Thursday, January 31, 2008

The $508 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine Down

Shark America One Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 149 (Out of the Danger Zone)

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Remember the Future

Today's code is "31st Day, Last Year".

Were there to be much of a history of the United States of America historians would look back an marvel that no candidate for president at this time spoke of what needed to be spoken of.

A dying earth, a collapsing nation, a turning from climbing toward Good to sliding down, down, down into Evil. Among the candidates, mum was the word and ignorance was the norm.

There was also at this time a certain innocent idiocy to the American people, a smug smile of the unknowing that would evaporate when the store shelves were empty and the American people's purpose in life, consuming-consuming-consuming, was taken from them.

You can see an excellent example of the American public's idiotic consumption in the continued hounding of Britney Spears to an early death as a public entertainment; the torture frenzy now getting into a pattern of locking her up on psychiatric holds, the great illegality of psycho-fascism; and no public commentator even once recognizing that the Papparazzi Nazis are deliberately hounding her to distraction because there is profit in the photos of it, and because there is gained a sense of group power from it.

The Americans say, "It is funny and fun to watch it on da TV, duh, see how she suffers, duh, tra la tra la, goo goo."

Legalized murder, how Americans love it.

But even this psycho-fascist blood sport will pass out of favor when the Republican American Fascists complete their coup by creating chaos and disaster around the world; then the TVs will be blank and the computers as useless as tits on a boar, and electricity will be a memory, as will warmth in winter.

Then Big Money will crack the whip, and this so-called free American people will accept enslavement for a crust of bread.

Seeing history before is happens is a marvelous art.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America, unaware of God's furious anger at it, finished the 31st day of its last year.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The $507 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Ten Up

Shark America Nine Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 152 (Out of the Danger Zone)

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Point to Ground Zero

Today's code is "30th Day, Last Year".

Movement is strong. Anaheim, California, should make a separate peace with God's One True Telepath, because it is there the first Great Blow of God's Space War will impact in approximately one week.

Do you recall the two extra codes I gave you last Saturday, the two codes I garnered from the human-like form photographed by the NASA Mars Rover, and much discussed on the Internet for some time?

One was "Out of Thin Air" and the other was "Copenhagen, Denmark", or "The Mark".

Both codes have now been fulfilled; yet both codes remain active.

The first fulfillment of Out of Thin Air was filled out by my living through the episode which dropped me into unconsciousness as if out of thin air in less than two seconds yesterday, from which I came to after about ten minutes.

I suggest that near-death experience was caused by the brutalizing of me by the queer on probation and his bitches at 2025 W. Embassy Ave., Anaheim, California, where I worked as a live-in house manager.

The first fulfillment of the "Copenhagen, Denmark" code and its variation, "The Mark", came with the bump (mark) on my head caused by my violent fall when I became unconscious. Therefore, the "X" marked Anaheim, where the near-death experience took place.

When introducing The Mark code I said it would mark the spot of the allegedly wayward American spy satellite's impact with Earth; and now I think that with God's influence it will impact where The Mark is, Anaheim.

That is, I think this object, which I think is an American secret weapon, will do something other than what the Americans expect to cause it to do. That is, I think America will shoot itself in the foot with this weapon, Anaheim, being the foot.

Those Dear Readers who are interested in how the God's Space War codes are established might find it interesting to know how Out of the Blue and Copenhagen, Denmark were the codes I.C. News mined from the NASA Mars Rover photo of the human-like figure which made such a stir on the Internet.

While I.C. News does not say the figure was an actual human being it does say the form was intentionally constructed to be photographed by Rover.

We Space Sailors call the formation "The Mermaid of Mars", and think it looks very similar, except for the positioning of the right arm and hand, to the famous statue of a mermaid in Copenhagen harbor.

What would be the photographed figure on Mars have to do with both Copenhagen and Anaheim?

One of the most famous landmarks of Disney is The Little Mermaid movie, and Disneyland is in Anaheim.

Recall, in the example of the first use of the Out of Thin Air code a dollar bill appeared out of thin air after an invisible right arm had been draped across my back and its hand rested on my right shoulder. The position of the Mermaid of Mar's right arm contained that reference.

(This "Little Miracle of the Dollar Bill" was reported on Monday.)

All this leads us to understand that Anaheim is the target of the Great Attack of Operation Queer.

I don't know if this is clear to you, and your masters in Washington Deceit won't let you tell me; but I note these codes are designed to be obscure and readily rejected by the psycho-fascist mind; and I further note if this coding system were easy to understand the CIA would understand it and the United States of America would not be up the God's Space War creek without a paddle.

That the people of Anaheim continued to torture me after yesterday's near-death episode was the final straw that doomed them to be Ground Zero; caused them to be charged by God with attempted murder. They chose indecency over decency, the American way.

I know you psycho-fascist Americans like to think your crimes against me are diffused by your numbers, like a drop of ink in a bathtub full of water; but neither in your laws or God's is that a valid assumption.

We shall see this mass guilt of Anaheim's citizens--for the crime of attempted murder--in the coming God's Space War punishment of Anaheim.

What do I expect to happen? I expect some large object to come from space. I currently expect the object to come low from the west and slam into Anaheim; the splash-back also destroying the neighboring town of Orange, and the splash-forward reaching as far east as Riverside.

My guess is this will be a God-controlled extraterrestrial object. My current intention is to remain in Anaheim to cover the story. It would be a shame to miss such a terrible disaster befalling psycho-fascist America.

Currently I am expecting this punishment by God of Anaheim, California, to take place on or about next Thursday, February 8. I am, however, more often wrong than right about such projections.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 30th day of its last year.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The $506 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine Up

Shark America One Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 143 (Pulling Back From the Danger Zone)

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Speak to Sticking to Purpose

Today's code is "29th Day, Last Year".

As I began writing this report this morning I started to become dizzy, and after a couple seconds I thought to lie down, but it was too late. I came to on the floor about ten minutes later, confused about how I got there

I have been telling you I was expecting a Little Miracle, a Gift from God. Perhaps that was it; I did not die.

The subject my Old Pal God had given me to talk to you about today was "Sticking to Purpose"; so it seems I shall stick to mine, living or dead; and living or dead, psycho-fascist America shall continue to hear from me.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 29th day of its last year.

Monday, January 28, 2008

The $505 Billion Defeat


Jews Jaws Eight Up

Shark America Two Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 132 (Less Deep into the Danger Zone)

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Point to the Expected Miracle

Today's code is "29th Day, Last Year".

I am taking the rare step of making two reports in one day. This is because two breaking stories have come across my desk.

First, I have been advised to expect a miracle gift from God to me.

Second, the US satellite in alleged decaying orbit reported in the news is actually a planned, guided event, part of Republican American Fascism's Armageddon ploy. That is, the news story is a fraud.

I am posting this report today rather than tomorrow because these both are close-up events and I want my scoops--that is, I want to report them before they happen.

First, I am expecting a miracle. That is what the first of the two extra codes I noted on Saturday were about, "Out of Thin Air" and "Copenhagen, Denmark". You may recall the two codes came with the human-like formation photographed on Mars.

Out of Thin Air refers to what I call a Little Miracle, one of many I have experienced since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy. The one referred in the Out of Thin Air code to took place in the early Seventies, soon after I became audibly telepathic.

I have written about this Little Miracle in this work at least once before, calling it something like, "The Little Miracle of the Dollar Bill".

In that the early stage of America's persecution of me the government and media and the public were focused on raping my mind, attempting to cause me to break a law I could be arrested and tried for, trying to make a mad criminal out of me, a favorite American gambit.

So, when I was alone and cold and hungry one evening after a few days on the road and a few months of this mind-raping, I asked my Old Pal God to buy me a bowl of rice.

Within a minute after I made that request I felt a Great Being standing at my left, right arm draped over my right shoulder, and I could see an invisible left arm and hand pointing forward and parallel to the ground, the left hand pointing to a spot a few feet above the ground about 10 yards away.

At the spot the invisible hand pointed to there appeared right before my eyes a dollar bill emerging from thin air, as if it were between the rollers of a bill changing machine, and fluttered to the ground. I picked it up and went to the nearest restaurant, a neighborhood Chinese place, and had fried rice, tea and soup for just under a dollar.

There were no witnesses; nor were there supposed to be; God was educating me.

Now, how I came to ask for a bowl of rice in the first place, thus triggering the Little Miracle of the Dollar Bill, is in itself an interesting story which is applicable today, one which leads me to think I can expect another Gift From God out of thin air very soon.

It was only after some coaxing by God that I had returned to the USA from my happy life as a foreign correspondent in Asia, and that coaxing was in the form of a long poem from God to me, and while most of that poem has probably been lost, there were two lines that apply to what I am telling you today.

One was, "I will buy you an bowl of rice if you are hungry;" and in asking for the rice after the Americans had begun their attack I was asking God to fulfill that promise. Had God not fulfilled that promise at that time I might have considered myself to be a solo act rather than part of a dynamic duo, and I might have altered by approach to my situation.

