Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Again: Bush Will Destroy the World

Frequently events happen that change the course of this work, and such is the case today when there is renewed discussion of America's faux-president's belief that God told him to murder Muslim babies in order to put the Boogie Man of Iraq on trial.  I know it is not said that way, but that is the gist of it.
This Bush delusion of divine mission to wage war is a subject that surfaces like the Loch Ness monster every so often, but the presidential madness it exposes causes America to turn away from it.  The too-fearsome question is, is this country gutting itself and murdering tens of thousands of people because this Would-Be-King-George believes God has told him to kill?
Currently Mr. Seymour Hersh of the New Yorker has raised this subject to the surface.
I had been working on a piece today in response to a reader's request that I go into detail on just what my audible mental telepathy is and what the torture-cough is.
I am aware that while millions of Americans know about America's torture-enslavement of me, some number of Americans do not.  I can only say those who do not know are in for a big surprise when the truth of this evil business is revealed.
I was calling the piece "San Francisco" because while that psycho-fascist city is not where I became audibly telepathic, it is where America's torture of me in response to that telepathy was refined, where it went from playful teasing and blind man's bluff to open torment, the end result of which would obviously have been torture-murder had I not retreated.
With apologies to that reader I must put that Frisco piece on hold, because the folly of America's faux-president's delusion of divine mission is taking you, all of you, to Hell; and my kicking San Francisco's ass can wait a little longer.
The United States of America has now publicly tortured me and punished me for some 33  years because I said God told me God wanted the Vietnam War to end several years and over a million deaths before it ended, and that God had given me the gift of audible mental telepathy in part so I could demonstrate this.
Understand this, it has been demonstrably illegal on the level of execution by torture, on the level of psychiatric imprisonment, on the level of the murder of my progeny, on the level of public pleasure at public torture, for me to say God talks to me and says God wants peace in this world, and that this world will soon die without peace.
Now you have this faux-president who says God is telling him to bomb and to murder and to melt all chance for peace in this world like an ice cube on a Crawford, Texas, sidewalk at high noon in August.
Well, it seems to me this deserves some review since the Real Virgil is saying God does not want war and the Faux President is saying God does.
God-credentials are not easy credentials to argue, and in fact the claim of God-credentials is one of the reasons there is so much madness in this world, with so many people saying God tells them this and God tells them that.
The nut houses are full of people who murdered people because, they say, God told them to do so; and now the White House is full of people who murder people for the same reason.
I will tell you this and you can take it or leave it, God has never in the history of God's relationship with the human race told a human being or a nation to murder or to go to war, even though the Bible tells you so.
Having said this, I want to tell you again what I recently told you; I want to tell you what God said to me about George W. Bush approximately seven months after his faux-election and approximately a year before God told me in advance about the 9/11 attack.
I can't prove to you what God told me in private high in the Sierras, except to point out that George W. Bush is demonstrably well on his way to proving it through his own madness and his own stupidity; but I can prove to you that God told me about 9/11 well before it took place.
I can present you with this proof, but I cannot make you look at it, and I have presented it in the past and you would not look at it, so let's hold this point in abeyance until some time when you are willing to eat the fire of this knowledge.
Do you understand?  All the deaths of that day and all the subsequent deaths because of that day could have been prevented had I been a free man a month before that day.
When you opt to take the road of darkness, ignorance and cruelty, dark and cruel things happen to you, and they add to your ignorance.
So, to what God told me about George W. Bush.
I have told you how one of my methods of staying alive and sane during the decades of America's torture-enslavement of me was to take long hikes of a month or more in the wilderness, and I was just a few days into such a hike, relaxing at my favorite base camp, drinking clear water, sunning myself, swinging my fencing stick to start getting into shape, and God said, "Virgil, you have to go back".
"Huh?", I said.
"George Bush is going to destroy the world," God said.
As I have told you before, I argued with God about this, arguing I'd be going back in a month or so anyway, saying, as my argument to end all argument, that I might die if I went back before I built my strength up.
And as I have told you before, God said, "Virgil, it would be better you die than not try.  George Bush is going to destroy the world."

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Bush Will Destroy the World

Frequently events happen that change the course of this work, and such is the case today when there is renewed discussion of America's faux-president's belief that God told him to murder Muslim babies in order to put the Boogie Man of Iraq on trial.  I know it is not said that way, but that is the gist of it.
This Bush delusion of divine mission to wage war is a subject that surfaces like the Loch Ness monster every so often, but the presidential madness it exposes causes America to turn away from it.  The too-fearsome question is, is this country gutting itself and murdering tens of thousands of people because this Would-Be-King-George believes God has told him to kill?
Currently Mr. Seymour Hersh of the New Yorker has raised this subject to the surface.
I had been working on a piece today in response to a reader's request that I go into detail on just what my audible mental telepathy is and what the torture-cough is.
I am aware that while millions of Americans know about America's torture-enslavement of me, some number of Americans do not.  I can only say those who do not know are in for a big surprise when the truth of this evil business is revealed.
I was calling the piece "San Francisco" because while that psycho-fascist city is not where I became audibly telepathic, it is where America's torture of me in response to that telepathy was refined, where it went from playful teasing and blind man's bluff to open torment, the end result of which would obviously have been torture-murder had I not retreated.
With apologies to that reader I must put that Frisco piece on hold, because the folly of America's faux-president's delusion of divine mission is taking you, all of you, to Hell; and my kicking San Francisco's ass can wait a little longer.
The United States of America has now publicly tortured me and punished me for some 33  years because I said God told me God wanted the Vietnam War to end several years and over a million deaths before it ended, and that God had given me the gift of audible mental telepathy in part so I could demonstrate this.
Understand this, it has been demonstrably illegal on the level of execution by torture, on the level of psychiatric imprisonment, on the level of the murder of my progeny, on the level of public pleasure at public torture, for me to say God talks to me and says God wants peace in this world, and that this world will soon die without peace.
Now you have this faux-president who says God is telling him to bomb and to murder and to melt all chance for peace in this world like an ice cube on a Crawford, Texas, sidewalk at high noon in August.
Well, it seems to me this deserves some review since the Real Virgil is saying God does not want war and the Faux President is saying God does.
God-credentials are not easy credentials to argue, and in fact the claim of God-credentials is one of the reasons there is so much madness in this world, with so many people saying God tells them this and God tells them that.
The nut houses are full of people who murdered people because, they say, God told them to do so; and now the White House is full of people who murder people for the same reason.
I will tell you this and you can take it or leave it, God has never in the history of God's relationship with the human race told a human being or a nation to murder or to go to war, even though the Bible tells you so.
Having said this, I want to tell you again what I recently told you; I want to tell you what God said to me about George W. Bush approximately seven months after his faux-election and approximately a year before God told me in advance about the 9/11 attack.
I can't prove to you what God told me in private high in the Sierras, except to point out that George W. Bush is demonstrably well on his way to proving it through his own madness and his own stupidity; but I can prove to you that God told me about 9/11 well before it took place.
I can present you with this proof, but I cannot make you look at it, and I have presented it in the past and you would not look at it, so let's hold this point in abeyance until some time when you are willing to eat the fire of this knowledge.
Do you understand?  All the deaths of that day and all the subsequent deaths because of that day could have been prevented had I been a free man a month before that day.
When you opt to take the road of darkness, ignorance and cruelty, dark and cruel things happen to you, and they add to your ignorance.
So, to what God told me about George W. Bush.
I have told you how one of my methods of staying alive and sane during the decades of America's torture-enslavement of me was to take long hikes of a month or more in the wilderness, and I was just a few days into such a hike, relaxing at my favorite base camp, drinking clear water, sunning myself, swinging my fencing stick to start getting into shape, and God said, "Virgil, you have to go back".
"Huh?", I said.
"George Bush is going to destroy the world," God said.
As I have told you before, I argued with God about this, arguing I'd be going back in a month or so anyway, saying, as my argument to end all argument, that I might die if I went back before I built my strength up.
And as I have told you before, God said, "Virgil, it would be better you die than not try.  George Bush is going to destroy the world."

