate today.

"This is Monday, September 22; we are talking about a week from Wednesday.

"These are things we can expect during that time frame:

"The Republican American Fascists will betray the Constitution of the United States of America.

"Israel will betray the Republican American Fascists and the United States of America.

"George W. Bush will glory in having accomplished what his mentor, Adolph Hitler, failed at.

"God will play God's Ace in the Hole."

That analysis remains accurate.

This is Tuesday, the death of the United States of America as a democracy will take place by a week from tomorrow.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Monday, September 22, 2008

The $1,070 Billion Defeat

The USA's 10th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

As noted in I.C. News' previous report, "In general terms, the United States of America will no longer exist after October 1, 2008."

This analysis remains accurate today.

This is Monday, September 22; we are talking about a week from Wednesday.

These are things we can expect during that time frame:

The Republican American Fascists will betray the Constitution of the United States of America.

Israel will betray the Republican American Fascists and the United States of America.

George W. Bush will glory in having accomplished what his mentor, Adolph Hitler, failed at.

God will play God's Ace in the Hole.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The $1,069 Billion Defeat

The USA's Ninth Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

We are saying, Dear Reader, that God decapitated the United States of America nine days ago, and all the movement you are seeing, all the talking heads on TV, all the political speeches, all the shoppers shopping, all the torturing of God's One True Telepath, everything American, have since then been the equivalent of a decapitated chicken running around a barnyard.

To give a more human example of this post-decapitation activity, it is said that during the French Revolution, when so many people were guillotined, the basket the heads dropped into had to be periodically changed because the dead heads in their final death spasms chewed through the weave.

Who knows, perhaps thoughts even continued in those severed heads for a few minutes until frozen blankness came.

It is said, for example, that an executioner held up the head of Marie Antoinette by her hair and slapped her face just after the blade fell, and she blushed. Was she aware she had been slapped, aware that insult had been added to injury, of was the blushing natural reddening caused by a slap to the face, the little blood vessels of her face still functioning?

Americans reading this likely cannot understand this, because they see themselves functioning as normal, and even the shock of the decapitation of America by God nine days ago has worn off and the TV talking heads are reassuring them all is well or will be well again.

But individual Americans are like cells in the body of America, and the cells in a dead body continue to function for a short while after the body is dead--and that is the functioning the American people are feeling.

You see the point I am attempting to illustrate. The United States of America is dead, God has decapitated the United States of America, and all that is happening now is post-mortem muscular jerking and waning brain wave activity.

A decapitated chicken's brain functions for perhaps a microsecond, a decapitated human being's brain functions for perhaps a minute, a decapitated nation's brain functions for weeks or months--we do not know because this is the first time in our experience God has decapitated a nation and there is no established norm.

This decapitation by God of the United States of America, this flinging by God of the United States of America into The Valley of the Shadow of Death nine days ago, changes I.C. News' self-perceived function considerably.

While I.C. News' function, established by God in 1963, is to write The Obituary of the World, to in effect accurately report this Earth will be dead by 2065 and to give the causes of this Earth's death, we had hoped to reach the nonexistent intellect of the United States of America and convince America to abandon its leading role in humankind's murder of this Earth.

In retrospect, a foolish hope, certainly, but God allows us God's Space Sailors our foolish hopes. God knows we fall in love with humankind like children fall in love with puppies, but God also knows humankind, unlike puppies, never grows into true adulthood.

Pardon me my reverie, but I had so hoped to see America's head remain on its shoulders.

There is something a soldier learns quickly on the battlefield. When he comes upon a buddy dead, he inspects that buddy to make sure that buddy is dead, but dwells there no longer once he knows. He is in a battle and the battle goes on even though his buddy is dead.

Of course, I.C. News' mission now changes from trying to help America stay alive because we see it on the battlefield of God's Space War, decapitated and dead, so we continue our work in that new reality.

Humankind outside the United States of America is not yet decapitated, but it will die bit by bit, nation by nation, race by race, until humankind goes extinct in about 2045 if it does not learn from the example of Dead America.

So America, dead and damned America, can still fulfill a planet-saving function through the example of the gradual ending of is post-death convulsions, those convulsions which began nine days ago when God decapitated the torture-beast, America.

Let's watch those convulsions, Dear Earthlings, and I suggest you learn from them lest God decapitate your nations, too.

In general terms, the United States of America will no longer exist after October 1, 2008.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The $1,068 Billion Defeat (2)


The USA's Eighth Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

The United States of America is so close to, and so rapidly approaching its tragic-pathetic end, that journalistic decency (if there is such a thing) requires I.C. News to for a rare second time in one day examine that news story.

In old fashioned news jargon, events require a second lead for today (Saturday) because the brown, smelly stuff could very possibly hit the fan before deadline time tomorrow.

Sensing the smell of Cincinnati's nuclear oblivion in the air, let's look deeper into America's pathetic situation; America, at war with itself, at war with the world, and at war with God; with its Judas-ally Israel on the verge of most deceitful betrayal.

