The $43 Billion Defeat (2)
The spooky reality on this Halloween is that America's torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history, is a damnable crime.
In terms of damnation, in a totally impossible scenario, were 100% of all American citizens to die in one day, at least 50% would be damned for America's torture-enslavement of me.
Dismiss this if you like, but I will explain this whether you like it or not.
First, great numbers of people committing the same sin does not de-sin the sin.
Second, voting a sin not to be a sin, even if all the Catholics and all the Protestants are united in the vote, does not de-sin the sin.
I am saying here, Dear Reader, that America's torture-enslavement of me since I became audibly telepathic is a sin despite the apparent universal Christian agreement that it is not a sin.
To take this a natural step further, America's torture-enslavement of me since I became audibly telepathic is a felony in terms of constitutional law. Even if 100% of the American people were to agree that I should have the constitutional rights of a laboratory animal, it would be illegal.
That said, let's look to the damnation so many now-dead Americans have suffered, and so many millions more will suffer when they die unless they recant.
When you look at damnation you have to look at the cost of the crime. There is no metaphysical game in which deathbed confessions eradicate lifetime evils. That is a Christian fantasy.
To keep this concept simple, any human being in the history of the human race who murdered a child lost his soul. There is no, "The King told me to do it", "The Devil told me to do it", "My dick told me to do it"; it is an indelible tattoo on the soul.
Not only is the murder of a child in itself a profound evil, and a child's murder a cause of life-long sorrow of those who loved the child; but there is another concept to be considered.
When a child is murdered, also murdered with that child are all the children that child would have had, all the grandchildren, and so on, an ascending wave of murder going on into the future; and lost to all the world are the loves they would have had and the things they would have achieved.
While every Christian priest and minister would in opposition to this view bang my head with a Bible until I died, as they virtually have done, the sin of the child-murderer is not removed by priestly absolution or by post-murder conversion to the convenient salvation of Christianity.
God is not stupid. You may allow baby murders to return to society because your fascist shrinks tell you they are cured; or because they serve all or part of their pitiful prison sentences, but God does not.
Most Americans can understand the damnation-worthiness of the murderer of a child, even though America's state religion, psychiatry, tells them child-murders are just sick, not evil.
Dear Reader, they are evil, they are evil, they are evil; and when you start hanging them rather than having them hanging around in nuthouses wearing pajamas and being waited on hand and foot by psych-techs who light their cigarettes, you will always have them, and they will multiply like evil rabbits.
Psychiatry, Dear Reader, is Satan's false religion.
Now let's apply what I have said about child-murder to America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.
The murder of my children took place when America cast me into its pit torture-enslavement. To be sure, my children were murdered before they were conceived, and that was a constant fun-factor among the Americans over decades, but it was also the genocide of my progeny; and the sin of murdering future generations applies just as it does to child-murder.
When God said, "Thou Shalt Not Kill", God was not making a suggestion; God was telling us the difference between human evolution and human extinction.
There were also critical reasons God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, and among those reasons was to warn some 35 years ago about the approaching death of this Earth; so now we have only some 60 years left before the death of this Earth, and we are still locked into planet-killing war and planet-killing economics, where we otherwise would have had 90 years to face the facts and save the planet.
And there is something else for which so many Americans have lost their souls, something which Americans are loathe to face. God loves me, and God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy out of love for me; and the Americans might just as well have been torturing a lion's cub right in front of the lion when they tortured me right in front of God.
I have just scratched the surface in this Halloween report of the seriousness of the America's sin in torturing and enslaving me, and here I stand at America's door saying, "Trick or Treat".
That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble,
But house or (before) hald,
To thole (endure) the winter's sleety dribble,
An cranreuch (hoar-frost) cauld!
Working Codes:
Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter and has become the poker table at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.
Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, the duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder, about to be roasted by God; and has gone on further to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Army helicopter pilot in Iraq who lost both her legs as is now running for Congress as a Democratic in Illinois.
Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America.
Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness.
PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire.