I am today staying at a Motel 6 in King City, California. There is some refurbishing of the rooms going on, and the workers have taken it upon themselves to harass me silly. Being homeless, I stay in motels as I travel around looking for a home; for me the home I find has to be a home where I am out of range of neighbors because neighbors, in America, invariably torture me into heart attack range. I do not know why the "men" working on the refurbishing of this Motel 6 have taken it upon themselves to torture me to such a severe degree. I suppose it is just that the opportunity to cause the helpless Telepath pain is too tempting to resist. I stayed at this same Motel 6 two days ago before driving to the coast to look into an opportunity to have a home, and the same painters carried out an orgy of torture then. Why come back for more? To find out where these cowardly bastards live, of course. The painters work for a company called Coat of Arms Painting. license number 643155, Hollister, California, telephone number (831) 630-5794. When I regain my freedom I will track these torture-painters down and charge them with felony torture with intent to murder, as I will charge all the cowardly Americans who have tortured me. Of course, God will charge them with more, but that's another story.
I am today staying at a Motel 6 in King City, California. There is some refurbishing of the rooms going on, and the workers have taken it upon themselves to harass me silly. Being homeless, I stay in motels as I travel around looking for a home; for me the home I find has to be a home where I am out of range of neighbors because neighbors, in America, invariably torture me into heart attack range. I do not know why the "men" working on the refurbishing of this Motel 6 have taken it upon themselves to torture me to such a severe degree. I suppose it is just that the opportunity to cause the helpless Telepath pain is too tempting to resist. I stayed at this same Motel 6 two days ago before driving to the coast to look into an opportunity to have a home, and the same painters carried out an orgy of torture then. Why come back for more? To find out where these cowardly bastards live, of course. The painters work for a company called Coat of Arms Painting. license number 643155, Hollister, California, telephone number (831) 630-5794. When I regain my freedom I will track these torture-painters down and charge them with felony torture with intent to murder, as I will charge all the cowardly Americans who have tortured me. Of course, God will charge them with more, but that's another story.
The Trojan Horse
Once you understand that George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq was a Trojan Horse, that the true target was the United States of America, you can see the method in the madness, the diabolical calculation within the diabolical stupidity. I know, given the best speech writers stolen money can buy, George W. Bush can charm the ink off the Constitution and make you think child-murder is manly glory, that revenge is his and not the Lord's, that stupid is smart and lies are truth. Fortunately for this Earth, and for the millions of children living on this Earth who are targeted for murder at the diabolical hands of Godless Republican American Fascism, God will strip George W. Bush of his power and his soul, and make of him an example for all of Time. This will take place in 2007.
It's the Earth, Stupid Earthlings!
This work these days focuses on what it calls The Tornado of War, meaning the ongoing dynamic among the Christians, the Jews and the Muslims. It is this dynamic that digs the grave of the human race; but it is the entire human race that kills itself. The great space war which this work attempts to point out is designed to stop the human being from killing the planet Earth. Thus far, it seems, I have not proved my point; that is, the existence of this war remains unknown. Today I thought we might look at comparative news stories, which news stories are more important than which, whether those news stories are being reported or not. Recently we had two news stories in the same time frame, the vice president accidentally wounding a friend on a hunting trip and the just-retired justice of the Supreme Court, Sandra Day O'Conner, saying the United States of America is in danger of becoming a dictatorship. The more important story of the two was hardly reported at all. I suggest this is because the shooting story was easy, petty, and took no courage at all to report. The death of this Earth is by far a more important news story than George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, but it is hardly being reported at all. Even America's stupid and fascist torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath, is a more important news story than George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, but it is hardly being reported at all. While George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq is an immensely important news story, the great reason why it is so immensely important is not reported at all. That unreported reason, too, is a more important news story than George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq. So, let's look at these more important news stories today. To review, they are the rapidly approaching death of this Earth; the space war from light years away to save this Earth from the human being; America's torture-enslavement of Virgil Kret, the only audible mental telepath in human history; and the unreported reason for George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq. THE DEATH OF EARTH: It is not difficult to see the approaching death of this Earth if you care to open your eyes to it. The warning signs of that death are on every continent, in every ocean, and in every society, nation and culture. The American news media will not tell you about the coming death of this Earth because it has neither the permission nor the inclination to do so; and as we get closer and closer to Earth-Death the news media will see its keeping the public unaware as a public service. (Poor, dumb people, better they die in their sleep than awaken to fight the flames.) Already I am hearing regular Joe and Jane Americans telling me the Earth has passed the point of no return, but this remains an abstract to them because, after all, what can they do?; and, after all, they mistakenly believe their stake in keeping this Earth alive is over after they are dead. That is, regular people are waiting for leadership, they are waiting for instructions, they are waiting for the problem to be approached by the rich and the powerful and the thinkers; and as of today they are waiting in vain. SPACE WAR: Space War is what I call God's intervention, God's plan to save this Earth; and by that I mean to save this Earth from the human being; and by that I mean in more immediate terms to save this Earth from the Christians, the Jews and the Muslims. To be sure, all human beings are involved in the matricide of this Earth, but the Tornado of War is what drives the engine of death faster and faster, and disallows the approach to the problem by human genius and human ingenuity and human solutions. Christian-Jew-Muslim, each superior to each in the eyes of God; hah! what a joke! TELEPATH TORTURE-ENSLAVEMENT: There seems to be a near-universal agreement among Christians and Jews that my being audibly telepathic is either a freak of nature or a punishment by God, but in either case reason enough for me to be tortured and enslaved. This is a great error, and while this error causes me horrible agony it will cause the Christians and the Jews far, far more agony in the future, and forever. Time will tell; in the mean time the Christians and the Jews delude themselves into the profound belief that they have the right to bear false witness against me, to covet what is mine, and to murder me by slow torture. THE UNREPORTED REASON FOR GEORGE W. BUSH'S STUPID AND FASCIST INVASION OF IRAQ: The stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq was the Trojan Horse of Republican American Fascism. It was carried out with the calculated understanding that once American blood was shed George W. Bush would be soaked in that blood and sanctified by that blood. Once that was accomplished, once the world was railroaded into that stupid and fascist invasion, the issue would no longer be how to deal with the Boogie Man of Iraq---that is, how to find a way other than mass murder and mass destruction to solve the problems and evils he represented---but the issue would become Sticking by the President in Time of War. That is, George W. Bush went to war in Iraq in order to be a war-time president, to wrap himself in the blood and glory of better men, thereby giving him and all Republican American Fascists a criticism-proof vest and a momentum toward conquest; first conquest of America and then conquest of the world.
First in News
Last Sunday I beat the American news media by perhaps three days on the story of the Afghani man on trial for his life because he had converted to Christianity. This Sunday, today, I am going to beat American journalism on another story, but I will hold that story back for a few paragraphs. In wire service journalism, where I cut my journalistic teeth, a lead of minutes over the opposition was considered good; and when once I beat the Associated Press on a major news story by eleven minutes, I received a personal letter of appreciation from the president of the company I worked for, UPI. A three day lead on a major, obvious news story like the Afghani Christian's plight is really telling of the nature of American journalism today. American journalism has been so pruned of individualists for so many years, its reporters are so homogenized and so cookie-cutter-ized, that they now tend to be birds of a lesser feather flocking together, all covering the same news, each dreading leaving the flock. Gone are the champions, and all that remains are the junior varsity, but they seem like varsity because there is no varsity to compare them with. These American journalists, they all want to cover the same story at the same time, and they are all afraid to go out and find the unknown story. The scoop, sought after by the journalists of yesteryear, is now a thing to avoid out of fear of being alone, fear of being first. I think it is very likely that I was the first American journalist to point of the story of the Afghani Christian, and after I pointed it out there began the American media's feeding frenzy several days later. Several days later; that is remarkable. Then and only then, after the news media had finally flocked to the story, did the president and his henchwoman, Condoleeza Rice, start puffing themselves up as they usually do; in this case talking about the religious freedom they demonstrably not believe in; and remember, they did not start talking about it until four days after it was pointed out in this Christian's blog. I told you I was going to break another story ahead of the pack again today; I will get there shortly. Four days after I wrote about the Afghani Christian convert in this blog the government of the whole damn United States of America finally got around to talking about it, and of course carefully not referring to this blog. That is so telling. Either the White House did not know about this before I pointed it out, or it did not think it was important enough to address until the media frenzy began and it knew it could get brownie points with the public for being the noble Christians talking down to the backward Muslims. My being ahead of the news and ahead of the White House is a common thing. I have successfully warned of three presidential assassination attempts, the Challenger explosion, the 9/11 attack, and many other events; and I have gotten nothing but abuse from the White House and the media and the public for my efforts. The most huge and most important news I have been ahead on for years is the great ecological dilemma this Earth is facing, and I am still alone on it among American news people even though more and more scientists are now saying what I have been saying for years, that this Earth is dying. In 1972 I was already saying this Earth is dying, and I so understood the accuracy of what I was saying that I staked my life and my reputation on getting that news out. I was one good sailor on a ship of fools, and the fools held power over me. For several years now I have been naming the estimated date of the Earth's death to be 2065; and I am right, given the human being's remaining as stupid as the human being has always been, which seems likely. A thirty year lead on a major, obvious news story is really telling of the conceptual cowardice of American news media. Even now, the American news people are afraid to really report on this Earth-death story because the media rat pack is not yet feeding on it. Why is this Earth dying and how do we save her? That is the news story before which all other news stories bow. Before George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq I said America would lose that war, and at this moment, on this very day, America is teetering on the brink of that defeat and that teetering is becoming more and more the talk of pundits and politicians, but too little too late, too pathetic too cowardly. I wonder sometimes if I am locked out of journalism because I am just too far above average. There are a lot of journalists who are better liked than I , who are better educated than I, and who mistakenly assume they run in better circles than I, but I do not think there is a single American journalist who has more intellectual courage than I. The reason I have been ahead on so many news stories over the years, the reason I knew America would lose the Vietnam war ten years before it lost it, the reason I knew America would lose the war in Iraq before it launched it, the reason I knew this planet is dying 30 years before it became public knowledge, is because I am not afraid to think the unthinkable, and I am not afraid to be patriotically incorrect, and I refuse to kiss the boss's ass for a paycheck and a censored byline. So, the story I write today that the rest of the world's journalists will be writing soon is that George W. Bush and his henchwoman, Condoleeza Rice, do not believe in freedom of religion for Virgil Kret. In fact the United States of America is executing Virgil Kret by slow torture for holding a different view of Christianity than the Protestant Bible bangers and the Catholic holier-than-thou-ers say he can old and remain a free, living man. My religious belief is God gave me the gift of audible telepathy for good reason, and that reason was to help save this Earth. Considering that the Muslim Afghanistan court was preparing to try the Christian convert, and to execute him if convicted; and the Americans are torturing to death the telepathic Christian without charge, trial or conviction, the Muslims of Afghanistan are demonstrably far more just and tolerant than the Christians and Jews of America. My Old Pal, Jesus, tells me to know people by their works, not by the self-flattering words that come out of their mouths; and it seems to me when I see how Muslims have treated me compared to Christians and Jews, who have been wicked, murderous and cruel to me while insisting they are my superiors in the eyes of God, the Muslims are by far the most God-loving of the three. My suggestion is this, Islam is superior to Christianity and Judaism in terms of living its faith; and that this superiority will become apparent as God openly enters into the battle to save this Earth from Satan.
Crazy to be Christian?
Last Sunday I mentioned the trial of a man in America's Afghanistan for what is in that country the capital crime of converting from Islam to Christianity. I suggested America's so-called Christian so-called president and his fundamentalist Christian base should come to the defense of this one brave Afghani Christian. News reports Thursday morning covered the somewhat perfunctory responses of Bush and his backers, some of them using my own words; and now a new wrinkle in the story has emerged in that the Afghani Christian may be judged insane by the Afghani courts. This might save his life, but at what cost to the concept of freedom of religion supposedly being introduced into Afghanistan society? It allows the government of Afghanistan to ignore the anachronistic injustice of this law and sidestep the great legal issue by calling this brave Christian a lunatic. Ironically, this is a very American solution to the problem; America loves to declare to be insane people it does not dare judge on their constitutional merits; and I am wondering if America did not advise Afghanistan to take this course. There are two things about this story which I would like to mention today. First, the suggestion here is the American media and government did not know about, or were silent about, this story before and for several days after I reported it here. While I am not allowed to work in my profession of journalism, journalists often cull and obliquely refer to my work; and while I am not allowed political freedom, politicians sometimes claim my work and words to be their own. George W. Bush, whose administration has been bitterly cruel to me from its early months, does not mind puffing himself up with my work. Journalists and politicians know in their thousands that I am persecuted and homeless, but this is not knowledge that they have the courage to honestly and openly admit. Of course I noted the plight of that Afghani Christian in the hope it would help draw American attention to it; and as I had hoped, American journalism culled the story from me. This culling of journalists' work by journalists is common. I culled the story from The Kahleej Times of the UAE, an excellent newspaper. I culled the new wrinkle about insanity from The Independent, an excellent English newspaper. Second, it is worth noting that just about all, if not all, the countries of the world use psychiatry as a second legal system which often supercedes the true legal system. While the United States has been punishing me for some 35 years for my anti-war statements during the Vietnam War, it is able to keep me in a torture chamber by calling those statements insane. This contrived psychiatric judgement, based on the mutually agreed upon bearing of false witness, allows the great constitutional issues concerning crime, charge, trial, conviction and cruel and unusual punishment to be ignored because that whore of medicine and de facto state religion of the United States, psychiatry, takes a higher position than the Constitution. So, it is not surprise to me that a Christian man in America's Afghanistan is being treated in the American way. In terms of modern psychiatry, Jesus, too, would be condemned as insane.
The Mussolini Conclusion
Since before 9/11, early in the first stolen term of the Republican American Fascist George W. Bush, I have said George W. Bush will destroy this Earth. You cannot see much of the ongoing destruction of all life on this Earth because the American news media has bowed to the power of Republican American Fascism. You are not allowed to see the worldwide political-economic disaster unfolding following George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, but you can perhaps see the theft of billions and billions of dollars, the constant erosion of human rights, the debacle of ineptness following the hurricanes of last year, and the blatant vain idiocy of that puppet faux-president. It was God who told me George W. Bush will destroy the world; and it was God who told me Republican American Fascism will collapse about a year before the next presidential election; and it will be God who brings Republican American Fascism to its Mussolini Conclusion.
The Mussolini Conclusion
Since before 9/11, early in the first stolen term of the Republican American Fascist George W. Bush, I have said George W. Bush will destroy this Earth. You cannot see much of the ongoing destruction of all life on this Earth because the American news media has bowed to the power of Republican American Fascism. You are not allowed to see the worldwide political-economic disaster unfolding following George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, but you can perhaps see the theft of billions and billions of dollars, the constant erosion of human rights, the debacle of ineptness following the hurricanes of last year, and the blatant vain idiocy of that puppet faux-president. It was God who told me George W. Bush will destroy the world; and it was God who told me Republican American Fascism will collapse about a year before the next presidential election; and it will be God who brings Republican American Fascism to its Mussolini Conclusion.
America's Afghanistan
Sometimes there are major news stories the American news media does not touch; many times the reason is politics, sometimes the reason is ignorance. About a month ago Sandra Day O'Conner, appointed to the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan and recently retired, said the United States of America is in danger of becoming a dictatorship. I would have thought this would have been a much bigger story than the vice president's hunting accident, certainly it was far more important, but it sunk beneath the news like a stone. There is another story I find extremely interesting now taking place in Afghanistan, where the United States has invested so much blood and treasure. A man named Abdul Rahman has been arrested and is facing the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity. Rahman was arrested early in March after his relatives snitched on him, reporting his conversion to the police. Converting from Islam to any other religion in Afghanistan is a capital crime. It strikes me as very peculiar that this new Christian is not a person of great importance among the fundamentalist Christians now attempting to dominate American politics; and that this president who calls himself a Christian but believes the right to murder is his, does not use his influence to save Abdul Rahman.Another news event that won't ever get into the evening news is that Cuba, so hated for so long by the United States of America, led all the nations of the world in aid to Pakistan after the terrible earthquake of last November. Yet another story that won't make the news is that I documented that earthquake in advance, getting the date right but not the location, part of my long series of proofs that this Earth is dying.
Promises Kept
Prior to George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq I said America would lose that war if it put that ball into play. More, I said it would lose that war more totally than any nation in history has ever lost a war. Hyperbole? Let's see. After the Nixon-Reagan Axis' stupid and fascist invasion of my life, I said America would loose that war. At that time I did not know how badly it would lose; I knew only that God told me my victory would be sweet. Ultimately, the reason the United States of America will lose both its war against Islam and its war against Telepathy is that it entered both with trumped up charges and evil lies; and then it was trapped into living those lies. America is the Leaning Tower of Pisa of nations because it lies so much about so many things its foundation will not support its fabrications. America lies so much it is out of true, in the carpenter's sense. America's greatest weakness is that it lies to itself and believes its own lies.
Dancing Through the Shrapnel
One time, a long time ago when I was young enough to dance through the shrapnel, I was aboard an airplane going from one battlefield to another battlefield in Vietnam, and every man on that plane but I knew that plane was in trouble. There I was, grinning like the country bumpkin at a county fair amusement park girlie sideshow without a care in the world, and when the plane landed on some dirt airstrip somewhere between Hell and High Water, everyone but I was so relived to get there alive they could have kissed the ground. Me, I had nothing more on my mind than a gin and tonic at the officers' club and the machine-gun bullets I would be facing the next day. The point here is, I was in danger and I did not know it; just as you are in danger and do not know it. Don't worry, the TV won't tell you about it. Don't worry, you can be as stupid as you want to be. Don't worry, the fool in the White House can't see past his nose. Don't worry, Hell might not last forever.
In Hell everyone dreams of yesterday, and dreads tomorrow.
The Agony of Two Defeats
I find it to be a most interesting that the United States of America is on the verge of losing two wars at almost the same time; and that both wars were started by Republican American Fascist presidents over 30 years apart. First, the prototype of Republican American Fascism, Richard M. Nixon, stupidly made war on all the Telepaths of the Universe; then George W. Bush, a production model of Republican American Fascism, stupidly made war on all the Muslims of this Earth.
