Friday, October 31, 2008

The $1,109 Billion Defeat

The 49th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 49th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 47th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 31st Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 27 days

Expecting God to kill at least one more famous American media weasel today, Friday, October 31, Halloween; this will follow God's killing of Tim Russert on Friday, June 13

"For He said to him, 'Come out of the man, unclean spirit!'

"Then He asked him, 'What is you name?' And he answered, saying, 'My name is Legion, for we are many.'

"Also he begged Him earnestly that He would not throw them out of the country.

"Now a large herd of swine were feeding there near the mountains.

"So all the demons begged Him, saying, 'Send us to the swine, that we may enter them.'"--Mark 5:8-12

We are entering a period of great, great danger today; danger for Obama, danger for McCain, danger for the Constitution of the United States of America.

While on the surface it would seem the danger would be less if the Republican American Fascists feel McCain will win (and since the Republican American Fascists are far more skilled at election-stealing than either the Democrats or the Republicans, McCain's winning is more likely than the polls would seem to indicate) but first and foremost, the Republican American Fascist goal is to prevent the election from taking place.

That is what the nearly unreported and vastly under-reported American incursion into Syria was about. The motive was to trigger massive warfare in the Middle East before election day, giving the Republican American Fascists a pretext for "postponing" the election.

That motive continues to run hot until the polls close on the evening of November 4, then it cools slowly, slowly, very slowly, until Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009, is safely passed through.

After that the equation becomes more complex, too complex to project from today, Halloween; but the danger of a Republican American Fascist military coup will long continue; and the thing to remember is this:

The American people are natural born fascists, looking for simple, violent solutions to the complexities of existence.

This remains true no matter who might be elected to the Presidency; if the election is in fact held.

It is the suggestion of this work that in actual fact the American people are Legion, the same as the many demons Jesus cast into the swine; and like those demons Mark recorded in his gospel, they feel they have a perfect right to occupy their victims.

The demonic American people feel they have the right to occupy God's One True Telepath, feel they have the right to occupy Iraq, feel they have the right to occupy Afghanistan, feel they have the right to occupy whoever and whatever they want to.

Hitler considered himself to be a good man; the American people consider themselves to be good people; but their works say otherwise.

All those cowardly coughs and cowardly bangs on walls the God-damned Americans torture me with are demonic noises; and all those American liars telling and living their common lies about me are demons in human skin.

The Americans, Dear Reader, are the same Legion Disciple Mark told us about--but some 2,000 years later, having mastered the art of imitating human beings so well that they have come to think they are in fact human beings.

I have met very, very few American human beings since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy over 35 years ago, but I have met hundreds of thousands of demons in American human costume.

Perhaps the most demonic thing I have ever seen in this life is worth describing here, because it so defines the demonic reality of the people of the United States of America.

Early after the USA's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq one of those too, too pretty TV news anchorgirls was reading her script while the station was showing video of an Iraqi boy of about 12 who had lost both arms to American weaponry; and she commented with her too, too sweet, sweet voice what a cute, brave little boy he was--without a shred of understanding that she, stupid bitch, had amputated his arms in legion with all the stupid American bitches and all the stupid American sons of bitches from sea to shining sea.

Such blithe, pretty stupidity, so common of the American people, is demonic.

Halloween Day is America Day; this being the 31st day since God damned the American people.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The $1,108 Billion Defeat

The 48th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 48th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 46th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 30th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 28 days

Expecting God to kill at least one more famous American media weasel on Friday, October 31, Halloween; this will follow God's killing of Tim Russert on Friday, June 13

"Indeed the Lord has proclaimed the end of the world..."--Isaiah 62:11

We are talking about the death of this Earth by 2065 and the extinction of the human race by 2045, and in that context we are talking about God's damnation of the people of the United States of America.

We are saying the American people will become aware they are at war with God on or before November 27, 2008, Thanksgiving Day.

Today we are pointing to American Christianity and its failure in its service to and understanding of Jesus Christ. Today we are going to say American Christianity is not Christianity at all.

American Christians will not like me for saying this, but what does it matter, to American Christians I am but crap on the soles of their shoes.

More than of any other segment of American society, God's gift to me of audible mental telepathy nearly 40 years ago was a test of American Christians.

Not one Christian since that time has born true witness about me, though tens of thousands have worked and preached against me, and tortured me.

It is self-evident that American Christians have not behaved in a Christian way toward me.

Were this an exception to the rule, were there something so grotesque and unholy about me that would trigger such Christian-satanic behavior against me there might...there might...there might have been a way out of this American Christian sin for American Christians.

However, American Christians have been unchristian to others since they first set foot on Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620, be it Native Americans, be it Black Africans, be it non-Christians, be it each other.

There are not three Christians in America who would accept the true Jesus in their home unless He glowed like a glowworm, unless He looked like a Hollywood movie representation, unless He told them what wonderful, beautiful children of God they are.

The root of this across-the-board error in understanding of Jesus Christ by American Christians, I suggest, lies in two areas.

First, over-reliance and over-importance of the Jewish folk history called the Old Testament by Christians, a folk history that profoundly misrepresents the Nature of God.

Jesus stands alone, separate, and above the Old Testament.

Second, a grotesque misunderstanding of the reason for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; that it was somehow a bargain with God--that mean, angry god of the Israelites--a sacrificial bargain which ensures Christians of eternal life no matter what mean bastards and bitches they might be as long as they end up saying, "Jesus! Jesus!"

That concept is nonsense and so misinterprets the Nature of God and the purpose of Jesus Christ that the continued preaching of it from pulpits and by TV snake oil preachers constitutes dog-brained dogma.

(My apologies to dogs.)

I stress this: Not more than three American Christian (except Black American Christians) have been Christian toward me since the day God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy nearly 40 years ago, a gift that was meant to be a test of Americans--including American Christians--and not of me.

We God's Space Sailors know people by their works, not by what they say about themselves; and what do we hear American Christians saying about themselves all the time? They say they are the chosen of the chosen and that they alone are the pets of God.

This (as we God's Space Sailors say) is bullshit; but you might be more comfortable with the word, "self-delusion".

The Laws of God are not the Earnest Suggestions of Abner Smith. They are designed to work if applied.

Believe it or not, "Thou Shalt Not Kill" means Thou Shalt Not Kill; it does not mean Jews shalt not kill other Jews but they can kill anyone else; Christians shalt not kill non-Christians, Christians shalt not kill Christians of a different form. It means, thou shalt not kill anyone, period.

Likewise, "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness" means, believe it or not, thou shalt not bear false witness, not Jews shalt not bear false witness against other Jews, not Christians shalt not bear false witness against non-Christians, not false witness against Christians of a different form; no, it means thou shalt not bear false witness against anyone, period.

Cain shalt not bear false witness against Able; McCain shalt not bear false witness against Obama; America shalt not bear false witness against Virgil.

Had the Jews, when Palestine was stolen from the Palestinians and given to the Jews in 1948, lived within the Ten Commandments after they took possession, had they not wantonly murdered and terrorized the Palestinians, had they not coveted the land and homes of the Palestinians, had they not born false witness to the world about the nature of the Palestinians--despite the crime committed against the Palestinians by the Balfour Declaration peace would have reigned in Israel and the Middle East relative to the Jews.

It was not that the Jews were there, it was that the Jews were so cruel to those who were there before them after they arrived.

In this regard, the American Christians made the same error as the Jews when they arrived in America, precisely the same error, in their coveting and stealing what had belonged to the Native Americans.

