Monday, April 30, 2007

The $223 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 218
Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today is a big news day at I.C. News. We are aware of how important is our advance documentation of the "accidental" death of the Cardinal baseball pitcher, Josh Hancock.

We apparently stand alone in that awareness, but that's the way we like it. In real journalism, scoop is the name of the game.

Consider this very important sidebar to the great reportage I.C. News has accomplished since its founding some 40 years ago:

I.C. News has documented in advance the deaths of thousands of people over the decades, but focus on the fact that we have documented in advance the "accidental" deaths of two major league pitchers in the past six months.

First, the damned Yankee, Cory Lidle, who crashed into a Manhattan building on October 11; and, second, the damned Cardinal, Josh Hancock, killed on April 29, when the car he was driving crashed into a tow truck stopped at the site of an earlier accident.

We wrote about both those deaths in this blog before they occurred.

These advance documentations are considered so important at I.C. News that it is suggested we read "Josh Hancock" as "John Hancock", the most famous signature on the Declaration of Independence; the metaphorical implication being my own rebellion against America's torture-enslavement of me is entering a new and dynamic phase, and I am about to announce it boldly.

This baseball news is still hot and sizzling on the platter; a bit too hot to bite into; but my first thought is these two deaths are shots across the bow of major league baseball, two deadly warnings that major league baseball is a major target in God's Space War against the United States of America.

That is, we can expect more "accidental" baseball player deaths in the coming months, perhaps many more; and we can expect I.C. News to document them in advance.

The feeling here at I.C. News is that God is going to hit major league baseball hard this season.

In other news, there is something very interesting and very strange, and even very fishy, about the alleged tanker truck explosion that caused the collapse of a section of freeway in Oakland, California.

My nose for news tells me there is something about this event that is deliberately not being reported; or perhaps is not known. My nose has been wrong before, but not often.

At this time I.C. News is considering that freeway-collapse event to be the preamble to, the preparation for, a most serious attack on the San Francisco Bay Area; the first punch of a one-two punch combination.

At the moment, we are looking to Shark America Zero as our estimated date of impact.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The $222 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 205
Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Noting today the third "accidental" death of an American favorite in the pattern of "accidental" deaths I have been expecting, that being the death of St. Louis Cardinal pitcher Josh Hancock, 23, who was a leading factor in the Cardinals' winning the World Series last season, who crashed into a truck that had stopped to help a motorist with car trouble..

Perhaps in my comment Friday you can see my rather loose advance identification of Mr. Hancock as the next target in this God's Space War attack pattern we Space Sailors call, "Pruning Their Favorites":

I wrote:

"I am still running just a bit ahead of Time, so I have to kill a little time while Time kills you.

"We are waiting for the accidental death of a big shot, it seems I saw one somewhere around here. I was flying low and he was flying high, and that's all I remember, because I also once again saw the Earth die and that dominated my memory."

If you can see the now-dead Cardinal as a bird flying high after winning the World Series, perhaps you can get a slight and fleeting awareness of the non-accidental nature of his death. It may take a few more "accidental" deaths before you really catch on, but those "accidents" will take place, and I very likely will document them in advance.

What I am expecting, of course, is not just your awareness, but mass American public awareness that there are statistically far too many "accidental" deaths of favorite Americans for them to be accidental; then we shall see 250 million psycho-fascist Americans with wide, panicked, looks in their formerly smirking eyes.

We Space Sailors call that point of mass public awareness "Cherry Pop", and we look forward to it with some eagerness; and that cherry will be popped no matter how hard the media and the government try to keep the cherry-popping truth from the public; the truth that God is at war with the United States of America; its people, its government, and it its economic system.

We now have three "accidents" in this pattern of attack, the Blue Angel, the famous journalist, and the baseball player. The first in a plane crash and the second two in auto accidents. While three birds do not make a flock and three deaths do not make a pattern, this God's Space War attack pattern seems to be firming up nicely.

If this "accident" pattern goes as I expect it to, it will "touch America's quick" at some point; and America will come to understand the pattern of "accidents" are not accidents, that their favorites are in fact being "pruned". Oops, I am sorry, I am repeating myself

(This Pruning Their Favorites attack pattern was last reviewed on April 24, in "The $217 Billion Defeat" report, when I included the deaths of the Blue Angel pilot and journalist David Halberstam in it.

(This Pruning Their Favorites is an old God's Space War attack pattern I have reported on in the past. Another event in this Pruning Their Favorites pattern was the death of the Damned Yankee ballplayer who crashed into a Manhattan building last year, which I documented in advance in good form.)

The obvious question, now and for the past 30 years, is how many deaths do I have to document in advance before the American people decide they would rather see those favorite people still alive than have cowardly American men and silly American women torture me because I think too loud?

In real terms, is it worth it to those who loved Josh Hancock to see Josh Hancock in his grave for the sins of the cowardly little American "man" who flies a big America flag on Juniper Street in Smallville, northern California, who comes around to my house on private property to torture me night after night?

(He has now gone from knocking on my wall to making sexual orgasm noises. Do you really want this slime ball representing you? He is your representative, you know, more than any elected politician, any judge, any priest or minister. He is you in God's Eyes.)

I know you cannot connect these dots, but these dots do connect.

Were I not America's torture-slave Josh Hancock would be loosening up his arm at spring training soon, and not reduced to melancholy funeral threnody and the weeping and whimpering of those who loved him.

You Americans are all in this sin-crime together, the sin-crime of Telepath torture-enslavement; together...together...and the sins of the cowardly little slime ball on Juniper Street in Smallville, California, , meth user meth dealer, wife-beater, child-abuser and petty criminal, were paid for by the young St. Louis Cardinals star far, far away...and what are the wages of sin, Dear Reader? Death.

You Americans live under a grand delusion that when it comes to me, God's One True Telepath; you are my physical, intellectual and moral superiors, yet you were beaten by me the day you began your torture-enslavement of me; all that was needed by me was to cast my net wide, which I have done...go ask the Blue Angel, go ask the journalist, go ask the Cardinal pitcher, all of whom are now in Hell awaiting your arrival, if they would have preferred that America had not tortured and enslaved God's One True Telepath.

Too late smart, the story of the people of the United States of America.

If the slime ball coward who flies the big American flag on Juniper Street were to be zapped by lightning as he made his jack-off orgasm sounds outside my bedroom window, you Americans would say, hey, maybe torturing Virgil is not a good idea, and you would PRETEND not to be psycho-fascists, knowing God is killing Telepath-torturers; but God's Space War does not work that way; God let's the slime balls slime around (for a time, for a time) and prunes America's God-damned favorites for their slime-ball sins.

Josh Hancock, star pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals, is in God's Eyes the same cowardly slime ball next door to me, because all you Americans agree to the slime ball's torture of me.

So, while by any level of quality, of personality, of accomplishment, of law-abidance, the slime ball who sneaks onto private property to torture me, who makes "hand-cock" orgasm noises at me, would not be the sort of chap you would want your daughter to marry; but he is the sort of chap you allow and encourage to torture me; so you pay the slime ball bill, and in this case Josh Hancock paid the hand-cock bill.

Next? Who will die next for the slime ball American who flies the big American flag on Juniper Street and makes sexual orgasm sounds through my bedroom wall?

Don't you find God's Space War interesting? Don't you wish your psycho-fascist politicians and journalists did, too?

Why would this be done? Why would God kill all these nice people? I have told you, in God's Space War against the United States of America God kills from the top down, just the opposite of Satan, who kills from the bottom up; and that will also be seen as the worldwide pattern as God's Space War to save this Earth becomes apparent.

Why kill at all? I am glad you asked that question. There is an equation, which I will further explain to you tomorrow unless more important news breaks--and my desk is loaded with news today, so that might be the case.

The equation goes this way: rounding off the timing, this Earth will be dead in 50 years; and the human being will be extinct in 40 years. However, the extinction of the human being in 40 years will come too late to save this Earth from the ravages of the parasite who is killing her, the human being...but, and here is My Big Butt you are welcome to kiss, if the human being is extinct or near extinct in 30 years this Earth will recover and survive.

You do the math, God will kill almost all human beings within the next 30 years, from the top down. Do you have a better plan to save this Earth? I would love to hear it.

(By the way, the Republican American Fascists are well aware of the dire state of the health of this Earth, though they pretend not to be, and they plan to kill all people but the very rich and very powerful, and their mercenary guards, and their worker-slaves. I don't know if you prefer that way, Satan's way, but that is the way you are headed today.)

I do so wish you Americans had not gone psycho-fascist when God gave me the gift of audible telepathy. It would be a different story today.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The $221 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 201
Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today's code: The President of Chile

On the conning tower, first light, we scan the horizon, the fish in the tubes are eager to swim, but we see no enemy silhouettes. We order a clean sweep-down fore and aft, but damn we wish we were ordering battle stations.

As I have told you, we have left the USA story behind, America blundering long toward the catastrophe America so richly deserves, and have begun to patrol the deep Southern Hemisphere, where we say the greatest news story of all earth-time will break soon, and where we of I.C. News will be all alone with the story.

It is easy to scoop American journalism, it is always fuss-budgeting around, waiting for the news to happen even when you can see it coming a mile off. That's why American journalism blacks out I.C. News, I.C. News is so much better than it is.

