Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The $163 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Ten

Shark America Zero

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 148

As expected, we have entered into a most remarkable God's Space War attack pattern. The full pattern cannot yet be seen, but this is what we have so far:

One, the China stock market drop. It took place in China on Shark America Zero day, but in the USA on Shark America One day. This is due to the International Date Line.

Two, the hail damage to the space shuttle Atlantis took place on Shark America One, postponing liftoff for at a least a month; and in the short term at least, saving the lives of the crew.

(I have said repeatedly the space shuttle Atlantis is doomed if it flies. You can see some of my work on God's Space War attack on Atlantis in my February 18 and 19 reports.)

Three, and from my point of view the most charming story on Shark America One, took place in San Francisco when part of a cliff gave way, putting large residential buildings in danger of falling.

This, I suggest, is a whisper of things to come to San Francisco, America's leader in anti-Telepath psycho-fascistic torture.

So, except for the China-International Date Line stretch, all these events took place on Shark America One, and we are looking for Shark America Zero events.

At deadline time we do not see those events in the news. This doesn't mean they haven't happened or are not yet to happen.

What we are looking for is an event that fills out the "Count of Monte Crisco" code which leads to my escape from America's torture chamber.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The $162 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 159

You should see today's report of the Afghanistan car bombing within hearing distance of Dick Cheney, and the somewhat ridiculous claim by the Taliban that it was an assassination attempt, in the context of my report on Sunday, which said Cheney's plane being forced to land at Singapore was a warning from God.

The exact quote was:

"Dick Cheney's plane trouble as he returned from Australia was arranged by God as a shot across America's bow; and was documented in advance in this work on January 25."

Tomorrow is a Zero day of our Shark America count.

It should be noted that I have rarely mentioned Cheney in this work. I can remember having done so only twice, one in criticism of the news media's silliness over his hunting accident, and the other in support of his daughter's pregnancy. (I support all fetuses in all wombs and all the women who carry them.)

So for me to have begun establishing a code pattern related to Cheney on January 25 is very unusual; and that code pattern, by the way, is still active.

The explosion in Afghanistan, like the electrical problem aboard Air Force Two, should be considered a shot across America's bow.

Understand, Dear Reader, I am documenting in advance a most serious attack on the United States of America, just as I documented 9/11 for three months before it took place.

Oh, yes, did I mention? Tomorrow is a Zero day of our Shark America count.

Monday, February 26, 2007

The $161 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 159

All the God's Space War codes are pointing toward a good, solid hit in two days.

Meanwhile, back at the story of the fascist coup that took place in the United States of America in 2000; there seems to have been a most interesting development among a few journalists, the ending of their "duh" period and the beginning of their "holy crap!" period.

This was revealed in the most remarkable interview on CNN Sunday, between Rolf Blitzer and that most accomplished reporter for the New Yorker magazine, Seymour Hirsch.

Not only did Hirsch, one of the most respected print journalists in America, report on what I have been reporting on here for months, Republican American Fascism's pending invasion of Iran; but far more important, Hirsh's countenance was fearful; that is, Hirsch was in a barely concealed state of shock and fear.

This fear expressed by Hirsch was, I suggest, because Hirsch has come to learn what I have been saying since 2000, that a Republican American Fascist coup has taken place.

Something seems to have happened to Hirsch that caused him to understand for the first time the United States of America is not just passing through a bad dream of a bad presidency, but has entered into the nightmare of a fascist dictatorship; a fascist dictatorship which has no intention of going away whatever the vote might be a year from next November; if in fact there is a vote a year from next November.

Dear Reader, Hirsch was afraid, very afraid. He was shaking in his boots. I can't be the only one who saw this, but likely I will be the only one to report it.

What was apparent in the live interview was Hirsch has for the first time come to understand that the "neo-cons" are neo-fascists in cons' clothing.

(On Monday Blitzer presented an edited version of Sunday's interview, a version from which Hirsch's fearfulness was excised. In Monday's presentation Blitzer was vague about the interview's actual date and scope, which in journalism is a form of lying.)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The $160 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 137

Dick Cheney's plane trouble as he returned from Australia was arranged by God as a shot across Amrica's bow; and was documented in advance in this work on January 25.

Today is Shark America Three; Monday is Two; Tuesday is One, Wednesday is Zero.

Today's code is "The Count of Monte Crisco", after the novel by Alexandre Dumas.

The location Cheney's plane, Air Force Two, was forced down is important. That was Singapore, where the American State Department railroaded me into prison.

The Dumas, Arkansas, tornado disaster was also a part of this God's Space War attack on the United States of America.

We can expect God to follow the plot of The Count of Monte Crisco, a tale of false imprisonment (which is my status in America), escape from prison, and revenge.

We can expect God to free me from America's torture chamber; and America to experience the Vengeance of the Lord.

I suggest the United States of America end its torture-enslavement of me before Wednesday.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The $159 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 136

We are touching on three very important stories today. The first is the American media's assassination of Britney Spears; the second is a countdown to disaster code just in, and the third concerns the God's Space War nuclear bomb currently inserted up America's ass. All three stories are inter-connected.

It is very interesting watching the paparazzi-nazis as they murder Britney Spears; but it is more interesting watching the American news media as it allows it and giggles about it.

One would think the paparazzi-nazi involvement in the death of Princess Diana might have sobered the media to the nature of that photo-scum.

I think victims of the paparazzi-nazis should be able to ask for and be granted restraining orders against them. The paparazzi-nazis have telephoto lenses, let them shoot from 300 yards away, but don't allow them to harass their victims to distraction; and don't mock their victims as they reel from the harassment.

(Why is it, I wonder, America so favors mob action? The paparazzi-nazis are the tree from which show business stars are hung.)

Freedom of the press is not freedom of the media to form ruthless mobs, nor for TV to snicker at the torment the mobs inflict.

I think the paparazzi-nazis should be sent to Iraq where they can point their cowardly cameras at people who can shoot back; or, understanding that justice is not likely to happen, the people they mob and hound should have a way of fighting back.

What the paparazzi-nazis do is assault for profit; they are legalized stalkers; they are the lice upon the mice you know as journalists,

There is a silliness to America, and the news media leads and forms that silliness. Astronaut in diapers, blonde babe's body rotting, singer shaves head and attacks paparazzi-nazi's car with umbrella; those are the big stories to the little media minds.

You hear the TV boys and girls remarking about the great public interest in the Anna Nicole Smith story, but the public is not interested in it, it is the media profiteers who slaver over it like drooling hounds and cram it down the public's throat.

This they do while America is sinking deeper and deeper and deeper into the quicksand of defeat and shame into which George W. Bush pushed it; and while the planet itself, the planet itself, the planet itself, is dying, is dying, is dying, the media titters like drunken schoolgirls showing each other their panties.

The American news media, Dear Reader, is murdering you, tittering you to death, stupefying you into babble-rabble. Comics and gossip are on the front page, and real news fills the cracks among the classified ads.

Now let's look at the new code that has come in. It seems to be an important counting code. The code is "Strawberry", but it seems to be best read in Japanese, "Ichigo". It is in Japanese that the code becomes a counting codes, "ichi" being "one" and "go" being "five". We read this one-five, not fifteen.

The code also has a function in its English form, Strawberry, but that involves America's death spot, not Britney's bald spot, so there is no news in it fit for TV.

When we look at the Jews' Jaws and Shark America counts we open with daily, we see they passed through their meeting point, Five, yesterday; Jews' Jaws today being at Six and Shark America being at Four.

I seems to me the Strawberry-Ichigo code takes us to just about Shark America Zero, and it is there we can expect to see God's Space War nuclear bomb--now nicely inserted up America's most deserving ass--explode.

Let's describe that bomb a bit, and suggest how to deactivate it.

Yesterday I told you about the American lady doctor who shoved a tongue depressor up my ass and twisted it; the nuke up America's dark and smelly place is in that tradition and follows the precedent.

On February 15 I told you a boyhood story about how once I got hung up on a spring pole when casting off the bow line of the fishing boat I was working on; that amusing story, too, applies here; but it will hurt, not amuse, it will kill, not embarrass.

It is those two stories we combine here in the Strawberry-Ichigo code.

There was no escape from my stick-up-the-ass situation at the Monterey California County Hospital, other than passing through nearly a week of torment and threats of murder without blowing my top; and America is in that same situation in this code pattern.

America can expect a few threatening things to happen, threats which if it responds to will result in overwhelming retaliation.

(Just as if I had responded in any way when the American-doctor-bitch shoved the stick up my ass, I would have been punished all the more ruthlessly.)

America is also on that spring pole on which I clung, but in a different way, not clinging to it but impaled on it; but there is one way out of America's situation as there was one way out of mine, that is by asking the skipper to bring the bow over.

In this situation, America should see me as the skipper.

So, Dear Reader, if you like fireworks, if you favor The Vengeance of the Lord, look to Shark America Zero for the God's Space War nuclear bomb now inserted up America's ass to be twisted, and to explode.

Friday, February 23, 2007

The $158 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 139

The first event I could easily have prevented through the use of the gift God gave me, my audible mental telepathy, was the kidnapping of Patty Hearst on February 4, 1974.