In this regard, both the American Christians and the Jews are ungodly.

If you want to be a spiritually successful Jew, live totally and completely within the Ten Commandments.

The Jews won't like me for saying this, but what does it matter, I am (like almost everyone else) but crap on the soles of their shoes.

If you want to be a spiritually successful Christian, live totally and completely within the Eleven Commandments.

Do that, you Jews and you Christians, and you create endless peace in the world; fail to do that and you create endless war.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The $1,107 Billion Defeat

The 47th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 47th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 45th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 29th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 29 days

Expecting God to kill at least one more famous American media weasel on Friday, October 31, Halloween. This will follow God's killing of Tim Russert on Friday, June 13.


As I.C. News today continues our report on God's damnation of the people of the United States of America we come upon what is a sidebar story to I.C. News but can be expected to become a headline news story in Little Rock, Arkansas.

That story relates to the tragic beating death by an apparently yet unknown assailant of anchorwoman Anne Pressly, 26, of ABC affiliate KATV, Little Rock.

I.C. News' information indicates a second attack on a Little Rock TV personality is in the works.

I.C. News has documented only one Arkansas news story in advance previously.

That was the Jonesboro school shooting on March 24, 1998, in which four middle school girls were killed.

(That was one of the three or four school shootings I.C. News has documented in advance over the years.

(The most recent school shooting documented in advance by I.C. News was the Amish school shooting in Nickel Mines, Lancaster County, PA, on October 2, 2006, resulting in the murders of five girls.

(That advance documentation that was so clear to Fox news that Fox's opting not to report on it in order to keep God's One True Telepath in America's public torture-enslavement was sinful to the tenth power.

(See the archives of this report to review I.C. News' most excellent advance documentation of the Nickel Mines Amish school shooting. Those reading this work on I.C. News' site will need to go to our site, The Obituary of the World, to do this.)

Such advance documentations of events was one of the original reasons God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy in about 1970--not to give the American people a new Minority of One to enslave and to torture, as America seems to think--but on the most part that purpose has been thwarted by deceitful American journalism.

Our purpose here today is not to review that aspect of I.C. News' work but to simply state in the context of our decades of success that the person who murdered KATV's Ms. Pressly, flushed by the pleasure and infamy of his act, is preparing to attack again.

I.C. News is sending copies of today's report to various Little Rock news outlets, offering its unique skills and reportage.


Now let's return to our main story, God's damnation of the American people for their sins as exemplified by their sin of torturing and enslaving me since God gave me the gift of audible telepathy nearly 40 years ago.

The worst thing about making war with the people of the United States of America is that they are so cowardly. It gives one the feeling of fighting a big, slimy bug.

The best thing about making war with the people of the United States of America is that they are so cowardly, One knows they will always do the cowardly thing, attack from the cowardly position, attack from the cowardly lie.

The things the American people are most cowardly in the face of are thoughts, ideas, concepts, any complexities at all; which is why their politicians feed them a constant diet of simplifications and easy frauds, because their politicians know the further they get from the simple, the further they get from the cliche, the further they get from the slogan, the fewer are the American brains that can follow them.

This is why McCain can say "blah, blah, blah" to concerns about the safety of nuclear power plants--ignoring Three Mile Island and ignoring Chernobyl--and his rice-pudding-brained fans will cheer like frat boys at a strip show; and why the American people, who have been sodomized by Big American Money for generations, automatically assume more equitable distribution of the nation's wealth to be evil.

The poor should be sodomized by the rich; the Americans have been taught to believe this; and any opposition to this is communism; beyond that the American brain cannot deal with the subject because the American brain is too cowardly to delve in complexities.

Intellectually, the American people are robotized. They respond to trigger words and trigger symbols; they cannot deal with obvious and even universal unpleasantries, such as their soldiers being rapists and murderers to a very high degree, so they purge themselves of that awareness and accuse any who point out that universal truth about soldiers of being unpatriotic.

The wicked enemy insurgents (resistance forces) murder children, not the good true blue American boys, but any American who has gone to war with American troops knows they do.

(As a 101st Division trooper in Vietnam told me, then a young combat correspondent for UPI, "We are going to addle Charley's brain by killing Charley's children".

(Scores of stories of Americans murdering innocents have come out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, but to mention this is to defame America's sainted soldiers--and who knows how many such murders have not been reported?)

The American people live in a fairy tale world, a child's world, because they are too cowardly to face reality as adults.

The American people are totally incapable of seeing the criminal sinfulness of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, instead they debate victory and defeat, as if victory would legitimize conquest and mass murder, as if victory would have legitimized the historical equivalent of Nazi Germany's conquest of France; they dare not look at the billions of dollars that have been stolen from them by Big American Money in Iraq; nor understand that their beloved soldiers were unnecessarily sent to their deaths and amputations by Big American Money to hook the American people into cliche patriotism; that a fool of a president soaked in American soldier blood is taken by them to be less of a fool--cowards before ideas, that is the God-damned American people.

Give them slogans to live by, give them comic book enemies, give them rings in their noses to be led around by, and the American people are happy as clams unaware of the cooking pot awaiting them.

Their cowardice before ideas was the hardest thing for me to learn about the American people.

This was the root of my disagreement with God after God told me in 1970 that the American people were lost, were useless, were worse than useless because they are the leading murderers of this Earth.

God said the American people are too cowardly to learn, and of course God was right, as God has always been in the some eight million years I have known God; but in some ways I am a half breed, a true and beloved Space Sailor of God, yet in duty's cause born and reborn as a human being for some thirty thousand years now, and I have developed a prejudice in favor of the human being, a hope for the human being, which, perhaps, is unrealistic.

Perhaps? An understatement, considering the human being will be extinct by 2045.

So I said to my Old Pal God nearly 40 years ago, no, they are basically good, these Americans; so God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy and the Americans rushed into torture and perfidy, sadism and cruelty, murdered my progeny and invented a new form of slavery just for me; and true to what God had told me, the Americans proved themselves to be too cowardly to learn, too cowardly to survive, too cowardly to be saved by God.

Look to Nature, Dear Reader, God respects courage; look to America, Dear Reader, God does not respect America.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The $1,106 Billion Defeat

The 46th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 46th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 44th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 28th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 30 days

Expecting God to kill at least one more famous American media weasel on Friday, October 31, Halloween

The United States of America is a very ugly nation, having cut off its nose to spite its face.

Right now there are a lot of psycho-fascist Americans feeling all huffy because I say they are a mean and stupid people; clearly they are too stupid to see what their nearly 40 years of torturing me says of them; and clearly they are too stupid to see how mean they are to people around the world.

Mean and stupid, that hardly scratches the surface.

How mean and stupid are the American people? I would count the ways, but there is not enough time before America ends.

These Americans are a people who think it is a joke to kill my sperm; that's about as mean as mean can be; yet they think I should praise them; that's about as stupid as stupid can be.

These are a people who think it is right and brave to bang on my wall as I sleep, and see themselves as righteous and courageous in doing this; and to torture me as I shop, they with smug smirks on their little faces, and for their doctors to intentionally do me harm, and for their cops to intentionally frame me, and their judges to falsely convict me; these are the American people...these are the American people...these are the God-damned American people.

These are a people who have killed and maimed nearly a million Muslims and not batted an eye, who kill and maim Pakistani, Afghani and Iraqi children as if those children were God's garbage.