Monday, November 28, 2005

Big News

Suddenly I.C. News is sitting on three hot stories.  Apparently no other news service wants them, so they are all mine.  In the days before news was homogenized, these would be called my "scoops".
The stories are these:
One, the space war maneuver against the United States I have been telling you about is clicking right along; and the government pigs and media weasels know it is clicking right along.
To review for you, that maneuver is called "High-Low Split" and consists of a series of three similar attacks.  In space war there is the term "metaphor of attack", and in this case the metaphor is of three samurai being cut in half, top to bottom, by the swift and mighty sword of one samurai.  This has been described in this work several times in recent weeks.
Since all the information I have on this attack pattern is valuable to the United States of American, and since the United States of America tortures and enslaves me, it makes no sense to pass on detailed intelligence on this space war maneuver in this work at this time.
My apologies, Dear Reader.  This goes against my grain, but I have to be something of a speckled fawn in the sense I described to you yesterday.
I can only tell you this, this space war maneuver will defeat the United States of America.
Regular readers will likely know that when I say "space war maneuver" I mean God's military maneuver as God intervenes in the murder of this Earth by the human being.  Not many people like my saying that, but that is part the story and I cannot euphemism it out.
I am describing to you in this work the step by step process of what Christians call the Second Coming; but what is happening now, what God is doing now, goes far, far beyond the fractured and pompously righteous theology of Christianity.
Two, that brings me to the second hot story I am sitting on, a new development in an aspect of God's approach to the rest of the world simultaneous with God's defeat of the United States of America.  The United States is not the only nation on this Earth that is murdering this Earth, and God is approaching each in God's own way.
I have told you about what is called "The Tornado of World War Three", that being the dynamic among the Christians, the Muslims and the Jews.  Those three factors are always in contention and now the swirl of that contention has reached tornado level.
This, then, is the story I am sitting on which is likely not to be liked by anyone, especially when I say it is a reasonable approximation of what God is telling me.
This is the statement I received:  "The Muslims are more Muslim than the Christians are Christian, and the Jews are hardly Jews at all."  God is going to break up that tornado, and the Jews and the Christians are not going to receive the most-favored status they are expecting.
Three, the third story is much more down to Earth and concerns the alleged accident involving three U.S. Congressmen as they were being driven to the airport from Baghdad.
My nose for news tells me there is something to this story that is not being reported in the media, and that the media is willingly participating in this censorship.
The first thing that tells me this is that this is a major news story and it is hardly being reported at all, and what is reported does not make sense.
To review this story for you, Rep. Tim Murphy, a Pennsylvania Republican, Rep. Ike Skelton, a Missouri Democrat, and Rep. Jim Marshal, a Georgia Democrat, were in an armored vehicle in a military convoy when an Iraqi fuel tanker truck coming toward them refused to give way, and the vehicle carrying the three Congressmen went off the road due to the evasive skill of its driver.
Congressmen Murphy and Skelton required hospitalization.
Another aspect of this story that does not make sense is that nothing further is said about the tanker truck.
It was apparently not chased down by escort vehicles and it was apparently not shot at, this in a situation where it is not unusual for Iraqi families to be machine-gunned to death for driving erratically.
And if in fact it was a convoy, why was the escorted vehicle in front of the escorts instead of somewhere among them?
This story absolutely does not make sense.  Not only does the event itself not make sense, but the underplaying of the story indicates the story is being censored in every way but for reporting that the Congressmen were injured.
When I see the same bad news coverage of a major news event by all the television networks I know the fix is in.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

