Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Interesting News & The 63,551-Soldier Delay

There is a lot of interesting news today, but the really big news story today comes from I.C. News alone.  That story is that before the sun sets on the month of June the American people will know Titanic America is sinking.
The Soldier Delay count ends today, with a surprisingly high total of 63, 551.  It is really difficult to kill that many people, so this has me curious.  Are we talking about some massive act of God, such as God exploding one or more of America's own nuclear warheads, or a meteor the size of Laguna Beach, California, landing smack-dab in the middle of Los Angeles?
These are just casual speculations, but I expect to be getting real information on this series of events over the next week or so; and I will of course pass them on to you as I get them.
My first estimate was one thousand American deaths to Space War during June, but I am reminded by God again and again that this is an America-changing punishment of America; and it was because the sleep deprivation torture of me has been so evil that God suggested a simple formula of 10 x 666, daily, a short time after we started the Soldier Delay count.
I am very interested in how this will work out, but God is keeping those cards face down.
I would really like to wager a few thousand dollars on this, if I had astronomical odds.  I would also like to wager that there will be a major earthquake between Iran and Indonesia on or about December 26 of this year. 
There have been huge quakes along that crack in the egg on or about December 26 for the past three years in a row.
The breaking up of this Earth is truly the second greatest news story of all time, and I.C. News still has the scoop.  That is why this work is called, The Obituary of the World.  The first greatest news story of all time is what God is going to do about this crisis.
I will remind you that I.C. News also documented the CBS tragedy in Iraq about a week before it took place.  I had a lot more details than I gave, but there was just no market for the story, and giving too much information on a story like that is dangerous, America being so fascist toward me.  Too bad, my advance story might have prevented the tragedy.
I advertised here that the target would be a woman, but I also knew the woman would be a journalist and my educated guess had her as being a TV journalist.  I could make this educated guess because many years ago I followed the same code pattern to the same conclusion.
It is my suggestion that the attack was aimed at the journalists; that is, it was a deliberate and well planned attempt to kill the CBS journalists.
I make this suggestion because in the first example the target turned out to be a British journalist who was shot in the head immediately upon leaving her home.  The man had waited for her.
This was many years ago, and I was not on the Internet, and all those files were lost when I was forced to abandon home after home.  That is to say, I am fuzzy on the details.
So, in following the same code pattern repeating itself, when I see that the first woman journalist was deliberately murdered I can make an educated guess that the second woman journalist was also deliberately attacked.
This is one of the great strengths of I.C. News and why we could track three presidential assassination attempts and the assassination of John Lennon, and many other events.
It has to do with the state of mind of the person preparing to carry out the attack.  In telepathic terms, there is such a change in the mind of the person that the mind stands out like a sore thumb.
While I have no way of knowing other than from past experience, and a hint from God, I would say the decision to attack the CBS journalists was made just about the time I mentioned it here.
Now, to news being reported by media weasels at this time:
The huge bomb test scheduled to take place in Nevada has apparently been canceled.  This seems to have been the result of the first successful protest against a government policy since the rise of Republican American Fascism.
Lava is flowing out of the very active volcano in Indonesia; consider the lava as egg white seeping through the crack in the egg.
The New York Times has reported that the American military is seeking the ability to bomb anyplace in the world within one hour of the decision to do so.  This is an extension of Republican American Fascism's attempt to blackmail the world with its nuclear superiority.
I think we can expect Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, the most kiss-ass Democrat in the history of the US Senate, to quickly come out in favor of this world-threatening plan.  He is a turn-coat Democrat and the lapdog George W. Bush.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

God Blast America & The 56,891-Soldier-Delay

God will blast America in June.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Three Disasters & The 50,225-Soldier Dalay

I have three disasters to point out to you today, the CBS disaster, the Indonesia disaster, and the disastrous, hopeless future of every American who has ever participated in America's mass torture of me.
First, I want to remind you that on May 24, in my report entitled American Fascism, I told you a famous American woman would be killed before the first of June.   Will you settle for critically wounded?  I refer here to Kimberly Dozier of CBS, critically wounded in Iraq, her sound man and camera man killed.  If that will not do, we have a few more days to do a better job.
I want to suggest to you that the earthquake in Indonesia was a very important event relative to the death of this Earth; but first I want dispatch the Telepath torturers.
If you understand the teachings of Jesus you will know this is my right.  I have the choice of forgiving them or not forgiving them, and I choose not to forgive them, and God will honor this choice.
I promise you a new holiday to mark the damnation of the tens of thousands if not the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have tortured me since God gave me the gift of audible telepathy.
I suggest this holiday be called Good Riddance Day, to be marked with celebration and joy that those stupid, mean souls were damned as a lump of sinners all together, as if sealed in a cast iron box and flung by God into the Sun, cast into Hell for the benefit of all life in the Universe.
That peculiar human evil must not live on.
You may not agree with me, but when you come to understand that this Earth breaking up you will understand why these casual torturers, these average Americans, have lost their immortal souls for contributing to your own horrible future; and you may not think the damnation of those Telepath torturers is righteous or even possible, but when you see their withered souls in agony being dragged away from this Earth you will know this is Big Time Stuff.
I direct your attention to Indonesia, where there has been a volcano passing gasses for some time, and where a horrible earthquake has just taken place.
Not well reported in the news, there were at least two other earthquakes of similar magnitude which took place thousands of miles to the south of Indonesia.  Think of this cluster of quakes as a crack in an egg. 
Recall.  Think back.  Where was the quake that caused the great tsunami?   Hmmm?  Was it Indonesia or thereabouts?  And, I remind you, has this work not accurately anticipated quakes along the Iran-Indonesia crack in the egg?  It sure as Hell has, and it is anticipating yet another on or about December 6, 2007.
Sure, Dear Reader, Hell is sure.
Anticipate.  Think ahead.  What are we talking about?  Disaster in the US of A in June, so much disaster in June that even the inoperative minds of the American people will know their fascist ship is sinking.
I am not running a con here, Dear Reader; this Earth is dying; and before this Earth dies Titanic America's fascist ship will sink into the sea of its own fascist lies; and when it sinks; and Sweet Jesus it will sink; among those denied lifeboats will be every God-damned
American who has tortured God's One True Telepath, me, yours truly, Virgil Kret.
Why are they damned?  Dear Reader, but for the pure, senseless, rationalized evil of their torture of me I could have warned the world in time.  More prosaic, they are damned for the crime of murder, and that includes the murder of you.
Do you think I am pissed off?  I am a nuclear b.b. of anger next the nuclear basketball of anger which is God.
I was talking to my old pal God about a month ago and I was expressing my sense of loss of having to abandon my potted plants when I was tortured out of my last home, and I have been tortured out of home after home for over thirty years, and God revealed to me God's anger at the murder of my children by the American people.  Juxtapose, my plants, my children.  God was saying, Virgil it is too bad about your plants but I really hate the American people for killing your children.  That view of God's anger was like opening a furnace door.
I know it does no good to say this to America, but  America is doomed, doomed for the evil it has done to one telepathic human being.  Why?  It is not that that one telepathic human being was so important, but that that torture was so symptomatic of America's short, cruel history.
Enslavement of the Africans, destruction of the Native Americans, torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath; these are all branches on the same tree.
The human being lives in a state of fiction.  God lives in a state of truth.  In America there is the fiction that it is just fine to torture God's One True Telepath.  God knows the truth of this fascist delusion.
The American people truly believe they have the right to kill other people's children, be they Iraqi, Afghani, Vietnamese, Korean, Venezuelan or Virgilian.  This is fiction, Dear Reader; the right to kill does not exist.
The right to kill does not exist.  The right to kill does not exist.  The right to kill does not exist.  The right to kill does not exist.  Do you sense a theme here?
I am killing time while Time is killing you.  You do not understand that the quake in Indonesia was part of a pattern of quakes which are the death throes of this planet.  Your masters in the government and the media don't tell you, and likely they do not even know because they are all married to a common stupidity.  You Americans have a fascist fool as a President, and likely the editor of your favorite newspaper is a fascist fool, too.
I will tell you this.  The greatest error ever made by any nation in the history of the world was America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Dead Warriors & The 30, 239-S0ldier Day