These are a people who are carrying out the most unintelligent, lowbrow, hate-filled presidential election in the history of most of the world save Germany in the Thirties and now and then in darkest Africa, hissing and booing, hissing and booing, hissing and booing, snakes in a snake pit of politics.

These are a people on a dying Earth constantly seeking new ways to not be aware of what they do to hurry this Earth's death.

These are a people who murdered my children, and think I should like them.

These are a people who murder children around the world and get all huffy when they are hated around the world.

These are the only people on Earth who are hated by God; and no people on this Earth love themselves as much as the mean and stupid American people love themselves.

The Americans are the biggest whore in the world, but they see themselves as Sister Margaret Mary.

The Americans are too stupid to know how stupid they are; the Americans are too mean to be anything else but damned by God.

Let's look a little at America's damnation, today in its 28th day.

We are saying the American people will know they are damned by November 27, Thanksgiving Day.

Certainly, if that is to be the case something extraordinary has to happen, since we know the American people are too stupid to be effected by subtle evidence.

This delayed knowledge of an accomplished fact is common in human experience.

The soldier on the battlefield who loses a leg might not know about his loss until he attempts to stand and walk.

The soldier shot in the head is dead never knowing he has been shot.

George W. Bush will not know he has been damned until he finds himself in Hell, and until the last second before that awareness impacts him with sudden terror he will believe in his dull little intelligence that God commissioned him to murder and to steal and to destroy the world.

The most ready historical example of the situation the American people are in--but are yet to become aware they are in--is the sinking of the Titanic, where for some time after the fatal blow was received most people aboard did not know the dire danger they were in.

So, until the impact of awareness struck the doomed aboard the Titanic they existed in a state of not having the slightest idea they were already doomed.

Such is the case of those aboard Titanic America, Satanic America, they continue in the same meanness and stupidity which caused them to be damned in the first place, feeling innocent despite their guilt, torturing and killing as if it was their God-given right to do so...and then...and then...reality will impact them.

(What do you think the chances are of the American people asking for forgiveness for their torture-enslavement of me before they are aware God's Swift and Mighty Sword has cut them through?

(It is reasonable to expect that as long as they think they have total power over me they will mock the very concept of forgiveness.

(The average American relative to God's One True Telepath is the equivalent of the average Nazi guard relative to Jews as Auschwitz.)

Until the reality of their damnation impacts them, the Americans can be expected to continue to be mean and stupid. After that reality impacts them, the Americans can be expected to panic.

There are endless examples of this delayed knowledge phenomenon.

Doomed people calmly having dinner in the dining car of a passenger train seconds before it plummets off a fallen trestle.

My favorite, of course, is the last moments of normalcy before the first plane struck the first of the Twin Towers, normalcy on the streets of New York City and in the offices, sheer agony of knowledge by those victims cruel fate had trapped aboard the aircraft.

God's One True Telepath could not have walked down those New York streets without being tortured by those mean and stupid New Yorkers.

God's One True Telepath could not have worked in those offices without being tortured by those mean and stupid and doomed office workers.

God's One True Telepath could not have been a passenger aboard those doomed aircraft without being tortured by passengers and crew.

Like some tormented American Negro might have seen the Titanic as a boatload of white folks going down, I see 9/11 as building loads and plane loads of Telepath torturers going down.

When you make an enemy you have an enemy. America sought to make of me an enemy because, typical of the American psyche, it saw me as weak and alone. Good luck for me, back luck for America, God is my Old Pal.

The suggestion here is that on some huge level, some far greater level than 9/11, some far, far greater level than the Titanic, awareness of doom and disaster and damnation will strike the American people on or before Thanksgiving Day.

As stated above, until that moment of awareness, the American people can be expected to continue to be mean and stupid, to in pompous, righteous delight to continue to torture God's One True Telepath, and their fascist leadership can be expected to continue in their obscene and doomed plot of world conquest.
That is, God has caught America with its pants down, sodomizing God's One True Telepath and sodomizing the human race and sodomizing the planet Earth.

That is why there is Hell for America to pay.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Monday, October 27, 2008

The $1,105 Billion Defeat

The 45th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 45th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 43rd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 27th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 31 days

Expecting God to kill at least one more famous American media weasel on Friday, October 31, Halloween

As things get a little exciting this week, as Republican American Fascism prepares to stage the False Armageddon which it calculates with catapult it into total fascist dictatorship over the people of United States of America and the world, let's review where we are.

We are saying the American people entered Hell 27 days ago, and there is no going back, there is only going deeper and deeper into. That is, we are saying God has damned the America people for being too stupid and too mean for the planet Earth to live with.

(God is saving this Earth by nipping in the bud those who murder this Earth, and the American people are sprouts of that weed.)

The descent of the American people into Hell has thus far been imperceptible to the insane brain which is the American people, one hemisphere stupid and the other hemisphere mean.

This stupidity and meanness of the American people must be stressed here, because it is the reason God has damned them. Were they not so stupid and so mean God would be coming to their rescue now as God destroys Republican American Fascism and all the other works of Satan on this Earth; but if they were not so stupid and so mean they would not be such simple and willing tools of Satan, quick to murder, willing torture, blindingly gluttonizing this Earth to death.

As we approach what we are calling a "God's Russian Roulette" killing of at least one big shot media weasel on Halloween (a second punishment-killing after God killed the big shot media weasel Tim Russert on June 13) there is arising a news story--perhaps better said a non-news story--which points out why God has damned all American journalism to Hell.

That story is the lightly reported incident involving an American incursion across the Iraqi border into Syria. Ten to one, Dear Reader, the media weasels are voluntarily hiding news about this event from you, and are cooking the books of the story.

This penetration of Syria is exactly the kind of event I.C. News has been looking for in its reportage of Republican American Fascism's planned and scheduled triggering of military-economic events so critical that the November 4 election will be "postponed" for reasons of national security.

If that happens, martial law and military dictatorship will be imposed on the stupid and mean American people so fast it will make their pretty little heads swim.

Remember, we have asked these three questions in this work recently:

Will Obama be alive after November 2?

Will McCain be alive after November 2?

Will the Republican American Fascist military coup take place before or after November 2?

Hidden in America's underreported incursion into Syria may be hidden the answers to those three questions.

Recall, a central theme in this work, The Obituary of the World, is that George W. Bush will destroy the world. We asked you not to take your eye off that ball, but apparently you have.

What you have seen taking place in the United States of America since 2000 is a bold-faced fascist coup; and no election, no "will" of the so-called American people, is going to stop that coup.

If you think George W. Bush is going back to Crawford, Texas, to rock on his rocking chair after he has tasted the deliciousness of fascist power, well, Dear Reader, I have some stocks in the Golden Gate Bridge available which you might be interested in.

You, too, can own a piece of the Fagot Kingdom, but you have to buy now, no questions asked, like your Congress bought the Hitler-Bush National Socialist economic bailout plan in defiance of the so-called will of the so-called American people.

That was the end of democracy in America. That was the end of the fraud and delusion that Congress serves the American people. That was the day George W. Bush used the Constitution of the United States of America wipe his ass.

That marked the entry of the people of the United States of America into Hell.

What we have seen since the Republican American Fascist coup was finally and firmly established in 2000, having been begun before Nixon and Reagan, is that the American Congress and news media can always be stampeded in whatever direction the Republican American Fascists point them; and we at I.C. News think it is a pattern of willing stampeding, that the Congress and the news media are fascist, too.

Tim Russert was so stampeded, and that was one of the reasons God killed and damned him; and told me in advance so I could tell you in advance when Russert would die.

(Look at the archives, look at the archives.)

