Jews Jaws Four
Shark America Six
Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 179
Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event
Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Draw Two Birds, One Stone Connectives
Today's Code is "I can recall his righteous sentence...".
We have entered into a most interesting phase of God's Space War against the United States of America, and it seems to be closely connected with today's code, "I can recall His righteous sentence...".
By that I refer to the "righteous sentence" I spoke telepathically over 100 times as I executed the "Counter-Attack In Place" maneuver in the Battle of Smallville this week.
The righteous sentence I spoke here in Smallville partially documented the deaths of the media weasels in Phoenix, and seems bound to document more psycho-fascist America deaths before it runs its course.
What was the righteous sentence? If your media weasels have not told you, ask the psycho-fascist coward at 316 Second Street who has implied a threat to have a gaggle of his doper friends murder me for carrying out the Counter-Attack In Place maneuver.
If this is all Greek to you, fasten your seatbelts because you are about to see America get slapped down.
In Smallville, the micro battle is heating up. The psycho-fascist Telepath-torturers are all in a dither over my recent Counter-Attack In Place maneuver, and young doper friends of the cowardly doper who lives at 316 Second Street are with great self-importance protecting 316 Second Street from my eyes.
I will explain as we go on.
In Phoenix they are mourning the deaths of four media weasels who died in direct, documented response to the torture of me here in Smallville by the cowards at 316 Second Street and 302 Third.
Those four deaths, and the 14 others that have taken place as a result of their torture are still not enough to satisfy them; and even as I write this they are saying they want to see more Americans die in their name. So be it; you shall see it.
This is an interesting day for God's Space War news.
In today's code, "I can recall his righteous sentence...", which marks our location in our timing code, the Battle Hymn of the Republic, can be found one of the three connectives between the Phoenix media weasels' death yesterday and the torture of me in Smallville these past four months.
As I have been reporting for some time, people are dying elsewhere in America for the torture of me here in Smallville.
I know this is difficult to see, but if it were easy to see psycho-fascist America would be kissing my ass instead of revealing through its torture-enslavement of me just how wicked it is; and we don't want to miss any who deserve to be damned, do we? We don't want their evil to follow us Home.
Thus far in this demonstration we have seen nine firemen, five Mennonites and now four media weasels dead in direct, demonstrable, reaction to the torture of my by the cowardly American "men" at 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street, Smallville.
This pattern of retaliatory deaths goes back at least 30 years and includes such famous events as the Challenger explosion.
This death toll will without doubt continue to rise as long as America's torture-enslavement of me continues.
Karma, that's the name of the game; Do Unto Others, that's the nature of God's Space War.
I don't know if truth is possible between you psycho-fascist Americans, but if your allies in the torture of me here in Smallville will tell you what my "righteous sentence" was during my Counter-Attack In Place maneuver over two or three days preceding the Phoenix media weasel deaths, you will see the connection between the torture here and the deaths there.
I ran the Counter-Attack In Place code in this work on Wednesday and Thursday as I carried out the maneuver, and carried out the maneuver into Friday morning.
I have run this maneuver before to good result and explained it at the time. When you see this code appear in the "Tactics" line of the opening of each day's report you will know I am running the Counter-Attack In Place maneuver again.
You will like this maneuver; it is so simple; so easy; so pleasant; so devastating to the cowardly psycho-fascists who have tortured me without mercy..
All this maneuver involves is my sitting in my lawn chair in my yard close my home, wearing my baseball cap and shades and gardening clothes, and sipping my evening libation, and looking, looking, looking at the target house.
Nothing else, except repeating a telepathic mantra over and over again; and in this current use of the Counter-Attack In Place maneuver the mantra told the story of the helicopter crash.
When I used this maneuver against the house at 302 Third Street the mantra documented the Manhattan Project) explosion before it took place on July 18...or perhaps more clearly said, the one death in that explosion and the exact day it took place..
Do you recall the names of the two swords I am using in the Battle of Smallville? Time Travel and God.
While I cannot expect the dimwit dopers at 302 Third to remember what I telepathically repeated a hundred times as far back as the Manhattan (Project) explosion; perhaps, the dimwit dopers at 316 Second might still remember my righteous sentence in advance the Phoenix media weasels' deaths.
I could tell you the righteous sentence, but what fun would there be in that? Also, it is better than you liars learn the value of telling the truth.
That righteous sentence has continued into another news event; but that was a "Communication Hit" as I described yesterday.
I expect the righteous sentence to repeat itself a number of times, most likely resulting in the deaths and damnation of more media weasels.
As I have told you, at I.C. News we have a minimum requirement of three connectives to establish a true God's Space War hit; and the Phoenix hit had that.
