(Today’s I.C. News mailer reviews the need for the use of codes in the course of proving the existence of space war, giving as the central example the hostile response of the media weasels and government pigs to my advance warnings in plain English of the first attempt on the life of Gerald Ford. To receive this daily email report on the approaching death of our Earth in less than 60 years, contact Icnews360@aol.com.)
Long time readers of this work know this work contains elaborate codes; but I note today this encoding was not the intent at the outset.
Since we are now approaching two profound attacks on the United States of America, on or about September 17 and on or about October 6, attacks which I have documented in advance in code, it seems a good idea to speak to why I use codes.
It is likely America did not know the value of this work when I preparing to introduce it way back in about 1970; but it was very clear America did not know the value of my constitutional rights.
Long before America set out to destroy my work as God's One True Telepath, long before I became the only audible mental telepath in human history, it set out to destroy my work as a journalist. America's rather blatant attacks on my career took two forms, threats of death to me and mine, and pressure on my employers.
Those I loved buckled immediately, and the media weasels, already in bed with the government pigs, were eager to comply by blacklisting me and warping the truth of what I am.
Being a believer at that time in that false religion which is the United States of America, I expected the truth to win out; I expected to be able to report my story; you know, I expected to have freedom of speech and press.
I should have known better. I had worked in corporate journalism where every word every reporter writes is subject to the internal censorship called editing, and the threat of dismissal hangs over all.
Before I knew better, before I understood the totality of America's torture-enslavement of me, I expected to free myself through my journalism, journalism which proved time and time again that my telepathy had value other than to give the American people the joy of sadism.
First, even when I still had a home and a wife in Laguna Beach, California, I told a "friend" who worked as an editor of an in-flight airline magazine that one of his company's planes was going to crash, and it crashed, but my "friend's" psycho-fascist attitude toward me remained the same.
Later, while living in the bubble of daily feeding frenzy torture in San Francisco, I was to document perhaps a half dozen commercial airline crashes in advance, expecting somehow the repeated accuracies and the growing death toll would change my status, but those successes and those deaths were to the San Francisco public only entertainment..
All those airline crashes were documented in plain English. I began using codes when I came to realize plain English could put me in prison. I was slow to realize this, being such a believer in the false religion which is the United States of America, but better slow than stopped.
I think the light bulb of understanding first flickered after my brilliant and accurate advance warning of the Squeaky Fromme attempt on the life of Gerald Ford, then the unelected President of the United States.
I had told the local NBC affiliate in San Francisco that a Manson follower would attempt to murder Ford when Ford was in California, and after the attempt took place precisely as I said it would the affiliate called back to say I was "on to a conspiracy".
Up to that point I had been working through a go-between and the NBC affiliate did not know it was I had given it the information. When the NBC affiliate learned it was Virgil Kret, the blacklisted journalist and torture-enslaved telepath who had reported the story in advance, it spiked the story, hid the story from the people of America and the world.
I then wrote to the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times, two whores working in the same house, and told them what I had accomplished and suggested they get confirmation from the NBC affiliate; but those two long-since bought-and-paid-for rags called the FBI on me.
And when the FBI came...and when the FBI came,,,the FBI asked me why I wanted to kill the President.
Think about it. In plain English two weeks in advance I had said a Manson follower would try to murder Ford, but American journalism was so intent on blacklisting me and so intent on making me a villain, and the government pigs were so anxious to put me in prison, that my warning was deceitfully interpreted as a threat.
Such incidents as this, and there were many, forced me into encoding advance information on events I would have preferred to prevent, such as the Challenger explosion, which I could have prevented easily but for America's torture-enslavement of me.
Looking at the current codes, on Saturday, September 17, we can be quite confident that the space war operation called "Cutting Through" will finish the job Katrina started, and will sever America's rapist's dick; and we an be quite confident that on or about Thursday, October 6, America's severed rapist's dick will be put into America's liar's mouth by the space war operations called "Stop Sign".
Too bad America is too cowardly and too crooked for plain English.
You will soon see (yet again) what I mean when I say, "Poetic Justice is the only justice I have".