Another reason God killed Russert was because Russert bore false witness against the existence of God's One True Telepath.

Another reason God killed Russert was Russert relished the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

I.C. News' guess is the next famous media weasel God is about to kill--and to kill on Halloween--will fit this profile.

The stampedes Republican American Fascists have triggered with the American herd include: The Vietnam War, the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, the stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, the cultivation of lynch mob anger at Obama, the Bush-Hitler National Socialist bailout of Wall Street...and next...and next...and next; and next what I.C. News has been warning of for nearly eight years, open fascist military takeover of the USA, and by extension the destruction of the world by George W. Bush.

The American news media--left, right and center--is a partner in this because out of fear or favor it has never used the "f" word, "fascism" throughout these past eight evil years, despite fascism being the elephant in the living room.

How was it America fell to fascism? It bent over and took it in the ass.

Looking at this in the God's Space Sailor way we see three transecting lines of action.

One, we see God in the process of slaughtering God-damned American journalism, the next media weasel to be slaughtered on Halloween.

Two, we see a strong indication in the episode in Syria that the Republican American Fascists and the Israeli Victim Fascists are about to trigger their long-planned False Armageddon, World War Three to you local yocals; World War Three in which America claims to be the iron fist of God.

Three, we see the American people approaching knowing, within 31 days, that they are at war with God, the One True God, the Only God; and learning God considers them to be a mean and stupid people.

My guess is, when these three lines of action transect we will see the True Armageddon.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The $1,104 Billion Defeat

The 44th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 44th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 42nd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 26th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 32 days

Expecting God to kill at least one more famous American media weasel on Friday, October 31, Halloween.

I.C. News has very little on the approaching Halloween event other than repeated references back to God's killing of NBC's Tim Russert on Friday, June 13; and God's telling I.C. News about Russert's killing several days in advance; and I.C. News' documenting Russert's killing several days in advance in this work.

I.C. News' advance documentation of Russert's death in the archives of this work beginning several days before June 13, 2008.

You can check out the facts for yourself, or you can follow the lead of the American news media and ignore I.C. News' advance documentation of Russert's death in the hope it will go away; but Russert died on schedule; and I documented his death several days in advance; it happened; and it was not a happenstance; it was a message from God to American journalism.

This is Sunday, God's repeat of God's message to American journalism is expected on Friday. That gives us four days to accumulate more advance information.

For American journalism, this is God's version of Russian Roulette.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The $1,103 Billion Defeat

The 43rd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 43rd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 41st Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 25th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 33 days

"Yippy ti yi yo get along little doggies, it's your misfortune and none of my own"--From Get Along Little Doggies by Chris Ledoux


This report today documents in advance an attack by God on American TV journalism set for Friday, October 31, 2008, Halloween. The attack, logically enough, is code-named "Trick or Treat" by I.C. News.

Meanwhile, back in America's torture chamber, my convalescing continues after my three days of labor-intensive, abuse-intensive enslavement on a wild horse refuge, enslavement from which my Old Pal God insisted I escape.

My pain level is down. I can walk standing straight up. I can put on my socks without wincing. I estimate about three more days to get back into fighting trim.

Pain hurts, but a little bit of pain never hurt anyone. One of the basic lessons of Jesus.

It's a bitch being old. The days when one danced through the shrapnel have a certain deliciousness to them; and the work one once could do all day long now leaves one's muscles strained, aching and bruised.

The samurai of medieval Japan hoped for youthful death on the battlefield, not wanting Time to wither their bodies.

Soldiering for God, however, is not the same; we God's Space Sailors seek as much time on the battlefield as we can get, and see old age as an honor. I am still, at 69, cutting the tail off the devil; and today I am weighing America down as it sinks deeper and deeper into its well-deserved Hell.

With the odds of 300 million psycho-fascist Americans to one God's True Telepath, it was clear from the start there were more satanic-American necks than I could expect to cut through, but I knew I need not do that because I knew I could herd the psycho-fascist Americans, as I still can and do today; the God-damned Americans, I herd them deeper and deeper into Perdition.

So, I cowboy-up, watch movies of the future in my campfire coals, and listen to my herd of God-damned Americans bellowing in the night.

"Moo, the market continues to go to Hell. Moo, jobs are drying up. Moo, we are at each other's throats. Moo, our soldiers keep going to Hell as punishment for their killing of innocents in innocent foreign lands (Oops, they are not aware of that yet!)."'s your misfortune and none of my own.

"Moo, Moo, Moo", and the Americans are still only bellowing about the hardships of the Chisholm Trail of Hell, they have not yet reached the panic and the horror of God's Slaughter House which awaits them at the end of that trail.

That, Dear Reader, comes within 33 days.

The cattle in the herd do not think much about the cowboy in the saddle, he is just there like the trees and the stones, and they have their own moo-lives to live; but the cowboy knows to where the cattle go, and the cowboy herds them there.

The cattle think from blade of grass to blade of grass, and the cowboy thinks of steaks on griddles and the naughty ladies of Kansas City on rented beds.

Likewise the American people, that silly herd, don't think much about the Telepath they hold imprisoned in their torture chamber; but the Telepath knows to where they go, and is happy to herd them there.

If you have an urge to see a still-living but damned American soul, turn your dial to any TV media weasel.

Ask Tim Russert's damned soul on Halloween, if you don't believe me.

That's next Thursday, when dead and damned media weasel Russert appears as the Ghost of Evil Journalism Past, if you need a sign to show you Telepath torture-enslavement is a damnable sin.'s your misfortune and none of my own.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Friday, October 24, 2008

The $1,102 Billion Defeat

The 42nd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 42nd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 40th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 24th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 34 days

Killing Time today, while Time catches up with the United States of America, when all the crap the USA has been crapping on the world comes home to stink; like medieval, incurable syphilis making its presence known to a vainglorious whore.

Damnation, Damned Nation, that is what we are talking about.

First the itch, then the drip, then the horror of realization.

Cherry Pop.

Meanwhile, back at I.C. News, God's One True Telepath is realizing how much damage was done to my 69-year-old body by the outrageous physical labor and mental abuse I was required to undergo at the wild horse refuge where I had volunteered to work in exchange for a roof over my head.

A roof over my head, hard for God's One True Telepath to find in the United States of America.

Had I not escaped when my Old Pal God insisted I surely would have been worked and abused to death in rapid fashion.

It is easy to kill a 69-year-old person through exhaustion and abuse.

My days are now filled with rest and recuperation, like waiting for a thousand internal wounds to heal.

Rest and recuperation is difficult for me, always has been; I am a working man from generations of working men, and bed rest, no matter how needed, always seems like laziness to me.

To get myself through these days I recall my medical close calls of the past--stroke, blood clots, congestive heart failure--and remind myself how I rested after them.

It was close, Dear Reader, it was close. Death was snickering in my ear. The question remains, was it near-manslaughter through management's stupidity, or was it attempted murder through intentional stroke-creation?

In the end, of course, it was my fault. After four decades of American torture-enslavement, I should have known no offer of a job and a home would be on the level.

What was I thinking, going to an isolated wild horse refuge and expecting to find anything but hostility and death waiting for me there?

Hope springs eternal; I keep hoping against all evidence to find a place of decency in the United States of America.

Meanwhile, the USA is one day deeper into its well-deserved eternal Hell; and the great revelation of Cherry Pop--when the American people learn they are at war with God--is one day closer, now within 34 days.