I heard about the kidnapping about three months before it took place; while I was being harassed silly by the psycho-fascist citizens of San Francisco.

My plan to prevent the kidnapping was simple enough. I would establish contact with police detective and send him information as I gathered it. The initial piece of information I had to give was that the daughter of a wealthy family would be kidnapped.

This still seems to me to have been a good approach, but I had just recently become audibly telepathic and the Americans were giddy with the "right" to torture me, and I hadn't realized yet there was no way I could talk to any American in a context of reason and truth.

The San Francisco Police Department seemed a poor choice because the homosexual psycho-fascists of Frisco had two or three times threatened to murder me.

Going back to my home in Orange Country south of Los Angeles also made little sense because my traitorous wife was chomping on bit to get me committed for saying I was audibly mentally telepathic.

Yes, she of course could hear my telepathy as well as everyone, but she of course went along with the psycho-fascist lie, like everyone; so my saying within earshot of her that I wanted to try to prevent a kidnapping through the use of my telepathy would have put me in a rubber room without doubt.

So, deciding it was time to get out of stabbing range of the psycho-fascist homosexuals of Frisco, I hopped a Greyhound bus and headed for Los Angeles, thinking and thinking, what to do what to do, as the miles rolled by.

Guys like me don't let people die if there is something we can do about it; and at that early stage of my work on what turned out to be the Hearst kidnapping, I thought the odds were good the victim would be murdered.

So, about eight p.m. the bus stopped at Salinas, California, home of one of my writing teachers, John Steinbeck; and I thought, well, this is far enough away from psycho-fascist Frisco and far enough away from my psycho-fascist wife, this might be a good place to talk to the police.

I got off the bus and walked to the police station and spoke to the officer at the desk, telling him I wanted to speak to a detective about a crime I had heard was in the planning stage. In response I was told I could not speak to a detective and I had better get out of the building.

Figuring the next step was handcuffs, I left, and walked for an hour or so; but as I walked I was nagged about what I knew, one of my underlying principles being Knowledge is Responsibility, so I decided I had to do something. I called the police (this was before I had learned what pigs the police can be) and made the same request, to talk to a detective.

A cop car came by and took me to the psychiatric ward of the Monterey County Hospital.

The psycho-fascist torture began at the admissions desk, and reached incredible proportions, too much to go into today but designed to terrorize me; thus continuing the threats of murder begun by the psycho-fascist homosexuals of Frisco.

There is one event I must tell you about, though, because it is so representative of the treatment of me by the United States of America.

I was taken into an examination room where a heavy set older woman doctor told me to take off my clothes.

I complied.

Then she told me to lie down on the examination table and assume the fetal position.

I complied.

Then she took a wooden tongue depressor and shoved it up my ass and twisted it.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The $157 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 139

Yesterday I introduced the concept to you that the United States of America always telegraphs its punches, and that this is a great advantage the other boxer in the ring.

At this time every nation in the world knows what the USA is up to with Iran. Only the Americans don't know because they love the bliss of ignorance.

The world can see the USA as it clenches its cowardly fist low and hidden beside its trouser seam, and the burning intent in America's eyes to bring that fist up and hit Iran far, far below the belt.

God sees this, too, and God will sever that fist.

What the world, unaware of God's intention, will do about America's deceitful fist is a secret not for me to betray; I am America's torture-slave and as such it is my duty to spit into America's soup; but the world will not stand for the ugly fascism of today's USA, that much I can reveal.

(There was a CNN TV news report today pointing to the possibility Israel will attack Iran, but the United States of America might as well be a colony of Israel, and what one does both do. God will see this, and God will sever Israel's fist, too.)

Coincidentally, as America's Iranian debacle takes form, the United States of America is also telegraphing a plan to hit me, Dear Reader, where it always hits me, far far far below all human decency.

The telegraphing of Israel-America's low blow on Iran has been seen in the media for months. America's dogs of war, Israel's American lapdogs of war, are straining at the leash, and the Republican American Fascists are saying, "Sic 'em! Sic 'em! Sic 'em!"

The telegraphing of America's blow below my belt could be seen yesterday morning, after a night of some heavy torture through the wall.

As I went to the motel office for my morning coffee at approximately the same time I always do, there were two psycho-fascist Americans working in tandem, one standing near his vehicle, observing me, and one standing at the open door of a room, observing me.

It is always interesting to me to see damned souls walking, and seeing those two damned Americans was a special morning treat. Psycho-fascist fools that they are, however, they cannot conceive of God being part of the equation they include themselves in. We Space Sailors call their psycho-fascism "Suicide of the Soul".

The vehicle the one was standing near was a white van with federal government license tags; and that "man", standing out like a clown with a red nose in a row of nuns, was obviously making a point of being seen by me, and a neon light might as well have been flashing "Government pig tags! Government pig tags! Look, Virgil, look! See government pig tags!"

I think the two damned Americans were expecting me to write down the clown's federal licence number; but unlike them, I wasn't born yesterday.

I think there must be an IQ ceiling for cops and government pigs; they are so stupid when they think they are being so clever. Of course, they have a bent for smug cruelty, and in that area they are above average.

This observing of me was in response to my recent postings of the license numbers of citizen volunteers who torture me throughout the night. These postings seem to be effective when citizen volunteers are concerned because it removes from them the anonymity such cowards cherish, and opens them to the possibility to responses, such as my charging them with felony torture when I am free.

Since the driving rationalization of their torture of me is my audible mental telepathy being unwelcome; and the driving psycho-fascism of that torture being I can no more stop being telepathic than a wounded soldier can grow back his legs; and the driving pleasure of their torture of me is my telepathized pain; and since I can hear their squeaky, mousy little minds if I want to lower myself into those garbage bins; I have learned a lot about them--generally how cowardly, fearful and stupid psycho-fascist Americans are.

The average horse has more courage and nobility, by far, than the average American citizen.

I am sorry, Dear Reader, I have wandered into talking about the wormy apple which is the American soul, and that is not the subject of today's report. Today's report is about America's tendency to telegraph its attacks, and the weakness in that.

As I suggested above, the observing of me by the two clown-pigs constituted a clumsy American Psycho-Fascist attempt at entrapment, the hope being I would write down the number of the federal van while the two observed me; but of course seeing the telegraphing of the punch I did not, nor would I have anyway, rather I went for my coffee and enjoyed the self-damnation of two more psycho-fascist American "men".

Now I am not asking your help in this, Dear Reader, as I know many of you are anxious to offer; but I am here to tell you I will enjoy seeing those two cowardly sons of American bitches cut off from God forever

You may better understand why they will be cut off you have an idea of what America has planned for me, the punch it is telegraphing, what America will do to me if it succeeds in railroading me into a nut house for "imagining" I am being tortured through the wall of my motel-cell.

Let me describe to you what the God-damned United States of America is planning to do to me, and do to me in your name.

It plans to arrest me, not for a crime but for insanity, to punish me for saying what millions of Americans know, that I am the only audible mental telepath in human history, for saying America has been torturing me for some 35 years; and ultimately for code-naming Condoleezza Rice "Black Ugly", which under the current and temporary dictatorship of Republican American Fascism can be interpreted as a threat, just a freedom of press can be interpreted as treason.

Once imprisoned in a psychiatric environment America's intent is to torture me with body-wracking, pain-inflicting drugs, and to torture me with the banging on the wall torture and the cowards' cough torture, and to torture me with tortures yet unknown and only psycho-fascist American minds can cook up; and to do this until my 67-year-old heart abandons the fight and I die in pain. Then they intend to dissect my brain, unable to comprehend that my telepathy is a gift from God and not the result of a tumor.

All this they would do to me in defense of a lie. All this in defense of a lie the whole world knows is a lie. This, Dear Reader, is the nature of the United States of America, which America has most willingly demonstrated to me, and to My Old Pal God.

For such crimes as America has committed against me, and for those crimes America would commit against me ad infinitum it I were to live in this body ad infinitum, God will pummel America into a quagmire of blood and mud. This is not a threat, this is not a prediction, this is a promise.

The point I am addressing for you today is an evil America habitually exhibits. America is evil to me; America is evil to Iraq; America is evil to Iran; America is evil to Korea; America is evil to the world; and America is evil to God; and America always telegraphs that evil before it inflicts it.

See those common denominators of evil in America and you will understand the abysmal future America and the American people now approach.

Today's cowardly, psycho-fascist citizen-volunteer torturer's license number is California 5XTD441.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The $156 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 152

As we approach America's attack on Iran we have two stories and one non-story today that tell us the attack is close.

We also have the story no one tells but I.C. News, that being God's intended intervention in defense of Iran against the United States of America and Israel.

The two news stories are, first, a bold-faced lie by the Secretary of State in a CNN interview, second, the arrival of the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis off Iran; and the non-story is the TV news media's increasingly hearing, seeing, and speaking of no opposition or logic against the planned Republican American Fascist attack on Iran.

When events such as America's long-planned attack on Iran reach this current level of momentum the media is like a water-skier being towed by a boat, and either it lets go of the tow-line or it goes where the boat goes. Later, if the boat runs around as it did in Iraq, the media criticizes the boat; if it does not run aground the media loves the ride.