Prior to that "rice" line was a line that went, "Would you be an arrow if I promised you a bow?"

That line has never been played out as the "bowl of rice" line was played out; but now after over 30 years it seems to have been played out.

What event did I just tell you was a genuine "UFO" killing of a human being, a killing that related to the "UFO" killing of three Navy people in a helicopter crash south of Corpus Christi, Texas, both events related to the "UFO" sighing over Stephenville, Texas?

I refer to the killing of Corpus Christi police officer Mathew Thebeau.

"Thebeau", along with the Mars codes, seems to be the "bow" God promised me long, long ago.

Second, while these miracle codes have been coming in from as far away as Mars and Texas there has appeared the news story of an American spy satellite in a decaying orbit and expected to hit this Earth within a few weeks.

I suggest you consider this story to possibly be a decoy story, that what is taking place is not the accidental falling of the huge satellite as reported, but rather the intentional returning to Earth of a secret weapon, a Trojan Horse event.

This is the event the second extra code of Saturday referred to, "Copenhagen, Denmark". For now call "Denmark" "The Mark", and let's see if we can calculate where this secret weapon is programmed to strike. Where is the "X", The Mark, on the globe?

With this event we are entering into Republican American Fascism's ploy to initiate a false Armageddon, to play on the national religiosity of Americans by casting America as having been divinely assigned the role of Good in the final battle between Good and Evil.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 29th day of its last year.

The $505 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight Up

Shark America Two Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 129 (Deep into the Danger Zone)

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Point to the Massiveness of God

Today's code is "28th Day, Last Year".

It is a pity, really, that it has come to this; the United States of America torturing and enslaving me; God defeating the United States of America; bad for me; bad for America.

America set this course. Had America set a kinder course we would be on a kinder sea. There would have been no 9/11. There would have been no stupid and fascist war against Islam.

Oh, well, no use crying about souls gone into the damn.

Much of this writing is pain-driven. Had America not enslaved and tortured me and murdered my children I would not hurt so much; and more...and children would give me pleasure and I wouldn't be writing such a bad end for America.

And that brings us to an unspoken mystery. What I write comes true.

This is because God reads what I write. This is because God asked me to write it.

I told you a couple days ago that those who pilot those "UFOs" which you have not yet come close to identifying, have a saying, "Live as if you were dancing before God". It is that concept that has taken them from star to star to star to star; because God applauds their dancing.

There is a funny thing about God's Space Sailors, we almost never pray; yet the least of us, which is likely me, has a love relationship with God greater than all the Christians of history lumped together. We have no fear of God. We have no theology. We have no scripture. Those are all Earth-based things and we are strangers in this strange world. We are natural with God.

Among Space Sailors, the word "God" is rarely spoken--something we have in common with the Jews, I hear--but this is neither the time nor the place for me to talk about God; America grows more ungodly every day.

As I explained a few days ago, I have been staying at the home of my niece, waiting for her to return from the family's vacation cruise; and now she has, and now her plunge toward death through exhaustion and despair picks up where it left off a week ago.

She fell at least twice on the cruise, due not to rough seas but due to exhaustion. She is bruised from those falls. She is a feather being blown to her death by a steady, cruel wind.

Her husband loathes my being here and bangs on the wall of my room at night worse than the queer at the other place. To dodge this, I slept on a couch in the living room last night, and three times before midnight he banged on the wall thinking I was in the room. Banged hard; banged hard; hatred in every bang.

This is, of course, his home, and this presents a dilemma because it is the home of my niece, too; and against all family gossip about me and despite her country's hatred for she sought me out for my help.

She knows she is dying; that her situation is hopeless; that she must get up and care for their paralyzed son six, seven, eight, nine times a night, and dress him and shower him and clean his poop during the day. This she does alone, while the husband plays the man.

Suicide is a handsome thought kissing her on the mouth. If I leave, she will likely not live a year.

She begs me to stay; but her husband's harassment and outrage that I am here grows now to maniacal degrees; and she seems oblivious of his loathing for me, and it seems he lies to her and tells her I am welcome while telling me I am not.

I know this story now, I know how Satan works in this house, this house so encased in tragedy, hopelessness and pain.

I offer to her to learn to take care of her son, and she welcomes that offer, and her son welcomes that offer, but the husband does not welcome that offer, and he seems to loathe me all the more for making it.

He loathed me before I entered this house; he loathed me during the two months I worked at the den of thieves and dope addicts as live-in manager, only putting up with that horror for the love of my niece; and I can see no curing that loathing.

If I could, I would steal my niece away so as to save her life; but to save mine...but to save mine...but to save mine I must steal myself away soon.

Today, probably; tomorrow, almost certainly; and I am asking my Old Pal God in which direction I should point my car.

I am 68 years old. My heart beats like a child playing a tom-tom. I am loathed by my country and my country is loathed by God. It is a pity it has come to this.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 28th day of its last year.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The $504 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven Up

Shark America Three Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 135 (Deeper into the Danger Zone)

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Point to Thin Air

Today's code is "27th Day, Last Year".

We have two extra codes today. They are "Out of Thin Air" and "Copenhagen, Denmark". They are the codes contained in the human-shaped image photographed by Rover on Mars. Let's see if I am blowing smoke up your ass, or fire.

Out of Thin Air tells me my Old Pal God is going to keep a promise promised me long, long ago.

Copenhagen, Denmark tells me the God's Space War story now moves to Europe.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 27th day of its last year.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The $503 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six Up

Shark America Four Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 141 (Still Holding Unusually Steady at Edge of Danger Zone)

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Point to the New Corpus Christi Death

Today's code is "26th Day, Last Year".

There is a decided development in the story of the approaching death of this Earth in about 2065 emphasizing "space war" over "God's Space War", as if the double whammy of what is taking place is being reduced to one whammy for public consumption.

Believe it or not, the purpose of this work is to help the human race; and it seems it might help mankind a bit if this work appreciates that the Americans consider themselves to be the nicest and sweetest and bestest people in all God's Creation; and de-emphasize the fact that God is at war with them--something totally incomprehensible to them--and emphasize the fact that the "UFO" is at war with them.

In a sense, the "UFO" is one of the mysterious ways in which God works, and it plays an integral role in God's plan to save this Earth from the human being, but it would be much easier for Americans to appreciate that aliens from outer space are killing them than that God is killing them.

That is, while God is at war with the United States of America the emphasis in this work is currently being placed on the "UFO's" war on the human species.

I don't mind this at all, since to tell America about God's furious anger at America gets me in all kinds of trouble with the wickedness and snares of American Christianity and Judaism. One might as well tie a knot the Devil's tail than tell an Amereican Christian or Jew he or she is in theological error.

Of course it does not matter if I mind this lateral shift in our story because I follow the story wherever it goes anyway, the story does not follow me; but I remind you as we proceed that just because I may not talk about my Old Pal God as much as usual does not mean God is not active in this tale.

So, let's talk about space and beings coming here from another place; and what they are up to; and why they are up to what they are up to; that is, why they are killing off the human race. Forget about Little Green Men. Forget about monsters from Mars. This is a big thing with big beings doing big things.

Now, Dear Reader, I ask you, are you strong enough to know the truth about the "UFO"?

I don't ask you lightly. This knowledge takes courage.

If you don't have the stomach to learn that a policeman in Corpus Christi, Texas, was killed by the "UFO" just under a week ago for the sin of telepath torture in Anaheim, California, which the police of Anaheim refused to respond to, read the funny pages, watch a football game, get laid, have a drink, dance the boogaloo, do anything...anything...anything, but don't read on.

Lately the "UFO" has been reported in the news in the silly way journalism reports the "UFO" news, mocking and joking about those people who saw "UFOs" over Stephenville, Texas; yet Stephenville was a genuine case of the "UFO" attempting to communicate with the human being, and thus far...thus far...thus far that attempt has cost the lives of four men in uniform in and near Corpus Christi.

Don't worry about that; life is cheap in America.

In modern times, the "UFO" has been attempting to communicate with the human being since about 1948, but the human being is not interested in being communicated with except in ways its fiction novelists and fiction journalists would have it--land on the White House lawn; consume Baltimore; steal the president's daughters and lay their bodies in front of the Mars Rover's camera...oops, I am giving something away.

What I am saying is because the "UFO" is so alien the form of its approach is alien to the human mind, and that gives it a kind of intellectual invisibility. It's approach is not what human minds would expect it to be. Alien. Foreign. Different. Very, very, very different. Get my drift?

For many years it was absolutely illegal for me to talk about God in the United States of America, since any true information about God's relationship with me would land me in a nut house where psycho-fascist shrinks would torture me with psycho-fascist smirks on their psycho-fascist faces.