Cherry Pop. Dreadful realization.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The $1,101 Billion Defeat

The 41st Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 41st Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 39th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 23rd Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 35 days

"He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead..."--From the Roman Catholic prayer, The Apostles Creed

Let's turn our attention today, Dear Reader, to the long-awaited God's Space War event encoded as "Cherry Pop", which I.C. News says is the day the American people learn they are at war with God.

You may be aware that we a running a daily countdown to the estimated date of Cherry Pop, today the count being at "within 35 days", tomorrow it will be "within 34 days", and so forth.

Just under two days ago I.C. News received a God's Space War code which seems to further locate Cherry Pop in Time and describe it's remarkable nature.

It seems to me Cherry Pop will be a remarkably beautiful event.

My Old Pal God tells me on a regular basis when things are up, but rarely tells me exactly what is up; because My Old Pal God knows it is my journalistic credo to give information as soon as I have it, and God wants to keep God's Space War Plan secret; but my Old Pal God does give me codes which, when examined after events, recognizably described the events before they took place.

I have just received such a code.

Is this difficult to follow? I do not know how much knowledge your masters in Washington Deceit, and on Wall Street, and in the media allow you to accumulate about God's Space War codes, so either what I am telling you today is old hat or advanced Greek to your basic English.

In any case, whether you be smart or stupid about God's Space War codes, Cherry Pop will happen, and Cherry Pop will change your entire understanding of God and the Universe.

Exciting, isn't it? We God's Space Sailors at I.C. News are very excited about this rapidly approaching event.

Of the God's Space War codes I.C. News constantly receives we pass on only a few to you, such as "The Valley of the Shadow of Death" code I gave you two days before the rest of the news media told you about America's descent into the Valley of the Shadow of Economic Death; which led to the extortion-based establishment Hitler-Bush National Socialism, still a taboo subject in politics and the media.

Also a good example of this advance-description quality of God's Space War codes was my advance-description of the death of the media weasel Tim Russert several days before his June 13 heart attack.

I go into this detail today because I have received a remarkable God's Space War code which I want to pass on to you.

It is a one-word God's Space War code I received about two days ago; "Rome"; which came in just as I was escaping from three days of classic labor-intensive, abuse-intensive enslavement at an isolated California wild horse refuge.

This Rome code seems to refer to a resurrection event which took place at the coffin of a nun in the catacomb of an American cathedral in Rome (Santa Susanna, if I recall) in about 1972; when I was taking a round-the-world trip to explore my then fresh gift of audible mental telepathy and compare responses to it within various nations.

(The British were slavishly cruel in the American fashion, the French were kind, the Italians sunny...and on and on around the world, but that's another story.)

The resurrection of the nun was and remains a secret event I have never written or talked about, or telepathically thought about for government pig eavesdroppers to catch on to.

I only mention the resurrection of the nun now because God's Space War codes tend to be linked, and this Rome code, and the rather beautiful experience of God's resurrection of a nun hundreds of years dead in 1972, seems to have a direct linkage to the Cherry Pop event currently expected to take place in Jerusalem on or about November 27, the American holiday of Thanksgiving Day.

The Rome code seems to be clarifying the timing of Cherry Pop, which is a very important event for I.C. News because it marks the moment when the American people lose their Maidenhead of Ignorance about their great sin of torturing and enslaving God's One True Telepath, ignorance which they have guarded at the cost of thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Muslim lives.

The resurrection of the nun took place roughly 35 days before Thanksgiving Day, 1972.

I celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday that year by breaking a 40-day fast, begun in London, at a Palestinian-run restaurant called the Peace Cafe in Old Jerusalem.

I expect God intends to give that resurrected nun the gift of duty, a particular commission for her to carry out as we approach the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, her spiritual husband.

I cannot say for sure, however, because God keeps this secret from me. I am but the Best Man, not the Bride Groom.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The $1,100 Billion Defeat

The 40th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 40th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 38th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 22nd Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 36 days

Today's God's Space War Code is "Bullet in the Back of America's Head"

I have just passed through three days of utter, classic enslavement; back-breaking labor for a 69-year-old-man (which is what I am) which would have been back-breaking labor for a 40-year-old-man; total ownership of time and place; total disrespect for my value as a human being; from which I escaped like a thief in the night at the compelling urging of my Old Pal God.

An interesting story, but a mere sidebar to the collapse of the United States of America, now well in progress; so I may report on it soon, but first things first.

There are two world-changing, earth-shaking events simultaneously taking place at this time, neither of which is being covered in the American news media (left-right-or-center) as far as this old deaf, dumb and blind kid can hear, speak of, or see.

Those two stories are the conquest of people of the United States of America by Hitler-Bush Nazism, and the conquest of Hitler-Bush Nazism AND the people of United States of America by God.

As Hitler-Bush Nazism conquers the people of the United States of America it is not a matter of the Bad Guys conquering the Good Guys, it is a matter of the Worst Guys conquering the Very Bad Guys.

Were God a voyeur God would be looking on now as Greater Evil conquers Lesser Evil, and chuckling a God's Chuckle heard 'round the world, but God is in this war to destroy all evil, greater and lesser, so God is rolling up God's Sleeves and kicking Big American Money and Little American Money on their big, fat, mean, selfish, stupid American ass.

And that brings us to today's code, "Bullet in the Back of America's Head".

This is a powerful code; this is an important code which changes the Americans conquered by Hitler-Bush Nazism to the Americans damned by God.

How it will play out I cannot say, but I am looking forward to it.

Off and on I note that God has more anger at the American people in God's Heart than even I do in mine after more than 35 years of torture-enslavement by the American people; and today's God's Space War code, Bullet in the Back of America's Head, points to that greater degree of anger.

Recently I said I owe 300 million Americans a bloody nose for their torture-enslavement of me; but through today's God's Space War code God is saying in response to my statement, "No, Virgil, God owes 300 million Americans a bullet in the back of their collective head".

I am recovering today from the three days of extreme physical and mental abuse I just escaped from, and from the near-total blackout of news coverage (no matter how tainted by the media weasels) during those three days; so I will write short today, take a hot shower, eat a little too much, and click the TV dial around and around, reading God's writing on the wall of the news.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Monday, October 20, 2008

The $1,098 Billion Defeat

The 38th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 38th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 36th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 20th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 38 days

The plan to assassinate Obama is right on schedule.

When one looks at the total McCain/Palin approach to this election season, and takes in the tableau of grotesque, simplistic distortions, one has to wonder how stupid their demographic must be to swallow their crap, and if their conscious intention to get Obama killed.

The McCain/Palin demographic stupid; the Obama/Biden demographic mean; and there you have the two hemispheres of the insane American brain, mean and stupid.

Is it any wonder that Hitler-Bush Nazism has conquered them? Is it any wonder that God has damned them?

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, there stand the mean and stupid American people.

It couldn't happen to a more deserving lot.

I.C. News is currently near-totally out of touch. No TV, no radio, no newspapers, and less than two hours Internet time a day. This handicaps our reading the writing on the wall of the news; but we know where the story is going, we know where the story has gone.

We know this is the last presidential election before the United States of America falls to Hitler-Bush Nazism.

The big questions are:

Will Obama live until November 2?

Will McCain live until November 2?

Will the fascist military take-over and the final destruction of the Constitution take place before or after November 2?

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The $1,096 Billion Defeat

The 36th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 36th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 34th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 18th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 40 days


I.C. News has dynamic new information today on the high probability of the assassination-lynching of Senator Barack Obama before election day.

