Saturday, June 30, 2007

The $284 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 239

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Allow USA to Arrest Smallville Torturers

Today's Code is "He is trampling out the vintage...".

Today we offer the United States of America the opportunity to arrest, convict and imprison the two psycho-fascist cowards who have tortured me constantly since I moved into this house some months ago.

The record established in this work shows their sins against me have murdered at least nine Americans, amputated the feet of a teenage girl, and burned down at least 200 homes.

These wicked and cowardly Americans have triggered God's Nuclear Space War against the United States of America.

America, openly charge the psycho-fascist cowardly "men" at 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street, Smallville, with felony torture of and threat to murder the only audible mental telepath in human history, and the nuclear chain reaction will be stopped.

Then, with God's finger on that nuclear trigger, we will go to step two of America's abandonment of Satanism.

If the enemy could see us
It would not pose to fight
If it could see the star-
Light on our armor…but quiet
We are. We want this.

We want this. We want this. We want this. The enemy is wicked and unprepared.

America, you are wicked and unprepared. Your torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath is a damnable crime. Are you willing to eat the fire God is about to feed you in defense of your cowardice, perfidy and sadism?

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Friday, June 29, 2007

The $283 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 199

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Let Them Kill More Americans

Today's Code is "Two Birds, Again".

Today we see in the news that the Battle of Smallville has spread to Europe, where the "Two Birds, One Stone" code was played out in Madrid, where two workers were killed while dismantling the stage after a Rolling Stones concert.

As I told you two days ago, this code is so strong it could awaken the world to what is taking place as it is played out again and again and again. This code is so strong it could awaken the dead.

Meanwhile, back in Smallville, the psycho-fascists among the Smallvillains, unappreciative that death, amputation and fire have been traced directly back to their evil toward me, continue their torture of God's One True Telepath; and more Americans will soon pay the proxy price, though few or none know the bill is being rung up.

The following is the second poem of my epic, Songs of Space War. It fits the status of the Battle of Armageddon as stands is today.


The momentary passage
Of thoughts and events
Seem more passworthy
If I contain myself
And behave with quality

The war now
Is deeply engaged
But not so that it might be
If it were to continue
Longer still

Time is passed
In pain and contemplation
Calculation of Forces
And Supplies. Incoming
Lessens. We pamper the Horses.

We find ourselves relaxing
As outgoing takes form
The cannon seem well sighted
The enemy is pompous and brutal though
And for now disdains our bracketing rounds

We brace ourselves
We sharpen our bayonets
We sing songs rarely now
Our tea-fires rest us
We are in pre-battle meditation

If the enemy could see us
It would not pose to fight
If it could see the star-
Light on our armor…but quiet
We are. We want this.

We are in that good soldier state
Where every battlefield is Valhalla
The Hellfire feels good
Death is impossible
The enemy is wicked and unprepared.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The $282 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 189

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Counterattack In-Place

Today's Code is "...the coming of the Lord...".

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The $281 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 174

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Let Them Kill More Americans.

Today's Code is "Two Birds, One Stone".

The evil little psycho-fascist "men" who relished torturing me so much here in Smallville have asked to see yet another demonstration of American death, suffering and destruction related to their wickedness.

That is up to God, of course, God does the fightin' and I do the writin', and God today reaffirmed the "Two Birds" code that saw the teenage girl in Louisville lose two feet to one cable.

This "Killing Two Birds With One Stone" code is an exceptionally strong code, given to me by God in a most clear and serious form, and we can expect to see it played out repeatedly as the Battle of Smallville continues and expands into world-wide Armageddon.

This code is so strong it could awaken the world to what is taking place as is played out again and again and again. This code is so strong it could awaken the dead.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The $280 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 175

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Let Lying Dogs Sleep

Today's Code is "...the Glory of...".

The Battle of Smallville will change the course of human events, and even though it struck three American states hard over the past week it remains too small to be seen by the United States of America

Three solid hits in one week in God's Space War where one hit a month is closer to the norm; that is very interesting to I.C. News, but I.C. News could not give this story away even if it wanted to.

America suffered nine dead firefighters in Charleston; a teenage girl losing both feet in Louisville, and over 200 homes lost in the Tahoe fire; all in direct and documented response to America's torture-enslavement of me in Smallville, California, yet the dots cannot be connected by the mass American mind. The ape cannot contemplate the Mona Lisa.

Let's continue following this battle, and let's look for the point at which America catches on. We Space Sailors call that point Cherry Pop.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

Monday, June 25, 2007

The $279 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 192

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--More Fire

Today's Code is "The Fire Next Time".

On Friday the code was "Fire in the Hole", then the news reported "Fire in Lake Tahoe"; must be a poetic coincidence.

(Yes, but we Space Sailors say, Coincidence is the Rockets' Red Glare of God's Space War; and this Tahoe coincidence poetically connects closely with the bullet fired at me in Smallville on June 9, the gun being spirited away in a Chevy Tahoe van pulling a boat. There are no petty clues in God's Space War.)

God's Space War is becoming somewhat exciting, don't you think?

And don't forget last Wednesday's code, "Who rides so late...", and don't forget it pointed to United Airlines; and now I must inform you that code has gone to Los Angeles.

So much news, no place for a blacklisted genius journalist to market it; but if someone I loved were planning to fly United to or from as far east as Denver to or from anyplace on the West Coast, but in particular to or from Los Angeles, I would ask them for Love's Sake to stay away from United until this danger zone of the future had been passed into the past.

I say this because myTime Travel sword comes back hot from fires yet to burn, dripping the blood of people yet to die.

I know I can't kick this dead horse. I know the fact that I have documented perhaps a baker's dozen of airline crashes in advance means nothing at all. I know America is going to let these people die; and let United Airlines pay the bill; and forget I ever warned at all.

The first event I ever documented in advance was the BOAC crash into Mount Fuji on March 5, 1966; or rather it was documented for me because God was teaching me the ABCs of my craft at that time.

God first told me about that crash on January 1, 1963, and reminded me of it many times as Time went by, so I would I would I would know my foreknowledge was important, and so I would begin to learn the codes, to smell events of the future wafting back into the past like a sailor can smell land still unseen because of the curvature of the Earth.

A pity, Dear Reader, a pity, that America made it illegal for me to live in peace anywhere on this Earth. It was like cutting off the fingers of a concert pianist. Sure, I can still bang out boogie woogie with my mitts, but it is not Brahms.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The $278 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 186 (The rate is dropping, but well above the 120s danger zone.)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Explain Two Birds, One Stone Code

Today's Code is "Mine Eyes Have Seen...".

So now, Dear Reader, you have seen my two swords in action, at the cost of nine dead firemen in Charleston, South Carolina, and a teenage girl's feet severed in Louisville, Kentucky.

One sword Time Travel, the other sword God. You say you don't like this? I don't like living in torture-enslavement either. Shall we continue the Battle of Smallville? Or will America end its torture-enslavement of me?.

What have we seen?

We have seen both events documented in advance here in this work--The Obituary of the World-- the nine firemen dead following the code "Many Americans have died!" in Japanese, the teenage girl maimed after weeks of the code, "Two Birds, One Stone", if we see her two feet as "birds" and the cable that severed them as "one stone".

You object, these are good people, but America kills and maims good people every day and you worry not one wit about that; and good American people have tortured me every day for over 30 years, and murdered my progeny, but you worry even less about that.

Bear in mind, the United States of America wrote the rules of God's Space War in its torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath. The question we will see answered is, "Can America take what America dishes out?"

We have seen we currently have one known attack pattern running, this stemming from the fulfillment of the code, "Who rides so late..."; and we know from experience there are more attack codes to come.

Finally, we have seen that the Battle of Smallville has gone national, but not yet global. When it reaches global proportins it becomes Armageddon. It is unfortunate for the United States of America that it has taken the side of Satan.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The $277 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 267

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Reveal God's Presence

Today's Code is "Wire".

In the Battle of Smallville, which is rapidly developing into the world-wide battle between good and evil known as Armageddon, I am like the beleaguered soldier hearing the bugle's call of reinforcements.

I received a very welcome bugle's call from my Old Pal God on June 21. You heard it too, but unless you connected the "Superman" aspect of it with "Smallville", you missed it; and even with that you likely missed it anyway.

(Smallville is the hometown of Superman.)

I am of course referring to the incident at the Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom, Louisville, in which a cable on the Superman--Tower of Power ride snapped, cutting the feet off a 13-year-old girl.

The message from my Old Pal God to me was, "I am coming to help you."

This was the second public-private message I have received from God since the Battle of Smallville began, both of them incorporating the name of this community, this one its encoded name, Smallville, the other its real name, which as I promised to the community of Smallville I will not disclose.

Your government pigs and media weasels may already have disclosed it, but I will not.

