Monday, July 31, 2006

Hard News to Report

I have been asked to tell you something today that is going to make most or all Christians hate me even more than they already do, but since God has asked me to tell you this, and since the Christians are murdering me with their hate anyway, I will tell you.
You know me, Dear Reader, first I write a preamble.
This is only the second time God has insisted I tell you something.  The first time was when God told me to tell you George W. Bush will destroy the world.
Even when I was given my great commission from God to write The Obituary of the World, that commission came in the form of a request that I accept the commission.
Those who have read my work over a long period of time may recall how and when God told me George W. Bush will destroy the world, and insisted I pass that horrible truth on to you.
I will repeat that experience briefly.
It was about fourteen months before the 9/11 attack, and I had gone into the wilderness for my usual month-long hike to regain my health.
(In passing I will note that I can no longer do that because since Republican American Fascism usurped power government pigs follow me and torture me wherever I go in the wilderness, even seeking me out with helicopters if I go far off the beaten trail, but that's another story.)
So, as I have reported here before, I had just arrived in the wilderness and was at my base camp acclimating and loosening up my spirit and my body, when God told me I had to go back to my work, that I must report as broadly as I could that George W. Bush will destroy the world.
I, argumentative as I some times am, responded by saying to God that I needed that month in the wilderness to regain my health, that without it I might die; and God said it would be better that I die trying to report the truth about George W. Bush than not to try, since unless greater minds prevailed his stupidity and fascism would destroy the world.
So, I packed up and returned home, and immediately upon arriving the murderous torture of me that evolved after George W. Bush occupied the White House began; and now, three trips to the emergency room later, living in homeless with no opportunity for a home visible in my future, God comes along and insists I tell you something no Christian wants to hear.
That's the preamble; now here is what God insists I tell you.
"The final book of the Bible, Revelations, is a false book."
That's it, that's what God wants me to say and anything further I might say would be my interpretation; so, of course, I will give my interpretation.
Of course, Dear Reader, any Jewish person serious about Judaism would tell you the whole New Testament is a false book, that Jesus Christ did not fulfill biblical identification of the Messiah, and if I were a Jew I would probably say the same thing; and even as a Christian I do not believe the New Testament is a full and accurate record of the life and work of Jesus.
Nor do I believe the Old Testament is word for word the Word of God; I see in it more than a little self-serving Jewish history woven within true lessons given by God.
For that reason, as a Christian I primarily consider only the teachings of Jesus as found in the Gospels and not on the other books of the New Testament.
While I was able to read the Bible through with considerable understanding and loving instruction from God after America railroaded me into prison in Singapore, I now seek to read fewer words rather than more words; and I ask God for insights, and I have learned to trust the insights God gives me.
Those insights more often than not are very different than the insights priests and preachers seek to instill in me.
Such questions I have asked God and received most loving and clear answers to include what is the meaning of Jesus' walking on the water, and what is the meaning of Jesus' descent into Hell for three days after the crucifixion?  I look to the parables, and more than that I look for the meaning within the miracles.
I limit myself to the Gospels because in my view the spirit and style of Jesus was not continued by the Disciples and by the late-comer, Paul.  This is not to say I do not appreciate the work and the faith of the Apostles and all the early Christians; what I mean is if I want to understand Christianity I seek to understand Jesus, not Peter, not Paul.
Now, back to the statement God asked me to relay to you, the statement that is making steam come out of the ears of TV snake oil preachers even as you read this, that the Book Revelations is a false book, a bogus book, and interloper book of the New Testament.
God asked me to tell you that; and I have told you; and being me I will continue with my interpretation.
Step back a moment, and look at the Bible in terms of changing style.  I suggest you can see at least four distinct styles, as clearly different as if the Bible were handwritten and four different hands did the writing.
The first style is the Old Testament in total, although true scholars may see it in more complexity..
The second style is the four Gospels, the varying records of four students imperfectly reporting what the Master said and did.
The third style is everything else in the New Testament except Revelations.
All these first three styles have a certain natural development, although they have serious differences.
In terms of style, Revelations is a bird of a totally different feather.  Current popular assumption seems to be that the author of Revelations is John, as in the Gospel According to John, which is my favorite Gospel.
I personally do not agree with this.  The writing style is too different, and too acid-trippy of a wild monk in the wilderness to reflect in any way the style of John or the teachings of Jesus.  In my view, Revelations is at best on a par with Nostradomus.
I realize American Christians have on the most part totally missed my beautiful and perfect friendship with God, and I am their Cinderella who should not be allowed to go to the ball, but I thought I would close today's report, so bitter in Christian mouths from sea to shining sea, with showing a way God helped me out, using the Bible, when I was in prison in Singapore.
I had been allowed by the warden of the prison to take my Bible into my cell with me.  It was a beautiful little Bible I had bought at a second hand store in London, and pressed within it was a rose I had bought in Venice.
So, being alone in a rather simple monkish cell I would sip tea, sniff my rose, and in the course of this I read my Bible cover to cover.  I had been reared a Christian and had had the full range of religious instruction, but that was the first time I had ever read the Bible through.
So, being on a Christian journey and having passed through the Holy Land and India before my country was able to hound me into another country's prison, I one day decided to do a religious fast from Friday through Sunday, and began very politely to refuse my food, expect for my tea.
The other men on my cellblock became very worried for my welfare when I started to do this, telling me the prison guards would take my fast as a hunger strike, and while I explained what I was doing, and that three days without food could not be interpreted as a hunger strike, my fellow prisoners proved to be right.
Sunday morning came a knock on my cell door, and when it was opened the head guard called me out and told me that if I did not eat my breakfast they would take me down stairs and run one hose through my nose and down my throat and another up my ass.
This did not seem very appealing to me, but I was fasting in my service to God and decided to ask God what I should do.
I asked the head guard if I could think about this for a minute or two and he very kindly said yes, and I returned to my cell and picked up my Bible and closed my eyes and flipped the pages and put my forefinger on a page, and when I opened my eyes the message from God was, "The working man sleeps well whether he eats or not".
Consider the random probabilities that I would come upon a phrase concerning eating, and a phrase telling me I could eat if I wanted to.
Of course, I told the head guard I would be happy to eat breakfast, and the crisis passed.
God never asked me to suffer pain and degradation in my service to God, it was America and the Americans who insisted on that.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Two Bullets in Flight