Everything is ripe for that betrayal by Israel today, the American economy collapsing into National Socialism, America's Republican American Fascist liar-bitch Secretary of State preaching her lies about Russia, Israel chafing at the bit to atom bomb Iran, and the American people bending over and taking it in the rear from their traitorous government and their traitorous news media, and the gutless, witless presidential election taking the (cough, cough) minds of the American people off the real story--the death of this Earth and the damnation of their souls.

Virgil Kret
(530) 276-4923

The $1,068 Billion Defeat

The USA's Eighth Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

The most important news story on this Earth today is that the people of the United States of America deliberately set out to cause the only audible mental telepath in the history of the world to hate them.

The American people so love their torture-enslavement of me, however, that even if I had freedom of press and speech there would be no market for this most important story from sea to shining sea; and besides, America and the American people are defeated and now stumble-bum down The Valley of the Shadow of Death, stumble toward Hell...stumble toward Hell...puppet Pinocchio people with little wooden hearts heading for the fire of remorseful eternity.

Oh, well, what the Hell, I tried; now let's turn to the second most important story in the world, the completion, less than two months away, of the Republican American Fascist coup over the Constitution of the United States of America.

For some time now, not days, not months, but years, I have been telling you the plan of George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists is to make the world situation so bad prior to the next presidential election that they will declare martial law and dictatorship and "postpone" the election.

Look around, Clown, perhaps you can see the truth of this boring in on you.

Because you are Americans, and because you therefore cannot be expected to think, to observe, to put two and two together, if this disaster of fascist takeover is to be avoided, outside factors must cause it to be avoided.

That is, you American are incapable of saving yourselves, you are incapable of being anything but 21st Century Nazis; you are incapable of being anything other than Big Money's slaves.

In that context I direct your attention to the human race outside this torture chamber called the United States of America, and to my Old Pal God, who eight days ago today decapitated the USA and dropped it, snake that it is, into the pit which we are calling here, The Valley of the Shadow of Death.

If America were not so nuclear-strong the world would be laughing now at the transparent fascist antics of America. If America were like some mad African dictatorship ruled by an idiot in overly fancy uniform threatening to conquer first Africa and then the world, the world would today be spitting in America's eye.

As it is, the world today is laughing all the way to the bank, knowing that the American people are greedy little psycho-fascist idiot-debtors who have spent money they will never be able to earn, and in being such they are micro-mirror images of the Republican American Fascists.

The world knows America's liar-bitch Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is as transparent and as toxic as a bubble rising out of a vat of acid, and only because America has thousands of nuclear warheads does it suffer her pompous, hypocritical preachings against Russia.

And, Dear Reader, God knows this about America, too, and more.

I have told you, when God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy it was a test not of me but of the American people.

I have told you, the American people have failed that test.

The American people, the self-proclaimed Goody Two Shoes of the world, failed that test by torturing me and torturing me and torturing me every day of my life since God gave me that gift over 35 years ago.

Certainly the American people cannot see this, they are Goody Two Shoes psycho-fascists wearing smiley face faces, and well into the 90th percentile of them they can see nothing wrong with torturing me.

Now, Dear Reader, you are about to see the American people begin to whimper; and they are going to turn to their Democratic and Republican parties and their media weasels for succor, too stupid to know it is the Democrats and the Republicans and the media weasels who are sodomizing them and thereby causing them to whimper, and while they are most willing to be the bitches of the Republicans and the Democrats and the media weasels, to offer their assess and their mouths and their endless toil to them, they will learn to their dismay that the Republicans and the Democrats and the media weasels are as stupid and as psycho-fascistic as they.

Let me make this clear, the American people are in no position--as it comes to that--to say they are good people even though their government is bad.

That is, the American people cannot say--as it comes to that--damn the big shots but save us small fry.

That is, while the American people traditionally claim innocence due to stupidity they cannot say the big shots have proven themselves to be sharks because they, the small fry, have proven themselves to be piranhas.

Meanwhile, back in The Valley of the Shadow of Death, the United States of America, even at the highest levels where the truly bad news is being kept from the American people, is not yet aware of how bad its situation is.

Virgil Kret, (530) 276-4923.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The $1,067 Billion Defeat

The USA's Seventh Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

It is now seven days since I.C. News documented in advance the financial crisis you are now being told America's paper tax money is pulling you out of; and it is now five days since you first heard about it from your media weasels.

That is, I.C. News told you about it two days before your masters in Washington Deceit and New York City told you about it.

Of course you are told by your masters to overlook this two-day lead demonstrated by I.C. News; and you obey your masters because obedience in America's torture-enslavement of me is your nature.

You are being given bad advice, stupid orders, as troops in World War One were stupidly ordered to advance in open lines against machine guns, ordered by officers who had studied war before the machine gun was invented.

That is, Dear Reader, there is a universal agreement among the big shots in media, government and Big Money that I.C. News' two day lead is unimportant, but today we at I.C. News are telling you all those big shots are wrong--no matter what their political hue or network affiliation--and they all are in fact as doomed as chickens with their heads cut off.

This headless chicken reference, while still part of the language, is not graphically understood by you moderns who live far away from your family-farm roots, and deserves a few lines of graphic description.

