Sunday, August 31, 2008

The $1,048 Billion Defeat

What do we see in the news today, and what did we say we expected to see?

Before the Democratic National Convention opened on July 25 we said if the Democrats did not openly call for my emancipation from America's torture-enslavement of me and make a plank of the approaching extinction of the human race, God would punish them before the Republican National Convention opens on September 1.

We explicitly said it would be an Act of God...and what do we see today, the day before September 1, an Act of God named Gustav heading for the USA.

We see no punishment of the Democrats yet today, but this report is being filed early, about 7 a.m. Nevada time, plenty of time for God to kick Democratic ass before midnight.

Those long-time readers of this work (mostly government pigs and media weasels who get paid for reading this work) may recall the nature of I.C. News' advance documentation of Katrina, now three years in the past.

Before Katrina was considered a threat, but after it was named, I.C. News ran a scenario which likened America's torture-enslavement of me to sodomy, and gave Katrina the name "Katana", Japanese for "Sword", and said Katana would cut off America's dick if America did not stop sodomizing me.

With a little imagination you can perhaps see New Orleans as the amputated offending part, just as promised nearly a week in advance.

Let's dance that dance again today. Let's call Gustav "Dust-Off", the Vietnam era slang for the Medevac helicopters that took American wounded from the battlefields.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The $1,047 Billion Defeat

Given the course the human being is on, this Earth dies well within the projected lifetimes of American babies born this year, and the human species goes extinct will within the lifetimes of Americans who graduated from high school this year.

This is not sudden death; this is not sudden extinction; it is a long, slow progression of unrelenting agony, war, famine, and murder; exploding into world wide terror and revenge in about 2020 when all the people of the world know the truth of their coming extinction.

All that fury will be directed at the United States of America because all the world will know the United States of America dictated that course through is ingrown stupidities, its economic and military meddling and aggression, and ultimately through its home-grown religion, its worship of itself.

Those, along with America's torture-enslavement of me, are the bedrock issues of this current American election season, not the cutsie-wootsie political dogmas being presented by the Democrats and the Republicans and the other, little, political parties.

As it stands today, if God is to save this Earth from the ravages of humankind God must remove America's hands from this Earth's throat, and those hands are both Democratic and Republican.

The coming death of this Earth is the story I.C. News has been reporting since 1963, and for my coverage of it America has stolen every second of my life since 1967, and left me with the constitutional and human rights of a laboratory animal with electrodes implanted in its brain.

Is it any wonder that in God's story of the salvation of this planet, the United States of America is a villain?

It is from this platform of understanding that I.C. News follows the news of the current election season, and thus far we have not heard one word indicating understanding of the plight of the planet or the quickly evaporating existence of humankind, nor one whisper of the emancipation of me.

We are calling this America's last-chance election because by the time of the next scheduled presidential election in 2012 the planet Earth will be irrevocably lost and it will be too late for America or any other country to come to its senses.

It has to be this time.

In the context of this last chance election that I.C. News is giving the American people one last chance to end their torture-enslavement of me, beginning with last chances given to the two major political parties, those conjoined twins, the Democrats and the Republicans.

The Democrats have just failed their last chance. They did not free me during their convention and they did not address the approaching death of this Earth in any their pretty speeches. They did not come close to redemption.

Barack Obama is clearly unaware of today's reality, although he is certainly aware of the reality of 1970. Too bad he is not running against Ronald Reagan.

I direct your attention now to the Democratic Party, which believes to its very core in the torture-enslavement of me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath, with the expectation God will punish the Democrats before September 1.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The $1,046 Billion Defeat

Pardon me, Boy, is that the God's Space War pooh-pooh? Yea, yea, it's the end of the line. Well, Boy, you can give 'em a shiner.

John McCain's choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate seems to me to be the smartest, wisest choice of a running mate by any presidential candidate in my lifetime of 69 years.

Considering Barack Obama's shooting himself in the foot by turning his back on Democratic voters and not choosing Hillary Clinton as his running mate, McCain might have won the election with his choice of Palin.

Having to eat my words that "McCain has no brain" today, I return to the God's Space War scenario we have been discussing since just before the Democratic National Convention opened.

In that scenario, each of the two major American political parties has a last chance put an end to America's torture-enslavement of me and address the approaching extinction of the human race.

They don't have to like me, they don't have to agree with me, but they have to, they must, end America's torture-enslavement of me by addressing it honestly.

In that scenario, this current election is the last-chance election of the United States of America before God shreds it for its part in the death of this Earth by 2065.

Further, in that God's Space War scenario, it was stated if either or both fail to free me, God's One True Telepath, God will punish either or both in turn, the Democrats before the Republican National Convention begins, the Republicans soon after their convention ends.

As it turned out, the Democrats failed to free me, and we are now expecting a punishment by God of the Democrats before September 1.

Unless we see an Act of God against the Democratic Party before September 1 we will put this demonstration on the back burner and re-examine our advance codes.

If we do see it, however, we will have leverage to present to the Republicans during their convention.

While we await this development, let's look at our rapid approach to the Third World War, which Israel and its drone ally, the Republican American Fascists, have put into motion in their instigation of the Georgia-Russia crisis and all the massive anti-Russia propaganda campaign that followed.

Note that this whole anti-Russia maneuver has taken place during a time when the American news media was and is focused first on the Olympics, and then on the conventions of the two parties; and in regard to the candidates, when any pro-Russian statements would be politically dangerous in terms of election.

You can see this, and you can see the reed-like spine of Barack Obama, in Obama's acceptance speech.

While Barack Obama's acceptance speech was very pretty there was one remarkably grotesque reference in it, that being his naming of Russia as an enemy.

This indicated he has fallen for the Israel-Republican American Fascist Georgia con; either that or he does not have the balls to stand up to it.