There are enough dead warriors in human history to break God's heart a thousand times over.  In God's eyes, all warriors are equal.
The great obvious but unnoticed fact about war is that it is counter-evolutionary.  Among all the beasts except for the human beast, the code is the survival of the fittest.  The human beast, however, has since caveman days killed off its bravest and strongest seed, leaving a scrawny humankind to face a horrific future. 
Everyone who has ever been in combat has images of dead warriors tattooed on their mind and on their soul, and those images never leave, and fifty years later those images can still send brave men into weeping melancholy.
I have three such memories to tell you about today, and it is fitting because this is Memorial Day Weekend; and what are we remembering?  Yes, Dear Reader, dead warriors.
The first tattoo on my soul was a dead Marine.
It was after my first battle, which I suppose would be better called a skirmish, but it was a battle to me, about 50 incoming mortar rounds in an area the size of a tennis court and machinegun tracers like water from a fire hose all night long.
That night of battle was a horror and a revelation, the moment when I learned to walk upon my fear like Jesus walked upon the water, a night I may have helped save a Marine's life, although I later heard that the helicopter was evacuating him was shot down.  I don't know, and likely I never will.
In the morning the enemy machinegunner was dead; he had stayed behind to allow his team to escape to fight another day; and as I stood up from my place beside a paddy dike, badly needing to take a piss, a Marine approached and said their were six KIAs, and one of them was a civilian journalist.
There were three of us combat correspondents on that operation called Union Two, and I could see one, the AP guy, so I assumed it must be Hugh Lunn, the Reuters guy, who had been killed, and putting my dick back into my pants, I began walking to where the bodies were laid out, expecting to find a good friend there dead; but there he sat, the Aussie son of a bitch, big smile on his face, the sun glinting off his red hair, smoking a cigarette.
Have you ever heard someone you cared for had died and then found that news was wrong?  It is a splendid feeling.
But back to that first tattoo.
Within that typhoon of memories, in the quiet center of that typhoon, there were on that morning six dead Marines laid out in a row; and the legs of one of those Marines were crossed at the ankles, like he was just kicking back at the beach watching the babes walk by.
Why I will never forget that tiny detail I do not know, but I know I will never forget it.
The second two occurred on possibly my hottest day of war and most certainly my luckiest.
I and my Japanese photographer sidekick, Toshio Sakai, were going from battlefield to battlefield looking for a big fight, so I would have something to write about and he would have something to photograph, but everywhere we went the action stopped just before we got there or began just after we left.
In retrospect I think God had something to do with this.
Anyway, we were flying in a formation of First Division (known as the Big Red One, and the Grunts joked, "If you are going to be one you might as well be a big red one) helicopters heading for a landing in one of those beautiful meadows that appeared in the jungles of what the Americans called, The Iron Triangle.
As we approached the landing the pilot was telling us it was a Hot LZ; but when we set down a few seconds later the incoming fire had ceased; and as I ran toward the tree line I nearly stepped on the body of a First Division Grunt hidden in the tall, beautiful, green, grass who had died not much more than a minute before.   He had come in on the wave of helicopters just ahead of mine; his uniform was brand-new clean, as if he were new to war, as if he had drowned in the font of his baptism of fire.
I know, it makes no sense, there were enough dead Americans around for a million eyes to see, but I remember that one.
The third tattoo on my soul was put there later on the same day.
Having missed that action Sakai and I decided to hop another helicopter in hope of finding hotter action.  Dig it, Dear Reader, we were looking for hot, hot war.  That's a mystery for the mystery pile.
We found ourselves at a body collection site, where bodies where being brought in on helicopter after helicopter.
Damn, it was a totally insane day.
The clouds were scudding fast enough to make a sailor dizzy and Sakai, who would win a Pulitzer for one of the photographs he had taken the day before, was taking pictures of the line of bodies juxtaposed with a line of still-living Grunts marching by them to board the helicopters that had brought the bodies in, when he was grabbed by the wrist by an angry Grunt and yanked along to the sergeant-major I was talking to; Sakai was saying in a pitiful, small voice, "Virgil-san, Virgil-san", and the Grunt was saying, "This man was photographing the dead"; and the hatred in the eyes of  the Grunts all around us was so thick a spider could have woven a web from it; and Sakai (and I as a witness) might have been murdered right then and there, but Sakai broke the spell by taking the film out of the camera and exposing it.
Dear Reader, things get tense on the battlefield.
It was in this context that I saw the third dead warrior who will always be tattooed on my mind.
There were 28 bodies laid out in a row.   I counted them, thinking I might live long enough to tell you about them; and that was very optimistic thinking because the chances of living through that day were slim.
Among those 28 bodies was the body of a First Division black soldier, and even as I tell you about this my heart aches.  He was lying face down on a olive drab plastic tarp and the wind was whipping the tarp and the tarp was slapping his face.
But the wound, the wound, Dear Reader, the wound I will never forget was not the wound that killed him.  No, it was another wound.  On his right wrist where a watch might have been was a circle about the size of a silver dollar, the thinnest most perfectly round slicing off of skin, a shallow, shallow skin-deep slicing; and where his black skin had been was as ivory white bloodless circle.
Why should I remember that?  Go figure.  And here I am thirty-nine years later blubbering like a baby as I tell you this story.  I love Memorial Day.  I hate Memorial Day.

