Monday, June 30, 2008

Tatoo, Part 34

The $688 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three Down

Shark America Seven Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis", "Bat Out of Hell", "Tell Me Something Good" & "FIN".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (34)

Today's code is "182nd Day, Last Year".

Pow! Pow! Pow! Three bullets hit the paddy dike right below my butt and I knew I was off on another caper.

Down on my belly behind the paddy dike a Marine sergeant asked me, "You ever been shot at before?"

"No, that was the first time."

"Wait until it comes over in sheets."

Later that night, it came over in sheets, but that's another story.

My Old Pal God has suggested that American journalism take a good, hard, reflective look at God's killing of NBC's Tim Russert (and my advance documentation of that killing in this work) and see it as the metaphorical equivalent of those three bullets that hit the paddy dike just below my butt.

That is, American journalism can expect God's fire upon it to come in sheets.

The question inherent in this "sheets" advisory is how much pain will it take for American journalism to report honestly and openly on its part in America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath?

Now, Dear Reader, that responsibility fulfilled, that message delivered as requested, let's take a look at our Time Map, our Battle Map, and see what the very interesting month of July might bring.

As stated off and on over the past several months, July looks like a pivotal month in God's ending of America's torture-enslavement of me.

I.C. News has projected July 15 to be a critical date in this process.

There has been a modification in our initial projection in that these expected developments were first thought to allow me to go backpacking unmolested by government pigs and citizen volunteers in August for the first time in half a dozen years.

My plan was to celebrate my 69th birthday on August 13 at a particularly beautiful place I know high in the Sierras, just me and my Old Pal God sharing a joint, sipping good mountain water, and chewing the fat.

The modification was that my Old Pal God suggested I put aside my backpacking plans.

My first assumption was this suggestion meant the government pigs would still retain the right of "legal" harassment of me into August; but in noting that the two most recent advance-documented American events were the deaths of a big shot government pig and a big shot media weasel it seems that may not be the case.

In the end, it is all up to God. I just report the news; God makes it.

As coincidence would have it (and coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War) the month of July may be the last month I will have my current home.

This is because the person I rent my room from is moving out, and unless someone moves in who needs my share of the rent--or unless I can pay the rent on my own--I must move out, too.

Psycho-fascist America, in the evil it directs at me personally, has intentionally made me homeless many times; and I have no fear of that status.

But, and this is the big butt that is likely to sit on psycho-fascist America and squish it, the July 15 pivotal date still remains in place.

Just as Poetic Justice is the only justice I have in the United States of America, the fun of trying to figure out what God is going to do next is the only fun I have.

So, we look at our recent successes and see if they might help us anticipate the July pivotal success.

We are tracking God's attack on Israel and its stooge, the USA; and we have tracked in advance two America events and two Israel events since April.

The two Israel events were Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters' Palestinian cameraman Fadel Shana, and the bizarre airport "suicide" event during the farewell ceremony as the president of France was about to leave Israel.

The two America events were the killing by Houston police of a ranking CIA agent, and God's killing of NBC's Tim Russert.

Bear in mind, all four events were documented right here before they took place. Only I.C. News, of all the news and intelligence services in the world, has that capability.

Israel's focus right now is on betraying the United States of America yet again, this time by triggering war against Iran and dragging America into that sin with it; and besides, Israel would have little interest in responding to the American Telepath who knows its God better than it does, the American Telepath the American Jews have tortured with such glee for some 35 years.

That is to say, for July to be a pivotal month relative to Israel we would have to see a very big God Event indeed.

However, considering the force of God's two latest America punches--the dead CIA government pig and the dead NBC media weasel--another powerful punch could possibly floor the psycho-fascist son of a bitch.

So, we are expecting a major strike by God against Israel or its stooge, the USA, or both, by July 15.

Turning now to Sweet Muse's story of Tatoo, who is remembered by the Japanese as the Sun Goddess Amaterasu who delivered their race to Japan in about 660 BC.

Both Sweet Muse and Tatoo have come from 700 BC to take part in the True Armageddon, and thwart the False Armageddon being plotted by Israel and its stooge, the United States of America.

Sweet Muse today describes a little more fully God's attack on the United States of America.

Tatoo, Part 34

In God's Space War we God's Space Sailors say, The Nature of the Surprise Attack is Surprise; the Nature of its Cousin, the Draw Play, is Infliction.

What General Tea has set up for us God's Space Sailors to take advantage of is a long, long draw play. He has induced the greatest killer of the planet Earth, the United States of America, to pursue him deep, deep, deep into its sin--into its error.

America is as vulnerable as a snake stretched out on open ground. The snake is over 200 years long. We will send infliction to it all along our line placed vertically in Time between 700 BC and 2020 AD.

In God's Space War even yesterday is not safe. Every whipped slave is remembered; the name of every murdered Native American baby is known; every secret stink plotted is smelled; every lie told and lived is corrected.

To be Continued

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 182nd day of its last year.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tatoo, Part 33

The $687 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four Down

Shark America Six Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis", "Bat Out of Hell", "Tell Me Something Good" & "FIN".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (33)

Today's code is "181st Day, Last Year".

We are in deep secrecy now.

Tatoo, Part 33

We are in deep secrecy now.

To be Continued.

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 181st day of its last year.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tatoo, Part 32

The $686 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five Down

Shark America Five Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis", "Bat Out of Hell", "Tell Me Something Good" & "FIN".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (32)

Today's code is "180th Day, Last Year".

"...Try to remember the kind of SeptemberWhen you were a tender and callow fellow..."

(Try to Remember, from the musical, Fantasticks, music by Harvey Schmidt, book and lyrics by Tom Jones.)

I remember when America was less insane, when she need fight only the Germans, Italians and the Japanese, and not the demons in herself.

She always had those demons, but they lived within her in uneasy truce.

Now full demonic war has broken out in the United States of America; and I try to remember that night in September when the Twin Towers were still standing and America was merely blundering about, torturing me and kissing Israel's ass.

"...Try to remember the kind of SeptemberWhen you were a tender and callow fellow..."

And I remember as I tried to warn New York City, a Jew who had just moved in next door to me, apparently for the sole purpose of torturing me, was torturing me night and day giving me the choice of homelessness or being tortured to death; landing me in the emergency room with congestive heart failure.

I wonder now if there was not some connection between this Jew's attempted torture-murder of me, and the fact that Israel knew all about the 911 attack weeks--at least weeks--before it took place.

Connected, or just the coincidental depositing half a world away of turds of the same dog.

Now America rides the Shoot-the-Shoot to Hell, Americans hating Americans more every day.

(Let me propose something to you: Consider, the ongoing inner-destruction of the United States of America, unfolding now as obvious to everyone as the dull-sheep look on George W. Bush's face...that being caused by God.

That's the news I.C. News is breaking, God is at war with the United States of America.

This Willing by God to see America destroyed might have started in 1776, or earlier, when the first Whites arrived, murdering the Red Man and taking his home, and enslaving the Black man and taking him away from his home.

Serious Christians know Jesus hates a hypocrite; serious historians know America is a hypocrite.

Christianity, as Jesus would recognize it, is quite weak in America because America is a religion unto itself, praising itself to High Heaven, while it is tyrannical to the world.

The genie of American Satanism was always in the bottle; the 911 attack uncorked the bottle.

"...Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a tender and callow fellow..."

God told me these things about you many times over the years before God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, but these instructions were abstractions to me; and although I could see flaws in America, although I could loathe the wickedness and stupidity, for example, of the Vietnam War, I could not see the flaws, wickedness and stupidity residing in the Souls of the American people.

I can see them now.

Wickedness and stupidity; that's it in a nutshell, isn't?

It was because of my blindness to the earth-killing faults of my fellow Americans, Dear Reader, that God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy.

Christians, who torture and abuse me with such sanctified glee, like to say and believe that God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy as punishment, as a curse.

I hear this frequently and I have heard this all along and when I gird my stomach enough to watch them, TV snake oil preachers often preach this fallacy.

How odd it is, I am a demon to the Christians and the Christians are demons to God.

How odd it is, the Christians hate me so much and God loves me so much.

Americans--Christians, Jews, Republican American Fascists, psycho-fascists, the whole bucket of squirming worms of you--you should understand that in what you have done to me is the reason God loathes you.

You see, what you Americans did to me, endless torture, endless false witness, endless genocide of my progeny, is not an exception to your norm, it is a reaffirmation of your nature.

A reaffirmation of your nature.

I know you Americans love yourselves so very much, you look into your national mirror and you see yourselves as the Fairest of Them All; but you are goddamned murderers, torturers, slave-keepers and more...and more...and more, you are Satan's favorite tool in Satan's murder of this Earth.

