Jews Jaws Six
Shark America Four
Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 214
Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event
At this time the two most important parts of the world are the Peru-Chile area, and northern California south and east of Mount Shasta. In the first, God will appear; in the second, the final battle between Good and Evil, called Armageddon, will take visible form.
In historical terms, Armageddon began on the day God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy and the American government, system and people established their satanic torture-enslavement of me.
That element is just one shard of the exploding window of this story, there is plenty of Hellfire to go around, and more than enough repentance, redemption and salvation, too.
Two days ago I gave you the code, "Killing Two Birds With One Stone", and today I can tell you just what it means, and how painful that code stands to be for the people of the United States of America.
Repentance, redemption and salvation, too.
We are looking to the Peru-Chile region, and we are saying something massive is going to happen there that will change everything...change everything...change everything in this world.
We are saying God will first set God's Foot in the Peru-Chile region when God comes to save this Earth from the human being.
What I must tell you of today is the extreme danger faced by America's military personnel, extreme danger that will be confirmed by the Peru-Chile Event.
The extreme danger is this: The United States of America is not right with God, and the American military is not right with God either.
If you are an American, no matter what your views on Republican American Fascism and George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq are, you are not going to like what I am going to tell you today, and what God is going to prove to the world with the Peru-Chile Event.
This is because almost all Americans are trapped in the "Worship the Soldier Syndrome", and it is that syndrome that has allowed George W. Bush to soak himself in American soldier blood in his attempt to give credence and honor to his bloody folly in the Middle East.
There is a universally held view on this Earth that our soldiers at war are sinless; and we only reluctantly recognize aberrations among soldiers that make them sinful, rape-murder-torture being among those aberrations; but almost always those aberrations are overlooked and explained away.
Perhaps most people might be of the opinion that Hitler's troops, with "Gott Mit Uns" are their belt buckles, were innocent of Hitler's sins, but certainly almost all Americans will see American troops as innocent of George W. Bush's sins; even if they can see Hitler's sins, even if they can see Bush's sins.
I told you in the past that God does not recognize the concept of "collateral damage" in war; and that in fact God has damned George W. Bush for child-murder; and I have drawn attention to the first child collateral damage death reported in Iraq, when a mother and her child burned to death in their car in Baghdad due to a not-so-smart smart bomb, during the cowardly sneak attack that took place before Bush's ridiculous 48 hour deadline for the Boogieman to leave Iraq was up.
Do you remember? He said 48 hours and attacked in about 36, a most cowardly and deceitful act.
The moment that child died in agony, George W. Bush's soul was bound for agony. There is no turning back from that, that war-idiot's soul is lost and all the Billy Grahams in all the world cannot save it.
And Jesus? Jesus has a profound contempt for people who murder in Jesus' name; and that is what the Peru-Chile Event will reveal to the world.
God is not stupid; Jesus is not a fool.
God not an American citizen to be flim-flammed into agreeing with the sinner-president George W. Bush than an innocent child can die horribly because a dictator rules over it; and God knows the two-faced fool in the White House is the one who by proxy murdered that child.
God is not stupid; Jesus is not a fool.
Going back along the line of responsibility from that one damnation of that one foolish and fascist "president" are many damnations, damning all the people whose fingerprints were on that bomb that fried that little baby, the policy fingerprints, the military fingerprints, the factory worker fingerprints.
God sees things in intense detail. God assigns responsibility.
God so loathes the concept of collateral damage that there is a crack of damnation streaking out from the point and moment of death of that one small Iraqi child, which you call "collateral damage" and God calls "murder victim"; a streak of damnation going deep, deep into the fabric of the nation that murdered that child, the United States of America.
God has exquisite eyes, God sees the sparrow fall, God sees the Muslim baby fry.
Unlike you, God has a very good memory, an intensely good memory, and unlike you God does not rationalize away the evil of that child's murder.
How many Americans lost their souls at the moment that child died? Far more than you would think, so deep goes God's concept of shared responsibility in that child's murder.
