God Bites Man (3)
If you know of Carl Jung (1875-1961) you almost certainly have heard of his concept of Synchronisity, concerning the non-accidental nature of coincidence; and if you understand that concept you understand the 2 X 2 of the Space War concept of Time Poetry. In this third segment of God Bites Man I will call your attention to an excellent example of Time Poetry which is in the process of being written as you read these words; if you are reading them on Friday, June 30, 2006. On Tuesday, in the report entitled, "Codes and Punishments", I referred to the collapse of the Elks Club Building of Clinton, Missouri, in which the president of the Elks club was killed, and in addition to saying that event was not an accident I said the dual presidency factor of the Elks Club president/President Bill Clinton was a very important element. Without using the term, I was referring to the Time Poetry of the event, including its Time Poetry relationship to the falling of the famed Elm on the White House Lawn and the collision between two military aircraft near King City, California. I said, in effect, that in terms of Space War they were all parts of the same event. Now, consider another verse to that Time Poem now being written, and look around and see if you can see a repeat of the presidency-presidency theme found in the Clinton Elks Club president's death. Do you see a presidency-presidency in the news today? You do, but you are not used to thinking in terms of Time Poetry. You see the "president" of Japan visiting the "president" of the United States and both going to visit the home of the "king" in Nashville, which brings again into play the King City factor in which an American military flier died. I don't know how foreign this concept is to you, or if you are interested in it at all; but if you want follow the actions of the Space Warriors who are conquering you, you can see their footprints in such Time-Poetic coincidences. I don't want to belabor this point; I am just suggesting you bounce it around your mind as Titanic America goes down, down, down to its watery reward. I don't know you very well, and most of you not at all, but I do know the American people are fed a constant diet of intellectual mush, and this, Dear Reader, is intellectual T-Bone Steak.
God Bites Man (2)
This second entry of today's God Bites Man series offers the suggestion that America's choreographed torture of me is choreographed sin; and it contains the further suggestion that I should carry the word "sin" to its root concept, "error". One of the most striking things about America's 30-plus years of torturing me is that America's torture of me is choreographed and can be changed day by day, increased, decreased, one type of torture added, another type of torture taken away, and like dancers dancing the same dance, like parts of a machine, the American people follow this choreography. This goes beyond just some current fad of torture, or some feeding frenzy of torture, even though it includes those elements; the point here is the torture of me is orchestrated so that Americans in widely scattered cities know exactly what torture is to be inflicted on me if they have the opportunity to inflict it. The suggestion here is that this is a great crime, a great sin, a great error. We can see this choreography quite clearly in my residential situation of the past few months, since I was tortured out yet another home. In that home, of course, the torturers were the same American neighbors every day, and while they took great pleasure in polishing the art of torture, the choreographed aspect of the torture could not be seen. It could be clearly seen, however, when I began living in motels, where my neighbors would constantly change and the degree and style of torture would constant even as the occupants of the neighboring rooms changed. This consistency would not only include rapping on the walls, but also would include the force of that rapping, hard to soft, and its frequency, and whatever other tortures that might come and go. This rapping on the wall torture, of course, is intended to awaken the Telepath, and is used sometimes to prevent the Telepath from falling asleep; and as such it is a recognized form of murder; and in variation it is one of the tortures practiced on Muslim prisoners of the US military. For some reason American love sleep deprivation torture, perhaps because it causes agony and death and leaves no marks. About two months ago this rapping on the wall torture was so intense, and so unified in its choreographed intensity, that if I wanted to sleep at all I would have to resort to the Russian Sandman, vodka; which is a short term solution to a long term problem, since I prefer not to drink alcohol at all, and given my health and my medications over-use of alcohol will kill me. A second solution to that problem I came up with (many years ago) is to wear earphones and listen to music all night, so I have regular pleasant noise to overlay the ingeniously irregular unpleasant noise; but this, too, is an imperfect solution because it likewise deprives me of the amount and depth of sleep a human being needs to sustain life and mental clarity. This recent intense sleep-deprivation torture was not only carried out by the interchanging neighbors in motels, but also at my sister's home when I went there to dog-sit for about ten days, where it was carried out not only by her neighbors, who knew the current torture perfectly, but also by her husband, who also knew the current torture perfectly. Bear with me, I am getting to the point of this second entry to today's God Bites Man theme. For the last two weeks this rapping on the wall sleep deprivation torture has been very light and on the majority of nights non-existent. There was a spate of this torture recently that ran two days, and the suggestion of this work is that spike in torture coincided with a spike in American military deaths. At this time we are running a test of that suggestion, something of a scientific/paranormal experiment. In those two days and nights of light, choreographed sleep deprivation torture we had nine corresponding military deaths, where the daily average might have been two or less. In our experiment, taking the figure nine in two days, we get 4.5 dead Americans per day. Currently we are in another such spate of light torture, which is now in its third day, so what we are looking for (to test our theory that American military people die for the "right" of American civilians to torture me) is a spike of 13.5 deaths during a like time period. If this level of torture continues through tonight and tomorrow, we will be looking for a spike of 18 dead Americans over four days or so. I suggest this choreographed torture, in which millions of Americans are interchangeable parts of the American torture machine, is seen by God as one of the most satanic crimes ever committed on this planet. It is in direct response to this torture that God has frequently bitten man, as I expect this God Bites Man series to demonstrate.
God Bites Man
It seems to me, Dear Reader, that we have an opportunity to experience something unique today, and that is to track the events of this day in short, time-dated segments, and to track them before they take place. As you know, I have been expecting something important to have been accomplished before the sun sets on this day, June 30; and I have documented what I think that something is, the appearance of awareness among the American people that they have lost their unrealized war against the will of God, which I call Space War. I have also documented how I expect that awareness to come upon the American people, and although I feel that advance documentation is already clear enough for the mind of a child to understand, the perversity of America's treatment of me disallows my freedom to speak of it outside my shield of codes. So, to today's opportunity. Generally I publish one piece a day, my deadline being 9 p.m. Pacific Time to beat the date-change on the Atlantic, and that piece is the accumulation of information I have received throughout the day, most of that information received telepathically, it being my suggestion to you that I receive that information from God but I do not ask you to believe this. So, the first piece of information I have received today, at approximately 7 a.m., is the title of today's piece, "God Bites Man". Rather than wait and accumulate the messages I receive and put them into one piece, I thought I would publish message after message as the day proceeds, so you can watch the story with me as it unfolds, neither you nor I knowing the ending until the fat man sings. (Logged at approximately 8:45 a.m.)