But I was onto the story of the approaching death of this Earth in less than 60 years, and I had to report it. That is the nature of the newsperson. It is like a black musician being filled with Boogie Woogie and it has to come out, the black butt has to sit on the piano stool and the black fingers have to fly.

So, I looked to the "UFO" story, a virtually unreported story but for the silly jottings of silly newspeople saying, "This is a silly story but I have to report it because my editor jokingly told me to, please don't think me crazy because I am writing about what crazy people say they are seeing".

That, in a nut shell, is journalism's coverage of the "UFO" story since 1948.

So I studied the "UFO" story exclusively for a few years and found what I have told you I found:

The "UFO" is seen when it wants to be seen, and when it is seen it is seen for a reason. In a way it is waving at the human race like one might wave one's hand in front of the eyes of a person in a trance. The "UFO" is saying, "Snap out of it!".

I also found that the "UFO" is bi-dimensional, meaning it goes from this dimension we know to a dimension we do not know.

I found that journalistic reportage of the "UFO" story was so immature and so silly and so stupid that all the basic practices of journalism were abandoned when it came to this story. There was no Who, What, Where, When, Why and How; there was just "Duh, hahaha."

For example, there was no study of patterns in "UFO" appearances. Each appearance was taken as a separate silly event, like some spotlight of mass lunacy was suddenly turned on some town in New York or Texas or New Mexico; and if the story persisted at all the Air Force was always there to say it had been carrying out operations; as if you and I are so stupid we don't know what an airplane is.

So I pieced together the "UFO" story like some crabby old academic might piece together fragments of a document found in a cave by a goatherd; and like the academic finding gaps caused by insects and time and temperature, I found gaps caused by silly men and silly women with press credentials and Air Force frauds with contrived explanations.

I also found the "UFO" was killing human beings; not a lot of human beings...but why...but why...but why?

When I got to know the "UFO" I began to understand why. It was an alien reason, a foreign reason, a reason that does not fit comfortably on the human mind. The "UFO" calls it, "Proper Local Poetry".

An odd phrase, don't you think? Something like, "When in Rome do what the Romans do", but there is another dimension to it, and once I understood that dimension the "UFO" story began to come together for me.

That dimension was poetry. Everything the "UFO" does is part of a larger poem. To Shakespeare all the world was a stage; to the "UFO" all the universe is a living poem. It is that understanding of the universe which has taken them like voyagers in a Greek epic light-years from their home stars.

You understand, I am not talking about the June-Moon-Spoon kind of poetry, but epic poetry; as if the "UFO" were living out a great narration.

They have a saying, the "UFO" jocks, "Live as if you were dancing before God", but that's another story.

It is in having learned to read the poetry of the "UFO" that I came to understand relationships between seemingly unconnected events, because I could track the metaphor of the poem from one event to another, often so well that I could anticipate the next event.

Corpus Christi, Texas. I knew years ago the "UFO" poem would lead to Corpus Christi, Body of Christ, and I attempted to report this to Texas newspapers. I knew this because I knew the "UFO" has some yet undetermined connection with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Perhaps some savvy editor will remember; or perhaps you will have to trust me on if it made any difference whether you trust me or not, because I am not only proving the existence of the "UFO", Dear Reader, I am proving the "UFO" is killing you; and, trust me, the "UFO" will prove it to you.

Appreciate the "other worldliness" of the "UFO". Appreciate that its thought process is different than yours.

The "UFO" is attempting to communicate with the human being in a number of ways, and one of those ways is by killing human beings...but wait, "proper local poetry", yes, it is proper local poetry to kill people... but how does the "UFO" choose which human beings to kill?

Ah, there's the rub.

The "UFO" often kills human beings because their names fill out the poem, or their occupations, or their locations, but mainly their names.

Today we talk about a Corpus Christi police officer who was killed by the "UFO" just under a week ago for his name, his location, and his uniform.

Do you really want to know this story? Wouldn't you prefer not to know the trouble you are in?

So, for those of you guys and gals who have a pair, the dead policeman's name was Officer Mathew B. Thebeau. He died in a solo auto accident while responding to a call concerning an assault; and he was killed by the same "UFO" that appeared over Stephenville about a week before, the same "UFO" that killed the three Navy people in a helicopter crash south of Corpus Christi a few days before it killed Thebeau.

You can poo-poo this; it takes neither guts nor brains to poo-poo; but I can prove it.

I have given many lessons in this work on how to read in the writing of God's Hand on the wall of the news, and while I am for the time being not invoking God's Work in this narration, the concept is the same; and if you are one of those people who have followed this work, perhaps can you read this example of "UFO" writing.

Read "Thebeau' as "The Boy", and put that on the back burner of your mind's stove.

Later, if I somehow become a free American journalist and am able to report this story without being abused by psycho-fascist Americans in this torture chamber, you will see The Boy appears also in the Stephenville "UFO" sighting, and the in Navy helicopter crash that killed three; and if you appreciate the flexibility of what is called the Metaphor of Attack in God's Space War, you can see Corpus Christi as "Body of The Boy of God.".

Common, if this were easy to understand the CIA would understand it.

I would stop here today, but there is a story in a news that needs my comment.

While it might seem off the point, on my Internet server's news page today was a photo of a figure on Mars taken by the Mars Rover, about which there has apparently been some Internet speculation that it might be a photo of a person, so exact and anatomically correct the figure is.

My server says "experts" say it is a rock formation; and in one of those polls servers like to take, my server gives four choices for me to vote on. Is it a prankster's manipulation of the photo? Is it a rock? Is it an accidental blotch on the photo? Is it space junk?

My server pointedly does not ask the question, Is it real?

Yes, it is real; but you have to allow for the intellect of the being, the "UFO", that posed it for the Rover's camera, knowing full well the Rover was coming along at two feet an hour and would photograph that exact place.

The figure was a messaged from the "UFO" It is the third message from the "UFO" via Mars landing craft I have detected since the Mars landing program began.

Let me know if you are interested in this. If so I will devote a report to it.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 26th day of its last year.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The $502 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five Up

Shark America Five Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 141 (Holding Unusually Steady at Edge of Danger Zone)

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Point to the Draw Play

Today's code is "24fth Day, Last Year".

The Boys and I were teaching Birds to fly, and the Girls were dancing on a Fable.

Stiller than the stones lay the dead on the battlefield; stiller than the dead on the battlefield lay the hopes of the God-damned (literally) United States of America.

We are talking about God's Space War against the United States of America, and we are playing what we journalists used to call "the numbers game" back in those good ol' Vietnam War days. We are counting bodies; we are keeping score.

Dead and captured.

The United States of America has captured one of God's Space Sailors, and is torturing that sailor to death, making his life a living Hell.

God has captured all the millions of Americans who have died and been killed since about 1972, and the vast, vast majority of them are now in Hell; lost and gone forever, dreadful sorrow. Knowledge of Evil was their damnable sin.

The numbers game. Do Unto Others. You do the math.

We are saying the basic military strategy used by God can be found in the God's Space War maxim: The Nature of the Surprise Attack is Surprise; the Nature of its Cousin, the Draw Play, is Infliction.

Had God, instead of creating one audible mental telepath like bait on a hook, just appeared, Bang!, in 1972, that would have been a surprise attack, and any open killing and damning and dooming, or perhaps the Beauty of God Itself, would have shocked the world into Good Behavior.

That, however, would not have separated the tares from the grain, would it have?.

The psycho-fascist Americans would have said, "Oh, oh, God is here, we'd better mind our P's and Q's"; and psycho-fascist America would have been smug as a bug in a rug thinking God thought it was a Good Guy in the human movie--and the wickedness of America would be saying, "Ha!, we made it past Saint Peter!", as if God were so stupid.

The psycho-fascist con game: The psycho-fascist vipers in the pit dressed up like kittens in a basket; conning themselves into thinking they are conning God.

Rather, God chose the draw play over the surprise attack, having watched America incessantly praising itself to High Heaven even as the stink of its sins rose to High Heaven--murder, slavery, theft; murder, slavery, theft; murder, slavery, theft; generation after generation after generation.

God established what is called "The Litmus Paper Ambush"; or as we Space Sailors jokingly but truthfully call it, "The Light Mouse God Maneuver".

As in basic science the litmus paper tests for acidity, in basic God's Space War the Litmus Paper Ambush tests for wickedness.

Here we come to a point of disagreement between psycho-fascist America and God. America says its torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath is not wicked; God says it is.

Who do you suppose is going to hold sway in this disagreement?

Psycho-fascist America has continued in its policy of wickedness-voted-not-wicked for over 30 years, thus being drawn deeper and deeper into God's ambush--God's draw play.

Down went a generation, down went another generation, down went another generation; like World War One soldiers being mowed down by machinegun fire, their generals too stupid to change their tactics.

We have always fixed bayonets and charged; we have always tortured the Telepath. The logic is the same; the result is the same.

