Jews Jaws Six
Shark America Four
Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 189 (Note the jump in this count, 128 on Monday, then 173, 174, 173, 195 and 189 today. Our brief unscientific study seems to indicate there is something important about the seven-day count when it dips down to the 120s)
Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event
Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--The Sheriff Chooses Barabbas
Today's Code: "Sing that Song Again"
As the Battle of Smallville reaches a stage where the community of Smallville is choosing between Virgil, God's One True Telepath, and Barabbas, the Town Criminal, a choice which seems to be leaning toward favoring the criminal; and as I brace myself for an expected attack on me from the Lassen County Sheriff's Department tomorrow; I think this might be a good day to review I.C. News' study of earthquakes.
As it stands today, Dear Reader, this Earth will be dead due to human infestation by 2065, unless God steps in or unless Earth can free herself of or control that infestation. The human being can be depended on to do nothing but make the situation worse.
At I.C. News we say Earth's struggle against the human being can be seen in her earthquake patterns, patterns which are of far more immediate concern than global warming.
We say these patterns are in part responsive to global warming, or rather to the petroleum-based causes of global warming.
As you know, Dear Reader, I.C. News says this Sweet Earth is a living, thinking being, a statement which causes both the religionists and scientists to hate me all the more; if you can imagine greater hatred than they have already spewed upon me.
Endless torture-enslavement? That, Dear Reader, is deep loathing.
With that preamble, let's enter into today's review of the earthquake patterns, which I.C. News projects at the very least will move the locations of the North and South Poles within the next 17 years, by 2024.
Let us begin this way: Sometimes there are rhythms and patterns to events, but the rhythmic notes are placed so far apart we cannot connect them, and the patterns are so grand in scope we cannot see them.
In I.C. News' daily tracking of the USGS seven-day earthquake count we have seen a pattern, the numbers going up and down, up and down, as if this Sweet Earth were breathing in and out; and there seems to be...seems to be...seems to be something that happens to this Earth when the seven-day earthquake count hits the 120s. That is, she reacts in some way.
We have surmised for some time the 120s is a zone of major earthquake frequency. This time when the number dipped to 128 we saw a sudden spurt of over 40 quakes the following day, which seems to us to be a variation of the same phenomenon.
We may not see seven-day earthquake pattern hit the 120s again for some weeks or months, and we do not know for sure what will happen at that time; but in I.C. News' poetic-scientific study we see Earth as nodding off in the 120s, and waking up with jolt.
I don't know yet if this is true because I have been doing this tracking for less than a year, but ever since God gave the gift of audible mental telepathy over 30 years ago I have had a knack for sensing major Earthquakes approximately ten days before they take place.
I am almost always right about timing, but infrequently right about location.
In addition to this, I have now been accurately anticipating major Earthquakes on December 26 of each year for three years in a row, there having been major quakes on that date the past four years in a row.
If I am right about this pattern, next December 26 will make five in a row, and at some point in the future the massive event that changes the locations of the North and South Poles will take place on or about December 26.
This is to say that whatever my method and concept, no matter how loathed I am or despised my approach, I am good at this; and what I am learning about earthquakes through observation, and telepathy, and God as my science teacher, is competitive with, or superior to, what the science of seismology is learning.
I have been reporting in one way or another on the approaching death of this Earth by 2065 since 1963.
When I began writing The Obituary of the World in 1963 the scientific community was asleep at the wheel; and while the scientific community does not yet agree with me, and favors America's torture-enslavement of it, its future projection models are becoming closer and closer to what I.C. News has projected since 1972, this Earth will be dead by 2065.
While the current focus of science and public debate is on global warming, it is the view of I.C. News that something else is also taking place, something of greater and more immediate impact, that being the breaking up of this Earth as a ship upon a reef.
I.C. News says that breaking up can been seen and anticipated in earthquake patterns.
The December 26 pattern is the first major pattern to emerge, with major earthquakes taking place on that date four years in a row, including the great tsunami quake, a quake which I.C. News not only documented in advance but also documented its accompanying tsunami disaster in advance.
The science-kibbitzer might in knee-jerk fashion call this pattern "coincidence". No, twice is coincidence, four times is a pattern.
The poetic-scientific question we ask as I.C. News is the question all humankind is apparently blind to or ignores: What is this December 26 earthquake pattern leading to?
To sum up, I.C. News is projecting a massive breakup of Earth, or at least change in the locations of the polar caps, on or about December 26 of a year yet unknown, but certainly a year decades before 2065, 2024 being I.C. News' current projection.
Now, a shift in focus. I had intended to end this report here today because at this point more words mean fewer readers. It is being written as an advance-documentation, so you can read it now or later, whichever you prefer.
As I have been today's my Old Pal God has been reminding me there is a very serious possibility the Lassen County Sheriff's Department will attack me tomorrow.
This attack to come in response to my request on Thursday that the investigation into the threats on my life and the shooting at me by Barabbas be stepped up. (See my report of Friday.)
What I asked for was a detective, but what I will get is a wet hen of a deputy who didn't like me going over his head,and a sergeant who is saying let's get this guy; meaning me, not Barabbas.