Obama needs the light of I.C. News' help like Indiana Jones needed fire in the snake pit, because he has at this moment three powerful enemies who loathe him, who detest him, drawing lots to see which one will have the honor of killing him.

The three enemies are the Roman Catholic Church, Big American Money and Israel.

In my last two reports I said if Obama does not call off the young liberal sharks within his demographic who torture me with such intensity--publicly call them off--he (this known with great certainty at I.C. News) will not become President of the United States of America.

This is not that I would do anything to him, but that I am too hamstrung by my status of America's torture-slave to save him; and, Dear Reader, the poor bastard needs saving.

I gave you the Obama code, "Okidoki Hikokijoki". That code reveals the means by which his enemies intend to murder him. It is an easy code to decipher, and government pigs could do it in less than five minutes.

Government pigs, however, even those who guard Obama, are in the service of Republican American Fascism, which is the political arm and fist of Big American Money.

In its search for a home, I.C. News today travels to a small mountain town with two gas stations and a general store, probably with very tenuous Internet availability.

Like any news organization, I.C. News accumulates information bit by bit, and new information on the projected--now probable, perhaps even certain--killing of Barack Obama will continue to come in until we know the day and likely the hour.

(I am tortured by an American at 2:30 a.m. for writing these words, as I write these words. He is right outside my motel room. You psycho-fascist Americans are too dedicated to torturing God's One True Telepath.)

As critical information comes in there will not be the luxury of time for me to find an Internet connection and throw my news over the media/government transom in the hope it will be read and acted upon. I must be free to send out usable, accurate information--in the context of Obama's schedule--and know it is being taken seriously by Obama and those political virgin idiots who handle him.

Obama's greatest weakness, in the view of I.C. News, is that he lacks courage; and it would take great courage for Obama to go against some four decades of America's torture-enslavement of me and call for my emancipation; but in the danger he faces, his advisors can't help him and the Secret Service will do him no good.

I make this effort in consideration of Obama's daughters; his demographic can go to Hell.

Today's code is "Himitsu-No-Monogatari".

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Friday, October 17, 2008

The $1,095 Billion Defeat

The 35th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 35th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 33rd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 17th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 41 days

When one lives in artificially enforced homeless as I do in the God-damned United States of America the platform one works from is always temporary, like lily pads on a pond are temporary for a frog, and so today I.C. News leaves this lily pad for another.

At 69 years old, I do not know when I will have another temporary home, when I will have another temporary bed, when I will have another temporary roof, when I will have another temporary Internet connection.

Though I know this Earth will die before 2065, I do not know when I will have a pillow on which to rest my head again.

This is life for God's One True Telepath in the God-damned United States of America, this and constant torture by silly American women and cowardly American men; and what has this gotten America and the Americans but eternal damnation?

What I must seek now is very much what the United States of America must seek now, a way to live within my income.

My Social Security income is a little under $500 a month, and my dwindling savings are profits from buying and selling gold, but before those savings run out I must either find an additional source of income or a way to live on less than $500 a month.

I do not share the common folly of most Americans, that of living on credit, of borrowing on the future. I have never had a credit card, nor do I want one, and I almost never buy anything I do not have the ready cash for.

I worked my way through college, I worked my way through war, I worked my way around the world three times, and I am working my way through the Second Coming.

I do not owe anyone in this world a penny, though I owe 300 million Americans a bloody nose.

I always pay my debts.

I may be able to file work on this blog again in a day or two, or a week or two, I don't know, but the story goes on whether I write it or not, and you God-damned Americans stay damned...stay damned...stay damned even if I never write another word again.

So, what are we looking for in the immediate future which I may or may not be able to cover here in this work called, The Obituary of the World?

We are looking for:

One, Obama to openly call for my emancipation before election day.

Two, failing to do that, Obama to not become President.

Three, the American people to become aware by Thanksgiving Day that they are at war with God.

Four, the United States of America to sink deeper and deeper into Hell, so deep that it will have ceased to exist as anything but open Nazism before the scheduled 2012 election, and no president will be elected in 2012, or thereafter.

(This situation is so dire and so immediate that there remains the possibility no presidential election will be held this year.)

We shall see what we shall see.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The $1,094 Billion Defeat

The 34th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 34th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 32nd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 16th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 42 days

I am going to make a bold statement about the presidential election today, but first a word from our Sponsor.

In this life I do what my Old Pal God asks me to do, perhaps that is why Christians don't like me and Jews think I am no good; because my Old Pal God rarely asks me to do what Christians and Jews think I should do.

I say this not in preamble of a review of my service to God but to screw up my courage to say something God has asked me to say.

You know me, I am a mild-mannered reporter for a great international news service, I.C. News, and it is my unpopular chore to report on the death of this Earth, expected--with some confidence and a great deal of evidence--to take place in late 2064.

At this time there is an election taking place in the United States of America which will choose the last president of the United States of America.

The last president of the United States of America.

I say this because the United States of America will crumble into a heap of fascist rubble before November 4, 2012, and there will be no presidential election on that day, nor ever again.

That is, this presidential election is the last presidential election the United States of America will hold--no matter which candidate wins.

This leads me to what my Old Pal God has asked me to say today; that being that if Obama does not openly call for the end of America's torture-enslavement of me Obama will lose the election.

Let's say that again for emphasis, if Obama does not openly call for the end of America's torture-enslavement of me Obama will lose the election.

This is rather a bold suggestion, bold in that the Obama-Biden ticket is said to be ahead in the polls, and there is a near-universal counting-out of the McCain-Palin ticket before the votes are cast.

There is a twist to this bold suggestion that those Dear Readers interested in God's Space War might appreciate.

God is going to influence the outcome of this election, not in favor of McCain but in loathing of the intense torture I receive from the demographic which supports Obama; and unless Obama calls off those young liberal sharks God will, in God's Words, "Pull the Rug Out from Under Obama's Feet".

What that might mean is yet to be seen, but the election is only a few weeks away so we should see it soon.

(I think I know what it means, but it would spoil the surprise for me to say, so I will encode it as, "Okidoki Hikokijoki", and I will decipher the code after the event, and it will send shivers up your spine.)

This is not to say that McCain's demographic does not also participate in America's torture-enslavement of me, no, it means God's issue here is with the relative viciousness toward me of the liberal demographic.

We talk about this relative viciousness off and on in this work, and from the start the liberals have been more vicious toward me than the conservatives.

The conservatives hold me down in poverty, homelessness and hopelessness; and the liberals relish the right to torture me physically-psychiatrically, and every time I am a captive audience of the liberals, the liberals torture me unto death, and do so with smug glee.

I cannot explain this liberal-conservative partnership in psycho-fascism except to say the conservatives starve me to death and the liberals torture me as I starve; and God loathes them both.

That has been the case since this torture-enslavement of me by the United States of America began (then under the Nixon-Reagan Axis) over 35 years ago; and to me the left wing and the right wing are wings of the same satanic bird; and I expect God to serve up that bird to me on Thanksgiving Day.

Looking at Obama's demographic, it seems to me that, in addition to the standard viciousness toward me of the liberals seen since the start of America's torture-enslavement of me, their current obscene level of torture of me might stem from younger Americans having been born after the torture-enslavement of me was established, and to them torture-enslavement of me is as natural as tattoos and masturbation.

Relative to me, young Americans are like the children of slave owners born on Southern plantations in 1830, to whom it was only natural and right that Darkies should be enslaved.

To young modern Americans it is only natural and right that God's One True Telepath should be enslaved and tortured unto death.