While I have put a request before God to do so, I cannot yet show you photos of the millions upon millions of Americans in Hell today, damned for Telepath torture, like I can show you photos of rows of Tommy bodies harvested like wheat by Hiney machinegunners, but you can see those damned souls in the words of Scripture, Thou Shalt Not Kill; Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness, ad infinitum.

America's torture-enslavement of me broke every law in God's Law Book; and as always, and into forever if allowed, you psycho-fascist Americans mouth those laws but do not appreciate their authority, their purpose or their meaning.

I cannot review for you today the mowing down of generation after generation of psycho-fascist Americans, the frying of those millions of psycho-fasctist fish who took the Satan Bait, those psycho-fascist soldiers of Satan who fell into God's Draw Play, but I can point out to you exactly where God's Space War against America is right now.

Every candidate for president is damned because each individually and all as a group bears false witness against God's One True Telepath. "Who? What? What Telepath with a capitol T? I know nothing about some telepathic man who thinks America has abused him." Damned and lost and gone forever for that lie, dreadful sorrow, shielding themselves with that tissue-thin lie before the winds and flames of eternal Hell. Silence is False Witness.

The battlefield is imperceptible to the mass American psycho-fascist mind. Space War is too alien to be seen; so I play the numbers game.

Hey, Assholes, I say, the "UFO" just killed three psycho-fascist Navy people in that helicopter crash south of Corpus Christi; and I can prove it; and one link in the chain of proof goes back to the "UFO" sighting over Stephensville, a good enough sighting that the Air Force is now doing its common cover-up dance, saying it had aircraft operating in the area.

The Air Force did not say this right away, of course, because it expected the usual withering mockery of the news media to shut the people of Stephensville up, the common psycho-fascist intimidation of witnesses; but the sighting was too good, too solid; therefore Standard Lie Number Three had to be used, Air Force maneuvers.

I will tell you a secret about the "UFO". It is seen when it wants to be seen; and when it is seen it is saying something.

In this context, the relationship between Stephensville and Corpus Christi constitutes a very important statement, a statement which relates right back to America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath: "We killed those Navy queers because you torture Virgil. How much of this fire do you want to eat?"

(Of course, the cause of death of three American military people is less important than the cause of the rise of the price of gasoline, but that's another story, an American-type story.)

And note, Dear Reader, we call those dead Navy people "queers" because we prefer to aggravate psycho-fascist America than endear ourselves to it.

Why would we do that? Because we are God's Space Sailors and we are at war with psycho-fascist America--and we love war, and we love to make war.

As for me, America has already murdered my children, America has already stolen my life; I am quite pleased to spit nuclear spittle into America's soup; I am quite pleased to further draw America into the Hell America so richly deserves.

Do Unto Others, Stupid.

As for the "UFO", it loves me. That is an important factor in this story; understated, but it should not be underrated.

And then of course there was the death of the actor who played a queer in a big movie about queer cowboys, mysteriously coming just as God's Space War is carrying out a military operation called "Queer".

This death is much talked about, of course, autopsy, blood analysis, tragic story, young actor, young father, personal friend to one of those beautiful rich twins--but the true facts of the event are untouchable, unspoken of because they are unknowable; unknowable because knowledge of them is blocked by the mass psycho-fascist American lie that I am not audibly telepathic and I am not held in torture-enslavement.

The one truth is declared not to exist, therefore the death cannot be looked at in the context of that truth; and so a fictional conclusion is reached and becomes fact, as so many fictional concusions do in psycho-fascist America..

America's only hope is if there is no God.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 25th day of its last year.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The $502 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four Up

Shark America Six Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 147 (Steady on the Edge of Danger Zone)

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Nuke the Queers

Today's code is "24th Day, Last Year".

There is some question at this time whether or not I was murdered at 2025 W. Embassy Street, Anaheim, California. The torture there damaged me that greatly; and something seems to have been broken. There is nothing more vicious than a queer with the right to torture.

I have composed news stories while the bullets whizzed by; so I can do the same while my heart decides if it wants to keep on beating.

Living out of a suitcase, my desk is more cluttered than usual, and my writer's stride is a bit choppy, not the usual long-legged lope of the long distance runner. What the Hell, this is war, not the Olympics; I may not run pretty but I do run hard and relentlessly.

I see there is absolutely no understanding that the movie actor, Heath Ledger, of Brokeback Mountain fame, was killed by God as part of Operation Queer. Of course there is no reason there should be;.that was a private killing to show me how operation Queer is progressing.

The death of this movie actor, killed by God because he played a queer on screen (in response to a queers torture of me over the past month or two) is like a punctuation mark in the writing on the wall of the news. Isolated, it has no meaning, but in the larger context of Operation Queer it will be seen as significant.

For example, while I never do well in second-guessing God's Space War actions against the United States of America, if we suddenly were to see actors who played queers in movies or on TV dying, a pattern would become visible.

I look over my list of news stories and come upon one I have not updated in a while, that being the coming nuclear-bombing of the greater Los Angeles area.

This is a pesky story here at I.C. News; it does not move closer and it does not go away.

This tells us Los Angeles will still be the first American target when George W. Bush stumblebums the world into nuclear war, but the date of attack has not yet been set.

Most likely the nuclear shooter has been ordered to fire when certain events have taken place or certain conditions have developed. Most likely the nuclear device is already in place...or devices are.

There is no demand for even free samples of this story; and perhaps that is because this is such an obvious story to anyone who thinks in analytical terms about nuclear war, which few queers--that is, few Americans--are likely to do.

(Americans are now "queers" in the lexicon of Sod's Space Soldiers and Sailors and Airmen, as Vietnamese were "gooks" and "slopes" during the Vietnam War and Iraqis are "sandniggers" and "ragheads" now in the lexicon of American forces.)

As day follows night, the next logical news story on my list is the current stage of America's torture-murder of me, God's One True Telepath, and that I shall review for you briefly.

The one person in the world who loves me most--and perhaps the only person in the world who loves me at all--is a niece, the daughter of my deceased brother.

It was to remain near her, because she needs her beloved uncle near her, that I took the job as live-in house manager at 2025 W. Embassy, despite the fact it paid nothing and the residence is sponsored by a hotbed of psycho-fascism, a mental health association, with all the blind crypto-religious implications that come with that.

"You THINK you are being tortured," is the classic psycho-fascistic lie, a lie repeatedly told me at 2025 W. Embassy.

A little over a year ago my niece had taken great pains to find me, overcoming family gossip that I am more wicked than Vlad the Impaler, because though she had only known me when she was a little girl she recalled I had some quality that belied the family gossip and the family rationalization for allowing one of its own to be cast into torture-enslavement.

My niece has five adult children--one a troublesome 17-year-old, so let's say four adult children.

Her second son, now 27, was paralyzed about five years ago in an accident, and she almost exclusively has cared for him throughout all those years, washing him, cleaning his poop, dressing him, getting up at least six times a night in answer to his calls for help--and in so doing takes remarkable abuse from him, but that's another story.

So, the niece I found when she found me was a niece approaching death at 50 because of exhaustion and despair and hopelessness; her life seeming a long, long stretch of straight, hot desert highway disappearing into the heat of the future, and suicide seeming like a lollypop.

That is why I stayed at 2025 Embassy Street and put up with being tortured by a criminal queer and his criminal bitches.

Sure, I am God's One True Telepath and Americans love to torture me; and but for my staying near my niece I would be being tortured in another part of this torture chamber called the United States of America; but I would choose some place away from the nuclear bull's eye which is the Greater Los Angeles Area.

In the closing days at 2025 Embassy Street, Anaheim, where I was being tortured by the queer, Dennis Martin and his bitches Michael Baldwin and Warren Longacre, I was telling my niece I might have to leave the area, and she begged me not to.

As it turned out (as it came to pass) my niece and her husband and their extended family had arranged to take a cruise to Mexico this week, and she asked me to stay at her home in case the inevitable happened and I was forced out of 2025 Embassy Street, Anaheim, while she was away.

That is where I am now, her home, an ointment for my wounds, but an ointment with a fly in it.

Due to booking problems (my niece is careful and apologetic to point out) the paralyzed son could not go on the cruise, and the elder brother and his wife have moved in to take care of him while my niece is away.

It is telling of this couple that although they owe my niece and her husband well over $5000 because of their own financial irresponsibility they charge my niece and her husband $500 for the week they are taking care of the paralyzed brother, and further eat up their food, and further make a mess of their home.

This is all preamble to my reporting the fact that this couple tortures me most cruelly, waking me by banging on the wall if I happen to be sleeping while either is awake.

Do you see my point? I am their grand uncle, brother of their deceased grandfather, and they torture me because I am God's One True Telepath; and they torture me mean...and they torture me mean.

Do you not find that rather queer?

Of course I am the only journalist in the world who thinks the torture-enslavement of one human being by 350 million "freedom-loving" human beings is a news story, so let's proceed to another story on my story pile.