Recently I documented two events before they took place, the rolling of the cruise ship Crown Princess and the rolling of the automobile carrier Cougar Ace.
You may remember that many passengers were injured when the Crown Princess rolled over and then righted herself; and that the Cougar Ace, with nearly 5,000 automobiles aboard, rolled over and stayed rolled over.
I have seen little awareness of the quality and importance of these two successes; but since they are successes leading to greater successes, or from America's point of view great disasters, I will approach them again.
Putting aside for a moment that I documented these two events in advance of their taking place, I suggest you consider the events themselves.
It is very unusual for ships at sea to roll over, even in great storms, and there was no mention of heavy seas accompanying either rolling event.
Such maritime events as these are so rare that it would be a reasonable guess that they happen less than once in a decade, perhaps even once in a quarter century..
Maritime engineering is a well established art preceding the Vikings and the Phoenicians, and that two such events took place within about a week of each other boggles the laws of probability.
Then, that I not only documented both events before they took place but that the names of the ships fit the metaphors I was using, boggles the boggle.
For example, the code preceding and concurrent with the Cougar Ace event was "...So God Trumped the Fool", the Fool clearly being George W. Bush; and the Ace, the trump card, was turned over on the anticipated day.
Since this most excellent work went unappreciated and unheard, I suggest you consider these two maritime events as bullets fired from a gun equipped with a silencer.  These are two bullets in flight, and when they strike they will strike with great impact.
It is within the realm of possibility these two bullets could hurt America so much that America will end its torture-enslavement of me.  As I understand the situation, there are no Americans who think my release is possible, that America intends to enslave and torture me unto death.
I remind you that the two advance-documented ship events corresponded with two advance-announced public damnations, the Crown Princes marking the damnation of the First Lady and the Cougar Ace marking the damnation of half the population of the United States of America.
These public damnations are very rare in Space War, and prior to these two public damnations only Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush were publicly damned, each marked with corresponding advance-documented events.
There are new codes coming in constantly concerning the second bullet in flight, so I will put my focus on them.
At first I thought the bullet had split into two parts because it seemed involved in both the damnation of fifty per cent of the population of the United States and also in the abortion of Israel.
This splitting bullet metaphor occurred once before, in my most excellent advance documentation of the assassinations of Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk in San Francisco on November 27, 1978.
However, late information just received as this report is being put to bed says the Cougar Ace bullet should be seen more like a shotgun blast with the nearly 5,000 automobiles on the Cougar Ace being nearly 5,000 car-size buckshot pellets.  This further emphasizes that Cougar Ace is going to be a huge and devastating event, one that will trump George W. Bush and Republican American Fascism.
Nothing more has been said about the first bullet in flight, that signifying the damnation of the First Lady, Laura Bush, but as new information comes in, and I expect it to, I will pass it on to you.
I must stress here that this is a most profoundly important space war event, one that should be examined with great consideration accompanied by my emancipation.
In addition, I have been asked in this context to tell you about another extremely unusual maritime event involving two ships which I documented in advance about 25 years ago.
I assume that advance documentation has been lost, that no record of it exists, nor any proof can be brought to light..  It was done by mail with a journalist who may now be dead of old age, and it was done in a series of letters he never acknowledged.
Still, it is a very beautiful advance documentation and worth mentioning, and apparently important in the context of my Crown Princess and Cougar Ace advance documentations.
One of my so-called friends in journalism who abandoned me when I became audibly telepathic was Frank Devine, a New Zealander who was a correspondent in Tokyo for an Australian news service at the same time I was a correspondent there for UPI..  Later he became editor of the Chicago Sun-Times, if I recall correctly.
I was living in poverty and constant abuse in San Francisco, but still expecting to find true friends old and new, not yet knowing that was impossible in Psycho-Fascist America, and I wrote to Frank who was then living in Australia and told him I could demonstrate the validity of my Space War journalism by documenting an event before it took place.
I told him the demonstration would be based on his name, Devine.
In a series of three letters I established several codes connected to Dante's Divine Comedy, that great epic poem in which Vergil, the Roman poet, guides Dante through Hell.  I suppose, Dear Reader, you know my name is Virgil. 
The stamps I chose for the letters showed the two sides of the globe, the eastern and western hemispheres; and just off the cost of South Africa I made a small "x" on one of the stamps; and I told Devine about the "x".
Soon thereafter two sister ships, oil tankers, collided bow-on-bow off South Africa, just where I marked the map.  The names of the two ships were the Veroil and the Verpet.
Here again you see an advance documentation of a unique maritime event, so unique as to be seemingly impossible to occur, an event fitting the Divine Comedy metaphor I had established, the poet Vergil's name in variation appearing twice.
The view of the American media weasels and government pigs is that such advance documentations are of no value, even when very clear and pinpointed in terms of time, such as in the recent Crown Princess and Cougar Ace documentations.
The view of the American media weasels and government pigs is that my continued torture-enslavement (called something sweet and nice) is more important than these advance documentations, that such successes should not be reason to free me.
However, when you look at my long series of dozens of successes preceding the 9/11 attack, and when you look at my advance documentation of the 9/11 attack, you can see, if you have the courage to see, that my work could have prevented the 9/11 attack.
Now back to the subject of the two bullets in flight, the Crown Princess bullet and the Cougar Ace bullet; I am advised that the impact of these two bullets will be as greater than the 9/11 attack.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