Israel, Amereica and Nuclear War
We talk a lot here about slanted American journalism and how it contributes to the slippery slope of disaster down which the world is sliding; and I note this pattern can be seen in the American news coverage of Israel's current incursion into northern Gaza. What little reporting there will be as this world-endangering event proceeds, American journalism's reporting will be demonstrably trimmed and slanted in favor of Israel, which is just how it is and how it has been since the founding of modern Israel in 1949. The story of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a victim-victim story. Here is an over-simplified version. After the horrors of Nazi Germany the Jews were given a homeland in Palestine, a homeland to be located on land owned and occupied by the Palestinians. Conflict was inevitable, and conflict has been continuous since the day modern Israel was established. In America, the sentimental favorite in this victim-victim story has always been Israel, and soon Israel became the Good Guy and the Palestinians became the Bad Guy in the mass American mind. This concept was nailed down in such scenes as in the 1960 movie Exodus, when the beautiful young blonde Jewish girl met her death at the hands of the hideous Palestinian dirty old man. This constant prejudice constituted an unending injustice against the Palestinians; and I suggest it has always been either by personality or by policy the practice of the Israelis to irritate and aggravate that injustice, the Palestinians being, in fact, the Niggers of the Israelis. So, as the American news media reports the Israeli incursion into Gaza, the history of this event will be reduced to the capturing of an Israeli soldier last week, and the murder of a young Israeli civilian, and expanded to some degree to Israel's capture of over 60 members of the elected Palestinian government, including the foreign minister, which the United States and Israel have been attempting to starve out of existence in order to force, once and for all, the Palestinians to accept the theft of their homeland. I suggest, Dear Reader, this is demanding the impossible of the Palestinians. Here are some of the aspects of this incursion which we can expect American journalism to trim and slant. It will tend to censor the fact that Israel's strategy with the Palestinians has always been one of irritating them into action, that Israel is a big tit in the tit for tat conflict between the two peoples, not the saintly victim it portrays itself to be. It will tend to ignore Israel's killings of Palestinian civilians in northern Gaza last week, killings which were an intentional irritation meant to create a Palestinian response serious enough to bring on this incursion. The American press will likely underplay the fact that this Israeli move has included Israeli military aircraft buzzing the residence of the president of Syria, which was an act of war (called an act of warning) against Syria. To see this provocative insult for what it was, consider "North" Korean military aircraft buzzing the White House, and assign to "North" Korea military and nuclear superiority over the United States, giving "North" Korea the 7,000 nuclear warheads the US owns and the US the half dozen or so "North" Korea allegedly has. Likely also to be underreported is that Israel has made northern Gaza broadly uninhabitable by knocking out its electricity production capability, meaning no water, no refrigeration, no air conditioning in the summer desert, with the added benefit of a news blackout with all but battery powered television and radio lost, in effect forcing a mass evacuation or requiring a historic international aide attempt, one that almost certainly will not come because the Israelis are the Good Guy and the Palestinians are the Bad Guy. The American news media will also likely ignore that since America is Israel's drone ally, attached to Israeli actions much as a water skier is attached to the boat pulling him, this current Israeli action, brilliant and ruthless as Israeli military actions tend to be, will create a situation into which America will likely be towed into the waters of the larger war Israel is now in the act of intentionally triggering. This intentional triggering of a great war reflects Israel's grand strategy, and while America is a willing co-strategizer, it is also a victim, because Israel will betray America in the end. Also not to be reported in the American media is that the religious perversity of Republican American Fascism leads to the triggering of a faux-Armageddon right smack in and around Israel, just where its fundamentalist Christian base believes the true Armageddon will erupt. I suggest this current development might well have been noted among the possible scenarios in yesterday's report, "Sudden Collapse"; meaning the sudden collapse of any possibility that anything but area-wide war is possible in the Middle East, leading to nuclear World War Three, leading to the sudden collapse of human civilization. -0- Our deadline for national American public awareness of the fact Titanic America is sinking is scheduled for tomorrow, June 30. Let's watch the news and see what we see.
Sudden Collapse
Today's Space War code is "Sudden Collapse", and as with many Space War codes, this code has been used a few times in the past. Generally, Sudden Collapse has been used in advance of buildings collapsing, once prior to near-simultaneous collapses in Russia and the USA, but its first use and what I consider to be its most important use, was just prior to the stock market collapse of October, 1987. When I receive codes it is something of an intellectual exercise for me to attempt to determine where the codes are leading. Sometimes this is easy; sometimes this is difficult. The three codes I addressed yesterday, "Throwing the Key Away", "King City and I" and "Hell's Kitchen" are really quite clear as to their direction, and I think I described their direction openly and well. Our subject today, however, is the Sudden Collapse code, and while I fully expect something to suddenly collapse before the sun sets on this month, I can at this stage only speculate on what that might be. Of course, this code could be further clarified by the time of tomorrow's report, but for now my current speculations are: First, since we are just about 48 hours short of what I am expecting to be national American public awareness that Titanic America is sinking; I am expecting the sudden collapse of that mass unawareness. This would have to be an immense event, since both the government and the media would want to keep the public unaware. The evening news today has a report there is a dam in Pennsylvania in danger of collapsing, and some 200.000 people have been evacuated, but even if that dam were to collapse the event would not be a big enough to fulfill this Sudden Collapse code. That is, Dear Reader, this Sudden Collapse code concerns a more profound event, an event of world impact. Second, from my point of view, the major event I am looking for is the sudden collapse of the fabrication which allows the American people to torture and enslave me. Since that torture-enslavement has stood for over three decades despite my having documented dozens of major events in advance, including the 9/11 attack, we have to assume an event of extreme proportions or brightness will be needed to collapse it. Third, another sudden collapse might be the collapse of the fiction that the United States of America is winning in the Middle East, but the approaching debacle there does not seem to be approaching fast enough to be the subject of this current Sudden Collapse code. Fourth, another sudden collapse might be a huge Earth disaster, a geological catastrophe which changes the human equation fundamentally, and that can reasonably be expected at any time. Fifth, the original appearance of the Sudden Collapse code could be repeated, and the stock market could again collapse. All of these sudden collapses will happen in time, but what I am looking for, whether it is one of these or not, will happen before the sun sets on June 30, Friday.