Then, adding more souls to the fire, there are the thousands of other child-murders and thousands of other child maimings and amputations George W. Bush and his servants have caused. God knows each child by name.
This is going to be one of the surprises of Judgment Day, although it should not come as a surprise at all. It comes down to the concept of the innocence of murder in war; a concept which God does not recognize even though every Christian and every Jew and every Muslim on this Earth today might recognize it.
God is not a Christian. God is not a Jew. God is not a Muslim. God is not stupid.
I am approaching telling you about the Peru-Chile Event, which will confirm what I am saying; please be patient, there is something more to say, something you will like even less than all that I have said, but something you will come to know to be true.
Let's return to the concept of the Sinless Soldier, and to what I have been saying about the Peru-Chile Event these past few days, and to the code, Killing Two Birds With One Stone.
In this code, every American soldier in Afghanistan and Iraq, every American military man or woman or mercenary in the service of Republican American Fascist aggressive action there or elsewhere, is "Two Birds", one bird is body and the other is soul.
The meaning of this code is--and while you hide from the truth of this, this code came straight from God--the meaning of this code is every soldier who has lost or will lose his or her life in Iraq, etc, has lost and will lose his or her soul, because he or she is serving in a wantonly evil endeavor.
God does not accept the concept of the innocence of the soldier, just as God does not accept the concept of collateral damage.
It is the concept of the innocence of the soldier that allows the sinfulness of politicians to hold sway in this world. The dogs of war are not The sheep of war; they eagerly obey their masters' and when their masters say, for example, destroy the city of Fallujah, they destroy the city of Fallujah; and they carry that sin, each and every one of them, the sin of every dead baby, the sin of every dead mother, the sin of every dead father, the sin, even, of every brick in the rubble of a home.
You say they don't have a choice; God says they do.
."I didn't rape the baby, I was only the rapist's dick; I should go to Penis Heaven even though the rapist goes to Rapist Hell." That is the plea on Judgment Day of the "sinless" soldier.
The reason the Peru-Chile Event becomes so important here (other than it will save this Earth from death in less than Sixty years) that it was in this geographical area that the anti-concept of the sinless soldier really took hold in the Mind of God. It was always on shaky ground in God's Mind, but it was finally lost to Christianity in about the 16th Century, with the Spanish invasion of the Inca civilization.
The critical fact here is that the Spanish were Christians, and this is somewhat symbolic because Christianity, which had never really been all that Christian, became decidedly unchristian during the course of the conquest and occupation of al the New World.
That is, none of the principles established by Jesus were adhered to in the entire European conquest of the Western Hemisphere.
The basic rules of God, the Ten Commandments and the Eleventh Commandment of Jesus, bring peace and happiness to the entire world, and nowhere do they give one people the right to destroy another people in the name of God.
In the case of the New World, Christianity raped the baby, and it raped the baby in the name of Jesus Christ. God is not stupid; Jesus is not a fool.
I am only touching on this subject today, as if I were a 16th Century Spanish soldier planting cross and flag on the shore of a conceptual New World, claiming that New World in the name of crown and Jesus Christ, my shoes still wet from the wade ashore; I am saying there is a concept here, a line drawn in the sand, that Christianity itself lost its soul with the Christian invasion of the Western Hemisphere.
The Western Hemisphere is where God made God's final decision on the religion called Christianity, and at least since Christianity's conquest of the New world, Christianity has been in a state of sin.
So, when events emerge out of the Peru-Chile Event, when God openly touches down on this Earth, they will be so strong and so damning of Christianity that they will alter the brain of the world.
So, you heard it here first at I.C. News. The Second Coming will begin with the Peru-Chile Event, and it will be quickly discovered that Jesus Christ is not a fan of Christianity.
This is not to say millions upon millions of Christians are not Christian, but if they are they must not kill, even though Geoge W. Bush or someone else tells them too, and they must not bear false witness against God's One True Telepath, even though American psychiatry and the American media and the American governments tell them to.
Dangit! I didn't get to the part of Armageddon breaking out in northern California, south and east of Mount Shasta. Well, tomorrow is another day.