So, my Old Pal God has suggested I expand today examination of patterns to include American police activity against me relative to American disasters.
Since it is very likely I will be attacked by the Sheriff's Department tomorrow because one innocent Telepath is easier to frame and arrest than one guilty criminal is to arrest and convict, I will review a similar situation in the past, not identical because that is impossible in human events, but remarkably similar; and note how included in that situation was the 9/11 attack.
The hypothesis we are playing with here is this: Will the profound police violation of my rights I am about to experience see a historical repetition in that it will include or result in a massive American disaster?
I don't know yet, this is just a hypothesis, but I am killing time while Time is killing you and but for finding scraps of food for my mouth and a roof over my head I have no responsibilities of great importance, so I have the time to hypothesize.
I have, for example, no grandchildren to tend to because America killed my children, kindly relieving me of the chore and responsibility of rearing them, never having to change their dirty diapers, never having to deal with their teenage rebelliousness. Psycho-fascist America is so kind to me; but that's another story.
In this pattern (now its only a breadth of a theory so don't get you bloomers in a knot) something bad always happens to America after American police attack me.
This pattern goes back very far, to 1967, when the Naval Investigative Service in Tokyo attempted to have me murdered, and sailors died in response, and likewise with the FBI, and likewise with the Secret Service. Attack-response, attack-response, attack-response, only it was God responding, not I.
I am thinking about the last time I asked the police to help me when a Telepath torturer was on the verge of killing me, a situation remarkably similar to this current situation, only the person's house was mere feet from mine, not 40 yards, and the person could attack me with constant noise from the comfort of his own home. Here Barabbas must the walk 40 yards from 302 Third Street to do it, unless of course he chooses to fire his gun from his back door.
In that first situation the Sheriff's Department of San Luis Obispo County told me that the "man" who was torturing me through the walls had a right to do so because he was in his home and he could make any noise he wanted.
In terms of the law this was not true, but the deputies had the big guns and the stinking badges, and as they visited me about this they participated in the cowardly coughing torture of me Americans love so much, so the deputies determined the legal reality which included legal Telepath torture and murder.
As my health became worse and worse from the constant torture I wrote about this in my publication of the time, The I.C. News Weekly Sampler, my pre-Internet snail-mailer, which had a press run of about 15 but an unknown but broader readership.
I wrote that the Sheriff was legalizing that person's murder of me with his policy; just as I am saying now this sheriff is legalizing Barabbas' murder of me with his policy.
If Barbbaras had shot at any other person in Lassen County the Sheriff's Department would have been on Barabbas like stink on George W. Bush's soul; and would be digging up evidence, not waiting for evidence to fall pre-packaged into its lap; and would be taking into account Barabbas' criminal past.
The Sheriff's Department would by now, for example, have witness testimony by reminding the witnesses that keeping quiet puts them in line for the same attempted murder charge Barabbas should now be facing.
In the first case, the Sheriff became so furious at me for what I wrote in the I.C. News Weekly Sampler that first he sent deputies out to harass and warn me, and then he set up a totally fraudulent bust for drunk driving, and eventually, when I got my licence back, he had me stopped for "weaving" almost every time I drove on a particular stretch of the Pacific Coast Highway.
Eventually the Sheriff put me out of business;and that, along with the constant "legal" torture of me by my neighbors, drove me out of my home and into homelessness and into sleeping in my car and into constant Sheriff's Department harassment for sleeping in my car, and eventually to blood clots and near-death.
But after the fraudulent arrest, after the phony God-damned trial, I wrote a letter to the District Attorney of San Luis Obispo saying the charge was phony and I could not fight back because I was to ill and too poor; and then I described for him in good detail the 9/11 attack, which was then about a month in the future.
That letter, Dear Reader, seems lost from the DA's files, which certainly covers the DA's ass, but results in the eventual death of tens of thousands of Americans, only a fraction of which are already dead.
Tomorrow the deputy is going to come to my home to talk about this case; reluctantly, unhappily, after I have gone over his head and talked to his sergeant about the paucity of serious investigation.
That deputy's eyes will be searching for a way to bust me, and the wheels of his brain will be erecting a false case.
We can expect him to be charge me or threaten to charge me with threatening Barabbas, with frightening his women and children when I sat in my lawn chair drinking my teacup of wine and looking in the direction of his house 40 yards away. I described that in tactic as "Counterattack-In-Place" on Thursday.
That tactic will be called a crime, and that "crime" will outweigh Barabbas' three months of pounding on my walls at night, Barabbas's threat to burn my home down with me in it, and Barabbas' taking a shot at me one week ago today.
I remind you that when I practiced Counterattack-In-Place for ten minutes the deputy's car took position near my home within 15 minutes, while it took the deputy some 17 hours to arrive at my home after Barabbas shot at me.
We can see, can we not, whom the deck is stacked against?
The Sheriff's persecution of me is as predictable as Merry Christmas on Christmas Eve. Predicting psycho-fascist American police behavior is no great accomplishment. But what we are hypothesizing is that within that predictable illegal behavior of the Sheriff's Department we will see a huge American disaster as God's response.