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Opium Ball & The 23,579-Soldier Delay

Most people who read me know I have a profound respect for the warrior, and by this I mean the warriors of all countries and all times in history.
As we enter into the Memorial Day Weekend, I thought I might say a few words about the Korean War, particularly since America's stupid and fascist president, George W. Bush, plans to atom bomb "North" Korea.
I doubt Mr. Bush knows much about Korea; he is an under-educated man with an advance college degree, a degree bought and paid for with daddy's money and power; and although he has chosen to call "North" Korea evil, that stupid, blundering man has no idea how great and strong the Korean people are.
Here is a primer for that fool who wants to make himself dictator of America.
There is an ancient nation in Asia called Korea, and after World War Two Korea was divided in half in a deal brokered between the United States of America and the Soviet Union.
This was a great crime committed against Korea, coming on the heals of the great crime of Japan's annexation and occupation of Korea from 1910 to 1945.
During World War Two Korean men were drafted into the Japanese army and used primarily as enslaved laborers, and Korean women were made sex slaves for the Japanese military.
We forget such things because Japan is so cute and cuddly these days.
In June of 1950, when I was ten years old, "North" Korea invaded "South" Korea and the Korean War ensued.  I wanted so much to be a soldier in that war, but the war ended in July of 1953, and I was still about four years too young.
It was always my plan to be a military man, except for a period of a few years when I seriously considered entering the Roman Catholic priesthood.
However, God had God's plan for me, as you can hear in the telepathic broadcasts of my mind, and the tendency for the Roman Catholic Church to represent laws of man as laws of God dissuaded me from that vocation; and the fact that my ticker, my heart, went tick...tickticktick...tick...tickticktick made me physically unqualified to be a soldier.
I look at it this way, had God not given me a troubled heart I would have been a young US Marine infantry officer during the Vietnam War, and like my very good college chum, Jerry Woodall, I very likely would have died there--either that or I would have become a general because I am so good at war.
So you see, Dear Reader, Memorial Day is very important to me.  Next to Christmas, it is the most important day of the year.
When I briefly covered combat in Vietnam (and I did it only briefly because my employer, UPI, gave me absolutely no freedom of press, but that's another story) it seemed to be a common theme among American infantry officers to say the Korean War was a harder war than the Vietnam War.
One of the reasons frequently given was the Korean winter, because a wounded man could easily freeze to death before help arrived, and in general the wounded in Korea had far less chance to survive than the wounded in Vietnam and now, of course, in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I was in Korea one Christmas, covering the release of the crew of the Navy spy ship Pueblo, which had been captured by "North" Korea.  The point of my story today is not the capture of that ship, but how cold December is in Korea.
I am a North Dakota boy, Dear Reader, and Korea relative to North Dakota seemed very, very, very cold, and I wondered as that cold bit into me, how did those warriors survive in those foxholes?
Be patient, I am sashaying to my point, my point being a most interesting story told me by a Korean War vet, a man who had served in the Marines as a rifleman in the Korean War.
This former Marine and I met in a hospital where I was recovering from near-death brought on by blood clots which were brought on my America's torture-enslavement of me, and we had many interesting conversations, mostly about the Korean War but also about the concept of criminal insanity, which he understood quite well because he had worked at the Atascadero, California, State Hospital for the criminally insane.
(He told me the story of a "man" who tortured and murdered infants, and after some years in the mental hospital the government shrinks released him as "cured", and soon after he was released he tortured and murdered another infant.  Here is the thing, all the hospital staff had known he would torture-murder an infant again, all the staff except for the shrinks.  Psychiatry is a dangerous fraud.)
The criminality of psychiatry is one of the reoccurring themes of this work, but today we are talking about warriors.
This Marine told me two stories about the Koran War which you might find interesting.
This combat vet told me how the Marines would urinate on the mechanisms of their rifles to thaw them out, because otherwise they would not fire.  I don't know about you, but I found this very interesting; although I suppose all soldiers who have fought in sub-zero temperatures know this trick.
Here we come to something he told me which I had never heard of before, and I am a war buff and I have a lot of peculiar information about war; I study war like Hugh Hefner studies pictures of tits.
The American warriors in Korea soon discovered that the Chinese warriors went into battle with a ball of opium about the size of a ping pong ball in their medical kit.  These opium balls were meant to be used for pain when wounded, but they became highly sought-after prizes of war.  These opium balls was taken from dead Chinese and from Chinese prisoners of war, because they gave those suffering American warriors a drug-high, Dear Reader, a moment of pleasure in a world of frozen pain.
This, I suggest to you, may be the first time this opium ball information has been published in the United States of America, an I.C. News scoop over fifty years after the fact.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Dreaeful Sorrow & The 16,053-Soldier Delay

Thanks to the cruelty of psycho-fascist Americans, our Soldier Delay count is getting rather high, and we still have several days to go before we close out this attempt to call the total number of American deaths to Space War in June.  That's a lot of Eight Balls in the side pocket.
My feeling is the count may be too high; but my old pal God keeps telling me to keep adding on 666 in response to torture; and since my old pal God is going to be doing the killing I think that no matter how high the number turns out to be that many psycho-fascist Americans will be killed in June.
Remember, the purpose of the events in June is to demonstrate clearly to the American people that Titanic America is sinking, so that demonstration will have to be something remarkable.
At the same time, June should demonstrate to all those tens of thousands of Americans who have tortured me since I became audibly telepathic that they have lost their souls, been damned, lost and gone forever, dreadful sorrow.
On a distantly related subject, God has asked me to say, "God Bless the Dixie Chicks".