Codes and Punishments
As noted in yesterday's report, we have entered into a most important Space War coding pattern which is pointing to a most important Space War development, this with only three days remaining before the deadline I established for expected national awareness of America's Space war defeat. We have a new code in the code pattern I introduced yesterday. It is "Hell's Kitchen", referring to the fatal collapse of the Elks Club Building in Clinton, Missouri, late yesterday. In the Space War coding pattern, events concerning the name "Clinton" are referred to as "Hell's Kitchen". That gives us three codes in one day in this pattern, "Throwing the Key Away", "King City and I", and "Hell's Kitchen", all three codes focusing on presidency or rulership, two deaths taking place. Now, Dear Reader, dig this: The one fatality in "Hell's Kitchen" was the president of the Elks Club of Clinton. This presidency death within a presidency code demonstrates a remarkably tight Space War code weave. Of course I am saying the Elks Club Building in Clinton, Missouri, was intentionally destroyed and the president of the Elks Club was intentionally killed, both being Space War targets. This "rulership" factor appearing in three out of three code-establishing events is very important in anticipating the event or events these codes are leading to. The Space War maneuver I am expecting and have referred to in the past is called "Pruning", and involves cutting from the top down. This is just the opposite of human warfare, which cuts from the bottom up. For example, the great tactical and moral flaw of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq was his killing of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis in order to put the Boogie Man of Iraq on trial. As Space War proceeds we can expect to see the top echelons of political and economic leadership being pruned; and that takes me to the keystone code of this current Space War development, "Throwing the Key Away", which I postponed explaining yesterday. The "Key" in that code has a double meaning, first, the "Key to Hell" and, second, the Japanese word "ki", pronounced "key", meaning "tree". The code was established with the Space War-manipulated falling of the famed old Elm on the White House lawn; and as noted yesterday that code addressed the damnation of George W. Bush and the nipping of Republican American Fascism in the bud. I cannot overstate the tightness of the weave of this code pattern, which included Elm to Elk, as well as the dead Elk president within the Bill Clinton presidency code; this is a remarkable, remarkable, remarkable code pattern, perhaps the tightest I have seen since beginning these trackings in 1962. I will now state a proviso to all the above. Since the bomb scare story in the California port was clearly a fraudulent story, and since the news media is so compromised these days, I will state that all I have said above is true if the White House tree actually fell, if the two military jets actually collided near King City, California, and if the Elk's Club Building in Clinton, Missouri, actually collapsed and the president of the Elks Club actually died as a result. We also had a spike in the torture of me through the wall last night and throughout today. This was an isolated return of the sleep-deprivation and coughing tortures, which in their expanded form is torture-murder. The last time we had such a spike there was a corresponding spike in American deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, but that was a larger spike running two days in a row. It has long been a suggestion of mine, a suggestion to which little attention is paid, that some percentage of American war deaths is the karmic result of the national sin of Telepath torture. I was struck by my sleep-depriving neighbor next door for writing the above paragraph. His car licence is Oregon ZTL(tree)778, his town is apparently Butler. There is another, yet unidentified neighbor, who has pursued the torture throughout the day. I estimate ten per cent of American military deaths are in direct response to America's national sin of Telepath torture, although this is not a high-science estimation and one I have at this time no way of confirming, even confirming for myself. At the time of the previous spike I was asked by God to establish an image with you, that of two dials on a dashboard, one for rate of torture and one for rate of dead American military people, so such spikes could be more easily compared, but I neglected to do so. Apparently this was asked because there will be some focusing on the relationship between the torture of me by Americans and the suffering of American military people. America's torture-enslavement of me is a profound crime known of throughout the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond, and there has been and will be profound punishment for this profound crime. I note again that we had an American military death yesterday in the collision of two American jets near King City, California, in the code "King City and I". I suggest again that death was in response to the torture of me in King City. I put no pressure on you to believe this; I am just stating this for the record. In the future, this American death factor in response to American Telepath torture will be a recognized fact. As I look for a karmic death factor in response to this latest spike in torture I will be looking for something unusual to mark it. I am sorry to take this space up with the tedious subject of America's torture-enslavement of me, but if you have a complaint take it up with Oregon ZTL(tree) 778. I put "tree" into parenthesis because the licence plate has a picture of a tree on it. -0- As this current Space War pattern progresses it seems the code I established on Saturday, June 24, "Gone Fission", will likely in fact lead to a Space War variation of a nuclear explosion; that is, likely the current code pattern will escalate so fast it will reach critical mass on or before the sun sets on the month of June, thus establishing national awareness of America's Space War defeat. It is suggested that the United States of America, so willing to create false bomb threats, could preempt this Space War development by defusing the fission currently taking place, in a sense creating not a false threat of explosion but a substitute, less traumatic, explosion of awareness. It could do that by announcing the end of America's torture-enslavement of me, confessing to the knowing and unknowing world what it has done to me, and making a good faith payment to me of six billion dollars. That would put an end to the primary driving force of Space War, the profound crime of America's torture-enslavement of Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath; and would make America's torture-enslavement of me world headline news, thereby putting a pause in the Earth's momentum toward death. That is what "Gone Fission" is designed to do, end the torture-enslavement of me and put a pause in the momentum toward the death of this Earth; but it would be far less painful to the United States of America if America undid the crime itself. There is a sidebar to this story. When it came to discussing the subject of America's good faith payment to me I suggested ten billion dollars, but God suggested six billion dollars and, as you might expect, that's the figure that was decided on.
Throwing the Key Away
I have received two remarkable Space War codes today, both apparently aimed at the damnation of George W. Bush and the nipping of Republican American Fascism in the bud, one of the codes costing the life of a US military flyer. Just as the media is becoming vaguely aware of what the military knows full well, that George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq is going from cruel folly to chaotic retreat, I get these two Space War codes, "Throwing the Key Away" and "King City and I". I will hold the details of the "Key" code back for now, but will note that the "King City and I" code comes from a collision between two US military planes near King City, California, where I reported a few months ago on heavy torture of me there. The collision was not an accident, it was a Space War manipulation. As I understand it, these two codes refer to the rape of American democracy by Republican American Fascism, the attempt to make the American presidency a Republican American Fascist monarchy; and to the damnation of George W. Bush, on the microcosmic level for child murder and on the macrocosmic level for the destruction of this Earth. That these codes come at this time indicates we might be entering into a series of events which will clearly demonstrate God's movement against Republican American Fascism and God's damnation of George W. Bush, what is called at I.C. News a "public damnation". You may recall, Dear Reader, that we are following a Space War maneuver which is scheduled to result in Titanic America sinking beneath the surface of the ocean of its own lies just about one year from now, and that the metaphor of attack indicates God will destroy George W. Bush next April or May. Putting these projections into current context, I have also said that all the passengers and crew of Titanic America, all the American people, will know by the end of this month that Titanic America is sinking; but we seem to be far short of that awareness with only four days remaining. So, while I have clearly documented in advance the current quiet collapse of the American military folly in Iraq and Afghanistan, and while that collapse is more visible today than I expected it to be, America's defeat in Space War remains far, far less visible than I expected it to be at this time. Four days left before projected national public awareness, and now enter these two most remarkable codes, "Throwing the Key Away" and "King City and I". To a large extend my work is code-driven, and I have been tracking Space War codes since long before the Vietnam War developed. I was told of the destruction of that era's American generation in that war several years before that war was even speculated on; and so going by that long experience I must state clearly that I feel these codes today are remarkably important. There was a third code today, but it was a false code. I referred to it Friday when I said, "Never kiss a gift whore on the mouth". The "gift whore" was the so-called bomb threat on a ship in a California port. I was told about it in advance with the "gift whore" warning I passed on to you. I was told this so I would not mistake it for a real development. The whole episode is fishy to me, as I said it would be when I spoke of it Friday.