The first Act-of-God message took place in Smallville about a week ago. I had begun to tell you about it and how it related to the village atheist, but along came the deaths of the nine firemen in Charleston, South Caroline, deaths I documented right here in this work almost 48 hours in advance.

America is at war with God, Dear Reader, and within that war Time and Space are a whole new ball of wax.

Both messages from God were the same, good news for me and bad news for American psycho-fascism; good news for the poor and oppressed people of the world and bad news for Big Money and Republican American Fascism and all the forms of tyranny on this Earth; including, of course, the psycho-fascist tyranny I live under here in Smallville and everywhere in the United States of America.

I think we should take a little time with this today, so you psycho-fascists who read this work might come to understand just how harshly God will deal with you--very soon...very soon...very soon--so you might save your souls from Hell while the saving is still good; and so you Dear Readers who are not psycho-fascists can get a breath of fresh air touched by God.

In the Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom communication from God, as God's message to me was, "I am coming to help you", God's message to psycho-fascist America was, "I will cut your legs from under you", a warning I have issued many times in this work.

As I said, I cannot tell you about the Smallville message because it will reveal the true name of Smallville, but anyway I am sure you are more interested in a sweet teenage girl's loss of her feet than you are in the village atheist's petty pain, so let's return to that story.

It seems to me this is the third "leg" story we have had out of Kentucky. There was the passenger airline pilot who lost his legs when he took the wrong runway and crashed, an event which I documented in advance; then there was the Kentucky Derby horse who broke his leg; and now this sweet teenage girl who lost her feet.

Kentucky somehow seems to be a key...but back to our story.

(You will ask me, but why would God harm this innocent girl?

(I will ask you, but why would you Americans genocide my innocent progeny?

(God's Space War is Do Unto Others war, Dear Reader, and psycho-fascist America has written the rules of this war.

(American teenagers constantly participate in America's torture-enslavement of me. Just today as I was doing my wash at the Smallville laundromat a boy of about 13 passed by and felt perfectly at ease abusing the Telepath.

(A 13-year old boy of no accomplishments abusing a 67-year-old man of great accomplishments. Sweet Jesus! You Americans are moral whores.

(And if I were to live in Louisville I would suffer Telepath torture there, too; and Telepath torture by teens, too.

( It is psycho-fascist America that has put its teens on the battle line, not I.)

Beyond understanding the Superman-Smallvile connection, you should understand the original source of the message, since the secret aspect of that message, as it was directed at me, referred to that source.

A few years after America began its torture-enslavement of me over 30 years ago, I was living in San Francisco and being tormented every day, night and day, the greater proportion of my tormentors being homosexual males (You will know now them by their works, Jesus said), and I wrote my epic poem, "Songs of Space War", within about a two week period .

I later published that poem in this Internet version of my work, The Obituary of the World; but on a site later closed down by lawyers..

Songs of Space War is my battle map of God's conquest of evil on this Earth. You psycho-fascist Americans should understand you are an aspect of that evil.

The Louisville Superman-Smallvile message came from the opening poem of the long series of poems which make up Songs of Space War. That poem is called, "If You Ever Need Help Send Me A Wire".


It is possible We
Might lose this planet
If so please assist
In the evacuation
The people are too unruly
For peaceful persuasion
Otherwise the war goes well
My regards to Ever
And the Children
If I die, except for You,
I die for Ever, Love.

You can see how timely this poem is today, even though it was written some 30 years ago, because unless you live in a media-government propaganda cave, or have tofu between your ears, you understand there is grave, grave danger that our Earth will be lost.

The snapped cable that cut off the teenage girl's feet was the "wire" in the title of the poem; If You Ever Need Help, Send Me A Wire.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443


Friday, June 22, 2007

The $276 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Zero

Shark America Ten

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 265

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Give Them What They Ask For

Today's Code is "Fire in the Hole".

We are between two God's Space War hits.

We have just documented in advance the deaths of nine firefighters in Charleston, South Carolina, and we are waiting for the second shoe to drop, the second sword to slice through, and we have documented the most likely target to be United Airlines.

Now the psycho-fascist Telepath-torturers of Smallville want to see the fireman demonstration again. Like Doubting Thomases, they want to put their fingers into those wounds.

In all, I would say about 25 Smallvillains are voting for it, voting to see if I can document in advance deaths of more firemen.

Are there any Americans voting against it; or does all America, too, need to see those wounds again?

At this point the count is 25 for more advance-documented firemen deaths, and two against; I being one of those two, the other is a Smallville area resident codenamed "Mennonite".

As it stands, the Yesses-Asses have it, there will be another demonstration. That is, I will document the advance codes here in this work, and firemen somewhere in the United States of America will suffer death in a way that fits the advance codes.

Please cast your vote,;Yes, for another demonstration or, No, against another demonstration. Please do this in an email to me,Virgil Kret, at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The $275 Billion Defeat (2)

Jews Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 270

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Warn the Bastards

Today's Code is "Denver".

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense & Campaign Fund: Virgil Kret, I.C. News, P.O. Box 43, Morro Bay, CA 93443

Because the target of the sword called God is becoming so clear, and because a child or children seem to be in the bull's eye of the target, it now becomes my moral obligation to warn.

I am obliged to warn even though I have warned of perhaps a dozen airline crashes to no avail, and even though the psycho-fascist FBI considers my warnings about crashes to be akin to shouting "Fire!" is a crowded theater.

I don't know the full story about this coming tragedy yet, but the ball is in my hands and I will run with it.

The target or targets was named in the code, "Who rides so late...", which I ran Tuesday and Wednesday.

When I.C. News gets these telepathically received codes, which usually come in strings, it watches for them to play out in the news or in other ways.

"Who rides so late..." played out when a computer glitch shut down all United Airlines flights for two hours; therefore it was United Airlines "who rides so late".

(Of course at I.C. News we know the computer glitch was an Act of God, but that's another story .)

'Who rides so late..." is a classic God's Space War code because it describes a future event without revealing the event, such as the recent Japanese language code "Takusan Amerikajin Shindayo", (Many Americans are dead!), anticipated the deaths of the nine firefighters in Charleston, South Carolina.

To understand that code you needed to understand Japanese, or at least have someone translate it for you.

To understand the code, "Who rides so late..." you need to know the poem in German literature the line comes from; here in translation, of course.

"Who rides so late..." is the opening line of "The Earl King" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) and tells the story of a man riding his horse fast through a dark and windy night, holding his child tight in his arms. The child is ill and the father is rushing him to a doctor; but when he arrives the child is dead.

So, when we see that United Airlines is the one who rides so late, we can assume a United plane is the horse or the rider, and aboard the plane is the child or children who will die if the poem plays out.

I am sorry these codes are so obscure, but codes are meant to be obscure, and for very good reasons.

If The Earl King did not end with "The child was dead", but rather ended with, say, "The warmonger was dead". I would treat the code differently, and buttress it with other codes, and when the headlines said, "Warmonger Dead!" I would say, "I told you so, Stupid", and explain the codes.

However, because God has told me at least one child will on board the target I must act. If you don't understand why just call it The Space Sailors' Law of the Sea.

(Later, in less than 60 years, when this world is approaching death, you will see we Space Sailors saving children first and warmongers last.)

I have not yet received what I would consider life-saving codes on this approaching tragedy, and might not at all. It is easy to identify the target in a plan to assassinate a famous person because there is only one such person, but how many United Airlines flights are there?

I have only one other code, "Denver", and at the time of my filing this report that is all I have. If I had more I would give it. I am never coy with you.

If I were a free man and had established a reputation for this work, and if I had this code pattern, and if I knew it is the Space Sailors' Law of the Sea to save children, which I do, how would I proceed?

I would say as broadly as I could that for the period of this danger zone I would not transport my child or any children, especially gravely ill children, on United Airlines.

Goat or hero, that's the way it is in this business. United Airlines might hate me, some parents might love me; and God..and God..and God digs what I do.

Let me tell you about an event that fits this situation very well.

Back in the days before I knew America's evil toward me was a seemingly bottomless pit, I thought of ways that I might use my telepathy for the benefit of people, and if I did that surely America would free me and let me be the entrepreneur I am. Oh sure, and there are lemonade springs on the Big Rock Candy Mountain.

So, I began tracking airline crashes and assassination plans, and I became so good at this that I tracked three strong presidential assassination attempts and one weak one; and I again and again told the psycho-fascist citizens of San Francisco that a plane was going to crash on such and such a day, and invariable, every God-damned time, I was right.

But, and this is the Big Butt that stinks to High Heaven, the psycho-fascist citizens of San Francisco so loved torturing me that while some might applaud my success as I walked down a street, and all would stop torturing me for about 24 hours, all those deaths...all those deaths...all those deaths were not as important to them as the joy of torturing a telepathic human being.

Did they tell the rest of the country of my capability? I think not.

This is the story that fits with my current dilemma. One time I heard about a man who planned to crash a commercial plane as a form of suicide. Sound familiar? This was in about 1978, but don't hold me to the year.