The effect of this falling in line with the Georgia con is twofold:

First, if Obama were to be elected he would already be on record as supporting the anti-Russia policy established by Israel and the Republican American Fascists. That is, his policy would be pre-established by Israel and the Republican American Fascists; that is, he would be working for them.

Second, if the violent coup the Republican American Fascists have as a contingency plan for declaring martial law and "postponing" the election takes place, a contingency plan very likely including the death of Obama--and even the death of McCain--they will have Obama on record as being in line with the Israel-Republican American Fascist anti-Russia scheme.

That scheme is to create a False Armageddon in which Israel and the Republican American Fascists enter into the mass murder of human beings in the guise of doing God's work.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The $1,045 Billion Defeat

"The proof of the pudding is the eating"--From Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes, 1615.

The fundamental problem with this election season is that Obama has no balls and McCain has no brain.

It is remarkably pathetic watching the Democratic Party committing suicide once again. It is almost mythic, like the myth of the Phoenix in reverse, the ashes of last time turning into the ashes of this time.

The cause of death:

The Democrats chocking from Senator Joe Biden being jammed down their throats. Said another way, backroom decision over ballot box decision.

You can hear the spirit leaving the Democratic Party like air from a punctured tire. The chance was there; the opportunity was there; all that was needed was to listen to the voice of the voters.

Lost with the Democratic Party's backroom choice for Vice President was momentum toward victory, like the leading runner in a track meet stopping to change his shoes to the moans and groans of the fans in the stands.

Why would the first winnable black candidate cut the legs out from under the first winnable woman candidate, ignore the voters, ignore the swell of history, and choose a person who failed miserably in the primaries, a person no one wanted, a person who has to be sold and re-sold?

In my view, it comes down to Obama's lack of balls, his tendency to bend with the breeze; nice in oriental philosophy, disaster in American politics where winds come hard from every point on the compass.

Let's turn our attention away from the fantasy world of the Democratic National Convention where every word is applauded and any choice is hailed as pure genius, to the real world of a dying Earth and the human species rushing toward extinction, things unheard of and unknown of by those cheering Democrats in the Pepsi Center, and the cowardly psycho-fascist Americans who torture me as I write this.

Today, with Obama's big speech, is the last chance of the Democrats in this last-chance American presidential election--the last chance for the United States to participate in saving the human race from extinction.

After this last chance, God takes over with painful results for the United States of America.

Will Obama address the great 21st Century crisis of planetary death in addition to the domestic and international issues so aggravated by the Republican American Fascists? That is, will he put the subject on the table?

As it stands today, before Obama's speech is made and before the Republican National Convention begins, it seems clear neither major American political party is up to dealing with that dreadful tomorrow--and for that matter, none of the minor parties are up to dealing with it.

Facing the death of this Earth is as taboo as is freeing me, God's One True Telepath, from America's torture-enslavement.

That brings us to the proof of the God's Space War pudding we have been talking about since before the Democratic convention opened.

If the Democrats do not address these two things today--the approaching death of this Earth and America's torture-enslavement of me--God will punish the Democrats before the Republican National Convention opens on Sept 1.

Then, if the Republicans do not address these two issues--the approaching death of this Earth and America's torture-enslavement of me--God will punish them soon after their convention closes on September 4.

The proof of the Fire Pudding is in the eating of the fire.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The $1,044 Billion Defeat

No mention on the second day of the Democratic National Convention of ending my enslavement, no understanding revealed of the ending of the human race in less than 40 years.

The Blow Job President speaks tonight. I suffered under his thumb every day of his eight years; I am not expecting much but vanity and selfishness from him, not expecting words that will free me.

If I am wrong about this, good, Bill Clinton can save his lost soul and I can get on with the work God commissioned me to do.

If I am right about this, that leaves the Democratic Party with one day remaining to find redemption.

The Party? Sure, it is not a matter of the membership being innocent and the leadership being guilty.

In my life of enslavement and torture in America, few things have been worse than being in a room full of Democrats; no city has been worse than Democratic Party ruled San Francisco.

If you want to see the result of prolonged Democratic Party rule, go to San Francisco, where there are more homeless begging on the streets per capita than in New Delhi, India, and where sodomites rule the streets and set the tone, and where the rich step over the homeless to shop in rich people's stores.

The choice given to me by the Democrats of San Francisco was leave San Francisco or be tortured to death.

So, let's return to the scenario we set down before the Democratic National Convention opened.

The theater of God's Space War against the Democrats runs this way:

Either the Democrats free me before their convention closes or God will punish them before the Republican National Convention opens.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The $1,043 Billion Defeat

I have hot news for you today, Tuesday, news that could be a matter of life or death for Senator Barack Obama, news the media weasels and the government pigs have pooh-poohed--but first a word from our sponsor.

While I appreciated the charming speeches of Mrs. Obama and Senator Ted Kennedy Monday there was no mention made on the first day of the Democratic National Convention of America ending its torture-enslavement of me, nor of the human race's rushing toward extinction in less than 40 years.

These are the bedrock issues of this election season.

Certainly it is unreasonable of me to expect the Democratic Party to emancipate me on the first day of its national convention, or on the second, or on the third, since the Democratic Party has been united in solid support of America's torture-enslavement of me for over 35 years.

(I do hold out hope Hillary Clinton will emancipate me in her speech Tuesday, even though she and her husband have been solidly against my being free all along. Hope Springs Eternal.)

The purpose of this exercise, however, is to see if we can change the pro-slavery stance of the Democratic Party before the convention ends on Thursday, the fourth day, the day Senator Obama speaks.

On the surface, it would seem impossible that Obama would call for my emancipation, but I very likely saved Senator Obama's life when he visited Israel last July, and I may be in a position to save his life again.

Israel truly hates Obama, and will go to any lengths to keep him out of the White House; and Israel was in July and still is now plotting his assassination.

There are indications Obama knows what I did for him last July, and there are indications he might wish to return the favor. Would he? Could he?

Obama could end America's torture-enslavement of me with a few words when he addresses the convention Thursday night.

In my estimation Obama would gain at lest 10 million votes if he spoke those words of emancipation; and in my estimation his chances of living through this campaign season would improve by 75% if he did, because of my outstanding record of tracking and warning of assassination attempts.

This ends the word from our sponsor and leads us back to the most interesting news story of Sunday through Tuesday, that of three alleged Methamphetamine addicts having been arrested in Aurora, Colorado, for allegedly planning to assassinate Obama.

There is something fishy about this story. I think it was a diversionary story.

The media weasels and the government pigs are pooh-poohing this story, but it appears to be the tip of the iceberg of a sophisticated Israel-Republican American Fascist plan to murder Obama.

It is self-evident that there are probably at least 50 white supremacist individuals and groups bent on assassinating Obama because of their opposition to a black man being President, but the greater threat is the Israelis, wanting him dead for the same reason, but smart enough to hide their dirty deed behind the Swastika of American White Supremacy.

The media weasels and the government pigs are saying these three are just drugged out meth addicts, but this cover story does not ring true.

But for mug shots, we have seen nothing of or heard nothing from the three, nor from an attorney speaking for them.

In addition to this, something took place during the arresting process that indicated to me there is something more to this story.

One of the men is said to have jumped out of a six-floor window of a hotel when authorities came to arrest him, breaking an ankle in what in fact seemed to have been a suicide attempt.

This attempted suicide is out of character for men of this nature. They are tough, they are neo-Nazis, they are not afraid of arrest, and their natural bent, if they were in fact plotting to assassinate Obama, would have been to harvest the publicity stemming from their arrest and trial.

The suggestion here is at least the jumper was otherwise connected, connected in some way to a broader assassination plot, a person so sophistically dedicated to the plot that he chose attempted suicide over arrest and interrogation.

The further suggest is that connection was Israel, and the Star of David was hiding behind the Swastika.

If we look at this event in a broader current tableau we can see how the Israel-Republican American Fascist manipulation of the events that triggered the Georgia-Russia crisis came as the world's news media was focused on the Olympics; now we see the same unholy alliance manipulating an assassination event while the media is focused on the Democratic National Convention.

In both cases, Israel comes out smelling like a rose even though it stinks to High Heaven.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The $1,042 Billion Defeat

Hidden in yesterday's report was the quiet statement that I am expecting to be rescued by God's Space Sailors from America's torture-enslavement of me--meaning I expect to be rescued by God.

This does not mean I expect to be carried off on a pink cloud. It means I expect God to break the back of America's torture-enslavement of me; it means I expect God to emancipate me.

At this time I am expecting that rescue to take place after the Democratic and Republican conventions, after the Democrats and the Republicans have had the opportunity to voluntarily emancipate me.

That is, if the Democrats or the Republicans or both have not emancipated me before then, I expect God to emancipate me soon after the Republican convention ends September 4.

It is in that context that I am anticipating the Democratic and Republican conventions, looking to the possibility of either or both parties calling for my emancipation from this torture-enslavement America loves so much.

In that context, to emphasize, if that does not happen, God will bring an end to that torture-enslavement in September in a way most shocking and painful to both the Democrats and the Republicans.

As this convention season plays out, as I await my emancipation, I will be repeating I.C. News' warning relative to the harsh truth of Diminishing Time-- reminding as many people as possible of the short span of some 40 years before the human species goes extinct.

I will be attempting to prove again what I have already proved, that this is the last-chance presidential election in the United States of America.

While this could also be the last presidential campaign before the USA falls under total Republican American Fascist dictatorial rule--the election not being allowed to take place--that is not what I.C. News is addressing here.

What we speak of here is Time and Momentum, the momentum toward human extinction and the time left to slow and stop it.

While there seems to be time left to break the momentum toward human extinction, it is a hair's breadth of time; and absolutely no more time will be left in 2012, the year of the next scheduled presidential election.

That is why we say this is the last-chance election.

When I look at the Democratic and Republican parties I see them with a critical neutrality--not hostile, but critical--because neither party seems to be aware of the doom awaiting humankind just over the horizon.

So, this is what I am looking to and wanting to see take place at the Democratic National Convention.

One, the open calling for the end of America's torture-enslavement of me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath.

Two, addressing the peril of extinction the human race now faces.

If that does not happen during the Democratic convention I will be looking for and expecting the same two things to happen during the Republican convention.

Assuming these things will not take place in all the fancy talking and political tightrope walking at the two conventions, I today begin to document God's punishment of both parties if they do not emancipate me.

At this time I am expecting God's punishment of the Democrats to take place between the close of the Democratic convention on August 28 and the opening of the Republican convention on September 1.

This may be a decided advantage for the Republicans.

The timing of this punishment is meant to demonstrate to the Republicans that they would be well advised to emancipate me before their convention ends on September 4.

If they do not, God will punish them soon after their convention closes.

I am speaking here of clear Acts of God, not those of insane assassins, not the natural progression of known illnesses.

So, given a continuation of the status quo, we can expect two major attacks by God on the United States of America before mid-September, attacks that will emancipate me if the Democrats and/or the Republicans have not emancipated before then.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The $1,041 Billion Defeat

"I have come to save the day!"--Mighty Mouse

Today we will return to the subject of the atom-bombing of Cincinnati, Ohio; but first a word from our sponsor.

Most of the hatred I have received since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy in about 1971 has come from Christians and Jews.

This hatred came when I was first scratching and kicking my way out of the egg of that gift.

This has always amazed me--not that both the Christians and Jews are stuffed solid with hatred, a glance at history tells us they are--but that God's gift to me was so Old Testament biblical in style, so much like the story of Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors, that the similarity should have been obvious to the Christians and the Jews.

When God gave me my Coat of Many Colors my brother and sister Christians and my brother-in-law and sister in-law-Jews responded exactly like Joseph's jealous brothers responded, they cast me into a pit and sold me into slavery.