When I was a little boy on my grandfather's North Dakota farm it was my job to chase the chickens my grandfather had decapitated with his axe.

Being a little boy, and not thinking that far ahead, I would chase a headless chicken while it ran around flapping its wings, it running with the same energy and lack of direction it would have had had it still had its head.

(In your modern setting, America was decapitated when it entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death last Saturday.)

Then, after what might have been ten seconds, the headless chicken would drop into the stillness of death, allowing me to catch up with it, and I would take it to my grandmother, holding it by its dead feet, blood coming out of its headless neck, and she would immerse it in the scalding hot water she as prepared, thus loosening its feathers for easier plucking.

This is very much the exact situation the United States of America is in now, it is a headless chicken running around the barnyard of The Valley of the Shadow of Death, to at some point to drop dead from the mortal wound ALREADY INFLICTED, and soon thereafter to be placed into the scalding bath.

America is a big bird, and the ten seconds of running the headless chickens had is an elongated time frame--America's ten seconds being some number of days, months perhaps, but not years.

Having never before stood beside my Grandfather God when God decapitated a nation such as the USA, I do not know the number of days America will run around like a chicken with its head cut off, how many days the TV media weasels will cluck-blah, cluck-blah, cluck-cluck-blah-blah-blah until the truth shuts their mouths, but I know I need not run after America's death story as I ran after those chickens when I was a boy; I know I need only to stand beside my Grandfather God and wait for psycho-fascist America to fall dead and still; then watch God take it to the scalding bath, and pluck it, pluck it, pluck it, until it is as amusingly naked as a rubber chicken in a Jewish vaudeville act.

However, Dear Reader, when I was a little boy, after the innocence of the first experience, I still chased the decapitated chickens for the fun of it; and so now in that spirit I chase down the story of America's doom for the fun it of, for the love of the chase of it.

We have given the Democratic and Republican parties and the media weasels their last chance to end their torture-enslavement of me; and we are not now offering what they do not have, a second last chance; but let's chase those three headless chickens a bit, three chickens who lost their heads to Grandfather God's axe seven days ago.

(To Be Continued, even if the government pigs cut off my Internet access again.)

Virgil Kret, (530) 276-4923.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The $1,066 Billion Defeat

The USA's Sixth Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

"Gone Fission"--God's Space War code received by I.C. News on Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"We don't open, we don't read them. So, stop with the emails already."--Email from Richard Hines, Publisher, Cincinnati Nation, Tues Sept 16, 2008, in response to I.C. News' attempts to warn Cincinnati, Ohio, of its being targeted for nuclear attack.

I.C. News' Internet server was sabotaged Wednesday, September 16; not important because even if I.C. News were to publish not one more report on God's Space War, the United States of America would still be beaten, as it is today, as it has been since 1967.

Catching up after yesterday's Internet blackout, today from a cyber coffee shop:

When we at I.C. News have had a great success such as our advance documentation on Saturday of the financial disaster announced in the media Monday we like to spend a day or two evaluating our position.

During these evaluation periods we always marvel at how you psycho-fascist Americans cannot respond intelligently to our advance documentations, be they of the current economic disaster you are crying so much about, the death of the media weasel Tim Russert, Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters' Palestinian cameraman Fadel Shana, the Challenger explosion, the 911 attack, and scores of other events.

Clearly, the lies you Americans live by are more important to you than the truths I.C. News brings you, but the stupidity of it...the stupidity of it...boggles the intelligent mind.

You Americans, you live within lies within lies within lies, so deceitful you are that even your heroes die cowards' deaths.

While our larger project is to warn of and document in advance the death of this Earth by 2065 and the extinction of the human race by 2045, we now have two immediate projects in the works; they are:

First, our warning and advance documentation of the nuclear bombing of Cincinnati, Ohio, to be carried out by Israel in a maneuver designed to blame Russia and thereby trigger nuclear war between the USA and Russia.

Second, our proof of the existence of God.

It is interesting to us at I.C. News that we received two messages Tuesday relative to the atom bombing of Cincinnati.

The first was the God's Space War code, "Gone Fission"; and the second an angry email entitled "LCNews, stop with the emails" from Richard Hines, publisher of the Cincinnati Nation, which read, "We don't open, we don't read them. So, stop with the emails already."

The ethnic use of English by Mr. Hines indicates Mr. Hines is Jewish, which, while it is it politically incorrect to point that out, suggests the core reason Mr. Hines would not want the readers of his newspaper to know the famous telepathic newsman--so brutally tortured by American Jews since 1970, and so accurate on American disasters over so many decades--is talking about their coming atomic fire deaths due to Israeli betrayal.

"Israeli betrayal", blasphemy, yes, historically accurate, yes, dangerous near-future probability, yes.

You can expect an Earth-killing example of (yet another) Israeli betrayal of the United States of America before the American election day, November 4, 2008, which Republican American Fascism, in its bottomless ignorance, will support.