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

American Fascism & The 11,391-Soldier Dalay

(I have some late-breaking news for you today.
(I have received a most interesting battle code which indicates a well known American woman will be killed before the end of this month.  Of course there is a certain random attrition in such things, but this is a track-able, stoppable death.  I have been focusing so much on America's June disasters that I have neglected to watch May closely.
(The code is "Tsuki!", which is a Japanese fencing term meaning a straight sword jab to and through the throat.  This code apparently goes with the recent battle code I reported, "Men don't make passes at women who pass gasses", an amusing code for a deadly situation.
(The question I ask you is this:  if I discover the name of the woman who is to be killed should I reveal it and save her life?  My psycho-fascist neighbors who torture me through the walls tell me with their torture to let her die.  If six readers ask me to save her life, I will; or if the torture through the walls stops, I will save her life.
(That brings me back to today's subject, American Fascism.)
I do not believe the American people really mind that a Republican American Fascist coup has taken place in the United States of America; what they mind is the ineptness and stupidity of George W. Bush.
Were Republican American Fascism smart fascism, were Bush were more like Hitler and less like Mousolini,  America's plan to go to war against every nation in the world that does not kiss its ass would have the full approval of the American people. 
Were there to be a presidential election in 2008, you would find the Democrats saying they are better at fascism than the Republicans; but it wouldn't make much difference because (were there to be a presidential election in 2008) the Republican American Fascists have mastered the art of electronic ballot box stuffing.
Of course, I am just killing time here while Time kills you; and yes, American Fascism will be defeated by June 2007, but the thing that will really surprise, gall and terrify the American people is that God sees them, almost all of them, as being fascist, too.  In God's eyes, Pat Robertson is a fascist, as are all the snake oil preachers on television.
It is a pity it has come to this--but when I say this, Dear Reader, I am reminded that this was the point of argument between my dear friend, God, and myself way back in 1972, when I was saying what good people the Americans were, and God was saying they are fascists.  That is, God was saying America has been fascist since its inception, if you look at it from the point of view of those being fascisticated-over.
I have been these past several weeks talking about a most serious, and from my perspective a most beautiful Space War attack on the United States of American in June, the death toll estimate now to be over 11,000 psycho-fascist Americans, but that estimate is almost certain to go much, much higher if my psycho-fascist neighbors continue to torture me, and if your government pigs and media weasels, Dear Reader, continue to allow them to.
God has a sense of justice.
I am pleased to say this death toll is not expected to be among the American military, which I have loved all my life, but to be almost totally limited to American civilians, who have tortured and enslaved my for over half my life.
God has a sense of justice.
What I want to suggest today is that America's treatment of me, the only audibly telepathic person in human history, is exactly the same as, a microcosm of, Republican American Fascism's treatment of the world.
The Americans who have tortured me every day and every night for over thirty years have a justification.  My psycho-fascist American neighbors in this motel have a clear and pure and simple rationalization for practicing the torture of sleep deprivation on me, of in fact murdering me through torture if they can accomplish it.
Their reason is the same reason for racial and religious persecution throughout all of human history; my existence is offensive to them and I violate their space, and they have power over me, and that power is delicious.
I understand that, and had I not been nailed to a cross of perfidy for the last thirty-some years I would long ago have found a way to live, a place to live, where my telepathy would not violate the mental space of other people.
Here is the rub, and I suggest this rub applies to the macrocosm, to the entire planet Earth, the American people would not allow me to do that, the American people so loved torturing God's One True Telepath that they would;not allow me to find a way or location where my telepathy would not intrude.
This was the case even to the degree that when I attempted to go deep into wilderness the United States of America would send government helicopters out to find me, and when they found me send government-pig torturers to torture me.
I can no more stop being the only audible mental telepath in history than some poor American bastard who lost his both arms in Iraq can grow those arms back.  While that poor bastard lost his arms for the honor and glory of  George W. Bush, I became audibly telepathic in the service of God.  Therein lies the difference.  He lost his arms for fascism; I lost my freedom for God.
So, my neighbors in this motel tell me if I dream they will cough or rap on the wall to awaken me because my dreams enter their space, invade their space, and therefore they have the right to torture me with sleep deprivation.  From their point of view there is nothing I can do to right this situation but to die.
I suggest this same American fascist policy is followed around the world.  There is nothing Venezuela can do, there is nothing Colombia can do, there is nothing Iran can do, there is nothing Iraq can do, there is nothing Afghanistan can do, there is nothing Cuba can do, there is nothing "North" Korea can do, there is nothing any of the targeted nations of this Earth can do unless they, like "Great" Britain, bend over and spread their cheeks for the United States of America.
This is why so many good, sweet American psycho-fascist people will die and be damned in June.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

American Torture & The 5,396-Soldier Delay

If you have been following the Soldier Delay count you may have noticed it is going up with increased rapidity.  This is because the torture of me here has reached feeding frenzy level, and I have been asked by God to add 666 from time to time from my place within the pain.
I tell you this only to refresh your understanding of the environment in which this work is produced, so when you count America's dead at the end of June you will better understand the evil that killed them.
Evil's name is America.
That said, let's change the subject; let's talk about space and Space War and the Space Sailors who are defeating the United States of America even as you read these words.
As I have said in the past but it is worth saying again, when God came to understand this Earth was dying, God asked all God's Space Sailors to rally around the cause of saving her.
Earth was a damsel in distress, and we sailed here from all parts of the Gala Sea to save her from the Damned Souls who were distressing her.
When we arrived She was already dead, exploded and lost and gone forever, dreadful sorrow, and the Damned Souls who had murdered her, the human species, were but specks of agony orbiting the Sun.
Sitting on the Moon, Earth's stillborn daughter, we came up with the plan to travel back in time some 57,000 years in an attempt to nudge human history off its course to disaster.
As you can see from our American example, as you can see in the daily news, as you can see in the unreported American scheming and plotting, we could not change the cruel and evil nature of even the American human being; and this after 57,000 years of attempting to encase humankind in laws and rules of civility and decency.
Certainly you can see how in the example of our attempt to reach the American people since I became audibly telepathic, we failed to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
The Americans remain what they always were, thieves living in a thief morality; false Christians saying "Jesus!  Jesus!  Jesus!"; false Jews being, "Judas, Judas, Judas"; holier than thou people proclaiming their goodness to High Heaven while doing ungodly things to the world.
We Space Sailors came to loathe the Americans because they claimed to be so god-damned good and were so god-damned wicked.
So we decided to make of the Americans an example, the example you will see in June.
As you watch this example unfold, you may have a tendency to feel sorry for the Americans, but remember, the Americans love inflicting pain, misery and death; it makes them feel strong, to which America's torture of me for over half my life will testify.

Monday, May 22, 2006

The Burning Bush & The 3,850-Soldier Delay

The story remains the same.  In June the American people will feel the water up to their ankles as Titanic America sinks into the ocean of its own lies; and in April God will destroy George W.Bush; and in June 2007 Titanic America, psycho-fascist America, will deep-six to the bottom of the Sea of Defeat.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Destroying the World & The 2,792-Soldier Delay