A Surprise for America
I have a surprise for you. I had planned to tell you more about the amputation of San Francisco today, but some of my closest friends have asked me to declare my candidacy for the Presidency of the United States of America. That is not the surprise. I frequently run for office and even Elmer Fudd gets more votes than I; but between now and Election Day many changes will take place, and I could very well be the frontrunner. Of course, in the context of current politics, me with fewer constitutional rights than a laboratory animal; all American political parties in agreement that I should be America's torture-slave; the American news media in solid agreement to exclude me from American society; cowardly American men and silly American women torturing me wherever I go, my finishing better than tenth in a three-candidate race would seem unlikely. However, the surprise is that God is going to cut the Gordian Knot of this situation. God is going to begin to skin the media weasels alive, and that will change the nature of the game. I think you will see this weasel-skinning in the news, famous media weasel faces and famous media weasel names disappearing into the depths of Hell. As this happens, and if I can get to my computer, I will tell you why each media weasel has been skinned. The media weasels who are about to be skinned alive have not cared that thousands of Americans have died because the society of media weasels have locked me and my news out of the market, so don't worry too much about these weasels as they swan dive into the fires of Hell. At a certain point, stinging from God's harsh corrections, the American news media will end its lying to you about me; and, Dear Reader, saying nothing about me is a lie, as is talking to you about me behind my back. At that point my candidacy will become valid; and at that time the remaining media weasels will report that the central theme of my candidacy is this that Earth is rapidly dying and it is on that profound crisis the wealth and intelligence of the human race should be focused. Now let's look at the context of my day. It has been a pretty good day, I have been struck by only two Americans, two silly women and no cowardly men. To be struck only twice in one day is very rare. Is this a trend, or is this an anomaly? Tomorrow I will pack up my computer and leave this motel in search of a home where I can live and work in peace and freedom, harder to find than an American journalist who will report honestly and openly about me.
Sheer Fear
We are tracking the death of this Earth by 2065; and we are tracking the defeat of one of the primary murderers of this Earth, the United States of America. The hypothesis in operation is that the United States will not stop murdering this Earth willingly, hence the need for its defeat. I am attempting at this time to describe for you the scope of that defeat and the tactical physics behind it. You are likely not ready to listen to me on this, but I remind you that had you listened to me you could have blocked the 9/11 attack. I know, you prefer not to know such things, and frankly I think you would rather risk utter military defeat than free me, you love this torture so much, but free me is what you must do to prevent this defeat. This is because the constant of your torture-enslavement of me is what the tactic and weaponry of your defeat is based on. I will attempt to describe this space war military tactic to you, but you may not be capable of understanding it. This is not meant to be an insult, Albert Einstein is not capable of understanding it either. (Note that I say "Einstein is", this is because Albert Einstein is alive; but that's another story.) To begin to understand the incredible, phenomenal and beautiful defeat of this nation that has been so wicked to me for so long, you should understand that the great laws of God are laws of physics, not simply rules of morality; and you should incorporate with them one of the basic laws of physics, "every action has an opposite and equal reaction", but in this context "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" is more appropriate. In this context "Thou shalt not kill", "Thou shalt not bear false witness", and "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" are immutable laws of physics. Other laws of God apply here as well, such as "Thou shalt not steal", but let's not make this equation too complex for the American media to report should it ever decide to stop bearing false witness against me. If you do not understand that America's treatment of me violates all the above laws of God you have not thought much about it, or you have invested in misinterpretations of the Bible, or you believe Godless psychiatric babble. I am not here to argue this, we are two thousand years past that argument, I am just introducing you to the physics of your doom. Your doom is a matter of ratio and proportion. Consider the number of Americans in league against me, ("We are legion.") including those who participated and have died over the past 35 years, and add those of other countries who were enlisted into the torture. Say, as a ballpark figure, this ratio runs at least 500 million to one; 500 million of you against singular me. This rounded off and hypothetical number does not incorporate God's separating the wheat from the chaff, but it serves well in describing the physics of America's approaching military defeat. Now now let's refer back to the law of physics scientists call opposite and equal reaction, and Jesus calls do unto others. Within this law, a 500 million action brings a 500 million reaction; so, the response to America's torture-enslavement of me would be 500 million times the force of the crimes you psycho-fascist Americans committed against me as a torture team. (Almost certainly you do not consider your torture-enslavement of me to be a crime, but that rationalization will stand like tissue paper before a firestorm.) Other elements of weight and mass also enter into this equation, such as comparative wealth and military power and morality, but that takes us to an esoteric level which need not be considered here because the action-reaction factor of just my being outnumbered by hundreds of millions to one constitutes a staggering, near-damning blow upon America. Note I say near-damning. Damnation is another subject altogether. This said, there is even more to this ratio and proportion equation you should know. I must tell you about the ratio and proportion of the time factor. You 500 million psycho-fascists have enslaved and tortured me for some 35 years. I will do the math for you. Multiply 500 million by 35, and although my mathematical skills are marginal that seems to total some 17,500 million years of hellish payback time you psycho-fascists will serve together for your unified crime. Since, like Einstein, you are immortal, this is not a life sentence, but it is enough to reduce you psycho-fascists to insignificant and unrecoverable specks of pain drifting in the void of space. Your having tortured me for 35 years does not bring your eternal punishment; your eternal damnation comes from other evil things you have done, among them being your recent war-murder of children and your torture-murder of this Earth. Personally, I think you should stop your torture-enslavement of me while you still can; but, of course, psycho-fascist fools that you are you are likely to smirk and assume I am wrong in this. Well, Dear Reader, was I right when I said you could not understand this? I think so, but I was obligated to give you this warning. You can expect to see a demonstration of this space war physics in the maneuver called The Amputation of San Francisco. The numbers will be different, they will evolve around the total accumulated population of San Francisco over the past 35 years, but the physics will work the same. When you see the San Francisco death toll, remember the dead will be serving hellish time together. If you have never experienced sheer fear, you will when you see San Francisco become the Hiroshima of space war. This is why I suffered through a great deal of San Francisco torture twice recently to warn those psycho-fascists to get their children out of town.