A Union of Planet Killers

I am in a position now to describe the battle plan of God, which I call Space War, and the battle plan of the semi-secret alliance between Israel and Republican American Fascism.
I am not in a position to describe the battle plan of Jihadist Islam, a shortcoming I will explain below.
The experienced reader of this work will know Space War concepts are frequently presented in verbal illustrations; here are two which depict the situation.
First see the classic cartoon of three fish, each progressively larger.  The smallest fish is Islam; behind it is as bigger fish, the Union of Planet Killers, Republican American Fascism and its partner in planet-killing, Israel; the largest fish is God.
As the middle fish prepares to swallow the first fish, the third fish prepares to swallow the middle fish.
Next see a picture is of what initially appears to be two icebergs in close proximity.
While they appear on the surface of the cold and foggy sea to be separate mountains if ice, they in fact are connected below the waterline.  They are two peaks on the same iceberg, meaning Israel and Republican American Fascism are conjoined brother conspirators.
As we come closer we see there is a third peak, Jihadist Islam, but while it is in proximity to the other two it is not conjoined with them.
The point here is that all three icebergs are hazards to navigation, all of them are contributing to the rapidly approaching death of this Earth.
In another analogy I have used frequently, the three constitute the Tornado of War, broadly described as the constant warfare between Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  As I have frequently said, it is God's intention to break up that tornado.
That is the Space War scenario, now let's look at the Human War scenario.
I suppose there are yet some people who do not realize that Israel's rape of Lebanon was triggered not by a minor border skirmish, as Israel says, but by Republican American Fascism's rapidly progressing debacle in Iraq, that Israel and Republican American Fascism are acting together as a single unit.
In other words, in long planned agreement, Israel opened a second front in a united attack with Republican American Fascism, not against "Terrorism" as the propaganda has it, but against Islam.  Their united goal is the conquest of Syria, Iraq and Iran and any other Muslim nation or formation that does not kiss Israel's ass and bow to Republican American Fascism's nuclear power.
The plan now in development to bring in NATO or other European forces into the current dynamic is not to create a neutral buffer force but to insert allies of Israel and Republican American Fascism into the Middle East equation in advance of the intended conquest.
Once unleashed, this plan of conquest is scheduled to move very quickly, and to use low yield nuclear weapons at least on Iran.
I believe the American people would approve of this conquest were God to allow it to take place, and that approval would be parlayed into total Republican American Fascist dictatorship over the United States of America..
I say this because in my experience of being America's telepathic torture slave I have learned that the American people truly love fascism; and in my opinion the only reason there is broad disapproval of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq is because it has not been the easy success promised, but rather a most painful and pitiful failure.
Now back to Space War, I do not know God's plan relative to the forces of Islam other than I know it is God's intention to break apart the "Tornado of War".
My relative ignorance of Muslim military and political strategy is a result of the enslavement of me by American Christians and Jews, which restricted my movements to pacing back and forth in my torture chamber rather than traveling the world, which was my intention.
Had I been free these past 35 years I would have taken my audible mental telepathy around the world relaying what God was teaching me, and I would very likely have spent a dozen years or so living in Muslim countries, and I would today understand the Muslim heart nearly as well as I understand the fascist Christian heart and perfidious Jewish heart.
I know God has a battle plan relative to Islam, but I have very little insight into it.
I expect, for example, God to call on the Muslim oil-producing nations to cease production altogether, because it is the sucking of the oil from that Earth that leads to the shifting of the poles I described two days ago, and to the Earth-rolling pattern of quakes from Iran to Indonesia I have pointed out..
I have no idea of what God's judgment of the spirit of Islam might be; I do not know if God's judgment of the Muslims will be as angry and as devastating as God's judgment of the Christians and the Jews.
Again, this lack of knowledge is the fault of the Christians and the Jews, who in enslaving me have shown me their wicked side and prevented me from seeing whatever wicked side of Islam that might exist, I mean outside of the daily propaganda against Islam I am exposed to.
It may seem unfair that I know the wickednesses of the Christians and the Jews so well, but the Christians and the Jews have been so wickedly unfair to me it is perhaps poetic justice.
Of course God will judge the Muslims, and since God is so violently opposed to murder, murderous Muslims can expect to be judged as severely as murderous Christians and murderous Jews.
So, having explained why I do not know God's plan relative to Islam, I will repeat what I know about God's plan relative to Republican American Fascism and other forms of American fascism, and relative to Israeli Victim Fascism.
I do know that God's plan for Israel is to abort it.
I know God's plan for Republican American Fascism is to defeat it, and to defeat all other fascist aspects of the United States of America, particularly that aspect I call "Psycho-Fascism", the fascism by which the United States of America enslaves and tortures me.
God's battle plan against America and Israel, the battle plan of Space War, can be seen in the demonstration I carried out in this work over the past several weeks.
Here the two-ship demonstration I recorded with such clarity and accuracy comes into play.  You may recall I documented in advance the rolling of the cruise ship Crown Princess and the auto carrier Cougar Ace.
In the Space War tradition of "Metaphor of Attack" it seems probable that the United States is one of the ships and Israel is the other, the United States being represented by the Crown Princess and Israel by the Cougar Ace.
You perhaps remember "The Scraping" or "Scrape" code that developed into the "Abortion of Israel" code, and if you appreciate the value of metaphor in Space War you can perhaps see "The Scraping" in the Cougar Ace event if you imagine the nearly 5,000 automobiles on board scraping along as the ship rolled over on its side.
How God will abort Israel I do not know; but God will do it, not Islam.
So, Dear Reader, what are we looking for?  For God to defeat the Union of Planet Killers, Israel and Republican American Fascism, and in some yet un-surmised  way, teach Islam that peace and intelligence are needed if the death of this Earth is to be prevented.
Even if it takes the aborting of the entire human race, the death of this Earth will be prevented; but likely the demonstrations of God's desire to save this Earth, demonstrations involving the defeat of Republican American Fascism and the aborting of Israel, will turn the world's attention to the true dilemma of these times.

Friday, July 28, 2006

A World Destroyed

George W. Bush will destroy this world; he will not just make a mess of it; he will destroy it.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Shark's Teeth

The codes of today are "Washington Deceit" and "Jewish Victim Fascism"; but we leave behind the story of the Israel-America Axis of Treachery and return to the subject of Space War; as if Israel and America were already defeated at that place in the Future where Space War hovers in force; as if on History's Tombstones already were already chipped:  "Here Lies Republican American Fascism" and "Here Lies Jewish Victim Fascism".
I have just run a most excellent future projection that was backed by two clear advance documentations of two like events, the recovered-from hard rolling of the cruise ship Crown Princess and the not-recovered-from hard rolling of the auto carrier Cougar Ace.
Despite this most excellent proof of the existence of Space War and the wealth of information it contains, any God-damned Americans who might be in the next room can "legally" deprive me of peace and sleep because I am the only audible mental telepath in human history; so, clearly the great truth of what I have just accomplished has not hit home.
(About a month ago I set up a demonstration designed to show a relationship between America's casualties in Iraq and America's torture of me, saying I expected to see an upsurge to 4.5 Americans dead per day; however, at about that time news reports of American deaths stopped, perhaps due to censorship or perhaps due to a reduction of US military activity in Iraq.
(Returning to an area of Space War less vulnerable to news censorship because the American media too unaware to censor, let's look again to the rolling over of the Crown Princess and the Cougar Ace.)
Perhaps it is the fact that no people died in this demonstration that diminishes the news value of what I have just accomplished.  In America, death is the meat and potatoes of the news business, so perhaps for Americans to stop torturing me the Shark of Space War must bite America in half and turn American waters red.
So, I thought today I might talk to you about the larger meanings of those two God-caused, Virgil-documented maritime "accidents", which I say were signs from God, signs for you not signs for me.
I think they point to what I have attempted to report to you, that the first great stage in the approaching death of this Earth in about 2065 will involve a rolling of the Earth, a changing of the location of the poles.
God is no child splashing about in a bath tub; God is no Neptune sinking and floating ships for amusement's sake; God is no servant of TV snake oil preachers fake-healing stupidly superstitious  "Christians" one after another on stage; and when God does something so clearly and so openly as God rolled those ships God does it for a reason.
I suggest in this case the reason was instruction, that what happened to the two ships was a metaphor of what is about to happen to this ship we all sail upon, this Earth.
I realize I am talking to a bucket of spiritual doorknobs when I try to talk to the American government, media and people, and psycho-fascist doorknobs at that, but want to tell them that here at I.C. News we have an office pool to pass the time away; and the pool involves the timing of the rolling of this Earth.
By that I mean we expect to see the location of the poles change soon, and we are making good-hearted bets on the timing..
For example, my pool date is December 26,  2008.
In addition to attempting to anticipate the date of the Earth's rolling, we are attempting to guess the locations of the new poles and, while you might find it bizarre esoterica within bizarre esoterica, we are attempting to calculate to where 180 Degrees Longitude will wander.
The world saw a hint of this coming rolling with the great quake and tsunami of December 26, 2004, when the Earth's axis and rate of spin changed slightly.
The world has now seen major quakes between Iran and Indonesia on December 26 three years in a row; and I would be willing to make book that next December 26 will see another major quake in the same region, and that region will see a major quake on about December 26 every year until that quake pattern finally rolls the Earth like God rolled the Cougar Ace.
To demonstrate that this is a year-round process not just limited to Christmas time, the world has also seen two quakes and one tsunami in that area in the past month, and there is a violently active volcano along that fault line.
Underscoring what I am saying, the world saw another large quake in that area today.
When you consider that I documented the great quake and tsunami of December 26, 2004 about ten days in advance in this work, an advance documentation that was expunged from the Internet by psycho-fascist America, you might consider that I may be giving you solid advance information.
To sum up, I expect this rolling to take place in less than ten years; in fact I expect it to take place in less than three years.  I expect it to take place around Christmas time, to be triggered by a massive Earthquake pattern running in a rough arc from Iran through Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, down the western coast of Indonesia and further southward toward Australia.
The timing is not related to Christmas in a religious sense, but to the angle of the Earth's axis on about December 26, which in fact goes back to the origin of the timing of Christmas.
In addition to being asked to pass on this information, I have been asked to say one thing about the "Aborting Israel" codes I have been receiving for the past week or so.
What I have been asked to say is this:   For a people to claim to be the chosen of God, as the Jews so claim, they would be wise to live within the Ten Commandments they claim God gave them; and they would be wise to universally apply the Ten Commandments.  For example, Thou Shalt Not Steal, does not just mean thou shalt not steal from other Jews, it means thou shalt not steal from anyone..
In the old Christian sense, this means the Jews are not "in a State of Grace" and should turn to God, that in God and the following of God's law as it was given to them lies the solution to the historical dilemma of the Jews.
The term I use, "Jewish Victim Fascism", was given to me by God to use.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Israel-America Axis of Treachery