I have been asked to today to step back from the microcosm of America's torture-enslavement of me, and approach again the destruction of this Earth by George W. Bush.
Since I was asked by God to do this, and since I was struck quite viscously by the psycho-fascist American "man" in room 114 for mulling over what I might write, it seems a good subject for today.
In my lifetime of service to God, God has only asked three things of me, to write The Obituary of the World; to abandon my career in Japan and return to the United States and pick up my cross of audible mental telepathy; and to report that George W. Bush will destroy the world.
I was asked to report this about Bush after his dubiously legal election and a little over a year before the 9/11 attack.
The timing of this was important because despite the suspicious nature of his election, I was still in something of a honeymoon period relative to Bush's presidency, I being always hopeful of new presidents; and I was a registered Republican, having registered out of respect of his father, then Vice President George Bush, just prior to the second election of Ronald Reagan.
It was in this frame of mind I had gone into the wilderness on my annual one-month backpacking trip, seeking to regain my health and heal my wounds after another year of America's torture of me.
So it was out of context that my dear friend, God, began insisting that I break off my vacation and return to this work you are reading here because, God repeatedly said, George W. Bush will destroy the world.
Of course, being me, I argued against this early return because I had only just begun my hike and had gained none of its health benefits, and as if God didn't already know, I said,  "If I go back without healing myself I could die".
I will never forget God's response to that.  "Better you die than not try, George Bush will destroy the world."
I recount this story because the destruction of this Earth has been a constant theme in my daily conversations with God; and while I, like you, have witnessed Bush's blunders and half-baked understanding of the world, and his proneness to murder for political gain, and to blind America and rob America blind, and to rip to shreds the Constitution of the United States of America; I have, in spite of having seen all this not yet come to understand what God said about George W. Bush, that he will destroy the world.
My puzzle is that I can see the systematic killing of this Earth by the human being, but God is talking about something else, something peculiar to the nature or the mind or the soul or the designs of George W. Bush which will cause him to individually, single-handedly, destroy the world.
There is something still missing in my understanding, something God has not yet told me and something I have not yet observed; but I think that something will be revealed in the Space War maneuver I have been describing for some months.
In that maneuver, in the Metaphor of Attack of that maneuver, the United States is Titanic America and it struck the iceberg some time back.  I noted it at the time, but it was a minor news event and so it may not have impressed many of you Dear Readers its importance.
The importance of that event that caused the deaths of three or four members of a ski patrol team on Mammoth Mountain, California, can be seen in how it metaphorically fits the Titanic America story, and in my accurate anticipation of its timing.
Without overly reviewing the event, I said that on that day Titanic America would strike a huge iceberg, which would puncture a hole in Titanic America's hull, and Titanic America would eventually sink in June of 2007.
If you can see Mammoth Mountain covered with snow as the huge iceberg, you are understanding something of the encoding system of Space War.
The ski patrol team had been assigned to fence off a thermal hole that had suddenly appeared on a slope of mammoth mountains, and some of them fell in and died.
Bear in mind, I documented in advance the date that would happen.
If you can see that thermal hole in the mountain as being a metaphorical match to the hole I promised would be punched into the hull of Titanic America, you are understanding a bit more of the encoding system of Space War.
Bear with me, I am coming to the part about George W. Bush.
I have pointed out four stages to the sinking of Titanic America.  The collision which I just reviewed; the point of awareness of all the passengers and crew that Titanic America is sinking, which I say will take place in June; God's destruction of George W. Bush, which I say will take place next April; and the disappearance of Titanic America under the waves, which I say will take place in June of 2007.
So, I want to suggest to you what God has asked me to suggest to you today, that if it turns our I am right about June, it will turn out that I am right about April and I am right about next June.
So, if it turns out that I am right about June you should rapidly turn your back on Satan and no matter how much you love that lie, no matter how much that lie is a part of the fabric of your existence, you should abandon America's lie about me, abandon your part in America's torture-enslavement of me, or go down with the ship.
Think of it in biblical terms, you Telepath torturers are marked for damnation.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

A Delicate Concept & The 2,234-Soldier Delay

Perhaps we should talk a little today about just how much trouble America has gotten itself into; I mean by this how much trouble with God.
The United States of America has been defeated in God's war against Satan; and why the United States of America opted to take the side of Satan I do not know; but I am expecting the American people to become painfully aware of their utmost miserable situation before the sun sets on the month of June.
The tragic thing about this defeat is that the American people wrote the rules of this Space War; and they wrote hard, mean and vulgar rules. 
Space War is based on tit for tat, on doing unto others; there is a physics to it; if you understand subatomic physics, which all Americans seem to claim to understand, you understand this perfectly.
Jesus is quoted as saying, "What you do to the least of mine you do to me".  I think there would be little argument among American Christians that I am the least Christian of all.  Therefore, what America has done to me it has done to Jesus.  This, Dear Reader, is Bad Medicine for America.
There are two words I want you to carry with you into June.  They are "Mother" and "Sperm".
Of the untold and untellable wicked things America has done to me since God gave me my cross of telepathy, the most wicked are the agony American put my mother through, and America's murder of my sperm.
This is a delicate concept: what America has done to me will be done to America, only the form is yet to be known.
Welcome to Space War, America, welcome to damnation.  Welcome to the suffering of your mothers; welcome to the killing of your sperm.
This you will see in June.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Blacks & The 2,121-Soldier Delay

I slept through the night undisturbed by psycho-fascist Americans, and no Americans were reported killed in George W. Bush's stupid and fascist blunder in the Middle East, so today's Soldier Delay number remains the same as yesterday's.
This is a first; but the absence of the sleep deprivation torture may not indicate of change of heart or a change in torture technique, since the Russian Sandman (vodka) blocked my dream mechanism, and it is for the crime of dreaming that psycho-fascist Americans awaken me.
Since I am killing time while Time kills you, I thought I would speak briefly to the subject of Blacks.
We Space Sailors have a saying about Blacks, that there are only two things wrong with them, they have absolutely no sense of rhythm and the cannot play sports; other than that they are perfect in the Eyes of God.
If I could speak to this Earth's blacks from my American torture chamber I would say what all God's Space Sailors say:  Relax, relax, you have paid your income tax.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Good and Evil & The 2,121-Soldier Delay

Dear Reader, do you have any idea of the danger facing the human race?  In less than sixty years, if things go as they are going, the human race will not exist but for the pain of its existence in eternal hopelessness.
As you likely already know, America and therefore the world is currently ensnared in a fundamentalist Christian interpretation of the Bible, a circumstance which fits nicely with the military planning of both the United States and Israel.
That is, since that interpretation says the great battle between good and evil will begin just about now in Israel, it is easy for war-hungry Republican American Fascism and for the State of Israel to artificially fulfill that interpretation.
Yesterday I told you about two of the three miracles I am expecting to take place in June, one being an act of war against the United States of America from outer space, the other revealing the unhappy state of almost all the souls of Americans who have died in the knowledge of America's torture enslavement of me.
This barely scratches the surface.  "Unhappy" is "Agony", so foul is America's crime against God's One True Telepath.
Dear Reader, if your mother has died, and if she knew of America's torture enslavement of me, your mother's soul is in agony.
While I am not yet sure, I think the third miracle to take place in June will be an action by God against American Christians and American Jews; and by this I mean an action clearly by God and not by human beings believing or claiming they are acting for God.
The whole point of this work is that God is entering into the fray, and that without God's entering into the fray this Earth will be dead by 2065.
So consider the stakes as you read on; consider the stakes as you live on.
Show me a mountain capped with snow, and in less than sixty years that mountain will be rubble in an asteroid belt of rubble circling the sun.
Show me a child, innocent and pure, and in less than sixty years that child will be a speck of agony adrift in space, part of the flotsam and jetsam resulting from stupid men and stupid women claiming to be capable of steering this ship.
This Earth, Dear Reader, is Humpty Dumpty.
I expect the events of June to awaken the American people from the sweet slumber of their stupidity. I expect to see events instill the American people with the knowledge that their very souls are in danger of being lost; and those events will be honest and truthful in that those  American souls will very likely be lost.
I expect the events of June to restore George W. Bush to consciousness from the coma of fascism in which he  now exists.  I believe so fully in God that I expect George W. Bush to somehow graduate from the envelope of ignorance in which he has existed his entire life.
You see, Dear Reader, I have great expectations of June.
In closing, Dear Reader, I must tell you, homosexuality does not exist beyond the shores of this Earth.  This may seem out of context, but wait until June . Hurry, June!  Wait, America, wait, wait, wait.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Declaring Star War & The 2,014 Soldier Delay

