Jews' Jaws Three
Shark America Five ?
We have two new codes today, "Doom Generation" and "Black Christmas".
Killing time while Time is killing you; killing time while the children to be opening gifts on Christmas morning represent the Doom Generation, children who within their expected life span will see the death of this Earth.
The Doom Generation, now less than 60 years away from total planetary death.
Black Christmas, the first Christmas after virtually everyone of this Earth has come to know this Earth has passed the point of no return; by which time the infamy of George W. Bush will be far, far greater than the infamy of Adolph Hitler; Hitler murdered millions, George W. Bush murdered all.
The expected year of Black Christmas is 2020. The expected death of this Earth is before 2065.
Working Codes:
We have two new codes today, "Doom Generation" and "Black Christmas".
(If you have read this section previously, it has expanded only slightly and there is no need to be read again. It is for recorded-keeping, for summing up after this demonstration of God's Space War against the United States of American has run its course.
(It looks messy, but it is as messy as a spider's web.)
Kakimashita (It Is Written)--was initially bounced off the writings of conservative Ann Coulter, and has become the poker table of God at which Republican American Fascism will lose its stuffed shirt.
This code expanded with the pre-election news Ms. Coulter may be charged for illegal voting, indicating election illegalities might play large in the collapse of Republican American Fascism.
This code was expanded again with Ms. Coulter's post-election article, "Historic Victory for Diebold", an article concerning the Diebold voting computers, widely suspected of being an avenue for election fraud. Our bounce-off changed the word from German to English and separated Die and bold, making the simple sentence, "Die bold", and further expanded it to, "A bolt of death out of the blue".
This code was expanded by Ms. Coulter's very intelligent piece of 11/22 on the removal the of six Muslims from a commercial flight, pointing out that it makes sense that people became nervous about them. Sometimes she hits the nail on the head, sometimes she bends the nail; as all writers do.
As for me, I am tortured too much by the American people to fly commercial. There is nothing Americans like more to find me helpless and entrapped in a situation I cannot escape, such as in a two-hour line waiting to buy a ticket, or as a passenger on a plane on a flight to somewhere where they can torture me silly and if I respond I will be arrested for air craziness; but were that not the case I would not fly on a plane with six "religious" Muslims acting funny, and I would certainly not want anyone I love and care for flying on such a plane.
That is why I consider Ms. Coulter's 11/22 piece, entitled, "What Can I Do to Make Your Fight More Comfortable?" to be exceptionally good. It is a truth outside right-left politics, and therein lies the salvation of America.
Teal--has gone to Kamo-Negi, Japanese for a duck carrying its own onion, the duck is George W. Bush, wearing proudly around his neck the onion of his damnation, child murder; a murdering, power-hungry fool about to be roasted by God.
This code was expanded to "Duckworth", after Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois who lost both legs as a helicopter pilot in Iraq; my interpretation being George W. Bush does not have a leg to stand on. Ms. Duckworth lost the election.
This code may expand to the friendly fire death of famed athlete Pat Tillman, but this is not yet clear.
This code also seems to have expanded to the suicide of Melinda Duckett, for which CNN law commenter Nancy Grace is being sued on the accusation she interviewed Duckett too aggressively about her missing child, thus triggering the suicide. Personally, I think this lawsuit is nonsense.
This Teal code also seems to be connected to the Birth of the Blues/St. Louis Blues code.
The Birth of the Blues code appeared just before the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son just after she had given birth to her daughter, mixing birth and sadness.
Spiker--represents God coming to my aid on the battlefield of slavery which is my life in the United States of America. This will eventually be a most powerful code. On election day it expanded to: "It is better to be a sodomite preacher in Colorado than a snake-oil preacher on television, marketing God's word for gold, turning Jesus' flock into a cash cow."
Flash Point--as when gasses and dust build up in a coal mine and a spark triggers an explosion, representing instantaneous, horrible awareness of hopelessness. I expect Flash Point to be reached at almost the same time all over the United States of America. "Oh, oh, duh, perhaps we should not have tortured Virgil."
PSPD (Public Salvation, Public Damnation)--first concerning the states of the souls of the Four Firemen of the Apocalypse, the first four firemen who were killed in the Palm Springs area fire. With the fifth death the code was expanded to "Go", Japanese for Five, with the English verb, "Go", blended in. "Go to Hell", is the suggestion.
The PSPD code further expanded to Oyler (read it Oiler) when a man of that name was arrested for deliberately starting the fire.
My suggestion is this was writing by God on the wall of the news pointing to the killing of this Earth by drilling and burning oil, and to the fire to which all Telepath torturers go.
The public damnation code is very strong. It includes the public damnation of Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. Confirmed public damnation requires extra-worldly, miraculous, demonstrations, as was the case with Reagan, and George and Laura Bush.
This PSPD code may expand to the new code, "Dream Job" because both codes go back to military snipers, but that is not yet known.
Dream Job--A code representing God's supreme hostility toward the United States of America, the implication being a dream job would be that of a Muslim resistance sniper hunting American military personnel in Baghdad.
The moral to this code is, if you do not want to be hated by God do not do hateful things.
Sixty--This code was established with the death of the media weasel Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes. The assumption is this code will climax when we reach "The $60 Billion Defeat", if the United States has not surrendered before then.
Later update, this code does not seem to have worked, yet there seems to have been a news media bending away from its fascism toward me in the direction of truth. This is like a pancake flipped into the air, and where it will land we do not know.
Birth of the Blues/ St. Louis Blues--Seems to have something to do with America's unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment of me without charge or trial. Seems to connect to the "Teal" code.
Star--This code is linked with the "Sixty" code, and is aimed at the movie industry. If Sixty works there will be a God's Space War attack on American journalism Friday. If that happens a God's Space War attack on the movie industry can be expected on Saturday.
Catching up on Sunday, November 19, we have not seen that hit take place.
Osama Atama Kubi Dama--A code describing a high impact event. The code can with difficulty be read prior to the event, even to the point of preventing the event, and can be easily explained after the event.
This code worked on Tuesday, November 21, with the assassination of Pierre Gamayel. Leading indicators say Israel was behind it.
Deciphered, the code reads "Important person shot in the head". Gamayel was shot in the head.
Gone Fission--The description of this magnificent attack by God on the United States of American is encoded in the two shark stories published Friday, November 17.
Tyre/Tire--This code was established on 11/21 in direct association with the assassination of Lebanon Cabinet Minister Pierre Gemayel, documented in advance with the Osama Atama Kubi Dama code.
Bakatori No Zankoku Monogatari--deep code for the Shark America countdown. The countdown has not yet been established.
Agony of the Sprit--The feeling to be contained in the Shark America countdown.
Balloon Payment--This also connects to the Shark America countdown, which is yet to begin. The target of this countdown will almost certainly be the US Navy.
Tel Aviv Sion--points to Jews' Jaws countdown.
God Loves To Kill People Who Torture Virgil--Points to God's attack on the United States of America.
Snake Warning--A most serious advisory to the Republican American Fascists that they rapidly end America's torture-enslavement of me.
This advisory seems to have a time link with the resignation of Revoltin' John Bolton from his sneakily appointed position as Ambassador to the United nations, connecting to the "Bolt of Death Out of the Blue" aspect of the "Kakimashita (It Is Written)" code, which points to the sudden collapse of Republican American Fascism; and also to the "Teal" code, which has George W. Bush as a duck carrying his own union as he waddles into Hell to be roasted.
For Jews to Say the Word Jesus is as for Whites to Say the Word Nigger--This points to the Jews' Jaws punishment. The reference is to contemptuous or cursing use of the word Jesus.
Dezth-- a word coined to mean the state of the human soul after death in weightless Space, the "z' represents the constant, eternal zzzzzzzz or static feeling of souls lost in weightless Space.
War, huh, yeah/ What is it good for/ Absolutely nothing--a code describing the cause of death of the Discovery crew. This code was expanded with the small meteoroid hit on Discovery's left wing. (The connection being "stone" in meteoroid and Spring"steen") One or two more media hits were expected (The second hit was the massive sun flare, the connection being Edwin Starr, who wrote the words), resulting in death in weightless space (The third hit...awaiting as of 8 am, PST,Dec. 16).
Singapore--refers to America's attempt to railroad me into imprisonment in Singapore, and Singapore's kindness to me in defiance of America.
Accident/Mistake and Killing the Maggots--which seem to indicate a God's Space War attack on the American military in what will appear to be an accident or as a mistake. Came in on Dec. 15, 2006)
Black Ugly--God's Space War codename for Condoleezza Rice, because she has turned her back on Jesus in her worship of power.
Doom Generation--People born in 2000 or later; the generation that will see the death of this Earth before 2065.
Black Christmas--the first Christmas after everyone of this Earth has come to know this Earth has passed the point of no return, by which time the infamy of George W. Bush will be far, far greater than the infamy of Adolph Hitler; Hitler murdered millions, George W. Bush murdered all.
The expected year of Black Christmas is 2020.