The $135 Billion Defeat
Shark America Eight
Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 156
One of the reoccurring themes of this work is that George W. Bush will destroy the world. This theme was established a little over a year before the 9/11 attack, after my Old Pal God asked me to establish it.
The central theme of this work is that this Earth will be dead by 2065, a theme I first put to paper in about 1963, also at God's behest.
When I began writing about the death of this Earth I stood alone in that understanding, now it has almost reached a point where I am preaching to the choir. By that I mean the approaching death of this Earth is rapidly becoming common knowledge.
The first difference in my work and that of the Johnnies-Come-Late is that they are projecting centuries of slow death and I am projecting decades of rapidly cascading death.
This difference in expectation of rate of planetary death contains the great and fatal error of Republican American Fascism and other modern forms of fascism.
The error is the Republican American Fascists expect and are planning for the slower death; slower planetary death giving them time to impose their "final solution" to the overpopulation problem; their final solution to the brown and black problem; their final solution to the Islam problem; their final solution to the poverty problem; their final solution to the Communist Chinese problem; that is, giving them time for their planned killing of billions of human beings.
In the fascist new world---a world of masters, their guards and their serfs---the production all greenhouse gasses and other pollutants will be reduced drastically because the human population will be reduced drastically.
However, the rapidity of the approach of the death of this Earth will swamp those plans in their satanic infancy, and all the fascist bastards, in the tradition of George W. Bush, will lose their souls; but that's the bigger story, the story of the saving of this Earth by God.
One of the thousands of tragedies contained in the Republican American Fascist coup that put George W. Bush into power is that the brains and energy and money---and time, precious time---that could have been thrown into the breach of planetary death were put into war, into expanded pollution, and into dreams of conquest and, in effect, into insuring and hurrying the death of this Earth.
That said, let's return to the impending invasion of Iran by Republican American Fascism; and bear in mind it is Republican American Fascism that is invading Iran, pulling the United States along behind it, as it pulled America behind it into Iraq, and as it intends to in Korea, and on and on and on.
Republican American Fascism has an agenda which America has not yet begun to come to terms with, and when the American people understand this they will stop getting caught flat-footed by Republican American Fascist lies and misadventures and failures.
We have been following classic American steps to war as we (along with the whole world) follow the Republican American Fascists preparing to make war on Iran.
We saw the most recent step toward the Republican American Fascist Invasion of Iran in the accusation that came out yesterday, that the Iranians were responsible for the horrible incident last week when we saw cooperation between resistance forces and Iraqi forces in the assassination/kidnap-murder of five American soldiers.
Accusing Iran turns our attention away from the fact that America has no true allies in Iraq, even those it arms and pays.
The false story of the great "victory" near Najav was also put forth to further blind us to the harsh military truth evolving in Iraq; that truth being that everyone with a gun is gunning for Americans..
I loosely anticipated this development of Republican American Fascism's accusing Iran of assassination-murder in my Saturday report when I wrote:
"You can see the step by step creation of this new and contrived war crisis in the escalation of confrontation with Iran, and the accelerated level of propaganda about Iran now flooding the American news media.
"We have seen this design in the invasion of an Iranian consulate in Iraq, which in international diplomatic terms is the same as invading Iran; and now we see it in the declaration to kill Iranians found in Iraq, as if they have not been subject to being killed all along. This is classic American war-creation, each step leading to anther step.
"I would guess the next step will be something in the order of hot pursuit into Iran.
"We can expect open acts of war on Iran just after the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis arrives on station off Iran, estimated by I.C. News to be in late February or early March."
The Republican American Fascist accusation that Iran carried out the attack which saw the assassination-murder of the five was loosely anticipated in my sentence, I WOULD GUESS THE NEXT STEP WILL BE SOMETING IN THE ORDER OF HOT PURSUIT INTO IRAN.
The accusation Iran murdered those five soldiers, true or not and almost certainly untrue, is a finger pointing toward Iran with the exhortation, "Pursue them! Pursue them!"; hoping to take advantage of hot American blood and captured American minds.
It seems, however, this propaganda ploy did not strike home. Perhaps Americans are becoming aware that George W. Bush is the boy who calls "Wolf!".
The TV talking heads have been saying no, George W. Bush cannot invade Iran; the army is too hollow, public opinion is too opposed, the Democrats have a majority in the Congress; but this is overlooking the fact that a fascist coup has taken place in the United States and that fascist coup does not care what the journalists say, what the Congress says, what the people want; the intent of the Republican American Fascist coup is war, war, war.
And as for the "broken army", the Republican American Fascists' conscious intent has from the start been to break the army, because the Republican America Fascists want to move into nuclear war and they want to rationalize that by saying, "We must wage war but our army is broken so we must use nuclear weapons."
In other news, the big "victory" at Najav, which was not investigated at all by American journalism, is reported by the London Independent as a massacre, a version of the event totally different than the American propaganda version.
In torture news, the torturer taking his turn torturing me last night drove a silver Ford, California license 4VAN506. He had a handicapped parking certificate hanging from his rear view mirror, and he certainly was handicapped in terms of decency and soul. After hitting our mutual wall to awaken me, as all Americans currently do when they have the opportunity, he added a variation, a twist of the knife, in which he hit the wall again in triumph.
A cowardly triumph for a cowardly American.
The American people would have gone full tilt boogie into fascism had the Republican American Fascists not been so stupid militarily.
Fascism would have swept America if the Republican American Fascist had given the American people a cowards' victory in their stupid and cowardly invasion of Iraq; but damn, the Iraqis fought back just as the American people were polishing up their swastikas.
I have lived under American fascism since 1967; I know how much Americans love fascism if the enemy is weak enough.