We note that on Wednesday we caught at least two TV media weasel pundits calling the American government buy-outs of imploding Big Money institutions "Communism" and "Socialism for the Rich", but what they, in fact, are is "National Socialism", Hitler's form of fascism, from which the word "Nazi" comes.

Receiving much torture in this coffee shop (torture is always heaviest among young liberals) we close quickly today with this message to America from God's Space Sailors:

If you expect us to like you Americans you are living in Vanity's Delusion; if you expect to beat us, you Americans, you have not looked at the scoreboard.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The $1,064 Billion Defeat

The USA's Fourth Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

On Saturday I told you the United States of America had entered into The Valley of the Shadow of Death. On Monday you woke up to economic calamity and the Texas coast pounded into splinters, heartbreak and debris.

There have been many times when I have told you Americans such truths and you let them pass as if they were entertainment or did not matter, and you hid my truths under the stone which is your collective soul, and you continued your torture-enslavement of me.

Bad mistake, bad mistake, now you are in The Valley of the Shadow of Death and there is no getting out.

For me, God's One True Telepath and America's torture-slave, fighting the United States of America is like fighting a 350-ton cruel and grasping monster with a brain the size of a hummingbird's bladder.

I can't fist-fight the monster, but I can watch it piss its life away; and I can watch its soul burn in Hell later on in this long, long Judgment Day.

What you Americans have never understood is that when you torture and enslave me you are playing for keepies. While it is all good fun to you, enslavement is war, and torture-enslavement is double war; and you made the bad, bad mistake of torturing and enslaving a powerfully good God's Space Warrior.

I know, I seemed so weak and you seemed so big and strong; first the whole goddamned (literally) US Navy against me, then the addition of the whole goddamned (literally) FBI against me, then the addition of the whole goddamned (literally) US government against me, then the addition of the whole goddamned (literally) population of the United States of America against me; my truth so weak, your lie so strong.

I was surprised you did not see the morality play ambush of it. I was surprised you did not see you were the Bad Guys in your own movie.

Who would attack a man's mother? Who would attack a man's wife? Who would murder the sperm in a man's testicles? The United States of America, that's who.

If America is democracy Hitler was the president of the German chapter of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League.

America is cold-blooded, full-blooded fascism; but that is just my opinion after over 35 years as America's torture-slave, and God's opinion after hundreds of years of observation.

I must admit, I underestimated America's stupidity and its utter lack of morality except for the false morality it makes up as it goes along. I expected America to at some point, for morality's sake, for honor's sake, for truth's sake, to say this torture-game had gone on long enough, and end it.

Perhaps you Americans have told so many lies about me, made so many false charges against me, declared so long that your evil against me is something good and splendid that you dare not...dare not...dare not admit to yourselves and the world that you have done evil to me.

You have done evil to me, America, and now you are in The Valley of the Shadow of Death because of it. Be afraid, be very afraid.

There were so many times when America should have seen the error in its evil torture-enslavement of me, so many times when I proved the value of the audible mental telepathy for which America tortures and enslaves me, but the American people so loved that torture-enslavement they gave their only begotten souls for the pleasure it.

A brain the size of a hummingbird's bladder, an evil the size of Satan's titanic dick; that is the United States of America.

Monday was one of those days where it was so clear that I am right and you Americans are wrong that my email in box should have been filled with offers and apologies, and all the presidential and vice presidential candidates, and all the TV pundits, and all the American silly bitches and cowardly bastards who torture me each day should have been openly saying, "Free Virgil! Free Virgil!".

For years I have been warning you Americans that God is at war with you, and you tortured me all the more for saying it, and God punished you all the more for torturing me.

Repeating for your cement-dense American brains, on Saturday I told you Americans you had entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death. On Monday you looked around and what did you see? Your economy rotting in your hands and the coast of Texas--Texas, the locus of the evil of Republican American Fascism--shattered by an Act of God.

Do you really want to continue in this war, in your torture-enslavement of the audibly telepathic man so beloved by God? Is it really worth it to you to turn your back on truth and continue to live the lie that has brought you here, to The Valley of the Shadow of Death?

Think about it, you American Ass Holes, think about it, hard, as hard as your little brains can think about it, because this war goes on forever, and there is a point at which you will not be able to stop it even if you try to suck Satan's titanic dick dry.

I am not telling you to go to Hell, America, I am telling you you have gone to Hell.

Now let's turn our attention to the next blow you Americans are about to receive, nuclear fire, given to you in Cincinnati, Ohio, by the nation which hates America more than all the nations of this world combined hate America, Israel.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The $1,063 Billion Defeat

"And Jesus was a sailor
"When he walked upon the water
"And he spent a long time watching
"From his lonely wooden tower
"And when he knew for certain
"Only drowning men could see him
"He said..."--from "Suzanne", by Leonard Cohen

I.C. News seems to be running between 24 and 48 hours ahead of the news these days. The bulletin story we were expecting Saturday broke today, Monday, that being the huge financial disaster George W. Bush has given America.

You may recall that report (The $1,061 Billion Defeat) opened with these two paragraphs:


"For the record, today the American people entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death; and the only reason they are not afraid is that they are too stupid read the road sign, 'Entering The Valley of The Shadow of Death'."