At great risk to my personal freedom, dressed in rags and living on Skid Row (where the psycho-fascist citizens of San Francisco liked to see me living) I went to the office of Pan American Airlines and told the manager about this planned suicide-by-commercial-jet, even telling him the date I expected it to happen, December 25, Christmas.

Sure enough, on Christmas day a man named Homolov attempted to crash an Air India plane into Rome.

I called the guy at Pan Am, and the first thing he said was, "Was that what you were talking about?"

"Yes", I said, thinking I might have found the rarest thing on this Earth, a thinking American, but he said...but he said...(get this)...but he said, "Let me know when it concerns a Pan Am plane".

Sweet Jesus! You people are as stupid as you are psycho-fascist.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The $275 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 275

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Warn the Bastards

Today's Code is classified.

I now know the subject of the God's Space War code, "Who rides so late...", therefor I know the target or targets of the sword named God.

From Wednesday's report we know the general location of the attack or attacks, the West Coast of the United States of America.

Experience tells me that the lack of my constitutional and human rights makes it impossible for me to alter this event or events for the better; so the best I can do is identify the target or targets with a code that is deciphered after the fact.

Understand this, because of America's torture-enslavement of me I must watch this person or these people die, then point to my advance-documented code and say. "I told you so, Stupid."

Is there any market for this information before this person is or these people are dead?

I warn you, psycho-fascist America, this is a sure thing; and time is running out fast for this person or these people, so fast that I have posted today's report some 22 hours before deadline.

The $274 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 275

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Bury the Nine Dead

Today's Code: "Who rides so late...", repeating. This code identifies a God's Space War target.

As I follow up on my advance documentation of the nine firefighter deaths Charleston, South Carolina, Dear Reader, my desk has enough news piled on it to fill the first three pages of the New York Times--if the New York Times were not utterly and totally psycho-fascist toward me because I am the only audible mental telepath in human history..

As anticipated, the Battle of Smallville has taken on national scope with my advance documentation of the Charleston tragedy.

In time, as promised, the Battle of Smallville will become the great battle between good and evil known as Armageddon, and will encompass the Earth, leading to the appearance of God not in the Middle East as anticipated but in the Peru-Chile area of South America.

In Smallvile, northern California, south and east of Mount Shasta, the psycho-fascists have withdrawn into what America considers an acceptable level of Telepath torture; but when the truth is known it will be painfully discovered there is never an acceptable level of torture in the Eyes of God, not in Republican American Fascism's prisons around the world, not in the glass torture chamber in which America has kept me since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy.

Let's begin with a report of an amusing coincidence that landed on my desk with the morning news yesterday; then let's tell you more about how nine American firefighters died under the sword called Time Travel in Charleston in direct response to Smallville's threat to burn me alive in my home; and finally let's tell you how the other great sword I am wielding, the sword called God, is about the strike somewhere on the West Coast of the USA.

Remember, Dear Reader, the crimes committed against me here in Smallvile are shared by all the people of the United States of America who support or go along with America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath; as are all the crimes committed against me by all the tens of thousands of Americans who have tortured me for being audibly telepathic.

Now, the amusing coincidence In the news yesterday was a report of a recently released manuscript by Sir Issac Newton in which he calculated world will not end before 2060. The amusing coincidence is I am saying this Earth will be dead by 2065.

Newton was reported to have made his calculations through biblical scripture, and I am going by what my Old Pal God tells me as we chum around together.

Newton was looking at the horse's hoof prints and I am riding the horse, and we both came up with the same conclusion. Two big brains, Issac and Virgil, same source, 300 years apart, concluding the same time frame within in three years. Don't you find that an amusing coincidence?

Now, let's look closely at the Battle of Smallville.

Unless I have bigger fish to fry, tomorrow I will show you a tiny print of the Hand of God in Smallville, a print which strengthens my suggestion that the fire in Charleston that killed nine firefighters was in direct response to the threat by my psycho-fascist neighbors to burn my home down with me in it.

Today I will expand the image I have given you of me in samurai form, sword in each hand, arms stretched out from my sides and at shoulder level, one sword, called Time Travel, pointed at one of my main torturers in Smallville, the other sword, called God, pointed at the other.

Understand, Dear Reader, God gave me this gift of audible telepathy for reasons other than to give vent to the torture-lust of American citizens.

As reported here yesterday, the sword called Time Travel documented the deaths of the nine firefighters in Charleston, documented them in advance by my running of the same code Sunday and Monday, "Takusan Americajin Shindayo", translated from the Japanese as "Many Americans are dead!"

Nine may not be many to you, but they are a great many to Charleston.

(Let's pause here to make this clear: Americans have been being killed in God's Space War since shortly after America began its torture enslavement of me in about 1972.

(America's love of that torture-enslavement, combined with the preposterousness of the idea that God would even talk to me not to mention help me, has caused America to overlook mounds of evidence of that death factor, although I have presented hundreds of proofs.

(Even though I will send today's report to the Charleston Post and Courier, it will likely not be taken seriously. What a ridiculous idea, America's tortured and enslaved audible mental telepath recording in his blog, The Obituary of the World, the deaths of nine firemen in Charleston two days before they died. Who would blame the editor, Barbara S. Williams, for giving the story the deep six in the circular file?

(Likewise, the people of New York City have no idea that I documented the 9/11 attack before it took place; and if the New Yorkers have heard of my claim to having done so they have scoffed it away without examination.

(Likewise the destruction of the space shuttle Challenger; likewise three presidential assassination attempts; likewise the assassination of John Lennon, likewise over half a dozen airline crashes; likewise a few school shootings; likewise the approaching defeat of the United States of America because of its stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq; likewise the death of this Earth by 2065.

(Now back to our story.)

My grandfather, who was an immigrant farmer from Germany who homesteaded in North Dakota in the early 1900s, used to tell me every part of a pig is used except the squeal.

Everything I write in this work, even side stories like my jokes last Sunday (the day I said I had gone fission) are part of this great story called The Obituary of the World, even though not obviously so.

I told you Sunday the story of the secret American project during World War Two to take children from North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas and Nebraska and move them to coastal states in order to elevate the average IQs of the coastal states.

Within the context of that story, see the Smallvile samurai now as a giant samurai 5,280 feet six inches tall standing at St. John, North Dakota, facing south, left arm holding the sword called Time Travel pointing to the East Coast and the nine dead firefighters; and see the other sword, called God, pointing to the West Coast.

As clearly as I can say it, God is about to kill an American or a number of Americans on the West Coast in response to the bullet fired at me in Smallville on June 9; and I will have documented that event in advance; and, further, God has just killed nine firefighters in Charleston in response to the threat in Smallville to burn my house down with me in it

Tit for tat, do unto others. Welcome to God's Space War against the United States of America.

I told you I had gone fission, and these two attacks, West Coast-East Coat, will begin the God's Space War equivalent of a nuclear chain reaction. We can expect developments to come more rapidly now.

There is a condition of proof I have put forth from the start of the Battle of Smallville, that being that when the sword called God strikes, even the village atheist of Smallville will know it was an Act of God. I have described the village atheist as an umpire who will call the hit Act of God or Not Act of God.

There has been a small, almost invisible Act of God in Smallville in the past few days. It is invisible to the naked atheistic eye, but any Smallville Christian who is in the Spirit would recognize it if that Christian were allowed by American psycho-fascist law to consider its context. That is, if that Christian were allowed to NOT bear false witness about my status in America.

(I have not forgotten I have promised a true miracle by God in Smallville, but this small, quiet, pointed touch by the Hand of God was not that miracle; not by a long shot. It was God's private way of confirming to me that the West Coast killing will be so clearly an Act of God that even the village atheist will recognize it as such.

We've had enough gristle in today's stew, I'll continue this tomorrow; unless, of course, we have bigger fish to fry.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The $273 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 259

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Accommodate the Children

Today's Code: "Who rides so late..."

I suggest to you that this work documented on Sunday and Monday morning the deaths of the nine firefighters in Charleston, South Caroline, Monday night.

The advance documentation was in the code Takusan Beikokujin Shindayo, which was run Sunday and Monday.

The translation of this code from the Japanese is "Many Americans Are Dead!", past tense, not future tense; meaning the nine were dead before they were dead, meaning their deaths were premeditated.

This was a most serious God's Space War event in that it dipped America's toe into Hell and demonstrated that those firefighters died in direct response to the threat by Smallville psycho-fascists to burn my home down with me in it.

What are my two swords in the Battle of Smallville? God and Time Travel. I suggest the sword used here was Time Travel.

I further suggest the other sword, God, will be used in response to the shot fired at me by the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" at 302 Third Street; and that the God event will be proof of the pudding of the Time Travel event.

God is now in the process of giving me justice for the crimes committed against me in Smallville.