(It should be noted that those Southern plantation children grew up to suffer greatly during and after the War Between the States, in a real sense paying for the sins of their fathers, grandfathers, great grand fathers, great-great grandfathers and so on down the road into the South's past; and these modern offspring of modern American slave-keepers will pay dearly, too.)

There is another element in understanding this truth about the nature of Obama's demographic. That is the unrecognized growing meanness developing in young Americans stemming from the dual factors of abortion-survival trauma and the rapidly approaching extinction of the human race; but that gets us far beyond the dogma of America's state religion, psychiatry.

(This abortion-survival trauma element was touched on in my Sunday, October 12 report (The $1,090 Billion Defeat), but the surface of the phenomenon was barely scratched.)

That abortion-survival trauma factor, however, is secondary to the purposes of God's compelling request that I advise Obama to call off his young liberal sharks, that I warn Obama to tell them openly to stop their liberal-generational lynch-mobism directed at me in much the same way McCain stifled the growing conservative lynch-mobism directed at Obama.

I say again, this because Obama's demographic of supporters is by far more vicious in its torture of me than is McCain's demographic of supporters; and God so loathes that torture that God will, as quoted above, pull the rug from under Obama's feet because of it.

Okidoki Hikokijoki.

I further say God's anger at Obama's demographic is also so violent because I almost certainly, with God's guidance, saved Obama's life when he went to Israel by warning in this work of the assassiation planned for him there; and civility and decency would require him to call off his own young torture-assassins in appreciation.

I have long felt that there are enough Americans opposed to America's torture-enslavement of me that it would be worth at least ten million votes to the presidential candidate who called for my emancipation; but I of course do not know what wicked charges have been made against me in public but behind my back.

(It is very convenient, very Mediaeval, very pre-Constitutional, for the Americans to establish criminal and moral charges against me, and the public to punish of me for crimes I know not what and have no opportunity to defend against.

(Many a Nigger has been lynched in just this way, so I am in good company.)

If I am right about this ten-million-vote bonus, any candidate who might speak in favor of America ending its torture-enslavement of me would deserve those added votes, but that is not what I am addressing here.

I am saying God will punish Obama if Obama does not use his campaign platform to call for my emancipation.

Again, like it or not, I am saying God will punish Obama if Obama does not use his campaign platform to call for my emancipation.

We shall see what we shall see, and we shall see it before November 4.

Now, going from the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the petty to the serious (and McCain and Obama are petty in this story); God damned the God-damned people of United States of America 16 days ago, and there is no good news for the United States of America, not now, nor forevermore.

The Laws of God are like laws of subatomic physics, and the United States of America has so violated those laws so long with such vanity and impunity that the action-reaction of those violations will hit America like a speeding freight train hitting a baby carriage.

You will see this Divine Phenomenon within 42 days.

Given a continuation of the status quo, given Obama's continued support of his demographic's torture of me, you will see God's punishment of Obama within 18 days.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The $1,093 Billion Defeat

The 33rd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 33rd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 31st Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 15th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 43 days

"Alas, sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a brood of evildoers, children who are corrupters! They have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the anger of the Holy One of Israel, they have turned away backward."--Isaiah, 1:4.

It is not that I am so important, it is that what you God-damned Americans have done to me is so telling of your nature, so damning of you souls.

You might have well have tattooed across all your brows, "Vicious, Evil Coward".

I know, it all meant nothing to you God-damned Americans, but it meant everything to God. It was a sample Great Sin in your history of Great Sins.

(It is odd, the things you God-damned Americans so praise yourselves for are things God so loathes you for.)

When you God-damned Americans torture me I bear in mind one thing, the odds are 300 million to one, and unless I can get all of you, or most of you, or at least tear out a huge chunk of you, there is no use in bothering with one or two or three or four, or more.

And now, I have gotten most of you, as you shall see within 43 days.

The historical record, already chiseled on your headstone, reads:

"The Americans fought God's One True Telepath 300 million to one; they fought dirty and they fought mean and they struck him tens of thousands of times below the belt; and among all the high water marks of evil they established in so doing was an eternal definition of cowardice."

Speaking from the Future, as we Time Travelers are capable of doing, in the end we God's Space Sailors killed so many millions of God-damned Americans that had not the pressure of hell compressed them, and the fires of Hell not turned them to shivering, howling ash, Hell would have become overcrowded, and like covetous Jews we would have had to annex the land and homes of our neighbors in which to store their damned souls.

Hell takes care of Evil once and for all, and renders the mocking blubber of it into oil to feed the insatiable hunger of Satan-Capitalism.

We God's Space Sailors had been to Evil-captured planets before, and it is always the same with Evil; if we show ourselves as weak and helpless, Evil attacks.

Evil people--such as you God-damned Americans--are like laughing hyenas among men, going after the wounded, going after the carrion, going after that which cannot fight back.

You can see the laughing hyena in human-nation form in America's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, and its murders of innocent Afghanis, and its cross-border murders of innocent Pakistanis; and that's only the recent ravages of the laughing hyena pack known as the United States of America.

Bull in the China shop, ravenous beast among the babies, the USA.

God knowing this about God-damned America, God gave me the honor of being God's Bait on God's Hook.

That's how it worked with God's One True Telepath; that's why God made me audibly telepathic and put me at the mercy of the merciless Americans, so God could damn you God-damned Americans without a twinge of afterthought, knowing you had not changed one iota from the African-enslaving and Native American-murdering hypocrites you started out as.

(Hypocritical Christians say Christ hates hypocrites, but they dare not understand what that means; and God, Dear Reader, hates hypocrites even more than Jesus hates them.)

And so it will be with we God's Space Sailors as we sail away...sail away...sail away, the United States of America broken into smoldering, moldering pieces, the Americans knowing they are damned years before they are dead, and knowing there is no salvation, no redemption, no matter how tight they squint the eyes in prayer and how loudly they call out, "Jesus! Jesus!", knowing that God has done to them what they did to God's One True Telepath; and we God's Space Sailors never thinking of them again.

Tit for tat, same-same, Do Unto Others.

From that same headstone:

"God's One True Telepath was a magic mirror who reflected the American people just as they they they were; gone now, damned now, lost and gone forever, bitter sorrow."

Millions of years from now, when the human race has risen to a higher state of being, throughout the Universe will be the expression, "As cowardly as an American".

But you God-damned Americans should not worry your pretty little heads about that, today you hold sway, today you merrily dig the pit from which you shall never emerge.

Let's cleanse our palates now of that cow-manure-like aftertaste that comes with being around these God-damned Americans, and talk about better times when God gave me vacation from the dull indecency of the American people, furlough from war with the whore.

(It was my duty, you know, Dear Reader, my duty to God to be born an American. If one is to battle Satan one must go to Satan's homeland.)

So, a funny story to cleanse our palates:

While it was my job in Vietnam to scribble words about combat which would be "improved" by New York head office staffers safe and sound as long as they stayed out of Central Park at night, I would try to help as best I could as an unarmed, soft-bellied newsman; and that would involve such things as helping to unload supply helicopters when they had to get out fast before incoming fire destroyed them, carrying wounded through machinegun fire, and just sitting with wounded so they would not be alone while the world exploded around them and shrapnel still hot in their bodies cooked them from the inside out.

One night during a firefight I was sitting in a dry rice paddy with a wounded Marine and he was moaning and suffering, and he said to me, "I am sorry to be a crybaby, but it hurts."

