My top news today is that I have been asked to advise you that the United States of America is in a situation exactly analogous to that of the Titanic shortly before she struck the killer iceberg, the berg is visible, shining in the night, but the watch in the crow's nest has not yet seen it.
In this situation those aboard do not know the fate that awaits them minutes and hours away; and by extension of this Metaphor of Attack, total defeat of the United States in only a relative moment away.
By this I mean it could be days, but not as far into the future as a week. At I.C. News we like to be as precise as possible, and the guess here is that America will strike the iceberg on Friday.
(It is worth noting for you that I.C. News named the exact date of the great tsunami ten days in advance.)
Hmmmm? Perhaps the Telepaths' Revenge I reported two days ago is not the dud I thought it might be.
That titanic news now dutifully reported, to be listened to or ignored by this psycho-fascist nation (something over which I have no control) I thought I would mention a few things I find interesting about being the only audible mental telepath in history and being America's torture-slave for something like 35 years.
I find interesting that America has chosen to censor and distort my journalism; which has reported in advance such major news stories as the 9/11 attack, the intentional destruction of the space shuttle Challenger, at least half a dozen commercial airline crashes, three presidential assassination attempts, and the assassination of John Lennon; and has consistently been ahead of the pack in interpreting the results of such follies as George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.
It is as if having once decided that the incredibly unique phenomenon of my becoming audibly telepathic had no purpose other than making me an easy victim for cowardly Americans, America needed to reject all evidence to the contrary in order to justify continued torture, which by then had become a national sport more popular than baseball, basketball and football put together.
This is typical of America these days, it defends its errors to the last drop of wasted blood, such as it did in Vietnam and such as it is doing now in the Middle East.
While the "Titanic" defeat of America I am expecting in five days seems to be Heaven-sent, perhaps the most important Earth-bound news story I am reporting is the approaching defeat of the United States of America stemming from George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.
These are two separate stories, two separate defeats.
It is interesting to me that Christians want to censor my writings on abortion, even though I probably do the most intelligent and productive counter-abortion writing available.
A major theme of my writing is that while women so tenaciously want the right to abort, abortion is disproportionately directed at female fetuses. Consider the irony.
Already in India and China, where male children are valued higher than female children, detection of the sex of the fetus dooms or saves the fetus; that is, female fetuses are weeded out; and as a result there is a constantly growing imbalance between the sexes.
This, Dear Reader, spells social chaos when the sexual drives begin driving, when there are far, far too many penises and not nearly enough vaginas.
It is interesting to me, too, that Christians want to censor my writings about Jesus Christ. Personally, I don't think they can stand the competition; they think they have Jesus down pat, but they have been misinterpreting Jesus for 2,000 years.
To understand the truth of this you only need look at the long and sorry record of Christian atrocities which began not long after the Romans fed them to the lions, and in my private view began even before then, but that's another story.
While I am a graduate of The Divinity School of Hard Knocks, which is not recognized by the Bible schools and the seminaries, I have in addition been chumming around with God longer than I have lived this life. That is, God knows me by my first name; by that I mean my name of some six million years ago; and God and I are genuine friends.
You would be surprised to learn how difficult it is for God to find good friends on this Earth. Worshippers and users, yes, but foxhole buddies, no.
I find it interesting that I am not publicly credited for my reports on the approaching death of this Earth, even though the subject is now one being exploited by the television networks.
As I was right from before the start of the Iraq war when I described the disaster you can now see unfolding in Iraq, I am right when I say our Earth will die in less than 60 years, given the course of the human being now and as it can be projected; and I am also right when I say George W. Bush is a major factor in the death of our Earth.
I find it interesting that the American intelligence systems throw away my intelligence, such as my advance intelligence on 9/11 and on the planned and successful destruction of the space shuttle Challenger, and even my remarkable advance intelligence on the fragging incident just before the beginning of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.
That event involved an American Muslim in the US Army killing and wounding some officers by throwing hand grenades into their tents. I documented that incident so well about a week before it took place, and I documented it almost exclusively with US military intelligence; and I could clearly only have documented it if my source of information knew what was going on in that Muslim American soldier's mind.
That is, that intelligence alone proved the value of my telepathy as an intelligence gathering tool.
What I got in response to that miraculous advance warning was abuse and threats. I suggest this brutal and stupid response took place because it was military intelligence that first attacked me in about 1967, and it is now married to that policy.
I find it interesting that it hasn't dawned on George W. Bush how accurate my future projections are.
Were I to become a free man, I would in one month be able to present a far, far better solution than anyone in the media or the government to the Christian-Muslim-Jewish dynamic of war now building in such a steady progression. America should give it a try, otherwise it has nothing before it but death, damnation and defeat.
I find it interesting that anti-Bush people are meaner to me than Bush people, and that in general I will be harassed much more savagely in a room full of liberals than in a room full of conservatives, and that Democrats have always been meaner to me than Republicans.
I find it interesting how Americans decide on new tortures for me. There is always the old standby, the cowards' cough, but other tortures come and go.
At one time in San Francisco Roman Catholic nuns liked to lick their lips lasciviously at me, while priests generally kept to coughs and smirks.
These days, since I am being forced to travel around looking for a home and to stay in motels in the process, the fad is for the person in the next room to rap lightly on the wall to awaken me, whereas the cowards' cough is rarely heard coming from the next room, and the cowards' cough would have been constant a couple years ago.
I do knot know why this change in through-the-wall torture has taken place, perhaps because the cowards' cough has become clearly recognized as a form a murder and some ruling has come down, there being much organization among the American torturers.
Sunday night, the neighbor next door enjoyed the rap on the wall technique, waking me two or three times, and occasionally came out with a cowardly, muffled little cough.
He seemed to be male, but he is certainly not a man in quality, and he drives a gray Chevy Cruiser, Washington state license 446 SNR; the car apparently purchased in Grays Harbor, Washington.
Speaking of males who are not men, I have found it very rare for physically large and strong men to participate in the public torture of me. Perhaps the cowardice of it offends them.
Christians take great pleasure in torturing me, as do Jews. I have met very few Muslims, but in general they have been kind to me.
American medical professionals have been wicked to me. American police officers have committed felonies against me. American judges have perjured themselves in trying me.
The kindest Americans in their treatment of me have been Black Americans. Black Christian churches are the only Christian churches I can attend without being tortured by the "Christians" all around me, and in fact in nearly 35 years of torture by Americans I do not think there have been five incidents where Blacks participated.
Well, I must qualify that, homosexual Black males are often very cruel to me, as are male homosexuals in general; male homosexuals are right up there with Christians and Jews in just plain meanness.
And finally, I find it very interesting how similar America's torture of me is to America's torture of captive Muslims. Noise abuse, sleep deprivation, sexual degradation, religious violation; these are tortures which seem to come natural to these God-damned Americans.
"God-damned" is the operative phrase here.