Duh, Go Figure
So, the Republican American Fascists have been accusing the Democratic American Mice of wanting to cut and run, and while this has been going on the commanding general in Iraq has been planning a somewhat rapid pullout beginning in September. This plan is in place because the United States is losing in Iraq (and losing in Afghanistan): and the task before the Republican American Fascists now is to put the blame on the Democrats. What this means is that while all the so-called debate on troop withdrawal has been going on troop withdrawal has been planned all along. Consider the deceit; consider the fraud; doesn't it make you want to puke? General George W. Casey did not suddenly come to the conclusion to begin pulling out and did not suddenly spring it on George W. Bush; no, behind the scenes Casey has been telling Bush how hopeless the military situation is; but likely he has not been telling Bush how stupid Bush was to invade Iraq in the first place. The key to understanding George W. Bush is that he always lies. If he tells you it is Sunday, very likely it is Saturday or Monday. Let's review what we have been talking about. We have been saying the American people will become aware this month that Titanic America is sinking. As of today, I see absolutely no sign of that awareness having arrived, but I have seen at least one glaring example of censorship relative to America's dire situation in Iraq, that being the censorship American ambassador's memo on the worsening situation there, and when you see one example of censorship other examples exist because censorship, like the Grapes of Wrath, comes in clusters. Meanwhile, back at Space War, I am expecting the blast within five days.
Gone Fission
If my calculations are correct, I am holed up outside the blast range and away from the refugee splash. Call me the Einstein of journalism. I am expecting the blast within six days.
Seven Days to Right or Wrong
I have been reporting that this month will see a new awareness in the American people, an awareness that Titanic America is sinking; that the Americans are about to feel the agony of defeat. In the Middle East there are strong indications an American collapse is approaching; and in terms of acts of God, the finger of God seems to be on the trigger, itching. Of particular interest to me is who defeats the United States of America first, the anti-fascist world confederacy, or the anti-psycho-fascist forces from light-years away. I, of course, would prefer to see my Space Sailor mates do it, call me sentimental, but any victory in a storm. There has been some interesting news along the sinking Titanic American metaphorical line, most pronounced was an agreement within American television news to keep at least one major news story from the American people, but the "water up to their ankles" factor I have been looking for has not yet been seen. That is what I am looking for during these next seven days, that moment when the passengers and crew on the Titanic come to know the Titanic is going under. By definition, if this ankle-factor happens it will be something the media/government alliance cannot censor, and the media/government alliance can censor almost everything but Christmas. So, here we are, Dear Reader, seven days from my being right or wrong, seven days from American awareness or continued American unawareness. It seems to me this is a good day to review some things that have taken place, as I wait wistfully for what is about to take place. The National Academy of Science came out this month with a serious warning about global warming; and as was to be expected the Republican American Fascists said it is not important enough to mess with their money making. American scientists have also reported that the San Andreas earthquake fault which runs along the cost of much of California represents an extreme danger of causing a major quake in the Los Angeles area. I have reported here that I am expecting much the same thing, although I am looking for disasters in both the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas. To put this into context, the last time I tracked a quake to within 12 hours of its taking place I had expected it to take place on the West Coast of the United States but it took place in the mountains of Pakistan, with horrible results. This is to say that tracking the timing of an earthquake is far easier for me than tracking its location; and it is reasonable to assume that my calculations of that quake might have been polluted by wishful thinking, so wicked the West coast of the United States has been to me since I became the only audible mental telepath in history. There is a very important exception to this vagueness of earthquake locations. I can with very good expectation of success anticipate a major earthquake between Iran and Indonesia on or about next December 26. This is because quakes have happened there on that date for the last three years in a row, including the quake that caused the great tsunami and altered the rotation of our Earth. I am after all, Dear Reader, documenting the death of our Earth, to take place by 2065. Also in terms of aggravated Nature this month, the huge waves that hit central America were not called tsunamis, but they came close; and the quake just south of San Francisco was a rapping, gentle tapping, on my torture chamber's door. And speaking of aggravated Nature, it is something along those lines I am expecting to take place before the end of this month. If this event is to prick the numbed intellect of the American people; if it is going to send a shaft of light into the dark mind of George W. Bush; if it is going to make an honest woman of the whore of American journalism; it must be something huge. In my view, the single most important and most telling news story of the month thus far was the television media's blacking out (censoring) of the report by the American Ambassador to Iraq describing the collapsing situation taking place there. (I suggest the image you should keep in mind is the fall of Saigon with helicopters taking frantic people off the roof of the US Embassy. That seems to be what we are close to.) That the ambassador's report was published by the Washington Post and picked up by Editor & Publisher and the London Independent, and perhaps others, and was squelched by television and by the Democratic American Mice and by the Republican American Fascists is a difinitive demonstration of censorship and information manipulation in the United States. I think this is the most remarkable example of American censorship of a news story I have ever seen; except, of course, for America's censorship of the story of my telepathy, my accomplishments using that telepathy, and America's torture-enslavement of me because of that telepathy. Another most interesting news story that is not being well reported is criticism of the United States by the US-installed President of Afghanistan over the high number of civilians being killed by America and America's allied forces in Afghanistan. This high civilian casualty rate has been a constant from the start of America's invasion of Afghanistan, but for this criticism to come from this top-level man at this time should be top-level, front-page news. Perhaps it has been in the mainstream news, but I have not seen it. Two other most important stories, which seem to have been covered only in passing by the American media if at all, are the state of emergency declared by the puppet Iraqi government and the probable offering of amnesty by the puppet Iraqi government to Iraqi resistance fighters who have not killed Iraqis. These are remarkable developments and very telling of America's standing in the eyes of the Iraqi government America set up: It is ok to have killed Americans, but not to have killed Iraqis. Wake up and smell the animosity coming from those Iraqis and Pakistanis the Republican American Fascists have through death and destruction put into power. Seven days to right a wrong, seven days to right or wrong, these seven days, Dear Reader, are very interesting to me...and what's this, the American government pigs have yet more dirty tricks against me up their dirty sleeves? Remember the old saying, Dear Reader, never kiss a gift whore on the mouth. One final word, Dwight David Eisenhower said the French resistance against the occupying German's was worth fifteen divisions. I do not know the relative sizes of the French and Iraqi resistance forces, but at the very least we are talking about the Iraqi resistance having the military equivalent of three divisions, using Eisenhower's formula.