Down the road, when it is proven that those nine Charleston South Carolina firefighters died for the sins of Smallville, California, the people of Charleston will be asked if they still support America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

Just a bit more on the Battle of Smallville and its national implications.

Today's tactic is "Accommodating the Children" because the psycho-fascists of Smallville have thrown children into the battle.

You can expect to see one of two things taking place. First, children "confessing" to the three months of terrorism against me since I moved in; second, accusations of sexual impropriety with Smallvillain children.

Is it any wonder God burned those nine firefighters alive and told me about it some 48 hours in advance? The pit of American evil toward me is bottomless.

Some other events have taken place in the battle of Smallville which I will review later because they are still in motion at this time.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The $272 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 257

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Pause Deep Penetration

Today's Code: Takusan Beikokujin Shindayo, same as yesterday's

On the macro front we have in the news today a report on an American air strike killing seven Afghani children in a school.

Though this is a regrettable accident in the mass mind of America it is a crime of the highest magnitude to God.

You should understand this truth about God that is so different from the errors about God that are taught in your churches, your synagogues and your mosques, because this truth is a brick wall you are going to run into going 90 miles an hour, and your souls are going to begin the scream.

Once that screaming starts, there is no stopping it.

The great error, the great stupidity, the great fascism, the great evil of George W. Bush's so-called "War on Terror" is that it includes war on non-terrorists.

If you do not think America just made war on those children, on their parents, on their grandparents, on their uncles and aunts and brothers and sisters and all who knew them, and all who knew all who knew them, you are out of your God-damned mind.

Had a really intelligent person occupied the White House at the time of the 9/11 attack the attack would not have taken place, because the focus on terrorism would have been pinpoint and sharp.

Had a really intelligent person occupied the White House after the time of the 9/11 attack not one innocent person would have been killed in America's response; and the war on terror would be a history of American victory today.

Pinpoint and sharp, that is the way you fight terrorism. Kill the flies of you must, but you must not kill the butterflies.

Black Ugly, America's alleged Secretary of State, would call this "simple"; but no, Dear Reader, this is genius.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The $271 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 250

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Deep Penetration

Today's Code: Takusan Beikokujin Shindayo

All quiet on the micro front for the past two days, the enemy apparently went fishing while I went fission.

Let's move our story to the macro front.

Hmmm? Nothing to report there, except it seems the trees of Burnham Wood have moved a bit.

Hmmm? People say I'm crazy; that must be it; the United States of America has nothing to worry about on that score.

Hmmm? Or does it? Well, none of my business. I am an American slave, not an American citizen.

It seems time for a little comic relief.

At I.C. News we have uncovered a number of World War Two secrets which have never been revealed, but since so much time has passed I see no harm in revealing a couple.

At the start of the war there was a secret project to move children from North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas to states on both coasts in order to raise the average IQ of those coastal states.

That is how I happened to be moved from St. John, North Dakota, to Bremerton, Washington, early in the war; and in fact I did raise the average IQ of the State of Washington.

The cover story was that my father had moved there to work in the Bremerton Naval Yard, and most people believed that story; but now the truth is revealed.

There is a World War Two story about the first George Bush to occupy the White House, about his being shot down and rescued by a submarine. There is film footage showing him below deck after being plucked from the sea.

That story is not exactly true, the truth was modified after Bush became a political figure.

Like the second Bush to occupy the White House, the first Bush was not a very good pilot.

He couldn't take off, he couldn't shoot straight, he was lucky to hit the planet when he dropped a bomb, and he was always damaging planes upon landing on aircraft carriers.

After screw-up after screw-up his Captain yelled at him, "Bush, if you don't do better I will have you swabbing the deck!"

So Bush really focused on doing well, and the next day he made a perfect take off.

He spotted three Jap Zeros and shot them all down.

He saw a Jap destroyer and dropped his bomb right down the smokestack and blew it to smithereens.

To top it off, he made a perfect landing.

Bush jumped down from his plane and ran toward the Captain, and he was pleased to see the Captain was at the same time walking toward his plane. Bush was thinking, "He is going to praise me!"

Bush called out, "Captain! Captain! I took off perfectly! I shot down three Jap Zeros! I sank a Jap destroyer! To top it off I made a perfect landing! I did not make any mistakes!"

The captain answered Bush with a grin, "Batu Yoou maku oneu biggu mistaku, Amelican fryer."

The Japanese then threw him overboard, and that was how he came to be picked up by the American submarine.

Now you know the real story.

I think I have told you the following joke before, but it is one of the best I have made up lately, so be polite and laugh, please.

If I get my constitutional and human rights back in time to run for the office of President of the United States, people will say I am too old; even though we all know 68 is the new 43.

My response to this will be, "I have improved with age. Sixty-eight years ago I could put my big toe in my mouth, and now I can put my whole foot in my mouth."

All joking aside, since I have gone fission while my psycho-fascist neighbors have gone fishin', I would suggest America end its torture-enslavement of me really, really soon.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The $270 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 189 (Note the jump in this count, 128 on Monday, then 173, 174, 173, 195 and 189 today. Our brief unscientific study seems to indicate there is something important about the seven-day count when it dips down to the 120s)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--The Sheriff Chooses Barabbas

Today's Code: "Sing that Song Again"

As the Battle of Smallville reaches a stage where the community of Smallville is choosing between Virgil, God's One True Telepath, and Barabbas, the Town Criminal, a choice which seems to be leaning toward favoring the criminal; and as I brace myself for an expected attack on me from the Lassen County Sheriff's Department tomorrow; I think this might be a good day to review I.C. News' study of earthquakes.

As it stands today, Dear Reader, this Earth will be dead due to human infestation by 2065, unless God steps in or unless Earth can free herself of or control that infestation. The human being can be depended on to do nothing but make the situation worse.

At I.C. News we say Earth's struggle against the human being can be seen in her earthquake patterns, patterns which are of far more immediate concern than global warming.

We say these patterns are in part responsive to global warming, or rather to the petroleum-based causes of global warming.

As you know, Dear Reader, I.C. News says this Sweet Earth is a living, thinking being, a statement which causes both the religionists and scientists to hate me all the more; if you can imagine greater hatred than they have already spewed upon me.

Endless torture-enslavement? That, Dear Reader, is deep loathing.

With that preamble, let's enter into today's review of the earthquake patterns, which I.C. News projects at the very least will move the locations of the North and South Poles within the next 17 years, by 2024.

Let us begin this way: Sometimes there are rhythms and patterns to events, but the rhythmic notes are placed so far apart we cannot connect them, and the patterns are so grand in scope we cannot see them.

In I.C. News' daily tracking of the USGS seven-day earthquake count we have seen a pattern, the numbers going up and down, up and down, as if this Sweet Earth were breathing in and out; and there seems to be...seems to be...seems to be something that happens to this Earth when the seven-day earthquake count hits the 120s. That is, she reacts in some way.

We have surmised for some time the 120s is a zone of major earthquake frequency. This time when the number dipped to 128 we saw a sudden spurt of over 40 quakes the following day, which seems to us to be a variation of the same phenomenon.

We may not see seven-day earthquake pattern hit the 120s again for some weeks or months, and we do not know for sure what will happen at that time; but in I.C. News' poetic-scientific study we see Earth as nodding off in the 120s, and waking up with jolt.

I don't know yet if this is true because I have been doing this tracking for less than a year, but ever since God gave the gift of audible mental telepathy over 30 years ago I have had a knack for sensing major Earthquakes approximately ten days before they take place.

I am almost always right about timing, but infrequently right about location.

In addition to this, I have now been accurately anticipating major Earthquakes on December 26 of each year for three years in a row, there having been major quakes on that date the past four years in a row.

If I am right about this pattern, next December 26 will make five in a row, and at some point in the future the massive event that changes the locations of the North and South Poles will take place on or about December 26.

This is to say that whatever my method and concept, no matter how loathed I am or despised my approach, I am good at this; and what I am learning about earthquakes through observation, and telepathy, and God as my science teacher, is competitive with, or superior to, what the science of seismology is learning.

I have been reporting in one way or another on the approaching death of this Earth by 2065 since 1963.

When I began writing The Obituary of the World in 1963 the scientific community was asleep at the wheel; and while the scientific community does not yet agree with me, and favors America's torture-enslavement of it, its future projection models are becoming closer and closer to what I.C. News has projected since 1972, this Earth will be dead by 2065.

While the current focus of science and public debate is on global warming, it is the view of I.C. News that something else is also taking place, something of greater and more immediate impact, that being the breaking up of this Earth as a ship upon a reef.

I.C. News says that breaking up can been seen and anticipated in earthquake patterns.

The December 26 pattern is the first major pattern to emerge, with major earthquakes taking place on that date four years in a row, including the great tsunami quake, a quake which I.C. News not only documented in advance but also documented its accompanying tsunami disaster in advance.