That Entering The Valley of the Shadow of Death road sign I.C. News expected Saturday afternoon is the economy-sinking filing for bankruptcy by Lehman Brothers and the other falling of the financial dominoes we see in the news today.

Of course the Lehman Brothers decision to file for bankruptcy was made before the story broke Monday morning, and before I.C. News' Valley of the Shadow of Death report Saturday, but you are on American journalism time, and American journalism is always behind on the news.

So, while the American people are wondering if they should put their money under their mattresses or leave it in the banks now that George W. Bush has destroyed their country, let's begin the sidebar story I promised yesterday, Proof of the Existence of God.

At I.C. News we document the Future before it takes place, we call this Future Projection; and one of the purposes of this is to prevent Bad Futures.

We are projecting the death of this Earth before the sun rises on 2065 and the extinction of the human race by 2045, and we would like to see the human species at least try to save itself from drowning and disappearing under the waves of Time and History.

Had the United States of America not been so fervently involved in persecuting me, God's One True Telepath, I.C. News could have prevented the wounding of Ronald Reagan, the loss of the space shuttle Challenger, the 911 attack, and many, many other bad events.

Even without I.C. News' constant help from God it is easy to report on the future of the United States of America because the USA is a creature of habit.

Like a deer hunter can look at deer trails in the wilderness and know a deer will pass along there soon, and then lie in wait, lie in wait, dreaming of venison on the supper table, any hunter in the world can wait for America to walk down the same old trail it always walks down.

Of course America is less like a deer and more like Tyrannosaurus Rex, but the principle is the same.

Throughout the Vietnam war, start to finish, from fresh-faced college grad to grizzled combat reporter, I always knew what America would do next--not because I am a military genius but because America is a creature of habit.

I could tell what the American government would do next because it would always deny it would do that next. The American government then, as now, was a transparent liar.

Now consider, Dear Reader, if a young UPI correspondent in Tokyo drinking as much as he could drink and chasing as many women as he could catch knew exactly what America was going to do in Vietnam next, how much better would the Vietnamese generals aligned against the American generals know what America would do next?

America is as easy to read as a child's book with big letters and popup pictures. It always lies to itself; it is always aggressive to the world; it is always the biggest whore in town and it always thinks of itself as Sister Margaret Mary.

You Americans might not like my saying that, you might find that too much truth for your tolerance level--so used you are to America's self-praise and self-pampering--but the world knows the pattern of the T. Rex of nations, and with that knowledge has waited for America's cruel follies to drop it down into the pit it is now in, drop it down into The Valley of the Shadow of Death, having waited for this with dreams of American Monster meat on the supper table.

In reading the pattern of American behavior the observer knows America will always be brutally aggressive to the world and the American people will always see themselves as gentle lambs; that in current terms America will constantly put pressure on Russia and when the pressure becomes great enough to force a Russian response, the lamb-like American people and shepherd-like American news media will see America as totally innocent and Russia as totally guilty.

This is the same with any country in the world under pressure from the United States of America; Venezuela is bad, Bolivia is bad, Iraq is bad, Iran is bad, Afghanistan is bad, Pakistan is bad, "North" Korea is bad, China is bad, Lower Slobovia is bad; and America, sweet America, is good, good, good.

Eat that bullshit if you like, Dear Reader, but bullshit is poisonous.

Now, as promised, and in the context of your little stroll down The Valley of the Shadow of Death, Dear Reader, we begin our proof of the existence of God.

I.C. News' primary news source is God.

It was God who told I.C. News of at least a half dozen airline crashes before they too place.

It was God who told I.C. News of the attacks on Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and John Lennon before they took place.

It was God who told I.C. News of the great tsunami quake before it took place.

It was God who told us of Tim Russert's death before it took place.

It was God who told us of Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters' cameraman Fadel Shana before it took place.

It was God who told us of today's bulletin economic disaster news two days ago.

It was God who told us this Earth will be dead by 2065 and the human race extinct by 2045.

God tells I.C. News about events in advance so I.C. News can build a track record of documenting news events before the take place, and so I.C. News' track record on relatively small disasters can stimulate real human response to the great disasters coming: human extinction within the lifetimes of today's elementary school students and the death of this Earth some 20 years later.

If America were not so bent on torturing and enslaving me, so bent on destroying my evidence as soon as I establish it, the world would know today that God has sat down to the human poker table, and the world--even the T. Rex of nations called the United States of America--would be behaving differently.

And you, Dear Reader, would not be taking your stroll to Hell through The Valley of the Shadow of Death.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The $1,062 Billion Defeat

"Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples."--I Chronicles 16:25

One of the sidebars of I.C. News' exclusive reportage on the coming extinction of the human race by 2045 and the death of this Earth by 2065 is proof of the existence of God.

When it comes to this sidebar there is no choir for me to preach to, because I and this work are perhaps the most detested man and work on the face of this Earth in the eyes of American Christians and Jews of any nation, both who in error or open falsehood claim ownership of God.