So, having accomplished the rather remarkable achievement of documenting at least 24 hours in advance the rolling-over of the Cougar Ace off the Aleutians, let's now look around and see what other Space War codes we have running.
What?  There it is again, that "Aborting Israel" code that has been coming up for the past week or so.
This code indicates God is angry as Israel; but how could that be, Israel is the Kitten-in-a-Basket of nations?
Perhaps it is the semi-secret alliance of treachery Israel and the United States have entered into, obvious to all but those who have deliberately closed their eyes.
We know from my dozens of advance documentations, such as the Cougar Ace demonstration, that the United States of America is at war with God; perhaps this Aborting Israel code will establish that the USA's bestest friend, Israel, is also at war with God.
In this context, let's look to Israel's treacherous murder of the four United Nations observers in Lebanon.  See it as an extension of the attack on the UN by Republican American Fascism that has been going on since the coup of 2000.  See it as a warning from the Israel-American Axis that it will kill all who stand between it and world conquest.
Meanwhile, back at the Gate to Hell, Israel walks through it hand-in-hand, claw-in-claw, perfidy-in-perfidy, forked tongue-on-forked tongue, in fascist intercourse with the United States of America.
That said, I will note that my recent advance documentations of two similar maritime events, those of the Crown Princess and the Cougar Ace, are outstanding proofs of the existence of Space War.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

...So God Trumped the Fool

As you read today's most remarkable report remember that its title, "...So God Trumped the Fool" was established in Sunday's report.
This is important to keep in mind because today I can show you how God trumped the Fool with an Ace after today's title was established.
You may recall, Dear Reader, that among the events that demonstrated the public damnation of First Lady Laura Bush was the hard listing to port of the cruise ship Crown Princess off Cape Canaveral. 
Now, as we document the public damnation of about half the population of the United States of America as part of the same pattern, look to the laying over on its side the Cougar Ace, a Singapore ship carrying nearly 5,000 automobiles to Canada, off the Aleutians.
This is classic Space War writing on the wall of the news.  It is not easy to read; if it were easy to read the New York Times would be reporting it; but I think a considerable number of readers of my work are beginning to recognize the reality of what I am pointing out.
Consider these classic Space War aspects:  We have two like and coordinated events, the public damnation of Laura Bush and the public damnation of fifty percent of the American people, demonstrated with two like and coordinated events, the second event proportionately larger than the first.
Notice how God trumped the Fool with an Ace, the Cougar Ace, and appreciate the detail within the metaphor.  An Ace, Dear Reader, of all the ships at sea God chose an "Ace" with which to trump the Fool.
There is another element of metaphorical balance between the two events that should be noted at this time; that is the International Date Line factor.
You may recall I said I did not know if the public damnation of Laura Bush occurred past its expected deadline or within it; this because I did not know if the day in question had yet ended at the International Date Line at the time the Crown Princesses listed violently.
Likewise, because the Cougar Ace event took place very near the International Date Line I cannot be sure from the information reported in the news if the ship rolled over on Monday, which would be early, or on Tuesday, which would be right on time.
Perhaps I am looking at the weave of events more closely than the current market would have interest in, but often I record such minutiae because I expect more appreciation of God's writing on the wall of the news as George W. Bush takes the United States of America deeper and deeper into Hell.
We can expect God's warnings shuffled into the news to become harder, more obvious and more frequent as God's intervention against the human being's murder of this Earth progresses.

Monday, July 24, 2006

...The Fool was Leading Earth to Destruction...