You Americans are about to receive a great and terrible shock; not only will you know you not the Fairest of Them All, but you will also know you are Grotesquely Ugly in the Eyes of God.

I know, I know, you cannot fathom this, but your ignorance does not legitimize your evil.

This is the point on which you Americans are being damned, your blend of stupidity and matter what evil you do, you are too stupid to see it as evil.

Like America sees America as good; Satan sees Satan as good.

This is why you Americans, Big Shots and Small Fry all, have never understood the dynamic behind the 9/11 attack--because you see yourselves as so good, so guiltless, so beautiful, that only ugly, guilty, wickedness would attack you.

Frankly, I think you should be made to eat the bodies of the Iraqi dead, and the severed limbs as drumsticks, the children's severed arms and legs; armless, legless, guiltless, horribly maimed for Republican American Fascism.

You Americans, you are all worms in the same bucket; there are no Saint Worms, there are no worms with halos.

Two weeks ago Friday God killed Tim Russert, and God killed Tim Russert because that "Good Guy", that highly praised guy in death, that highly paid guy in life, that Tim Russert; that Tim Russet participated dick-deep in America's sodomizing my life.

Try to picture Tim Russert's damnable sin, because likely you are in the same Sin Pool.

I was the slave Tim Russert kept. I am the slave you keep. Tim Russert had everything a news person could ask for, fame, fortune and family, now he has nothing, not even the Love of God.

With all that he had, he believed up to the moment of his sudden, unexpected, painful death, that God's One True Telepath, the blacklisted journalist Virgil Kret, should suffer, suffer, suffer.

That is why God killed Tim Russert, plucked him out of the delusion of quality which was his life; and that is why God and I together documented Tim Russert's death in advance.

Sure, all of American journalism thinks I should suffer, suffer, suffer. This is a belief more totally held in American journalism than belief in the celebration of Christmas; far, far more.

A simple principle comes into play here, a sin is a sin is a sin no matter the density of the population that commits it.

God gave me the Gift of Addible Mental Telepathy so America might see its own ugly face reflected in the mirror of its treatment of me.

Endless torture seen as endless justice; endless false witness seen as endless truth; endless mass betrayal of the Constitution seen as unified accomplishment.

That's the American people, Dear Reader, that's the American people.

God knows this about you Americans: If God were to walk among you devoid of power you would crucify God.

Yours is a cultivated stupidity. That means it is intentional.

Tatoo, Part 32

"...Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a tender and callow fellow..."
To be Continued.

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 180th day of its last

Friday, June 27, 2008

Tatoo, Part 31

The $685 Billion Defeat


Jews Jaws Six Down

Shark America Four Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis", "Bat Out of Hell", "Tell Me Something Good" & "FIN".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (31)

Today's code is "179th Day, Last Year".

Yes, clearly God's Space War has entered into a new phase.

Everything about it is hush-hush here at I.C. News, but every journalist has a sacred contract with the public that supercedes hush-hush, and since I am your only God's Space War journalist my philosophy is to tell you whatever I know as soon as I know it.

To tell you what I know today--or think I know today--I must make the assumption that the Israelis told the world the truth about what happened at the Ben Gurion airport when the president of France was being seen off--I mean Israel's version of the bizarre "suicide" incident.

You might ask, how can I believe Israel when I know Israel has been a liar all its life? Have I gone insane to think Israel would tell the truth?

The thing is, Dear Reader, the story Israel told is so implausible that it might be the truth, because Israel is a skilled and plausible liar and this is not the kind of lie Israel would tell.

It is like watching a conveyor belt of Israeli lies, lemon, lemon, lemon, lemon, orange, lemon, lemon...

Taking that into consideration, let's look at our Battle Map today. Let's see what's happening in God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America--like when I was a boy in the early 40s and we Americans used to follow the maps of the battle lines of Europe published on the front page of the daily newspaper.

We have just experienced God's opening salvos on the two nations, Israel and its stooge ally, the USA.

The one on the USA was easily documented in advance, easily provable, that being the death of Tim Russert.

The one on Israel was the bizarre shooting incident at the airport departure ceremony for the president of France and his wife, less easily provable.

Most interesting to me in these first two salvos, is that the God's Space War attacks on the two countries seem to have two distinct personalities or styles, blunt object-like with the Americans, stiletto-like with the Israelis.

How like the two countries are the two attacks; and recall, this is Do Unto Others warfare.

The American attack was blunt and simple. I.C. News told you there would be a blackout and a famous person would die. There was a blackout in Washington Deceit in the morning and the death of the famous Tim Russert in Washington Deceit in the afternoon.

This is elementary school reading of God's Handwriting on the Wall of the News. To us older folks, this is Dick and Jane.

God's opening salvo on Israel was subtle and hardly noticeable, documented in advance only with my reference to the Little Miracle story I called, "The Crack in the Stone Heart of Jerusalem", and it disappeared from the news almost as soon as it happened.

Let's look at the Israel story. It is somewhat biblical; whereas the American story is somewhat Yellow Journalism.

Even addressing the Israel story is difficult because the story is so low on the radar of public knowledge, was so quickly buried and lost that the average person might know little or nothing about it...might even be unaware that the "suicide" incident took place.

Yet both were messages from God to the two countries, one within the American culture, one within the Israeli culture.

Let's look at God's message to Israel, and the message is only clear if the Israeli version of what happened at the airport is reasonably honest and reasonably correct.

In Israel's version, some distance, perhaps a hundred yards away from the farewell ceremony, an Israeli Border Guard stationed on the roof of a building, decided to shoot himself, and shot himself so that his body fell off the building and landed on the ground.

And here is the interesting part of Israel's story which, if true, proves the event was a God's Space War action.

Two female Israeli soldiers are said to have witnessed the event and fainted.

Think about the odds against two such simultaneous faintings taking place. This is an element to the story which is so preposterous and out of context that it likely would not have been included in an official Israeli lie about the event--unless such faintings would be culturally plausible in Israel--and I assume not.

Have you ever in your entire life, in your entire study of human history, heard of two women fainting at the same time except young teenage girls at something like a Beatles concert? Likely not, yet there they are, two women faint upon seeing the sight.

Consider, our fundamental code in God's True Armageddon is "Two Birds, One Stone", and here we have two women--two birds--being downed by one sight.

Considering my advance documentation of the "suicide" event, as murky as it might be, and considering the "Two Birds" factor, I would suggest another "suicide" scenario which might be closer to the Truth.

My suggestion is God intentionally caused the bizarre death of the Israeli Border Guard and the faintings of the two Israeli women soldiers as a very personalized message to the Israelis.

Unless the Israelis are, like American Jews, totally dictated to intellectually by psychiatry, I think it is plausible the Israelis got a glimpse of the reality of this Little Miracle, and that glimpse is causing the Truth of God's arrival on this Earth to dawn on them.

(And that Truth is that God's Armageddon is not at all what the Christians believe and what the Americans and the Israelis are attempting to counterfeit.)

You will find as we go along that a number of core beliefs within Christian theology are in error, or perhaps more kindly said, underestimate God.

One of those errors is their belief--held with murderous intent--that God's focus is on them and on the Jews; and the rest of the people of this world and of this world's history are the Hindmost which the Devil can take.

Believe me, if you believe that, you are worshiping God's Left Arm and not the Whole God.

As God's intervention into the course of human history continues you will see God talking to each culture from within its culture, and ultimately each individual from within the uniqueness of the individual.

Certainly you Christians and you Jews might understand that God will speak to the Chinese in Chinese, but it might be difficult for you Christians and you Jews to understand that the Concept of God speaking to the Chinese is not the Jewish or Christian concept of God, yet it is the same God.

God is God, Dear Reader, and I have come across no concept of God on this Earth which takes in the whole of God, yet most concepts of God claim to do that.

Tatoo, Part 31

The Americans and the Israelis should understand, God's Space Sailors do not like them.

To be Continued.

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 179th day of its last year.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tatoo, Part 30

The $684 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven Down

Shark America Three Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis", "Bat Out of Hell", "Tell Me Something Good" & "FIN".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (30)

Today's code is "178th Day, Last Year".

Something good has happened. If I knew for sure what it is I would tell you; but I will tell you what my speculation is;

I think the Americans and the Israeli's are aware--or on the verge of becoming aware that Tim Russert's death and the Israeli Border Guard's "suicide" (discussed here yesterday) were both Acts of God in God's Space War against them.

I will understand this more clearly tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I am killing time today while Time is killing you, and I thought I might tell you about the time my Old Pal God gave me some beer.

I suppose this story might fit into the "Little Miracle" category, like God fulfilling God's promise to buy me a bowl of rice if I were hungry by materializing a dollar bill out of thin air; but I tend to think of it more as plain Old Friendship rather than a Little Miracle.

I was reminded of this story by seeing in the news that the area this Little Miracle-Act of Friendship took place in over 30 years ago was burned out in one of the 800 forest fires that have been burning in California.

Those who know me know I love backpacking and staying out in the wilderness for a month or more without resupply.

My longest such hike was six weeks, passing through the now just-burned out area for a month, finally following for two weeks a stream to the Pacific Ocean through wilderness so remote it had likely not been visited since Native Americans lived there.

The animals, Dear Reader, had never seen a human being.

This gift of beer from my Old Pal God took place, however about a decade before that wonderful six-week adventure, on my first backtracking trip.

That first hike was only about two weeks long, and my only equipment were my small Vietnamese Army pack which I had worn during my combat days, and my Vietnam combat boots, and some government surplus powdered eggs, and five pounds of brown rice, and 50 tea bags.

Oh, yes, and a drug store sleeping bag, the kind people buy for their kids when their kids want to sleep on the floor or in the back yard.

The area that burned this week is always very hot and dry in the summer and experiences major fires every ten years or so.

At the start of my first hike I hated this backpacking stuff as I trucked up and down those hot hills, huffing and puffing and my legs aching; when suddenly I was stopped dead in my tracks by the realization it was I who was setting the pace, that I didn't have to truck if I didn't want to, that I could stroll through the beauty that surrounded me.

It was after I had come to know that I set my own pace, and had begun to develop my deep love for backing, that God gave me a few beers.

I had learned my first backpacking lesson that would serve me well on later hikes, that lesson being never to cause myself pain. and I would stop and rest often, sometimes napping right there on the trail, always before my body entered pain.

Beauty Heals, Painless Beauty is a Miracle.

On one such stop I was sitting by a little stream enjoying the singing of the water, and certainly enjoying drinking the water, too, when I decided to take a bath.

The stream was only a few feet wide and a few inches deep, and the bottom was sandy, so I could sit there in the cool water, or lie on my back looking up at the white clouds passing by--and be just be what America does not want me to be, happy.

As I sat there in the stream, a living bee floated by, struggling to escape the drowning death that surely awaited it.

I have always had a deep feeling that the chance to save a life--any life--is a gift from God; so I took my towel and put in under the bee and lifted the bee out of the stream and set it on a warm rock, and after a few minutes it recovered and flew off.

Just about that time I heard a beautiful female voice which said (and I remember exactly), "You are going to be rewarded for that."

Well, I know you poor Americans--even you poor American Christians--have minds which have been captured, molded and polluted by America's state religion, psychiatry, and have had it drummed into you that to hear a voice is a sign of insanity.

Psychiatry holds this view because psychiatry is fundamentally atheistic and non-spiritual and does not believe in the existence of he Human Soul, and within psychiatry's view Jesus and all the saints and all the biblical persons who heard the voice of God or Angels would be clinically insane.

"That crazy Moses went up on the mountain and carved ten of the meanest commandments you ever heard of on two stone tablets and expects them to stop us from worshiping our golden idol. Screw Crazy Moses!" (And thereafter followed the tragic history of the Jews.)

If you consider yourself a Christian and find yourself calling people crazy, you are mouthing the words of atheist Freud.

Psychiatry is anti-Christian; do not fall into its trap. Psychiatry is only suitable for modern Jews who have lost contact with God.

So, the beautiful female voice had said, "You are going to be rewarded for that".

I had been talking to my Old Pal God in this life since I was my mother's womb, so I naturally took note of the beautiful female voice's message.

For the next two days as I hiked along in the summer heat, every time I stopped to rest--about every 15 minutes--that beautiful female voice would playfully say, "Wouldn't you like a nice, cold beer right now?"

Then I came to a beautiful little valley with a broad stream meandering through it, with green grass on its flat floor and pine trees scattered sparsely around; and I knew right then and there it was here that I would find beer.

Crossing the stream I came upon a well-worn trail heading straight through a grassy area back toward the same stream.

Picture the stream as a bow and the trail as a bowstring and you get the idea of the geography.

At the end of the trail, on the other side of the stream, was a campsite obviously frequently used by people packing in on horseback. There was a place where horses were tethered, sweet smelling horse apples all around, and an old fashioned galvanized wash tub turned upside down.

Fully expecting to find beer under the washtub I turned it over and instead found some canned tomato sauce and a jar of honey.

Well, I thought to myself, a jar of honey is a good reward for saving a bee.

"But it's not beer, is it?", the beautiful female voice asked.

Hmmm? So it's a game, is it?

Hanging from a nail on a tree was a gunny sack full of trash, including many crushed beer cans, and I began looking through the trash to see if the horse packers might have stashed a few full beers there.

"But that would not be nice, cold beer, would it?", teased the beautiful female voice.

Having a mind like a rusty steel trap, it finally dawned on me. Where would I find nice, cold beer? In the stream, of course.

Knowing it would be there before I found it, a short search led me to a gunny sack that had been in the stream so long it was beginning to come apart.

In the gunny sack were perhaps 20 cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

I stayed in that valley for about a day, putting the tomato sauce on my brown rice, spooning the honey out of the jar and into my mouth like candy, drinking just three of the beers and leaving the rest for other lucky backpackers to find.

Anyway, that's the story of how my Old Pal God gave me some beer.

Turning to Sweet Muse's telling of her story about Tatoo, who was to become the Sun Goddess Amaterasu of the Japanese race in about 660 BC, and we know she has traveled from 700 BC to be here for this battle in This Time, but we heard no more of what Tatoo would do in 2008 to have spurred her on to the amazing feat of traveling that far into Time.

Let's listen to what Sweet Muse is saying.

Tatoo, Part 30

I am sorry for my taciturnity of late, but we God's Space Sailors, likely called God's Angels by you, are in a fixed bayonet situation.

I mean the True Armageddon is going on, and we God's Space Sailors are God's Soldiers in that battle.

To appreciate the style of God's Space War, going on night and day now for a considerable number of years, think of Olden Day Battlefields where everything was battle-hard there, and there was war, and there was war, and there was war All The Time.

Think of yourselves as soldiers in the American Revolutionary War, when armies lined up facing each other and exchanging musket round and bayonet.

See yourselves as your great, great, great grandparents, and take that bayonet and that ball.

Suddenly when the mist gets thin enough, you will see God's Army aligned against you in that Revolutionary War way.

Except, your line is horizontal and ours is vertical.

You stay in This Time, you are horizontal to This Time you live in. You do not travel in Time, you drift with.

We God's Space Sailors travel in Time.

Our line is vertical in Time. Your line goes around the world; our line goes back to 700 BC and ahead to 2020 AD.

Our two lines form a cross The arms of the crucified man are in This Time. The head of the crucified man is in Future Time. The body of the crucified man is in Past Time.

We can attack you, say, in 1644, 1967 and 2008, on an easy day; and throw in 2010, too.

This creates a rather interesting This Time, as you shall see. It makes the human race into a nuclear explosion. I don't mean world wide madness, which is sure to be the case after 2020; I mean spontaneous nuclear combustion.

Ignorance and Evil collide like atoms and trigger a nuclear reaction within the Nuclear Souls of all human beings.

To Be Continued

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 178th day of its last year.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tatoo, Part 29

The $683 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight Down

Shark America Two Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis", "Bat Out of Hell", "Tell Me Something Good" & "FIN".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (27)

Today's code is "177th Day, Last Year".

We have a new and perhaps final code today in the series of codes connecting to God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA. The code is "FIN".

We also have an excellent opportunity to instruct those Dear Readers interested in learning to read God's writing on the wall of the news.

Remember, if reading God's writing on the wall of the news were easy the CIA could do it and we would have peace in the world already.

Sometimes in I.C. News' coverage of God's Space War we have to go out on an intellectual limb (Sometimes!). When we do this we say the impossible and implausible will happen, and it often happens.

Often, not always. It this reporter were perfect the psycho-fascist Americans would have murdered him years ago. For a God's Space Sailor to survive in the United States of America it helps to be flawed, because the Americans don't like anyone they cannot feel superior to.

Sometimes the intellectual limbs we must climb out on are more incredible than others; and that is why the original name of I.C. News was The Incredible Company.

For example, in the day's leading up to Friday, June 13, I.C. News documented two Friday the 13th news items in advance, the blackout in Washington Deceit and the death of Tim Russert in Washington Deceit.

We consider this an easy advance documentation to be understood.
It was straight forward. There will be a blackout and a famous person will die.

One of the more outlandish out-on-the limb statements I.C. News has made in recent months was that God's Space Sailors will put something within camera range of the NASA Phoenix now doing research in the North Pole region of Mars.

We make this outlandish advance documentation with confidence because we have seen at least two such messages from Mars via NASA in the past, although they were too subtle to be recognized by rocket scientists.

Had they been recognized they would have been censored, because that is the way of the American government, keep the American people as dumb and delusional as possible.

What we at I.C. News are expecting--as we have said--is that something so dramatic and so astounding will be photographed by NASA's Phoenix that it will prove beyond a doubt that someone has somehow taken something from Earth and placed it there.

We have suggested it could be human bodies, or something clearly manufactured on Earth, like a road sign saying, "Leaving Missouri"; the choices are up to God, we God's Space Sailors will just drive the delivery van.

The question we asked our Old Pal God when our Old Pal God told us about this, was how would these photographic images get past American censorship?

The answer we got, some of you Dear Readers may recall, was "Red Hawk", a classic God's Space War style of encoding, its meaning to be clear after the event.

For example, prior to Tim Russert's death we did not give the codes Blackout and Tim Russert, we gave the codes Blackout and famous person's death, but the codes clearly pointed to Russert in hindsight.

Had we said Tim Russert, which we could have if we could have within American psycho-fascist law, the event would not have taken place in that while the blackout did occur the death of Tim Russert would likely not have because Tim Russert--if he had known of I.C. News' record of accuracy--could have sought medical intervention.

Understand, if I.C. News had said clearly said Tim Russert was going to die, I could have been arrested and charged with threatening Tim Russert, and put into a situation where Jewish shrinks would be having psycho-fascist orgasms torturing me in nut houses again.

You see the problem, I.C. News must document the event in advance, but within boundaries established by past threats and past false arrests and past incidents of psycho-fascist torture.

America seems to be revolted by the plain truth.

So, that brings me back to I.C. News' incredibly outlandish anticipation of an astounding photographic event concerning NASA's Phoenix on Mars; and the recorded code Red Hawk being how US government censorship of the event will be foiled and news of the event will reach the people of the world, and by its very nature turn the human being away from its path toward endless war and chaos and finally extinction in about 2045.

So what do we at I.C. News do when we are given such an outlandish possibility and a code to back it up?

We tell you the story. We God's Space Sailors are not coy boys and girls, we talk about what we are talking about and you can either make peace with us or mock us; the first being wise the second being stupid.

After we have told you what we are watching for, we watch for it. We watch for some God's writing on the wall of the news that might further clarify the mysterious Red Hawk code.

Well, along comes the news story of a hawk of the red hawk family being struck by a golf ball in Colorado and now recovering in a wounded bird refuge from the broken wing it sustained in that mathematically incredible event.

First, we at I.C. News consider the odds against a red hawk getting hit by a golf ball; second, and getting hit by a golf ball when we have a Red Hawk code running; third, and we consider the famous the golf ball driving demonstration on a NASA moon landing, so famous that right now there is a Tiger Woods ad on the Internet with Woods hitting a golf ball off the moon.

This is classic God's Space War communication, the dit-dot-dit of God's Morse code; and while none of this proves anything, not even to I.C. News, we at I.C. News know this writing on the wall of the news is clearly God's penmanship and we pay attention to it.

(That is, God intentionally created that Colorado red hawk story for the purpose of adding to the Red Hawk code, or visa versa if you prefer.)

Yesterday I told you about the Little Miracle called "The crack in the Stone Heart of Jerusalem" and pointed to the reported suicide of an Israeli Border Guard during the farewell ceremony honoring President and Mrs. Nicolas Sarkozy of France; and said that incident, if it took place as reported, was God writing the same thing on the wall of the news of that day as God wrote on the stone in the wall of Jerusalem some 35 years ago.

While we God's Space Sailors at I.C. News consider our advance documentation of Tim Russert's death to be reasonably easy to recognize by anyone whose mind has not been turned to goo by the American news media, we consider the "cracking" of the Israeli Border Guard to be relatively difficult to understand--and also, because the source of the news of the event is the Israeli government we cannot be sure of its veracity.

Israel is a big, fat liar; one of the things it has in common with its stooge, the United States of America.

In that ballpark of easy-difficult understanding we expect the Mars event to be far, far easier to understand than the Tim Russert event; but we do not feel we can expect people to readily understand the Red Hawk code pattern.

The Mars event will be a fait accompli, clear to every person on this Earth who sees it on the wall of the news while the Red Hawk code is more subtle.

You who manage to learn to read God's writing on the wall of the news will find God is a mighty good writer.

Let me describe the Red Hawk code in this way:

Picture a cartoon image of an invisible hand writing on a blackboard and having completed the first two letters of a word. "C-H"; and I.C. News' decades of reading God's writing on the wall tells us a full word will be spelled out in connection with NASA's Phoenix...and we speculate that word will be "CHALLENGE".

(It might not be C-H, that is just an illustration of the process.)

Let's turn our attention to Sweet Muse, who seems to have left off her telling the story of Tatoo, known to the Japanese as the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, and changed to giving us cryptic reports of Space Sailor military activity.

"Seems to" are the operative words here, and Tatoo's story will come into play soon in a most remarkable way, but any Dear Reader who has been in combat or stood at battle station knows you talk one way when you are there and another when you are back at the club spinning yarns.

So it is with Sweet Muse. Don't rush her, she knows what she's doing.

Tatoo, Part 28

Since manning my battle station in 2008 in General Tea's Vertical Time maneuver, I have killed two human beings, an American and an Israeli, and it felt good both times.

To Be Continued

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 177th day of its last year.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tatoo, Part 28

The $682 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine Down

Shark America One Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis", "Bat Out of Hell" & "Tell Me Something Good".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (27)

Today's code is "175th Day, Last Year".

I have some very interesting God's Space War news for you today, Dear Reader, straight out of Israel.

You may recall that last Sunday, June 22, I was about to tell you the story of the Little Miracle God gave me in Jerusalem, which I was calling for that telling, "The Crack in the Stone Heart of Jerusalem", but opted to leave you with just the title because in the title was a description of what God is going to do to Israel.

Today, Tuesday, there is a report in the news of a bizarre shooting incident at Israel's Ben-Gurion airport which disrupted the farewell ceremony just before France's President Nicolas Sarkozy was to leave after a state visit.

This is a remarkably under-reported story, and I am always suspicious when potentially big news is not fully covered.

I have read two different versions of this event, one that there was a foiled assassination attempt (the unofficial version) and the other that an Israeli Border Guard over 100 meters away from the ceremony decided to shoot himself while the ceremony was going on (the official version).

I respect the source of the unofficial version at least as much as I respect the source of the official version; and I am watching this story to see what the French say about it.

For the sake of today's report I.C. News is going to assume the official version of the incident is accurate in as much as an Israeli Border Guard "cracked" and ended up dead; and further suggest that if the official version is correct it describes a message from God to Israel, a message of warning, in a metaphorical sense repeating the Little Miracle God gave me in Jerusalem which I had intended to tell you about.

I will tell you that Little Miracle story today.

After my Old Pal God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy in about 1971, I quickly learned that the Americans had ganged up on me, and that I had no true friends from sea to shining sea; so I decided to take a little trip around the world to see what I might learn.

Being a young Christian man who had been given a mission by God, I of course spent a little time in Israel. This is quite a long story, but I will make it short.

I particularly liked wandering the streets and ramparts of the old city of Jerusalem, and while you likely do not think much of reincarnation, I had a very exciting pattern of memory flashes come to me there, standing in old places where I knew I had stood before, but that's another story.

In my wanderings I found a particularly beautiful and peaceful spot which seemed to be almost unvisited. That was a cul de sac in the outer wall of Jerusalem just a little down from the Jaffa Gate.

I would go there off an on to rest and gather in the lessons God was teaching me as I traveled from England to France to Italy to Greece and to Israel.

One day I was there in that beautiful, totally unkept private garden and I was chatting with my Old Pal God and looking at one of the great stones that make up the ancient wall of old Jerusalem, and the great stone cracked right before my eyes.

Consider, that stone had been there perhaps 2,000 years, and it chose that moment, when I was chatting with God and looking at it, to crack.

God has shown me a number of Little Miracles over time--I told you last week about the dollar bill that appeared out of thin air--and all the Little Miracles are like seeds that sprouted and grew in meaning over time.

First, I was given the dollar bill because I said I was hungry and God had promised to buy me a bowl of rice if I was hungry; second, I knew for sure I was not alone and my Old Pal God was not the delusion psycho-fascist America insisted...and then the growth continued.

When the crack appeared in the stone wall of Jerusalem I knew it was an important event, and an important lesson for me to ponder.

So, buttressed by the lesson of the crack in the stone in the wall of the old city of Jerusalem, and by the lesson of the dollar bill, and by other Little Miracles that happened along the way, I continued deeper and deeper into America's wicked torture-enslavement of me.

In this Israel airport shooting incident can be found an excellent lesson in learning how to read God's writing on the wall of the news.

If you can metaphorically equate "Israeli Border Guard" with the defensive wall guarding old Jerusalem; and if you can metaphorically equate the crack in the stone in the wall with the Israeli Border Guard cracking and committing suicide or otherwise ending up dead, you have two complete sentences written by the Hand of God.

What are the sentences leading to?

The answer I have come up with after over 30 years of contemplation and observing the way I and others are treated by the Jews (You Shall Know Them by Their Works) is that the truth runs counter to the Judeo-Christian mythological contention that the Jews are the chosen of God.

Further, that is what God is going to teach the Jews and demonstrate to the world, and that will break the stone heart of Israel, and that is the meaning of the Little Miracle I called, The Crack in the Stone Heart of Jerusalem.

Since this shooting event happened while we are documenting God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, and happened as Israel is poised to satisfy its hunger for killing Iranians and triggering nuclear war, I suggest this was a message to Israel from God sent through God's One True Telepath, me, Virgil Kret, the man the Jews love to torture.

In God's message God said to Israel, God will crack you.

Tatoo, Part 28

God's Space Sailors were involved in the Israel airport "suicide" incident.

To be Continued

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 175th day of its last year.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Tatoo, Part 27

The $681 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Ten Up

Shark America Zero Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis", "Bat Out of Hell" & "Tell Me Something Good".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (26)

Today's code is "174th Day, Last Year".

We are talking about the death of this Earth by 2065 and the extinction of the human race by 2045; we are saying George W. Bush will destroy the world; and we are saying Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are just about to start a world-wide nuclear war and cynically call it Armageddon.

George W. Bush thinks he is Jesus, and Israel knows he is a fool.

That is key to this dynamic which all the world is watching, waiting to see if Israel attacks Iran and turns this Earth into a sodden lump of blood...that is, that Israel sees George W. Bush as a fool, a useful tool; and Israel will use him, and Israel will betray the United States of America yet again.

In God's Space War, God is playing God's cards close to the vest and I.C. News is keeping its speculations in check.

It seems, however, the "Topsy-Turvy" code--one of the many codes concerning God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA--has taken on new importance and is now applied to a God's Space War concept we have not discussed in a year or two, that being God's intent to change the locations of the North and South Poles.

We are watching this code to see how it develops, since it applies directly to the warmongering of Israel at this time. Topsy-Turvy, somehow God is about to turn the tables on Israel.

Touching again on I.C. News' advance documentation of the death of NBC's Tim Russert, this success seems to be taking on huge proportions.

Russert, a special favorite of the NBC family, was clearly a casualty in God's Space War. That is, God deliberately killed Russert as an expression of displeasure with psycho-fascist America's media weasels.

Don't believe it? Wait until you see the media weasels dropping like flies.

NBC knows without a shadow of a doubt that I.C. News documented Russert's death in advance, but true to form NBC is not wondering about the how and the why of I.C. News' success; but rather, NBC is planning to launch a voodoo-video punishment of me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath.

So, if I escape from America's torture-enslavement, which seems very possible, NBC will be prepared to brutalize my reputation and my character so much it will make Charles Manson look like an alter boy by comparison.

I didn't kill Russert, God killed Russert, but NBC has been lying about me and mocking me and blocking my news for so long it knows no other way to behave.

While I am going to have to sit on the God's Space War story today, and possibly tomorrow, what I can do today is describe for you the opening moves of the nuclear war Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are about unleash on the world; and remind you again that America's role in this is wicked business is that of Israel's stooge.

I received an email from a reader Sunday asking if I knew where America would be first hit by nuclear weapons, what city, in the case of nuclear war--and in fact I do, Cincinnati, Ohio.

You can set your watch by this, you can mark it on your calendar, with the explosion of the first Israeli nuclear weapon humankind will only have about twenty years of functioning civilization left. After that, it is chaos and madness, starvation, plague and war.

We have to fix this Earth now; but there is absolutely no fixing going on--nor even being talked about--and who do the major parties have running for president? Obama who has no balls and McCain who has no brain.

War, at this time, is Doom, even non-nuclear war. There is no more time for that evil thing.

So, God is stepping in. We know God intends to kill two birds with one stone, we know one of those birds is Israel and the other is the USA, but we do not yet know what the stone is.

Let's talk about what we are talking about. We are talking about nuclear war that is coming so fast that if you were to spit now on a rainy night the spit might not be dry before nuclear war comes.

I live in the torture chamber America first constructed for me in 1967, and the American people voted with their Souls to take part in the torturing of me in 1971.

You have the only audibly telepathic human being in history, a national treasure, in a national torture chamber, and none of the media weasels, and none of the government pigs, and none of the Big Money gluttons, and none of the gutless American politicos, and none of the cowardly American men and silly American women who torture me have the wit to ask: Why would a human being suddenly become audibly telepathic and start accurately naming the deaths of people in advance over and over and over again, decade after decade?

Might there be some function for my telepathic mind other than for psycho-fascist Americans to rape?

I suggest there is, and I suggest my life proves there is, and I suggest that function at this time is to stop the nuclear war Israel wants so much to trigger.

Now the plot thickens. Who do you reckon will get blamed when Cincinnati conveniently gets nuked? The nation Americans have been conned into blaming, Iran, is not a player in this game; this is Israel's show all the way.

Why do you think I keep saying the United States of America is Israel's drone ally? I say it because all Israel has to do is point at someone and tell its Dog America "Sic him!", and Dog America will sic him.

I never said the Jews are stupid; brain-wise the USA is Israel's mentally retarded stooge; and Israel knows America is mentally retarded; and Israel plays its game of poker with that Ace up its sleeve.

Ask yourself this: How would a little country the size of Israel, truly the Rhode Island of nations, hope to survive a world-wide nuclear war?

Three Nukes would hardly fit into Israel, but three nukes would vaporize it. But who has nukes in that area? Only Israel.

Even your local kiss-ass news outlets told you about Israeli maneuvers in the Mediterranean weeks after they took place; but your kiss-ass local news outlets are not allowed to put two and two together; you have to do that for yourself.

The kiss-ass local news boys and girls were allowed to tell you the propaganda "news" about Israel's maneuvers because thus far the American government thinks it is in on the game; but the American government is Israel's stooge and Israel will feed it a bowl full of fire.

Don't forget that, that is key to Israel's plan to start World Nuclear War One and escape damage itself.

Think of the Six Day War. It is that kind of timing. It is brilliant. It is heartless. It is fast. Fait accompli! You are eating fire.

And remember, remember, remember, America is Israel's stooge.

America is Israel's ally, but Israel is not America's ally. Think betrayal.

(By the way, the Israelis have three nukes set aside for the Germans. They call them, in classic anti-Christian Jewish humor, "The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost".

(What? You mean it never occurred to you that the Jews would take vengeance on the Germans as soon as they could? What planet do you live on?)

As a student of war, I have to admire the Israelis and this False Armageddon they have cooked up, conning America into lapping behind Israel like a puppy, and in the end the United States, Russia, China, possibly India, and of course Iran, will be but cinders of themselves. And the Jews? They will be lying around their desert oasis eating their dates.

In the brilliant nuclear war Israel has put in motion, Israel does not get scratched, neither do Syria, Saudi Arabia or Egypt, for the price of their sitting it out, knowing full well that otherwise their Fate is nuclear oblivion from those Israeli planes already loaded with nuclear bombs and sitting, warmed up and ready to go, on runways.

Here is where Israel's stooge, the USA, comes in to Israel's Iran Plan. Iran is but the trigger, Dear Reader, nought but the trigger; and the USA is nought but Israel's attack dog.

And dig this, that stooge of stooges, George W. Bush is going along with this evil business, thinking he is The Big Shot of The Second Coming when it fact he is his sheisters' pansy.

Now let me ask you Dear Readers in Cincinnati, are you willing to take a nuclear bomb so the Jews can rule the world?

If you are ok with that, sorry to have bothered you; you can be the Tim Russert of American cities, the first of many of your kind to go.

And after you Cincinnati folks die, the nukes will really start to fly; because fingers will be pointing everywhere, he did it!, he did it! he did it! and before you know it you are A-bombing Russia, and Russia is A-bombing you, then everybody in the northern hemisphere starts getting A-bombed; all, strangely enough, but Israel and environs.

Brilliant; and all that was needed was for America to be Israel's stooge.

To the Israelis, George W. Bush was the perfect stooge faux-president of perfect stooge America; he was playing Old Maid and the Israelis were playing Stud.

Your much ballyhooed American soldiers dead and wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan? Dead and wounded for Israel, Dear Reader, dead and wounded for Israel. Israel, traitor-nation, could have stopped the 9/11 attack with a word, but chose not to because it knew how its stooge America would react.

Turning to God's Space War, we see the Topsy-Turvy code popped up in the news photos of the rolled-over Philippine passenger vessel, Princess of Stars, just as a true Princess of the Stars, Proso, Sweet Muse, sister of Captain Tea, a God's Space Sailor, and wielder of the Sword of God that killed Tim Russert, has taken up her battle station.

Just coincidence, of course, but coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War; not an advance documentation by I.C. News, but a note in a bottle for I.C. News.

Tatoo, Part 27

Movement is strong. Movement is secret.

To be Continued

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 175th day of its last year.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tatoo, Part 26

The $680 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine Up

Shark America One Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis", "Bat Out of Hell" & "Tell Me Something Good".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (26)

Today's code is "174th Day, Last Year".

These Americans, they like the killin' but they don't like the dyin'.

It's amazing to me how many people are angry at me for documenting Tim Russert's death in advance; but if the same people were not so psycho-fascist toward me I could have instead documented his close call in the emergency room in advance.

The whole idea behind God's giving me the gift of audible mental telepathy was to save lives, and after the thousands of lives lost because the news media blocked me from saving them the news media gets all huffy at me when one of its pretty boys dies after I documented his death so clearly in advance.

What? I should respect his memory? He participated in America's torture-enslavement of me and the genocide of my progeny. Respect? I don't respect the damned.

Oh, well, Documenting Russert's death in advance did no good, so let's document the next death in advance.

I am reminded of an old God's Space War code, "Pruning Their Favorites". I wonder if that code has been reactivated. I will know with the next swing of God's Sword.

We have a new code today, "Tell Me Something Good", which seems to be in line with the "Stop Right There!" code, which along with the "Blackout" code marked Russert's death.

Their alignment is that both are lines from songs which are followed by lines in which the singer asks to be told he or she is loved.

As much as it will stick in America's craw, I think God is going to require America to say it loves me. It's a little like being made to say "Uncle".

Meanwhile, back in the Middle East, the USA, unaware that Israel is planning to betray it yet again, did not see Israel loading nukes on its planes.

This makes me think it is time to tell you about the Little Miracle God gave me in Jerusalem, the Little Miracle story I am calling in this telling, "The Crack in the Stone Heart of Jerusalem".

I think we have just time for this sea story before God's Sword swings by again.

What's that? No? We don't have time? Get today's work out early?

Oh well, the important thing is the title, The Crack in the Stone Heart of Jerusalem. It documents in advance what God is going to do to Israel.

Now I know you psycho-fascist Americans would rather eat the atomic bombs Israel is planning on cramming down your throats than to hear me say Israel is not your friend; so I will not belabor that point today.

Not having learned the lesson of Tim Russert, you must now learn the lesson of nuclear horror with a Star of David painted on it; or tell me you love me.

Tatoo, Part 26

There will be those who say we God's Space Sailors treated the psycho-fascist Americans too harshly, but they will be surviving Americans and no other nationality.

The world will be relieved when we have finished with the United States of America, and ready and anxious to make peace with God.

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 174th day of its last year.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tatoo, Part 25

The $679 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight Up

Shark America Two Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis" & "Bat Out of Hell".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (25)

Today's code is "173rd Day, Last Year".

"Pardon me, Boy, is that the God's Space War poo-poo. Yea, yea, it's the end of the line. Well, Boy, you can let it shine.

"...I got my share, and a little to spare."

The God's Space War story of comes and goes; we here at I.C. News call it, "The Swinging of the Sword", the sword cuts through then it is gone, then after a time the sword returns and cuts through again.

That's the God's Space War concept of the Swinging of the Sword, and that's why I.C. News goes from documenting in advance the death of Tim Russert to telling Sea Stories, such as the one I told you yesterday about the dollar bill coming out of thin air.

It was a true story, but a sea story, if you know what I mean, to be told when there is no shrapnel flying, and the coffee is hot, and the smoking lamp is lit; but when the sword comes back we are again thick in the battle.

Let's take a pause today, this torture-slave has offended those who think they are his torture-masters; and besides, here comes that sword again.

Tatoo, Part 25

We Space Sailors sharpen our bayonets. We wait in place for the miracle General Tea is expecting.

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 172nd day of its last year.
Tatoo, Part 25

The $679 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight Up

Shark America Two Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis" & "Bat Out of Hell".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (25)

Today's code is "173rd Day, Last Year".

"Pardon me, Boy, is that the God's Space War poo-poo. Yea, yea, it's the end of the line. Well, Boy, you can let it shine.

"...I got my share, and a little to spare."

The God's Space War story of comes and goes; we here at I.C. News call it, "The Swinging of the Sword", the sword cuts through then it is gone, then after a time the sword returns and cuts through again.

That's the God's Space War concept of the Swinging of the Sword, and that's why I.C. News goes from documenting in advance the death of Tim Russert to telling Sea Stories, such as the one I told you yesterday about the dollar bill coming out of thin air.

It was a true story, but a sea story, if you know what I mean, to be told when there is no shrapnel flying, and the coffee is hot, and the smoking lamp is lit; but when the sword comes back we are again thick in the battle.

Let's take a pause today, this torture-slave has offended those who think they are his torture-masters; and besides, here comes that sword again.

Tatoo, Part 25

We Space Sailors sharpen our bayonets. We wait in place for the miracle General Tea is expecting.

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 172nd day of its last year.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Tatoo, Part 24

The $678 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven Up

Shark America Three Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis" & "Bat Out of Hell".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (24)

Today's code is "172nd Day, Last Year".

So, this raggedy assed old newsman is expecting a huge miracle; and what else could possibly save him from psycho-fascist America's cruelty, torture and tyranny but a huge miracle?

I have documented miracle after miracle throughout the nearly four decades of America's torture-enslavement of me, so expecting a miracle is not a crazed speculation of a tortured mind, as the priesthood of America's state religion, psychiatry, might pontificate.

You can see the shell casing of a miracle of God if you look back and examine my advance documentation of the death of Tim Russert--if you dare look at it as a miracle and not just as the Telepath pulling a dead rabbit out of his hat.

What was the promise God made to me prior to Russert's death? If you have been reading this work for over two weeks you know. God's promise was there would be a blackout and a famous person's death; and I made that same promise to you.

What took place in Washington Deceit on Friday, June 13? A blackout and Tim Russert's death.

Frankly, I don't know why every news outlet in the world is not covering this story...oh, sorry...I am blacklisted, that's why.

And now God has presented me (and I in turn you) with another code, "Bat Out of Hell"; and I have been reading God's codes since long before George W. Bush fell in love with Hitler, and I know this is a big, big code which promises a big, big miracle.

And what do I see as I wait for this Bat Out of Hell miracle to take place? I see me in the Hell America created for me; and I see Tim Russert in the Hell he created for himself by betraying Truth.

Two men in two different Hells; and along comes the Bat Out of Hell code; and long experience tells me either I or the poor, damned soul of Tim Russert, or both, are about to miraculously escape from Hell.

If Tim Russert is able to escape you will somehow see a phenomenal appearance of him on the media he is most comfortable with, television, an appearance strong enough to make news, to become something of a ghostly shock and awe.

Bear in mind, the television media could easily fake this event and just as easily censor it; but what we are looking for is the real thing, so real you can spot it walking down the street coming your way. Hot Damn! Is that Tim Russert?

That miracle applied to me? I have made many suggestions to God about my escaping America's torture-enslavement like a Bat Out of Hell--from my suddenly showing up in Paris, delivered by God's Space Sailors, to all Americans who have tortured me falling dead simultaneously--but I can't think of a suggestion of mine God has ever followed, so likely it would be something different, something better.

Bear in mind, the American government could fake this too, could present the illusion America has ended its torture-enslavement of me but my work and my life would be just as encased, only in a different torture chamber.

Over the years God has shown me literally thousands of miracles. I experience whisper-miracles every day, little foreknowledges and quiet events that remind me I am not alone, and these miracles have generally come in two forms.

First, miracles God asks me to pass on to you--my hundreds of advance documentations of future events--to pass them on to you so you will know something extra is taking place outside what your pathetic news media is telling you.

Second, miracles God gives me to keep me alive and functioning, to show me time and time again that God is with me and that despite what all the Christians might say, and despite what all the Jews might say, I am doing the work God asked me to do.

What is that work? I am writing The Obituary of the World, telling you when this Earth dies (2065) and what it dies of (the stupid human race), but in daily detail.