Once in a while when I flip the TV dial I come upon a snake oil preacher selling a red rag to his numbskull flock with the promise that rag will cure them of what ails them, and with the lie that thousands have been so cured.

American Christians put that snake oil preacher over me in terms of validity of message.

I tell you this just to give you some perspective, because likely I know God better than any religion, any church, any believer on this Earth, and I have never met a human being who understood God.

You don't like me for saying that? Dear Reader, Ass Hole, you don't like me for existing.

That said, I.C. News will now begin its sidebar proof of the existence of God.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The $1,061 Billion Defeat


For the record, today the American people entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death; and the only reason they are not afraid is that they are too stupid read the road sign, "Entering The Valley of The Shadow of Death".

And who are the Teamsters who drive the manure wagon the American people are pulling in The Valley of the Shadow of Death? The Democrats and the Republicans, who, too, are too stupid to read the road sign.

Stupid people, stupid leaders; it's the stupidity, Stupid.

Stupidity by any other name would smell the same, so call America's stupidity anything you like if the word offends you. "Patriotism", that is a nice American word for stupidity; for propelled by that word the American people send their military into disaster after disaster; and now they are about to send it into a disaster so great there will be bets taken on who the last American warrior standing will be; a disaster so great Arlington National Cemetery would need to be expanded to take up three-fourths of the state of Virginia, if buriable residue of the American dead could be found.

The American people are so stupid they obey a fascist faux-president who looks and talks like a Teddy Bear and steals their wealth so openly, transfers it from their pockets to Big Money's War Chest so blatantly, that it is like stealing candy from a nation of blind babies.

The American people are so stupid that they will go to war in any direction they are pointed, believe any lie they are told, blame any fall guy Big Money tells them to blame, kiss any ass Big Money tells them to kiss.

The American people are so stupid they think they are free. The American people are so stupid they think they are smart.

The American people are so stupid they have allowed George W. Bush to destroy them.

Realizing I am attempting to talk the American people, who are as smart of a bucket of nails and as cruel as a cat-o'-nine-tails, I will tell them where the key to their destruction lies, how they happen to have been driven into The Valley of the Shadow of Death by their so-called leaders.

I will not speak of Do Unto Others, the American people haven't an inkling of what that means, never have and never will.

I will not speak of not spending money before you have it, the American people do not understand that in their deficit spending way of life and government they are the con-artist's wet dream.

I will not speak of their having traded in their gold for paper and alloy, duh, thinking it the same. Duh.

I will, instead, speak of their greatest national folly, that is that they believe an impossibility in human political intercourse to be a constant...that is that they are always right and the other country is always wrong.

The American people have no depth perception, no depth perception at all.

The greatest weakness of the United States of America is that is lies to itself and believes its own lies.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The $1,060 Billion Defeat

We at I.C. News have a most intriguing news story developing; intriguing in two ways.

First, this developing news story addresses the sudden collapse of the Democratic and Republican parties, an apparent impossibility.

Second, this developing story makes me sad, which is far outside my nature and very unusual.

Putting this sadness factor into context, I have not been sad about Americans dying since the commercial jetliner crash into the Potomac in Washington Deceit on January 13, 1982.

That was long before the Internet, and I had written letters attempting to warn of the crash; and I woke up screaming within an hour before it crashed, killing 75.

My advance documentation of that crash was not an isolated incident.

During that period I documented perhaps half a dozen airline crashes in advance, and the psycho-fascist citizens of San Francisco, where I lived then, so loved their torture-enslavement of me that they took those advance documentations of perhaps a total of 1,000 deaths as entertainment, as a parlor game.

Some of them applauded me on the street when I was proven right by events, and the psycho-fascist citizen of Frisco would even stop torturing me for almost 24 hours after crashes.

Considering those psycho-fascists were striking me with Cowards' Coughs at least 1,000 times a day, a 24 hour break was a quite a reward for entertaining them with hundreds of deaths named in advance.

So, in the context of constant torture despite repeated successful warnings, I stopped feeling sad when I documented the deaths of Americans in advance.

You may think this horrible of me, but I felt no sadness on 09/11/01 and later for the victims of the 911 attacks.

I had attempted to warn of the 911 attacks for three months in advance, naming lower Manhattan as a target perhaps three days before they took place; when all the while my neighbors on all sides were harassing me so much in organized tandem torture 24 hours a day, that they finally drove me into the emergency room with congestive heart failure and into homelessness and starvation.

In addition, my experience of being harassed by passengers and crew on jet airliners demonstrated I could not have been a passenger on any of the hijacked jets without the passengers and crew harassing me silly.

In addition, my experience of being harassed on every job I had had demonstrated I could not have worked in the Twin Towers without fellow employees harassing me silly.

In addition, my experience of being harassed on every street I had walked down in every city I had visited demonstrated I could not have walked down the streets Manhattan without being tortured by those same passersby who ran screaming from the disaster.

Remember, I had tried for three months to prevent that event, being tortured by Americans every day, so why should I have cried when those psycho-fascist Americans died on 9/11?