The Nature of America's Defeat
The scope of the defeat the United States of America is now approaching is phenomenal. Think of it as machine-gun in a bow and arrow world.
Big Attack Coming Down
I have a lot of information to give you today. Bear with me, it might save your life and it might save your soul. For several weeks I have been tracking a huge attack on the United States of America. I have tracked many attacks on America in the past, but always in vain; the attacks took place and Americans died. Two of those trackings seem worth mentioning again at this time, one being the attack that destroyed the space shuttle Challenger, still wrongly considered to have been an accident, the other being the 9/11 attack. My advance documentations of those two events were so well done that, had I not been America's Whipping Boy, both events could have been prevented. I know America cannot face this; it loves too much smirking at me; it is too cowardly to look this truth in the eye. So, in the face of that smirk and despite that cowardice, I will further document the shuddering attack now approaching America. If things go as they usually go, Americans will die; then I will say I-told-you-so; then America will try to hide from the truth I have presented. I suggest at this time America change its policy toward me before this attack takes place. That is, I suggest America emancipate me and compensate me for some 35 years of torture-enslavement. (I know, I know, America has a sweet name for the evil it has done to me, but torture-enslavement by any other name is still torture-enslavement.) To tell you about this coming attack I must touch on how God and I talk together. I do not know why God speaks to me in such different terms than literally thousands of fundamentalist Christians claim God speaks to them. I shall not editorialize on that at this time, that is a subject for another time when I might be allowed to speak in freedom in American Christian churches; but I will record for you how God and I work together in these trackings of human and global events. I do not get the whole story from God at one time, but rather I am told about a coming event in a series of messages, a string of pearls which I tend to cast before Swine America. The first pearl in the string about this huge attack was a conversation between God and I in which God expressed anger at America's murder of my children. I know America does not call it murder, at best America calls it prevention, but I tend to side with God in this. The second pearl was God's telling me some seven days in advance about the body of the infant being found on a Long Island street. This one infant is, I suggest, of great importance to God, an importance which I shall try to explain to you as this demonstration moves along. In these two pearls you can see the theme of the coming attack: dead innocent children. When I was in San Francisco a few weeks ago, when I was in San Francisco being brutalized by the psycho-fascist citizens of that homosexual city, I telepathically advised parents in San Francisco to take their children out of town. That, too, was a pearl before swine. Later I documented in this homelessness-fractured work what I called the "amputation" of San Francisco, and since that time I have been examining what I call the "blast zone" from that amputation, that blast zone running like a cone from the doomed city southward toward Bakersfield, and compressed somewhat along the coast toward Los Angeles. At this time I do not know what the blast zone is, perhaps refugees fleeing a plague, perhaps radioactive fallout, perhaps something else. I will almost certainly know what the blast zone is before the amputation takes place. This is the skeleton of what I know, now let's add some flesh and sinew. To that end, I have been asked to continue talking about the infant road kill found on Long Island, and point out that the mother of that child treated the infant very much like my country treated me when my third eye came in, when I became audibly telepathic; and to further point out that just as that infant is so mangled that even her sex cannot be determined, I am also mangled beyond recognition. I suggest this is a very important comparison in terms of America's relationship with God. I will try to explain. Had America not tortured and enslaved me for these past 35 years I would be much different from what I am now, certainly in terms of my health, my wealth, my children, my wife and my home, but also in terms of my opinion of the United States of America. I sometimes wonder if America was so wicked to me because it wanted to kill my love for America. If so, well, well done, America. The American people look at me now, after over three decades of having tortured and enslaved me, and they think what I am is what I would have been had I been allowed to live free, but I would be much, much different; and so would America be much, much different. You see, had I been free, Challenger would not have been lost; had I been free, the 9/11 attack would not have been successful and all the fascist follies that have followed it would not have taken place; but here's the rub, I feel no pain whatever about 9/11, no sorrow for the dead, no empathy for those loved ones they left behind, because America has tortured the love and empathy out of me. You see, I could not have worked in the World Trade Center without being tormented every moment by my co-workers; I could not have walked down a New York street, ridden the subway, eaten in a restaurant, lived in an apartment, made love to a woman, without New Yorkers constantly playing the torture-the-Telepath game. You see, a New Yorker jumping out of a window and plummeting 80 stories to smack into concrete in order to avoid burning to death in a horrifying inferno is a different thing to me than it is to you. To you, that is an American; to me that is a torturer. The point here is, you Americans expect to be loved without being loveable. To me, when I hear Jihad Muslims calling America "The Great Satan" I have to admit, Well, America is certainly satanic to me. To me, when I pick up on what American Christians think of me, and I think of how those Christians have hounded me out of the Christian churches and then say I do not go to church, I have to admit, Well, American Christians are certainly satanic to me. To me, when I see how America is murdering Muslim babies left and right, I have to admit, Well, America has murdered my children. The thing about America is that it thinks it can do evil and still be good, as if its goodness gives it license to be evil. You Americans see nothing at all evil in murdering me slowly with noise torture, poverty, homelessness and despair; in fact you think it is very clever to murder me in this way, so