I mention this today not to go into a review of America's torture-enslavement of me but to suggest to you I am about to be rescued by God's Space Sailors, what you would probably call God's Angels.

This would be well and good from the viewpoints of the Christians and the Jews because it will be a clear example of Divine Intervention; but the Christians and the Jews are on the side of evil in this modern variation of the Old Testament story and this does not bode well for them.

The Christians and Jews are the liars, they are the enslavers, they are the torturers in this modern Old Testament drama. In that comically simple American phase, they are the Bad Guys in the story of America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

This situation came down to what it always comes down to with the Christians and the Jews, "Virgil, if you be God's One True Telepath come down from the cross we have you nailed to."

That is, "Virgil, show us power and we will let you live in peace and freedom."

Power is what the Christians and Jews respect, not truth.

Is the obvious clear here, or must I proceed to spell it out in big block letters and pop-up illustrations?

The torture-enslavement of me by the Christians and the Jews does not define what I am; it defines what they are. When they torture and enslave me that is not an exception to the rule, that is their norm, that is what they always do.

As God approaches this Earth and saves her, God's Beloved Earth, from the parasitical embrace of the human race, it will be found that God is much, much different than what God is imagined to be by the Christians and the Jews--and for that matter, by the Muslims, too.

A common denominator of all three is that they all claim ownership of God. Another is they all stem from the early vanity of the Israelites.

Jesus advised me to know people by their works, not what they say about themselves; and simple cuss that I am, that is what I do.

I see the Jews, who claim to be the smartest smart-asses this side of Sirius, intentionally remaining ignorant about why the human being, Virgil Kret, should suddenly have become audibly telepathic--and leading the world in the mass lie that what happened did not happen.

Had I been a Jew and not a loathsome goyim, the Jews would have looked at the phenomenon much differently.

I see the Christians, who claim to be the sweetest flowers in God's Garden, stinking to High Heaven in their un-Christian loathing of me.

With that word from our sponsor stated, let's return to the subject of the atomic bombing of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Israel's scheme to trigger nuclear war between the United States of America and Russia.

The Republican American Fascists, still unaware of Israel's approaching betrayal of them and of America, remain bent on pressuring Russia into actions that will fulfill the scenario of the False Armageddon they and Israel have cooked up.

You can see this forming up as the first of three announced American ships have arrived at a Georgia port with relief supplies. This is not a freighter, not a hospital ship, but rather the guided missile destroyer USS McFaul.

Watch this one. The Republican American Fascists are seeking to trigger an event which takes the lives of American military personnel, thereby establishing a new "Remember the Alamo", "Remember the Maine", "Remember Pearl Harbor", which will cause the American people to rush blindly into war with Russia.

Once war with Russia is triggered, the Republican American Fascists will declare martial law and "postpone" the election until the war is over...a war designed never to be over.

The Republican American Fascist plan does not include nuclear war between the USA and Russia; but dumb asses that the Republican American Fascists are, they do not know Israel's plan does.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The $1,040 Billion Defeat

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The bulletin news story I was expecting yesterday did not cross my desk. That doesn't necessarily mean it did not take place, only that is has not yet made the news.

For example, a bulletin-level decision might have been made but has not yet been announced; or a bulletin-level event might have taken place but has not yet broken through the news media's policy of blacking it out.

We put this one on the back burner.

I will tell you what I expected. I expected Barack Obama to grow a pair of balls. Didn't happen. Hope springs eternal.

On the back burner.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

We are entering a time frame now which presents the United States of America an opportunity to step out of its status of Idiot-Villain of History.

American holds this status because it is the tip of the human spear that kills this Earth by 2065.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This election season is America's last chance--not the world's last chance, America's last chance--and as it stands today America is dropping the ball of that last chance.

Thus far all of the campaigning for the Presidency by all parties misses the Doom's Day point. What is American bland and shallow nitpicking now, chipping away at the dullard vote that tips the scales of elections, will be seen as horribly grotesque by 2020, when the human race knows it is a mere 25 years from extinction.

Understand, Obama and McCain and all the little party candidates--all but me--will be loathed by the people of 2020--loathed by all the people of the world including all the American people, because they pissed away humankind's last chance to save this Earth.

Leaders lead, but in the United States of America leaders are followers, following 1970 in a 2008 world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Obama's minister's sermon, McCain's house count, such things will be seen as fleas on the Lion of Folly which devours the human race, seen as totally missing the point, seen as masturbation on the wedding night.

Let's see if the Democrats pick up the ball at their convention next week. Fat chance; but Hope springs eternal.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The $1,039 Billion Defeat


In the Void of Homelessness, on a choppy sea, we look for enemy sails on the horizon. It won't be long now.

We wonder what have we not told you, Dear Reader, that you will need to know when the sea grows rough and the enemy bears down, finally hoisting its true colors, flying the Swastika where it once flew the Stars and Stripes and the Stars and Bars.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. That sums up the minimum of this news story I.C. News has gone through Hell and High Water to bring you. The maximum is this Earth will be dead by 2065.

(Well, there is more the maximum, but that concerns the immortal soul.)

America's mind is a duck's back, and like water the truth of Earth's coming death runs off it.

We know that, yet we send out another salvo: George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Time moves slowly at sea. A mile a minute does not exist out here.

The squawk box brings us the news, and we marvel at the American election. How bad things are is not discussed; the election focuses on choosing new wallpaper, and the house sits atop an emerging volcano.