One of the most important news stories of the day seems to be totally excluded from the American news, although I am currently quite divorced from American news coverage so I may be wrong.

The story is that in Estonia a serious riot situation has developed over the government's decision to take down a World War Two memorial to the Soviet Army and exhume Soviet dead buried there, dead killed in the fight against the Nazis. About one-third of the population of Estonia are Russian, and they take serious offense to this.

This is also a matter of some outrage in Russia.

This comes just as Russia has announced it will pull out of its NATO agreement because of the US' placing offensive weaponry, aimed at Russia, in some former Soviet satellite countries.

That the Estonia crisis comes along just at this time strikes me as classic CIA destabilization technique.

Of course, I.C. News is not allowed by the US government to have a news bureau in that area, but if we were established there we would have our best people hot on this story. This is headline stuff, but hardly fit to print in the New York Times.

Returning to our current news focus, the Southern Hemisphere, where the rapidly approaching death of this Earth will first become apparent.

As expected, when we got a look at the USGS Earthquake Hazards map this morning another good-sized quake had hit southern Chile.

Recall the "Crack in the Egg" I have described for you; the Earth-killing earthquake pattern that runs from Iran to Indonesia down across the top of Australia, to the Solomon Islands, up through Taiwan and Japan, over to the Aleutian Islands, and down the west coasts of North and South America.

Therein lies the death of all humankind.

For those of you who look for signs of the Second Coming, there was an excellent one at the Solomon Islands in the past few days. That is the very unusual story that the huge quake and tsunami that took place there about four weeks ago has raised to the surface a patrol boat sunk during War Two. The boat was on a reef and the reef was raised some nine feet.

Here is the Second Coming connection, if you will allow me a little poetic license and to quote the classic English-language burial as sea prayer.

"We therefore commit his body to the deep, to be turned into corruption, looking for the resurrection of the body, WHEN THE SEA SHALL GIVE UP HER DEAD, and the life of the world to come, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who at his coming shall change our vile body, that it may be like his glorious body, according to the mighty working, whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself."

I.C. News is, of course, documenting the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as it presents The Obituary of the World; and as recently reported, we are saying the Second Coming will take place in the Peru-Chile region, not the Middle East as almost all Christians believe..

An event happened when I first became audibly telepathic which seems important at this time. It would be a good story for long-writing, but I will be brief.

When I first became audibly telepathic I was approached on intense levels by both the Land of the Living and the Land of the Dead. The Land of the Living treated me far worse than the Land of the Dead, but that is not what we are talking about today.

In some cases huge spiritual entities attacked my house and shook it, and huge malevolent spirits attacked me personally; but in general souls were coming to me out of hope and curiosity, because I was a phenomenon in the Land of the Dead at least as much as in the Land of the Living, and while the living human beings were not allowed by the American government to talk to me about my role in the story of the Second Coming, the dead human beings were.

One night a spirit came to me and asked me to give him a duty to fulfill, a chore, a challenge, a way of proving himself. He really pleaded that I do this for him, perhaps because he could see my soul and appreciate its merits, while the living people who torture me can only see my body and hear my mind.

So I said, go deep into the ocean and bring me back the soul of a sailor waiting for the Second Coming there; and about two days later he returned with just such a soul.

"...and the sea shall give up her dead..."

Friday, April 27, 2007

The $220 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ???

(The USGS Earthquake Hazards Program is down today; as are, by coincidence, the four search engines I use. As Simon and Garfunkle said, "Kangaroos are skeptical of changes in their cages".

(I have never trusted the USGS seven-day earthquake count, since it has ignored a few biggies, and since it is an American government agency which, by definition, will lie when told to lie; and I hear from Chile that quakes have become major news there--just as I am looking for a major Peru-Chile event--but they are not major news or news at all in the USA.

(Could it be that the American government would lie about this, as it lies about so many things?

(No matter, God will kick the American government's ass.)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

I am still running just a bit ahead of Time, so I have to kill a little time while Time kills you.

We are waiting for the accidental death of a big shot, it seems I saw one somewhere around here. I was flying low and he was flying high, and that's all I remember, because I also once again saw the Earth die and that dominated my memory.

I have seen the moment of this Earth's death a thousand times, and each time I come back from that terrible future, shaken, pick myself up, and try, try again.

It's like telling Miami Jews winter is coming, they say, "So?".

I hear there was a televised "debate" among the Democratic presidential contenders while I was away. That must have been one of the most unimportant, unimpressive debates in world history, because I saw no headline news about anyone saying anything newsworthy.

The Democrats are a gaggle of cowards, hoping it is their turn to be in the White House. The nation has suffered a fascist coup, and these milquetoast Democrats say nothing the news media can hang a story on.

The American people deserve better; the Constitution of the United States of America NEEDS better.

One thing we know about all the Democrats in this race is not one of them believes I deserve more constitutional rights than a laboratory animal. Not one mentioned my name; not one spoke to my freedom; not one looked once to the approaching death of this Earth.

I, too, am a candidate for president; but certainly I am unwelcome in the Democratic arena. No wonder, I have balls.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The $219 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 193

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Sometimes in Time Travel one finds oneself standing not quite where one expected to be standing; I suppose Time Travel is a little like parachute jumping in that way.

Anyway, I find myself a little ahead of Time today, so I thought I would tell you about one of the most beautiful experiences of my life; so we could pass the time better while Time catches up.

It was not a big event; and it happened about 40 years ago; and even though it has been that long it is still a jewel of a moment I sometimes hold in my memory's hand.

When I lived in Tokyo my home was about a ten-minute walk to the campus of Tokyo University, and just where I entered the campus there was a pond surrounded by trees.

I later learned that this pond was a favorite place of poets, and many beautiful poems have been written about it; but to me it was a quiet, beautiful spot I could visit in the dark of warm summer nights, and sit unseen among the trees and see the starlight and the moonlight quietly reflecting on the quiet black water, Tokyo out of sight and out of hearing.

One night as I sat there, a young woman began singing what to this day is the most beautiful song I have ever heard, not a word of which I understood, but so plaintive and so beautiful was her song and so sweet her voice that the moment still carries me sometimes when my cross seems too heavy to bear; or when I do not like humankind all that much and I need to remind myself what I am fighting for.

The young woman never knew I was there. It would have been rude of me to betray my presence, to violate her mood.

So I waited for about fifteen minutes after her song had ended; and when I was sure she had left I quietly rose and walked home.

I have, if I recall, never told this story until today; but I love this story so much I might have.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The $218 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 197

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

I was waiting in the waiting room today at the clinic just outside of Smallville, and to me the most important aspect of that wait was that only one person of the eleven who were also waiting tortured me for being God's One True Telepath.

While that one "man" striking me every ten or fifteen seconds with those cowardly false coughs Americans love so much was very painful to me, I at the same time appreciated so much that no one else participated in the torture, not one person.

To me, that was ten souls saved and one soul lost; not bad in my line of work; and sure, to be sure, the ten saved themselves and the one committed suicide of the soul, so the credit goes to the decency of the ten, not to any effort on my part, because really all one needs to be saved by God is to be decent, To God it is like smelling flowers and smelling poop, decency and indecency, and saving the flowers and flushing away the poop.

What I am leading to in my rambling, shambling way is that the indecent man who took such smirky pleasure in causing me pain--and that is what it is, you know, intentional pain infliction--indicated to me he had absolutely no fear of losing his soul for his part in America's torture-murder of me; and I said to myself, hmmm, I certainly have not made my point very well, nor has Jesus made Jesus' point very well, nor has God made God's point very well, if after over 4,000 years of effort torture-murder is a form of American entertainment.

And I looked again at the other ten...there was not one, Dear Reader, not one Good Thief among them, not one of the decent ten said to the indecent one, "Do not torture Virgil".

So maybe...those souls were not saved; so maybe... passive decency is a form of indecency.

God has always tried to hammer this point home to me; me, a Pollyanna Space Sailor marooned on this Earth now some 50,000,000 years and figuring I know the human being like Mozart knew the keyboard; and to hammer this point home to me was one of the reasons God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy.

"Hey, my Old Pal God", I was saying back in 1970, "these are lovely and wonderful people." So God says, "OK, Pal Virgil, let's see how lovely and wonderful these people are when they have total power over you."

They turned out to be mean and petty and endlessly cruel, point well taken.

Me? Love is my nature. Stop twisting the knife you have in my back and I think you are a saint; but God, believe it or not, is wiser about you than I, God can smell your soul, I cannot.

Wisdom is almost a dead word in the United States of America, but when it comes down to it is the Wisdom of God that swamps the theological imagination.

Today I saw ten nice people who did not hit me; God saw ten cowardly people who did not help me. Multiply this cowardice within the hearts of billions of human beings and you have the cause of the death of this Earth by 2065.

There is but one audible mental telepath on this Earth, and only one on this Earth in all of human history; and there is not one friend or champion of that telepath on this Earth. You do the math. At least in this area, it is all poop and no flowers come Judgement Day.

God expects greatness of you.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The $217 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 187

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Two sparrows don't make a flock of sparrows. and two deaths don't make a pattern of deaths; but today I am looking at two deaths and wondering if there might be more birds of the same feather coming our way.