great the accomplishment to be so totally united in this way. This torture-murder is, to the American people, an accomplishment. To God, it is Satan's fingerprint. What I am suggesting here is that the microcosm of America's fascist torture-murder of me extends to the macrocosm of America's growing fascism around the world. That is, America's torture-enslavement of me is not an exception to its normal behavior; it is the norm; that is, what America does in its secret and semi-secret torture-prisons around the world, is exactly, precisely what it has done to me right here at home for over three decades. God has eyes. God is not stupid. God sees the armless, legless, lifeless Muslim children run over by American tanks, dead and damaged because of the ball of war America put into play with its stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, and God does not share in America's sense of nobility of purpose in this. God has eyes. God is not stupid. God sees the agony Americans cause me with such smug glee, and God knows I do not deserve that agony. Now, back to the dead baby God told me about a week before she was found, while she was still in the cold, unloving womb of her mother. There is always a kind of poetry in what God tells me, a poetry that unfolds as the story is better known. There is a very beautiful custom in the community in which that dead baby was found. The person who found her can name her (and the last I read her naming was awaiting the determination of her sex) and all found-dead infants are given the same last name, "Hope", after the name of the cemetery where all such human beings are buried together. I find that to be a lovely custom, but there is something else to this I must tell you, and it takes form when you understand that God knew of that custom just as God knew of that infant's fate, and when you understand that God, the one and only true God, compares the treatment of that infant with America's treatment of me. As it turns out, the mother of the infant abandoned Unknown Hope; and America, too, abandoned Unknown Hope. What is lost is lost; once the wrong turn is taken the right turn is impossible, once the stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq was committed, the intelligent and democratic choice was lost. This brings you up to date on the codes I know about the coming incredibly devastating attack on the United States...but for one more thing. Of the two attacks I referred to, Challenger and 9/11, the Challenger attack was carried out by God, the 9/11 attack by Jihad Islam. It seems to me that this coming attack, the attack I am calling The Amputation of San Francisco, will be carried out by God. And that brings me back to the subject of God, and America's crumbling relationship with God. I will continue on this course as we proceed.
Tracing Your Trail to Doom
It seems to me this might be a good time review the stages that have brought you, followers of George W. Bush, victims of George W. Bush, to the slippery slope to Hell, at the brink of which you now wobble. Bush is gone; Bush is lost; Bush is damned; the great question is how many of you does he take with him? But your doom, your pitiful doom, was in the works long before Bush snuck into the White House; it was set into motion when the Nixon-Reagan Axis held power in Washington D.C. and Sacramento, California; it was set into motion the day America began its torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath. I know, many of you think Reagan was an American hero, but his soul now is in False-Hero Hell for the evil he did that did not make the news. As for Bush, he will be the vomit of history. This, Dear Reader, is Judgment Day. I don't mean just today, but this time, these decades, and all who kill, for high reason or low, fail this Day. With that let's return to the story of the dead baby found on a Long Island street, so utterly unimportant to American journalism, but important enough to God for God to have alerted me to her fate a week before she was left or was thrown or was dropped on a road to be run over again and again by passing cars, the drivers feeling the little bump and thinking it was a small racoon or a cat. I call this infant "her" because I cannot bear to call her "it". I have written in the past that no murderer of a child in the history of the human race has escaped damnation. This is a stone that grinds very fine; and I am right about this. So, when the child-murderer pleads in court boo hoo I was on drugs so I made a boo boo, your judges might say ok, but not your God. So, when your president kills little Muslim children, and some who do not die lose their arms and legs, your custom may say this "collateral damage" is for some greater good, but not your God. And so, this brings us to the damnation of whoever it was who killed that little Long Island baby. You might find when murderers of this infant are found you will learn they tell a pitiful story, a cheerleader, perhaps, impregnated by a jock after the big game, innocent children caught in the grip of having a child, their lives know how it goes; but it will turn out that they murdered the child who would have saved them, and in so doing lost their souls. Understand, I was told about this story before that child was born, and I told you about it before that child was born. It was so important, the squandering of the life of this infant, that God pointed it out to me even as George W. Bush prepares to kill Iranian children, which is immensely important to God and to you. You have reached the point where you must stop. You must stop your fascism around the world; you must stop your fascism against me. As I follow this event the infant has not yet been identified and the medical examiner's report has not yet been presented, but I am left with one fact: the person or persons who killed that infant have lost their souls. Three times in the past I have carried out what I call "public damnations", once for Reagan and twice for Bush, now I am going to carry out a public damnation of the person or persons who murdered that infant. For those readers who have followed this work for a long time and know my long record of successful proofs of the existence of God, this should be a most interesting demonstration. As it begins, the identities of the infant and those who squandered her life most shamefully are not known, when it is finished these unknowns will be known. Do you understand? I will solve this crime; from 3,000 miles away, abused and tortured and homeless, left by my country to be road kill like that infant was left, I will solve this crime; and in the process I will prove the infant is saved by God and the bastards who made road kill of her are damned by God. Then we shall enter further into the subject of Judgment Day.