While America's torture enslavement of me is less important to the American people than what brand of toothpaste to use, in June that will change, and the horror of the importance of it will swallow America.
Since I am expecting some miracles in June (the number seems to be three) and since those miracles will be disasters for America, I thought I might talk about miracles today.
God has shown me miracles on a regular basis since America began its torture-enslavement of me, and the common thread of all those miracles is that they were for my eyes only.  This allowed for the open reign of the fascism of the psychiatry-media-government axis, and the dribble-down fascism of the American people.
That is, those countless miracles allowed me to see God in my life every day and at the same time allowed America to show its satanic side, since my audible telepathy was always a test of the American people and never a test of me.
Off and on I have talked in this work about some of the "little miracles" I have experienced, which in fact were big miracles because they saved my life when I was in trouble, or proved God was with me when all America wanted me to be alone.
The last time I spoke to these little miracles was on May 8 in the report entitled "Virgil's Cave", which told of how God led me to a cave in the wilderness when a blizzard was forming.
One miracle I have not mentioned often, if at all, is the Miracle of the Clown in the Sky.
It was not an earth-shaking event, and certainly it was not what one would call a holy event (and none of God's miracles for me would be called holy by a nation of people all more holy than I) but this tiniest of the tiniest of the little miracles was a lesson for me alone on the subject of Time and Space, given to me by God one summer in the wilderness.
As I told you, I like to backpack for a month or more because I love the wilderness so much and it restores my health, and if I am out of range of Americans God and I can have most pleasant conversations.
Like many people who camp out, I spend a lot of time just looking at the stars and, as I have told you, I created my own constellations.  They can be found in no book, but still they greet me when I am in the wilderness.  (There is a secret to this, too secret to reveal at this time).
I enjoy playing games with my stargazing when I am alone in the wilderness and free to let my mind roam without having to brace for the next psycho-fascist American assault.
One example of these games is to imagine myself looking down at the stars, not up at them, and imagine that but for gravity I would fall into the stars.  You might try it sometime when you are camping out or lying warm and comfortable on a beach or on the grass on a hot August night.  You can literally feel gravity holding you back, keeping you from falling, falling, falling down into that pool which is the stars.
There is another game I like to play, which you might think is silly unless you play it and see what happens.
The game goes this way:
I found that if I lay perfectly still and keep my eyes focused on one star-crowded place in the Milky Way, through a combination of eye strain and atmospherics I could create moving pictures in the night sky.
This is the same as you normal folks seeing forms in clouds, but it was a step beyond because I found that as I saw images, a clown dancing, a horse galloping, the ripples in our Earth's atmosphere and the strain of my unmoving eyes would cause the images to move.
So, here comes the miracle part.
I was very proud of myself for having created what in fact was an art form, painting moving paintings on the Sistine Chapel of the Summer Night Sky.  Then, Dear Reader, one night something happened that totally changed the nature of the game.
I had created a clown, a nice enough clown, who did little dance steps as the Earth's atmosphere rippled, and while I was lying on my back in my sleeping bag thinking what a clever fellow am I for having created the clown, the clown suddenly stopped dancing of its own volition and held up one finger indicating I should wait for a moment, then that clown, that clown created in my mind on a canvas of stars in a rippling atmosphere, having taken on a life of its own, raised one leg, and through the space that leg opened up, passed a meteorite.
Tiny, tiny, tiny miracle, but within that miracle lies the doom of the United States of America.
Tomorrow I will begin to describe to you the three devastating miracles America will experience in June.
I will do this because Republican American Fascism is very anxious to attack a number of countries which seem weak enough to be successfully attacked.  They include Venezuela and Colombia, in addition to America's current and most favorite Bad Guy, Iran.
At least one of the three miracles may look like an attack on the United States, and while it will in fact be an attack it will not be an Earth-based attack, it will come from outer space.
No nation in the world--no nation other than the United States of America--is responsible for this attack.  The codename for this attack is, "America's Suicide".
The second June miracle seems to involve what I will call "inner space" for the sake of this report, and by inner space I mean the place where the souls of all Americans have gone when their bodies died, gone there since the first moment of America's torture-enslavement of me.  This miracle is called, "America's Punishment".
Notice I do not speak in the broader sense of the state of the souls of all human beings after death; we are talking about America in this work; and the separation of American souls from all human souls is something God can do with ease.
While I still have more information to process about this inner space miracle, (and, indeed, the outer space miracle as well) the inner space event seems to involve a revelation of the state of the souls of Americans who have died in the knowledge of America's torture-enslavement of me.
That is, knowledge of that torture-enslavement is a crime, and the commission of that crime sets apart American souls.  I do not expect Americans to believe this, but almost all adult Americans who have died in the past approximately 33 years have experienced this.
I will explain it this way, while there are many people of many countries who know of and participate in America's torture-enslavement of me, we American people have between us a sacred contract, the Constitution, a contract formed of blood, pain, courage and long human experience, and to violate that contract is a profound offense in the eyes of God.
Even though every Supreme Court Justice, living or dead, might be in agreement that America's torture-enslavement of me is constitutional, it is in fact not; and those Supreme Court Justices who have held office since the inception of America's torture-enslavement of me, and who have died, are now in a state of soul-punishment.
Millions of dead Americans are now in that state of soul-punishment; in fact with few exceptions all adult Americans who have died in the knowledge of America's torture-enslavement of me are in that state of soul-punishment, so evil is that knowledge.
It is that state of soul-punishment the second miracle of June will reveal, and it shall send shivers up and down the spine of all living Americans who know of America's torture-enslavement of me.
I have no information yet on the third miracle of June at this time.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sport-Torture & The 1,345-Soldier Delay