The first connective, of course, is the Two Birds, One Stone code. Perhaps you can see that code played out in Two Helicopters, One Collision
The second connective can be seen in the call sign of one of the Phoenix TV stations struck by the Hand of God yesterday, KTVK; my initials being VK. This is most excellent writing on the wall of the news and relates the VK deaths to the VK torture.
The third connective, and the main one taking the line of responsibility for those deaths directly back to the torture of me here in Smallville; is my righteous sentence, my mantra, as I carried out the Counter-Attack in Place Maneuver.
I should point out three things for you.
First, God's Space War is not going to go away, and though it contradicts what all your preachers, priests and shrinks tell you, God is killing and damning Americans in response to America's torture-enslavement of me.
Second, despite the fact that the crime of torture-enslavement is shared by millions of Americans, and despite the fact that those millions of Americans do not consider the crime to be a crime, the damnable guilt of those committing the crime is not diluted among them.
This is not a spoonful of arsenic in an ocean, this is an ocean of arsenic.
That is, each psycho-fascist American is equally guilty of the capital crime of Telepath torture-enslavement in the Eyes of God.
For example, every news media weasel in America is as guilty as those fresh-dead and fresh-damned media weasels in Phoenix killed and damaned by God even though they had no idea of their guilt.. The message here is, repent, weasels.
Third, God is at least a million times more angry at America for America's torture-enslavement of me than I am. If I could unleash the power of God, every person who tortures me here in Smallville would be torn limb from limb; but God unleashes God's own power in God's Own Way and in God's Own Sweet Time; as in this case it was media weasels in Phoenix who were were torn limb from limb.
Now, let's return to the Battle of Smallvile, where my Counter-Attack In Place maneurver has brought on paroxysms of anger from 316 Second, but, as one might expect, cowardly anger.
The psycho-fascist doper living there has called in all his all his psycho-fascist doper friends to protect his home from my eyes. They cruise by or park nearby in what i suppose it meant to be a show of threatening force. I calculate there are about eight of them, in additon to the two already on the List of the Damned.
Do you see the cowardice? The cowardly psycho-fascist at 316 Second Street has been torturing me for four months, smirking at me like he was Mr. Tough Guy, but my eyeballing his house for the total of an hour over three days causes him to call in a gang to help him.
He is in his 30s or late 20s; I am a few weeks short of my 68th birthday. This cowardice is, in a nutshell, the cowardice of America, but that's another story.
It is interesting enough that the amused, smirky countenance of this torturer has been changed to outrage and anger that I would dare respond to his torture by looking intently at his house for 30 minutes or less a day for only three days running.
In addition, his anger in itself is a weakness. That I can with such ease trigger such blind anger that includes the threat of gang attack and murder, points the way to the calamitous defeat of these cowards of Smallville, but that's another story.
(Ah, and only if these young psycho-fascist Americans were not so cowardly. If only they would attack me with courage in broad daylight rather than threatening to sneak up to my at night; ah, that, Dear Reader, is an old soldier's wet dream.)
The intense and immediate anger at me for the slightest act of defiance has been a common occurrence since America's torture enslavement began, but like in many things, the smallness of Smallvile accentuates it and allows me to better record the American death factor coming from it.
To American Telepath-torturers, when I respond in any way I am the equivalent of what Southern Whites used to call an "Uppity Nigger".
To American Telepath-torturers, I am supposed to take their torture and suffer through it for their pleasure.
My Counter-Attack In Place maneuver of Tuesday and Wednesday put them in the same dither of righteous outrage and anger as a Nigger Boy looking the wrong way at a White Girl would have inflamed the Klu Klux Klan.
The parallel is exact. The slave must keep his place.
Of course I knew this would be the reaction when I carried out the Couter-Attack in Place maneuver; I can read these people like a Dick and Jane primer; and to me their gathering of angry reinforcements is most welcome; to me it is "Come on, Cowards, come on, attack me in the daylight rather than creeping up to my house at night"; to me it would be like shooting fascist fish in a barrel.
Of course, they being the cowards they are I can only expect cowardly attacks; but I can dream, can't I?.
So, all the fun and games aside, the key to understanding how the torture and threat of murder coming out of 316 Second Street caused the deaths of the four media weasels in Phoenix is to learn what my mantra was, what my righteous sentence was, while I focused my sunglasses-concealed eyes on the house at 316 Second Street and drove the cowardly bastard crazy.
What did I telepathically broadcast over 100 times; and now...and now...and now let's turn our attention to the "news" media and see if my righteous sentence reappears in God's attack on it; let's see if more media weasel damnation will be seen spelled out in media weasel road kill..
Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"
George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.