Two wrong guys are in the running. Likeable, both; loveable, even; and both would not be bad on another planet in another time.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Once in my merchant sailor days I was standing alone at the bow of my great iron ship, the only place aboard out of range the sound and throb of the engine, feeling the glory of it, feeling the glory of being a sailor at sea; and dead ahead a seabird sat on the water, its attention immersed in gluttony for it had set itself down in the middle of a school of sardines; and my great iron ship charged closer and closer to it, as if it was aimed at it, but it was not, I the only sailor on board knowing the seabird was there and I not at the helm; and I watched the seabird as it ate and ate and ate, better, perhaps, than it had ever eaten before; and suddenly, now only 20 or 30 yards in front of my great iron ship, the seabird became aware of it, and panicked, and began flapping its wings rapidly, then more rapidly, then violently--on the same course as we--but its belly was too full of fish for its wings to lift their weight; and in a matter of seconds we would run over it; and at the last second the seabird looked back and up at me standing at the bow, its eyes panicked, saying, "Help me! Help me!"; my eyes saying, "I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do"; and the bird was run over by the great iron ship, and died beneath the waves unseen and unknown to all but God and I.

Now America, Dear Reader, is that seabird; and I am that same sailor, and the great iron ship is Time.

There is nothing America hates more for me to do to than point out flaws in America, but if I say nothing, America dies; and it is better to be hated by America than to hate myself for keeping my mouth shut.

I speak here not of flaws in the American people; the American people are people and people are flawed, and the human being is in possession of universal flaws. That is, all earthlings are the same on that score.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

I speak here not of flaws in the Constitution of the United States of America. If the American government and economic system did not bristle against it, seek constantly to subvert it and distort it and weaken it--cheat it--it would be a near-perfect document well worth the blood it is soaked in.

The Constitution is like Christianity in that sense, were it lived as it was written peace, freedom and prosperity would reign from sea to shining sea.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

No, I speak here of the American government and that bastard pretender of holier than thou purpose, American journalism, and the common flaw they share in that they both see themselves as superior to the American people.

That is step one; step two is in that superiority they give themselves the right to lie to the American people--to make the truth more palatable for the American people's childish little taste buds.

It is self-evident that no American elected to public office has the right to lie to the American people, not even "for their own good", as the liars' rationalization usually runs.

With the first public exposure of his countless lies, George W. Bush should have been impeached.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The American news media--left, right, and center--is a propaganda machine.

"Freedom of Press" is taken to mean "Freedom of the Owner of the Press"; and the best an American journalist can do is find an owner whose slant he or she wants to serve.

The reporter serves the paycheck, not the people.

This is why established journalism hates Internet journalism so much (though it rarely betrays that hatred) because the Internet journalist owns the press, the computer; and that is why the owners of journalism and the owners of the Internet have it set up so the plug can be pulled on any Internet journalists they do not like, and on all Internet journalists if it were to come to that.

This is common in Communist China and will become common in the United States of America if the march of Republican American Fascism continues.

The end result of this claimed right of the government and the news media to lie to and to propagandize the American people is the American people being turned into grazing consumers eating the world to death, devouring the human race to extinction, and fighting liars' wars for liars' reasons.

They have no choice, all the choices are made for them; they think they are free, but they do what they are told.

In the end, this is what defeats America. This is what causes the great iron ship of Time to run it over.

This is why so near the end, 40 years from the extinction of the human race, 60 years from the death of this Earth, we have two nice guys, two loveable oafs, competing for America's last-chance Presidency, not knowing the end of the world from the ends of their noses.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The $1,038 Billion Defeat

Those Dear Readers who have followed this work over time may know the God's Space Sailor maxim, "Coincidence is the Rockets' Red Glare of God's Space War".

Those Dear Readers may have recognized the God's Space War coincidence in the unexpected death of Ohio Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones Wednesday, just as I.C. News is tracking a nuclear explosion over Cincinnati, Ohio.

At I.C. News we consider this a strong indicator that our advance documentation of Israel's manipulation of nuclear war between the USA and Russia is on track.

We also find it interesting in that Congresswoman Jones' death--and her manner of death--seems to be a clear God's Space War action,
and we have not been covering God's Space War since America forced me into the Void of Homelessness yet again at the end of July.

That is, it seems I.C. News is about to pick up the God's Space War story again, I.C. News' favorite story, the story of the True Armageddon, not the False Armageddon the United States and its master, Israel, are cooking up.

One sparrow does not make a flock, and the death of one member of Congress does not make a pattern, but let's watch this event and see what it might lead to.

Bear in mind, every member of the House, every Senator, every Supreme Court Justice, and all those rats currently occupying the executive branch, are guilty in the torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath, and while I am helpless and unarmed God is armed to the teeth.

At I.C. News we consider the death of Congresswoman Jones to be a twin event to the death of media weasel Tim Russert--and we are now expecting a third death, that of a major or symbolic government pig.

If that takes place we can expect a full frontal assault by God on America's elected government, its government pigs, and its media weasels.

On Monday I said there is some question at I.C. News as to who would defeat the United States of America first, God or Russia, since on our Future Time Map the two events take place almost simultaneously.

The first probable date of Israel's crucifixion of America on a cross of betrayal, Israel's atom-bombing of Cincinnati for the purpose of instigating nuclear war between America and Russia, is Sunday, August 24.

Now we have a well respected black Ohio Democratic congresswoman dead--and I.C. News says she is dead at the Purposeful and Meaningful Hand of God--just before the Democratic Convention is scheduled to begin in Denver on August 25...

...and at that convention the Democrats are scheduled to nominate a black man for President, a black man the Republican American Fascists plan not to allow to enter the White House, just as they plan to destroy the Constitution of the United States of America before Election Day.

This is, to I.C. News, an interesting scenario, one on which I.C. News is scooping the world.

First, we have Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America, plotting a false Armageddon in which they attack all the Muslim nations and societies in the Middle East and use Russia as a fall guy in their evil scheme for world domination.

Second, we have Israel about to betray the United States of America by exploding an atom bomb over Cincinnati, Ohio, and triggering nuclear war between America and Russia.

Third, we have Russia fully aware America is ruled by bald-faced fascists, and is standing tall and strong against the Republican American Fascist plot against it.

Fourth, we have the Republican American Fascists, unaware they are about to be stabbed in the back by Israel, plotting to overthrow the Constitution of the United States before Election Day.