Reviewing the first story, Black Ugly said on CNN that the United States has " desire for confrontation with Iran. None".

This is a lie, yet another lie her pattern of lying in her servitude to Republican American Fascism. George W. Bush initiated confrontation with Iran with his ridiculous "Axis of Evil" doctrine, and that confrontation has been unrelenting ever since.

This open denial of plans already in operation is common in modern American history; and in Vietnam days it became easy to anticipate the next American move by the government's saying the move would not take place.

That is, America telegraphs its punches by saying no punch is coming. If you are in a boxing match with America this gives you a great advantage.

Reviewing the second story, the arrival of the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis off Iran. Regular readers may recall I.C News said the Stennis' arrival on station would be an important timing factor in America's attack on Iran. We first said this when the Stennis left its home port of Bremerton , Washington, several weeks ago.

Now to I.C. News' favorite story, the story on which I.C. News has scooped the world, the story of God's intervention against the murder of this Earth by the human being; and in immediate terms God's intervention against Republican American Fascism and American Psycho-Fascism.

As frequently reported here, I.C. News is expecting a preemptive God's Space War attack on the U.S. Navy before the USA attacks Iran.

The closer the USA gets to attacking Iran, therefore, the more interesting this story becomes to I.C. News.

This means we are likely to see the handwriting of God on the wall of the news in the form of the major US Navy disaster we have been expecting, a disaster that in no way can be attributed to Iranian action or the action of any other nation.

(I have been asked by my Old Pal God to note in advance that all the Navy dead in this disaster will be damned, and that aspect of the disaster will be written on the wall of the news as well.)

Face it, Dear Reader, the United States of America is at war with God.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The $155 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 157

I have something very interesting to point out to you today, Dear Reader. CNN carried a story about it about a week ago, but apparently not even CNN saw its importance.

I take time to tell you about this week-old story today because we are at a pause in I.C. New's current exclusive, that being God's Space War attack on the space shuttle Atlantis (that poor ill-fated bird scheduled to lift of on March 15).

We have this luxury of time to explore this CNN story because we are awaiting the second God's Space War code on the upcoming flight of Atlantis. The first, two days ago, was strong; but we do not want to lead this story too much.

In the mean time, let's put that book down and see what is going on in the world.

That most interesting CNN news story of last week barely made the light of day; and that it died at birth interests me, but I cannot say why it died. Was the story too true or not true enough?

That story put out by CNN but only making the little moving line of stories that stream along the bottom of the screen and never, as far as I know, making the anchor desk, exposed one of the great facts of life of our time.

This was the lead paragraph of that story, posted a week ago on CNN and then heard of no more:

"ROME (CNN) -- Italian authorities announced Tuesday they have uncovered an arms smuggling ring in which more than 600,000 weapons and millions of rounds of ammunition from Russia and China were apparently going to be funneled to Iraqi insurgents."

There was much more to the story, which you can find in two minutes of Internet searching if you want, but it is improper for one news service such as I.C. News to carry another new service's report in full. Later in the CNN report there was talk of 100,000 AK47s in the pipeline for the resistance forces in Iraq.

When seen in the context of all the war-mongering hoopla about Iran importing weapons into Iraq, this story is massive by comparison. Consider, 100,000 AK47s from Russia and China to Iraq.

No war-mongering hoopla here, however; and I suggest this is because China and Russia are too big to bully.

Personally, I do not believe the numbers; they are too high; but the unspoken aspect of the story should be on the front pages of all American newspaper and should be the subject of national TV news babble, but is not.

The news in that story that is apparently being ignored by the US media and government is that both Russia and China are apparently committed to supplying weapons on a massive scale to the resistance forces in Iraq.

Either this story is totally wrong, or the point I have been stressing since the Republican American Fascist coup in 2000 is confirmed here.

That point is that the world sees Republican American Fascist America as an aggressive, lawless, menacing nation; and it sees George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq as America's variation on Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland, the first step in wanton military aggression aimed at world conquest.

You may not see it that way, but that is not the point; and that idiot squatter-usurper in the White House might not see it that way, but that is irrelevant; but America since 2000 has come to be seen as a neo-Nazi nation by the world, and all the lessons learned by the world from the Nazi Germany experience are coming into play.

These lessons were learned, Dear Reader, and learned well. Those lessons, learned at the cost of over 40 million lives, come down to this: when the madness of fascism overtakes a nation it must not be appeased.

Not for a second, not for a second, not for a second have I recognized any legitimacy in the Republic American Fascist coup that took place in 2000; nor has the world, except perhaps for lapdog Britain and puppet master Israel.

Monday, February 19, 2007

The $154 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 156

Considering the evidence presented in yesterday's report in the context of my over 40 years of God's Space War observation, the early indications are the next space shuttle crew won't make it back alive.

Atlantis' liftoff is scheduled for March 15.

So, what to do? Is it better to whisper an advance documentation of those deaths in this work, or to attempt to prevent those deaths in the face of the hostility and brutality of the United States of America? Is it better in the end to have said, "I told you so", or to have kept or attempted to keep those seven bodies and souls together? That is the question.

Considering that I tried for three months in advance to prevent the Challenger disaster, with no response but increased abuse, my tendency is to let the seven Atlantis astronauts die, and then rub it in America's face after the fact.

However, there is no challenge to this and there is no courage in this; so let's take the high road and slap psycho-fascist America silly with enough facts and evidence so save the lives of the seven crew-members of the Atlantis.

But let's do it slowly, befitting America's brain, and cruelly, befitting America's heart, and establish the proof in brief stages, day by day.

Let's make yesterday's report, which showed a genuine example of God's writing on the wall of the news, the first stage.

For the second stage I sent the following email to NASA today:

I.C. News documented and warned of in advance the Challenger disaster. We are currently tracking strong indications the Atlantis is also targeted.


Virgil Kret
I.C. News


Last night's psycho-fascist American torturers drove a BMW licence number 5KYH124.

Two BMWs in a few days; it seems I am being tortured by a richer class of psycho-fascist Americans these days.

I note most of the rooms of this motel are empty, but the psycho-fascists cuddle up next to me, pounding on the wall to awaken me, sleep deprivation being a favorite form of American torture.

In contrast, Saturday night's guests did not torture me at all; and in the morning the very kind man who had occupied the room went out of his way to introduce me to his son, who might have been two years old.

The importance of this was this American man wanted me to know he was not a Telepath torturer, that there is something more too him, something good, something above.

This is unique. We just saw an American with a two year old son make a separate peace with me, disavow himself and his family from America's fascism of Telepath torture.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The $153 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Zero

Shark America Ten

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 154

The first of several expected codes on God's Space War attack on the space shuttle Atlantis came in today.

The code is very strong; a genuine example of God's writing on the wall of the news. Perhaps even people not used to following God's Space War codes can read it.

Here it is: In Cleveland a Shuttle Airlines plane arriving from Atlanta skidded off the runway. Shuttle : Space Shuttle; Atlanta : Atlantis.

Can you dig it? This is a very strong opening code.

If I were the United States of America I would not send that shuttle up while God's One True Telepath is held in torture-enslavement.

Looking at I.C. News counting system, we see today is a Zero day in the Jews' Jaws count; and we note the American Secretary of State was in Israel today.

It is important in terms of good advance documentation, not meant to be bad humor, that Condoleezza Rice is code-named Black Ugly.

Bear in mind, we are talking about the death of this Earth; and since before 9/11 we have been talking about the role George W. Bush is playing in that death; and Black Ugly has been there digging Earth's grave right along side America's Native Fool; and she will be known as Black Ugly to the entire human race as it learns, truly knows, it is sliding toward extinction; thanks so much to the American fascism we live under today.

I note that beneath the most convenient smoke screen of media tabloid orgy following the blonde babe's bad bump, there has emerged what appears to be a change in attitude by the Republican American Fascists who occupy the White House.

It is as if the sun has dawned on that poor landmark for the first time since 2000, but don't let this fool you; these are the same old vultures who kill American soldiers and feed on their corpses; who rob the nation of billions and call it good business; they are the same Republican Americans Fascists learning how to chirp a song the American people want hear.

Nothing has changed; the Republican American Fascist goal remains the destruction of all the victories of the American Labor Movement of the 20th Century, and the establishment of nuclear blackmail of the world.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The $152 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 159

During the Vietnam War there was a joke that went around among American fighting men, a joke concerning civilian casualties. The joke went, "Kill them all and let God sort them out".

We Space Sailors have a similar joke about the millions of psycho-fascist Americans who actively and passively participate in America's torture-enslavement of me. "They will all die sooner or later, then God will sort them out".

I am killing time today while Time is killing you. I am watching for codes, codes perhaps concerning the breaking of America's heart, and almost certainly certainly concerning the flight of the space shuttle Atlantis scheduled for March 15; but I have no active codes crossing my desk today.

A "ringer" has occupied the next room in this motel and has tortured me extensively for the past two days, and has extended for a third day, apparently hoping to draw me into whatever dirty business America has in mind for me; but this is a tedious subject and God will sort this psycho-fascist out and that's enough for me; so let's pass it by quickly.