This will be the last day I will concern myself with the torture from my neighbors, I have bigger fish to fry, but the Soldier Delay demonstration will continue, limited to the then current number in the daily headline.
I was wakened only once during the night by the current person in 114, bringing the then current total of American-determined American June death toll to Space War to 1,231; but unfortunately for those about to die, the new person in 111 awoke me from my noon siesta after only 45 minutes of sleep, bringing the total to 1,345.
This comparatively low count was due to a small plastic glass of vodka over ice which helped me into a dreamless sleep for a about five nighttime hours; the purpose of the rapping-on-the-wall torture being to disturb and disrupt my dream states, as well as to annoy me to distraction, as well as to murder me slowly.
You may think that I and my old pal, God, are making too much of this, but sleep deprivation is slow murder, and one of the favorite American tortures of Muslims in America's known and secret prisons; and sleep deprivation has been the core of America's torture of me for nearly 30 years, torturers even following me into deep wilderness, even seeking me out with helicopters.
Dream-prevention is also very damaging because dreams have healing and informative functions, and people like me who enjoy a good sit-down chit-chat with God find the dream state to be God's counsel chamber.
I find it very telling of the spiritual nature American people that they have in effect passed a de facto law against my having dreams.  Of course they have passed de facto laws against my having marriage, against my having sex, against my having children, against my having employment and enjoyment, against my having a home, against my having a church, and against my having a peaceful, productive life using the tools, talents and gifts God gave me.
I know the Americans like to think they have good reason for torturing me, and they call their torture of me something pretty, but in fact they love the sport-torture of it.  They get a rush from it, a high from it, fun from it, pleasure from it.  I see that satanic pleasure in their faces every day, and have seen it there for some 35 years.
When my neighbor in 114 awakened me last night, and I lay there for a few minutes deciding if I wanted to try to fall back to sleep only to be awakened again just at the point of drifting off, or if I wanted to get up and talk to you; and decided to get up.  When I did that there was a little boastful, triumphant cough from the American coward in 114, like he had accomplished something.
Cowards take pride in cowardly acts.
This is the American Way; this is what the American people are; this is why my God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, so the American people could better define themselves for Judgment Day, could take a time-dated self-photograph of their collective soul for the Wanted Poster of Space War.
Let's  review what I am expecting to see happen to the American people in June.  I am expecting them to reach a point of awareness, a point of awareness analogous to that reached by the passengers and crew of the Titanic at the point in time when everyone on board knew the Titanic was sinking.
I am not, repeat not, expecting this point of awareness to be related to America's war on Islam or America's attempt to blackmail the world with its vast nuclear superiority; I expect this awareness to be obviously related to God's anger at America for its torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.
That is why I have been focusing on this small fraction of America's torture of me, this sleep deprivation torture, and establishing this formula in which America's Space War death toll in June will match the number established by these cowardly American torturers.
I am, of course, setting the stage for the miracles that will happen in June, miracles for me and the rest of the world, but a disastrous happenstance for America; and the miracle of proof of Divine intention over chance events will be found in the number of American dead matching the number recorded in this work, now at 1,345.
What can we expect when that point of awareness is reached?  I cannot say for sure, but I think the American people will panic, will tremble, because deep down in their crabapple souls they know they have done evil to me; and they will be getting their first whiff of the brimstone in their future.
Now a word about vodka.  As you might expect of a man of God, I am so pure I can hardly say the word manure; but taking the lead of my old friend, Jesus, who liked a good swig of wine, I have decided vodka will kill me slower than will sleep-deprivation.
With a vodka I can get over five hours sleep in 24, but without it my psycho-fascist American neighbors will deprive me of sleep all day every day, and be smugly proud to do so.
On days you see a high degree of torture recorded, such as in yesterday's report, you see examples of attempts to sleep as I prefer to sleep, without the help of the Russian Sandman; and as you will later see how such attempts cost many Americans lives, because such attempts lead to a feeding frenzy of torture.
There is another point, why is it when this motel is 80% empty there is someone always in 111 and 114, people to rap on my walls when there are so many non-adjoining rooms vacant?
I do not believe this to be the plan of the very gracious and kind couple who manage this motel; and I know that even my own beloved mother was forced to participate in America's torture-enslavement of me; but I want you to consider how important this torture of me is to America, important enough to place a different coward in the next room all day and all night for weeks on end for the sole purpose of awakening me should I sleep, perchance to dream.
On the sunny side, the American government today released a video said to show American Airlines Flight 77 striking the Pentagon, an event I could have been prevented were it not for America's of sport-torture of me.  Call me a sentimental old man, but I love those old movies showing my torturers as they entered Hell.

Monday, May 15, 2006

America's Agony & The 1,120-Soldier Delay

Following our formula in which the Americans are determining their own June Space War death toll, the person in 114 woke me three times, the person in 111 woke me once, which comes to 453, and added to yesterday's total of 674 we get 1,127, but we subtract the seven soldiers reported killed over the weekend, which gives us 1,120.
I know this requires a lot of tedious counting on the fingers, but well over a thousand Americans are going to be killed in Space War in June, and when the number killed matches the then current Soldier Delay number I will have established proof of why they were killed, that they were killed because of America's torture-enslavement of me.
If the rapping on the wall torture stops the daily additions will also stop. 
I was sorry to read of the weekend US military death toll of seven, I was happily thinking the count was zero.
There is an interesting battle code today, "Men don't make passes at women who pass gasses."  I'll watch the news and see how it plays out.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Shot-Calling & The 674-Soldier Delay

Do you realize there has not been American reported killed in Iraq since Thursday?  No news is good news.
That happy notation made, we are within six weeks of the American people knowing they have been defeated in Space War.  The persons staying in room 111 and 114 exercised their "right" to torture me awake, bringing the Soldier Delay figure to 674.
I wonder if you have guessed the nature of the Space War game we are playing.  We are letting my random motel neighbors determine how many Americans will be killed in Space War in June.
Cool, yes?
To review, I have said that during the month of June the American people will come to understand just how badly defeated they are, that their experience will be comparable to the moment all the passengers and all the crew of the Titanic knew the Titanic was sinking.
An aspect of that understanding will come from the fact that the awareness-bringing American death toll will exactly, exactly, exactly, exactly match the then current Soldier Delay figure, a figure to be determined by the random psycho-fascist Americans who occupy rooms 111 and 114 and participate in the particular stylized torture of rapping on the wall to wake me up.
Cool, yes?
There are other tortures going on of course, torturing God's One True Telepath is an American tradition, but for this demonstration we are only using that particular torture.
Dear Reader, this demonstration will run shivers up and down your spine.
You may recall when I first started talking about the June awakening of the American people I estimated the death count that would bring about that awakening to be one thousand, but my Great Partner in this endeavor suggested the figure would be more like three thousand.
As the American people are adding through their wall-rapping torture of me about 224 dead a day, and seeing that we are already at 674, it seems likely my Great Partner is, as usual, right.
If I recall correctly, we have only played this body count game once before, and with remarkable success if you allow for a bit of fudging.
This was during my hellish life in psycho-fascist San Francisco when I documented in advance every airline crash during about a two year period.  Every airline crash, dig it.  Eight Ball, side pocket.
In the course of documenting in advance one of those crashes I estimated the dead to be a very large number.  I do not recall the number exactly, but say it was 435.
So, when the plane crashed exactly when I said it would crash, only 430 people were killed, (Only!)  and I was walking along on a sidewalk jokingly complaining to my Great Partner about the disparity, and as I crossed a street a woman lurched her car forward to make me jump.
(That was a common form of torture in San Francisco at the time.  That form of torture lasted about a year; that is, for about a year I could not cross a street without cars being lurched at me.  Such is the psycho-fascism of the American people.)
I walked up to the driver's window and said something appropriate to her, and she shrieked something back at me with a pronounced New York Jewish accent.
Ok, so I resumed walking along and picked up my conversation with my Great Partner about the disparity in death toll in the crash, and my Great Partner said something to the effect of "wait", and very soon thereafter a helicopter crashed in downtown New York City, near the Pan Am building if I recall, killing exactly five people.
That is, those five dead Americans, added to those of the airline crash, made my guess accurate.
Call that fudging if you like, but I call it good Space War.
My advice to you, Dear Reader, is that you turn your back on Satan, turn your back on America's torture-enslavement of me.  If you see me in the supermarket do not pretend you to not know me, and don't do that cowardly American cough-torture; be decent to me and greet me, "Hello, Virgil, its nice to see you today".