A Speckled Fawn

Incoming codes here at I.C. News have gone flat, which means the transmission has gone quiet for some reason; but that reason is not because the space war action we have been tracking has been canceled; were that the case there would be a code for that.
Likely there has been a big shift in the equation, and the attack pattern called "High-Low Split" has been paused.  This could be because America is about to surrender its alleged right to enslave and torture me, or a target has shifted, or something major has happened that is being censored out of the news.
In the mean time I have been asked to tell you a Little Miracle story called "A Speckled Fawn".  It is a backpacking story, and I am always happy to write about backpacking.
There was a time when I owned a big white Chevy van, and one year I took this van to a trail head parking lot I was unfamiliar with, intending to do one of my month-long hikes.
I parked in the lot, removed the distributor cable to reduce the chance of theft, put the cable in my pack and put my pack on my back, locked the van and started hiking along the trail.
My first night was spent in a soft, sweet meadow not far up the trail, and while I was walking around exploring the area and looking for a good place to bed down, one of my  Angel pals said to me, "Virgil, in four days you are going to be in serious danger, and we want you to be like a speckled fawn".
You might guess what that meant, I was to do what a fawn would do in time of danger, lie still and let my protective coloring do its job.
So I camped in a good defensive position, one not easily approached in the dark and allowing me a good view of the trail during the day.
The next day as I began to head up the trail toward the danger I expected awaited me three days away; but my Angel said, "No, stay here, the danger will be at your car".
So I did what I would not normally do and hung around the meadow for the next two days instead of getting into the process of building up strength by hiking, which was one of the main purposes for my going into the wilderness for a month.
Then the message was repeated, "Virgil, in three days you are going to be in serious danger, and we want you to be like a speckled fawn.
The next day the warning was two days...speckled fawn.
Around noon on the third day the Angel said, "Now go back to your van".
When I got to the trail head parking lot nothing seemed wrong.  There were at least a dozen cars there in addition to mine, and while I was looking around carefully I was not very tentative about what I might find because I had been told the danger would take place on the fourth day, the next day.
I unlocked and slid open the side door of my van and was not altogether surprised to see my van had been ransacked and my property thrown into disarray.  I climbed in and checked it out and found that nothing was missing, including a number of items of some value.
I went around to the back and found that the padlock I used to lock the rear doors had been sawn through and then returned to position so the damage to it would not be easily noticed.
So I sat down in the cool of my van, smoked a joint and thought about this.  I remembered seeing a teenager on a small motorcycle eyeing me a little too intently when I arrived; and I, putting two and two and two together; concluded he had broken in but taken nothing because he was on his motorcycle, and that he planned to come back later with another vehicle to haul my property away.
I figured "later" would be the early hours of the next day, danger day.  What I mean is I assumed he would return after midnight that night.
Soldiers among my readers will know I suddenly found myself in an ideal ambush situation.  I had a small rifle and Old Betsy, my six-shooter, and right behind my van was a steep hillside which had been cut out when the parking lot was made, and atop that steep place was a log, behind which I could lie in wait.
But, and here is the big but that established a totally different course for that hour of danger, my Angel pal had said,  "...we want you to be like a speckled fawn".
I hadn't been advised to be like a soldier waiting in ambush, or a rabbit getting out of there while the getting was good, no, I was asked to take a position of helplessness and let my protective coloring do its job.
So I took my distributor cable out of my pack and reconnected it, and I drove my van out into the middle of the parking lot so it would be clear to the returning thief that I was likely in it; and I pulled the blinds so they covered all my windows and formed a curtain behind the driver-passenger seats; then I got myself naked and got into my sleeping bag, Old Betsy of course at the ready.
Sleeping the sleep of the innocent as I do, I was awakened in the middle of the night by a spotlight shining on my windshield, the view into my van being blocked by the curtain.
As I got out of my sleeping bag fully aware there was trouble behind that spotlight.  I went to grab Old Betsy (one of the odd things about me being I really like gunplay) when I noticed that the shadows cast on me by the light passing through the curtain made black speckles on the white of my naked assed body, not unlike the speckles on a fawn.
The vehicle, a pickup, pulled right up next to my car, its driver's door next to my driver's door.
I put my head through the curtain and I saw three guys in the bed of the pickup holding rifles; so the odds of the situation started going through my mind, four guys with rifles and me with Old Betsy and her six rounds, and me naked, and bullets coming in through the side of the like a speckled fawn; I agreed.
So I went back and sat down on my sleeping bag while the four armed boys walked around my van talking among themselves, deciding what to do now that the game had gone from burglary to robbery; and I was steaming, I was steaming, my adrenaline was pumping and I was wanting that gunfight so like a speckled fawn.
Then a shadow of a man and a rifle barrel appeared on the curtain behind the driver's seat of my van, and it looked like the bastard was coming in, so I sat there and I cocked Old Betsy back, deciding if he came in I would kill him right there and then, speckled fawn or no speckled fawn.
But the shadow was an optical illusion, he was opening his own driver's side door and getting into his own car, and the three boys were piling into the back of the pickup, and then they drove away doing the cowardly American torture-cough as they did so.
Good advice, my Angels always give me good advice, even though it sometimes runs against my grain to follow it.
What might have happened had I not followed that advice?  Even if I had come out on top in a gunfight with four teenage boys, the subsequent trial being in their rural mountain community, four nice boys from the local high school shot up by the infamous Telepath everyone liked to mess with, I would have gone to prison, which is where America had wanted me all along.
I suggest my Angel gave me that warning and that advise at that time for three reasons.  First, she did not want my possessions stolen; and second, she wanted to strengthen our working relationship, and third, she wanted to give me the chance to fight back and the chance to overcome the temptation to fight back.
By that time America had been torturing me for perhaps 15 years; so the temptation to punish those thieves caught in the act was very, very strong, but "turning the other cheek" has always been a good defensive strategy for me considering the Americans outnumber me about 300 million to one. 
Now, let's turn our attention to you, Dear Reader.  My Angel asked me to tell you this particular story today for a particular reason; and it seems to me that is because my Angel is suggesting that you, too, be like a speckled fawn.
Said another way, my Angels and I can handle this job just fine.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Atom and Ever

I am sitting here wondering just where that swift and mighty sword is in its progression through the three metaphorical samurai I described for you; but that sword is often too swift to see and too sharp to feel, so I am not concerned.  It is, after all, you it is cutting through, not me.
I am sitting here killing time while Time kills you, and I have been thinking how much like the story of Adam and Eve is the story of the human being of these times.  I call the modern version "Atom and Ever".  Smart enough to split the atom, dumb enough to damn themselves forever, the story of the human being.
This Earth may not seem like Eden to you, but later, after this Earth has died, bloated,and exploded, and your pitiful immortal crabapple souls are but little specks of pain in a asteroid belt of little specks of pain circling the sun, these times will seem like Paradise Lost to you.
We have seen the story of Paradise Lose take place many times in history, and I think it has been repeated ever since groups of human beings began living close enough together to mess with each other.
"This place used to be Paradise until the damn Chinese began pissing into the river."  What!  That's in the news today!
You can perhaps see Paradise Lost in Hawaii and all of Polynesia, and in North and South America, before the coming of the Europeans; and in Korea before the conquest by the Japanese and the cutting in two by the Americans and the Russians; and on the Japanese islands before the arrival of the wandering Japanese, when only the white-skinned, blue-eyed race called the Ainu lived there.
Pardon my drifting off course, I was talking about the story of Adam and Eve and how like that story is your story of today.
I know many of you think that first story of the Bible is real history and not an attempt by primitive Israelites to explain their situation to themselves.
I used to think that, too, before my ninth birthday and after eight years of hand-me-down theology in the guise of education; but then at ten I was beginning to remember what I had known about God when I was in the womb, that God is not the all-powerful-cruel-but-loving lunatic described to me in my religious instruction.
"What I had known about God in the womb"; now that's a view of God for you, unblemished by religious programming; but that's another story.
Back to Adam and Eve, if you take the story at its basic story line, if you see the temptation of the forbidden fruit and recall that because that forbidden fruit was eaten Paradise was lost, you can see that story being played out now, today, for the whole damned human race...and what, I ask you, is the forbidden fruit in the modern version of this story?
Well, since I am driving this nail into your coffin and you forbidden to answer me by your master, called America by you and called Death by me, I will answer my question myself.
You will laugh and mock when I tell you, but that's just your knee-jerk way.  Hear me out, and think about it, and you will come to know I am right.
The current equivalent to the Apple is the Internal Combustion Engine.  It is the master of the world, it is the poisoner in the air, it is the sucker of the oil; and it is oh, so delicious.
The Internal Combustion Engine is the I.C.E. mountain that sinks the Titanic which is the human race.
Just killing time while Time kills you; telling you truths you do not want to hear.  I understand why you are your covering your ears.  Ignorance is bliss; and your master, called America by you and called Death by me, tells you it is better to drive to Hell than walk to Heaven.
That said, I will try to figure out where that swift and might sword is cutting you right now, and let you know next time we meet.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Thank God, Bad News