Do the Democrats Exist?
Despite their skill and unity in inflicting pain and degradation on the only audible mental telepath in history, I really have to wonder if the Democrats has thrown in the towel, so wimpish is their stand against Republican American Fascism. I wonder, do they know they are beaten and are just dancing a hollow dance, pretending things are yesterday's normal and not today's fascist reality? I wonder, have they thrown the game, have they made some deal under the table to pretend to be a real alternative political party in what is now a one-party nation? I wonder, are they hoping for crumbs from the Republican American Fascists' table? In the nearly six years since the Republican American Fascist coup that stole the 2000 election, only one Democrat, as far as I know, has called the spade of that coup a spade. That was Representative Corrine Brown of Florida's Third District; that was way, way back soon after it happened; and not one Democrat, as far as I know, gave her support. That no other Democrat has picked up on the obvious; that Gore continues to tippy-toe through the tulips as he has always done; that Kerry doesn't know which way is up and is apparently still unaware that the Republican American Fascists own him; that the carpetbagger opportunist Senator Mrs. Clinton wouldn't know courage and decision if it bit her on her ass; and that no real political Democratic fighter has stepped up to the plate, makes me think the Democrats are specimens from another time, more deserving of being on display at the Smithsonian than holding elective office. Perhaps they are just afraid. Perhaps they are just pretending to be dizzy. They certainly must be pretending they do not see the fascist elephant in the living room; and in so pretending they have betrayed America. There is no, absolutely no, nationally known person in opposition to Republican American Fascism, except for yours truly, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath; and backing me up are God and the whole world except for England, Ireland, and Israel. -0- As a footnote to today's work I will note there were nine American military people reported killed yesterday, and that this spike in deaths coincides directly with the spike the through-the-wall torture of me I have discussed for the past two days. I cannot overstate the loathing God has for America's torture-enslavement of me; and as I have said before, the backlash to that torture often, I repeat often, results in American military and civilian casualties. America's torture-enslavement of me is a profound crime. .
Evil Born Again
So, awakened by raps on the wall by California 5MOW393, the return of all the tortures after a week of relative peace. The coughing torture to comment on my thoughts, the waking-up torture which declares it is illegal for the Telepath to dream. The question is, is this a lone psycho-fascist holdout or is this the return of mass public evil? The answer is in the next guest who stays in that room, or the continued stay of California 5MOW393. (Later, California 5MOW393 is there for another night and serious torture continues. Smells like the God-damned soul of a government pig to me; but perhaps I can do a DMV search later in the game and find out for sure.) This is a bad day for the USA, as bad as the day Republican American Fascism staged its coup in 2000. It is a peculiar trait of Republican American Fascism that it is so skilled at consolidating power, at manipulating elections, at silencing the news media, at cutting off at the knees.of the Central Intelligence Agency, and at establishing a state of perpetual war in order to keep in place the expanded war powers of the chief executive in order to establish a war-based dictatorship, but it is so miserably inept that it leads America into disaster after disaster. Like an idiot in the laboratory, Republican American Fascism can light the Bunsen Burner, only to burn down the school. Of course, in the longer run that's the evil plan of Republican American Fascism, the destruction of all and everything but the super-rich and super-powerful in a satanic Armageddon, but Republican American Fascism is well on its way to destruction, infamy and damnation, and its evil plan will not come to fruition. When the American people come to understand Republican American Fascism has dragged them into defeat, which I expect will be the case before the sun sets on June, what they will learn is they were the last to know, the last to know, the last to know what the whole world knew, that America had become a fascist, evil power and all the lessons learned from Hitler needed to be applied again. I, of course, knew this in 1972, when I was the lone Jew in the concentration camp.