Oddly, my best current news story is the "UFO" story, because I have just established evidence that the "UFO" killed those three U.S. Navy queers in that helicopter crash south of Corpus Christi, Texas.

That is the story I am watching most closely because it seems the "UFO" is the military unit assigned to carry out the current God's Space War maneuver called, "Operation Queer".

Considering my limited view of the world here in this torture chamber where my grand nephew, "Bo", tortures me so viciously, the extinction of the human species seems natural and logical to me; and I understand that the extinction or near-extinction of the human species seems to be what the "UFO" is up to.

Bear in mind, the great effort is to save this Earth, and the human being is the chief cause of this Earth's death.

That is what God's efforts with the human species have been directed at for thousands of years, but instead of becoming an enlightened species the human being remains very much like it was when God first began God's work, vipers in a pit pretending to be kittens in a basket

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 24nd day of its last year.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The $501 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three Up

Shark America Seven Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 141

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Point to the Dead Actor-Queer

Today's code is "23nd Day, Last Year".

Pay no attention to the death of the movie actor, Heath Ledger, who starred in the flick about queer cowboys, Brokeback Mountain; his death coming just as we are tracking a God's Space War operation called, "Queer", and just after I was nearly murdered by a queer inflicting sleep deprivation torture on me.

A coincidence, perhaps, or perhaps more evidence your Doom is getting closer.

The moral to the Brokeback Mountain death story coming during Operation Queer is that queers are being damned left and right, and it is not even safe to play a queer in the movies or on TV. That is, I am suggesting the aggrandizement of queers in itself might be a damnable sin.Enough about queers. I prefer to fight today's battles than talk about yesterdays's dead; so let's get into it, shall we?
Let's leave the microcosm of American wickedness from which I have just escaped, and where I left a nuclear land mine, and return to the macrocosm of American wickedness.

Let's remember Monday's tactic of the Battle of Smallville: "Recession, Depression, Collapse, Hell"; and note the market collapse which followed.

What the Hell, just a coincidence, like the movie-queer's death was a coincidence.

I note there are still a few TV news broadcasters tittering about the "UFO" sighting over Stephensville, Texas, even though that event took place over a week ago. This is quiet unusual. Usually such stories are buried in the news junk pile after one cycle.

I can still prove a direct relationship between the Stephenville sighting and the US Navy helicopter crash south of Corpus Christi, and I am thinking about doing that on this blog within the next two weeks.

Since these two Texas events constitute a major news story, however, I would prefer to prove it in the news marketplace in order to put an end to the news media's blacklisting of me and blacking out of my news, and earn some money and possibly a Pulitzer with my scoop.

To that end, one major Texas newspaper has expressed some interest. This, too, is very unusual, I being journalism's leper.

As I have told you, the "UFO" is directly related to the the approaching death of this Earth.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 23nd day of its last year.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The $500 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two Up

Shark America Eight Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 141 (Approaching Danger Zone)

Virgil Kret's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Ambush the Queers

Today's code is "22nd Day, Last Year".

Today's report bypasses the larger story of God's Space War against the United States of America and the current operation in that war, Operation Queer, which is directed at American military personnel, and sums up the just-ending phase of my role as Satan Bait.

It's the same old story, God's One True Telepath finds a place to live; God's One True Telepath is tortured out of that place; just another coil in the knot of the noose of America's execution.

I have discussed this current living situation with you extensively over the past month, and today's report is more for review and the filing of names and addresses for future criminal charges and civil actions.

That is to say, all that follows is review and you need read no further if you already know the story.

As could be expected when I took the job as live-in manager of a halfway house in Anaheim, California, the standard American practice of torturing God's One True Telepath out of any home I establish accomplished its standard end today.

That is, the alleged right of a habitual criminal queer on probation from jail to torture me to death with sleep-deprivation torture won out over any qualities I might have brought with me into the job, and over all laws against torture and elder abuse, and over all human decency.

That is, the experience was typically queer, and typically American..

Further, since this halfway house for criminals addicted to drugs and alcohol is run by a psychiatric organization, my leaving has to be accompanied by phony psychiatric inferences that I have "imagined" the sleep-deprivation torture; and my leaving some time today--my target time is noon--can be expected to be enveloped in a cloud of psycho-fascist hostility.

Indeed, the possibility of arrest on psychiatric grounds is not out of the realm of the possible, since the gun America holds to my head is psychiatric torture, and psychiatric imprisonment requires neither crime nor conviction.

So, we have examined this situation enough over the past weeks, and all that is left is to leave the basic facts of where I am in case psycho-fascism feels this is its chance to do something wicked to you and me in the name of mental health.

My employer, who says I have imagined I have been tortured by the queer, Dennis Martin and then by his bitch Michael Baldwin when Martin went to jail is:

The Mental Health Association of Orange County
WIT Court FSP - Safe Haven Shelter
602 S. Birch St., Santa Ana, CA 97201

The residence where I have been a live-in manager and where I have been tortured incessantly is:

The Anaheim Safe Haven Shelter
2025 W. Embassy
Anaheim, CA 93442

Residents of the Anaheim shelter who should be charged with torture and conspiracy to commit torture are:

Dennis Martin
Michael Baldwin
Warren Longacre

You may recall that I told management that I would leave if Dennis Martin returned from jail, and while I hear two stories, one that he will be returning today and one that he will be staying in jail, it does not matter because my "ultimatum" and my "belief" that I have been tortured at this "haven" for criminals and addicts was enough to end my employment and send me into homelessness again.

Before this development yesterday, after all my appeals to the Mental Health Association of Orange Country, the Probation Department of Orange County, and the Police Department of Anaheim, and knowing this tedious business was drawing to a close, I wrote the following review of my experience for management.


This is a brief review of my experience thus far as live-in manager of the Anaheim Safe Haven Shelter, which I email in care of Darlene Powell to the Mental Health Association of Orange County.

When WIT in effect gave Dennis Martin license to torture me with sleep deprivation attacks night after night, week after week, it eroded what little authority, symbolic or real, I might have had as a live-in manager.

In addition, it damaged my health to a profound degree, and if allowed to continue it would cause my death or force me to leave.

I doubt that there were any residents who did not know of Dennis' torture of me--the one exception possibly being Dong Ha.

With the exceptions of John Howell and Tuan Nguyen, all the residents were very amused by Dennis' torture of me, and by WIT's subsequent decision to allow that torture; and Dennis was by default house boss and making my life as miserable as he could.

After Dennis was discovered to be drunk and taken out, Michael Baldwin took up the sleep-deprivation torture where Dennis left off, knocking on my wall several times a night, and finally I was obliged to sleep on the couch near the pool table to insure a healthy sleep zone.

It is not clear to me why WIT expects me to tolerate this torture, but it would be unhealthy, even deadly, for me to tolerate it.

As I recently told WIT via Darlene, if Dennis returns to this house I will leave; and the same applies to any torture by any of the residents. Torture is a felony, and I refuse to be a victim of it.

This brings me to co-manager, Jim Miller, who told me today (Sunday 1/20/08) that I "should start packing my bags" because of the way I treat his "clients".

In general, Jim has been angry at me or sullen toward me about 80% of the time I have worked and lived here, and is subject to entering into serious diatribes against me. This further erodes my standing in the house and allows residents to play Jim off on me.

Today Jim was so angry at me his face was ashen and he put his face to within two inches of mine, which is a classic final stage before physical assault.

Jim takes almost no part in the management of the Anaheim Shelter, and frequently becomes upset if I cannot take his shift or part of his shift because he wants to do his outside computer work at that time. He says he does not want the Anaheim Shelter to interfere with that work.

Jim frequently gives me bad or erroneous advice, angrily telling me, for example that I should give Dennis medications anytime he asks for them during the night, when the label on Dennis' bottle clearly says "Before Bedtime"; or, for another example, I should dispense medications to suspect residents as if I were a nurse legally allowed to do so.

Jim's only interest in his position seems to be in his leading of the thrice-weekly meetings; from which I have been excluded, which disallows my building a group connection with the residents; and, further, my being excluded tells the residents they are free to abuse me, an outsider.

I feel it is not an accident or a coincidence that I am abused by both Jim and some of the residents. I have never seen anything like it, and it is my feeling that this abuse must be a side product of their addiction to drugs and their struggle to overcome that addiction, and their history of criminality.

When I talk to Jim--or rather undergo his tirades--I do not feel I am in the company of an adult; nor do I feel there is any possibility of reasoned communication.

Before Jim told me this evening that I should pack my bags he told me he did not think Dennis will be coming back. If Dennis does not come back, and if I am not asked by management higher than Jim to leave, I will stay on.

If Dennis does not come back, it will be good for the residents of this Shelter. Outside my personal problem with Dennis' attacks on me, Dennis is a constant source of mischief and disruption, and whether I am here or not the Anaheim Safe Haven Shelter will be better off without him.

I have attempted to do a good job here, and think I have. I am kind and respectful of the residents, and I cook good meals for them, and try to be alert to their needs.