It seems to me we are approaching bad news for Republican American Fascism, bad news like a bolt out of the blue; not that the news seems to be all that good for Democratic American Fascism, but it's a matter of first things first.
You know, Dear Reader, the closest a Republican American Fascist can come to telling the truth is telling a smooth lie; and the closest a Democratic American Fascist can come to nobility of character is to stand next to a horse.
First the liars, then the frauds, that seems to be the order of battle.  Hell will soon be full of both.
Remember always, America's greatest weakness is that it lies to itself.  This weakness extends stem to stern, port to starboard.
As for God's judgement of real people, now that's a very delicate story because right now God seems unhappy with all who pass human waste, and the separating of the poor wheat from the poor chaff gets intricate and beyond the understanding of a raggedy assed old newsman like me.
Better though, it seems to me, to be Little Shot than Big Shot on Judgement Day.  I mean this in the most general of terms, not taking into account what big sins little shots might shoot.
As I understand it, God is more interested in your courage than your having fooled around in the back seat of your Chevy.  You have to know yourself, judge yourself hard before God judges you; and ask yourself if you would make Heaven better or worse were you there.
Normally there is no taking of souls to Heaven; in a natural gestation the human being would have made a Heaven of this Earth.  That's the way it's done throughout the Galaxy, and beyond that the Universe.
But stepping back from the general and the sublime, let's look again to the specific and the pathetic.
It is a peculiar thing that in God's judgement the poor have better standing than the rich.  We Space Sailors call this "Justice's Vision".
Simply stated, the poor are near-helpless to save this dying Earth, and the rich don't help at all.
Saving or losing this Earth, you see, is all there is.  That is the crisis, that is the challenge, that is the high road to Heaven or the low road to Hell.  If your TV people are not talking about this they are talking about tempests in teapots while the real storm is battering down the world.
Earth is New Orleans.
Fifty years from now a truckload of gold won't be worth a ham sandwich, and the owners of oil wells will receive the contempt of the world, and the reason for this will be our Earth will be almost dead then, with nothing much left for mankind to do for her but fluff her pillows and call in the family to stand at the foot of her bed.
Everyone will know.  Everyone will know.  Everyone will know.  Do you understand?  There will be no doubt fifty years from now that this Earth is done for.
Fifty years from now the central cause for the death of Earth will be known to all human beings, even though I am the only one who says it today.  Sucking that oil.  Sucking that oil.  Sucking that oil.
We Space Sailors call oil-sucking "Double Damn", because sucking it kills the outside of the Earth and the inside of the Earth at the same time.  It is for the burning of the oil that the polar caps will melt, it is for the sucking of the oil that the Earth will explode.
In 20 years it will be illegal to own an automobile; in ten years the choice must be made between tanks and tractors; in five years all will know George Bush Junior lost his soul for murdering Muslim babies, will know that in the eyes of God there is no such thing as collateral damage; in three years all nations will know the worst mistake ever made by humankind was America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.
America's torture-enslavement of me is the AIDS of the human soul.
Me, and others like me, we have worked tirelessly for the salvation of our Earth and hardly a grain of sand have we stayed from tumbling through that final hour glass.
Only the rich or the courageous poor could have done something, but there were far more of the former than of the latter, and the richer the rich the more they could have done, but they saw no profit in keeping this Earth alive for all.  Key here are the two words, "for all".
In this context I want to tell you, the luckiest Americans alive today are those 30,000 auto workers being shat out by General Motors; they are the Lewis and Clark of all the auto workers, because soon there will be no more car factories; none, nowhere in the world, and a new frontier of employment must be opened.
There is a mathematical progression in the death of this Earth, slowly, slow, fast, faster and horribly fast;and the marathon runner of it soon becomes the sprinter.
Everyone will know.  Everyone will know.  Everyone will know.
Do you think I am the only one who knows this now?  Do you think I am the only one who is keeping score?  Do you think the rich don't have access to the same information as I?   Don't you think the rich have access to even more?  It takes no wizard to put two and two and two together.
My solution to the problem is in telling you; the rich man's solution to the problem is in, however, killing you.
It took a giant like Isaac Newton to know how much time Earth had left in 1724, now any raggedy assed old newsman with a steno pad and Number 2 pencil with an eraser on one end can figure it out, if he is ready to undo his own follies, if he is ready to give up his media weasel paycheck to report ragged truths instead of smooth lies.
What we are seeing today, plain as day, if you look under the heel of Republican American Fascism, is your future crushed and soiled there.  This is the last big grab of the rich, the attempt to take it all, to take it all, to take it all, and murder the rest.
There will be no need for supply and demand in the Republican American Fascist view of the future, because there will be no hungry billions to supply, no desiring billions to demand.  The Republican American Fascist goal is to cut the population of this Earth down to millions.
Jesus could see through the rich back in the year 24, and he could see the unfolding of the future, the same old story played over and over again, Satan's Bolero, greed is good, the Golden Rule is that those who have the gold rule those who don't.
As my old pal Jesus said, it is as difficult for a rich man to get into Heaven as a camel through the Needle's Eye; and do you know why?  It was the rich,  Dear Reader; it was the rich, Dear Reader; it was the rich, Dear Reader; who made the world die.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Balloon Payment