Do Unto Others, Americans. If Jesus could not teach you that, how can I?

So, my feeling sad about this coming event, as I do, is extremely rare, and an intriguing mystery to me; so I follow this next God's Space War attack on the United States of America with keen interest.

To review, we have received two codes on a seemingly impossible story, the sudden collapse of both the Democratic and Republican parties.

We need three codes to run with any story, so for now the collapse of the two major American political parties is just an intriguing idea from God sitting on I.C. News' National Desk.

Having been ahead on so many "impossible" events, such as being three months ahead on the 911 attack, we look at this potential event with interest, and we wait for the third shoe of the tripod of it to drop.

We theorize that if both parties were to collapse at the same time there must be a common denominator in the parties which brings about that collapse.

What would their common denominators be?

Both parties have fallen into the vortex of stupidity relative to the Georgia-Russia crisis.

Both parties favor America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.

Neither party understands the dire danger of human extinction and planetary death by 2045 and 2065 respectively.

So, Dear Reader, let's wait together for that third shoe to drop; and let's remember I.C. News is calling this God's Space War action against the USA, "Nuclear Poetic Justice".

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The $1,059 Billion Defeat

Before I.C. News put yesterday's report to bed we received word from our Old Pal God to expect the sudden collapse of both the Democratic and Republican parties; and we asked the question, "How could that be? They are conjoined con-jobbers who own the American government."

It is I.C. News' policy not to run with a story until we have had three messages about it from our Old Pal God.

This was the case with our advance documentation of the space shuttle Challenger disaster, the attempted murder of Ronald Reagan, and the 911 attack, all of which we repeatedly warned of for months before they took place.

We have now had two messages from our Old Pal God about the sudden collapse of the Democratic and Republican parties, and because that event would be no disaster but rather a breath of fresh air we look forward to reporting on it.

It would take a Sherlock Holmes to the Tenth Power to uncover a fraction of the crimes the Democratic and Republican parties have committed against the American people, but we note today the great and obvious crime they are committing every day of the week, every second of every day.

That crime, Dear Reader, is their not even mentioning the fascist coup that has been so obvious since George W. Bush snuck into the White House with the compromised 2000 election.

(How is it that Hillary Clinton spoke so often about "the great right wing conspiracy" while her blow job husband was in office, but did not utter a peep about it after it took control of the nation and during her campaign for the presidency?

(That is a mystery for the Mystery Pile, but damned it if doesn't look like appeasement and compliance to I.C. News.)

It can be said, of course, that both the Democratic and Republican parties expect Republican American Fascism to just go away, to fade away with the assumed departure of George W. Bush, but that's a fools' expectation--or worse, a co-conspirators' cover-up.

Fascism is cancer, and it must not be ignored, it must be excised.

For the Democrats and Republicans to treat Republican American Fascism as just a bad and thieving episode in American politics is either cowardice or betrayal; cowardice and betrayal which the American people can see in the Democrats' refusal to put impeachment on the table.

It is not whether impeachment would have succeeded, it is the national discussion it would have brought about; it would have been the pointing out that the swastika flies over the White House and the Congress and the Supreme Court. It would have given the American people the ability to fight back and destroy the monster.

Instead, the non-impeachment gave the American people no choice but to bend over and take Republican American Fascism up the ass; and left Republican American Fascism in place, to destroy the Constitution, to endlessly rob the treasury, to carry out endless wars of deceit and failed conquest, to destroy the United States of America and make of it The New Reich.

I.C. News has received two messages from God on this over the past two days, both referring to the sudden collapse of the Democratic and Republican parties. We look to the third message, and when we receive it we will begin to headline our news scoop of the salvation of America from bullshit politics.

Now let's look at this in the context of I.C. News' Great Scoop, the approaching death of this Earth by 2065 and what God intends to do about it.

Even if you like Republican American Fascism, even if you worship the toilet paper George W. Bush wipes his ass with, you should be able to understand that the basic gluttony of the United States of America is a leading factor in the approaching death of this Earth.

You Americans can't understand this? It is going to be harder than I thought to hammer some sense into your so-called brains. No matter, God will save this Earth from the Democrats and the Republicans and you Americans whether you understand it or not.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The $1,058 Billion Defeat



Here lies a nation of psycho-fascist bastards and bitches, died of being too big for its britches--Epitaph of the United States of America.

In the end it will be said the United States of America committed spiritual suicide, that the American Eagle became the American Chicken Hawk.

That is, America killed itself by abandoning its higher desire, and became what it fought against during World War Two.

Many might argue America was that monster all along, but they would be nought but Darkies and Injuns and Spics and Poor White Trash, and who would listen to them?

It could be said that what defeated the American pretense of national moral superiority was the fall of Soviet Communism and the contamination of Chinese Communism, because while they existed intact America had to stand upon the tippy toes of its short morality to pretend Big Money was superior to Communal Ownership.

Once the Soviet Union fell, and there was no moral-military counterbalance to it, the United States of America became the sole superpower, and the pretense of superior morality was abandoned and the Shark took off its Angelfish costume.