This ringer business happens every once in a while, because the constant threat behind Telepath torture-enslavement is always greater degrees of torture and greater degrees of enslavement; and there are at times attempts to frame me to that end; and the most easily framed events are psychiatric frames and false arrests.

That is, it is easy to say Virgil is dangerously crazy, or to falsely accuse me of a crime.

For example, once there was a cop in real people's clothing who harassed me to an extreme degree, hoping, it seemed, to trigger an angry response from me so he could arrest me.

I did not take the bait, but instead went into a restaurant for a cup of coffee.

The cowardly cop followed me in and with a smirk on his face opened his jacket to reveal his handgun in its holster.

I looked him in the eye and said, "Fuck You", a French expression most of my genteel American readers are likely not familiar with.

My guess is this current ringer, who drives a BMW and wears very expensive suits and is obviously used to being very rich, is a psycho-fascist shrink.

Such wealth in this low-priced motel three days in a row, in the room next to the only audible mental telepath in human history while almost all the other rooms are vacant, has only one purpose behind it.

We can later know if my guess is accurate because this ringer was registered at this motel for 2/16, 2/17 and, so far, 2/18, and I have his license number

The implied threat of this psycho-fascist rich man in the next room follows my having recorded in this work the licence plate numbers of citizen-volunteer torturers this past week or so. The implied threat is I should not record his licence plate number, 4PRE122, or I will be arrested and psychiatrically tortured for doing so.

The proper French response to this is, "Fuck you".

Perhaps such psycho-fascist shenanigans are reported in the news for the entertainment of the psycho-fascist citizens of the United States of America, I do not know, but God will sort this psycho-fascist rich bastard out.

This rich torturer will burn in the Hell he does not believe exists.

In any case, the pompous rich bastard has committed felony torture, and the "legality" of his doing this is the same "legality" of the Klu Klux Klan torturing blacks. That is, it is "legal" in the social circle in which it exists, but not in the real world of law and morality.

So, that petty crap aside, I thought I might re-tell a story today that if I had told it when I was a combat correspondent in Vietnam I would have been murdered by American troops on the next battlefield I reported from. I would have been murdered by American soldiers, and the news story would have begun, "UPI correspondent Virgil Kret was killed in combat today..."

I re-tell this story because of the obscene worship of the American military that is going on in America today.

I was with the 101st Division and invited to go on an operation with a squad-sized unit called the "Hawks".

It was part of the craziness of Vietnam journalism in those days that we combat correspondents were always looking for new battlefield adventures.

I and another American journalist were interviewing the squad as it was waiting to be lifted off to their assignment; and they started telling us about their assignment.

It has been too long ago to quote these American troopers with authority, but they clearly said these two things:

One, you can go with us, but if you write anything about us we will kill you.

Two, we are going to addle Charlie's brain by killing Charlie's children.

These were American soldiers, Dear Reader. You can kiss their asses if you want; but I am not the ass-kissing kind.

Friday, February 16, 2007

The $151 Biliion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 146

The most interesting thing about the puny debate over Iraq between the two-bit Democrats and the four-flusher Republicans is that there is no way out and no way onward.

George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascist tipped the USA over the Cliff of Disaster with their stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq. There is no going back, there is no exit, there is no safety net; all that can happen is America crashing on the Rocks of Bitter Truth below.

Were I not limited to the rights of a laboratory animal, had I freedom of speech and all the other freedoms Americans hold queer, I would suggest the solution my old Pal God whispered in my ear; but I can't tell it and I can't even think it until and unless I am a free man; that is my agreement with God.

Meanwhile, suffer, you psycho-fascist Americans, you are lost and gone forever, bitter sorrow..

All I can suggest, Dear Reader, is say a prayer for America's hard-dying warriors, pawns of the Republican American Fascists, their false-war-murdered corpses stacked around the White House like battlements, their blood filling the White House moat.

So, Dear Reader, let's turn our backs on America as it burns itself at the stake; too cowardly and too stupid to face the fact that its cowardly, stupid, foolish "president" drove America to murder its own soldiers for his fool's fantasy.

Too stupid to focus on the fight against the terrorists, George W. Bush declared war on the world.

Never in the history of the world has a nation of stupid assholes more deserved a stupid asshole in leadership, unless it was Germany's deserving of Hitler.

Now, Dear Reader, let's talk about Space, and how We Space Sailors sailed light-years to be here, to be here now, at this precise time.

This is the most beautiful story I know, and the story I was born to tell; but unfortunately for America I was also born to kick Satan's ass, the same ass America loves to kiss; but that's the other story we are temporarily leaving behind today.

We Space Sailors first called on this port, this planet, Earth, before the first lungfish had abandoned the ocean for the land, that lungfish was destined to be Moses, God's Daniel Boone.

In the story of our landing on this Earth the opening line is, "The Boys and I were teaching Birds to Fly, and the Girls were Dancing on a Fable". This line is known by every school child on every occupied planet other than this tragic globe.

We Space Sailors are poets; we don't talk, we sing; we don't walk, we dance; that is how life is on other worlds far, far away.

"The Boys and I were teaching Birds to Fly" means the birds had not yet taken form when we first came here; and "the Girls were dancing of a Fable" means woman was yet but a dream in the sleep of God.

Does America really want to be at war with us? We are really too advanced for you psycho-fascist idiots.

I turn your attention now to the upcoming launch of the space shuttle Atlantis, as ill-omened a name as I have ever heard, the lost Atlantis, holy crapola, talk about tweaking the nose of Fate!

If you know the military concept of bracketing rounds, and if your followed my tracking of the previous space shuttle flight, you may appreciate it when I say our rounds bracketed that shuttle very well. There was a meteor hit, a sun flare of world-shaking proportions, and an astronaut gone coo coo over love--so far, and there may be more developments to come.

Come on, come on, America, send us more astronauts; you psycho-fascist, Telepath-torturing sons and daughters of bitches, your flea-hop space flights are zeroed in.

At this point I smile for God's camera; God's sailor-soldier,.smile on his face, defeating Satan, thinking about his wife and kiddies on another world circling another star; enjoying destroying the wickedness and snares of Satan on this Earth.

Too bad so few of you Americans are on my side, the winning side.

The $151 Biliion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 146

The most interesting thing about the puny debate over Iraq between the two-bit Democrats and the four-flusher Republicans is that there is no way out and no way onward.

George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascist tipped the USA over the Cliff of Disaster with their stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq. There is no going back, there is no exit, there is no safety net; all that can happen is America crashing on the Rocks of Bitter Truth below.

Were I not limited to the rights of a laboratory animal, had I freedom of speech and all the other freedoms Americans hold queer, I would suggest the solution my old Pal God whispered in my ear; but I can't tell it and I can't even think it until and unless I am a free man; that is my agreement with God.

Meanwhile, suffer, you psycho-fascist Americans, you are lost and gone forever, bitter sorrow..

All I can suggest, Dear Reader, is say a prayer for America's hard-dying warriors, pawns of the Republican American Fascists, their false-war-murdered corpses stacked around the White House like battlements, their blood filling the White House moat.

So, Dear Reader, let's turn our backs on America as it burns itself at the stake; too cowardly and too stupid to face the fact that its cowardly, stupid, foolish "president" drove America to murder its own soldiers for his fool's fantasy.

Too stupid to focus on the fight against the terrorists, George W. Bush declared war on the world.

Never in the history of the world has a nation of stupid assholes more deserved a stupid asshole in leadership, unless it was Germany's deserving of Hitler.

Now, Dear Reader, let's talk about Space, and how We Space Sailors sailed light-years to be here, to be here now, at this precise time.

This is the most beautiful story I know, and the story I was born to tell; but unfortunately for America I was also born to kick Satan's ass, the same ass America loves to kiss; but that's the other story we are temporarily leaving behind today.

We Space Sailors first called on this port, this planet, Earth, before the first lungfish had abandoned the ocean for the land, that lungfish was destined to be Moses, God's Daniel Boone.

In the story of our landing on this Earth the opening line is, "The Boys and I were teaching Birds to Fly, and the Girls were Dancing on a Fable". This line is known by every school child on every occupied planet other than this tragic globe.

We Space Sailors are poets; we don't talk, we sing; we don't walk, we dance; that is how life is on other worlds far, far away.

"The Boys and I were teaching Birds to Fly" means the birds had not yet taken form when we first came here; and "the Girls were dancing of a Fable" means woman was yet but a dream in the sleep of God.

Does America really want to be at war with us? We are really too advanced for you psycho-fascist idiots.

I turn your attention now to the upcoming launch of the space shuttle Atlantis, as ill-omened a name as I have ever heard, the lost Atlantis, holy crapola, talk about tweaking the nose of Fate!

If you know the military concept of bracketing rounds, and if your followed my tracking of the previous space shuttle flight, you may appreciate it when I say our rounds bracketed that shuttle very well. There was a meteor hit, a sun flare of world-shaking proportions, and an astronaut gone coo coo over love--so far, and there may be more developments to come.

Come on, come on, America, send us more astronauts; you psycho-fascist, Telepath-torturing sons and daughters of bitches, your flea-hop space flights are zeroed in.

At this point I smile for God's camera; God's sailor-soldier,.smile on his face, defeating Satan, thinking about his wife and kiddies on another world circling another star; enjoying destroying the wickedness and snares of Satan on this Earth.