Since I am expecting a miracle of some importance, I thought I might tell you about a miracle or two from the past, so you can get a sense of God's style in talking to me...and likely in talking to you when you learn to listen, if you wish to develop ears for that sort of thing.

I go through my memory files of what I call "Little Miracles", the private un-provable but powerful miracles God has given me over the years of my torture-enslavement, miracles meant to keep me alive and afloat in the storm of mocking wickedness which is America; and today I have chosen two out of many to tell you about because they seem to fit very well with the times, with God's current attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA.

I have told both these stories in this work before, but readers come and go, and even if you have read them before, reading them again might help you to understand the Bat Out of Hell miracle or miracles about to take place.

This time let's call the stories of these two miracles, "America's Money Blowing in the Wind" and "The Crack in Israel's Stone Heart".

I have in my life passed through several membranes of understanding God.

I consider such a membrane to have been passed through on January 1, 1963, in Fukuoka, Japan.

That New Year's Eve I had a vivid dream of Mt. Fuji, and when I came down to breakfast my hostess, the mother of a college friend who had invited me to his home for the holiday, remarked that it was considered good luck to dream about Mt. Fuji on New Year's Eve.

A small thing, yes, but the coincidence seemed to have a special ring to it.

A few years later, the first event I was told of in advance was the crash of a BOAC passenger jet into Mt. Fuji.

I have told you that in God's Space War events are spread out in elongated time, like the first three notes of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony being played a day apart and therefore not recognizable, because of the elongation of time.

Well, the Mt. Fuji coincidence of January 1, 1963, and the Mt. Fuji crash of March, 1966, were like two notes of the same music.

(There was another Fuji message between those two, when I received my commission to write the Obituary of the World, but that Fuji message constitutes another story altogether.)

You should understand, I had known about that BOAC plane crash in advance. I was riding on a commuter train between Kobe and Osaka, Japan, knowing it was taking place as it took place, and when I arrived at my job at the Mainichi Daily News the news was just breaking.

How do you think that made me feel?

That was the first such experience of the untold numbers of such experiences yet to come, and I asked the questions anyone might have asked. Why that plane? Why those innocent people? If I knew that much why didn't I know enough to stop the event from happening?

(Like just like a week ago today (Friday), why did I know enough about the death of Tim Russert to document it in advance but was unable to prevent it?)

But that, too, is another story, isn't it?

What I want to point out is that all the miracles I have been given have been connected, a chain of miracles, like a melody played in elongated time lasting from January 1, 1963 to today, and beyond.

About a year after I returned to Tokyo from covering combat in Vietnam something very usual happened in that I began to write poetry. I mean, Dear Reader, I was your blood and guts kind of guy drinking cold gin and chasing hot women and suddenly I was writing poetry; but even as I wrote that poetry I knew the poems were being dictated to me, that I was writing down what someone else was saying.

In the course of that poetry, that someone else began asking me to return to the United States of America; and this was totally out of my game plan because I was building my journalistic career in Asia, and I loved living in Japan.

So for me to leave Asia I had to be coaxed to leave, and that is what that invisible someone did.

Unbeknownst to me, at the same time that invisible someone was asking me to leave Japan and return home, American naval intelligence in Tokyo had found me to be a violent revolutionary and was plotting my murder; but that, too, is another story, isn't it?

About two years after I returned to the States, when I was married and working at the Los Angeles Times, the US naval intelligence attack on me had spread to the FBI and others attacking me, and that invisible someone suggested I get away from my home because Nixon's government wanted to murder me, and would murder my wife along with me.

This was just before I became audibly telepathic; and I suggest to you, Dear Reader, that the Nixon-Reagan Axis' desire to murder me was the first reason for which I became audibly telepathic--the first reason for which I was given that gift by God--so that Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan (both now in Hell) were unable to murder me because I had suddenly become too oddly famous.

So, at that invisible someone's suggestion I went on the road for a few days, checking out what was going on.

I was clearly seeing the very sophisticated psycho-fascist mind-raping of me the government pigs were carrying out, mind raping constructed so that if I complained about it my complaint would appear to be paranoid delusion, the favorite frame-job of America's state religion, psychiatry.

So, I knew I was not imagining the government's psycho-fascist attack on me, but I had to know if I was imagining the invisible someone who was talking to me; and I recalled a line in the poem that had been dictated to me in Tokyo when that invisible someone was asking me to return to America.

"I will buy you a bowl of rice if you are hungry."

So, it was just after dark and I was a little cold and very hungry and I had been on the road for three days being mind-raped by Americans all along the way, and I stopped in my tracks and I said to the invisible someone, "I am hungry, buy me a bowl of rice."

It was as if a very tall invisible man was standing at my left, so much taller than I that he could drape his right arm over my right shoulder, and it was as if I could see this man's left arm extended forward and his left hand pointing at a spot about ten yards in front of me; and I looked to where the invisible hand was pointing and about three feet above the ground a dollar bill appeared out of thin air, and fell to the ground.

I picked up the dollar and took it to the first restaurant I came upon, a Chinese restaurant, and had fried rice, soup and tea for just under a dollar.

No witnesses, Dear Reader, just me and God on a lonely street in a hostile America; but God had kept God's promise and bought me a bowl of rice.

That's enough miracle talk for today. If no more urgent news is breaking tomorrow I will tell you about the miracle I am calling at this time, The Crack in Israel's Stone Heart.

Turning now to Sweet Muse's story of Tatoo and the founding of the Japanese race, Sweet Muse has just told us about the state of the Soul of Tim Russert, and today she describes a military maneuver God's Space Sailors are about to take in Past Time.

Tatoo, Part 24

In our Vertical-Time line, we God's Space Sailors are awaiting the order from God to cut down the fascist Bush family tree; that is, to kill the grandfather of George W. Bush in his crib.

In God's Space War, even yesterday is not safe.

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 171st day of its last year.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tatoo, Part 23

The $677 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six Up

Shark America Four Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround", "The Pig-Weasel Axis" & "Bat Out of Hell".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (23)

Today's code is "171st Day, Last Year".

I.C. News has two dynamic news stories for you today, neither of which we can prove today, but both of which will prove themselves in the near future.

With the development of these two stories comes a God's Space War code we had expected because of the "Stop Right There!" code that led to I.C. News advance documentations of the Houston police killing of a CIA agent and the God's Space Sailor killing of NBC's Tim Russert.

That code is, "Like a Bat Out of Hell", a code which leads to my liberation from the Hell the United States of America has kept me in since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy some 35 years ago, and in addition leads to the appearance of the ghost of Tim Russert, fresh out of Hell, on live international TV.

("Bat Out of Hell" is the name of the Meat Loaf album in which Patti Russo sang the line, "Stop right there!")

The two stories are these:

First, the United States of America is in the process of propagating a lie upon the world that it has the capability of creating pinpoint earthquakes around the world.

This lie is currently taking the form of a panicky rumor spreading throughout the Internet like wildfire that America's HAARP facility in Alaska deliberately caused the recent massive earthquake in China.

The purposes of this lie include:

--puffing up Republican American Fascism and making it appear to be all-powerful and unstoppable, where in fact it is tissue paper in the toilet of history.

--concealing the true nature of the Earth-killing earthquake pattern I.C. News has been reporting on for years, a pattern caused by the removal of oil from its natural role in the dynamic of Earth's existence.

Second, in order to save his Soul Tim Russert must find a way to undo the evil he and all American journalists have done to me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath; and he must do this by convincingly appearing on live TV, in a sense serving the same function as the Ghost of Christmas Past in Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol".

You don't believe either story? Give them time to ripen.

Now let's turn to Sweet Muse's story of Tatoo, and how Tatoo, a Space Sailor of God and wife of General Tea for five million years, became known to the Japanese as the Sun Goddess Amaterasu.

In Sweet Muse's story, we have just seen God's Space Sailors take up a "Vertical-Time" position running from about 2020 AD to about 700 BC in preparation for the Great Battle of Armageddon, which will be much different from what Christians expect it to be, and from what the Israeli and the American fascists are contriving to fake it to be.

Sweet Muse--who is Proso, the sister of General Tea, and the Purple Fish Goddess of northern Africa's Dogon People's mythology-- is some seven million years old, and has traveled light years to rescue General Tea from the evil grasp of America; and has just told us it was she who killed NBC's Tim Russert, and that she enjoyed doing it.

Tatoo, Part 23

We God's Space Sailors do not know God's full plan; we are but God's soldiers; we fight the wars God sends us to fight; and it was in the performance of that duty that God instructed me to cause the blackout in Washington Deceit and to kill the famous American TV journalist Tim Russert.

