The 68th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 68th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 66th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 50th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within eight days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
"There is a sucker born every minute"--Attributed to P.T. Barnum
"In the USA there is a sucker born every 30 seconds"--Virgil Kret
As we approach within eight days the awareness of the American people that they are at war with God, let us turn our attention today to their satanic master, American Big Money, American capitalism, which is currently ripping them off like never before.
I know it would be more acceptable to me to go into St. Patrick's Cathedral and call the Virgin Mary a bitch than for me to be critical of American capitalism; but the Virgin Mary is no a bitch and American capitalism is.
The greatest weakness of American capitalism is that it purports theft to be a legal business practice.
The American capitalist business model is not production cost plus profit, as the propaganda has it; it is production cost plus profit plus rip-off.
What you have been watching for the past 68 days is the biggest rip-off in history, but rip-off is an old, old American capitalist story, and the rip-off artists are well practiced.
The reason the American economic system is in collapse and the American people are now 50 days into economic Hell is because the American capitalists ripped-off, ripped-off, ripped-off until they stripped the bark from the economic tree.
Now the American capitalists are saying to the American people, give us another tree or you will starve.
It is revealing that the auto industry is currently running the same extortion scam on the American people that Big American Money has been running since the economic collapse some 68 days ago.
It is revealing because the most blatant example of American capitalism's open policy of theft from American citizens is the American style of automobile sales.
In that style almost every American who has ever bought a new car has had to swim through the dealership's sharks and has received any number of bites which take the cost of the car far above the realistic production cost plus profit price.
This form of theft is called "salesmanship".
This form of theft is so common it is a national joke; every American knows they are going to be skinned alive before they walk into an auto dealership, but they dutifully walk into the dealership carrying their own skinning knife.
This is the great stupidity of the American people in action, they know the auto dealership system is ripping them off but it never occurs to them to with their dollars and their votes to demand an honest system.
Even now as Congress goes through its patterned song and dance before it gives auto industry more billions of dollars there is no thought of cleaning up the auto sales business. It is all extortion in Washington Deceit, all threat to starve America.
If there were a street in your town where no man or woman could walk down without being raped and robbed, your town would do something about it; yet almost every American city has an auto dealership row where the rape of the customers' psyche and the theft of the customers' money is just about 100% common.
Yet the American people, like domesticated sheep, feel it is perfectly normal to be fleeced in this way.
Capitalist propaganda, Dear Reader, is light-years ahead of Communist propaganda. It is expert propaganda; it is genius propaganda; it tells the American people it is patriotic to be ripped off; it tells the cow it is patriotic to be a fast food burger.
We are talking here about the concept of theft interwoven into the American capitalistic system, and that concept rears its ugly head everywhere, these days particularly in health care, and in the telephone industry, and in the credit card industry, and in the advance payment gift certificate industry, the mortgage industry, the fuel industry, the war industry--well, everywhere.
American capitalism sucks, Dear Reader, it sucks away the life-blood of America.
Understand, the concept of American capitalism, it is not "the customer is always right", as the propaganda has it, it is "the customer is always a sucker".
Taking this concept of sodomize-the-customer from the form of it every American knows personally, the car dealership, the concept becomes horrific in its military-industrial complex applications.
Airplane manufacturers have the right to steal, tank manufactures have the right to steal, bullet manufacturers have the right to steal, uniform manufacturers have the right to steal, and on and on; and that stealing is mortally criminal, because those capitalistic false-Americans intentionally stimulate wars to expand their profits.
You don't know that? You think it is unpatriotic of me to say that? Grow up; put two and two together.
A destroyed army vehicle must be replaced, a dead soldier must be replaced all the way down to his or her dog tags, and there is profit in every step of that replacement process.
A dead American warrior represents profit; a wounded American warrior represents loss. The dead are treated with honor, the wounded are dishonorably maltreated.
You don't believe me? It is unpatriotic for me to say this? No, it would be unpatriotic for me not to say this.