Too bad so few of you Americans are on my side, the winning side.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The $150 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 146

Well, Dear Reader, all day I have been writing one thing and my Old Pal and Mentor God has been asking me to write something else, asking me to tell you a funny incident I experienced when I was working as a bait boy on party fishing boats out of Norfolk, Virginia, in the Chesapeake Bay, during the summer between my sophomore and junior years of high school.

Finally, two hours before deadline, and everything I have written smelling like the fertilizer section of a home and garden store, I have given up and given in and will write what My Dear Friend God as been asking me all day to write.

I have previously written here about my duties as a bait boy when sharks were pulled aboard by the tourist fishermen-guests of the 40-foot party boat where I learned the art of seamanship.

In those reports I established the code-count "Shark America", which runs in piston fashion with the code-count "Jew's Jaws", both going up and down, Zero to Ten and back again, meeting at Five, serving as a somewhat successful timing anticipating God's Space War events against the United States of America and Israel.

For example, the Shark America count led to an American submarine colliding with a Japanese tanker in the area of Iran.

So, here is the story God has asked me to tell you today.

When I worked on the fishing boat I slept aboard every night; and I worked on the fishing boat seven days a week, a most lovely summer job for a 15-year-old boy.

There were a number of rules concerning seamanship and care of the boat my most excellent sipper taught me, and one of those rules was that in the morning when the skipper set foot on the deck I was to immediately awaken at that sound, and with no howdy-do run up to the bow and undo the bow line and coil the line, and hang the coiled line from a nail on the spring pole to which the line's other end was attached.

There the coiled bow line would patiently wait for me to return in the evening to enlist it again its nightly duty of keeping the boat's bow stable

The spring pole was a piling about half the diameter of a telephone pole, and was driven into the bottom of the bay with about ten feet standing out of the water, alone and attached to nothing.

While I was casting off the bow line the skipper was casting off the stern line and starting the engine; and it was important that I did my part well and quickly so the skipper could take the boat some miles to the pier where people would join us for one of our three our four three-hour fishing trips during the day, because the first boats there got the most trips and made the most money.

It was really a nice race every morning, the sun not yet risen but threatening to, six or seven fishing boats in a row heading for the pier; where we bait boys would have hot chocolate and doughnuts for breakfast in the restaurant, and strut our teenage deckhand stuff.

While this may shock my friend, Moonsilver, a woman somewhere around the Blue Ridge Mountains of West Virginia who reads this work frequently, during this morning ritual I was dressed only in my underwear. This was because I had to respond too quickly to the skipper's coming on board to take time to put on my trousers and T-shirt.

Later, of course, I would prefer to sleep in the nude, buy that's another story.

So, I did this casting-off-the-bow-line for a month or more without incident until one day I failed to hang the coiled line on the nail in one smooth motion; and as I fumbled with it, not daring to let the end of the line drop into the water, for which I would have been reprimanded, the boated drifted further and further away from the pole.

You can perhaps in your mind's wicked eye see this picture. I found myself in a situation where I was holding onto the spring pole while the boat was drifting away, and the space between the spring pole and the boat was becoming greater and greater, my feet on the boat and my hands on the spring pole; so to avoid falling into the water I had to attach myself to the spring pole by wrapping my arms and legs around it.

So there I was, in my undershorts, hugging the spring pole; and all the other bait boys from all the other boats laughing at me.

The skipper soon nosed the bow over to me and I got back on board. If I remember correctly he never commented on the event at all, and I never saw him grin the grin I assume he grinned.

The skipper was cool. The skipper taught me to be a good seaman, and would only scold me for really bad screw-ups like leaving lines uncoiled on the deck and letting drunken passengers put their hands in sharks' mouths to dig out hooks, but that, too, is another story.

So, that's the story God asked me to tell you. Go figure. I expect this story to "ripen", but to anticipate God's intention might be like leaving line uncoiled and all over the deck for people to trip on.

I am after all, Dear Reader, one of God's Space Sailors, and seamanship is important to us.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The $149 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 157

St. Valentine's Day is a very painful day for me; one of the little presents the United States of America has given me for being God's One True Telepath.

Among the many rights the American people, government and system deprive me of, some are spelled out in the Constitution and some are implied as self-evident in decent societies.

One of the latter is the right to have love in one's life; and this is a right which Americans find delicious to deprive me of.

Consider, one lover killed in an auto accident she would not have been in if Americans had not harassed us apart; another lover driven away in terror when she saw the way Americans treated us--such as false-coughing in the adjoining rooms and outside our door every time we had sex; and my sperm murdered, a crime laughed about on the NBC affiliate in San Luis Obispo County, California.

That's just some of the scum on the surface of America's sexual crimes against me.

The remarkable thing is this: the American people, government and system think they are getting away with this national sexual perversity.

Let's turn to the code-subject of this Valentine's Day, "Breaking America's Heart"; and let's lob over the net the tennis ball of the Sin of Anti-Love the Americans commit against me; and let's see if God rockets a hard one back and hits America on the heart with it.

Frankly I have seen no evidence of America having a heart since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy some 35 years ago; I have always felt America swapped its heart for a bucket of psycho-fascism in some deal it made with Satan.

So, in the spirit of "Vengeance is the Lord's" and with the knowledge of what a good forehand God has, let's see if God will break America's heart for his Telepathic Son, Virgil.


Noting the death of Georgia Congressman Charles W. Norwood, Jr. I am obliged to report that if Mr. Norwood knew, even slightly, of America's torture-enslavement of me he lost his soul.

People who do not want to go to Hell should not make existence Hell for other people. This is true in my case and in the case of the Iraqi and Afghani people, and people all over the world.

All members of Congress, the Supreme Court and all the presidents who have died since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy are at this very moment, as you read this, existing in the agony of eternal damnation.

But don't worry about it; they deserve it.


Last night's citizen-volunteer torturer, also facing eternal damnation, drove a car with the California license plate 4MNK966.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The $148 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 146

Yesterday I challenged all the candidates for the Presidency to abandon the Common Lie of Exclusion by which America tortures and enslaves me; today I will talk a little about the Art of Future Projection; an art at which I excel, and none of the other candidates know beans about.

Future Projection is a fine art, and one at which I have excelled since childhood.

My first true and accurate Future Projection came just short of my sixth birthday, when all we Americans were celebrating the atomic bombing of Hiroshima; and as I celebrated it, little boy skipping along singing "We dropped the atomic bomb on the Japs! We dropped the atomic bomb on a Japs!", I suddenly stopped dead in my tracks, and I saw what the event could lead to in terms of world nuclear war, and I said to myself, "This is not good".

Of course there are great arguments and ramifications to the nuclear question, but that was pretty good for a boy not quite six years old, don't you think?

It was my genius in the Art of Future Projection that told me when only 14 Americans were dead in Vietnam that the number would grow to at least ten thousand, an estimation for which I was called a "Communist" by one of my closest friends and college chums from UCLA days; a person who as it would turn out avoided the war and profited greatly from it, not caring one whit about it.

(He was a Young Republican, and he was aloof to it all; I agonized over the deaths of American troops, and I was a Communist in his eyes. Dig it, Dear Reader.)

It was my genius in the Art of Future Projection that told me George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq would lead to a defeat of such immensity that the scope of that defeat remains untellable today; and I shudder to think what I am being called for this accurate Future Projection.

Indeed, it was my ability to project the course and outcome of the Vietnam War while in Tokyo in 1966 that led to my being secretly charged with being a "violent revolutionary" by US naval intelligence in 1967, and led to the four decades of torture-enslavement that have followed, to the killing of my progeny, to the destruction of my every home, and to the mass American torment I undergo each and every day up to this day.

(I was right, therefore I must suffer. Dig it, Dear Reader.)

Future Projection is an art, not a form of magic or prophesy; it is a matter of looking at things straight in the eye, and not allowing your own eyes to be intimidated by patriotic correctness, or blurred by political correctness, or blinded by propaganda, or hypnotized by religious belief.

Sure, I wish the United States of America were not so stupid about war and diplomacy and ecology, but wishes don't catch fishes, and my wishes don't make America smarter by one intelligence quotient point.

America needs truth, its most lacking natural resource; and that is the point at which Future Projection becomes a dangerous art for an American citizen; because truth is not wanted in the United States of America; the most acceptable lie is what America seeks

The entire Republican American Fascist coup of 2000 was based on American acceptance of the right of politicians to lie; and no God-damned politician left or right, Republican or Democrat, wants to give up that right to lie.

So what do we have in America but a weed patch of lies encouraged to choke out every lonely flower of truth. Therein lies America's doom.

I have often reported in this work that America's greatest weakness is that it lies to itself and believes its own lies.

Because it is such a constant that America is going to lie and believe its own lies---just as constant as the boiling point of water at sea level---the master of the Art of Future Projection incorporates that into the equation.

Kennedy and his Whiz Kids didn't know anything about Vietnam when they put American troops in harm's way there; just as Bush and the Republican American Fascists didn't know anything about Iraq or Islam when they, like a stupid boy licking frozen iron and freezing his tongue to it, sent American troops to the Ninth Circle of Hell.