When I arrived 80 cups of coffee was being brewed at a time and no fresh coffee was brewed until that acidic concoction was drunk up after about four days. Now there is fresh coffee for them when they wake up in the morning.

When I arrived I initiated a common sense policy of making sure all vacant beds have clean sheets, an apparently unheard of and somewhat radical innovation.

One of my better services to this shelter has been, I think, my relating to John Howell as a fellow combat veteran; and understanding to some degree the depth of his experience in Iraq. His parents gave him golf clubs for Christmas and I have an open offer to him to take him golfing any weekend he wishes. We had thought to go last week, but he felt he could not cover the green fee.

If I am allowed to stay on here I will call around to vet's organizations to see if I can find him some fellow vet golfers or some way to cover green fees. If I am not allowed to stay on, perhaps WIT would consider golf to be good for him.

With the loss of my status through WIT's allowing of Dennis' torture of me came a change in my role from manager to Cinderella; and kitchen cleanliness discipline disappeared because the residents were expecting me to clean up after them; and the morning devotion or meditation has also disappeared because I had no authority to call it.

I do my work here willingly and in good spirit and to good end in terms of the welfare of the residents; but I am not obliged to take abuse from either the residents or Jim; and I do not think it is healthy for the residents or Jim to think they have some right via mental illness or drug addiction to attack me, or to commit crimes against each other or against society.


Virgil Kret


Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 22nd day of its last year.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The $499 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One Up

Shark America Nine Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 157

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Recession, Depression, Collapse, Hell

Today's code is "21st Day, Last Year".

There is much talk these days of a recession as compared to a depression, but what it is happening is more like pigeon droppings compared to elephant piles. That is, it is so bad there is no word for it.

There is an old joke that goes, a recession is when the other guy is out of work, a depression is when you are out of work; but we are going to beyond mega-depression; we are going to total, no, no, we are going to the beyond of the beyond of total collapse, we are going to Hell on Earth.

About a year ago I sent an email to one of the few American politicians I respect, Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, and gave him two pieces of intelligence for future reference. As one of those two pieces of intelligence I told him food delivery would break down in the United States in the early months of 2008.

We shall see what we shall see about that; but that food distribution breakdown is a fundamental aspect of Republican American Fascism's maneuver to overthrow the Constitution of the USA through violence and guile before another president can take office.

(A variation to this would be if the Republican American Fascists were certain another Republican American Fascist, a person aware of the coup, would take office.)

The most important thing about this coming economic catastrophe we are seeing alluded to in the news is that it is being willfully manipulated by Big Money and George W. Bush and Republican American Fascism as a means of enslavement of the people of the United States of America, and the people of the world.

That is, you are going to be starved into submission; and people elsewhere are going to be nuclear-bombed into submission, and in some cases into near extinction.

There is a blueprint of sorts for this assault on the American people by American capitalism in the novel, "Atlas Shrugged", by Ayn Rand, in which the biggest capitalists, whom Rand idolized to the point of neo-divinity, go on strike.

It has been some 40 years since I read that novel, which I found simplistic in style and hollow in logical development--hmmm? much like George W. Bush, isn't it? Interesting coincidence as the plot of the novel ripens in real life.

This is to say I cannot review the novel because it has been so long since I read it. I can only point to the central concept of Atlas Shrugged, that the capitalists go on strike, stop production, shut down their factories, and society collapses.

What the Republican American Fascists are planning is a variation on that theme.

I have said many times, and I alluded to this Saturday, that the plan of Republican American Fascism is not to allow free elections next November; and to do this by having manipulated the world into such a state of catastrophe that elections are postponed, or their results voided, and dictatorship is established.

The Republican American Fascist response to Katrina was a rehearsal of that plan.

I was referring to this voiding of the election in Saturday's report when I said, "We Space Sailors are watching the movement of American politics as if we were watching a fly laying maggots on the dining room table; the campaigning is curiously interesting to us, but we know as we watch the maggots wiggle they will never fly."

That is, we Space Sailors know none of the candidates will take office if the Republican American Fascists' plan works out; and their plan to overthrow the Constitution through violence and guile has worked quiet well since the Republican American Fascist fraudulent-election coup in 2000..

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 21st day of its last year.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The $498 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Zero Down

Shark America Ten Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 154

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Conceal Operation Queer

Today's code is "20th Day, Last Year".

We have entered into a Top Secret Zone in terms of God's Space War against the United States of America. There is nothing I can report today on Operation Queer.

All I could report to you today is the expanded torture of me at the halfway house at which I am employed, as some residents rally to the support of the queer, who is now briefly in jail for drinking a bottle of mouth wash, picking up the queer's sleep-deprivation torture of me like relay runners taking the baton.

This is in a Top Tedious Zone, so I will take mercy on you and not report it. I am a journalist, after all, not a sociologist; and while I can tell which of these residents will go back to jail or prison or return to deep addiction, and why; and which will survive to live real lives again, that is not journalism.

So, since we are killing time today while Time is killing you, I thought I might entertain you with a story from my story pile. Perhaps the story I call, "The Fucking Pigeons".

Throughout my life there as been a coincidence pattern, which began to grow progressively thicker just before God gave me the commission to write The Obituary of the World, and I have long since come to understand this coincidence pattern is a regular reminder that God stands beside me.

None of these coincidences have been earth-shaking events. They have been more like pleasant little shocks, private messages for my understanding only.

For example, I was in Fukuoka, Japan, on New Year's Eve of 1963, visiting the home of a college chum.

That night I dreamed about Mount Fuji, and in the morning my friend's mother by chance happened to tell me the Japanese consider it good luck to dream of Mount Fuji on New Year's Eve.

Isolated, that would have been nothing more than a pleasant coincidence, but when looking at thousands of such coincidences over decades I can see them as a pattern of messages or reassurances from God.

So, when I was still a combat cherry and on my way from Tokyo to Saigon to cover the Vietnam war I came upon a biography of Ernest Hemingway on the Haneda Airport book counter; and since I naively saw myself as making a great reputation with my war coverage like Hemingway did with his, I bought the book to read during the flight.

(My naivete was based on the fact I was to have absolutely to freedom of press in Vietnam, that every word I wrote but for my byline was subject to change by UPI's copy editors in New York City; and stories I was to risk my life to write would be changed beyond recognition by the time they saw print. In that context there was no possibility at all of being a great war correspondent.)

As I read, one of the scenes in that book that struck me was Hemingway's saying he had arrived in Spain to cover the war there, and on the morning of his first day he opened the French window-doors of his hotel room and saw a little balcony, and on the balcony he saw two pigeons fucking.

This incident must have seen worth reporting to Hemingway, because we can still read of it today.

So, I arrived in Saigon and stayed the first night in a hotel room that had French window-doors opening onto a little balcony, and in the morning when I opened them what did I see but two pigeons fucking.

I am 68 years old now, and but for that one incident I have never seen two pigeons fucking; and that that experience took place just after reading of Hemingway's like experience marked it as a friendly tap on the shoulder by God as I was about to enter into battle, as I was about to loose my war cherry.

These days I have about ten such coincidences a day, constant reminders that I am not alone in this psycho-fascist snake pit called the United States of America.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 20th day of its last year.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The $497 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One Down

Shark America Nine Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 161

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Begin Operation Queer

Today's code is "19th Day, Last Year".

Pay no attention to the fact that there have been three separate volcanic eruptions in South and Central America within the past month, and that Mount Saint Helens is steaming in North America; that is only the creaking sound of the opening of the Gates of Hell, the cracking open of this egg called Earth.

Understand, even if you recycle every can; even if you ban every internal combustion engine; even if you stop pumping oil today, that would not save this Earth; and you would never do what it would take even if you knew what it would take. No, this Earth will be dead before today's toddlers would reach 60; and the human race will be extinct before they would reach 55.

Only God can save this Earth, and every indication is God is going to destroy the United States of America in order to do so.

Other than that it is a quiet news day at I.C. News.

We Space Sailors are watching the movement of American politics as if we were watching a fly laying maggots on the dining room table; the campaigning is curiously interesting to us, but we know as we watch the maggots wiggle they will never fly.

Time is America's enemy; as is God.

(God so loved the world God would not allow America to murder her.)

Operation Queer begins today, an operation in which American military people will be killed by God because they allow a queer to torture God's One True Telepath.

Not fair? America made the rules. Not true? The proof of the death pudding is in the soldiers' and sailors' dying.

(Pardon me Boy, is that the God's Space War pooh-pooh? Yea, yea, its the end of the line.)

I'll tell you what is going to happen. The American people will continue in their practice of Telepath torture-murder, and their torture-murder of me will continue to mean nothing at all to them. Then they will see what they never expected to see; and seeing it they will want out; but there is no way out.

The greatest crime in the history of the world is a crime the criminals consider not to be a crime at all; the greatest crime in the history of the world is America's torture-enslavement of me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath.