The military-industrial complex is the car dealership taken to the mortal level; and the sales pitch of that Daddy Warbuck's dealership is patriotism puffed up with contrived lies explaining the need to go to war.
(I am struck by a neighbor for saying this. It is too horrible for me to say capitalism is sodomizing him, even though capitalism has been penetrating his butt all his life, but he is such a dumb ass he doesn't feel it.)
Is there any reason whatsoever for the United States of America to have invaded Iraq, other than the profit motive? Other than soaking that combat-dodging, war-mongering George W. Bush in American soldier blood to imbue the profit motive with patriotic sacredness?
And look at the open theft that followed that stupid and fascist invasion. No-bid contracts. Mercenary contracts. Food service contracts. The American rich getting richer and the American warriors getting deader.
And so blatant, so incredibly blatant; but it is better to say the Virgin Mary is a bitch than to point out the obvious.
There is a psychological process which takes place when an American is ripped off by a car dealership. That is that he has to say to his friends that he got a good deal even though he was raped silly and he knows it.
This process is even stronger when the cost of being raped silly is dead and wounded warriors.
Yes we have nearly 5,000 dead and 20,000 wounded since George W. Bush puked on us; and, yes, we have brought on the deaths and homelessness and maimings of hundreds of thousands of innocent people; but we are the force of capitalistic democracy in the world; but we put a noose around the Boogeyman's neck at the bargain price of just three trillion dollars, so far.
The rationalization, "I could not have been cheated out of that thousand dollars on a bad car deal, no, no, no, Honest John gave me a good deal", is the same as, "We could have not have lost those tens of thousands of warriors and trillions of dollars on a bad war deal, no, no, no, honest George W. Bush gave us a good deal".
In both cases the buyer is an utter fool, in both cases the buyer must conceal the truth of the buyer's foolishness from himself.
In that context it would be good today to review the trouble the American people are in--I don't mean with God and they are in a hell of a lot of trouble on that score--I mean the trouble they are in with the Hitler-Bush National Socialism their Congress bowed to about 50 days ago.
I refer to the extortion-accomplished bailout/'rescue" of Big American Money which the American people clearly did not want, and which the Democratic, Republican, and Republican American Fascist parties stabbed the American people in the back to put in place.
Have you noticed? It's not getting better. Have you noticed? It's getting worse. Here's a funny joke on the American people: It's endless; the American people are in for an endless raping by American capitalism.
The American people are such dumb asses they don't know when they are being sodomized by the perpetual motion sodomizing machine Hitler called National Socialism and George W. Bush calls Democratic Capitalism and Mussolini called Fascism.
Most likely, most of Obama's supporters don't know who Mussolini was, and they won't realize until they are sodomized silly by Big American Money that Obama is but a comma in the American people's life sentence to perpetual fascist dictatorship.
Why should I care if this nation of pig-people is turned into a nation of slave-pig-people?
(Come to think of it, I guess I don't.)
These pig-people have tortured and enslaved me since 1972, and they murdered my children for the pig-fun of it.
When I to look at their enslavement by Big American Money, enslavement in which they do all the work and all the starving and all the homeless living, and Big American Money gets all the money and all the mansions, the American people's pig-enslavement should be Poetic Justice to me.
(Come think of it, I guess it is.)
And besides, the American people are too stupid to know they are enslaved. An ass pulling a plow understands its situation better than the American people understand theirs.
Sure, the pig-America people squeal a little, being sodomized by Big American Money; but down in their souls the American people are as queer as San Francisco male street whores, and pretty soon they will be bending over, and with smiles on their faces, spreading their cheeks to capitalist dictatorship.
Except for the fact Big American Money is satanic and my Old Pal God asked me to kill Satan, I would leave the American people in their master-sodomite's bed, the bed of thorns they have been conned into believing is a bed of roses.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
Icnews360@aol.comP.O. Box 2614
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(530) 276-4973