Torture's Profit; Liar's Loss
I had originally planned the Torture's Profit work below to be today's sole entry, but I have received two very interesting bits of information today which seem to indicate the Green Zone in Baghdad could be about to collapse. This goes back to what I was talking about yesterday when I noted the World War Two ridiculous propaganda that the Japanese do not have a word for Love in their language. American propaganda concerning Iraq is just as bizarre and just as inaccurate, so when the collapse of the American occupation comes it will come as a surprise because what Americans were told was made of iron and truth is in fact made of paper and lies. One of these bits of information came from the American Ambassador in Iraq by way of the Washington Post; the other from one of my cryptic Space Sailor sources. We have been talking about the American people becoming aware this month that Titanic America is sinking; we have said they will feel the water up to their ankles. The American Ambassador to Iraq sent a memo home on June 6 in effect describing the situation there in those terms, indicating the water was up to his ankles. The amazing thing about this news story is that while is broke in The Washington Post and was further covered by Editor & Publisher, and further covered by the London Independent, and I assume others, I have not seen one mention of it on TV news programs. I suggest the memo from Ambassador Zalmay Kahlilzad has been censored from television news reports in order to limit its circulation, television news being the primary information source of the American people. This memo paints a picture of Iraqi employees of the embassy living in fear of reprisals, of hostility toward them coming from the very Iraqi guards at the entrance to the Green Zone, of growing attacks on Iraqi women relative to their clothing and their driving of automobiles and their using cell pones, and it even becoming dangerous for men and boys to wear shorts in public. In general, it describes a sinking situation. This is a very long memo and reports of it can be easily found in a web search if you are interested.. This memo from the American Ambassador presents a view of the situation in Iraq which is quite the opposite of the sunny propaganda of the Republican American Fascists, and the fact that all mention of it has been censored from television indicates to me how important it is. My writing about this subject has brought on rather severe harassment from the person in the next room, the first such harassment in about a week, the person in the next room driving a car with a California license plate 5MOW393. I will be interested to learn in the future if this is a government pig, since with rare exceptions there are no citizen volunteer torturers these days. Now, let's go to the original topic of today's report, people profiting from America's torture-enslavement of me. I suggest that when the person in the next room strikes me that is a form of profit for him. I am not in a position to trace who had made what profit from America's torture-enslavement of me; that's God's department. Sure, to be sure, some multiple of men were able to enjoy my wife when America put our mariage asunder; and some multiple of journalists were able to fill the slots I would have occupied had I not been blacklisted from journalism. Sure, to be sure, hundreds of thousands of Americans have had the rapist's profit of inflicting pain and degradation on me for over thirty years, the person in the next room tonight being just another torturer in a long, long line of damned torturers waiting at the turnstiles of Hell. And sure to be sure, many medical people and government pigs made money torturing me, and comedians made money mocking me, and TV-snake-oil preachers made money condemning me, and people have been able to live in the homes I was harassed out of, and hold the jobs I was harassed out of; this list of petty profit-takers goes on an on. George W. Bush could not have profited on 9/11 if I had been free to warn of it, and thereby prevent it; and the people who have profited billions from Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq would not have been able to steal that money from the American people, because that stupid and fascist invasion would not have taken place. In fact it is likely George W. Bush would not have been able to steal the Presidency had I been a free man, but here we get into a really long equation of probability. The point here is the level of honesty and courage within the media would have been greater if one honest and courageous journalist had not been made America's torture-slave. As far as I know, the person who has profited most directly from America's torture-enslavement of me is Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. This is because she is a Senator today as a direct result of the assassination of a better person, Mayor George Moscone of San Francisco; and I could have prevented that assassination had I been a free man.. Since we have reached an announced deadline today relative to the future of the souls of a certain percentage of American elected politicians who know about America's torture-enslavement of me, and since Dianne Feinstein is one of those politicians, I thought I might tell you of my one personal experience with her. A good friend of mine who had a heart of gold and the mind of a child and millions of dollars, squandered unknown amounts of money on Democratic politicians who, having learned he was an easy mark, were constantly dunning him for money.. As rewards for this generosity he was infrequently sent tickets to public appearances of politicians, and since he had neither car nor driver's license, I would sometimes take him to these Democratic events. I never liked going to these events because the Democrats were always so vicious to me, so much so that to this day I would rather be in a swarm of mosquitos than a room full of Democrats, but I am getting ahead of myself. One of those public appearances I drove my friend to was a speech in San Luis Obispo County by Dianne Feinstein. It was a small venue, probably not more than 200 people in a relatively small room where the guests sat at a number of small tables. To me, the most striking thing about the day was that when Feinstein entered the room and saw I was there FEAR entered into her eyes. I am not the sort of person who inspires fear in people, I am friendly by nature and I have absolutely no record of violence or revenge, even though the United States of America has invested millions of man-hours into attempting to create such responses; but there it was, fear in her eyes. From my view that fear came from Feinstein's believing the propaganda about me, perhaps that I am a monster in whose vocabulary the word Love does not exist, I do not know, although from the hateful way people treat me I suppose the propaganda against me is pretty thick. So, as I listened attentively to her speech, admiring the costliness of her clothing next to the rags society allots to me, the torture of me by the Democratic audience increased and increased and increased, until I said telepathically (and if I had voiced this I would have been arrested on the spot) that the torture of me is fascist. If Feinstein had had any graciousness and decency at all I would have expected her to obliquely ask the audience to stop torturing the Telepath; but instead she obliquely told the audience I am insane, increasing the level of attack. Then, after her speech she came and sat beside me for a photo op. No wonder she is one of those American politicians who has lost her soul today.
Propaganda News
When I was a little boy of about four Cary Grant told me the Japanese have no word for Love. Of course I did not know Cary personally, and I was not sitting on his lap when he told me this; he told me this in the wartime submarine movie, Destination Tokyo, and I saw it from close to the screen while sitting in a theater seat far to big for me, my little feet not touching the floor. It was common in movies of the World War Two era to inject patriotic conversations into the scripts, and Cary's character, Captain Cassidy, was explaining why the Japanese were so fanatical in war. One of the reasons he gave was that there was no word for Love in the Japanese language. This was not true, of course, the Japanese have words for Love, but it was wartime and the Japanese were portrayed to be as subhuman as possible. This wartime propaganda had such an effect on me when I was two, three, four and five years old, all those years spent as a wartime child, that even at the age of ten I once asked someone if the Japanese had a language. I asked that 1950, the war had been over for five years and I still thought of the Japanese as a kind of monkey-people. The same propaganda could not have worked so well had the movie been Destination Bremerhaven and Cary Grant had said the Germans have no word for Love. This is because the Germans were very familiar to the Americans, and such nonsensical propaganda worked only because the Japanese culture was almost unknown to the average American. Propaganda is a natural byproduct of war, and while not always totally false it tends to be a grotesque distortion of the truth. In the United States of America propaganda is far more smooth than the propaganda of, say, a communist nation, because propaganda is a voluntary product of the media and not put out by some government body charged with producing it. When I worked for UPI in Tokyo I found it impossible to write a straight news story about Russia or China or about any American