The $12 Billion Defeat
We are talking about God's Space War here, and this has been an excellent week in God's Space War; but it is not easy to understand, nor was it mean to be. I record it only to record it, thinking later events will make more clear what I tell you today.
This is a huge attack pattern, we have gone from two plus two to quantum physics; we have gone from the ten-day countdown in which I demonstrate that something is going to happen on Zero Day to a 56-day count-up apparently leading to Total Space War.
This attack pattern has expanded beyond what I initially expected. Initially I thought it would result in the defeat of the United States of America in response to America's torture-enslavement of me---and that has certainly been confirmed---but now the attack pattern targets all nations who know of and support America's torture-enslavement of me.
God knows who they all are; I know only a few.
We are still in the first week of this eight-week attack pattern; we can expect it to expand in impact each week.
It seems to me that in this approach by God to America and its allies in Telepath torture-enslavement there is no interest at all anymore in education, in convincing you Telepath torturers you took the wrong path when you entered into your crime of torturing and enslaving me after God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy.
God's interest now seems simply to be in chopping off at the knees America and its allies in Telepath torture-enslavement.
The scope of this attack pattern puts me into a state of awe; long a lone Space Sailor fighting a cruel and cowardly enemy, now my whole heavenly fleet shows up.
Sure to be sure, we only had one reasonably clear advance documentation this past week, that of the death of the high school girl in Colorado---and sure to be sure, we know advance documentations of deaths and other news events are not going to free me from America's tyranny.
We all know I could document in advance the deaths of a whole damn high school full of students and that would not free me from America's torture-enslavement, just as my advance documentation of the 9/11 attack brought me no freedom.
Yet, despite there being only one clear advance documentation of one deep pool of America's Hell this week, to the practiced eye we had a magnificent series of advance documentations; and we know they will mean a great deal in the seven weeks to come in this Mouse attack..
For example, I said I was expecting a "Green" attack, and what happens, a plan to attack the Green Zone in Baghdad was uncovered. It is not what I expected, but it fit the code I was extrapolating from.
I still expect this Green code to lead to a massive ecological disaster, and ultimately to the death of this Earth, but I consider the Baghdad event to be the first link in this code's chain.
(Recall, the Green Zone of Baghdad is George W. Bush's turd in Arabia; and God told me George W. Bush will destroy the world. That was clearly the first link in a hard, mean chain.)
As another example, I told you I was expecting a sports disaster. I was expecting a plane full of American professional athletes to crash. I didn't report that expectation here, but I telepathically told it to the to the fascist in the next room, whom America pays to torture me day and night. Ask that cowardly son of a bitch, see if he will tell you the truth.
However, knowing as I do the metaphorical leeway of God's Space War codes, I will take the GOL (goal) Airlines crash in Brazil as the first link in that sports disaster code.
That is, I still expect at least one plane carrying professional American athletes to crash as this attack pattern develops. One of the aims of this Mouse attack, you may remember, is to break America's heart; and you can expect to see a lot of sports fans blubbering in their beer before it is half over.
Another example was the school shooting in Cazenovia, Wisconsin.
While there was no advance documentation here, and a copycat event was quite expectable, there was a very important code hidden in the event.
(There is a certain Pied Piper element working here. I had documented the blocked school shooting in Green Bay, and received only psycho-fascist silence from Wisconsin journalism as thanks. It made no sense to take another swing at the same ball. Likewise, I got psycho-fascist silence from Colorado journalism after I documented the Platte High School tragedy in advance; as a result I have no interest in stepping up to that Colorado plate again. Forewarned is forearmed.)
Before I explain the important hidden code in the Cazenovia shooting I will remind you that I am documenting acts of God in this work, and I am showing you how God is attempting to talk to the human species by writing on the wall of the news, and how God is frequently telling me that news before it happens.
That said, I suggest God guided that student to shoot that principal named Klang to draw attention to the name of the town he was killed in. This may sound silly today, but it won't in three weeks.
Read Cazenovia as "Casanova". When you understand that this attack involves the destruction of the Mouse's home (casa) and that a nova is the total destruction of a star, it is worth including this school shooting in the equation.
If you think God would talk to you in a kinder way than I am describing, see how unkind you are to God's One True Telepath and you may appreciate that God is doing exactly to you what you do to me. God asked me to warn you about the death of this Earth, your home, and you make public sport of murdering me slowly. Expect the same.
Had you not tortured and enslaved me this world would be far, far further from death than it is today.
As I told you, God's Space War is Do Unto Others War. As Jesus told you, "What you do to the least of mine, you do to me", and any Christian in America will tell you I am the lowliest Christian of them all.
The boy who shot the principal is said to be mentally challenged, as are all of you Telepath torturers lumped together. Individually you are perhaps somewhat intelligent, but lumped together you are a monster idiot.
Today's code, the last line of the first verse, is "With murd'ring pattle!".
That fits you Telepath torturers so well, and we have this week learned that you Telepath torturers, all of you all around the world, are targeted in this attack.
The key to not being targeted in this attack is to disavow yourself from America's torture-enslavement of me, be you nation or individual within a nation.
Looking to the second week of this attack I will be interested in seeing if it will overlay or match this week's attacks. Space War attacks tend to contain similar patterns, metaphorically similar but never exactly the same.
So, next week I will watch for a repetition of this week's pattern: School, School, Green, Sports Plane Crash. I am not saying this pattern will continue, but I will watch for it; and if it does I can expect it to continue every week for the following six weeks.