I am in one of those situations editors don't like, deadline coming up and story still on the way.
I know the title of the story, "Balloon Payment"; but the word comes down from on High, hold the presses.
I had the front page laid out and the type set, "Thank God" the headline read, and there followed I.C. News' variation of the troops-and-the-homeless-eating-turkey story the media weasels haul out from mothballs every Thanksgiving Day...but I'm told some news is coming that will explode in America's mouth.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Love Story

One of the more telling aspects of America's torture-enslavement of me since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy has been the tortures involving love and sex.
To be sure, Americans like to drive me out of any home I make or any job I find, and they enjoy torturing me when I am stuck with them on a bus or in a line or at a restaurant, but their souls really show forth when they torture me away from love and sex.  They love it so, sexual torture.
I have been asked to today write about America's policy of removing and keeping love from my life; and also, seemingly out of context, to write about it relative to two Roman Catholic miracle stories in the news over the past two days, those involving statues apparently shedding tears of blood.
It is not my intent to comment on the veracity or nature of such blood/tear events within the Roman Catholic Church, which occur every few years, but only to note the unusual fact that two such events in two different countries have been reported in the television news in the past two days.
I will note that those two events were reported separately, the second report not referring back to the first.  This, I suggest, demonstrates an editorial bias since the stories would be stronger reported together than they are reported separately.
In this context I note also that in this morning's news there was a report of a preacher being punched by a man in the congregation, the event recorded on video tape, and a video shot taken a few minutes later showing blood running down the preacher's face near his left eye.
As I have told you, God is writing on the wall of the news, so I note this event as part of my exercise in tracking God's writings.  I am not saying this is an example of God's writing, particularly because it involves an act of human-on-human violence, but I find it interesting when juxtaposed with the blood/tear stories.
This preacher event has so far today been remarkably poorly reported, the ABC Internet news clip announcer wisecracked about it but did not follow one of the the fundamental rules of journalism that require the reporting of where the event took place.
As we get closer and closer to God's making the world aware of God's intervention in the failing business of man, you will see more and more of this shoddy reporting on anything concerning events within religion or surrounding the subject of God.
It is interesting to me that these three stories of blood/eye similarity are occurring just as we are passing into the Damn Your Eyes point of our demonstration; but more interesting to me is that I was asked to juxtapose this news factor with a review of America's sexual torture of me since I became audibly telepathic.
When I say I have been asked to do this, I mean God has asked me to do this.  I do not know why I am asked to juxtapose these two subjects, but I can be certain that I, and you as well, will know why in the very near future.
My old pal Jesus told me that I will know people by what they do rather than what they say they are; and in fact this concept is fundamental in God's having given me the gift of audible mental telepathy over 30 years ago.
In space war terms, my becoming audibly telepathic is called "The Litmus Paper Ambush", I being the litmus paper and America being the subject of the test.
Had America acted on any level of integrity and honesty and even kindness when I became audibly telepathic the history of these times would be remarkably different, for example the space shuttle Challenger would not have been lost, and America's relationship with God, which kindly stated is somewhat strained, would be much better.
However, the first thing America did--and by this I mean the God-damned American people did--was leap with joy into the pool of agreement that I should be tortured and mocked and abused and robbed of everything I owned or ever would own.
Were this an aberration in American history it would have been one thing, but in fact it was not an aberration but a continuation of torture and enslavement and genocide that has run through the fabric of America from its start, and from before its start, like a blood-red thread through the white and blue, as seen in the enslavement of the Africans and the crushing of the Native Americans.
Now back to the subject of sexual torture of me carried out by the American people, government, and system for over 30 years.  I suggest to you this is a subject of massive importance, even though it is a giggly subject to Americans.
First my marriage was destroyed, and wantonly destroyed, and then as I struggled through the daily barrage of torture year after year at each point where I met a woman who became a love interest she and I would be pummeled with abuse, neighbors coughing false coughs through the walls on all sides for the purpose of crushing every intimate moment, evolving to a point where only a woman involved in the torture was allowed to stay, to where government pigs actually frightened a woman off, and further evolving to the point where my seed was murdered in a medical ambush.
This sexual torture is a fundamental aspect of America's torture-enslavement that goes on to this day when even if I take a woman out for coffee the glassy-eyed joy of torture rises up in the other people in the coffee shop.
Somehow and for some reason, the keeping me from women is a matter of prideful agreement among the American people, even though I am now 66 years old and People magazine no longer considers me the most handsome man in the world.
I know God is going to punish America for this; and it may be that God will at the same time also be punishing America for all the sexual crimes it has committed against the Blacks and the Native Americans; I do not know.
Americans today will say that was not they who did those things, it was Americans who lived before them who committed those sins; but the sexual crimes Americans have committed against me demonstrate they have inherited the same flaw of soul, the same twisted spirit, of the slave-keepers and the Indian murderers of yesteryear.
I think the American people will find their punishment for their sin of sexually torturing me to be a horrible punishment; and I think the reason God asked me to write about it today is because that punishment is rapidly approaching.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Winged Victory

(The Boys and I were teaching bird to fly; and the Girls were dancing on a fable.)
The most important item in the news Monday was the landing gear malfunction of the Nike executive jet.
That story was more important than the GM layoff and Iraq war debate stories, because those were stories about the follies of man, and the Nike story contained a traceable communication from God.
God is writing on the wall of the news; and the Nike aircraft crisis was in line with the description of God's plan to save this Earth as presented in this work.
I have for some weeks been describing for you a metaphorical space war scenario, that of three samurai being sliced in half, top to testicles, one at a time, by one samurai.  This is a metaphorical map of a military maneuver of God; and in fact no actual samurai are involved.
It is the suggestion here that long before that third samurai is sliced in half--perhaps even before the first is halved--those who read this work will know God is acting to prevent the murder of this Earth by the human being.
You may recall that in this metaphor of attack the sword first cut off the right hands of the three samurai, seen in the news within the news of the hotel bombings in Amman, Jordan, and my latest reference to this metaphor had the sword coming down on the top of the first samurai's head.
You may also recall that there were nine points of passage of that sword through each samurai, called Split Your Skull, Slice Your Brain, Damn Your Eyes, Cut Your Nose, Split Your Mouth, Take Your Breath, Beat Your Heart, Gut Your Soul and Kill Your Seed.
I suggest the Nike story marked the point called Slice Your Brain, because of the prolonged anxiety of the top Nike executives and others who were aboard the plane.  There were other identifiers, but I think one is about as many as an American mind can wrap around at this time.
As I noted yesterday, Nike was the Greek Goddess of Victory; and the suggestion here is that God chose to put this particular airplane into the news because of the name of the company that owns it.  I refer here to no sin the Nike company might have committed, but to its name because the name fits into God's metaphor of attack.
In this regard I am your Daniel, teaching you to read the writing on the wall of the news.  You will see many more and clearer examples of God's writing on the wall of the news as we continue in this proof of the existence of God.
Soon after Slice Your Brain will come Damn Your Eyes.  I expect Damn Your Eyes to be a demonstration by God of the state of agony of two American souls already damned to Hell for the sin of torturing and enslaving God's One True Telepath.
My expectation is the damned souls displayed for all to see will be the souls of Ronald Reagan and the neighbor recently killed by Angels in response to the vicious torture of me coming out of his household.  In medical fact the man tripped and struck his head and died, but in the fact within the fact he was executed for torture-murder.
The obvious question to be asked of all Americans with this Damn Your Eyes demonstration will be this: do you want to join those damned Americans in Hell or do you want to emancipate your telepathic torture-slave by putting down the false witness with which America shackles him?