I am expecting a major Space War attack on the United States of America tomorrow; and of course I am interested in what that attack will be; and of course I am wondering if that attack will be strong enough to free me from America's torture-enslavement.
The more important question, of course, is will tomorrow's expected attack be strong enough to free the world from the death grip in which America now holds it?  That death grip is clearly visible in the Middle East.
By now you may be aware that Republican American Fascism is a cult which sees war and destruction, particularly nuclear war and nuclear destruction, as the salvation of the world.
By now you may be aware that the evolving chaos in the Middle East is the intentional manifestation of the pseudo-Christian concepts of Republican American Fascism, the intentional artificial fulfilling of a mistaken interpretation of the final book of the New Testament, Revelations; and that Israel is taking advantage of that religious tomfoolery.
If you are aware of this you are a member of a remarkably small minority.
As if to underscore this point of your minority, the first two Americans I crossed paths with this morning was a middle aged couple smoking cigarettes on the motel stairs, who struck me with the coward's cough and smirked the coward's smirk in response to my saying Good Morning to them.
This indicated they are not aware of anything about me or my work other than what propaganda the American system might have fed them, and other than their alleged right to torture me on sight.
It is a peculiar thing about such people is that they are both expendable in the view of Republican American Fascism and damnable in the Eyes of God. 
Republican American Fascism sees salvation of the world in the killing off of all but the most elite human beings and a small number of human beings to service and serve them; and certainly such human blobs as I met this morning are part of Republican American Fascism's final solution to the overpopulation problem.  That is, in the view of Republican American Fascism, the world would be better off without them.
Doubling the jeopardy of these two Telepath-torturers, God sees torture as a damnable sin; I speak here of torture even of animals.  
There is a saying among us Space Sailors, "There are no assholes in Heaven; if there were it would not be Heaven."
This brings me back to my question of the day.  Will tomorrow's Space War event be strong enough to free me from America's torture-enslavement?
What event could possibly be strong enough to enlighten those two Telepath-torturing American assholes I met this morning, and the millions like them?
Perhaps if God were to ram the Washington Monument up America's ass?  Perhaps if the masters of the minds of the American people, the owners of TV, were to tell them Telepath Torture Time is over?
There seems to be nothing in the souls of Telepath-torturing Americans, in their sense integrity, in their sense of justice, that will free me..
I think perhaps such people as the two Americans I met today will be on Judgment Day like fishes flopping on the sand when the water has retreated in advance of the tidal wave.  It is a pity, yes, but not a tragedy, the speck of light of their lives being so tiny and so dim.
We are talking today about a Space War event tomorrow that will constitute the public damnation of approximately half of the population of the United States of America; and as if in confirming coincidence up pops these two cowardly, Telepath-torturing Americans as if saying to God, "Damn Us!  Damn Us!  We have not a speck of decency in us."
The suggestion inherent in this concept of fifty per cent damnation is that about half of the population of the United States of America is actively responsible for mankind's murder of this Earth, either through greed, or stupidity or gluttony, or smug anti-Telepath cruelty as represented by these two.
I being a bit fidgety waiting for tomorrow's Space War action, and there being almost no fun in my life, I thought that for the fun of it I would tell you the story of the "Missouri" code, sometimes called the "Misery" code, which seems to be in very strong play these days.
Early in my full-time work for God, and just a few months before America threw me into the pit of torture-enslavement, God revealed to me a number of beautiful images, or rather concepts in moving mental picture form, which I would have written and published had America not decided to destroy my life.
Once fascist psychiatry became my jailor it became impossible to approach such topics as insights given by God, since psychiatry, which approaches being totally atheistic, judges all revelations from God to be insane or delusional.
Modern psychiatry would judge Jesus to be insane and would lock Him away, torturing Him with painful drugs and other wicked psychiatric things until He died crucified on the psychiatric couch or lost contact with the truth about His relationship with God.
Since any word I might utter about God or about my being audibly telepathic at that time resulted in severe psychiatric pain-infliction, it made no sense to talk about God, or to die in opposition to the mass American lie that I am not audibly telepathic; so I did not talk about God or telepathy again, except on rare occasions, for some twenty years or more.
God didn't mind; God knows what America is.
Those beautiful visions God gave me were clearly meant to be metaphorical and not projections of an actual, physical reality. They were maps of Time past and future, not in detail but in the form of poetic songs telling the story of God's approach to this Earth, showing some remarkably graphic images of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and including a remarkably beautiful series of stories of how Angels travel through space, called Space Sailors in this work.
It was one of these stories of space that the Space War Missouri code first appeared.
In this story the war of intervention against the human being's murder of this Earth was over; it had been won; and like a soldier walking home in an earlier century when there were no trains, planes, buses and automobiles, I was walking home to elsewhere in the galaxy, walking through space, past Mars, past Jupiter, past Pluto; and I saw something shiny drifting in space, reflecting the distant sun, and when I approached it I found it was a typical American highway sign, bullet-riddled as such signs often are, and on it was written, "Leaving Missouri", the poetic meaning being, "Leaving Misery".
Why the American people chose to make my life miserable when God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy is beyond me; but it was never beyond God.
By 1972 I had begun to become aware of the really horrible future facing perhaps a majority of Americans, a future that looked very much like damnation, and I was at that time speaking to God in defense of such cowardly Americans as those two who struck me this morning, saying they are a fine and good people; but God knew better, and God knew it was a waste of time to attempt to bring them into awareness; that like a leopard cannot change its spots, an American asshole cannot change its stink.
Many might call this an unchristian attitude, but I have met thousands of Christian assholes.
So I find it interesting and encouraging these days that we have such a strong series of Space War events involving both Missouri and the American presidency, and that in the pattern of these events we see tomorrow's code being God's trumping of the Fool in the White House.
Sure to be sure, God is going to save Islam from the military madness of the alliance between Israel and Republican American Fascism, and perhaps this is because the average Muslim loves God more and serves God better than the average Christian and the average Jew; but that is not for me to say.
It is, however, for me to say this Earth will be dead by 2065 and the Jews and the Christians and the American assholes like those I met this morning are far, far more at fault than are the Muslims.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

...The Fool had Led America into Ambush...