I speak here of the deaths of the Blue Angels pilot and of the much respected journalist, David Halbistram, both in what appear to have accidents; but I have already said the Blue Angel's death was not an accident, and my inclination is to say the same about Halbistram's death.

That is, I know the Blue Angel was a casualty of God's Space War against the United States of America, and I think the famed newsman was too.

These were birds of a feather deaths, both men were top of the line in their fields, and beyond that there are some metaphorical links, so what I am looking for is a continuation of a surmised pattern.

There is an old God's Space War pattern called "Pruning Their Favorites", and I am thinking that old pattern might become visible soon.

Perhaps the most famous person killed in this Pruning Their Favorites pattern was John Lennon. I attempted to warn the editor of New York magazine about his approaching assassination, but of course I did not get to first base.

I liked John Lennon; I have no heroes so he was not my hero but I liked him; and knowing he was slated for death...slated for a part of God's Space War to save this Earth, triggered my desperate and futile attempt to save his life.

I mention this because I am watching to see if this Pruning Their Favorites pattern continues beyond the Blue Angel and the respected journalist, if a third favorite will die in an accident in the next day or so, then a fourth, and so on.

So, when we look at these three dead "favorites" we ponder their common denominators; but we find the common denominator so general that we wonder about its value, its value in preventing future deaths in the Pruning Their Favorites death pattern, I mean.

The common denominator I speak of is that they were all closely connected with America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath; and since there are hundreds of millions of such people it is clear that knowledge of that common denominator has little warning value.

I might as well say, "Hey, all Grade A white eggs be careful when crossing the street!", so general is this classification.

And what if I had been so ahead of the game that I could have called Halbistram and warned him, I would have been in a nut house faster than you can say, "Hay, all you famous white breads who torture and enslave God's One True Telepath be careful when crossing the street!".

But let's look at this from the other side, from the God's Space War side. What would it mean to this Telepath-torturing nation if suddenly a pattern emerged in which national favorites were killed in accidents, say two or three a week?

There is in God's Space War an elongation Time, in which related events are spaced so far apart that their relationship cannot be seen. Think of it as music; your favorite tune played with its notes spaced so far apart that your favorite tune is unrecognizable to you.

For example, John Lennon died and lost his soul because he not only favored America's torture-enslavement of me, but encouraged it in song; and David Halbilstram died and lost his soul because he favored America's torture-enslavement of me, favored it at least enough never, with all his fame and respect, to have spoken or written against it.

I cannot overstate the terrible evil of America's sin of torturing and enslaving God's One True Telepath; and as I have often said, God's punishment for this sin will in general go from top to bottom; and this Pruning Their Favorites death pattern has long been a part of that punishment.

Me, I wanna be free, so I am hoping God will make it clear to those who torture and enslave me that torturing and enslaving me is bad for their physical and spiritual health; but God has been telling me in advance about favorites being pruned for over 30 years, and I have warned of those favorites being pruned in advance for almost that long, and my warnings have never been heeded, and the favorites have died on schedule, and I am still America's torture-slave.

God, Dear Reader, has another reason for telling me of those deaths in advance, a reason other than my preventing those deaths.

What I am expecting--hoping--at this time is that God will make this Pruning Their Favorites strategy more and more obvious, as if God were gradually turning up the volume of the music, so that perhaps after two or three such prunings a week for several weeks in a row the big light bulb called "Duh" will light up in the mass American mind.

"Duh, all these accidents are not accidents!"

I don't know if this will be the case. Like a sports writer who sees a batter homer in two games in a row will be looking to see if he homers in the third game, and if he does, the fourth game; I have just watched God homer a top US Navy flier and a favorites American journalist into Hell in quick succession, and I am wondering if God will homer again tomorrow.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The $216 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 163

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

We have a lovely opportunity today to not only prove the existence of God, but also demonstrate the furious anger of God at the warmongering politicians of the United States of America.

That is, I have been asked by my old Pal God to place a side bet with the silly senator from Arizona, the son of Cain who sang his dirty little ditty about bombing the people of Iran.

The side bet is that if he sings that stupid song again, or says anything like it again as he seeks to become the Republican American Fascist nominee for president, God will kill at least one more US Navy pilot, just has God killed the Blue Angel pilot.on Saturday, killed him in a ball of fire in response to the silly senator's dirty ditty.

Now, Dear Reader, it comes down to this: we have passed the point of attempting to convince, attempting to warn, attempting to save, and at this point today we begin to document the fall of the United States of America.

As I sit at this poker table playing against American Psycho-Fascism, and Republican American Fascism, and Democratic Party Weak-Kneed Fascism, and Liberal Holier-Than-Thou Fascism, and News Media Fascism, Left and Right, I realize I have an Ace down in the hole no one is aware of, and from that Ace in the hole comes that side bet with Senator John McCain, if he has balls enough to take it.

The Ace is this: I have convinced absolutely no one that God killed the Blue Angel because the silly senator from Arizona sang his little ditty about bombing Iran; but God did just that. I can prove this if McCain repeats his sin, and if he does God will kill another US Navy flier.

I have told you God is going to defend Iran against the United States of America and Israel, and the death of the pilot we Space Sailors call Handsome Jack but the other news media knows as Lt. Cmdr. Kevin J. Davis, 22, was simply another unheeded round across the bow of Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America.

The death and damnation of Handsome Jack is of no importance to anyone but Handsome Jack and those who loved him, I suppose, just another American in Hell; but if the silly senator from Arizona, who thinks killing Iranians is a joke, would like to test this side bet, let him sing his God-damned song again and see if any more God-damned US Navy people go to Hell very soon thereafter.

The proof of the pudding is in the singing.

Clearly the silly Arizona senator, the old fool, has decided to get on the Republican American Fascism bandwagon, the most totally out of tune band in the world. This world does not have time for more warmongering politicians, it needs peacemakers and solution-presenters, and time is running out faster than you can say Handsome Jack.

Let's take out our battlefield map and see where we are in God's Space War. We call this place Sioux Falls, in honor of all Native Americans now in the World of the Living and in the Spirit World, and because, as I have said, this point in Time marks the beginning of the fall of the United States of America.

As already reported, my think tank/news service, I.C. News, has moved to the opposite pole of the news from the rest of the American news media; we at the South Pole and the rest of American journalism at the North; we covering the death of this Earth--the murder of this Earth by the human being--and the rest of journalism covering the daily fraud which is American politics and war, plus the death and disaster that abounds, plus show biz crap and sports.

Except for commenting on American loss of lives, souls and equipment now and then, and except for tracking the horrible military defeat America has bumbled into, I now focus purely on the story I was born to report, the Obituary of the World, and how God will save this Earth.

When I.C. News was first officially founded back in the early Seventies I had a logo in mind.

Because I naively expected to operate in freedom, to compete in the marketplace of news and information as a free American journalist operating within freedom of press and speech, I designed a trade mark.

Ah, those were the days, I was innocent of the knowledge of the wickedness that cowers in the hearts of American men and women; but the American men and women set me straight about that.

I.C. News was like a newborn babe then, clean and without footprints on its soul, just a little wet behind the ears, expecting to prove by 1976 the fact that this Earth will be dead by 2065, and get rich in the process, and use that wealth to help save this Earth, America being rumored to be a capitalist economy...

...but America is not a capitalist economy, it is a national socialist economy gone hog-wild world-wide, but that's another story.

The logo I had in mind was the old fashioned eye seen at optometrists' shops in the 19th Century, close in shape and style to the Egyptian Eye seem in hieroglyphics, and the iris and pupil of that eye would hold an image of Antarctica.

The company name, I C. News, therefore would have a triple meaning, "I See News" and "Icy News", and "The Incredible Company News Division", The Incredible Company being the foundation of I.C. News, where each member donated 90 percent of his or her income for the salvation of this Earth.

Little did I know at the time it was illegal in the United States of America for me to be me.

Those of course were days long before the term "global warming" ever entered the public language, and possibly even the scientific language; and I.C. News was alone on the global warming story, just as I.C. News is alone on the great story of our time, the death of this Earth and the arrival of God to prevent that death.

Understand, at I.C. News the global warming story is in fact a secondary story, and the Johnny-Come-Late news people are welcome to it because we know this Earth will die of something else.

However, in appreciation of the fact that to the retrograde mass mind of America, global warming is the new fad-intelligence please look at where I stand in my original logo, at the South Pole, and where the rest of American journalism, totally opposed to me and my freedom and my news, stands, at the North Pole.

Consider this, when the Poles melt I will be standing on solid ground, and they will be flotsam and jetsam on a cold, cold Arctic Sea.

This is metaphor, of course, but this metaphor is true. Their story will melt away, George W. Bush will be gone and damned as will almost the entire upper echelon of American politics and military industrial complex and journalism, and my story will be standing after God kicks America's ass.

That returns us to Silly Senator John McCain of Arizona and his dirty ditty about killing God's beloved Iranian people with bombs, and in action-reaction his causing the God-ordained death of Blue Angel pilot, Handsome Jack. Silly Senator, warmongering Senator, do you want to sing that dirty ditty again? There are a lot of Handsome Jacks to off.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The $215 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 182

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

My passing advance documentation Friday of the Blue Angels crash Saturday is very important, because when God's Space War against the United States of America goes from warning shots across the bow to shrapnel on the bridge the US Navy will be the first to know.