It was God who gave General Tea--known as Virgil to you--the codes "Blackout" and "Stop Right There!" which General Tea published prior to my killing Tim Russert, as proof that Tim Russert's death was an act of God's Space War.

While we God's Space Sailors do not operate in the dark, we are just beginning to get a glimpse of the huge tableau of the God's Space War event we are now participating in.

We understand that the scope of God's purpose in killing Tim Russert comes down to the same reason God gave General Tea the gift of audible mental telepathy so many decades ago, and the same reason General Tea's telepathy is used to document events before they take place.

America has committed itself to the proposition that General Tea's audible mental telepathy is its toy, and America can lie about the existence of that telepathy and at the same time torture General Tea for having that telepathy.

This satanic concept might work only if there were no God.

We God's Space Sailors saw in Tim Russert a man who believed in God in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church, and understand he was a practicing Catholic in that he went to Mass regularly and received the sacrament of Communion regularly.

We God's Space Sailors knew Tim Russert to be a good man within the concepts of good and evil of the human being.

However, we also knew he repeatedly committed what Catholics call a "Mortal Sin" in his participation in America's torture-enslavement of our beloved General Tea, and he enjoyed committing that sin, and it is for that sin--that un-confessed sin--that he is in deep trouble in the Land of the Dead on this date, June 19, 2008, six days after God killed him.

We God's Space Sailors understand that neither Tim Russert nor all of Roman Catholicism consider America's torture-enslavement of God's Space Sailor, General Tea, God's One True Telepath, to be a sin; but as you shall see as God's war against the evil within and among you plays out, sin cannot be voted to be sin or not sin.

A nation of sodomites might vote sodomy to be not a sin; a nation of child murderers might vote child murder to be not a sin; a nation of telepath torturers might vote telepath torture to be not a sin; but such a nation should not expect God to bow to that ballot.

Before God established my killing of Tim Russert, Tim Russert willingly and enthusiastically participated in American journalism's torture and censorship of General Tea's work and story.

In the religion of his lifetime, Roman Catholicism, there is a concept of doing penance to undo sin; and It now becomes Tim Russert's penance to un-do his sin against God's One True Telepath; and I personally have told him that the future of his Soul is based on his ability to do that, based on his ability to un-do his Mortal Sin.

When I told him this Tim Russert knew I am not Jesus, and knew I am no God, but knew I am what he would have called an Angel, and knew I know what I am talking about.

Obviously, General Tea's advance documentation of God's killing of Tim Russert is not enough evidence to convince the America media to un-do its crimes against God's Beloved One True Telepath; and if Tim Russert were still alive and God had killed another famous journalist within the parameters of the advance codes General Tea published, Tim Russert, too, would see that as not enough evidence, and likely would not even look at the evidence.

I will tell you right now, Tim Russert's fate, and worse, is the fate of every American journalist who knows about America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

So, here comes a twist in our story of Tatoo. You are about to witness Tim Russert talk to his family, friends and fans from Hell; and watch the media do its best to censor him, and fail.

So now We God's Space Sailors begin tracking for you the movements of Tim Russert's Soul since God killed him.

About this time the Soul of Tim Russert is just coming to the realization of what has happened.

I do not mean his realizing that he is dead; he knew that a day or two ago when he found himself making the spontaneous goodbye visit to his family which almost all dead make soon after death.

I mean he is becoming aware he was a casualty of God's Space War, that he died for America's sin of Telepath torture-enslavement; and he is becoming aware that General Tea, known to him as Virgil Kret, documented his death several days before it took place.

Russert will become very despondent about this, which is of course the remorse of knowing his death could have been easily prevented but for the sin he shared in, and that all he has lost he would still have had he not shared in that sin.

The scope of what he has lost will be the shock and awe of the apparent eternity of his existence in the Land of the Dead; and he will suffer in that knowledge first with self-pity, then with shame, and all the Masses he attended, and all the Communions he took, and all the love for him he acquired in his lifetime will be like cigarette butts and ashes in a dirty ash tray.

There is an intellectual advantage the dead have over the living, that being that they know there is no such thing as death; and further they learn death is not what they expected it to be, no matter what they expected it to be, no matter what they were told by priests and preachers and Popes it would be, no band of Angels coming for to carry him home, no pitch-forked devil claiming his Soul; but a kind of off-key sameness in what he is now compared to what he once was.

About this time he is meeting me, Proso, the God's Space Sailor who slew him, who has come to rescue her brother and her shipmate, Virgil, God's One True Telepath, from the likes of Tim Russert and all the media weasels and all the government pigs and all the cowardly American men and all the silly American women who torture and enslave him.

Adding to his misery he will see how beautiful I am, and understand he is the sworn enemy, the slain enemy, of that beauty.

Just about now, too, Tim Russert is learning he has the biggest news story of all time, and is wondering, "How can I report this?"

Soon after coming to this realization he will come to understand he must report this story if he is to save his Soul.

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 171st day of its last year.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tatoo, Part 22

The $676 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five Up

Shark America Five Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: ??? (The USGS Earthquake Hazards site had become too politically corrupted to be a valid source in I.C. News' earthquake study at this time.)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

The battle codes of God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait", "Cowards", "That Settles It", "Stop Right There!", "Blackout", "Turnaround" & "The Pig-Weasel Axis".

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (22)

Today's code is "170th Day, Last Year".

The next God's Space War hit on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, is beginning to firm up.

There many readers of this work who enjoy I.C. News' documentations of events before they take place; and since this approaching killing by God promises to have special significance we will go into it in some detail as it develops.

We have received the second code in this current attack pattern, and in general terms it names the target or targets. The new code is, "The Pig-Weasel Axis".

We have accomplished three remarkable advance documentations in the past three months: Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters' Palestinian cameraman Fadel Shana; the bizarre killing of a CIA agent by Houston police; and the death of NBC's Tim Russert.

When you look at these three events, see the second two as being of a different "phylum" than the first.

The first points to a particular or peculiar evil of Israel, its genius for guiltless murder.

The second two point to what seems to be the basic form of God's attack on evil in the United States of America; that is, God's attack on the unspoken cooperation between the government pigs and the media weasels.

Today's new code, The Pig-Weasel Axis, identifies for us a betrayal of the United States of America which has taken place from the Vietnam era on; and points to the American intelligence community and the American news media as the traitors.

What we can expect of this The Pig-Weasel Axis code is the killing by God of at least one more media weasel or one more government pig in the next advance-documented God's Space War hit, likely in July but possibly sooner.

At I.C. News the timing of this killing, meaning the distance in time between God's killing of Russert and God's next killing, is of considerable interest because it could trigger awareness in The Pig-Weasel Axis that it is under attack by God.

Let me explain this time-spacing concept as I have explained it once or twice before.

God's Space War attacks are timed to stay below the time-space consciousness of the human being. That is, they are too far apart to be linked together by the human mind.

The best example of this is that if you were to take a musical pattern readily recognizable by most people, like the first three notes of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, and spread them out in time, like one note a day or one note an hour, the connection between the three notes would be unrecognizable but to the most attuned musical ears.

Looking at this concept another way, if God were to kill three media weasels in three days, Mr. Russert, Mr. X, and Ms. Y, the media weasels would catch on to the fact that something was happening; but if God were to kill Russert, X and Y in a elongated time frame, the "music" of it would not be heard.

It is their ignorance of the music of God's Space War that keeps the American government pigs and media weasels from being shivering bitches before us all.

NBC does not know God is attacking NBC because the hit pattern is spread out; and NBC, in its delusion of power, does not look at evidence such as I.C. News' superb advance documentation of Russert's death.

In other words, NBC finds ignorance to be bliss.

I.C. News has been tracking God's Space war action since about 1963 and this "spreading over time" of God's Space War events has been a constant.

The only time America approached awareness that God is attacking it came in the Seventies, when I documented airline crash after airline crash before they took place; but America turned its back on the truth of my advance documentations because it did not want to know; and it because it loved so dearly its torture-enslavement of me and did not want to give up that pleasure.

So, we now have two codes on the next God's Space War hit on Israel and its drone ally, the USA. The are, "Turnaround" and The Pig-Weasel Axis.

There is within these two codes an indication that American--or at least its government pigs and media weasels--will lose their beloved ignorance of God's loathing of them.

We God Space Sailors call this inevitable event, "Cherry Pop".

If you want to know where the Constitution has gone away to over the past seven-eight years; if you want to know why Republican American Fascism has had a free ride; there they are, the two snakes in the grass that betrayed America and made open fascism possible--the government pigs and the media weasels.

Tatoo, Part 22

Silent we are. We want this. The enemy, America, is wicked and unprepared.

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 170th day of its last year.