Is this hyperbole? So it may seem; but before the profound Republican American Fascist error of that profoundly stupid and evil invasion, I stood alone and wrote alone in seeing its disaster and in seeing the lies that have led to its disaster, seeing what is now so popular for so many to see, they belatedly seeing the vision I have been whipped and flayed most cruelly for seeing; and now all Bush's soldiers and all Bush's liars and all who worship at the feet of Bush, and all who belatedly counter Bush with squeaky little mousy quibbling voices, cannot undo the fascist stupidity of George W. Bush.

The question of this coming election, Dear Reader, is do the American people want to be fascist or not? The rest is peripheral crap. The Republican American Fascists say the American people want to be fascist, and the rest of the politicians hide behind false issues.

To understand the Art of Future Projection you need to understand the value of Truth. By this I do not mean patriotically correct truth; or truth constructed out of a pile of rationalizations; or even truth based on religious beliefs, because we all know those religious truths differ according to the believer.

To understand truth you should understand it as a carpenter understands it, as a builder of a structure knows the structure must be true, straight up and straight down, and on a solid foundation.

When you understand the United States of America has been hammered together using out-of-true "truths" throughout its history, while at the same time declaring itself it to be Truth itself, you come to understand the United States of America is the Leaning Tower of Pisa of nations.

If I were free to run for President of the United States of America today, this would be the core of my maiden speech.

Monday, February 12, 2007

The $147 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 137

Today I will issue a challenge to the many presidential candidates of all parties, declared and yet to declare; but first I have to clean up a little old business.

First, in Saturday's report I noted a pattern to be expected in US military deaths, a variation on the code-number "Five", saying this pattern would identify deaths due to God's Space War against the United States of America.

The "accidental" death of the US Marine in Miramar, California, earlier Saturday, which I referred to in my Sunday report, seems to have fit into that code-number pattern.

However, while I heard about the Marine's death about the time it took place, and I filed the Five-code report long before his death was reported on the news, I will not count that Marine's death as a clear part of the Five pattern, since by I.C. News' standards it was a flawed demonstration.

An unflawed demonstration documents the event before it takes place, not before it appears in the news.

Second, yesterday evening a family took a room at this motel quite far from my room and as I worked next to my open window a little boy of about ten, a member of that family, came by for the sole purpose of torturing me with the coward's cough, America's favorite torture tool for over 30 years.

While torture by children is not common, it does occur, and this points to the fact that America is teaching its children to torture me from a very early age; just as almost all the people who participate in the torture of me at this time were either children or not yet born when America first cast me into its pit of torture-enslavement.

This trans-generational sin magnifies the crime in God's eyes.

I note that this boy had apparently crossed my path randomly, yet he knew the form of torture very well, and was very smug about it when we made eye contact.

This goes to show how interwoven into American society America's torture-enslavement of me is, and why at least fifty percent of the American population will suffer damnation because of it; including tens of thousands already dead and damned.

Three, a very interesting God's Space War code has come in, "Sudden Victory", and this code should be a clear warning to all Americans who participate in America's torture-enslavement of me; the advisory being to turn their backs on that satanic American crime, and to do it very, very soon.

Now, let's direct our attention to the other presidential candidates. I say "other" because I am also a candidate, and I am the only person in America and perhaps the world qualified to explain and present solutions to the rapidly approaching death of this Earth.

Returning to the other candidates, and considering the gravity of the crisis of extermination now being faced by the human race before that nasty little boy I mentioned above turns 40, I guarantee whether the candidates win or lose the election they will lose their souls if they do not make the subject of America's torture-enslavement of me a central theme of their campaigns.

Of all the candidates, only the carpetbagger senator from New York has spoken of me on television, when she expressed support for America's torture-enslavement of me in a cowardly and oblique reference.

To review the record, all presidents since Nixon who have died have lost their souls---Nixon, Reagan, Ford---and all presidents still living face that same doom upon death if they do not, as the old fashioned word has it, publicly repent the continuation of America's torture-enslavement of me during their years in office.

Repenting, however, would not save George W. Bush, who has lost his soul for, among his many damnable sins, child-murder, the most heinous of human crimes.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The $146 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 138

There is a phase of God's Space War against the United States which fits what is about to happen, we Space Sailors call it "The Mirror War". I will try to explain in the context of current events.

A US Marine was killed in a truck accident at Miramar, California, early Saturday morning. Within in minutes before or after his death I knew about it, although it was not reported in for news for many hours, and then only barely reported.

To all who loved that Marine is was a tragic event of the first magnitude, but to the rest of the country it was but another drop of blood in the swamp of blood of American military deaths since the stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq by George W. Bush, and it hardly made the news.

So, how and why did I know about it?

I say God told me, and you will likely quibble with that but in the honest scheme of things your quibble is meaningless; and the larger question is why did God tell me about it?

Why was it important to God and/or to me that I knew about the death of one anonymous Marine in one barely reported truck accident within minutes before or after it took place.?

Look at what was going on for perhaps a half a dozen hours before that Marine was killed.

The government pig on duty in the next room was inflicting an orgy of torture on me, waking me from sleep at least six times; and around three or four in the morning, after cruelty after cruelty, and simultaneously as I was being awakened by that American fascist yet again, God told me about the US Marine dying

I knew what God meant; God meant what God had always means when God tells me about the deaths of one or more Americans---that the dead had paid for what was going on, paid the ultimate price for the torture I was undergoing.

Don't believe it, I don't care; this is between God and I, and it is one of the ways God has helped me through America's evil torture-enslavement of me.

I don't tell you this truth expecting you will appreciate it, I only tell you this truth---a truth I have demonstrated to be true many times---because God as asked me to tell you this truth again.

God has given me literally thousands of incidents of foreknowledge since America established its torture-enslavement of me, not to convince America that God stands with me, but to relieve me of pain by reminding me that God stands with me; and to reinforce the initial truth God has asked me to report, that this Earth is rapidly dying.

You might not like this, but this is how God works with me.

I am sorry, Dear Reader, but in agony from fascist American torture as I was, when God told me about the death of a Marine my agony went away and a smile crossed my lips; and then the further abuse by the fascist American in the next room, the fascist American who is paid to torture me by every American who pays taxes, could not touch me. I was laughing at him.

Consider, I'm the guy whose proudest moment in his current life was when he helped carry a wounded, screaming, twisting Marine down Machinegun Road on an old Vietnam plantation on a hot August night in 1967; but dig it, after 35 years of constant American torture, when God tells me a Marine is going to die for the pool of agony America keep me in, a smile crosses my lips.

You reap what you sow; you torture a man for 35 years and his attitude toward you changes.

I suppose this is the goal of the torture; to cause me to love America less; what other goal could there be?

In the beginning of this situation I had the highest of opinions of you Americans, but God said, No, Virgil, they are not very good people at all.

And how did God prove to me God was right about you and I was wrong? God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy and you tortured and enslaved me for possessing it.

Fool that I was, I expected kindness from you Americans; and there you have it, God was right again.

Understand, my purpose in telling you this again today is not to piss into the ocean of America's fascist stupidity toward me in the hope of raising America's level of intelligence. My purpose is to point out to you again the nuclear bomb of God's Judgment on which America's fat ass is sitting.

While I have struggled for years to prove to America that it got on God's bad side when it began its torture-enslavement of me, or got further on God's bad side than it already was, God has had no interest at all in my reaching you, no interest in curing America of this classic American fascism.

I know you cannot see the depth of importance of my audible mental telepathy; I know you think America get's away scot-free with its torture-enslavement of me; but your being stupid about God's plan is part of God's plan.

The closest biblical parallel to this situation I know of is God's hardening of Pharaoh's heart, in which God gave sign after sign after sign that God wanted the Jews to be allowed to leave, but Pharaoh could not see them.

You fascist Americans see me suffering and kicking and trying to get out of the pit Hell you dug for me, and because I have not been able to do this in some 35 years of constant, daily, miserably cruel torture, you have gotten used to the idea I am helpless before you.

However, I am the bait on God's hook. God's goal was never to force you to release me; God's goal was to allow you to reveal the true nature of your souls in a simple, clear-cut demonstration of what you are---cruel, petty, perfidious, and endlessly mean for the joy of being mean.

And what America has done to me, Dear Reader, is what America has done to nations, and would do to the world, although that situation is much more complex, since I am guiltless and the world is not without guilt.

But even if America were the feather-winged Angel among all the nations of the world it imagines itself to be, America would stand damned and doomed by God for the bat-winged Satan it is to me.

Of course God knew all along what America is, but God held me up like a mirror so America could see in its reflection what it is; see itself in simplicity and openness, see the public nakedness of America's satanic behavior toward me; and possibly become wise enough and honest enough and godly enough to put that evil torture down.

That is, I was God's offer of salvation for America; but America ate it and shat it out.

Welcome to Judgment Day, America, you stupid shmuck.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The $145 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 127

Today I am going to point to a pattern of American military deaths that is just about to begin.

You should be able to track this pattern in the news; at least until the news media catches on and journalism's normal servicing of Uncle Sam through voluntary self-censorship kicks in.