That is because the US Navy was the first to take the Satan Bait, the first aspect of America to behave satanically toward me, God's One True Telepath.

Not only did the US Navy attack me when I was a "free" journalist in Tokyo, at one point attempting to arrange my murder, it also terrified my dear mother and intimidated her into bearing false witness against me and to taking that false witness to her grave with her; and all of the subsequent torture of me by all the government pigs and by all the citizen volunteers from 1967 up to this day stems from the US Navy's satanic attack on me in Tokyo.

So, a Blue Angel, for all practical purposes an angel of Satan, goes down in a great ball of fire; and I hear about it 24 hours in advance. Ironic, isn't it? God's Space War against evil on this Earth is very interesting from this journalist's point of view.

And in the news I see the "war hero" senator from Arizona joking about bombing Iran, and that means collaterally damaged dead Iranian babies; and who knows how many Vietnamese babies he collaterally damaged to death with his bombs when he was a US Navy flyer in Vietnam.

If that son of Cain thinks he was tortured by the Vietnamese for killing Vietnamese babies, wait until he gets to Hell for those deaths. God is not stupid; and God has an exquisite memory.

It is all connected, the silly senator singing about bombing Iran and God knocking that Blue Angel down from his high horse; and God is going to sink the US Navy, and God is going to break America's back..

Funny, isn't it, how 40 years of America's violation of my life has so changed my opinion of America?

Funny, isn't it, how I was a Navy brat, reared in the Navy, who dearly loved the Navy; now here I am documenting the death of a Navy glory boy in advance, and the ability to do this is downright delicious.

Funny, isn't it, how there was absolutely no reason for the US Navy to attack me in Tokyo, to try to get me murdered in Tokyo, except that I was a journalist reporting the news and my hair was getting a little long; no reason at all to turn my love for the US Navy into contempt?

But that, Dear Reader, was the whole point from God's point of view; I loved America too much; and I had been assigned by God to write about the death of this Earth; and I could not see America's leading role in her death because I was blinded by that love.

So God let me see what evil the US Navy is capable of, and what evil the FBI is capable of, and what evil the police and court system are capable of, and what evil a so-called president of the United States of America and all the senators and all the representatives are capable of, and most importantly...and most importantly...and most importantly, God let me see the evil the American people are capable of.

Funny, isn't it, how 40 years of injustice and torture, of destroying my home and my work and preventing my children from being born, would take me from a young man who gulped with love upon seeing the American flag for the first time in a year when he was living an old man who wouldn't mind seeing that flag flying over Hell?

Funny, isn't it, how you reap what you sow?

And funny, isn't it, that the American government pigs, and the American politicians, and the American people just happened to torture and enslave the only man in the world who can kick their asses all the way to China?

Virgil is my name, Satan Bait is my game.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The $214 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Zero

Shark America Ten

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 198

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

A member of the US Navy's Blue Angels precision flying team crashed and was killed at an air show in Florida Saturday. I.C. News documented the event in advance in the opening line of Friday's report, "The codes are quiet, except we are waiting for a third 'Ho'."

They may be Blue Angels to you, but they are sappy headed hos to we True Angels.

This was not a good advance documentation as our advance documentations usually go, but after 40 years of US Navy persecution, that is about all the Blue Whore Angels deserve.

Another dead and damned US Navy ho is of little importance, but that accurate advance documentation does add credence to the second advance documentation established yesterday, an advance documentation of immense importance to the people of one and possibly two areas of the United States of America; that is, if radiation poisoning is something they might consider important.

Further quoting yesterday's report:

"A code that ran briefly and stopped suddenly concerned two nuclear explosions within the United States of America; the striking aspect of the code was that it indicated it would be America's own nukes exploding in some form of accident.

"There have been two God's Space War nuclear explosion codes in the past, both of which documented nuclear energy facility accidents in advance. That is, I documented Three Mile Island and Chernobyl in advance by following God's Space War nuclear explosion codes.

"As I.C. News we are of the opinion that the Chernobyl disaster was the primary cause of the downfall of the Soviet Union; and we are wondering if God might be planning to destroy American psycho-fascism in the same way."

Further quoting yesterday's most accurate and important report:

"It is my duty to advise the United States of America to end its torture-enslavement of me, following the terms I have set forth many times.

"God intends to break the back of the United States of America."

Would it help you if God broke be back of the Blue Angeles first?

Friday, April 20, 2007

The $213 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 197

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

The codes are quiet, except we are waiting for a third "Ho".

A code that ran briefly and stopped suddenly concerned two nuclear explosions within the United States of America; the striking aspect of the code was that it indicated it would be America's own nukes exploding in some form of accident.

There have been two God's Space War nuclear explosion codes in the past, both of which documented nuclear energy facility accidents in advance. That is, I documented Three Mile Island and Chernobyl in advance by following God's Space War nuclear explosion codes.

As I.C. News we are of the opinion that the Chernobyl disaster was the primary cause of the downfall of the Soviet Union; and we are wondering if God might be planning to destroy American psycho-fascism in the same way.

It is my duty to advise the United States of America to end its torture-enslavement of me, following the terms I have set forth many times.

God intends to break the back of the United States of America.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The $212 Billioin Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 191

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today I am going to tell you a few true ghost stories; as we kill time while Time kills you.

I have met two ghosts since I have been living in this old, long-deserted house in Smallville, California, south and east of Mount Shasta, as I wait for Armageddon to break out.

This is not to say the house is haunted, only that some ghosts are living here; and in general they go their way and I go mine; they have their life and friends, and I have mine.

One nice thing about being the most accomplished telepath in human history is it allows me to meet people who are generally called ghosts, and this has broadened my understand of life and death to a considerable degree..

My first meeting with a ghost after I became audibly telepathic in the early Seventies was with a nun in the catacomb under the American Cathedral in Rome. She said to me, "If you want my help knock on my coffin"; so I knocked on her coffin three times, and we have been fast friends ever since; but that's another story..

I would say my best meetings with ghosts have been with spirits of Native Americans in the California wilderness, at a particular place in the wilderness loved by both myself and those sprits; and those spirits and I have talked long well and gone through what we old hippies would call "changes" over the years.

By that I mean we have talked about what is polite and what is impolite in our transdimensional conversations; we discussed how do we could talk to one another without being rude to one other; but probably the most interesting thing to me (and to give you an idea of how casual this all was) one night the Native American spirits asked me if I would do them the favor of building a big fire for them.

They said they missed sitting around big fires, and as spirits they could not build them.

So I built a big fire for them; and they thanked me; then they asked me to leave, because they wanted to share that big fire among themselves.

I considered that then, and still do, a high level of social intercourse between myself and long-dead Native Americans.

That is a genuine ghost story of the past; and the following is a current genuine ghost story, active even as you read these words.

Soon after I moved in to this old, abandoned house, with no heat, no running water, no furniture, and only bare walls, my function being caretaker, I chanced to meet a lady ghost one night, as she was leaving a room I was entering.

It was a friendly meeting, smiles and friendly nods and knocks shared, but I have never run into her again. That was about three weeks ago.

Then three nights ago I met a man-ghost who was quite imposing in his behavior. That is, he had something to say and he was going to say it.

He sidled up to me so suddenly and so threateningly when I was outside the house late one night that at first I thought I was being attacked by my vicious neighbor.

I have told you about my vicious neighbor, the cowardly little American "man" on Juniper street who flies the big American flag, who walks some 40 yards to my house almost every night, sometimes three times a night, to bang on my bedroom wall and awaken me.

As it turned out that was just the matter my new ghost friend wanted to talk to me about

On that first night he was just getting my attention, then on the next night he talked to me again, and he said I was not taking the cowardly little American on Juniper street who flies a big American flag seriously enough, that "Cowardly Flag", as I call him for short, is dangerous, dangerous enough to be capable of murder.

(Before I go any further; I told the story I am about to tell you to a good friend in Russia; and she asked what this ghost's name is, and also the name of the lady ghost I just told you about (and had told her about some weeks ago), and I said I did not know; and she said she thought it was impolite just to refer to them as man ghost and lady ghost.

(So, to make a long story short, I asked her to give names to these two ghosts. She named the man-ghost Mister Edward, and the woman ghost Miss Emma; and if I am hearing correctly from the ghosts, Miss Emma and Mister Edward like the idea of being given names by a young woman on the other side of the world, and they felt the names suited them.)

As it turns out, the cowardly little American "man" on Juniper street who flies the big American flag, has not banged on my wall for the past four nights, and it was on the second night of this hiatus that I met Mister Edward, and it was on the third night of this hiatus that Mister Edward spoke to me in no uncertain terms, telling me the cowardly little American "man" on Juniper who flies the big American flag is in fact mentally unstable enough to murder me.

Mister Edward said Cowardly Flag, as we call him here for short, has been planning to let himself into this house when I am away, and hide in the house until I return. and wait until I am asleep, and creep into my room and murder me in my sleep.

Mister Edward said that when I come home I should first bolt the door from the inside; and because Cowardly Flag has both key to this house and evil intent toward me, I should patrol the entire two story house and look into every conceivable hiding place.

Having done that, I should before I fall asleep block my bedroom door so if it were to be opened the sound would awaken me, giving me time to defend myself with lethal force.