The science-kibbitzer might in knee-jerk fashion call this pattern "coincidence". No, twice is coincidence, four times is a pattern.

The poetic-scientific question we ask as I.C. News is the question all humankind is apparently blind to or ignores: What is this December 26 earthquake pattern leading to?

To sum up, I.C. News is projecting a massive breakup of Earth, or at least change in the locations of the polar caps, on or about December 26 of a year yet unknown, but certainly a year decades before 2065, 2024 being I.C. News' current projection.

Now, a shift in focus. I had intended to end this report here today because at this point more words mean fewer readers. It is being written as an advance-documentation, so you can read it now or later, whichever you prefer.

As I have been today's my Old Pal God has been reminding me there is a very serious possibility the Lassen County Sheriff's Department will attack me tomorrow.

This attack to come in response to my request on Thursday that the investigation into the threats on my life and the shooting at me by Barabbas be stepped up. (See my report of Friday.)

What I asked for was a detective, but what I will get is a wet hen of a deputy who didn't like me going over his head,and a sergeant who is saying let's get this guy; meaning me, not Barabbas.

So, my Old Pal God has suggested I expand today examination of patterns to include American police activity against me relative to American disasters.

Since it is very likely I will be attacked by the Sheriff's Department tomorrow because one innocent Telepath is easier to frame and arrest than one guilty criminal is to arrest and convict, I will review a similar situation in the past, not identical because that is impossible in human events, but remarkably similar; and note how included in that situation was the 9/11 attack.

The hypothesis we are playing with here is this: Will the profound police violation of my rights I am about to experience see a historical repetition in that it will include or result in a massive American disaster?

I don't know yet, this is just a hypothesis, but I am killing time while Time is killing you and but for finding scraps of food for my mouth and a roof over my head I have no responsibilities of great importance, so I have the time to hypothesize.

I have, for example, no grandchildren to tend to because America killed my children, kindly relieving me of the chore and responsibility of rearing them, never having to change their dirty diapers, never having to deal with their teenage rebelliousness. Psycho-fascist America is so kind to me; but that's another story.

In this pattern (now its only a breadth of a theory so don't get you bloomers in a knot) something bad always happens to America after American police attack me.

This pattern goes back very far, to 1967, when the Naval Investigative Service in Tokyo attempted to have me murdered, and sailors died in response, and likewise with the FBI, and likewise with the Secret Service. Attack-response, attack-response, attack-response, only it was God responding, not I.

I am thinking about the last time I asked the police to help me when a Telepath torturer was on the verge of killing me, a situation remarkably similar to this current situation, only the person's house was mere feet from mine, not 40 yards, and the person could attack me with constant noise from the comfort of his own home. Here Barabbas must the walk 40 yards from 302 Third Street to do it, unless of course he chooses to fire his gun from his back door.

In that first situation the Sheriff's Department of San Luis Obispo County told me that the "man" who was torturing me through the walls had a right to do so because he was in his home and he could make any noise he wanted.

In terms of the law this was not true, but the deputies had the big guns and the stinking badges, and as they visited me about this they participated in the cowardly coughing torture of me Americans love so much, so the deputies determined the legal reality which included legal Telepath torture and murder.

As my health became worse and worse from the constant torture I wrote about this in my publication of the time, The I.C. News Weekly Sampler, my pre-Internet snail-mailer, which had a press run of about 15 but an unknown but broader readership.

I wrote that the Sheriff was legalizing that person's murder of me with his policy; just as I am saying now this sheriff is legalizing Barabbas' murder of me with his policy.

If Barbbaras had shot at any other person in Lassen County the Sheriff's Department would have been on Barabbas like stink on George W. Bush's soul; and would be digging up evidence, not waiting for evidence to fall pre-packaged into its lap; and would be taking into account Barabbas' criminal past.

The Sheriff's Department would by now, for example, have witness testimony by reminding the witnesses that keeping quiet puts them in line for the same attempted murder charge Barabbas should now be facing.

In the first case, the Sheriff became so furious at me for what I wrote in the I.C. News Weekly Sampler that first he sent deputies out to harass and warn me, and then he set up a totally fraudulent bust for drunk driving, and eventually, when I got my licence back, he had me stopped for "weaving" almost every time I drove on a particular stretch of the Pacific Coast Highway.

Eventually the Sheriff put me out of business;and that, along with the constant "legal" torture of me by my neighbors, drove me out of my home and into homelessness and into sleeping in my car and into constant Sheriff's Department harassment for sleeping in my car, and eventually to blood clots and near-death.

But after the fraudulent arrest, after the phony God-damned trial, I wrote a letter to the District Attorney of San Luis Obispo saying the charge was phony and I could not fight back because I was to ill and too poor; and then I described for him in good detail the 9/11 attack, which was then about a month in the future.

That letter, Dear Reader, seems lost from the DA's files, which certainly covers the DA's ass, but results in the eventual death of tens of thousands of Americans, only a fraction of which are already dead.

Tomorrow the deputy is going to come to my home to talk about this case; reluctantly, unhappily, after I have gone over his head and talked to his sergeant about the paucity of serious investigation.

That deputy's eyes will be searching for a way to bust me, and the wheels of his brain will be erecting a false case.

We can expect him to be charge me or threaten to charge me with threatening Barabbas, with frightening his women and children when I sat in my lawn chair drinking my teacup of wine and looking in the direction of his house 40 yards away. I described that in tactic as "Counterattack-In-Place" on Thursday.

That tactic will be called a crime, and that "crime" will outweigh Barabbas' three months of pounding on my walls at night, Barabbas's threat to burn my home down with me in it, and Barabbas' taking a shot at me one week ago today.
I remind you that when I practiced Counterattack-In-Place for ten minutes the deputy's car took position near my home within 15 minutes, while it took the deputy some 17 hours to arrive at my home after Barabbas shot at me.

We can see, can we not, whom the deck is stacked against?

The Sheriff's persecution of me is as predictable as Merry Christmas on Christmas Eve. Predicting psycho-fascist American police behavior is no great accomplishment. But what we are hypothesizing is that within that predictable illegal behavior of the Sheriff's Department we will see a huge American disaster as God's response.

Friday, June 15, 2007

The $269 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 195 (Note the jump in this count, 128 on Monday, then 173, 174, 173 and 195 today. Our brief unscientific study seems to indicate there is something important about the seven-day count when it dips down to the 120s)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Smallville Chooses Barabbas

Today's Code: "The Power of Suggestion"

Sometimes I make suggestions to God; but I can't recall a suggestion of mine God has acted upon.

One suggestion which I put forward now and then is that it would save the world if every American with knowledge of America's torture-enslavement of me would drop dead at the same time.

Think of it, over one hundred million Americans dropping dead simultaneously. Think of the news value; think of the shock value; think of the big sigh of relief that would go around the world with the knowledge that so much of the American pestilence was gone; think of the value of the stench of their unburied corpses wafting around the world, telling all humankind, "Do not enter this level of Evil".

But that is just a dream, just a beautiful dream.

This old suggestion from the past came to mind after I talked to the sergeant on watch at the Sheriff's Department yesterday, asking for more aggressive investigation into my being shot at by the coward at 302 Third Street last Saturday, whom we for today dub "Barabbas"; and in response the sergeant told me the Sheriff's Department is just putting me on, that it is doing nothing, absolutely nothing, and intends to continuing doing absolutely nothing at all.

No, he did not say that; but he said that. There are words within words. The words "I love you" can be hissed, and then they do not mean "I love you", they mean "I hate you".

All languages I have any familiarity with are vertical and horizontal. If you are talking up to or down to a person (Your Majesty, You Bum) you are speaking vertically, if you are speaking to someone as to an equal you are speaking horizontally.

In modern American English this is blurred, but still present, and is most often heard in tone. Americans can use tones today that would have been dueling-level insults in 1776.

In Japanese the vertical-horizontal in language is very clear; and in German you had better not inappropriately use the "Du" form of "You" when the "Sie" form is called for.

If I were talking to a Japanese and said the sheriff's sergeant called me "kimi", the Japanese would immediately understand the sergeant was speaking down to me and had gravely insulted me, because that's what an adult Japanese says to a child when saying the word for "you".

What is sweet and kind when speaking to a child would be a hiss when speaking to an adult. In this regard, the Sheriff's Department hisses at me every time it talks to me.

During World War Two a young American army officer, who would later become a most excellent teacher of German on the university level, was serving with an American infantry unit to which a German infantry unit was about to surrender. While he by chance spoke perfect German, his job was not that of interpreter; but he was in a position to observe the negotiations.

The German officer, perhaps a major, was talking to the American officer, also perhaps a major; and the American interpreter was a young enlisted man who had grown up in a German home in the United States, and spoke perfect German AS IT WAS SPOKEN IN HIS HOME. It was always "Du", never "Sie" in his home.