The pattern will involve American troops being killed in units of five, or in variations of that theme. A variation could, for example, involve the letter "V", the Roman numeral for five.

When you see this pattern develop you will know God is killing those Americans.

Friday, February 09, 2007

The $144 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 127

There are no reports of any of the events I was expecting yesterday having taken place.

I will wait and see, and tentatively consider this attack patten to be continuing; but I will also consider it more likely that the event took place, and the likelihood of censorship or other delays in reporting it.

The codes on this God's Space War attack on the USA ran right up to last night, and then stopped.

By comparison, the codes concerning the space shuttle Discovery began before the launch and continued long after the landing; then we saw the Discovery story surface again with the lady astronaut event.

That these most recent codes stopped dead in their tracks causes me to believe God hit the target or targets. Let's follow the silence a little and see if we can hear the sound of a lie falling in the forest of lies which is the United States of America

I am advised that there was a genuine God's Space War hit on American forces in Iraq a few days ago, that being the crash of the large US Marine transport helicopter, reportedly due to mechanical failure, eight reported dead.

You may recall we were looking for a second Navy Department helicopter crash. As you likely know, the Marine Corps is part of the Navy.

A truth I have stated before, but a truth that obviously has not struck home, is that a certain small percentage of America military deaths in Iraq are God's direct response to America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

This is difficult to prove, since death in war is constant and random, although I have demonstrated solid proof in the past.

So, the government pigs who delight in torturing me day and night by banging on the wall when I am asleep, have killed a small number of American military people in Iraq; and since they are still torturing me today, they will without doubt kill more American military people in Iraq.

Of course, those dead die in vain, no knowing what hit them until they wake up in the Land of the Dead and begin to understand the scope and repercussions of the evil America has done to me.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The $143 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Ten

Shark America Zero

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 138

We are expecting a good, solid God's Space War hit on psycho-fascist United States of America today.

Let's kill a little time while Time is killing you.

I find it interesting that the American news media can agree not to report on the existence, maltreatment and accomplishments of the only audible mental telepath in human history, but cannot agree not to report exactly how many times a little boy was sexually assaulted when he was held captive recently.

I continue to believe the insane behavior of the lady astronaut stems from the massive sun flare that enveloped the space shuttle Discovery last summer, and that other members of the crew have had or will have adverse reactions; as, for that matter, has the Earth, which was also enveloped by the sun flare.

As I watch for the expected God's Space War hit on the USA I bear in mind that if it takes place, and if America can censor news of it, America will censor news of it.

To review, I am watching for one, two or all of the following events to take place before the final minute of today disappears at the International Date Line.

One, God's attack on the US Navy in defense of Iran; two, God's attack on the California Highway Patrol in defense of me; and three, God's attack on the upper echelon of the United States of America in defense of the world.

My record of guessing targets is far from perfect, but I would say the most likely target is a US Navy vessel on station or on course toward being on station off the coast of Iran.

At deadline time there are no reports of any of the events I am expecting.

Also at deadline time there are reports on the news saying the US is backing off from its aggressive, threatening attitude toward Iran.

I don't believe this, but if it is true it is because the Republican American Fascists have detected a bristling of power around the world, power likely to come down on America if America continues to move toward its invasion of Iran that has clearly been in the works since the "Axis of Evil" accusation.

I say this because if you look at the history of aggression by the United States of America, invariably the target of the aggression is far weaker than the United States of America.

That the United States of America has been taking clear and open steps toward invading Iran, and if it truly stops taking those steps, indicates to me America has become aware it is walking into massive response from around the world if it attacks Iran.

The world knows, Dear Reader, that America has been on a road of aggressive fascism since 2000; and the world will not allow it.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The $142 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 127

Let us talk what we are talking about; let us read the writing on the wall.

We are expecting a major God's Space War attack on the United States of America tomorrow. We have three active targets:

One, God's attack on the US Navy in defense of Iran.

Two, God's attack on the California Highway Patrol in defense of me.

Three, God's attack on the upper echelon of the United States of America in defense of the world.

While the events surrounding the woman astronaut's insane behavior constituted a genuine sign from God, a genuine warning from God, it is hardly likely that aspect of the event will be examined.

Indeed, it is now bring-on-the-psycho-fascist-clowns time; bring on the shrinks time; and Freud holds sway over God in America regarding matters of human souls under attack.

And, Dear Reader, that woman's soul is under attack.

(We can see psycho-fascism's holding sway over God's influence in another current news item. That is in the reporting on the notorious Christian minister who lost his high standing in American fundamentalist Christianity when his homosexual encounters were revealed by a homosexual whore.

(There is much mockery and bemusement in the media now that the shamed minister has said after some weeks of intense healing and prayer with four fellow ministers that he is "completely heterosexual".

(This is an excellent example of the dictatorship of psycho-fascist thought, and how the news media has bought into it.

(The homosexual whore said on TV it is the fastest cure of homosexuality he has ever heard of, and, to the titillation of America, the idiot of nations, he announced the persecuted minister performed oral sex on him, making the minister the Monica Lewinsky of Christendom, making the minister a dyed in the wool cocksucker; this according to the psychiatric opinion of that professional homosexual cocksucker.

(Note, the socially condemned Christian was ministered to by four fellow Christian ministers, not treated by psycho-fascists shrinks in a money factory clinic; and in fact he is not saying he has been "cured", he is expressing one of the most important doctrines of Christianity; Your Sins are Forgiven, Sin No More.

(The minister is not claiming what psycho-fascist psychiatry would say is impossible because they say homosexuality is natural and cure is unnatural---he is not claiming to have been corrected from homosexuality to heterosexuality by doctors through therapy and drugs---he is saying God forgave him for his sin, and he will not commit that sin again.

(It is worth noting that psycho-fascism is wrong in its interpretation of homosexuality; and as it always does it protects its error by establishing political incorrectness against all other interpretations.

(No more ready example of psycho-fascism's erroneous approach to homosexuality being backed up by political incorrectness is the word "homophobia", which is not an accurate word at all, and is a word slanted against any criticism of homosexuality.

(Homophobia means fear of homosexuality, and few if any people fear homosexuality; and there are far more accurate terms describing the natural antipathy toward homosexuality that has existed for tens of centuries, such as revulsion of the grotesqueness of men sodomizing each other, and such as resistance to homosexual encroachment on heterosexual life, which is as constant in our time as it was in the biblical story of Sodom.

(Civil union, fine, but to steal the sacrament and tradition of marriage, no. Tolerance for the aberrant behavior, fine, but to call it natural, no. Not to recognize the creepiness a man feels when a homosexual slithers up to him, no no no.

(Psycho-fascism---what you know as psychiatry and psychology---may be suitable for the people it was created by and for, Jews who have lost touch with God; but it should never be applied to people who believe in God and the existence of the Soul, or to manipulating what societies naturally consider normal and abnormal. Child-murder, for example, is evil, not illness.)

Meanwhile, back to the writing on the wall.

Those of you who have followed my work long enough may remember I wrote with great certainty last summer that God would attack the space shuttle Discovery during its flight, killing at least one of its crew.

While there is no evidence, yet, that God's attack took place, there is no evidence, yet, that it did not.

It seems it is turning out I interpreted correctly my information that came straight from the Horse's Mouth, but the killing is slower and different than I expected; this assuming all seven returned alive.

I have been asked to remind you that one of the events that took place during the recent space shuttle flight was the largest sun flares since data on sun flares has been kept. That was a massive sun flare event, comparable perhaps to the great tsunami event of December 2005.

I have also been asked to note that the woman astronaut had exhibited bizarre behavior before this headline event, such as traveling to Florida to stalk the victim, which resulted in a restraining order against the lady astronaut; and I have been asked to point out the fact that it took the outrageousness of this most recent event to put her in the news, that her earlier behavior was censored by NASA..

The question I.C. News has been concerned with since the Discovery flight has been NASA censorship

The question that should be asked of NASA by the news media at this time is this: are any of the other members of the crew of Discovery exhibiting bizarre behavior or ill effects? It is probably far too soon to see signs of physical illness, such as cancer, but if one crew member has gone so far off-track there might be other swallows in that flock.

This woman is a US Naval Academy graduate, a Navy Captain, a pilot, an astronaut; such people do not, repeat not, freak out.

My inclination is to include this lady astronaut event in with the codes leading to God's attack on the US Navy in defense of Iran..

In regard to Republican American Fascism's step-by-step approach to tricking America into making war on Iran, there was a war-triggering action largely drowned out by the lady astronaut story.

That was the arrest of a ranking Iranian diplomatic representative to Iraq.

Of course, the Republican American Fascists deny involvement; and those of us who were born yesterday will believe them.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The $141 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 140

Sometimes, Dear Reader, God tells a joke that makes my belly jiggle; and God gave America a funny sign today which America should take very seriously; but I know it won't; I know America will miss the point like Casey at the Bat letting strikes go by un-swung-at.

Excuse me for laughing, but this is a gut-buster.

You must know the old saying that has drifted over Time to us from the days of Homer, "Whom the god's would destroy they first drive insane", and you may recall that during the last space shuttle flight I said with some certainty that at least one member of the crew would be killed.