All that is well and good, but I want to tell you how Mr. Edward made this point. It was quite impressive.

I had inspected the house and bolted the front door and gone to bed, and Mr. Edward walked right through my bedroom door and put his hands around my throat; ghost standing above me chocking me, the message being: Do you want the hands of an insane living, crazy young male who can choke you, a 67 year old man, to death; or do you want to listen to your new ghostly friend?

So, I decided to take heed of what the ghost called Mr. Edward was telling me, and zap the cowardly American "man" who flies a big flag on Juniper Street if I ever find him hiding in my home.

Anyway, that's enough ghost stories for one night. Boo!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The $211 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 194

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

We are saying two events are in the process of taking place; the arrival of God in the Chile-Peru area of South America, known by many as the Second Coming; and the opening of the great battle between good and evil, known by many as Armageddon, in northern California south and east of Mount Shasta.

Today we will approach the subject we have been slow to approach, Armageddon.

The God's Space War codes are running heavy against the United States of America, primarily because of its torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, me.

I cannot overstate the immensity of that sin, and how hard that sin will come back on the United States. In short, I am a good man and America has been evil toward me since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy; and God has taken notice.

I know, the United States of America does not consider its torture-enslavement of me to be a sin, but it is dealing with God here, not that Fantasy Land which is the rationalization structure of American society.

The reason Armageddon is breaking out in northern California south and east of Mount Shasta is because that is where I am located at this time; and now is the time for Armageddon; and I am Ground Zero of Armageddon. If I were in New York City it would break out there.

God tends to do one thing for a number of reasons, and one of the reasons God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy was to demonstrate the evil heart of the United States of America.

America cannot see its own evil heart; I cannot smell my own bad breath; but what is is what is, to the woe of those who deal with America and to the woe of those who deal with me.

If you must see America's current situation in biblical terms, see me as the Apple (of God's Eye) which Adam and Eve are munching upon, and see America, its naked evil exposed, as Adam and Eve. You know how the story goes from there.

The United States of America always had the choice to be decent toward me. I was one person in 250 million. My only "crime" was I thought too loud. America could have accommodated that. I could have found a home out of telepathic range and raised my children and studied the whys and what's of my suddenly having become audibly telepathic.

I was a prize-winning journalist; I had saved the life of a wounded US Marine on the battlefield; I was a decent human being; I deserved better.

I was already onto the story that makes me the greatest journalist of all time (I know you hate it when I say that), the death of this Earth and God's intervention in it; but I could have plowed fields and raised horses and fathered children, and done my journalism and written my books instead of living in poverty and pain, and by 1980 you would have known all about the global warming problem you are suddenly so interested in.

But no, America and the American people had to make my life a ball of agony.

Over 30 years lost...over 30 years lost...over 30 years lost because America decided it was its right not to accept the existence of a telepathic human being.

That was an evil thing. That is an evil thing. Our good God is coming to this Earth to destroy evil on this Earth; and here God finds America doing evil like it is the most natural thing in the world.

I am Ground Zero of Armageddon. The United States of America is Target One.

One importance of this American sin is that it might be called a "typical" sin, that typical American sin being the reoccurring ruination of people's lives. That reoccurring sin would include such sins as slavery and the destruction of Native America, sins for which much of the human race, not just Americans, will be judged harshly by God..

There is a truism about sins, they always come back on the sinner. We are not talking here about who made love with whom in the back seat of the Chevy, we are talking about murder, torture, theft and enslavement.

Currently there is much discussion of the Virginia Tech shooting, and while I am not following that discussion I would think America's great sin against Korea has not been included in the psychological claptrap being spewed out by the priests of psycho-fascism, America's state religion.

What sin? You know Korea as "North" and "South", but likely not that Korea was cut in half by agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union at the close of World War Two.

Korea, an ancient nation of one ancient people, had not been an enemy of the US or the USSR, and had in fact been a victim of Japanese conquest, so why was Korea punished by being split in two?

Germany was split in two. Germany was an enemy. Now Germany is whole again. Korea is still split in two. Perhaps you can see some great injustice in this?

Good for the Communists, good for the Capitalists, cut the baby in half, bad for the baby, bad for the Korean people.

Everything that has followed in Korea since the Second World War comes directly from that severing in two of that one great and ancient nation...and dare I say it, that one great and ancient nation that is one great and ancient nation in the Eyes of God.

The Korean War, all that misery, all that death, all those wounded soldiers freezing to death before help could get to them, the near total destruction of the north by American bombing, the rise of the isolated Communist dictatorship, and the US-planned isolation of "North" Korea from the world...all of that comes from the United States and the Soviet Union cutting Korea in half like two bums sharing a doughnut.

Knowing almost nothing about the Virginia Tech shooting but the number dead and the nationality of the killer, I would bet that somewhere in that whirlwind that cut through that campus America's crime against Korea, committed now for over 60 years, was feeding the storm.

Sin lives on, sin comes back. The original meaning of "sin" was "error" if that helps you at all, if you must think the United States of America is one sinless nation under God, you can perhaps understand America committing an error or two, or three, or four, or more, in the Fantasy Land of its own mind.

So here is where we are today in my advance documentation of the murder of this Earth by the human being and my reporting of my understanding of God's plan to save this Earth, this Earth beloved by God ten billion times more than beloved by man.

The two most important locations on this Earth, in terms of God's intervention in the human being's killing of this Earth are:

One, the Peru-Chile region of South America, where God will appear; my current estimation has that happening within a year..

Two, northern California south and east of Mount Shasta, where God's war against evil, known broadly as Armageddon, will break out.

I am Ground Zero of Armageddon. America's sin of torturing and enslaving me is the Trigger Sin of Armageddon.

As coincidence would have it, as we approach the northern California story today, a series of small quakes took place in the area, not unusual because the Pacific Coast of the United States has small quakes almost daily, but they were impressive enough to make the morning news, which is unusual.

Today is the 101st anniversary of the great San Francisco quake of 1906.

San Francisco has committed more sins against me than any other city in the world, a rerun of 1906 would be nice, Hell, "Wouldn't It Be Loverly"; and my unscientific seven-day earthquake count is indicating we are approaching a Big One.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The $210 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 195

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

We are now on the direct opposite poles of the news, you and I; your news is repeat, repeat, repeat of the life's blood of American journalism, Death; mine is estimating the time and location of God's existence-changing arrival on this Earth, now expected in the Peru-Chile region within a year.

Your news operates in Darkness; my news operates in Light.

You get what you pay for when you kiss the Darkness and kick the Light, death, death and more death; that constant pornography which is news in the United States of America.

I have absolutely no interest in the Virginia Tech story. I haven't seen television news' constantly calamitous reporting on any subject for about a month; and, like a smoker not having touched a cigarette for a month, feeling good about it.

I know this, though, and you should know it, too: I could not walk across the campus of Virginia Tech or any campus of any university in the United States of America without being tortured by the faculty and student body for being the only audibly mental telepath in human history.

A campus full of college students tortures me worse than a city full of homosexual males, worse than a restaurant full of Jews, worse than a gathering of liberals for a Peace and Justice rally.

So what am I to think?

So, to me, the Virginia Tech dead are technically just dead psycho-fascist American Virgil-torturers; like during World War Two a Good Jap was a Dead Jap; like to an impoverished and brutalized Black American of April of 1912, the Titanic was just a ship-load of white folks going down in cold, cold water.

You reap what you sow. If you torture and enslave the only audibly telepathic person in human history don't expect him to weep when you go, especially when you go for the lack of knowledge his telepathy would have brought you.

In the matter of school shootings, considering the great work I have done in that area, great work head and shoulders above every human being in the world, work for which I am mocked and tortured, it is clear those thirty-three (more) dead were but wages of the sin of Telepath torture-enslavement.

When I documented for a good part of last September the Amish school shooting on October 2, 2006, documented it so well that even the Republican American Fascist TV news station, FOX, gave a nod of acknowledgement after the fact; when America sucked those children's lives away while I pleaded and pleaded, saying there is going to be another school shooting, begging America to let me do something...well, Dear Reader, I hung up my school-shooting-prevention jock at that time.

Just before the Virginia Tech shooting I said, tomorrow is another day. Just after the shooting I say, frankly, Harlot, I don't give a damn.

Even as you read this, even as the TV is pregnant with shrinks and commentators and boo hoo reporting, the American news media is creating yet another school shooting...another school shooting...another school shooting, even telling the next mass murderer (most likely called by the glorifying names "shooter" or "gunman") that there is a new school record to be broken.

This shooter killed 32 before he killed himself; next time you have to make it at least 33 plus one if you want to get into the news media's School Shooting Hall of Fame.

Dangit! I still did not get to the part about Armageddon breaking out in northern California, south and East of Mount Shasta. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The $209 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 208

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

It is a pity the United States of America allows no use for my audible mental telepathy other than to be a target of torture for cowardly American men and silly American women, and others of like mind around the world.

I refer here to the shooting on the campus of Virginia Tech. I have documented in advance and warned of almost every school shooting over the past twenty years, and likely would have been ahead on this one this time had I been free to work with the gift God gave me.