Fifth, we have God about to kick the ever-loving crap out of the United States of America for its many wickednesses, including its torture-enslavement of God's old pal, Virgil, the only audible mental telepath in human history.

Sixth, we have Virgil with a pat hand in this poker game; but we wouldn't want to spoil the surprise by telling you Dear Readers what that means.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The $1,037 Billion Defeat

"They can play a bugle call like you never heard before
"So natural that you wanna go to war"
--From Alexander's Ragtime Band, by Irving Berlin.

The most recent Israel-related event I.C. News documented in advance was Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters' Palestinian cameraman Fadel Shana on April 16.

Eight other innocent young Palestinians who were passing by were killed by the same flechettes-loaded tank round with which Shana was murdered.

Bear in mind as we continue today's report, I.C. News documented that premeditated murder in advance in fine detail. Proof of this is in the archives of this work, The Obituary of the World, beginning several days before Shana was murdered by Israel.

Just over a week ago Israel's military advocate-general told Reuters in a letter it would not prosecute the tank crew that murdered Shana because the crew had no way of knowing the cameraman in his bright flack jacket standing near his clearly marked press vehicle with his large video camera was a member of the news media.

This statement standing alone, if it were true, it would simply be another demonstration of the murderous contempt for the Palestinians and for truth Israel has held since 1948.

However, the true and secret reason for this decision is the crew of that tank, and every Israeli military unit in the area, was under orders to kill Shana, and the crew knew exactly who they were murdering.

Again, I.C. News' advance documentation of the premeditated murder of Fadel Shana was established several days before the event as part of I.C. News' decades-long proof not only of the value of the audible mental telepathy for which America persecutes and enslaves me but also of the hows and whys of the approaching death of this Earth by 2065.

I.C. News' advance documentation of Israel's premeditated murder of Shana was fully reviewed in this work over the weeks following the murder, and that review can be found in the archives of this work.

I bring this to your attention today, Dear Reader, because it is so telling of Israel's nature, which belies its reputation in the United States of America, and it is an excellent example of I.C. News' profoundly important ability to document events before they take place.

It is that ability with which I.C. News is now documenting Israel's plan to set off a nuclear explosion in an American city, almost certainly Cincinnati, Ohio, for the purpose of triggering nuclear war between the USA and Russia.

It is the oft-made suggestion of I.C. News that while the United States of America is a true ally of Israel, Israel is not a true ally of the United States of America.

I.C. News points to the past pattern of Israel's anti-American treachery, which includes Israel's repeated strafing of the USS Liberty during the Six Day War, Israel's past and current espionage activities against the United States, and Israel's advance knowledge of the 9/11 attack, knowledge which it kept to itself for its own selfish reasons.

We are now approaching yet another betrayal of the United States of America by Israel, this one a great and terrible betrayal designed, we underscore, to manipulate nuclear war between the United States and Russia.

What you are seeing going on between the USA and Russia now, the propaganda attack on Russia being carried out nearly without exception by the American news media and the American government, is part of that manipulation, as was the military action by Georgia which initiated the Georgia-Russia crisis.

Israel, and Republican American Fascism--as represented by the George W. Bush occupation of the White House--have entered into an unholy alliance bent on world conquest; and the window of opportunity of that alliance is closing with the coming election.

That unholy alliance seeks to artificially fulfill biblical prophesies concerning Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Triggering nuclear war is a fundamental aspect of that unholy plan, and that nuclear option is the window of opportunity which is closing.

Let's look at the American part of that unholy plan in the context of current American politics.

From the Republican American Fascist side, it is clear Senator Barack Obama, if elected President, would not participate in the Republican American Fascist coup now approaching its eighth year; but in addition, it is unclear to the Republican American Fascists if Senator John McCain would continue the fascism of George W. Bush if elected President.

This is because McCain is of the warrior class and the Republican American Fascists are of the Big Money, War-Creator, Combat-Shirker class.

For that reason--not being able to trust McCain to be one of them and knowing Obama would never be one of them--the Republican American Fascists are planning a pre-election escalation of their coup against the Constitution of the United States of America.

That action can be expected in September.

The tactic the Republican American Fascists have in mind is to create a world situation so bad that George W. Bush will be "forced" to declare martial law and "postpone" the election, becoming dictator, and once and for all getting rid of that "piece of paper", the Constitution of the United States of America, which George W. Bush demonstrably loathes so much.

Now let's look at the politics of Israel.

From Israel's point of view the United States of America is Israel's drone ally, rich, strong and stupid.

Republican American Fascist America is to Victim Fascist Israel as fascist Italy was to fascist Germany, an inferior nation but a useful tool.

It is in this Israeli concept of America that we approach the coming nuclear betrayal of America by Israel, which I.C. News is documenting here.

It is ironic that while Victim Fascist Israel and its drone ally, Republican American Fascist America, are deep into their scheme to betray the world and their mutually proclaimed God, Israel is deep into its scheme to yet again betray the United States of America.

Israel is the only nation in the world that would profit from nuclear war between the United States and Russia, which would have the hated white goyim killing each other off while Israel kills off the hated Arab goyim with Israel's more than 100 nuclear warheads.

As the Jews were to fascist Germany, the Arabs are to fascist Israel.

And that brings us to the Atomic Nine-One-One Israel plans to inflict upon America.

Tomorrow, if yours truly is still breathing, I.C. News will approach the timing of Israel's treachery, the timing of Israel's atom-bombing of an American city, almost certainly Cincinnati, Ohio.

This atomic betrayal could take place as soon as next Sunday, August 24, depending on the level of tension between America and Russia.

It is interesting that Russia is the fall guy of the unholy Israel-American alliance, and both Russia and America are the fall guys of Israel's perfidious betrayal of that unholy alliance.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The $1,036 Billion Defeat

What would you do if you knew, as I.C. News knows, that Cincinnati, Ohio, is about to be atom-bombed?