A Most Important Dead Baby
A week ago Saturday a very important event took place which has hardly made a ripple in the news. Two weeks ago Saturday I was told it would take place; and when I say I was told a week in advance I mean I was told by God. Some days prior to the event I mentioned something about it here, naming in advance the exact day it would take place, and calling the expected event a kidnapping. The event I am talking about here is the finding of the body of an infant on a Long Island, New York street, a body which had been run over by traffic so often it was at first thought to be animal road kill. I do not yet know the full importance of this event, but I am continually reminded of it by God and asked to write about it. You will note I am the only journalist of national reputation approaching this story. CNN mentioned it and then dropped it, and as far as I know it was not reported by any other national TV news outlet. Except to note that this is a developing story, and an important story, I am not going to write much about it at this time. I think I know where it is leading, but I do not want to get ahead of my source of this information, my source being God. To be sure, one of the reasons Americans have enslaved and tortured me for nearly 35 years is because I announced that I was talking to God and, in the context of those times, said God wanted the Vietnam War to end. While it is common to hear TV preachers say "God told me this" and "God told me that", I am tortured, much to the glee of those preachers, for saying God talks to me. What to Hell, these days I am tortured unto the brink of death anyway and so I will tell you this clearly, God has clearly and repeatedly told me this cast-away baby is very important. I think it is possible that the story of this dead baby, this abandoned baby, is the most important story in the news today. You may find it worth while to follow this story with me as God tells me more about it.
Kidnapped Baby?
Regular readers of this site know I was expecting a kidnapping to take place yesterday, Saturday. On Sunday morning CNN reported that the mangled body of a baby was found on a street. It was a brief report, and was not repeated within the next hour. I could not find the story at The question I am looking to see answered in the news is was the baby kidnapped, and if so, when? Normally I would wait another twelve hours to file this report, and therefore would likely have seen more details in the news about this infant's death; but my time is up at this temporary roost and I must box up my computer and hit the road again in about two hours---still looking for a home in America, which just loves to make me homeless.
Good News, Bad News
First the bad news: You are going to lose your planet. Now the good news: You will still have all the other planets in the solar system. So, don't worry, be happy; follow George W. Bush into Hell. And me? I'll go Home to where I live outside this pond. On past the Heavens there are Heavens, on past those Heavens is my Home. Those of you who can fly, I will take you there; but on the most part you seem like Dodo Birds to me, soon to be extinct and forgotten, soon to be damned souls adrift among the debris where this Earth used to be. But when you are drifting there, in pain and horror and each day is a continuation of regret, don't give up Hope; perhaps you can swim to Mars, perhaps you can swim to Venus; but forget about swimming to the Moon, she will leave this area when her Sister Earth breaks up. Damn but this a sad story for you; no wonder you cower from it; no wonder you wallow in murder and torture and theatrical fantasies; no wonder you hide your heads under the covers as the flames lick at your bed; no wonder you fear the truth. Were it not that the damned are not pitied, I would pity you.
On the Verge
I have been watching this story building for some time now. Evil always draws Anti-Evil; that is the nature of the game. It is a matter of action-reaction. What amazes me as I look at it, is the scope of the response. The American people are going to be hit harder than I ever expected them to be hit. They were just too evil to me; and they were so many and I was only one. It was the unfairness of it; do you understand? So many; so mean; so doomed; so damned.
News for Sale
I am currently tracking four news events. Those events are a kidnapping expected Saturday; the Alaska Disaster, date unknown; the "amputation" of San Francisco, date unknown; the downfall of Republican American Fascism in about one year; and the death of this Earth, currently expected before 2065.
The Seven Year Reich
It seems about time to start telling you about the coming fall of Republican American Fascism. It will take place about a year before the next American election. Two things will cause it to fall, first, its own diabolical mixture of stupidity and anti-democracy, and second, an internal decision by the Republican Party that holding the Presidency is not worth while if it means the downfall of the Constitution. As things stand today, the Democratic Party will continue to fail the American people in this; and the American news media will continue to fail the world in this; but George W. Bush and all his New Order Nazis will crumble.