You will note I wrote very short reports three days in a row, three of the four days prior to the shooting. This is because my work was so compromised by torture all night long by at least one neighbor; and the telepathy expansion space needed to do my work was cramped by the need to do menial labor to keep a roof over my head.

I understand, this is America's choice; America loves to see me in poverty and in pain; but the price it pays for the joy of torture-enslavement is consistently very, very high.

Could I have warned about the shooting? Past successes indicate I might have; but I was on KP duty and not allowed on the battlefield.

Despite the shooting, the most interesting item in the news today was the report that France warned the US of the 9/11 attack some nine months before it took place. I warned some three months before it took place. France is vilified, and I am vilified.

Sometimes I get the idea the Republican American Fascists were not all that interested in preventing that attack; and no doubt about it, they have certainly profited from it.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The $208 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 214

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

At this time the two most important parts of the world are the Peru-Chile area, and northern California south and east of Mount Shasta. In the first, God will appear; in the second, the final battle between Good and Evil, called Armageddon, will take visible form.

In historical terms, Armageddon began on the day God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy and the American government, system and people established their satanic torture-enslavement of me.

That element is just one shard of the exploding window of this story, there is plenty of Hellfire to go around, and more than enough repentance, redemption and salvation, too.

Two days ago I gave you the code, "Killing Two Birds With One Stone", and today I can tell you just what it means, and how painful that code stands to be for the people of the United States of America.

Repentance, redemption and salvation, too.

We are looking to the Peru-Chile region, and we are saying something massive is going to happen there that will change everything...change everything...change everything in this world.

We are saying God will first set God's Foot in the Peru-Chile region when God comes to save this Earth from the human being.

What I must tell you of today is the extreme danger faced by America's military personnel, extreme danger that will be confirmed by the Peru-Chile Event.

The extreme danger is this: The United States of America is not right with God, and the American military is not right with God either.

If you are an American, no matter what your views on Republican American Fascism and George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq are, you are not going to like what I am going to tell you today, and what God is going to prove to the world with the Peru-Chile Event.

This is because almost all Americans are trapped in the "Worship the Soldier Syndrome", and it is that syndrome that has allowed George W. Bush to soak himself in American soldier blood in his attempt to give credence and honor to his bloody folly in the Middle East.

There is a universally held view on this Earth that our soldiers at war are sinless; and we only reluctantly recognize aberrations among soldiers that make them sinful, rape-murder-torture being among those aberrations; but almost always those aberrations are overlooked and explained away.

Perhaps most people might be of the opinion that Hitler's troops, with "Gott Mit Uns" are their belt buckles, were innocent of Hitler's sins, but certainly almost all Americans will see American troops as innocent of George W. Bush's sins; even if they can see Hitler's sins, even if they can see Bush's sins.

I told you in the past that God does not recognize the concept of "collateral damage" in war; and that in fact God has damned George W. Bush for child-murder; and I have drawn attention to the first child collateral damage death reported in Iraq, when a mother and her child burned to death in their car in Baghdad due to a not-so-smart smart bomb, during the cowardly sneak attack that took place before Bush's ridiculous 48 hour deadline for the Boogieman to leave Iraq was up.

Do you remember? He said 48 hours and attacked in about 36, a most cowardly and deceitful act.

The moment that child died in agony, George W. Bush's soul was bound for agony. There is no turning back from that, that war-idiot's soul is lost and all the Billy Grahams in all the world cannot save it.

And Jesus? Jesus has a profound contempt for people who murder in Jesus' name; and that is what the Peru-Chile Event will reveal to the world.

God is not stupid; Jesus is not a fool.

God not an American citizen to be flim-flammed into agreeing with the sinner-president George W. Bush than an innocent child can die horribly because a dictator rules over it; and God knows the two-faced fool in the White House is the one who by proxy murdered that child.

God is not stupid; Jesus is not a fool.

Going back along the line of responsibility from that one damnation of that one foolish and fascist "president" are many damnations, damning all the people whose fingerprints were on that bomb that fried that little baby, the policy fingerprints, the military fingerprints, the factory worker fingerprints.

God sees things in intense detail. God assigns responsibility.

God so loathes the concept of collateral damage that there is a crack of damnation streaking out from the point and moment of death of that one small Iraqi child, which you call "collateral damage" and God calls "murder victim"; a streak of damnation going deep, deep into the fabric of the nation that murdered that child, the United States of America.

God has exquisite eyes, God sees the sparrow fall, God sees the Muslim baby fry.

Unlike you, God has a very good memory, an intensely good memory, and unlike you God does not rationalize away the evil of that child's murder.

How many Americans lost their souls at the moment that child died? Far more than you would think, so deep goes God's concept of shared responsibility in that child's murder.

Then, adding more souls to the fire, there are the thousands of other child-murders and thousands of other child maimings and amputations George W. Bush and his servants have caused. God knows each child by name.

This is going to be one of the surprises of Judgment Day, although it should not come as a surprise at all. It comes down to the concept of the innocence of murder in war; a concept which God does not recognize even though every Christian and every Jew and every Muslim on this Earth today might recognize it.

God is not a Christian. God is not a Jew. God is not a Muslim. God is not stupid.

I am approaching telling you about the Peru-Chile Event, which will confirm what I am saying; please be patient, there is something more to say, something you will like even less than all that I have said, but something you will come to know to be true.

Let's return to the concept of the Sinless Soldier, and to what I have been saying about the Peru-Chile Event these past few days, and to the code, Killing Two Birds With One Stone.

In this code, every American soldier in Afghanistan and Iraq, every American military man or woman or mercenary in the service of Republican American Fascist aggressive action there or elsewhere, is "Two Birds", one bird is body and the other is soul.

The meaning of this code is--and while you hide from the truth of this, this code came straight from God--the meaning of this code is every soldier who has lost or will lose his or her life in Iraq, etc, has lost and will lose his or her soul, because he or she is serving in a wantonly evil endeavor.

God does not accept the concept of the innocence of the soldier, just as God does not accept the concept of collateral damage.

It is the concept of the innocence of the soldier that allows the sinfulness of politicians to hold sway in this world. The dogs of war are not The sheep of war; they eagerly obey their masters' and when their masters say, for example, destroy the city of Fallujah, they destroy the city of Fallujah; and they carry that sin, each and every one of them, the sin of every dead baby, the sin of every dead mother, the sin of every dead father, the sin, even, of every brick in the rubble of a home.

You say they don't have a choice; God says they do.

."I didn't rape the baby, I was only the rapist's dick; I should go to Penis Heaven even though the rapist goes to Rapist Hell." That is the plea on Judgment Day of the "sinless" soldier.

The reason the Peru-Chile Event becomes so important here (other than it will save this Earth from death in less than Sixty years) that it was in this geographical area that the anti-concept of the sinless soldier really took hold in the Mind of God. It was always on shaky ground in God's Mind, but it was finally lost to Christianity in about the 16th Century, with the Spanish invasion of the Inca civilization.

The critical fact here is that the Spanish were Christians, and this is somewhat symbolic because Christianity, which had never really been all that Christian, became decidedly unchristian during the course of the conquest and occupation of al the New World.

That is, none of the principles established by Jesus were adhered to in the entire European conquest of the Western Hemisphere.

The basic rules of God, the Ten Commandments and the Eleventh Commandment of Jesus, bring peace and happiness to the entire world, and nowhere do they give one people the right to destroy another people in the name of God.

In the case of the New World, Christianity raped the baby, and it raped the baby in the name of Jesus Christ. God is not stupid; Jesus is not a fool.

I am only touching on this subject today, as if I were a 16th Century Spanish soldier planting cross and flag on the shore of a conceptual New World, claiming that New World in the name of crown and Jesus Christ, my shoes still wet from the wade ashore; I am saying there is a concept here, a line drawn in the sand, that Christianity itself lost its soul with the Christian invasion of the Western Hemisphere.

The Western Hemisphere is where God made God's final decision on the religion called Christianity, and at least since Christianity's conquest of the New world, Christianity has been in a state of sin.

So, when events emerge out of the Peru-Chile Event, when God openly touches down on this Earth, they will be so strong and so damning of Christianity that they will alter the brain of the world.

So, you heard it here first at I.C. News. The Second Coming will begin with the Peru-Chile Event, and it will be quickly discovered that Jesus Christ is not a fan of Christianity.

This is not to say millions upon millions of Christians are not Christian, but if they are they must not kill, even though Geoge W. Bush or someone else tells them too, and they must not bear false witness against God's One True Telepath, even though American psychiatry and the American media and the American governments tell them to.

Dangit! I didn't get to the part of Armageddon breaking out in northern California, south and east of Mount Shasta. Well, tomorrow is another day.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The $207 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 229

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

It seems to me the United States of America about to experience two massive defeats simultaneously; the two defeats are like two hands clapping; the USA is like a mosquito smashed between them.

The first defeat is a direct result of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.

As I told you before that utterly foolish, horrible event took place, America will lose that war like no nation in the history of the world has lost a war.

As America suffers this defeat you will see the American people also suffer greatly, and you might wonder why they should suffer so, they were hoodwinked by the Republican American Fascists and they came to oppose the war in their vast majority.

However, the only reason public and news media opposition to this insanely fascist war exists, is because America is being defeated.