There is an assumption the Americans have; they assume they have an Ace in the Hole; that I am somehow obliged to forgive them if it should ever come to that.

No; and not only no, the fundamental lesson God has taught me throughout all this is that forgiving the Americans would be foolish.

So, let's proceed with Operation Queer.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 19th day of its last year.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The $496 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two Down

Shark America Eight Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 168

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Begin Operation Queer Tomorrow

Today's code is "18th Day, Last Year".

Considering yesterday's report within the larger context of this work, my phone should be ringing off the hook because we just saw three US Navy people killed in God's Space War against the United States of America, and I can prove it.

Yesterday I reported that the "UFO" sightings over Stephensville, Texas, were directly related to the Navy helicopter crash south of Corpus Christi, Texas; but as usual America hasn't the courage to examine the proof.

The God's Space War maneuver against the U.S. military we are tracking will continue because America's torture-enslavement of me continues; that means more US military people will be killed in response to the torture-enslavement, and I will be able to prove they were casualties in God's Space War against the United States of America.

Those who are about to die, we do not salute you.

Tomorrow this maneuver against the U.S. military will take the name "Operation Queer" and we can expect heavy U.S. Navy losses because the U.S. Navy is the queer of American armed forces, the leader in America's sodomizing of my life.

The U.S. Navy is a God's Space War free fire zone.

Two days ago I made one final appeal for punishment of the queer who tortures me at my current job as a live-in manager of a halfway house for addicts on probation from jail. At 68 years old his noise abuse and sleep-deprivation torture constitute attempted murder.

While the queer did coincidentally go back to jail for breaking the terms of his probation, he did not go back to jail for torturing me. He went back to jail for drinking a bottle of mouth wash for its alcohol content.

Don't worry, those of you who love and support your torture-queer, he should be out of jail and torturing me again in a day or two.

Juxtapose: Torture of me, no punishment; but get a little drunk and he lands in jail. I am of less value in America than a bottle of mouth wash; in America, I have fewer constitutional rights than a laboratory animal.

I have been asked by my Old Pal God to mention one aspect of the queer's torture of me which will relate directly to the next killing of American military personnel by God.

Before I was excluded by management from attending the thrice-weekly AA type meetings of the residents because I talked of their addiction to crime rather than their addiction to drugs and alcohol, I regularly participated in a "prayer" session usually led by the queer, who does not believe in God in any form except perhaps as Divine Anus.

The first word of the non-denominational, non-Judeo/Christian printed prayer coming out of the queer's mouth was "God"; and when the queer passed this word out of his mouth it was like he was passing something brown and smelly; and he looked pointedly at me as he passed it, thereby mockingly calling me "God".

(Apparently the right for this queer and all of queer-nation America to torture me is based on the mass lie that I think I am God. America should be so lucky; but that's another story.)

It is for this sin of mockingly calling me God that God will kill the first batch of U.S. military personnel God has targeted in Operation Queer, which begins tomorrow.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 18th day of its last year.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The $495 Billion Defeat

Shark America Seven Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 167

Ecpect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Tell Them the Secret

Today's code is "17th Day, Last Year".

The US Navy helicopter that crashed south of Corpus Christi, Texas, Wednesday night was brought down by the same "UFO" witnessed by many people in Stephenville, Texas, a few days before.

I anticipated this "UFO" development in my report of last Saturday, when the Battle of Smallville tactic headline was "Show them the Tableau", meaning the tableau of the God's Space War battlefield.

The tableau was introduced in the first paragraph, "Let us talk as we walk along this old man's beach, of laughter and of tears, of childhood fears, things now out of reach; let us talk of snow and ice upon the deck, let us talk of foreign creatures swimming around the wreck..."

The "snow and ice upon on the deck" appeared about a day later with the first snowfall in Baghdad in human memory

The tableau was expanded further in Saturday's report:

"Foreign creatures swimming around the wreck...that is perhaps the most interesting future thing we have seen because it means all the other things have drowned then; all the politics, all the war, all the thoughtless talking, all the whores who serve Big Money; and Big Money...and Big Money...and Big Money drowned, too.

"Peace, peace, on the briny deep. No more human life upon this Earth. No human voices. Sweet, sweet victory."

The foreign creatures were thus quietly defined as extraterrestrials in that piece, and today I suggest to you that in this current situation the "wreck" the foreign creatures were swimming around was the Body of Christ, Corpus Christi.

I tried years ago to introduce this story to the Corpus Christi news outlets but, I being blacklisted and the story being too original and accurate in a marketplace where silliness and cliche are the standards in "UFO" reportage, I received no response.

I approached those news outlets because knowing the "UFO" story as well as I do, I knew sooner or later Corpus Christi would become involved in the "UFO" story.

I knew this because I know the "UFO" story is--honestly or dishonestly-- intertwined with the story of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I further knew this because my years of solid journalistic examination of the "UFO" story revealed the "UFO" is communicating with the human being in a number of ways, including through the names of the locations where it makes itself visible.

The "UFO" story is also--clearly honestly--intertwined with the story of America's torture-enslavement of me; and in that context you should read "Stephenville", the location of the Texas sighting, as "Smallville", the metaphorical name in this work of the battlefield of God's Space War against the United States of America.

Putting these location-communications together was almost impossible because the quality of "UFO" reportage is so poor, and I could piece together only fragments.

Presenting this concept has been impossible because the American system is closed to realistic "UFO" coverage, preferring to bow to the dictates of America's state religion, psychiatry, and write reports off as mental and visual distortions, and the concept of this form of communication is so "alien".

Psycho-fascist America should understand that the three Americans who were killed in the Navy helicopter crash south of Corpus Christi were casualties in God's Space War against the United States of America; and that they were killed just at the time I am telling you of God's intention to kill American military people in response to America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.

It seems to me this is a good time for me to prove the existence of the extraterrestrial factor commonly called the "UFO"; and further prove the "UFO" is planning to exterminate or nearly exterminate the human species.

It seems to me this is also a good time for the United States of America to end its torture-enslavement of me in an honorable, honest and open way because the human race needs this news, and I will not and can not report it from America's dungeon, America's torture chamber.
Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 17th day of its last year.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The $494 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four Down

Shark America Six Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 176

Ecpect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Forget Them

Today's code is "16th Day, Last Year".

Today the readers of this work have a chance to save the lives of a considerable number of American military people. I will explain below.

Recently I said God is going to kill a large number of American military personnel in direct response to the torture I have received at my current residence; where I am the live-in manager of a halfway house for convicted addicted men on probation from jail.

I also said it is difficult to tell which American soldiers are killed by God for America's torture of God's One True Telepath--and many are--and which die for the stupidity and perfidy of George W. Bush--of which there are many, many more.

To overcome this difficulty I established three primary identifier codes, one based on the name of the street I currently live on, and one based on the name of the person who tortures me with sleep deprivations, Dennis Martin, and one based on the unholy fact that the torturer is an American homosexual male, here called a queer.

So, the three identifier codes are: embassy, Dennis Martin, and queer; and we are looking for an Act of God which kills American military people which fills out these codes. (Allow for metaphor, which is a fundamental aspect of God's Space War against the United States of America.)

The location code, embassy, popped up in the news yesterday in the shallowly reported story of an American embassy vehicle in Lebanon being bombed.

Had American soldiers been reported killed in that attack we would be looking at it closely to see how many of our identifier codes appeared; however since no American military personnel were reported killed we look no further.

It is important to note, however, that while the Lebanon event is not the event we are looking for it is a very interesting coincidence.

This coincidence plays into I.C. News' projection that the United States of America will coincidentally lose two wars this year, its war of aggression against Islam and its war of aggression against Truth.

While it is too soon to tell, this Lebanon event could indicate that while God is intending to attack at least one American embassy--in fact or in metaphor--the Muslim resistance forces are coincidentally planning an American embassy attack pattern.

"Coincidence is the Rockets' Red Glare of God's Space War".

So, here we come to a fork in the road of this story; does I.C. News also focus its attention on Muslim military action or does it exclusively focus on God's military action?

Since the Muslims are defending themselves against the same nation that enslaves and tortures me, it makes no sense for me to give that nation useful intelligence on Muslim military intentions, so this work will forget them (today's Smallville Battle tactic is "Forget Them") and focus on God's intent to kill American military personnel.

At the opening of today's report I said the readers of this work could save the lives of those American military people about to be killed by God.

I will explain.

My employer, the Mental Health Association of Orange County (California), says Dennis Martin, habitual criminal and queer, has the right to torture Virgil Kret.

The Orange County Probation Department says Dennis Martin, habitual criminal and queer, has the right to torture Virgil Kret.

The Anaheim Police Department says Dennis Martin, habitual criminal and queer, has the right to torture Virgil Kret.

The state of California says Dennis Martin, habitual criminal and queer, has the right to torture Virgil Kret.