Well, the space shuttle Discovery landed, and as far as I saw there were no TV post-landing interviews of the crew, and I wondered for a while if I might have been right, that there might have been a death aboard that was being kept secret; but other things came along and there seemed no value in kicking that dead horse; and I continued telling the story of God's Space War against the United States of America.

Now, Dear Reader, get ready for a good laugh; and remember another old saying, "He who laughs last laughs best".

You may recall that two days ago I established a cartoon metaphor which had Florida as the grip of a pistol.

This, in small part, is what I said:

"Now comes the interesting part, the part where something KATRINA-BAD happens to the United States of America.

"To see the first punch of this two-punch attack see Florida as the hand grip of a pistol, and see the pistol as pointed west, and its muzzle at the temple of God's One True Telepath, who is imprisoned in America's torture-chamber in California."

I went on to say the pattern of tornados that went across the middle of Florida, making the town of Lady Lake famous by destroying it, was the first hit of a two-hit God's Space War attack pattern, cutting off the fingers holding the gun that is pointed at my head.

Now today God tells us this most funny joke. In this joke we see a lady (lake hahaha) astronaut (who flew in the shuttle flight in question) driving along the barrel of that cartoon pistol, past its trigger and its hammer down its grip to the exact latitude of Florida where the tornados passed.

She was driving toward her professional doom at the same time I was presenting that pistol cartoon, peeing and pooping in her diaper, made insane by Cupid, the god of Love, leaving a trail of stench and idiocy in her wake, flushing her glorious career down the toilet, blasting her three children by her betrayal of them; all this to commit a felony against the lover of a lover.

I know, I know, I am being cruel; but you do not know what cruelty is until examine the cruelty of America toward me. God's Space War against the United States of America is do-unto-others war; and America wrote the rules of this war; and the rules are cruel.

So, while there may not been an astronaut killed on that last flight as I had expected (and we still do not know) we saw God destroy one of those astronauts today.

Pardon me as I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes, but I must note that the God-damned Americans have been trying to drive me insane for 35 years, and a stupidly looney Annapolis graduate warms the cockles of my heart (I so brutalized by the US Navy); but hahaha, I must hahaha, tell you hahaha, God is going to kick the crap out of America when this current Shark America count reaches Zero. It is at Two today, tomorrow is One, Thursday is Zero.

Monday, February 05, 2007

The $140 Billion

Jews' Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 142

It is a quiet news day at I.C News. We have three God's Space War attack patterns running against the United States of America; but what you've seen is what we've got. That is, nothing new has come in today on the God's Space War front.

Running code patterns: God's attack on the United States Navy in defense of Iran. God's attack on the California Highway Patrol in defense of me. God's Katrina-level attack on the upper echelon of the United States of America, as described in yesterday's report.

We are continuing to look for the expected codes directed at the many declared candidates for the Presidency. We assume the codes will concern the criminality inherent in their blocking my own candidacy, but we do not want to overly anticipate codes before they come in.

Today is Shark America Three; tomorrow is Two. It is almost certain we can expect at least one God's Space War hit on the USA when the count reaches Zero.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The $139 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 142

What is about to happen to the United States of America will be in the tradition of the Katrina disaster.

I documented the Katrina disaster in advance; that advance-documentation is still available in the archives of this work.

The first common denominator of both the Katrina event and the current event is "Sword"; the second common denominator is both are responses to a metaphorical interpretation of America's torture-enslavement of me.

To explain the Metaphor of Attack of this current event I will review the Metaphor of Attack I recorded after Hurricane Katrina had formed but while Katrina was still far from landfall.

In that Metaphor of Attack Katrina was called "Katana", Japanese for Sword, and America was described as a sodomite sodomizing me, God's One True Telepath; and the advance documentation said Katrina-Katana would cut off sodomite America's cock.

I think you will agree New Orleans was cut off.

To help you get an idea of what is about to happen to the United States of America I will tell you what has just happened in terms of the current Metaphor of Attack. I speak here of the God's Space War one-two punch I talked about yesterday.

The current Metaphor of Attack is an old code, "Kote-Men", which comes from Japanese fencing. It is a code which has been used with some success in the past.

In this one-two punch of Japanese fencing the victor of the duel wins by in rapid succession severing the loser's right wrist (which is occupied in holding the two-hand Japanese sword), and then raises his sword and brings it down hard on the loser's head, splitting it.

In this context Kote translates as wrist and Men translates as head.

(I use Japanese fencing terms often because I was at one time the 900,000th best Japanese-style fencer in the world.)

Now comes the interesting part, the part where something KATRINA-BAD happens to the United States of America.

To see the first punch of this two-punch attack see Florida as the hand grip of a pistol, and see the pistol as pointed west, and its muzzle at the temple of God's One True Telepath, who is imprisoned in America's torture-chamber in California.

Compare torturer America's gun to God's One True Telepath's head to rapist America's dick was up the ass of God's One True Telepath; and expect equivalent results.

In time, sooner or later, the American people are going to learn how much they are loathed by God for their torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

The first punch of the current one-two punch, the Kote sword cut in the current Metaphor of Attack, was the pattern of tornadoes that moved across Florida. See them as a sword cutting off the fingers of the hand holding the pistol.

(There is a secondary code found in the name of the town made famous by the tornados, Lady Lake; but I think I have given as much code information today as the market will bear.)

The next hit, the Men hit, will strike the head of the holder of the pistol, which is, of course, psycho-fascist America..

God is keeping that target secret from you; but you will recognize it after the hit takes place by examining the Metaphor of Attack.

As said above, in terms of God's Space War against the United States of America this Men hit, splitting the head of America, will be the equivalent of the cutting off America's dick at New Orleans.

America's satanic strength in its torture-enslavement of me is that tens of millions of Americans agree to bear false witness against me; America's fatal weakness in its torture-enslavement of me is that tens of millions of Americans agree to bear false witness against me.

America would have gotten away with its torture-enslavement of me only if (as the psycho-fascists who set it up believe) God did not exist.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The $138 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 145

Suddenly we have a very strong God's Space War attack on the United States of America; a one-two punch, the first punch of which is all over the news today. I suggest American surrender its alleged right to torture and enslave me before the second punch hits home.

Friday, February 02, 2007

The $137 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 136

The news is most interesting today, because the true story of the calamity resulting from George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq is oozing out, and the media weasels and the government pigs are putting their fingers into the dike of it, trying to hold back the flood of horrible truth.

But all the fingers of all the fascists and all the fools in America will not stop this dike from collapsing.

The calamity is profound. The calamity is unstoppable. The defeat the United States of America is at this very moment experiencing is so great George W. Bush should commit suicide in the bunker of his folly.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

The $136 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 145

There was a mechanism put into place at the time of Richard Nixon's resignation that should be put into place from now until the inauguration of the next president. This mechanism might ensure there will be a next president, and not a dictator of the Bush New Order.

That mechanism existed for the short time between when it was known Nixon would resign and when Gerald Ford was sworn in; its purpose being to insure against last minute misuse by Nixon of his Commander-in-Chief powers.

I could not follow that story closely at the time because during that period in 1974 I was struggling to get food and shelter and being constantly tortured by the psycho-fascist citizens of San Francisco; but perhaps an older journalist who had and still has constitutional rights (if such a journalist exists) can tell you what took place.

The possibility that George W. Bush will misuse war powers again and again before he is scheduled to leave office are so great it can be considered a certainty he will. It takes no prophet or pundit or genius to know this, all it takes is to be aware of the Republican American Fascist elephant in the Oval Elephant.

The delusion seems to remain that George W. Bush supports and defends that Constitution of the United States of America; this is the Nonsense of Wishful Thinking.

The precedent of curtailing the profound power of an untrustworthy president who is likely to recklessly or insanely or perfidiously initiate war exists; and what was done for a few days with Nixon should be done with Bush until the next inauguration.

In other news, the codes for the expected God's Space War attack on the United States Navy in defense of Iran are running strong; as are the codes for the expected God's Space War attack on the California Highway Patrol in defense of me.

There being no market for these codes I will let them sink into obscurity, and will point only to the big hits on the USN and the CHP after they take place. I.C. News is out of the business of preventing American disasters.

There is an I.C. News event coming up in the next few days which you might want to be on the lookout for. I.C. News will challenge all the many presidential candidates to speak on television in favor of America ending its torture-enslavement of me. One statement by any candidate would do it, and would vastly increase that candidate's chances of being elected.

It is interesting to note that the story I broke recently, the approaching turning against America by the Iraqi army and police, is now being talked about by many journalists and by people of high rank and reputation.

Of course there is no mention yet of the enslaved and tortured Telepathic American journalist who broke the story.

Finally, last night's random torturers drove a large Ford E350, California license 8B88973, with a camping shell on it big enough to sleep comfortably all the sane people in the White House, brand name Mobile Concepts.

These people loved not only waking me but also making tiny fingernail taps on the wall behind me as I worked, one of the favorite tortures of the government pigs. They so loved torturing me that when they got up at 4:30 a.m. to get an early start on their drive they banged on the wall just to say goodbye.

These psycho-fascist Americans represented all Americans; and within the vengeance of the Lord that is constantly taking place they caused more than one American military death in Iraq. (That is the way this game is played from the other side.)