The $646 Billion Defeat
Jews Jaws Five Down
Shark America Five Up
Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 252 (Dropping?)
Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923
Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home" & "Sirhan Sirhan".
Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.
Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-9)
Today's code is "140th Day, Last Year".
As we approach what we expect to be a major God Event in less than three weeks; after having just documented the 7.9 China quake over the some three weeks before it took place; it seems this might be a good time to take in an overview of the tableau of the rapidly approaching death of this Earth.
There will be a time--in about 2020--when the entire human race will know this Earth will almost certainly be dead by 2065, and that the human race will be extinct by 2045; and there will be much discussion of, and much fussing and murder over, the question of how did it come to this.
Some of that how-it-came-to-this I.C. News has already learned and reported, and daily learns and reports more.
We know, for example, that George W. Bush has destroyed the world, has performed the coup de grace by taking precious 21st Century years to fight 13th Century battles, not only doing satanic-level damage, but also wasting time when there was no time to wasted.
We know, for example, that the sucking of oil out of this Earth for the past 200 years has tipped the scales, not just with the greenhouse effect of burned fuel, but with the removal of the oil from where it performed a natural and necessary function for the stability and balance of this Earth.
We know, for example, that humankind has murdered this Earth; and that the United States of America, pitiful America, slit the throat of this Earth's second-to-last chance when it cast into torture-enslavement God's One True Telepath, me, Virgil Kret, whose first function was to warn.
I.C. News has long been tracking the event Christians call The Second Coming; and currently I.C. News is expecting a recognizable aspect of that event to take place on or about June 7, taking the form of simultaneous or near-simultaneous punishment by God of Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America.
Currently, as we document that Great Event before it takes place, I.C. News is focusing on sins of Israel and of Judaism for which Israel is about to be punished by God.
While screeches of "anti-Semitism" are a certain response to this aspect of The Obituary of the World, I.C. News reports on all the causes of the death of this Earth; and the Jews are as guilty in that death as any, and more than most.
I.C. News has just documented for some three weeks in advance the 7.9 earthquake that took place in China. All the psycho-fascist forces of this world who block I.C. News' work added to the Chinese death toll; and the two primary forces doing this, keeping this reporter in a state of torture-enslavement for some 35 years, are the Americans and the Jews.
We pick up today's report in this way:
At issue as God openly enters the fray is clearly Jewish Cruelty.
We are expecting a Weapon of God, a clear Act of God, to demonstrate this point on or about June 7, less than three weeks from today.
We are looking to June 7, but we give ourselves a spread of from June 5 through June 8. June 5 we call Assassin's Day; June 8 we call Traitor's Day.
We have been America's torture-slave for over 35 years, much longer if we count from when US government secret pigs attacked this reporter in Vietnam and Japan in 1967, and one of the most intriguing things about this coming attack by God on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, is that it seems to lead to this reporter's emancipation.
That is, it is projected that America's torture-enslavement of me will be brought to an end by July 15, and we expect God's joint punishment of Israel and the USA will be a factor bringing about the end to that wicked sin.
Of course, here at I.C. News this is Big News and Fine Expectation.
Returning our focus to God's approaching punishment of the Jews; how interesting it is that the Jews would be damned for Cruelty.
On the stage which is this world, the actors portraying the Jews do not wear the Cruelty Costume; no, in fact they wear the Been-Cruel-To Costume; and likely nowhere in American journalism and politics are the words "Jewish" and "Cruelty" placed side by side except here at I.C. News and in my, Virgil Kret's, campaign for the Presidency.
Virgil Kret has experienced Jewish Cruelty; and I must tell you, it is PRACTICED CRUELTY; the Jews are used to being cruel; cruelty is natural to the Jews, an art form, although their propaganda says otherwise; and the Jews have built the best propaganda machine in the world.
So good is the Jewish propaganda machine that the Jews believe their own flattering lies about themselves; and believe they have such license to be cruel that they need not even be aware of their cruelty.
The Jews will call me anti-Semitic for referring to this fact. Gee.
Probably the most intriguing thing about the so-called State of Israel is that it has since its founding in 1948 demonstrated the cruelty of the Jews and the propaganda marmalade which they spread over the shew bread of that cruelty.
It is as if the 60-year history of Israel has given us an Essence of the Jews in a bottle of Time, a history that reeks of the foul scent of the Jews' treatment of Palestinians, as if all the Jews had gathered together in one elevator and simultaneously farted out the truth about themselves.