opposed to the war, or even the most basic Vietnam combat stories, because those stories would always be changed with an infusion of propaganda or out and out alteration of facts as they passed through the UPI censoring system, called editing, before they reached UPI's thousands of newspaper clients around the world. You try risking your life in hot combat only to see your stories utterly changed and only your name remaining at the top; your name there, so everyone thought you had written that untrue rubbish. You try going back to the combat unit you had been with and the Grunts asking you why you had written that crap, that wasn't the way it was at all. It would make you think about things as they are and as they are represented to be. Truth is impossible in the American news media, unless the subject is sports scores or the numbers dead in airline crashes. When I worked for the Los Angeles Times it was impossible to write a straight story about hippies, and when I wrote something good about them it would be changed to something bad unless I mother-henned the story through the print shop, because even the typesetters had the right to change copy they did not approve of. The attitude of the Los Angeles Times toward hippies was exactly the same as the Tallahassee Democrat's attitude toward blacks when I worked there in 1959. As my editor a the LA Times told me, "All we want to know is how many hippies get busted for dope". Truth is impossible in the American news media unless that truth matches what the ownership sees as truth. I mention this because propaganda in America today, under the dictatorship of Republican American Fascism, is highly organized and intense and permeates just about every television news show you see, and is also woven into fictional drama shows such as Law and Order. As a result, there is no more American knowledge about "Terrorism" and the engine driving it than there was before 9/11. The media-government alliance tells us what beasts these monsters are, but they are not that, they are soldiers fighting for a cause and they often do monstrous things just as the soldiers of all nations and all beliefs often do monstrous things. The resistance fighters in Iraq during the American occupation are the historical equivalent of the resistance fighters in France during the German occupation; the suicide bombers are the historical equivalent of the Japanese Kamikaze pilots. In both cases, those were the only tactic available and the weapon of last resort. You can call them monsters if you like, the Iraqis you call by the inaccurate term, Insurgents, but they are soldiers, they are soldiers, they are soldiers, fighting a pompous, ignorant nation who has invaded and occupied their country. Insurgents are people in rebellion against an established government, not an occupying power and its puppet government. Every nation has a certain percentage of warriors, such men and women fight on when their nation is occupied. This has been a truth throughout history, and this truth does not change just because the propaganda mill changes it, or just because America's Daddy Warbucks Vice President did not anticipate it. The American media is speaking to the American people in the same way Cary Grant spoke to me when I was four years old. That it has a right to do that is arguable, and that the American people might want to be spoken to as ignorant children is certainly within the realm of possibility, but while this propaganda technique worked in the simpler days of World War Two it is, I suggest, a dangerous and self-defeating policy at this time. I refer you to one of the most basic maxims of war: Know They Enemy. America is at war with an enemy it does not know, Jihad Islam; and that is why America is doomed to get caught flat-footed time after time. America is faced in Osama Bin Laden with a military mind perhaps equal to Saladin of Crusader times, but is led by a government of war-shirkers and war-duffers who likely do not even know who Saladin was. (If you do not know who Saladin was, Dear Reader, that is no great shortcoming, but you are not a government of men ignorant of history and culture leading the United States of American down a road to defeat the likes of which history as never known.) Were that not enough, had Republican American Fascism not only wagered the fate of the nation on a stupid interpretation of what "Terrorism" is, it is now toying with war with a Communist society it also interprets stupidly, by this I mean the current hoopla over "North" Korea. Here is where the mean-spirited allegedly well-educated female and black Secretary of States comes in, turning up the heat with insult and over-simple Republican American Fascist dogma. My point here, Dear Reader, is that your government and your media are talking to you like Cary Grant talked to me when I was four years old. Republican American Fascism believes the American people are as stupid as Republican American Fascism.
Awaiing Awareness
Things are beginning to shape up, like approaching soldiers in the fog emerging from the invisible to the visible; that is, we can began to see the battle plan designed to change America before the end of June. Opening today's report, I am again asked to offer my good offices as the only audible mental telepath in human history and as America's torture-slave for some 35 years to influence the release of the two US soldiers captured last week. I have also been asked to advise all those elected members of the federal government and the governments of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Pennsylvania, New York and Florida who know of America's torture-enslavement of me, regardless of what they call it, to confess that knowledge to the media before the sun sets on June 20 in California. Do I expect this to happen? Frankly, Harlot, I don't give a damn. I have been asked to make this advisory because those people are on the verge of losing their souls. Do I expect them to lose their souls? Yes. In passing, there is an example in the media coverage of the captured soldier story of how words are used as silent lies. The reports say the American soldiers were "kidnapped", not "taken prisoner". We also see reports of American military personnel being "injured" in combat, not "wounded". A soldier injured is a soldier in a vehicle accident, not a soldier wounded in combat; a soldier captured in combat is captured, not kidnapped. The captured American soldiers are damned lucky there were not gunned down at the site. Now, back to America's approaching awareness, awareness like soldiers emerging from the fog. The plot thickens. We are waiting for American awareness of the extremely bad Space War situation America is in; and what do we see unfolding but something I warned about perhaps a month or so ago, that being that this Space War attack could look like, or be mistaken for, an Earth-based nuclear attack. I refer here to the current hoopla over "North" Korea's supposed planned launch of a missile capable of reaching the West Coast of the United States, just at the time I am expecting this space war attack to be on the West Coast of the United States. First, unless America's missile defense system is a total sham, the chances of a single missile making it to the US from the Korean peninsular are less than zero, but of course the media weasels are not presenting it that way; they are presenting it as the Yellow Peril rising again, as the always do with such stories We used to call it "needling the story" before I was blacklisted from journalism. This Korean missile threat on the USA is a non-problem, but Republican American Fascism is so wanting to carry out a nuclear attack on "North" Korea that it is eagerly looking for a pretext. Enter the pretext, the space war attack on the United States of America expected to take place before the end of June. What if, for example a huge meteor were to strike the West Coast in close time proximity with a "North" Korean launch, or a Chinese launch, or a Russian launch? While this may seem like an absurd hypothesis, we are in a period of increased meteor impacts on this Earth; and there was a remarkably obscure report of a huge meteor striking northern Norway approximately two weeks ago. I still do not know if this report, which said the meteor struck with the impact of an atomic bomb, is accurate. If the American media could be trusted to do its job I would assume this to be a false report or a hoax, but as this Earth enters into space/climate/oil disaster the American media can be expected to withhold information, ostensibly for the public good but in reality for the good of Republican American Fascism, its master. That is, if such a meteor did strike Norway it should have made headlines around the world, but as far as I know there were no such headlines, no reported expeditions to the site, no published aerial or satellite photographs. Did it happen? I don' know. For the time being it is a Joker in the deck. It would not be a Joker if the American news media were on the up and up. Let's emphasize what we are talking about. The defeat of the United States of America took place early this year when the hole was punched into the hull of Titanic America. America will sink beneath the surface of the ocean of its own lies approximately a year from now; but now, within less than two weeks, the American people will feel the water up to their ankles. The source of this defeat is not "Terrorism", not Communism, but America's evil torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath for well over three decades. For that torture-enslavement America bears the Mark of Cain.