Had America won in an easy month, as the war-idiots in the White House thought, the American people would today love Republican American Fascism and be behind every fascist war Republican American Fascism would trigger.

The other hand smashing the fascist American mosquito, this time its psycho-fascist form, is my weapon.

Again, the vast majority of the American people will suffer from this defeat because the vast majority of the American people support the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath; that is, Americans love to torture me.

Keep looking to the Peru-Chile region.

As a writer, it is my credo that nothing is indescribable, but describing this weapon, even though it is my own cherished invention, really taxes my grasp of language. Let me say this, it will change your mind, not your opinions, your brain itself.

Before this happens, if you consider what I am saying you will see I am describing the perfect do-unto-others weapon, since America's attack on me has always been directed at my brain.

I know I am repeating myself, but this is important: Keep looking to the Peru-Chile region.

Friday, April 13, 2007

The $206 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 231

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Today's code is, Killing Two Birds With One Stone.

Today's suggestion is, End the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

Repeating our current theme, God's One True Telepath's Weapons are Located in the Peru-Chile area. You will know them when you see them.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The $205 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 228

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Having briefly introduced my weapon to you yesterday, telling you it will first be visible on the west coast of South America, mainly in Peru and Chile, and there being no discernable interest in this very hot story, I'll consider this a pat hand and let this story grow in value.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The $204 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Ten

Shark America Zero

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 214

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

You may be happy to know I wrote a long, boring pieces about Virgilian Christianity today., but spiked it.

This is because my Old Pal God said to me last night, "Blah, blah, blah, Virgil, tell them about your weapon as I asked, and put aside Virgilian Christianity until when they have time to listen to your old stories."

Old stories, indeed. Humph! And Time will kill you before you have time to listen to my old stories, so in effect God is saying, "Shit-can the Virgilian Christianity story, Virgil".

Well, that ruffled my feathers a bit; but God is a good editor, and after pounding out enough words to put you into sleep deep enough for a brain transplant, I realized God is right and it was blah blah blah reporting, and I would not want to read it myself if I were in your shoes.

So, to my weapon, as my Editor insists.

The weapon will go off in the western part of South America, mostly Peru and Chile. You will know it when you see it. It will overcome everything.

Any questions?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The $203 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 224

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Virgilian Christianity - Part One, The Basics

My Old Pal God has asked me to tell you about my weapon today. I was somewhat taken aback by this request. Weapon? What weapon? Oh, yes; there it was; in my Toy Box, shamefully covered with dust, and not seen or touched in what seems to have been centuries.

I have never considered this 1939=2xxx life to be a Weapon-Life. Much of my survival has been in following the dictum of Jesus, Turn The Other Cheek; which makes me feel rather lonely sometimes because I am the only Christian I know of who follows that dictum.

Look to the history of Christianity; the concept of Turn the Other Cheek in the body of Christianity is less active than the appendix in the body of the human being. Christianity does go and always has since it became strong gone to war in the name of Jesus; enslaved in the name of Jesus; looted and pillaged in the name of Jesus...sometimes I think Jesus would hardly recognize Christianity at all.

So, my Old Pal God has asked me to talk to you about my weapon; my weapon based on what is currently called subatomic physics.

I was just about to tell you about Virgilian Christianity, anyway, so perhaps I might include a description of my long unused weapon as I go along in this subject intermittently over the coming brief period of time.

Virgilian Christianity, is currently followed by myself, my Space Sailor shipmates, and a considerable number of people now in the spirit and not in the flesh, commonly known as Dead People. As far as I know, there are no followers of Virgilian Christianity among Living People, other than myself, of course.

Virgilian Christianity is very popular among dead people because it makes sense within the reality they find themselves in; which is quite different from what they learned to expect in church when alive.

I expect to touch on that aspect of Virgilian Christianity in Part Two, when I touch on why Jesus descended into Hell after He died on the cross. A word to the wise; Christians hate this story.

As unpopular as Virgilian Christianity is among Living People,I would say that within the Space Sailor-Dead People definition there are more Virgilian Christians on and around the planet Earth than Roman Catholics and Protestants combined.

That is, both Catholics and Protestants tend to become Virgilian Christians after death.

Virgilian Christianity focuses almost totally on the teachings of Jesus Christ, and even with that limitation it has a further limitation in that it is understood that it is humanly impossible to record exactly the verbal teachings of anyone; and further that the Apostles never really understood what Jesus was saying; and the fact that Jesus was no longer with them did not give them greater understanding, just greater ability to preach imperfect Christianity without being scolded and corrected by Jesus.

Virgilian Christianity believes the Apostles did what they could and did it well, and did at least as much as Jesus asked of them; but when we want to understand Jesus' teachings we look to Jesus.

We do not believe the "Holy Spirit" or "Holy Ghost" is a teacher, that a person can learn the teachings of Jesus from the Holy Sprit. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would be a "comforter", and those millions of Christians who have experienced the Holy Spirit understand this.

Roman Catholicism has a self-generated belief that the Pope is infallible, perhaps incorporating the concept of the Pope receiving teachings from the Holy Ghost. In the view of Virgilian Christianity this is self-serving nonsense, and has lead the Roman Catholic Church to uncountable crimes against Roman Catholics and others.

Virgilian Christianity does not agree that God talks to the many fundamentalist preachers and church members who constantly make that claim.

Virgilian Christianity does not believe in the infallibility of any Christian school of thought and belief, including Virgilian Christianity. Virgilian Christianity does its best and it does it well.

There are reasons the Protestants focus on the Bible; and there are reasons the Roman Catholics do not.

One of the most fundamental reasons is that Protestantism emerged after, and perhaps because of, the invention of printed books; and Catholicism existed for well over 1,000 years before.

Another is that the incredibly brave people who became Protestants in the early years of the Reformation were faced with the Roman Catholic Church's damnation of them; the Vatican saying it and it alone was the one true representative of God's will on this Earth; so the Protestants needed the greater authority of the Bible to supercede the authority of damnation dictatorship behind Catholicism's terrible threat.

Virgilian Christianity receives much condemnation from both the Roman Catholics and the Protestants in very much the classic way both sects condemn others. Virgilian Christianity is condemned by Catholicism because it does not kiss Catholicism's ass; and by Protestantism because it does not base the validity of Jesus Christ on the Old Testament.

While we love and read the Old Testament we see is as the great book of the Jews, not of the Christians, and of the Old Testament we "religiously" incorporate only the Ten Commandments, and this because Jesus said, I give you an Eleventh Commandment, thereby validating the Ten in terms of His own work.

Virgilian Christianity does not believe the final Book of the New Testament, Revelations, has any validity at all.

This is enough of this religion talk for one day.

As we proceed with the basic purpose of this work, to write The Obituary of the World and as best we can note the causes of and projected time of this Earth's death, I will explain more about Virgilian Christianity on "slow news days".

I will put the opening headline, "Virgilian Christianity - Part X, Subject X", more for my own bookkeeping than anything else, but also to warn you in case you really loathe this subject and do not want to read that day's report.

As I said, I will pursue this subject only on days I have no more important information to report; and I will, as my Old Pal God requested, introduce you to my weapon as that narration unfolds.

Monday, April 09, 2007

The $202 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 233

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

A visit to the doctor today. It doesn't look good. In only 133 years I'll be 200 years old, but it doesn't look like I will make it; proof positive that only the good die young.

Shaking off the hard news that even I am mortal, let's spread out our battlefield map of God's Space War and see if we can see anything that should be seen.

As far as I know, the famous American, a woman, whose death on Easter Sunday was marked so clearly on the Wall of Time, escaped that fate, or for some reason was passed by uncollected by the Angel of Death. Good for her, she is on the Damnation List, and still has time to repent.

In Smallville, near the California-Oregon border on the south side of Mount Shasta, I continue to look for the not-so-little miracle to take place here, a miracle that will be isolated here, away from the prying eyes of the TV news, away from the Bible Bangers, away from the Jesus freaks, away from the UFO cults; something good for a little town, good at least in the sense it will come to know in an indelible way that God is looking at it with a Kind Eye as the storm of Armageddon looms.

Kindness begets kindness, and with rare exception the people of this town have been most kind to me..

The Cowardly Little American Who Flies the Big American Flag, the one this work calls "Cowardly Flag", came by again in the dark early this morning, but more gingerly than the day before when (as I told you yesterday) he fell into my Booby Trap.

I did not set up a second Booby Trap last night, rather I just put some light obstacles along the wall he likes to bang on to wake me up, a child's plastic car a two-year-old might sit at the controls of, two garbage cans, a mop bucket, and while he made a little face-saving noise he did not bang on my wall. Perhaps he does not want to see the monster he created coming at him out of the dark.

Cowardly Flag did arrive about 15 minutes earlier than he had been, indicating perhaps someone he knows read yesterday's report and told him it was bad tactics to arrive at the same time every night to drop his cowardly little weasel turds. .

A maxim of God's Space War says, "The Ambush Loves Predictability".

Another neighboring male who had tortured me heavily when I first moved in but who had been quiet for a couple of weeks, took up the noise harassment again last night, but at a safe distance, in his own front yard. A matter, I suppose, of one coward supporting another.

So it is, America's Army of Cowards slithers on, attacking in their millions God's One True Telepath, just as Satan predicted when he told Jesus, "We are legion".