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Precognition & the 449-Soldier Delay

Last night I was awakened twice by psycho-fascist Americans rapping on my walls, once by the person in room 114 and once by the person in 111, and by adding the two numbers we get a big jump in the number of US military dead before I again give America good intelligence.
I will note that I have on three different occasions warned of events which caused high military casualties.
They were the truck-bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983, (241 dead), the Arrow crash at Gander in 1985 (265 dead, including the civilian crew), and of course that day Americans love so much because they feel it gives them license to kill,  9/11 (about 125 military dead).
Of course, while about 125 military people died on that September 11, the great military death rate stemming from 9/11 has come and will continue to come from Republican American Fascism's stupid response to 9/11, the RAF's taking America to war against the innocent Iraqi people and the innocent Afghani people instead of focusing on hunting down those responsible for 9/11.
At I.C. News we expect perhaps another 4,000 US military dead, in addition to those who have already died in Iran and Afghanistan, before the folly of Republican American Fascism is stopped by the American people.
That said, I want to talk to you about something else today; it concerns the nature, and the art, of precognition; and I want to put this into the context of the history of the world as we Space Sailors know it.
First, I will tell you what we Space Sailors discovered when we first arrived here some 57,000 years ago.  I don't expect you to believe me; and I really don't want you to believe me, since true-believer-ship is a large part of your undoing.  Perhaps all I ask is that you look at the art of precognition as it exists in the container I will describe.
Within that container the future has happened before, and the human being has been given a second chance to re-live it in the hope of the human being will not again end up in Hell.  I am not saying this is the truce case, but it is a functional working metaphor.
When we Space Sailors were requested by God to come here, and like a fleet forming from all around the kingdom, from all around the Gala Sea, we set sail for the place where one of God's wives, Earth, was supposed to be.
What we found was what we call "a dustbin of space"; Earth was gone, exploded, and where she should have been was a rosary of earth clods and frozen oceans formed into an asteroid belt around the sun.
Frozen within and hanging onto this asteroid belt were the billions upon billions of souls who had been the offspring of Earth, who together in their misery gave out such a terrible lamentation we called it, The Song of the Damned.
You, Dear Reader, were among those singers.
After deliberating over what we had found, we came up with a plan to travel some 57,000 years back in time, and to attempt to prevent the disaster which destroyed Earth.  We could not remake the stubborn, cruel mind of the human being, but what we were attempting to do was nudge human development off its course toward planetary destruction.
All of your great teachers and prophets were a part of this nudging.  When Jesus said, "This Earth will pass away," he knew what he was talking about because he had seen the dustbin of space which this planet, thanks to the human being, will become.
To understand the difficulty in our attempt to alter ever so slightly the course of human history, see yourself trying to nudge a mad, galloping elephant as it passes by you so that it will miss the cliff it is headed toward.  (Hmmm?  What a coincidence!  America now rides on the back of such a mad, galloping elephant, but that's another story.)
Those 57,000 years are now almost used up.  Unless we can nudge the elephant enough, in less than 60 years this Earth will explode and you will be back where you were when we found you, singing the Song of the Damned.
If we fail to save this Earth, and right now it seems very likely we will fail, our task will then be to pluck souls from the debris; but we will not pluck those souls who contributed to the Earth's doom; those souls will be forever quarantined  here so the disease which is the human being will not spread throughout the Gala Sea.
(There is another aspect to this in that some souls were plucked 57,000 years ago, but that, too, is another story.)
Now, to the subject of precognition.  In its purest form it is a way for the future to waft back into the past, it is an aspect of the physics of Time, and its function is to nudge the elephant.
The best historical example of precognition I know is the dual precognitive experiences of Abraham Lincoln and the wife of Ulysses S. Grant prior to the fatal night of Lincoln's assassination.
Lincoln was shown a dream in which he came upon a coffin holding the body of someone lying in state in the White House.  He asked a member of the honor guard who it was in the coffin and the guard told him it was the president, who had been assassinated.
While Lincoln awoke terrified by this dream he did not modify his plans because of it.
This, I suggest to you, was an attempt to nudge the elephant, to keep Lincoln alive and thereby better American history, thereby better the history of the world; but the elephant would not be nudged.
Mrs. Grant, the wife of the great general and future president, had a premonition about the disaster to come, and while the Grants were scheduled to be with the Lincolns at Ford's Theater that night, she talked her husband out of going.
This, I suggest, was a successful nudging of the elephant.
My favorite example of the precognitive experience was the vision of Sitting Bull in which he saw what we call "Custer's Last Stand" in the course of a pain-induced trance a few days before that slaughter took place.  In his vision the Americans on horseback were falling upside down in the Sioux village.
An interesting side story to this is when Custer's Indian scouts came upon the lodge where the vision ritual had taken place, perhaps two days later, they sensed the vision that had taken place there, and attempted to warn Custer not to continue on to the Little Big Horn.
That is, they attempted to nudge the elephant.
Custer, of course, being Custer, would not be nudged, and,.well, you know how it turned out; his entire command was wiped out with very few casualties to the Sioux..
History is full of such attempts to nudge the elephant; and very likely you have had precognitive experiences in your own life, precognition being a natural function of the human intellect and closely related, as I said, to the physics of Time.
So, I attempted to nudge the elephant prior to 9/11, but America is a very big and stupid elephant and almost impossible to nudge; and I have attempted to nudge the mad American elephant many other times with no success; but at times I have saved my own life through precognition, I being neither a big nor a stupid elephant.  You can do this, too.
In terms of your own use of precognition, think of it as serving the function a cat's whiskers, which inform the cat if a space too small for it to enter; and don't let America's state religion, psychiatry, shrink you down to a size at which you cannot use precognition.  Don't let "premonition" be called "paranoia", don't let the priests of that religion disguised as medicine trim your whiskers.
If you are walking down a street and something doesn't seem right, or if you are driving down a highway and some tiny understanding within you is scraping its fingernails on the blackboard of your spirit, listen, respond, allow yourself to be nudged.  Stop; change the equation of Time.
Premonition tells you when you are intersecting with disaster.  Do you understand this?