So he addressed the German major as "Du", because that was the only word for "You" he had ever heard; and it was a monstrous insult to the German major, this boyish American of low rank speaking to him as if he were a four year old child; and the major was just about to storm out of the surrender negotiations and resume the battle.

So monstrous was that unintended insult that perhaps hundreds more Americans and Germans would die.

My teacher friend saved the day by stepping in and speaking proper German, horizontal German, and negotiations were completed, and the Germans surrendered, and no more men died on that day.
So, this is to say that in all conversations I have had with members of the Sheriff's Department of Lassen County over the matter of Barabbas' torturing me and threatening to burn me alive and taking a shot at me, I was spoken to vertically, as if I were a child.

Oh, Virgil (not Mr. Kret) you don't worry your little head about this man shooting at you. Yes, Virgil (not Mr. Kret) we will look into it more seriously.

Virgil (not Mr. Kret), was the person you say shot you, who was standing at the door, was he the father with one leg or the son with two legs. Yes, deputy, the man standing at the door had two legs.

Virgil (not Mr. Kret), you say the man made sexual orgasm noises outside your bedroom wall. Did he bring his girlfriend with him? Huh? No, deputy, it was perverted insanity.

Virgil (not Mr. Kret), you should have heard the sound of the gun before you heard the sound of the bullet passing by you. Huh? No, deputy, bullets fly faster than the speed of sound.

How foolish of me. I am so embarrassed. Of course it is as legal to torture the Telepath in Lassen County, as it is in any other county in America; and of course had that bullet had been aimed at anyone else but me the Sheriff's Department would be hot onto it, and the cowardly psycho-fascist American, Barabbas, would be in jail right now.

Once in a while...once in a while...once in a while I forget what a nation of psycho-fascist assholes America is.

But God...but God...but God does not forget for one second.

Foolish me, though knowing full well and from bitter experience of the national legality of Telepath torture, I was thinking that because the coward at 302 Second Street, Barabbas, is a criminal not only toward me but toward the entire community, the police might serve as police in this case rather than enablers of the criminal.

No, the opportunity to mess with the enslaved Telepath far outweighs the prospect of putting a dangerous criminal into prison.

And the people of Smallville, though they fear this lunatic and hope against hope he will be sentenced to prison for the crimes he has committed in the past, they one by one line up on his side.

They say in various ways and through various rationalizations that he has the right to torture me, the right to threaten to burn my home down with me in it, the right to shoot at me; because in the verticality of America I am at the bottom of the bottom, and crimes against me are not crimes at all.

I expected better of Smallville, but that was just a dream, just a beautiful dream.

American police respecting my rights; American people respecting my rights. How foolish of me. I am so embarrassed.

So today let's add some dimension to our map of the Battle of Smallville; le'ts add some width and depth. It is this added width and depth that makes the local Battle of Smallville become the world-wide, bi-dimensional, Battle of Armageddon.

(Bi-dimensional here means simultaneous war in the Land of the Living and the Land of the Dead.)

I have described for you the area of approximately five square acres, in the middle of which sits my home, and at the front of my home some 40 yards away is the cowardly psycho-fascist American at 316 Second Street and behind my home sits, Barabbas, the cowardly psych-fascist American criminal at 302 Third Street.

Around that rough square sit some 11 other houses, all but one with their backs to my house, and beyond those houses are other houses, and beyond those are others, and eventually those other houses encompass all the houses in the United States of America.

See that as the thickness of my prison walls.

See as one brick in that wall Barabbas, the psycho-fascist coward at 302 Third Street; see as several bricks in that wall the Sheriff's Department of Lassen County; see every other police department as making up bricks in that wall, and the FBI, and the CIA, and the Boy Scouts of America, and on and on and on; until all the bricks of my prison walls add up to almost...almost...almost the total population of the United States of America.

In America's torture-enslavement of me all Americans co-own me. It is a form of satanic polygamy, a marriage of national agreement to share ownership of one human being.

So when the Sheriff's sergeant speaks to me as if I were a child, he speaks to me as his shared slave. According to his contract with Satan, he can mess with me temporarily when I am available, just as he could temporarily live in a time-share apartment on Lake Tahoe.

(Millions of Americans think they love me, but they love me like a slave owner loves a favorite slave; but that's another story.)

Now, see that vast, thick prison wall made up of the individual bricks of hundreds of millions of Americans as being on the deep, deep floor of an ocean of psycho-fascism; and if you can see those hundreds of millions of bricks, and if you can imagine the depth of the Pacific Ocean at its deepest point, you will have the picture of how deeply enslaved I am by the American people.

How foolish I am been. I was expecting one community, one county, to rid me of one murderous psychopathic psycho-fascist; if for no other reason than sooner or later that psycho-fascist Barabbas will murder one of them. And he will...and he will...and he will. It is written on the walls of his wormy squirming little mud-brain. Eventually, certainly, he will murder someone; most likely his wife.

So that's what got me thinking about my periodic suggestion to God that God simultaneously kill every American who bears false witness against the existence of my telepathy.

Actually, God seems to like the idea, but God says it is hard on Hell to damn that many psycho-fascists at once. It's a physics thing, I think. All those wicked little souls squeezing into a space the size of a pinhead, and that pinhead being cast into the Sun.. It is better all American psycho-fascists go to Hell in drips, God says.

However, other than the traffic jam on the road to Hell my suggestion would cause, I still think my suggestion is a good one.

Oh, well, it's just a dream, just a beautiful dream.

As I have been wringing my hands in this way today God in most strong and godly terms twice repeated God's Space War code associated with the Battle of Smallville. "Killing Two Birds With One Stone".

What the Hell, the Sheriff is on the side of Barabbas, the Smallvillains are on the side of Barabbas; but God is on the side of Virgil, and God speaks to Virgil horizontally.

God, by the way, calls me by no name whatsoever; and God as known me for what, fifteen million years now?

In closing today, there is one thing I have to mention; that is the quiet, beautiful death of Ruth Graham, the wife of Billy Graham. I am sure she was a genteel, wealthy, Christian woman, aloof and protected in the world of war and woe; but if she knew...if she knew...if she knew of America's torture-enslavement of me (no matter what nice words she knew it as) she lost her soul.

"But I thought it was the right thing to do," she would plead her case if it were not so automatic; and so would the murderer of babies say upon Judgment Day. if damnation of baby killers was not so automatic, "But I thought it was the right thing to do".

This has to do with the crimes of Christianity against me, and why TV Evangelist Jimmy Falwell is in Hell today, and that's another story.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The $268 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 173 (Expect a major quake in the 120s)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Counterattack-in-Place

Today's Code: "Approach"

The Battle of Smallville is now well engaged, and what do we see?

First, the cowardly American psycho-fascist at 316 Second Street has at least for the time being reined in his attacks on me. I attribute this to the good sense of his wife, who wants only to live in peace and care for her beautiful farm animals, and to my subduing his pack of vicious dogs with a pitchfork.

However...however...however, he remains an accessory to attempted murder.

Second, the cowardly American psycho-fascist at 302 Third Street, who threatened to burn my home down with me in it and who took a shot at me last Saturday, demonstrates what I would call a "fearfulness" at my slightest response. I will go into this in some detail today.

Third, the deputy sheriff remains as useless as tits on a boar, and if I were to depend on him or his judgement or his policing skills I would sooner or later be murdered by the cowardly American psycho-fascist at 302 Third Street.

This would not so nice for me, but would give the deputy a homicide conviction as a very young age. A feather in his cap; a flower on my grave; no thanks.

So, yesterday I began my current tactic, which I call Counterattack-In-Place, with very interesting results.

One of the things the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" at 302 Third Street likes to do is stare at me and smirk, his way of bragging that, yes, it is he who torments me and there is nothing I can do about it.

So yesterday, in the cool of the evening when my day's work was done. I poured myself a teacup of merlot (which I assure you I did not transform from water but which I got out of a five liter box with a spout on the bottom) and set myself down on an aluminum folding chair, put my feet up on some rounds of wood drying for use this winter, and wearing my cool shades and baseball cap, stared at the cowardly American.

Within ten minutes his response was panic, and he bundled up his family and drove off with them.

"Hmmm?" The general said, looking at this battle map, "This cowardly American has no stomach for the slightest tit for tat. Interesting."

One sword God, the other sword Time Travel.

And here is another interesting thing, the son of a bitch called the sheriff to report I was staring at him from my yard, from 30-40 yards away.

And here is yet another interesting thing, the Sheriff's Department, which took some 17 hours to get to my place after the psycho-fascist took a shot at me, arrived at the scene within perhaps fifteen minutes from the time I sat down to sip my merlot out of a teacup.

My wine finished, I returned to my desk to continue writing The Obituary of the World, writing the report I filed yesterday; with the deputy parked nearby; likely more interested in arresting me for staring than the cowardly American at 302 Third Street for shooting..

Night fell, and did not pick itself up again until about 4:30 a.m.