Before I.C. News documented the death of NBC's Tim Russert several days before it took place we asked our Dear Readers to vote to save the person who was about to die, not saying who it would be.

No one voted, and the record shows Russert could have been saved.

How could his life have been saved? I.C. News documented two conjoined events in advance, a blackout and the death of a famous person. Several hours before Russert died of a heart attack in Washington Deceit there was a blackout in Washington Deceit.

Between the first event and the second there was time for Russert to receive medical intervention; and there was time for I.C. News to name the person about to die.

I.C. News has documented scores of events in advance since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy over 35 years ago, and since America in response established its public torture-enslavement of me for being audibly telepathic.

My initial interest in establishing these advance documentations was to demonstrate value in my audible mental telepathy, and thereby convince my country to stop torturing me.

Of course, I was yet to learn America's pit of cruelty and perfidy is bottomless.

If I were in the I-told-you so business I would not be mentioning this coming Atomic bombing of Cincinnati at this time because I already documented it several weeks ago, and that advance documentation is part of the record of this work, The Obituary of the World.

To me, the most interesting and important aspect of this story is who is planning to atom bomb Cincinnati?

It is not the Russia, although Russia is the designated fall guy.

I will tell you who it is; I am never coy with you; you won't believe me; you might hate me for telling you; it is Israel.

So, back to my original question, what would you do if you knew what I know?

This blog is read by many media weasels and many government pigs, so today's report, and the further reports I intend to write on this subject over the coming days, should be enough to establish a warning and a record of having warned; but while I have documented many events in advance in this blog I cannot say with certainty I have saved one life or prevented one event with this blog.

Since it is Cincinnati that is about to eat the fire of Israel's nuclear betrayal I will send copies of these reports to the following Cincinnati newspapers: The Cincinnati Enquirer, The Cincinnati Nation and The Cincinnati City Beat.

In addition, I will send copies to the Port Angeles, Washington, Peninsula Daily News, for the simple reason I would like to live in Port Angeles.

Tomorrow, if my heart is still beating, I will approach this question: Why would Israel betray America in such a way at this time?

Monday, August 18, 2008

The $1,035 Billion Defeat

The Nature of the Surprise Attack is Surprise; the Nature of its Cousin, the Draw Play, is Infliction. (God's Space Sailor war maxim)

There has long been a question discussed among God's Space Sailors; that being, who will defeat the United States of America first, God's Space Sailors or Russia?

This question is kicked around because when we God's Space Sailors look at the Map of the Future we see both events taking place almost simultaneously.

As often reported in this work, the greatest weakness of the United States of America is that it lies to itself and believes its own lies. This weakness applies to all its conflicts and confrontations.

In this way the USA is exactly like its master, Israel; both applying the highest moral rationalizations to the lowest moral motives.

There is nothing Russia has done in Georgia that the USA has not done elsewhere, yet Russia is seen by America as Satan and America is seen by America as St. America.

Herein lies the disassociation with Truth that leads to America's massive defeat, since Russia's entire rationalization for its actions in Georgia is referenced to America's actions elsewhere.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The $1,034 Billion Defeat

The Boys and I were teaching Birds to Fly, and the Girls were dancing on a Fable.

We are going to talk today about my emancipation from America's torture-enslavement, and what it is going to take and how much pain it is going to cause the United States of America.

That torture-enslavement is rooted in the agreement among perhaps 90% of the American people to bear false witness against the existence of my audible mental telepathy, and to torture me for being audible mental telepathic.

That torture-enslavement has since it was established over 35 years ago cost the United States of America tens of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives; and that is but a drop in the bucket of what is to come.

What saves the American people from collectively pooping in their pants today is ignorance...more than that, deliberately contrived ignorance, the warm and fuzzy ignorance the American people love to exist within.

The American people are convinced that 300 million of them telling the same lie are stronger than one of them telling the truth.

They continue to believe this because they willingly remain ignorant of those among them who have died for the cause of torture-enslavement.

The best recent example of this was the killing in God's Space War of Tim Russert of NBC on Friday, June 13, which this work clearly documented several days in advance--an advance documentation available to every media weasel and every government pig and every psycho-fascist citizen of the United States of America in the archives of this work.

Yet America makes it a policy to ignore that truth and all its implications--mistakenly, as noted above, believing a lie told by 300 million people is stronger than a truth told by one man.

Tim Russert was a believer in that lie; now Time Russert is in Hell.

This American pattern of denial of the truth of I.C. News' God-blessed, telepathy based achievements in documenting in advance the deaths of Americans has been in place at least since September 5, 1975, when Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme attempted to assassinate President Gerald Ford two weeks after I warned about it through NBC.

A strange thing happened with that event. Not only did America deny that warning had taken place, but it went into a mode of preventing any more such advance intelligence from reaching it again.

Between September 5, 1975, to the present that contrived ignorance has held sway; and that contrived ignorance is for some reason more important than my ability to have prevented the shooting of Ronald Reagan, prevented the murder of John Lennon, prevented the 911 attack.

How precious America's torture-enslavement of me is to psycho-fascist America. By far it is more precious than the World Trade Center and all who died in the September 11 attack and all who have died and will die in the fascist madness that followed.

So, in that context let's look at a comment on this work I received yesterday from a woman called "N".

Here, deep in the Void of Homelessness America's torture-enslavement loves to put me in, I received a question from this Dear Reader which deserves to be answered for its value in setting my compass on this choppy, cruel sea; and for its value as a demonstration of God's Space War weaponry and tactics.

"N" asked, "Hmmmm so what is it you are trying to say exactly? Seems you weave more of a web of words than a net of facts. N."

Since there is no place I can go in the United States of America where my status is not known, and since my status is generally known around the world among the Chinese, the Germans, the French, the Italians, the Russians and on and on, the chances are slim that "N" is as ignorant of my work as she indicates.