Monday, November 21, 2005

The Cow

Since we are killing time while Time kills you, I thought you might enjoy following a space war code as I received it from God, and see how I interpret it or misinterpret it, and how it plays out, all in "real time" as the current phrase has it.
I did this for you very successfully about two months ago when I described the vision-image of a tiny elephant being dropped out of the sky into the water of a marina and sinking like a stone, at one point comparing it to the vision a famous American Indian chief showing the defeat of a famous American general before the battle began.
The Tiny Elephant vision was played out in the electrocution death of a Baptist minister in the baptistery of his Texas church.  There was no interest expressed in this remarkable advance documentation of the death of Reverend Lyle Lake of the University Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, so there is no use splashing that puddle again at this time.
The code I am now going to track for you as it unfolds is called '"The Cow".
I have a feeling this is a very important code for me, and for you.  I suggest this may be a Little Miracle in the making.
In this vision-code, a huge cow perhaps as big as a small elephant is standing behind me at my right, its nose almost resting on my right shoulder.
That's it.  That's the whole code.
I have experienced so many such vision-codes in the past I can be quite certain this code is going to lead to an event, either an event that will be seen in the news or a Little Miracle, which would normally only be seen only by me but in this case might also be seen by you.
The process of explaining and tracking this code may take a few days, and I may have to set it aside if more pressing developments come along; like I say, we are just killing time now, waiting for Time to kill you.
(Certainly, you do not mind dying for America's "right" to enslave and torture God's One True Telepath, do you?  Thousands have already, and you don't hear them complaining.)
When I receive a vision-code like this my interest is aroused and I start guessing what the code might mean.  Sometimes I am right and sometimes I am wrong.  I am not given these codes to demonstrate some perfection on my part, but rather to be constantly reminded that God is involved in my day to day life and will, in God's own sweet time, rescue me from America's torture-enslavement of me.
So, to the deciphering of The Cow vision-code.
I first ran it through a couple foreign language variations, German and Japanese, looking for its meaning there; and then I remembered a cow vision I had just after the United States of America began its torture-enslavement of me back in about 1972.
 Remembering that experience led me to another cow story, one I frequently tell when I compare my company, I.C. News, to Capitol Records in its early stage.
Putting these two stories together has, I think, given me the meaning of The Cow vision-code.
The cow vision of the early Seventies relates to one of two stories of the crucifixion we Space Sailors tell.  I have never told the cow variation, but I have frequently told the other variation.  I will tell you that variation first.  Brace yourself, this is a story of Christ most Christians do not like.
In this variation, told among the Angels, when Jesus said, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do", God said to Jesus, "Look again, Son, look again".
So Jesus looked down from the cross at the people standing around, who were exactly like the people you see in photos of lynchings of Blacks in the South, smirks on their faces, glassy eyed with excitement, many eyes focused on Jesus' exposed genitalia; and having looked again, and seen this, Jesus understood, and died.
In the cow variation to the crucifixion story, the lynch mob and the few who loved Jesus who were brave enough to be with Jesus at the crucifixion had left the scene, and only the three crucified bodies on the three crosses, and one Roman soldier, remained at the place called Skull Hill.
Here is where the cow comes in.  Under Jesus's cross stands the Roman soldier, spear in hand, and a cow walks up to the soldier, and the soldier pets it on the nose.
That's it; that's the whole story; but this cow story is very important in the story of God's broader approach to the human being (by broader I mean beyond Judaism and Christianity); and even Christians might appreciate the poetry of Jesus having been born in a manger and later visited by a cow at the cross.
I think, however, that this is just about as much of this cow story as Christians will bear until they hear it straight from the Horse's Mouth.
Now to the Capitol Records comparison I mentioned.   The entire huge enterprise that is Capitol Records was established on one hit record.  It was "Cow Cow Boogie", and Capitol had it job-pressed because it had no production system of its own; but that hit record gave Capitol the capital to move on.
I have said almost since I.C. News published its first mailer in about 1971, that all I.C. News needs to make it to the financial big time is one big hit, one scoop the public wants to hear and the government pigs and the media weasels cannot censor out or distort.
I think that scoop is hopping-bopping along toward me right now, and I think I got a whiff of it in today's news.
That is, I have been saying I can smell Victory in the air, and today there was a Nike executive jet with landing gear trouble that dominated the TV news for several hours before it landed safely.  Nike was the Greek Goddess of Victory, we Space Sailors call her Goddette.
So, my interpretation of the vision-code is that I am about to get my journalistic "hit record".
Said another way, I am going to scoop a story that cannot be denied, perhaps and hopefully about God's saving this Earth from Republican American Fascism, and saving me from the mass psycho-fascism of the American people.
Saying this, of course, will cause psycho-fascist America to brace itself against this scoop, to redouble its censorship of my work and its distortion of what I am; but that's part of the fun of it, you see, knocking psycho-fascist America on its tightly braced ass.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


"War is a matter of vital importance to the State; the province of life or death; the road to survival or ruin.  It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied", Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
I want to suggest to you today that Republican American Fascism's strategy for invading Iraq was not to achieve victory but to create chaos.
Once it succeeded in putting American military people into their graves it had harpooned the United States of America, which now babbles on, splitting political hairs, as Republican American Fascism uses it to drag this Earth to the death and destruction of most of the human race.
This is the fascist plan for the salvation of the world:  nuclear winter trumps global warming; near-extermination of the human race is the final solution to the overpopulation problem.
The goal is not the spread of democracy; the goal is the reinstitution of serfdom.
And you, Dear Reader, if Republican American Fascism has its way, will either be serf, soap or fertilizer.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

It's Not Jerusalem, Is it?