Of course the America people, Suckerfishes to the end, still thought they were Angels while America bullied and robbed nations around the world, and they could not begin to understand how America came to be so detested.

It was that world-wide detestation that killed America; and the American people...the American people...the pitiful American people died in bewilderment, unknowing how anyone as pretty as they could be so hated...and with their last gasps they said, "It was jealousy. It was jealousy. We were too perfect for the little people".

So it was that the American people drowned in their magic mirror, died of their stupidity only their self-love could conceal from them.

There was a myth--a wart of a myth--that existed around the world, a myth often stated even by nations bombed and murdered by the United States of America, that is was the American government that was evil, not the American people...but God knew otherwise, and now after the bitter experience of being endlessly, ruthlessly tortured by the American people for over 35 years, I know otherwise, too.

I have known my Old Pal God for over 15 million years, and the only disagreement I ever had with God was over precisely that issue.

By 1971, after having been persecuted by the American secret pigs and abandoned by American journalism, I was shown by God a vision of the miserable end of the American people, written in the future as if chiseled on the stone wall they would crash into, and I said, "No, it is the government, it is the media, not the people".

So God, smart God that God is, made me audibly telepathic and handed me over to the American people, just as God, smart God that God is, had handed Jesus over to the Jewish people--same result, crucifixion, Jesus on a cross of wood, me on a cross of perfidy.

Nothing God teaches me is ever wasted, and when America is laid waste and its babies fried to succulent blister, I will recall that the American people killed my babies for the fun and pleasure of killing my babies, and I will not cry for America, Poetic Justice being the only justice I have.

Then this Earth, freed of America's egocentric, murderous thievery, will have a chance of living past 2065; and the human being, with America's doom as an example, might correct its planet-murdering ways before God does away with the human species by 2045.

In that case, the United States of America will not have died in vain.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The $1,057 Billion Defeat

Killing time today, while Time is killing The United States of America, trying to talk some sense into a nation of psycho-fascist fools.

Waiting for the first nuclear shoe to drop, thinking about the good old days before the USA got its psycho-fascist hands on me.

The last time I was a free man was August of 1967, when I made the choice to go to Vietnam as a combat correspondent. By the time I returned to Tokyo some six weeks later American secret pigs were attacking my life.

You would be surprised how slimy-souled American secret pigs are; attempted murder, threats of murder of loved ones, violation of husband-wife love, violation of mother-son love, decades of harassment for the sport of it; things American Christians would consider satanic if those junior Satans were not carrying US Navy I.D. cards.

Having over the past few weeks given final warnings to the Democrats and the Republicans and the media weasels and the American people, my last current assignment by God is to document in advance the military defeat of the United States of America.

There is an art to documenting events in advance, an art which is different than the art of warning of events in advance. In warning, the purpose is to prevent the event; in documenting the purpose is to establish foreknowledge after the fact.

Let me demonstrate the difference.

About two weeks prior to Squeaky Fromme's attempt to assassinate President Gerald Ford in 1975 I told NBC news that a Manson follower (which is what Fromme was) would attempt to kill Ford when he was visiting California.

I was right, and NBC admitted to me that I was right, but NBC hid the story from America; and the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times sicced the government pigs on me.

That was a warning, an accurate warning of an attempt to murder an American president, and what good did it do me to have stuck my neck out to save a president's life?

What good have any of the scores of accurate warnings I have delivered done for me? They only brought me more abuse by government pigs, more abuse by citizen pigs.

One difference between the American people and I is that I learn from experience and the American people never do. They know George W. Bush lied to them yesterday, but they believe the lies he tells today.

Now for an example of an advance documentation.

Several days before the famed media weasel Tim Russert died of a heart attack I recorded two advance codes, one being "Blackout" and the other being the death of a famous person.

On Friday, June 13, there was a blackout in Washington Deceit, and several hours later the weasel Russert died in Washington Deceit.

Do you see the difference?

In the advance warning the person in danger, Gerald Ford, was clearly named; in the advance documentation the person in danger, Weasel Russert, could only be identified during his last hours...or after the fact.

Perhaps you can see the poetic justice in those two NBC stories. NBC lied to the world about my accurate advance warning of danger to a president of the United States of America, and NBC's Tim Russert paid with his life for the evil NBC does to me, and to you.

What would have happened if I had openly warned of Weasel Russert's danger, and not encoded an advance documentation of his death?

Weasel Russert was very hostile to me. NBC is very hostile to me. America loves to falsely charge me with crimes. If I had openly warned of his danger there would have been cops at my door arresting me for threatening Weasel Russert, and NBC would have been playing it up big.

No, it was better to nail Weasel Russert's hide on my barn door.

Poetic Justice is the only justice I have in the United States of America.

So, now that you know the difference between an advance documentation and a warning, I will begin to document the military defeat of the United States of America in advance.

You might say that my saying this constitutes a warning, but America is too pompous and brutal to believe its Telepathic torture-slave, so let's proceed with the advance documentation which America will ignore, and suffer for.

I will call this advance documentation, "Nuclear Poetic Justice".