How much like the Nazis of Germany are the Jews of Israel.
The Jews of Israel have murdered and terrorized the Palestinians since 1948, yet they represent themselves as a kitten in a basket; and America buys the con...and they themselves buy the con.
It seems to we at I.C. News, as we report on the Second Coming, report the arrival of God on this Earth to set the whole business straight, that all humanity is in for a surprise regarding the Jews.
Not only will we find the Jews are not the Chosen People of God as they have for thousands of years claimed, but that God does not like the cruelty of their nature.
The Jews, of course, cannot see the cruelty of their nature because cruelty is natural to them. The dragon cannot smell its own dragon breath.
As a Christian, and as the Christian locked out of Christianity by all American Christians except Black American Christians, I find that this revelation--that the Jews are not the Chosen and that God sees them as too cruel for their own good--sheds new light on Jesus' work.
Jesus' work is not founded in the Old Testament as the current vast majority of Christians believe. Jesus walked upon the Old Testament as He walked upon the water, not allowing Himself to fall into it.
That Jesus was born a Jew (a fact Jews hate Jesus for) was not in confirmation of the Jewish cultural lie that they are the Chosen of God; no; Jesus was born a Jew because Jesus is a soldier in the war against the liar who murders this Earth, and he deposited himself into the center of the lie.
The great and horrible dynamic between the Germans and the Jews in the Thirties and Forties came out of the conflict of both believing the same ridiculous delusion about themselves--each believing it is the most superior race on this Earth.
The Jews took their standard passive-aggressive approach, the Germans took their standard aggressive-aggressive approach, and in the long run the Jews bested the Germans because the Germans were stained with the sin of genocide and the Jews came out protected from all social condemnation.
So, when by hook and by crook Palestine was given to the Jews by nations other than Palestine in 1948, the first thing the Jews did upon arrival was commit the sin of genocide against the people of Palestine.
They immediately began their Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem which was and still is even worse than the Nazis' Final Solution to the Jewish Problem; but the world could not and would not see it because the Jews had suffered themselves into a status of being above reproach.
So the Palestinians suffered and suffered and suffered and suffered ... and suffered ... and suffered; and their suffering was invisible to the world because it was being inflicted on them by the irreproachable Jews.
God is not blind, Dear Reader, and God is not stupid; and God does not give license to Jewish sin--even though America and most of the world does.
So, as we wait with some interest for the attack by God on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, in some two to three weeks time, we come to understand that God is about to punish the Jews for their cruelty.
Knowing the journalistic "Who", "When", "Where", "What" and "Why", I.C. News now looks to see if we can determine what the "How" will be.
How is it God will kill these two birds with one stone? How is it God will punish both Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America, in the first week of June?
We know this much. It will be an Act of God, not an act of man stupidly claiming to be acting at God's behest--no one legally punishes in the name of God, not Muslim, not Christian, not Jew, nor any other cult large or small.
No human being has the right to take human life. Period.
The USA and its master, Israel, are so far apart geographically that we at I.C. News wonder how God will strike both with one stone; and knowing God as we do, we expect God to something only God can do.
Faith, it is said, can move mountains.
As you know, this work is the Obituary of the World, and in journalism obituaries of famous people are written before those people die, so their obituaries will be on file for immediate publication when needed.
Most likely, for example, the Associated Press has George W. Bush's obituary on file, and updates it periodically, not that it wants him to die or expects him to die any time soon, but to have it there ready to send out within minutes if that news should break.
In that spirit, I.C. News today presents the Obituary of the Jews.
Jesus marked the second time God attempted to save the Jews from themselves; the first time being Moses.
The Jews spat in Moses' eye. The Jews spat in Jesus' eye. The Jews spat in God's Eye.
They had found what they thought to be the formula for world conquest, and no Moses, nor no Jesus, nor God Almighty would interfere.
Turning now to God's Space Sailors, at battle stations for nine days, every "UFO" jock primed for battle and ready to go; Sweet Muse, one of God's Space Sailors, is too occupied elsewhere to continue telling us her story of Tatoo and her clan of western Chinese who lived aboard the God's Space Vessel Peacemaker for some 40 years before being set down on the island now known as Honshu, Japan, in about 660 BC, to found the Japanese race.
Hopefully Sweet Muse will pick up the story again before God punishes Israel and the USA. Likely she will take part in that punishment.
Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 9)
(To Be Continued)
Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 140th day of its last year.