A Critical Offer
I have been asked today to offer my good offices in gaining the release of the two American soldiers captured in Iraq. Stating my credentials briefly, it is arguable that I assisted in the release of some young Japanese peace activists early in America's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, and I documented in advance the top secret American maneuver that resulted in the killing of the famed Jihad soldier last week. Islam recognizes me as what I am far more than Christianity does. That said, let's return to the ongoing American disaster in Space War, expected to be apparent to the American people before the sun sets on this month. Before I was asked by God to offer help in the matter of the captured soldiers, I had written this for today's report: Courage does not understand cowardice, kindness does not understand meanness; perhaps that's why I don't understand you Americans. You Americans, you outnumber me some two hundred million to one, yet you fight me like slimy things that crawl along the forest floor, and you killed my children as a joke; perhaps that's why I don't like you anymore. We are approaching that glorious moment, that moment of truth, when America's smug anti-telepathic meanness becomes jittery friendliness, when you Americans tell me you destroyed my life in order to save it, that moment we space sailors call "Cherry Pop", that moment when America knows I am not alone. How America has managed not to learn that I am not alone is difficult to fathom, after the thousands of dead Americans and the hundreds of miracles from God to me. I think it must be because the Americans have a kind of gluttony for pain-infliction, the glutton not realizing he is dying from his luxury of endless torture-food. So it is, the Americans have become evil-obese with the luxury of endless mass sin, endless mass torture of a single human being. I am looking through my memories for an example of just how un-alone I am, and just how isolated you psycho-fascist Americans are. My favorite story is called, The Great American Disaster, the event so horrible that is scarred the world; and I would tell it to you but it hasn't happened yet, and I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. Hmmm? A good story that would illustrate this point, a story that has already happened? How about the first identifiable American to die in Space War? This death continues to be considered accidental, but it was the intentional killing of a US Congressman in direct response to America's torture-enslavement of me. It was an event I knew about some two weeks in advance, but I was living in tortured poverty on the streets of San Francisco, and there was no way nor inclination to warn. That Congressman's name was Jerry Pettis, he died in the early morning hours of February 14, 1975, while piloting his own plane from Palm Springs, California, to Riverside, to be with his wife on that romantic day. The interesting thing is how I came to know that Congressman Pettis would be killed, and make no mistake he was killed, his death was not an accident, and make no mistake, he died for America's torture-enslavement of me. It came about this way. I had been America's torture-slave for only a few years, and I still expected the torture to come to a natural end; I still expected the horrible and illegal punishment of me for some unstated crime and with no trial held to at some point be ended because of the sheer indecency of it. That is, I expected the American people to come to their moral senses. I had already documented the kidnapping of Patty Hearst (1974) with the Salinas, California, police and suffered extreme abuse for the attempt, including a stick stuck up my ass and twisted; so living hand to mouth, being abused every five minutes by the psycho-fascist citizens of San Francisco, I wasn't in much of a mood to help; so I just watched the death of Congressman Pettis as it unfolded. What was I to do? Call the police? Remember, I had done that in my attempt to prevent the Hearst kidnapping and I got a stick up the ass for my trouble. I had begun to think the police were not my friend. It was in fact seeking to see if I had any American friends at all which took me to the East Coast a few months before the Hearts kidnapping, where I visited my Jewish friends in New York City, who raped my mind with glee and evil genius, and my Christian friends in Florida who pretended not to know I had become audibly telepathic, thus bearing false witness against me; and as the time for the Hearst kidnapping grew near I decided I wanted to be back in California for the event. Riding the Grey Dog from Florida to California, harassed by fellow passengers all the way, I decided to rest in the town of Indio, just inside the California-Arizona border and not far from the resort city of Palm Springs (remember, Pettis died flying out of Palm Springs). One day I decided to stretch my legs and walk toward Palm Springs, past the date orchards and into the desert dunes. Along the way I was thinking about things, thinking what a pickle I was in and thinking what an opportunity I had, and amidst the dunes I wrote with a stick in the sand, "I Love God". Flash forward, past the kidnapping and all the drama that went with it, and one day I get a message, a telepathic message, and the message was, "P.S. I Love You". So, I hadn't been born the day before, and I had been talking to God for a very long time, and I knew from experience that "P.S." meant Palm Springs, and "I love you" meant I love you. So the message was repeated day after day and I realize we were approaching February 14, Valentine's Day, the day of I-love-you; so I wasn't surprised at all when Congressman Pettis died flying out of Palm Springs to tell his wife he loved her. Does that demonstrate that I am not alone? Frankly, Harlot, I don't give a damn if it does or not. By the way, there is a hard P.S. to the P.S. I love you story, if Congressman Pettis' smashing hard into the hard Earth was not hard enough. If Congressman Pettis knew of America's torture-enslavement of me, no matter how just or deserving he might have thought it is, Congressman Pettis lost his soul when he lost his life on February 14, 1975. Generally speaking, those Telepath torturers who die in Space War, or even die of natural causes, lose their souls. When you play for keepies you play for keepies.
A Hill of Beans; A Mountain of Bodies
Today there was a "non-binding" vote on the Hill that amounted to a Republican American Fascist emotional/political blackmail of the Democratic American Mice; but what was missed in the debate that led up to the vote is what has been missed since before George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq; that is that the first purpose of the invasion of Iraq was to capture America. Once the first American soldier died, once George W. Bush was soaked in American-soldier blood, all the members of the House and all the members of the Senate had to go along with that foolish, fascist man in honor of that blood. This was a cold-hearted, deliberate calculation. That said, let's turn to the really big story that is taking place even as you read these words, that being the sinking of Titanic America. I mean here America's defeat in Space War, the war the media does not cover because if it did it would have to mention my name because Space War is centered on America's torture-enslavement of me. To review, I am saying Titanic America suffered a fatal breach of its hull early this year, and this month, June, the American people are expected to feel the water up to their ankles; that is, events of this month are expected to reveal to the American people the pickle they are in, just as at one point all the passengers and crew of the sinking Titanic became aware of the pickle they were in. Until the moment of awareness, unawareness rules. I do not see many American faces showing pickle-awareness, but we have about two weeks to go, and there have been three indicators of movement in that direction. The first indicator was my splendid advance documentation of America's killing the famous Jihad soldier, a killing which seems to have put even more bubbles into the head of George W. Bush. The second indicator was a remarkable decrease in America's sleep-deprivation torture of me following my advance documentation of that death, following my advance documentation of a top secret US military operation which I somehow knew about in my torture chamber in California nearly half a world away. The importance of this indictor can be seen in the intensity and duration of the sleep deprivation torture, which began just a little less than five years ago, right after God told me George W. Bush would destroy the world, and thee times put me on the brink of death. That it should suddenly stop just after my stunning accomplishment indicates the impact of that accomplishment. (I have been advised by government pigs that if I write about this cessation of this form of torture they will re-establish this torture, but we Space Sailors have a quaint expression about government pigs, "God Damn Their Piggish Souls." The third indicator was the mid-sized quake just south of San Francisco, which may portend some greater quake-type disaster, since whatever God has in mind for the American people during the next two weeks must either melt their hearts of stone or touch their intellects of mud or terrify their cowardly asses.