The United States of America says Dennis Martin, habitual criminal and queer, has the right to torture Virgil Kret.

Ultimately, those American military people God is about to kill say Dennis Martin, habitual criminal and queer, has the right to torture Virgil Kret.

So, the way to save those American military people who are about to be killed by God is to punish Dennis Martin, habitual criminal and queer, for torturing Virgil Kret.

Punish is the key word here; inducing or convincing Dennis Martin, habitual criminal and queer, to stop his torture of Virgil Kret is not enough.

If Dennis Martin, habitual criminal and queer, is not punished for torturing Virgil Kret, the killing of American military people by God will expand into a God's Space War maneuver code-named "Queer".

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 16th day of its last year.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The $493 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five Down

Shark America Five Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 151 (Approaching the Danger Zone)

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Note that the USA Married Satan Today

Today's code is "15th Day, Last Year".

A very unholy day in unholy America, Tuesday, January 15, 2008. America kissed the evil queer, Satan, full on the mouth; and said "I do".

And Satan...and Satan...and Satan looked forward to fucking America in the ass.

Since the American news media is one of the primary reasons for America's descent into Hell I thought we might skim the news today.

The American media's murder of Britney Spears continued, with no comment or understanding that the Paparazzi Nazis are the weapon of her murder.

NBC and the media in general continued its attack on Tom Cruise, NBC still pissed at Cruise for saying Matt Lauer does not understand the wickedness of psychiatry. Cruise did not say Lauer is a journalistic coward, so I will say it. Matt Lauer is a journalistic coward.

Bubonic Plague is said to be gaining strength.

There were two fairly large nearly simultaneous quakes on the Asian part of the Crack in the Egg, a 6.4 in Fiji and a 5.0 in Japan. It is the proximity in time that makes them important.

There is a teeny, weeny, tiny story that the alleged US Navy confrontation with Iranian Navy speedboats was not the threat it is being represented as in the media and by Republican American Fascism. Yet another lie whipping the American people into war with Iran.

The Republican American Fascists have been building up justification for war against Iran since before the 9/11 attack. War with Iran is key to cementing the Republican American Fascists' overthrow of the Constitution of the United States of America.

There is a positive story not in the news because I.C. News is not allowed in the media marketplace. That positive news is that the plot to assassinate Hillary Clinton seems to have disappeared from I.C. News' scope.

Not knowing how widely reported I.C. News' Hillary warnings might have been I cannot say I.C. News' reporting had that effect. We are still watching this story closely, but at the moment the would-be assassin has put that idea down.

There is a great and terrible story not in the news. It involves some secret deal made by Republican American Fascism's poster boy, George W. Bush, in the course of his current visit to the Middle East.

That secret deal is America's marriage to Satan my Old Pal God told me about (and I in turn told you about) a few days ago.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 15th day of its last year.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The $492 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six Down

Shark America Four Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 146

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Give Them the Gate

Today's code is "14th Day, Last Year".

War, win or lose, is profit for Big Money; war, win or lose, is loss for you and me.

Big Money makes money on every bullet fired, hit or miss, by friend or foe.

America Big Money makes money on every hole in the ground dug for American dead, every coffin, every burial plot, every drop of embalming fluid; American military dead are big money to American Big Money.

To American Big Money, 3,333 American dead are better than 3,332 American dead. Dead American soldiers are clear profit for American Big Money.

Since America worships American Big Money as the false god the First Commandment forbids, and since the American sell-out federal government gives American Big Money a million ways to cheat the American people, American Big Money is the Bull's Eye of God's Space War attack on the United States of America.

In America, Big Money's American capitalism is more sacred than God; one need not believe in God, but one must believe in Big Money's American capitalism.

Perhaps there is no hope of reaching the American people--heart or mind--with the information Big Money's American capitalism blinds them, then robs them blind; but there is no need for such debate and convincing, because God is going to cut the legs out from under Big Money's American capitalism.

That's enough on this for now.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 14th day of its last year.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The $491 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven Down

Shark America Three Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 159

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Show Them the Door

Today's code is "13th Day, Last Year".

When bad things happen they happen fast; and some bad things are about to happen to the United States of America.

What is about to happen, in terms of God's Space War, is an execution.

It is termed this way, and the defeat of the United States of America is carried out in this way, because the United States of America is not deemed worthy of death on the battlefield.

I would offer psycho-fascist America a blindfold, but it wears one all the time anyway.

I have been asked by my Old Pal God to show you the door to Hell today; and I do it with a certain pleasure.

Tomorrow I am to give America the gate.

Wednesday, well, it's America's marriage to Satan at the alter of Evil.

Thursday I will have forgotten America ever existed, and America will be off on its anti-honeymoon with Satan, America's eternal acid-moon, America's doom.

That is how damnation works; one, two, three, four; lost, and gone, and forgotten forevermore; dreadful sorrow; and as I have told you, this is The Winter of America's Damnation.

I suggest you psycho-fascist Americans surrender today.

I think the thing the human being most does not understand is that it will not be missed when it is gone.

The human being does not understand many things, but that God and all the Angels and all the stars in the firmament will say Good Riddance and wipe the dust of the memory of the human being's existence from our feet, is the most not-understood truth on this Earth.

It is not that the human being is not liked, it is that the human being is loathed; it is that the human being is not wanted on this Earth, it is that it is not wanted anywhere in God's Creation.

You will find this to be an unpleasant truth.

(God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son...loved the world, the world, not the human species.)

You likely will not appreciate this but I will tell you anyway; when you watch your TV just about every person you see on that flickering screen is damned. Every newscaster, every pundit, every politician, every comedian, and almost every actor--with the exception of Blacks--is lost.

You won't like that either, that Blacks are another story.

You see, Blacks never participated in America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, and in being free of that sin they missed God's first threshing.

Sin. You Americans do not understand the sin of it, the sin of your torture-enslavement of me. Yet understood for what it is or not understood, it is an evil sin. It is a horribly wicked thing an entire nation participates in; and as your bad luck would have it, it was set up to entice Evil onto the killing field.

Dear Reader, when God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, the only person in the history of the world to receive that gift from God, I was many things to God; but first, as far as God's Space War was concerned, I was Satan Bait; and the United States of America took the bait; and all that is left now is to hang America's carcase from a scale on the pier for fishermen's photos, then let it rot in the sun, it being no trophy, it being a grotesque thing, a grotesque curiosity, an exhibit of the grotesque for the Universe to see photographs of.

This is The Winter of America's Damnation.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 13th day of its last year.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The $490 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight Down

Shark America Two Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 162

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Show them the Tableau

Today's code is "12th Day, Last Year".

Let us talk as we walk along this old man's beach, of laughter and of tears, of childhood fears, things now out of reach; let us talk of snow and ice upon the deck, let us talk of foreign creatures swimming around the wreck...

We have been running about 24 hours ahead of Time these last four days, tipping out the mountain tops of tomorrow's news, not touching the peaks but seeing them like Fuji in the mist, like Everest in the crystal clear.

Foreign creatures swimming around the wreck...that is perhaps the most interesting future thing we have seen because it means all the other things have drowned then; all the politics, all the war, all the thoughtless talking, all the whores who serve Big Money; and Big Money...and Big Money...and Big Money drowned, too.

Peace, peace, on the briny deep. No more human life upon this Earth. No human voices. Sweet, sweet victory.

Did you read the writing on the wall? Did you see the snow in Baghdad the day after I told you you have the chance of a snowball in Hell? God writing God's Word in the snow as clearly as a Mountain Man writes his name; "Virgil". Did you see Hilary die the day after I told you of the plot to kill Hillary?

Must the writing on the wall be in silly woman politician's blood? Must Baghdad be Hell?

Must you Americans be so God-damned stupid?

Must you Americans be so God-damned mean?

Must you Americans create a false world and live in it as it if were a sane man's dream; as if it were the real thing?

Must you Americans create such miserable tomorrows today?

Miserable, tomorrows, today. Miserable, tomorrows, today. Miserable, tomorrows, today. Why are you Americans compelled to manufacture miserable tomorrows today?

I will tell you the battle plan of the foreign creatures swimming around the, I will tell you of the debate among the foreign creatures: Should any human beings be left alive?

This first military maxim of God's Space War is this: The nature of the surprise attack is surprise; the nature of its cousin, the draw play, is infliction.
I, God's One True Telepath, am the draw of the draw play. What did I offer America in my vulnerability? The choice between kindness and cruelty. The choice between truth and perfidy.

The naked, helpless woman on the street offers the choice of rape or salvation; the momentary satisfaction of the dick or the eternal pleasure of the soul.

Now which did you Americans choose? Rapers, hope destroyers, mean sons of bitches all; you chose to rape the helpless.

Bad choice, bad choice, and now you are so ready for God's big surprise; and now you are so moist.]

Welcome, Americans, to what we Space Sailors call "Cherry Pop".

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the United States of America finished the 12th day of its last year.