Tatoo, Part 34
Jews Jaws Three Down
Shark America Seven Up
Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)
Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923
Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.
George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.
The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis", "Bat Out of Hell", "Tell Me Something Good" & "FIN".
Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.
Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (34)
Today's code is "182nd Day, Last Year".
Pow! Pow! Pow! Three bullets hit the paddy dike right below my butt and I knew I was off on another caper.
Down on my belly behind the paddy dike a Marine sergeant asked me, "You ever been shot at before?"
"No, that was the first time."
"Wait until it comes over in sheets."
Later that night, it came over in sheets, but that's another story.
My Old Pal God has suggested that American journalism take a good, hard, reflective look at God's killing of NBC's Tim Russert (and my advance documentation of that killing in this work) and see it as the metaphorical equivalent of those three bullets that hit the paddy dike just below my butt.
That is, American journalism can expect God's fire upon it to come in sheets.
The question inherent in this "sheets" advisory is how much pain will it take for American journalism to report honestly and openly on its part in America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath?
Now, Dear Reader, that responsibility fulfilled, that message delivered as requested, let's take a look at our Time Map, our Battle Map, and see what the very interesting month of July might bring.
As stated off and on over the past several months, July looks like a pivotal month in God's ending of America's torture-enslavement of me.
I.C. News has projected July 15 to be a critical date in this process.
There has been a modification in our initial projection in that these expected developments were first thought to allow me to go backpacking unmolested by government pigs and citizen volunteers in August for the first time in half a dozen years.
My plan was to celebrate my 69th birthday on August 13 at a particularly beautiful place I know high in the Sierras, just me and my Old Pal God sharing a joint, sipping good mountain water, and chewing the fat.
The modification was that my Old Pal God suggested I put aside my backpacking plans.
My first assumption was this suggestion meant the government pigs would still retain the right of "legal" harassment of me into August; but in noting that the two most recent advance-documented American events were the deaths of a big shot government pig and a big shot media weasel it seems that may not be the case.
In the end, it is all up to God. I just report the news; God makes it.
As coincidence would have it (and coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War) the month of July may be the last month I will have my current home.
This is because the person I rent my room from is moving out, and unless someone moves in who needs my share of the rent--or unless I can pay the rent on my own--I must move out, too.
Psycho-fascist America, in the evil it directs at me personally, has intentionally made me homeless many times; and I have no fear of that status.
But, and this is the big butt that is likely to sit on psycho-fascist America and squish it, the July 15 pivotal date still remains in place.
Just as Poetic Justice is the only justice I have in the United States of America, the fun of trying to figure out what God is going to do next is the only fun I have.
So, we look at our recent successes and see if they might help us anticipate the July pivotal success.
We are tracking God's attack on Israel and its stooge, the USA; and we have tracked in advance two America events and two Israel events since April.
The two Israel events were Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters' Palestinian cameraman Fadel Shana, and the bizarre airport "suicide" event during the farewell ceremony as the president of France was about to leave Israel.
The two America events were the killing by Houston police of a ranking CIA agent, and God's killing of NBC's Tim Russert.
Bear in mind, all four events were documented right here before they took place. Only I.C. News, of all the news and intelligence services in the world, has that capability.
Israel's focus right now is on betraying the United States of America yet again, this time by triggering war against Iran and dragging America into that sin with it; and besides, Israel would have little interest in responding to the American Telepath who knows its God better than it does, the American Telepath the American Jews have tortured with such glee for some 35 years.
That is to say, for July to be a pivotal month relative to Israel we would have to see a very big God Event indeed.
However, considering the force of God's two latest America punches--the dead CIA government pig and the dead NBC media weasel--another powerful punch could possibly floor the psycho-fascist son of a bitch.
So, we are expecting a major strike by God against Israel or its stooge, the USA, or both, by July 15.
Turning now to Sweet Muse's story of Tatoo, who is remembered by the Japanese as the Sun Goddess Amaterasu who delivered their race to Japan in about 660 BC.
Both Sweet Muse and Tatoo have come from 700 BC to take part in the True Armageddon, and thwart the False Armageddon being plotted by Israel and its stooge, the United States of America.
Sweet Muse today describes a little more fully God's attack on the United States of America.
Tatoo, Part 34
In God's Space War we God's Space Sailors say, The Nature of the Surprise Attack is Surprise; the Nature of its Cousin, the Draw Play, is Infliction.
What General Tea has set up for us God's Space Sailors to take advantage of is a long, long draw play. He has induced the greatest killer of the planet Earth, the United States of America, to pursue him deep, deep, deep into its sin--into its error.
America is as vulnerable as a snake stretched out on open ground. The snake is over 200 years long. We will send infliction to it all along our line placed vertically in Time between 700 BC and 2020 AD.
In God's Space War even yesterday is not safe. Every whipped slave is remembered; the name of every murdered Native American baby is known; every secret stink plotted is smelled; every lie told and lived is corrected.
To be Continued
Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 182nd day of its last year.