There is a expression used in current American television journalism, American television journalism so pitifully cowed by Republican American Fascism.
That phrase is, "The fog of war", which is a castrated variation of "When war comes through the door, truth goes out the window" and "Truth is the first casualty of war".
I speak here not of the Goebbelsian journalism of Fox News, which is currently intoxicated with the faux-power of Republican American Fascism, but of the Bush-pussy whipped journalism of the others.
FOX is the choir and alter boys of the Church of Bush, the rest stand, kneel and genuflect at the tinkle of its bell.
(Of course all these news outlets, and all the news outlets of the United States of America, have their fists up my ass all the way to their elbows in that they all support America's torture-enslavement of me, so they are all fascists to me whatever they are to you.  You are welcome to take that into consideration as we proceed.)
I enter through this door today because there is a story of profound importance taking place at this time which American journalism is missing miserably.  That is the story of the looming defeat of the United States of America.
The only questions are, the only hopes America has, is will America defeat Republican American Fascism before Republican American Fascism leads America into hellish disaster; and will America ends its psycho-fascism toward me before God opens God's can of Whoop-Ass because of it?
This story of America's rapidly approaching defeat is not patriotically correct, but I will tell it anyway.
The United States of America is at this time fighting a two-front war.  One front is the entire world, which Republican American Fascism is blatantly extorting with gangster nuclear strategy, the other front is God, who is at this time intervening in the rapidly approaching death of this Earth.
I am watching both these fronts simultaneously, and while my understanding of them is expanding rapidly I still have much to learn, but I will tell you what I am seeing today.
I see three operations against Republican American Fascism:  one from God; one from a brave voice for sanity within the American Congress; and one from Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan, a remarkable united front against the stupidity of America's faux-president they are observing at this time.
The space war code I am receiving today is, "It's not Jerusalem, Is it?", which means that while all these fronts are interesting fronts, they are minor fronts when compared to God's plan to snap the back of Jerusalem as a simultaneous warning to the Christians, the Jews and the Muslims.
First, the developing secondary attack from God is on cowed American television journalism, which has so betrayed Truth as to lead America into slick darkness.  You can expect to see American television journalism getting very nervous about this soon.
Second, the attack from Asia is just now taking form and it is in my view one of the most remarkable alliances in the history of the world, and the catalyst of this alliances is the profound and smug ignorance of Asia which America's faux-president has shown Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China during his current visit to the region.
These are very ancient, sophisticated and intelligent people, and they are not amused by this clown who expects them to dance to his simpleton's tune; and they are not interested in the nuclear war he wants to trigger among them.
Third, from my point of view the most beautiful event in American history since the Republican American Fascists usurped the White House is the clear and courageous call for sanity by Congressman John Murtha of Pennsylvania.
This is the crack in the skull of Republican American Fascism.
If I understand Congressman Murtha correctly, he knows Republican American Fascism has crucified the American military on a cross of tactical stupidity, and has soaked itself in American soldier blood to give nobility to its ignoble plans, and has squeezed America into a stupid man's war for a stupid man's reasons.
If I am reading this most remarkable man correctly, Congressman Murtha is speaking for American military people, from the fox hole to the Pentagon, who cannot speak for themselves; and he likely represents the views of high ranking military officers frustrated at being at the mercy of this black-hearted White House.
Again, as interesting and as bold as these three fronts are, they are not the main event.  They are not the entry of God into the great battle, swift and mighty sword in hand, of which I can now hear the fife and the drum.
"I looked over Jordan, and what did I see..."

Friday, November 18, 2005

Matter Most Serious

We are paused today.  We watch with awe as the swift and mighty sword we have been tracking cuts through the fur on the head of the Beast.  It is beautiful.
So close; so close; so close this great event.
This is a matter most serious for psycho-fascist America.
I remind you of the nine points of passage of the blade.  They are Split Your Skull, Slice Your Brain, Damn Your Eyes, Cut Your Nose, Split Your Mouth, Take Your Breath, Beat Your Heart, Gut Your Soul and Kill Your Seed.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Swift and Mighty Sword

It is a lovely thing I am watching, the flashing glint of an arcing sword moving with such swift power to the head of a foe; that foe being the first of the three doomed samurai in our war map metaphor.
It is difficult in modern times to appreciate the beauty of swordsmanship; it is lost on the Olympic fencing courts and only rarely glimpsed in the Asian dojos because it is point-blunted play there and not serious, it is bamboo there and not steel, it is win or lose there and not victory or death.
Frankly I am in awe at what is happening, and I have been tracking space war longer than it is legal for me to say.
It is really too bad for the psycho-fascist Christians and the psycho-fascist Jews that they enslaved and tortured me.  Had they not this sword would be sheathed now and I would not be a scullery boy in the kitchen of their doom, spitting into their soup.
And the speed of it, the speed of this swift and mighty sword is lost; like a hurtling space ship seems to be floating among the stars, like the winning basketball seems to hang in the air as all wait for it to swoosh through the net, like horses on a race track coming down the stretch toward you and you watching through telescopic view filmed in slow motion.
I wish I could show you the beauty of it, the defeat of Satan, inexorable.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Proof God Exists

It is very likely I will prove the existence of God over the next two weeks; or perhaps better said, it seems possible I am in a position to document God's proof of God's existence.
Many of you will not like this proof; and in the course of this proof those of you who participate in America's torture-enslavement of me will know you have lost your souls.
So, tomorrow we open Virgil's Divinity School of Hard Knocks.  Tomorrow let's turn our attention to Jerusalem.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