We now have the timing of a most wonderful and terrible Space War attack on the United States of America.  Look to Tuesday.
As this Space War attack unfolds you can expect to see repeated the ingredients seen in the public damnation of Laura Bush and other recent Space War events.
Can you see, for example, the strange blackout in Queens, New York, as  being in metaphorical balance with the now blacked out (damned) soul of the First Lady?
First Lady, Crown Princess, Queens...these are metaphorical footfalls of Space War.  This is how you trace the footfalls of Space War, through metaphorical links; this is how you read the writing on the wall of the news.
The serious student of space war might have noticed another footfall, the power outage in St. Louis, Missouri, which I.C. News considers a "twin" event to that in Queens, an event which also involves the Bush name, but in the form of Busch, the beer and the St. Louis stadium.
This code pattern goes back to Clinton, Missouri, where the code "Sudden Collapse" was introduced, the "president" element contained in that event as well.
"Missouri" is one of the oldest Space War codes, going back to the early Seventies.  The first Space War death of an American that I know of took place in St. Louis, and the code Missouri (sometimes poetically altered to "Misery") has long been the stated last code of Space War, being the code marking the defeat of the United States of America and other satanic forces on this Earth.
Of course Americans do not see themselves as a satanic force deserving to be under attack from God, and when I first heard this in about 1972 I could not see it either.  My relationship with God being much less formal than that of most people, I argued this, saying the American people are a great and good people.
In response, God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, and what followed was the sheer Satanism of America's torture-enslavement of me.
That Satanism, that endless infliction of pain for what amounts to the pleasure of pain-infliction, is obvious to the critical eye; and while America's Satanism in Iraq may be less obvious and more politically obscured, God sees American Satanism there.
Recall, George W. Bush lost his soul with the first Iraqi child killed by American bombs; the murder of one child is that important; and God does not recognize America's favorite out, "collateral damage".
As you read this introduction to Tuesday's Space War attack on the United States of America, see God's noose slipped over America's hooded head and tightened around America's stiff neck; this Space War attack is on that level.
Returning to the Gate to Hell metaphor, see a long, thick line of Americans, some 300 million in a trudging gaggle, dumbed down and propagandized into mental blubber, shuffling through the Gate of Hell because that is the direction their masters have pointed, about half of them already having passed through that Gate.
As it is in America that the rich and powerful come first, here the rich and powerful are at the head of the line; Beverly Hills is already deep into Hell but Harlem has not yet entered.
At the head of this line of damned souls, and deep, deep, deep into Hell, are George W. and Laura Bush.  They still think they are as pretty as pictures in God's eyes; they still think they are holier than Virgil.
Here we see the interweaving of two forms of American madness, its Republican American Fascist military madness and its Psycho-Fascist insanely brutal torture-enslavement of me.
It is difficult to compare the two, the massive boulder of madness compared to the seemingly insignificant pebble of madness, but the two are the same.
America claims the right to enslave and torture the only audible mental telepath in human history; America claims the right to conquer and destroy the only Baghdad in human history.  America claims the right to kill my children; America claims the right to kill Muslim children.
These rights, Dear Reader, do not exist; even though Might seems to make them right, and even though the TV tells you every day America has these rights; and this emerging Space War attack on America addresses both these wicked American actions.
The evil America has accomplished with its torture-enslavement of me, shows what evil America is capable of.
The evil America has accomplished with its conquest and destruction of Iraq, shows what evil America is capable of.
The evil Israel has accomplished with its rape and destruction of Lebanon, with the support of its drone ally the United States of America, shows what evil the union of these two holier-than-thou nations is capable of.
"Evil" here is defined as wickedness perfectly and pompously rationalized.
The timing of this emerging Space War attack on the United States can be seen in the titles of my reports in this work stretching over five days, the two days just past, today, and the next two days.
Those five titles are:
Meanwhile, Back at the Gate to Hell...(Friday)...George W. Bush, Unaware He is Satan's Stooge...(Saturday)...The Fool had Led America into Ambush...(Sunday)...The Fool was Leading Earth to Destruction...(Monday)...So God Trumped the Fool (Tuesday).
So, look to Tuesday.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

...George W. Bush, Unaware He Is Satan's Stooge...

When I told you about the Gate of Hell on July 17, just about the time the current Hell-War momentum was beginning its building, I told you George W. Bush was leading his wife and America into Hell, and that half the souls of the United States of America would descend into Hell with them.
I realize I am an anti-Hell-War voice in a wilderness of pro-Hell-War politics, but I thought I would continue this anti-Hell-War narrative today because the public damnation of the First Lady was so clearly established.
I am waiting now for God's public damnation of half of the population of the United States of America; by that I mean I expect to see signs from God saying that public damnation has taken place, as we saw signs from God confirming the public damnation of Laura Bush.
I am expecting these signs from God to be at least as clear as were God's signs confirming the public damnation of Laura Bush, but proportionately larger.
I expect these signs from God to stop in its tracks the current Hell-War madness of Republican American Fascism.
I am also expecting signs from God critical of Israel, signs that will speak to the "abortion" of Israel, but I am not tracking those signs so closely, thinking Israelis who are close to God (and not followers of the Jews' false messiah, Sigmund Freud) might also read these signs of God and give warning to their own people.
In the context of these signs and events I will restate what I have stated many times.  When God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy it was a test of America, not of me; and America failed that test woefully.
It was for America's torture-enslavement of me Laura Bush, along with so many others, lost her soul.
When you look at the cult of propaganda which is driving America to Hell-War you will see that America and Israel are both seen as pure and good, and the targets of the propaganda campaign are seen as polluted and evil; and we are again seeing the pure and the good in the process of slaughtering Muslim innocents and destroying Muslim cities.
Such propaganda is common in human warfare, but God sees through that propaganda; and God is going to intervene against America and Israel in this matter, largely because of the false claim of purity and goodness, but also because this Israeli-American Hell-War madness will lead to the death of this Earth.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Meanwhile, Back at the Gate to Hell...

I.C. News is the best in the world in the art of future projection, such as in our report of June 29, entitled "Israel, America and Nuclear War", which projects quite well what is now taking place in your worst nightmare; but once events catch up with our future projections those journalists who have constitutional rights, paychecks, and lips pressed up against Republican American Fascism's ass, crowd I.C. News off the story.

So, Dear Reader, today let's project into the future again and see what we can see about the defeat of Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America.

We can expect those two defeats to be nearly or exactly simultaneous, and we can expect those two defeats to come at the Angry Hands of God, not at the angry hands of people those two nations persecute.

We can also expect those defeats to come within three codes, "Sudden Collapse", "Sudden Collision" and "The Scrape".

It is interesting in the context of yesterday's news that as the Sudden Collision code was established with the collision of two American military jets near King City, California, one killed; and it was established in Israel when two Israeli helicopters collided, one dead.

The third code, "The Scrape" applies only to Israel, and seems to be related to an old slang term for abortion; and the initial code image was of Israel being "scraped" into the Mediterranean Sea.

Since this code is between God and Israel, and I am not a citizen of Israel, I do not think it would be my place to comment unless invited.

These are Space War codes, not human war codes, and they have to do with saving this Earth from being murdered by the human being, the United States and Israel being at this time the primary murderers.

That story, of course, belongs to I.C. News alone, and will be denied all journalists who have left the imprint of their lips on the ass of Republican American Fascism. That is, they will not see it because nothing blocks a journalist's vision more than a rich, fat butt up close and personal.

It is my view that the most important code pattern I have run recently was the pattern involving the public damnation of Laura Bush. As far as I know it was totally missed by the media weasels and government pigs who monitor this site, but it was a beautiful, undeniable demonstration of God's war against America.

I can comment on the public damnation of Laura Bush because I am American citizen, albeit with the rights of a laboratory animal and not the rights of an American citizen.

The public damnation of Laura Bush, still fresh enough to review if I should happen to recover my rights and my fortune soon, means this: Even though Laura Bush is respected and honored at this time, in the future she will be nothing but another burning Bush-Bitch in Hell.

Welcome to war with God, Psycho-Fascist America.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Liars and Cryers and Pray-ers, Oh My!