So, if so, what can I do about it? Over 300 million Americans live by and love their group lie with which they torture and enslave me. My suffering is their big, mass joke.

What I can do is this:

I can demonstrate that a truth 1/300 millionth the size of a lie can beat the lie. I have done this hundreds of times and I can do to Infinity.

I will do it this way:

I will take "N's" comment and make of it a God's Space War battle code. If the code works, if one or more Americans die within the framework of that code, I will know "N" is disingenuous, her question false-hearted.

For this test to work the death-event contained within the code established by "N" must be written on the wall of the news, and it must be concealed enough not to be censored out of the news.

This is exactly how I.C. News' advance documentation of Tim Russert's death worked.

If "N" is truly not aware of my status no death or deaths will take place, and a confirmation of her innocence will take place.

Repeating "N's" comment: "Hmmmm so what is it you are trying to say exactly? Seems you weave more of a web of words than a net of facts. N."

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The $1,033 Billion Defeat

Near the end of July, when I.C. News entered the Void of Homelessness, I.C. News put aside the God's Space War story with the final warning that God would attack the United States of America "Out of the Void".

That attack is now underway, and can be most clearly seen in the murder of Arkansas Democratic Party chairman Bill Gwatney and the subsequent killing by police of his killer, Timothy Gale Johnson.

I am saying that was an Act of God and can be seen as such if one reads the writing on the wall of the news. I am also saying it gives us clues to what God is going to do before the end of August.

There are four very important God's Space War codes hidden in this event, codes which point to a God's Space War attack--at least one attack--on the American political paty system before the end of August.

They are:

First, the old God's Space War True Armageddon code, "Two Birds, One Stone" code, the "two birds" being the two men killed, the "stone" being the name of the city, Little Rock.

Second, the attack on Gwatney clearly came "out of the void", unexpected and un-expectable and unexplained and inexplicable.

Third, the attack took place on my 69th birthday, which would seem to be coincidence but the student of God's Space War knows coincidence is the rockets' red glare of that war; and all Americans should know God's attack on America is largely based on America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.

This is true whether Americans deal with this truth or not. What America has done to me for over 35 years is reflective of the collective American soul, reflective of its stupid and fascist warfare against the weak, reflective of its torture of its Muslim prisoners, reflective of its constantly reoccurring actions against the spirit and letter of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Fourth, the place of employment of the killer tells the story of what this God's Space War event was about. The employer was Target.

Hidden in that name and in other news taking place about that time--the window washer scaffolding incidents back to back (two birds, one story) in Florida and Indiana--can be found the identities of those Americans God will kill for Telepath torture-enslavement before the end of August.

You can see an example of this type of advance documentation in my recording in this work of the death of Tim Russert of NBC over the several days before it took place on June 13.

What is the common denominator of all American political parties which we approach here?

They all believe in and support America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath. All of them, Republican, Democrat, Independent, Green, Socialist, Peace and Freedom, Libertarian, and whatever else there might be, support the torture-enslavement of me; and we can expect to see God's scythe cut through them all.

Before closing today, let's look again at the profound military ambush the United States of America is entering as the Georgia-Russia crisis plays out.

Prior to America's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq I.C. News reported America would lose that war worse than any nation in history has lost a war.

To understand how that great and terrible defeat will come about one must understand that the Georgia-Russia crisis is part of the weave of the same Basket of Doom America placed itself in when it invaded Iraq.

Right now the Republican American Fascists are claiming victory in Iraq, and the American people are apparently buying their bill of goods.

There is no victory is conquest and mass murder.

Poor, dumb mouths, the American people; just so many wounds leading to the death of this Earth by 2065.

We can expect the American news media to bit by bit become aware of America's shenanigans leading up to the Georgia-Russia crisis; but can we expect it to have balls enough to admit it has swallowed yet another spoonful of Republican American Fascist lie soup?

Can we expect that profession of eunuchs to grow balls?

We shall see what we shall see.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The $1,032 Billion Defeat

I.C. News has not documented an event in advance since its double advance-documentation of the Washington Deceit blackout and Tim Russert's death in Washington Deceit, both of which took place on Friday, June 13.

This pause in exercising I.C. News' phenomenal skill has been intentional; I.C. News not wanting to cast more of it its pearls before psycho-fascist swine America.

Now, as a special event, we are documenting an American military disaster of the first order, a disaster rooted in America's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq and bearing fruit in America's misinterpretation of Russia's psyche and power and determination not to come under fascist America's gun.

The keys to the military disaster the United States of America is now entering are these:

America does not know itself.

America does not know Russia.

America does not know it is utterly predictable.

All that America has done since the Georgia-Russia crisis began--the massive anti-Russian propaganda at home, and the threats against and the blaming of Russia, including the yapping and barking and threatening to bite by the Liar-Bitch Secretary of State--has been predictable.

Within that predictability is the near-certainty the United States of America influenced Georgia's initial military actions which triggered the crisis.

Also within that predictability is the near-certainty the Republican American Fascists will create a situation which will result in the deaths of American military personnel in Georgia; and thereby manipulate a cause for war.

America likes attacking little countries like Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam, but Russia is not a little country, and Russia is reading America like a book filled with simple words and big print.

Russia hates fascism from its World War Two experience in which over 30 million Russians died, and Russia knows America is well on its way to pure fascism.

Russia, which defeated Napoleon and Hitler, is ready, willing and able to defeat the United States of America.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The $1,031 Billion Defeat

From within the Void of Homelessness I am tracking two stories at this time.

First, the massive defeat of the United States of America in connection with the Georgia-Russia story.

Second, the God's Space War attack as reflected in the Little Rock shooting of the Democratic Party's Arkansas big shot.

If there were any market for either of these stories I would not be homeless.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The $1,030 Billion Defeat

Russia is the Fall Guy in the Georgia-Russia story.

George B. Bush will destroy the world. Do not take your eyes off that ball.