High-Low Split

Like Shakespeare never wrote the same line twice, no two of God's military movements have ever been the same.
That we now have three movements of approximately the same pattern is quite unique, and I have been puzzling over this as I have been looking at this group of military movements, now code-named "High-Low Split".
High-Low Split is a pattern of nine attacks repeated three times, or a total of 27 attacks.  We saw yesterday that the first series of attacks appears to be on the Jews, and if this is correct the next two series of attacks can be expected to be on the Christians and the Muslims, but their order is yet unknown to me.
I think it is best today that I focus on how I have come to say God will destroy Jerusalem.
As I do so, keep in mind the famed judgement of Solomon when two women claimed motherhood of the same infant and Solomon said he would cut the infant in half and give each woman half; and understand that three religions claim Jerusalem, the three religions I have reported to be targeted by God for edification.
Also, keep in mind the stakes here.  Without the intervention of God the human being will have killed the planet Earth by 2065; and none of the three religions has turned its attention to the health of this planet, but rather all three continue in their pattern of mutual contempt and slaughter.
We have established a metaphor for these three religions, that of three samurai in the slow-motion process of being killed by a fourth samurai.
The first part of that metaphor had the right hand (code-named "Paw") of the defeated samurai being severed, and we saw recorded in this work how God severed three hands instead of one, thus telling us there are three attacks instead of one as I had thought.
New readers can see this small part of my proof of the existence of God by reading back entries from "Severing the Paw".
The second movement in this samurai metaphor had the defeated samurai receiving a cut by the sword of the victor going from the top of the head to between the testicles, slicing each samurai in half.
I pointed out nine points of passage within these cuts, which I called Split Your Skull, Slice Your Brain, Damn Your Eyes, Cut Your Nose, Split Your Mouth, Take Your Breath, Beat Your Heart, Gut Your Soul and Kill Your Seed.
These points of passage are very important in the tracking this magnificent military action of God, and you will see them appear in the news in the order they are listed.
You should consider these three attacks contained in High-Low Split to be a major movement by God in God's campaign to save the Earth from the human being.
I know it puts Christians and Jews into a tizzy when I say I talk to God, and the Christians and the Jews have kept me so isolated from the Muslims I do not know what the Muslims think about this; so I thought I might go through the step by step stages that led to my understanding that God is saying Jerusalem is the first target of these three attack patterns.
(As I write this today, my neighbor next door is torturing me regularly with America's cowardly and fascist torture-cough.)
God has been telling me about God's military operations since January 1, 1963, and the Christians and Jews have held me in a state of torture-enslavement since approximately 1972.  This state of torture-enslavement has modified God's way of speaking to me somewhat.
During that time God has told me about many events before they took place, to some extent to help me pass through this torture-enslavement with my mind, body and spirit intact, but also to help me fulfill the commission God gave me, that being to write The Obituary of the World.
In telling me of future events, God gives me codes, and I naturally try to guess the meanings of the codes before the codes are played out.  This is not unlike myself as a small boy hoisting and shaking my Christmas packages in attempts to guess what was in them.  Sometimes I guessed right and sometimes I guessed wrong, but Christmas always came.
So it is with the codes God gives me.  Sometimes I guess right and sometimes I guess wrong, and except for rare occasions when events are canceled these codes have been accurate since January 1, 1963.
So, I had been puzzling over the nine stages in the first of the of the three attacks; and I had concluded I knew the meaning of the third stage, Damn Your Eyes, but God kept saying, "But Virgil, what is the meaning of the first stage, Split Your Skull?"
Having come to understand God's style, I was thinking, "Well, a skull-shaped object will crack, and that cracking will make news."
This "making news" is part of the ground rules established between God and I long ago when I needed the confirmation in the news or in personal experience so I would understand that I was not hallucinating my conversation God.
The first use of this news-confirmation of a code came out of the code given me on January 1, 1963.  The code was "Mount Fuji", and the code was repeated off and on until a British commercial airliner crashed into Mount Fuji a little over two years later.
The first personal experience confirmation was the appearance of a dollar bill out of thin air, as I told you in the entry entitled "100 Pennies From Heaven".
So, bringing you up to date, I was pondering the code Split Your Skull and I was thinking that perhaps the dome of the capitol building in D.C. might crack, and God interjected and said, "No, Virgil, think about the Little Miracle I gave you in Jerusalem".
I know some readers enjoy stories of the Little Miracles God has given me over the years, so I think they might enjoy this story.  I told this story on the WriterBytes site America shut down, so I hope readers going back that far will forgive this repetition.
So, there I was in the early Seventies, my audible telepathy just hatched and me surrounded by 300 million Americans who were being mean as snakes to me; and as I have told you before, I decided to take a trip around the world and see how I might be treated elsewhere.
In the course of this trip England slavishly played America's snake, France treated me very good, Italy treated me pretty good, Israel treated me like I was something brown and smelly on the souls of its shoes, India tried to set me up for a prison sentence at least twice, Thailand was no so bad, and Singapore imprisoned me at the behest of the U.S. State Department.
Despite Israel's maltreatment of me, my visit was to the footsteps of Jesus not to non-existent Jewish hospitality and as such it was a beautiful awakening, perhaps better told a little later in this work.
In the course of my wanderings in and around the old city of Jerusalem, realizing as I sometimes do when I visit cities of long history that I had been there before, I being a re-incarnating soldier of God, I discovered a little cul-de-sac in the wall near the Java Gate, in inside it was a beautiful overgrown garden and, to me, the most peaceful place in all of Israel.
I would go there once in a while to sit on a rock and think about this and that, and one day while I was sitting facing the wall made up of huge stones one of the stones cracked right before my eyes.
How many thousands of years had that stone been there, through how many sieges of the Jerusalem, through how many hot days and cold nights, I do not know; but that stone cracked then and there right before my eyes.
Well, I am not stupid, I knew God did that for me and did that for a reason; and if it was for no other reason than to remind me God was with me that was reason enough.  Now, as it turns out, there was a much larger reason behind that Little Miracle.
So, back to the present, I am still surrounded by 300 million Americans who are as mean as snakes to me, and Jews still treat me like I am something brown and smelly on the souls of their shoes, and I am trying to figure out what Split Your Skull means; and God says to me, "Virgil, think about the Little Miracle I gave you in Jerusalem."
Well, Dear Reader, perhaps you can see how the cracking of the stone fits the "cracking" in a dome I was looking for; and as I mulled that, God asked me to listen for a few minutes.
There is this thing God and I do, and I think you can do it with God too if you like; I lie down in a position that takes me into a sleep-wake state, where my body is floating and my mind is calm and barely awake, and God then can tell me what God wants to tell me without me interrupting.
When Americans learned of this form of communication between God and I they began their now common practice of striking me with false coughs and other noises when I am in that state.
I may return to that subject soon when I talk about the third stage of this first attack, Damn Your Eyes, and about the damnation of a person next door, whose death was thought to be from an accidental fall, but who in fact was killed by an Angel in response to the torture I get from that household.   
So at God's request I went into that state, and the neighbors perhaps otherwise occupied did not strike me, and God said, "Virgil, the skull will be cracked in Jerusalem"; and I asked if that meant the famous Muslim dome there would be cracked; and God said, "No, Virgil, I am going to destroy Jerusalem."
At this point both the neighbors and my co-renter began striking me, but too late, the message was received.
Immediately after receiving the message I turned on my computer and relayed it to you in yesterday's report entitled, "O Jerusalem".
As we proceed, remember Dear Reader, damnation is the atomic bomb of space war.