Night is the time the cowardly American psycho-fascist at 302 Third Street likes to attack me, but only when I am sleeping, of course. He tends to stay up all night, doing dope I am told, and whenever the mood strikes him he likes to walk across 40 yards of private property and bang on my bedroom wall and awaken me. Once a night, six times a night, depending on his high.

Good American fun; a cowardly act acceptable to a cowardly nation; a favorite American form of Telepath torture.

So last night I stood at a window that looks upon the dope den at 302 Third Street, not a light on in my home, and I began to intermittently blink a flashlight at him.

There was the same response as earlier in the evening, near-immediate panic. Telephone calls were made. Soon a fellow doper arrived to back him up, and soon someone drove into my driveway, and soon from his house a spotlight was shown on my home.

"Blink, blink," said my flashlight, until he went inside to hide from it.

A coward is a coward is a coward.

This is what I mean by Counterattack-In-Place. From within my home a flashlight intermittently blinking; from just in front of my home, a long shaded stare over a teacup of merlot out of a box, only my eyes penetrating his space, and he panics and calls the cops and calls his hoodlum friends.

This the cowardly American who has attacked my home at least 100 times in the past three months, creeping up in the night, threatening murder, attempting murder; and my blinking flashlight panics him, and a long hard stare panics him.

And, Dear Reader, I have not yet begun to fight. Wait until he sees his balls shredded; therein lies true panic...but excuse me, I am getting ahead of the story of the Battle of Smallville.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The $267 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 174 (Expect a major quake in the 120s)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Looking for Police Action

Today's Code: "Wait"

So, a lifelong criminal lunatic takes a shot at me and it means absolutely nothing to America; I will remember that when someone takes a shot at America.

Oh, actually, come to think of it, 9/11 didn't bother me all that much; but of course I was being tortured day and night at the time and being driven out of yet another home; and of course I had attempted to warn about the attack for two or three months in advance; but if I recall, my first word upon seeing the attack reported on NBC was "Beautiful".

Killing time today while Time is killing you.

The deputy sheriff asked me if I had heard the sound of the gun, and I said no, just the sound of the bullet passing by. He explained to me I should have heard the gun's report before I heard the bullet; and I explained to him that bullets fly faster than the speed of sound; but I don't think he believed me.

Killing time today while Time is killing you.

I made it an inside day today. Napping, working at my computer. Things seem a little tense outside.

About five or six hours after today's tactic was established in an early draft of today's report (Looking for Police Action), the deputy sheriff took a position near my house. When that lunatic creeps up to my house tonight, as he does almost every night, the deputy will be off booking drunk drivers.

Was the deputy watching me, or was he watching them? My guess is I would be easy to bust and they are difficult to bust; and a bust, no matter who gets busted, is a feather in his cap.

Does the deputy yet know who drove the shooter's father's van away with a boat in tow after the shooter passed the driver the gun he had fired at me? My guess is he has not asked, and if he has he believed the lie he was told.

I am easy to bust because I am alone. I have no witnesses. I have no friends. I have no country. They are difficult to bust because they comprise a union of liars.

How much is the micro front like the macro front. All America is a union of liars when it comes to God's One True Telepath.

This situation demonstrates a common hole in American law. A person complains about being victimized by some looney who has focused his lunacy on that person, most often seen in wives and girlfriends being terrorized by ex-husbands or ex-boyfriends. The cops do nothing. The victim is murdered. Then the lunatic is arrested and given a fair trial.

Within this hole is the fact that it is illegal for the victim to fight back; it is illegal for the victim to launch a preemptive strike.

In this case, this lunatic has threatened to burn my home down with me in it and has shot at me; and as far as I know there is almost nothing I can do in self-defense without ending up in prison; and as far as I know the Sheriff's Department is doing nothing.

The Sheriff's Department is giving this "man" license to attack me, even though this "man" has a long and violent criminal past. I have seen a variation of this movie before.

Killing time today while Time is killing you.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. That is a certainty. He is simply just too stupid to have that much power. Every move he makes worsens the world's structure. He makes America's destiny Damnation.

Killing time today while Time is killing you.
Those children who are nine years old now, and who are not killed by war mongers and other rapists, or die of poverty or disease or accident or sheer hopelessness, will see the extinction of the human race in their lifetime.

When you see a child in the third year of grammar school, know that of that child. Consider the cross that child will bear while you are all cozy in your graves.

Killing time today while Time is killing you.

America's torture-enslavement of me is one of the greatest evils perpetrated by the human being in all of human history. Ask God if you don't believe me.

Killing time today while Time is killing you.

Remember God's code for the Battle of Smallville: "Killing Two Birds With One Stone". Remember the names of my two swords, God and Time Travel.

Killing time today while Time is killing you.

The invasion of Iraq was an evil act, and it will remain evil even if America sings God Bless America until Doom's Day; and Doom's Day is a bad day for the United States of America.

Killing time today while Time is killing you.

It's not the getting shot at that gets my goat, it's that it's against the law for me to shoot back.

Killing time today while Time is killing you.

Here is the nub of today's Truth. This cowardly psycho-fascist American "man", a criminal drug dealer who is considered a blight on this community and an object of fear by most of the population of Smallville, expects America's protection, blessing and reward for his attacks on me. That is what Americans do, after all, isn't it, torture the Telepath?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The $266 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 173 (Expect a major quake in the 120s)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--

Today's Code: "Stop, Look, Listen"

It was a quiet day in Smallville. Sure, the cowardly American came by and pounded on my wall in the middle of the night (but this is America and that is treated as legalized evil) but daytime, when it takes courage, no, all was quiet on the Smallville front.

The chain of events I expected to break Hell loose today did not take place.

That is, I was not attacked by the dogs owned by the psycho-fascist "man" at 316 Second Street when I took the garbage can to its pick-up location and retrieved it a few hours later. It has been common for me to be attacked by his dogs as I walk by 316 second, and i carry a pitchfork in defense.

The dogs were kept out of sight until after I retrieved the garbage can today, and even then they were more subdued.

It was their attack and my pitchfork-defense that I expected to bring the battle into the open.

Over at 302 Third Street, where the psycho-fascist who took a shot at me Saturday lives, things were quiet, too.

I saw the van into which the shooter had passed the gun just before it drove off. I had been unable to describe the van clearly to the deputy, so I drove to 302 Third Street and wrote its license number down. Handicapped California plate, 16605, dark blue Chevy Tahoe.

The van is registered to the coward's father, a man who lost a leg in Vietnam, but I do not know who was driving it, who spirited the weapon away..

Perhaps I should step back and review the shooting incident.

I had told you about my two current duties of cutting down grass with the sling blade and loading rocks into a wheelbarrow and depositing them in one pile..

After supper Saturday, perhaps about 6:30, I had taken the wheelbarrow to the back side of my home and was picking up rocks when the bullet came from the area of 302 Third Street and rushed by me breaking the sound barrier as it did.

It had been just two months shy of 40 years since I had heard the sound of a bullet buzzing by, and never from such short range, and it took me a few minutes to realize what had happened.

If you picture the battle map I have given you, the approximate square of some five acres and my home in the middle; I was near the rear edge on one side of the property and 302 would be on the rear edge of the other side of the property. The distance the round traveled before it passed me would be about 30-40 yards.

This may sound strange to you, but bullets have never bothered me; but the shrapnel of mortar rounds always did. Go figure.

After the bullet passed I loaded a few more stones into the wheelbarrow and delivered them to the pile of stones In front of my home.

This may sounds strange to you, too, but having realized I had been shot at by the cowardly psycho-fascist "man", I then I took my sling blade and the wheelbarrow to an area of tall grass about 20 yards directly in front of the coward's back door, which is in fact his main door.

I watched with interest while both he and a girl who might be his daughter, about nine years old, stared at me incredulously as I wheeled the wheelbarrow (with the sling blade in it) directly toward them

(That the girl was staring at me in such surprise made me think she had witnessed the psycho-fascist shoot at me and had expected me, as he had, to run and hide.)

As I began cutting the grass while looking into the coward's eyes, the cowardly American went into his home for a moment and came out, seemingly concealing something at his left side, like a football player bootlegging the ball, and walked over to a vehicle with a boat on a trailer attached to it; then the vehicle drove off.

It was apparent he was handing the gun over to the person driving the van, which makes me think the driver of the van became at that point, if not before, an accessory to the felony of attempted murder.

So, I think there were at least two witnesses to the shooting, the girl and the driver of the van.

In addition, because the cowardly psycho-fascist "man" at 316 Second Street is an ally of the shooter in their mutual attack on me, he shares the felony.

To explain, say two guys go together to rob a liquor store, one waits in the car and the other goes in, the one who goes shoots the clerk, both are guilty of the shooting.