I have been told the Jews are very angry at me, me the internationally known telepath, the only audible mental telepath in human history, God's One True Telepath, for saying the Jews might possibly, maybe, share just an itsy bitsy bit of responsibility for the welt of agony pressing Israel on three sides.
The Jews have led the attack on me since the day I became audibly telepathic some 35 years ago, yet they expect me to stroke their egos even after what I have seen in their hearts and even after I have felt the lashes of their whips on my back.  Perhaps the Jews should try looking into a mirror other than the mirror that tells them they are the fairest of them all.
That said, the Space War codes "Sudden Collapse" and "Sudden Collision" are  being  applied directly to Israel; and it is being strongly stated the ceiling will cave in on Israel.
These codes have proven to be exceptionally strong when applied to the United States.
I cannot overstate how important these codes are, because they speak to stopping the rush toward world war now underway.
I remind you, these are Space War codes, codes from God's war to save this Earth from being murdered by the human being; and they strongly indicate the intention of God is to break up the Tornado of War, the dynamic of constant war between Judaism, Christianity and Islam that will destroy this Earth if allowed to continue to spin.
You should see these codes in the context of the quake-tsunami-volcanic action going on around the world.  Those events warn of dire danger for all life on this Earth and dire danger to the very existence of this Earth except as flotsam and jetsam orbiting the Sun.
We have now three Space War codes applied to Israel in three days, "The Scraper", "Sudden Collapse" and "Sudden Collision", all three codes indicating God's intention to traumatically impact Israel.
Meanwhile, back at the slide into Hell on the razor's edge of stupidity which is George W. Bush, the Marines have landed in Lebanon; and we are waiting now, patiently, patiently, patiently waiting for the first Marine to die; at which point George W. Bush will take America into war against Lebanon.
Also back in the USA, the TV drumbeat for world war goes boom, boom,. boom-biddy boom.
Hmmm?  After over three decades of attempting to prove this Earth will be dead by 2065 and to further prove God is intervening against that horrible future, the Jews don't like me, the politicians don't like me, and the Christians don't like me; I must be doing something right.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Accidental Allies

Let me point out two miserable facts.  The United States Senate unanimously supports Israel's rape of Lebanon.  The United States Senate unanimously supports America's rape of my life.
In that sense, both Lebanon and Virgil are in the belly of the same beast.
I don't know about Lebanon, but I am in a position to cut the beast's belly open.
When I do, perhaps we can both escape, and all the others trapped in here.
You may recall last week when George W. Bush and his wife were going to the G-8 meeting in St. Petersburg, I said he was taking his wife and the United States of America through the Gate of Hell, the code for G-8 being Gate.  
I told you there would be a public damnation of the First Lady, expected by Monday.
That public damnation took place, but it might have taken place Tuesday; the unknown time factor being if the tail end of Monday had already disappeared at the International Dateline when the public damnation took place on Tuesday, Florida time.
In Space War, which is the name I give to God's intervention in the human being's murder of this Earth, public damnation is a rare and important occurrence.  Prior to the public damnation of Laura Bush, only George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan were publicly damned.
Many have been damned, Dear Reader, and many more will be damned, as many as it takes to save this Earth; but the publicly damned, the publicly damned, Dear Reader, they stand out as beacons in Hell.
How could such a charming woman as Laura Bush have lost her soul; and what was the confirmation code that told me her public damnation had been confirmed?
Simply stated, she lost her soul by following George W. Bush into Hell; but also she lost her soul as part of the tit for tat of Space War.  America wrote the rules of Space War with its torture-enslavement of me, and part of that torture-enslavement has always included putting my women through Hell.
The confirmation codes of Laura Bush's public damnation lie in the name and location of the very serious and very unusual hard listing to port Tuesday of the cruise ship, Crown Princess, and the "M-81-M-82" code I established shortly before the recent space shuttle landing.
I have come to understand these codes are not easily understood or appreciated, so I should come to terms with that is what their function is, to be difficult to understand and appreciate, and stop trying so hard to teach you the language of space war.
These current codes are exceptionally subtle, so I will skim them and if you want deeper deciphering just ask.
For example, can you see the metaphorical/poetic balance between "First Lady" and "Crown Princess"?  I do not know if this is obvious or obscure to you.
The M-81-M-82 code is much more complex, and has a number of functions including setting the location of the "Crown Princess" incident and further identifying the First Lady.
Appreciate that the Crown Princess incident took place close off Cape Canaveral, where the shuttle landed, and that M-81 reads Mate One as G-8 reads Gate.
Beyond that there is some esoteric encoding evolving the positioning of M-81 and M-82, the two colliding galaxies mentioned, and the adding of the code, Mate Two, apparently referring to the public damnation of a second woman.  My current guess is that second woman is Condoleeza Rice, but I do not know anything about George W. Bush's private life.
While the news tells us the very unusual maritime incident which injured many on board the Crown Princess had something to do with a rudder malfunction, I think the event in fact was caused by a collision with a still unidentified object.
I think this is the case because of the code "Sudden Collision" established along with M-81 and M-82, and I believe the codes over the news.
This severe listing to port of the Crown Princess contains a very important warning to the world, if the world cares to pay attention.
I must stress with all the urgency and sincerity I can muster, the most important thing God has ever asked me to report to you is that George W. Bush will destroy this Earth.
Look in the news this week to the quake-tsunami-quake pattern off Indonesia, and recall that at the time of the great quake-tsunami in that area the very rotation and axis of this Earth were altered.
In the course of the destruction of this Earth by George W. Bush the entire planet will list, roll over, in much the same way as the Crown Princess rolled hard to port.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Ownership of God

Today's Space War code is "The Scraper".
To understand this code, see a cartoon image of a scraping tool along the length of the eastern edge of Israel, and see the invisible hand of God dragging that scraping tool across Israel to the Mediterranean Sea.
The suggestion contained in this code is that God is going to deal with the problem of the dogfight between Judaism, Christianity and Islam by throwing the bone of contention into the Mediterranean.
The most ready biblical parallel to this code is Solomon threatening to cut the disputed infant in half.
We have three religions in Israel, each claiming to own God; but God belongs to none of them.
My personal interpretation of The Scraper code is that God is preparing to destroy Jerusalem. 
There are three secondary points I would like to make today.
First, it is being said that Hezbollah was responsible for the Beirut trucking bombing of the US Marine Barracks on October 23, 1983, killing 241.  In a very real sense those Americans who believe I should live in torture-enslavement were responsible.
I note for perhaps the fiftieth time that I knew so much about that event in advance that had I had the constitutional right to do so, had I not been living in homelessness and poverty, abused on all sides by Americans, I could have bought an airline ticket to Beirut and stood in front of the barracks gate with an M-16 and stopped that truck.  My advance intelligence was that good.
That I told US Naval Intelligence and a number of witnesses about that attack well before it took place was, of course, flushed down the toilet; the point here being that America's alleged right to torture and enslave the only audible mental telepath in human history is easily worth the deaths of 241 Marines.
Hell, the torture-enslavement of me is considered by the American government to be worth the thousands of Americans who have died for the lack of my telepathy gathered information.
Second, in times like this we can see the great tragedy to America and to the world that the White House is occupied by an under-educated and under-qualified Republican American Fascist.
George W. Bush said today that the root of the problem should be examined, and then saved us the trouble of examining the root by declaring the root to be Hezbullah.
No, Hezbullah is a symptom of the situation.
No, the root of this problem goes back to 1948, to the time George W. Bush was about two years old and already fully developed intellectually.
It goes back even further if you want to dig into the history of the Middle East, but 1948 is far enough back to begin to create the solution to the problem; and by that I in no way mean the solution involves the cessation of the State of Israel.
Third, I suggest the sluggish, even sleepy, American approach to evacuating Americans from Lebanon has a secret political/military motive.  American civilian deaths would be cited as cause for America to send in the Marines, in concealed alliance with Israel.