The local sheriff's patrol car followed me up the street after about five minutes when I came home from receiving the shocking news from the doctor, and stopped briefly in front of the home of the second cowardly night stalker, the one who made his noise from a safer and more cowardly distance last night, but if there was any meaning to the deputy's being there, or if that was just coincidence, I don't know.

I do feel from my long experience with illegal police activities against me that if there can be found a law--or a law made up--against my having placed an aluminum ladder on the ground for the night stalker to trip over, I will be arrested for it, and not the night stalker for night-stalking.

In the news, what little I see and hear of the news, Republican American Fascism continues to tighten its grip on the United States of America; I mean here in its sending National Guard units to illegally quick re-entry into Iraq because the Regular Army is so depleted.

This of course is the whole point, the underlying strategy of Republican American Fascism is to destroy the American Army so nuclear weapons will have to be used in the wars planned down the line; and destroy the National Guard, so the control of the American people can be out-sourced to the many mercenary armies that have quietly come into existence, armies that serve not the Constitution of the United States of America but Sugar Daddy Warbucks, i.e. Republican American Fascism.

When the Republican American Fascists invaded Iraq, Dear Reader, they were in fact invading the United States of America.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The $201 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 263

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Easter Sunday

Yesterday I told you about a memorable Easter event in about 1964; and today I want to tell you about a memorable Easter event that took place today.

As you may recall I am living in a small town in northern California fictionally named Smallville to protect the townspeople from any notoriety or unwelcome publicity that might come from my being here or from the genuine miracle I expect to take place here.

To tell you this memorable Easter story, which took place an hour or so before sunrise today, I must first introduce you to a citizen of Smallville, whom I shall call for the sake of this report The Cowardly Little American Who Flies the Big American Flag.

Well, that is a bit long and awkward for repeated writing, so I will call this cowardly little American by the name, "Cowardly Flag".

(I must say I feel sorry for the Stars and Stripes that fly over his house, she is like Joan of Arc in a whore house; but even American cowards can fly the American flag, so I will step past that point and tell you the story of the American "man" I call Cowardly Flag.)

While the percentage of the people of Smallville who know of America's torture-enslavement of me (called something nice, of course) approaches 100, the percentage of people participating in the torture is perhaps three or four.

As background, the reason I came to live here is that the owner of this big, empty, old house has had some trouble with vandalism, so I'm the cat who keeps the rats away. For me this is good because I can live in beautiful northern California in this friendly, small town within the pittance I get as my Social Security pension, less than $500 a month.

(One reason I get such a pittance is because it was the pleasure of the American government and system to deny me employment for much of the some 35 years I have been America's telepathic torture-slave (called something nice, of course) so therefore I could not pay into the Social Security fund because I had no salary to be taxed, but that's another story.)

Returning now to Cowardly Flag, the cowardly little American "man" who flies a big American flag on Juniper Street in Smallville.

While the vast majority of the citizens of Smallviile have allowed me to live in peace, Cowardly Flag immediately took it upon himself to continue the sleep deprivation torture I have told you about in the past. You know, people in the next room banging on my wall to awaken me when I am asleep, the fact that I am audibly telepathic given them that knowledge.

Certainly, Cowardly Flag is only one "man" but he loves this form of cowardly torture, and in the course of the approximately three weeks I have been here he (perhaps with help, I do not know) has on every night (except on three when it was very cold) left his house in the dark and walked some 30 yards to bang on the walls of this old house, and make other noises.

Stop for a minute and consider the cowardice of this; consider the maniacal cowardice.

Fortunately for Cowardly Flag, he is a coward and has not breached my inner sanctum; but that is also another story.

So, Cowardly Flag almost every night at least once a night leaves his space and enters my space for the purpose of exercising what he believes to be his right to bang on the wall and wake me up; after which, I suppose, he slithers back to his coward's home.

It came to pass that five a.m. became Cowardly Flag's favorite time to bang on my bedroom wall and wake me. I don't know why that became his favorite time; but I awaken to the bang on the wall, I shine my flashlight on my clock, five a.m.

This guy would not have lasted two days in Vietnam, doing the same thing repeatedly; which leads me to this secondary point: It is very unlikely Cowardly Flag has ever followed Old Glory into battle, men who do don't often come out as such cowardly little "men".

So, I figured about this time Cowardly Flag is getting pretty confident, like a fish who has been nibbling bait off the same hook for a long time.

So, Saturday night I darkened the house more than usual, making it darker outside my bedroom than usual, and put a few items, including a long aluminum ladder, on the ground where he would pass by on his way to perform his cowardly act--his Blow Job for Satan as we Space Sailors call the torture of me the Americans like to perform--the aluminum ladder flat on the ground outside the plants along the wall he likes to hit.

Come Easter Sunday morning, from where that ladder was waiting in the dark, came a dull thud when Cowardly Flag tripped over it; smack dab at five a.m. You should have seen this old telepath smile.

I quickly went out to look, hoping to find him lying there with a broken ass or something, but he had scurried on home already.

At this point I must tell you about a conversation I had with My Old Pal God during last night about my little booby trap.

I, frankly, wanted to make it a potentially really painful booby trap for this cowardly American booby, like in the movie "Home Alone" (I laugh at those booby traps every time I see that movie), but My Old Pal God said, "Cool it, Virg", not an exact translation but that was it in spirit.

It is not my place, God was saying, to send American cowards to Hell in advance of schedule; it is my place to write The Obituary of the World.

In that context, this report on a damned American soul yet in the flesh, on a doomed cowardly American "man" bound for Hell, on a cowardly little American "man" who flies a big American flag, is just some spit in the ocean of that obituary.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

The $200 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 254

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Good Saturday

Even though tomorrow is not a "Shark America Zero" day, therefore a day of high probability of a God's Space War attack on the United States of America, I.C. News is expecting a major American death tomorrow.

Unfortunately is has proven to be illegal and useless for me to attempt to save American lives of any rank, so the best I can say today is that this death has been documented in advance and I will show you the writing on the wall when I have your attention.

Of course I think about the person who is expected to die, and prior to over 30 years of American persecution I would be on the phone warning or hammering out that person's name over and over again in this work, in big bold letters; but right or wrong America would punish me for attempting to warn.

So, perhaps there is a monitoring of my telepathy by government pigs or citizen volunteers and my hand-wringing thoughts might be relayed to the proper authorities (if there are any but improper authorities in the USA, I do not know; my experience says No) and the endangered person will be warned and will step aside and avoid the Bullet of Bad Bounce, weighing less than an ounce but on course to weigh heavy on America's heart.

Perhaps, say, if I were hearing Goofy was about to murder Mickey over a triangle involving Minnie, my telepathized worries would reach Disneyland and Mickey would be saved, and there would be a grand parade down Main Street, and even the Pirates of the Caribbean would attend, and as a reward I would be granted a night of bliss at the Disneyland Hotel with Tinkerbell, but that's another story.

The story I wanted to tell you today was about the most memorable Easter church service of my life.

I was living in a modest section of Kobe, Japan, working for a Japanese newspaper and smoking cigarettes, and drinking beer, and doing the cuchi cuchi coo on pretty much a daily basis (How better to learn the language than hanging with the locals?), and I had spied a French Catholic missionary church up the street; so on Good Saturday I stopped by and asked the priest if there would be Mass on Easter Sunday, and he gave me the time. Merci.

So, on Easter Sunday morning I awoke quite hung over, my mouth tasting like an ashtray, and my clothes all rumpled and wrinkled; and I perhaps smelling, well, not all that good; but I got dressed and made my way to the church, proud of myself for having arrived so early I was the first one there, and, God being my Old Pal, I sat in the front pew.

Then a strange thing began to happen.

People started arriving and they were dressed extremely well, and while I was thinking, "Damn, these Japanese dress awfully fancy for Easter Mass", the Japanese were looking at me with worried and disapproving eyes.

I thought, well, perhaps it is strange to have a foreigner at Mass; since I was the only foreigner in the area.

So, the church filled up, and in front of the front pew there was a guy with a movie camera (this was long before video) and he was filming the congregation; but when he came to me he raised the camera so I would not be in the shot.

Strange, I thought, is it because I am not so well dressed?

Had my mind not been so blurry, had I not been wishing I had a bit of the hair of the dog and a cigarette, I might have caught on; and I might have caught on when the French priest who had been so friendly the day before came out to begin Mass and scowled at me; but I caught on when the music began to play, "Here Comes the Bride".

Perhaps I should have left, but I thought it would be rude to brush past the couple as they walked down the aisle, so I sat there, right in the middle of the Bride's family, through the Mass and through the wedding, wishing Jesus would change my folly to decorum as easily has He changed water to wine.

True, the priest might have told me on Good Saturday that a wedding was planned for the Mass being said at the time he told me; and the father of the bride might have stepped up to the plate and let me know the score; but I am a mea culpa sort of guy and to this day I take the blame.

That was my most memorable Easter. I was 24. I was not to go into another church until I was in my early 30s, and I did not consciously think of God in a religious way (but always knowing God is my Pal whether I go to church or not) until I was 27 and in my first Vietnam battle; scared as a mouse in a Cat Lady's house; and I thought, "Should I pray?", and I decided, "No, God would think me chickenshit if I did."

Happy Easter.