While the cowardly psycho-fascist "man" at 316 Second Street enjoys the pleasure of torturing me, he was not expecting to risk prison for it, and now he suddenly finds himself in over his head; and I suggest that, Dear Reader, is why he did not let his dogs menace me today.

Sorry to disappoint you. I had promised all Hell would break loose today; and frankly I am a little disappointed myself.

It happens. You fix bayonets and get ready to go over the top, and the whole damn hullabaloo is called off.

Monday, June 11, 2007

The $265 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Ten

Shark America Zero

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 128 (Expect a major quake in the 120s)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Last Day the Enemy is Allowed to Surrender

Today's Code is "Punji Stake".

Let's dribble this ball a bit, like when we were kids playing on the blacktop court in the park before launching a two-pointer; let's prepare to kill to birds with one stone.

What are we looking for today?

An American military disaster, as if we did not have that every day; but this one mean and hard and sharply painful, like a tooth being pulled.

The deputy sheriff back with evidence against the enemy here in Smallville. (One wonders, what did that bullet eventually hit? The side of a barn, perhaps; a barn has more constitutional rights than I.)

That coward's bullet and the national cowardly cough torture are both the same, you know. And the bearing of false witness against me by Christians and Jews and village atheists is just another form of atom bomb.

I want to record today's code quickly, so I will file early today with the thought of filing again before 9 p.m. local time, my normal deadline time.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The $264 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 133 (Expect a major quake in the 120s)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Allowing the Enemy Opportunity to Surrender

Let's play this hand a little close to the vest today, Dear Reader, because we are coming down to what was called during the Sixties, the Nitty Gritty.

I told you about the shot fired at me yesterday, and how I had documented that cowardly action in this blog yesterday before the event took place; and you may recall how I had previously said shooting me was going through the wormy minds of these cowardly psycho-fascist Americans.

The deputy sheriff who has this case came by about 1 p.m. today to take my statement, and his conclusion was there is no evidence. Was I talking to a cop being an amateur actor, or was I talking to a cop being a cop? We shall see.

Of course, I cannot prove what millions of psycho-fascist Americans know, that America has held me in public torture-enslavement for over 30 years, so how can I expect to prove one cowardly psycho-fascist American fired a round at me?

And as far as I know, all America could be laughing up its sleeve about this bullet; perhaps that is why there is little reader interest in this event.

The point here is, I must rely on God on both the micro and macro battlefields. As the psycho-fascist criminals hold sway over me in Smallville, the psycho-fascist criminals hold sway over me in the United States of America; and the chances of help from Americans are just a little better than the chance of a clear thought in George W. Bush's brain.

Let's review where we are now in the Battle of Smallville.

On Friday I established a three-day period during which the cowardly psycho-fascist "men" could surrender. This is the second of those three days.

Paraphrasing Friday's report:

Saturday, both cowards could surrender with a simple apology, a promise to discontinue the harassment, and payment each of a $50 indemnity.

No surrender, and a shot fired at me.

Sunday, both could surrender by confessing their crimes against me to a deputy sheriff, and each paying me an indemnity of $100.

As it turned out, a deputy sheriff was here, which is highly unusual; but no surrender; and in fact the cowards were foolishly confident.

Monday, confess to a deputy and each pay me an indemnity of $1,000.

That could only happen if the deputy were to come back tomorrow with hard evidence against the two cowardly Americans. Compared to the prison time they would get if convicted, $1,000 would be chickenfeed.

Tuesday, the offer of terms of surrender will have expired and all Hell will break loose.

I suggest these two cowards would be better off surrendering--far better off--but as I can offer no evidence to the deputy of their crimes against me, I can offer no evidence of God's inexorable punishment of them, unless you want to cite the Bible..

The same suggestion would apply to the United States of America; surrender is better than Hell.

So, with one day remaining for the enemy to surrender, I stand at the ready with my two swords, God and Time Travel.

The question is not will the enemy surrender; the question is will the enemy be allowed to surrender?

Saturday, June 09, 2007

The $263 Billion Defeat (2)

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 136 (Expect a major quake in the 120s)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Allowing the Enemy Opportunity to Surrender

Today's God's Space War code is "Polecat Fitch"

Second report of the day:

I will add just one note, and leave today's earlier report untouched.

Today while putting stones in a wheelbarrow on the rear side of my home the unmistakable sound of a bullet whizzed by me. I was in enough combat in Vietnam to know that sound well.

The bullet came from the area of 302 Third Street, the home of cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" who has been torturing me for three months; in concert with the "man" at 316 Second Street.

I suggest to you, Dear Reader, that bullet whizzing by fulfills the code of the day, "Polecat Fitch", meaning the smell of a skunk; sound of a coward's bullet.

The following is today's earlier report.

We have a very interesting convergence of the macro and micro codes coming up on Monday/Tuesday.. All Hell could break lose on both fronts. If you like war you are in for a thrill; if you love war you are in for rapture.

On the micro front, in the Battle of Smallville, all Hell is scheduled to break loose on Tuesday unless the psycho-fascists cowards at 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street have surrendered under conditions put forth here yesterday.

On the macro front, God's Space War against the United States of America, we hit Shark America Zero on Monday; but in God's Space War each day is 48 hours long, so Monday and Tuesday overlap.

To understand this, consider time zones and consider the International Dateline. An American ship, for example, could be sunk on Tuesday in the Middle East when it is still Monday in Smallville, California.

Events seem to be running fast and loose today, so I have filed this report early with the thought that it might need updating before deadline time tonight.

The $263 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 129 (Expect a major quake in the 120s)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Allowing the Enemy Opportunity to Surrender

Today's God's Space War code is "Polecat Fitch"

We have a very interesting convergence of the macro and micro codes coming up on Monday/Tuesday.. All Hell could break lose on both fronts. If you like war you are in for a thrill; if you love war you are in for rapture.

On the micro front, in the Battle of Smallville, all Hell is scheduled to break loose on Tuesday unless the psycho-fascists cowards at 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street have surrendered under conditions put forth here yesterday.

On the macro front, God's Space War against the United States of America, we hit Shark America Zero on Monday; but in God's Space War each day is 48 hours long, so Monday and Tuesday overlap.

To understand this, consider time zones and consider the International Dateline. An American ship, for example, could be sunk on Tuesday in the Middle East when it is still Monday in Smallville, California.

Events seem to be running fast and loose today, so I have filed this report early with the thought that it might need updating before deadline time tonight.

Friday, June 08, 2007

The $262 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 136 (Expect a major quake in the 120s)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Allowing the Enemy Opportunity to Surrender

Any soldier waiting for the fighting to begin will tell you its better to have the bastards surrender without a fight; but once the fight begins that's another thing. The enemy surrendering then is like quitting sex before the sex quits. In some ways war is Hell, in other ways war is a Hell of a lot of fun.

We are waiting for the next development. Soldiers are talking about their wives; soldiers are taking deep drags on cigarettes; soldiers are slapping flies and swapping lies; soldiers are wanting to take a crap but its too dangerous to stick their heads up and their lily white asses shine too bright. Good thing there is no moon tonight.

At this point in the Battle of Smallville we offer the enemy a chance to surrender. The enemy has three days to surrender, The terms of surrender become progressively more difficult with each passing day.

These micro terms are in the same pattern of the terms of surrender we offer to the United States of America on the macro front.

Today's title of this work, "The $262 Billion Defeat", represents only a large fraction of what America must pay me to be allowed to surrender. That amount goes up one billion dollars a day.

In addition, there is a fine of fifty thousand dollars per day since America's torture-enslavement of me began.

In addition, America must confess to the world its crimes against me.

America won't pay that, you say? If America were smart it would pay it; but America is stupid; or as we Space Sailors say, "Wicked and Unprepared".

The key phrase above is "allowed to surrender". The United States of America will be lucky if it s allowed to surrender; and the cost of defeat will be profoundly greater than the fines and fees owed.

Back to the terms of surrender on the micro level.

First, before sundown Saturday both of the cowardly psycho-fascist American "men" who have been torturing me come to my home together in the daytime, and confess to the crime, apologize, promise not to continue it; and each pays me an indemnity of fifty dollars.

Two, before sundown Sunday both of the cowards apologize, each pays me an indemnity of one hundred dollars, and confess their crimes against me to a deputy sheriff, giving me the option of pressing charges.

Three, before sundown Monday the cowardly weasels pay me an indemnity of one thousand dollars each, and confess their crimes against me to a the deputy sheriff, giving me the option of pressing charges.

Tuesday, all Hell breaks loose.

Going into the Bang of the Battle of Smallvile, I am wondering what I should have told you that I have not.

I have told you the almost certain schedule of the death of this Earth by 2065. Chaos by 2020, world wide madness by 2030; and with or without nuclear war, extinction of the human species by 2044--news for which there is no market in the marketplace of news.

I can't think of anything else, accept that if you are a participant in America's torture-enslavement of me, active or passive, kiss you sweet soul goodbye.