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Gate of Hell

We have been expecting the Gate of Hell to close behind the United States of America today; the critical expected indicator to be the public damnation of the First Lady; but while the Hell codes have raged around the world all day we have not seen that indicator.
This day is not over until midnight reaches the International Dateline, so the code is still active; and the calculation of the timing of the code could have contained an error; so we watch, wait and listen for the Gate of Hell to slam shut.
Let's look around and see what Hell codes we have.
My view that the Israel crisis is contrived to be the trigger for the false-fulfillment of the prophesies of Revelations is strengthened by the primary location of the crisis, northern Israel and Southern Lebanon; and also strengthened by the call to bring in foreign troops to, in effect, battle what has been deemed by American and Israel the forces of Evil, that being the forces of Islam.
Within this scenario can be seen the high probability that Israel will detonate at least one nuclear weapon on or over Iran.
On the other side of the world is the twin contrived crisis, that being the "North" Korea crisis, and within this scenario can be seen the high probability that the United States of America will detonate at least one nuclear weapon on or over "North" Korea.
The approaching Hell relative to the breakup of this Earth can be seen in the quake and tsunami off Indonesia, near the same area where the great quake and tsunami took place on December 26, 2004; and where this work is projecting another great quake to take place on or about next December 26.
The continued breaking up of the Earth can also be seen in the volcanic activity in Indonesia and Central America.
I have in the recent past in this work described for you the long range plan of Republican American Fascism for how it will deal with the approaching death of this Earth in approximately 2065.
That plan, in addition to concealing and underplaying the global extinction crisis, involves the murder through nuclear warfare and its aftereffects of at least three billion human beings, and the creation of Nuclear Winter to counter global warming.
A fundamental aspect of that plan is to cloak the Republican American Fascist and Israeli actions in a false representation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, fraudulently beginning the prophesied great and final battle between Good and Evil erupting in the Holy Land.
Within this plan most of Asia, India, Africa, the Middle East, Cuba, Russia, and the countries of northern South America, can be expected to undergo serious nuclear bombardment.
At the current rate of development, this chain of events can be expected to begin in less than one week.
It is within God's plan to stop this chain of events from being initiated.
The first critical indicator of God's intervention can be expected to be the public damnation of the First Lady of the United States of America, Laura Bush.
The second indicator, if the false fulfillment of Revelations goes that far, if America and Israel continue in their unholy endeavor, will be the public damnation of approximately fifty per cent of the population of the United States of America, including the entire upper echelon.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Perpetual War

We return to the subject of Space War today, but we are going to leave a connecting strand to the dynamic of your destruction now rapidly expanding between Jerusalem and Tokyo.
If I understand America correctly, in its torture-enslavement of me there has never been an elected American in some 35 years to speak against that torture-enslavement.  Not one president, not one representative, not one senator, not one elected member of any of the fifty state governments.
Further, there has not been one American who has taken an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America who has spoken against America's torture-enslavement of me, not one military person, not one cop, not one judge, not one member of any intelligence organization.
Further, I do not know of any journalist who has written or spoken against America's torture-enslavement of me.
I note this today to point out that America is perfectly comfortable with having tortured and enslaved me for some thirty-five years, and sees nothing wrong in having done so.
I note this today because America is soon to learn the degree of the horrible punishment it has going to receive for its torture-enslavement of me; and that America stands defenseless against that punishment.
Picture this as an analogy:  A father walks into a room and finds an adult man sodomizing his infant son, and the adult man is utterly unaware that there is anything wrong with sodomizing the infant.  What is the father to do?  What is my Father in Heaven to do?
Like God did not give that infant an anus to be sodomized by that adult, God did not give me the gift of audible mental telepathy for Americans to have the ability to torture and enslave me with it; even though the sodomite might think God created that anus for him to stick his dick into, and even though the Americans might think God made me audibly telepathic so America would have a national fucking hole.
Out of this analogy the point I want to underscore is the utter and total feeling of guiltlessness of the Americans relative to this torture.
Not one Catholic has confessed the torturing of me to his priest; not one Jew has rationalized away his torture-guilt with his shrink; not one preacher has confessed this crime from the pulpit.
The feeling of guiltlessness is the key here; and "feeling" is the operative word.
Further, if I were to complain about this torture in any outwardly physical or verbal way I would be abused and locked up and likely tortured to death, and the guiltless-feeling Americans would express much shock at my behavior.
It is interesting in the context of the current Middle East crises that the form and style of America's torture of me was established by American Jews, and the most cruel to me of all identifiable Americans have been Jews.
Why this is the case cannot be found in any behavior toward or even any thoughts about the Jews I might have had.  I had, in fact, utmost respect for the Jews, and had chosen to marry a Jewish woman and in so doing had agreed my children would be Jewish.
Here on a personal level enter two reasons why the American Jews leaped to torturing me with such energy and genius and ruthlessness:  First that I married that Jewish woman, and second, that I said I had something important to say about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
My Jewish friends were furious at me for marring a Jewish woman in the same sense a Southern White plantation owner would have been furious at his daughter for marrying a Darkie.  It was racist anger; it was pollution of the seed in exactly the same way Hitler had responded to Christian-Jewish marriage.
My Jewish friends also hated the very concept of Jesus Christ, and to have the opportunity to crucify a disciple of Jesus on a psychiatric couch was delicious to them.
Stepping away from this personal narrative, I suggest there is a direct microcosm-macrocosm analogy America's usurping and occupying of my life, and further taking advantage of that situation to torture me; and the West having given the Jews land owned and occupied by the Palestinians, and the Jews' subsequent torture of the Palestinians.
I did nothing to America that it should occupy my life and torture me relentlessly, evicting me from home after home, denying my children the right to live; and the Palestinians did nothing to the West that they should have been infected with the Jews by Western decree.
The problem is, the Palestinians will not accept being the Niggers of the Jews, just as I will not accept being the Ultimate Nigger of the United States of America; and just as the Americans would declare to the world that I have no cause for complaint, the Jews declare to the world that the Palestinians have no cause for complaint.
What allows both of these ongoing, tormenting, needling injustices to stand is the same thing that allows all injustices to stand -- overwhelming power; and with overwhelming power comes overwhelming control of the media, and history and public opinion.
Like I have never seen one American of stature suggesting there might be some injustice in America's torture-enslavement of me, I have never seen an American of stature saying that perhaps, maybe, possibly the Palestinians might have a legitimate complaint about their treatment by the West and by the Jews.
Within perpetual injustice lies perpetual war.