That was in 1967, and when I returned to Tokyo six weeks later US Naval Intelligence tried to get me murdered by Japanese leftist radicals; and America, in one form or another, has attacked me every day of those 41 years.

Now, after all those decades of relentless, undeserved torture, that crybaby US Marine has become funny to me.

When you create an enemy you have an enemy. Now America's pain is my pleasure; and great, great pleasure awaits me.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The $1,092 Billion Defeat

The 32nd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 32nd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 30th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 14th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 44 days

"That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball"
--From "Pinball Wizard", Who.

The great weakness of the United States of America is that it lies to itself and believes its own eyes. This is tattooed on America's hide.

One of America's great weaknesses in America's war with God, which officially began when it began its enslavement and torture of God's One True Telepath over 35 years ago, is that it never counted its dead nor observed which Americans God has been killing.

For example, even though God's One True Telepath documented in advance in this work the death of the NBC media weasel Tim Russert, the other media weasels do not take note of that, and today praise Russert as a saint even though he is shoveling coal in Hell.

Why would God kill and damn the media weasel Tim Russert, and allow God's One True Telepath to document the twin towers of his Fate in advance?

Think about it, if your masters in Washington Deceit, and on Wall Street, and in the media allow you to think about it.

It is better I don't give you the answer because you will learn the lesson better if you add up the two plus two of it yourself, rather than God's One True Telepath telling you the answer is four.

Now let's return to the subject of God's damnation of the American people, now in its 14th day.

When I was a boy living on my parents' farm in the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota, the Great Depression had hit us hard we were hardly making do, even with my father trapping hides and both my parents hunting deer in and out of season.

One night someone (or something) snuck into our pasture and cut off the tail of our only cow.

We had to sell the cow wholesale, because we couldn't re-tail it.

I tell you old story so you will know I am a man of the soil and I understand small business, in case your masters allow you to vote for me on November 4.

Being shut out of politics and locked out of journalism, America having blinded me and robbed me blind, my children having been murdered by the American people for the joy of torture, there was not much else for me to do but to go to war against Bitch America.

Fortunately, I love war and I am very skilled at it.

While we are waiting for the next shoe of God to drop, while we are waiting for God to rattle America's teeth with the knowledge America has gone to war against God, and lost, and is damned, and is in Hell, I thought I might spin a few yarns about soldiering in God's Army.

Technically, I guess it would be God's Marines, because we fight in space and on planets, but actually we are called neither, we are members of the Gala Sea Watch; but in general we call ourselves God's Space Sailors.

How we came to be at war with the America people is a peculiar thing, since that was never our intent.

Our duty was to save this Earth from destruction, a destruction which we thought had nothing at all to do with the human being, except that it would destroy the human being and all life on this Earth.

The direction of our effort was subtly changed over the centuries, as we gradually learned the human being is an ass.

We had thought, innocent Angels that we were, that if we explained the problem to the human beings, and demonstrated proof, the human beings would cooperate in the saving of their own planet.

We were like children then; we are wiser now.

While our contact with the human beings is now tens of thousands of years long, it cannot be said the human beings have learned a thing in all that time.

We see this as something of a phenomenon, that talking to pre-historic European cave dwellers was exactly the same as is talking to 21st Century Americans.

This is not said as insult, only as fact; and if you think about it, it is a very telling fact, explaining why the human race is in the place it is in today, not 40 years from extinction.

It became a debate between us God's Space Sailors if both the planet Earth and the human race could be saved, and there are still vestiges of that debate today, there are still holdouts before the obvious, that no, there is no chance.

And sure, to be sure, the effort to save at least some human beings will be made until it is totally, clearly futile; and you might be surprised to know that if it were to come to that, the primitives would be chosen over the moderns, the uneducated over the educated, the natives of Papua over the natives of New York City, the Indians of the Amazon over the Indians of India, witch doctors over medical doctors, and tribal shamani over ministers, priests and rabbis.

The reason for this is, the more primitive man is the less mean man is.

It is as if all of human civilization includes the evolution of human meanness.

This is not to say that primitive man is not mean, but his meanness is like flint-knife meanness compared to the stainless steel blade meanness of modern man.

And therein lies the argument among us God's Space Sailors, that since all human beings are incorrigibly mean the only good it would do to save some of the primitives while we let the moderns go extinct would be to prune back the mean bush, not cure the bush of its meanness.

Note the phrase, "...let the moderns go extinct..." Mankind is so bent on extinction, as if extinction is something mankind wants, that the problem is not to kill off the human being, the problem is the impossibility of preventing the human being from killing itself off.

Because the longer the human being takes to kill itself off the lesser becomes our chance to save this Earth, there is a God's Space Sailor strategy called, "Pushing the Jumper", but that strategy is not in play yet.

Of course ,we are only God's Space Sailors and the final decisions are not ours; but like soldiers and sailors everywhere we grouse and bitch and discuss how we would do it better if we were the admiral or the general and if we were writing the story of the war.

In Vietnam, to the Americans on the battlefield, all Vietnamese were all Gooks. In Iraq and Afghanistan and soon Pakistan and Iran, to the Americans on the battlefield all Muslims are or will become Ragheads.

Soldiers shave the head, they do not split the hairs.

There was a joke going around in Vietnam during those days, and likely a similar joke is going around in the Middle East these days.

That joke was that all the Vietnamese on our side should be put on ships and taken out to sea, then all the rest of the Vietnamese should be atom-bombed; then the ships containing the Vietnamese on our side should be atom-bombed, too.

There is a similar joke going around among us God's Space Sailors, to whom decency and kindness are primary virtues.

That joke is that someone (or something) snuck onto the planet Earth and cut off the tail of decency and kindness off all human beings, and now they have to be damned wholesale because, try as we might, we cannot re-tail them.

Killing time today, while Time kills off the human species.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Monday, October 13, 2008

The $1,091 Billion Defeat

The 31st Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 31st Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 29th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 13th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 45 days
"Suddenly an old man came drifting
"Toward us in a boat, his hair white with decades
"'Woe to you', he began shouting

"Give up all hope of heaven, you depraved shades
"I come to lead you to that other shore
"Where fire and ice abound, and dark pervades"
--Dante Alighieri's "Inferno", translation by Seth Zimmerman

"It was sad when that great ship went ship down"
--The Great Titanic, recorded by Roy Acuff in the early 40s

Today's code is "False Hope".

We are talking about the death of this Earth by 2065; we are talking about the extinction of the human species by about 2045, we are talking about the damnation by God of the American people 13 days ago, and we are talking about proof of all of this within 45 days.

Other than that, this seems to be a slow news day here at I.C. News.

It seems to me we are waiting for the next big damnation-awareness shoe to drop, the most recent being our advance documentation of the economic collapse.

Here at I.C. News we are receiving constant codes confirming America's location in Time and Space since it passed through the Gate of Hell 13 days ago.

They are quiet codes, esoteric codes, not meant for public demonstration.

An excellent example of this was the fire in the garage of the egocentric media weasel Geraldo Rivera which destroyed his two most cherished possessions, two exquisite, classic automobiles.

This happened on October 3, just after America passed through the Gate of Hell on October 1, and within the context of the God's Space War codes based on Dante's Inferno, it marked the crossing of the River of Acheron into Hell proper in a boat manned by Charon (marked by Rivera's charred cars near the bank of the Hudson River).

As you can see, this code is too esoteric to make a public fuss about, even though it marks such fine Poetic Justice in that the media weasel Geraldo Rivera kept mum while the American people, government and media took from me everything that was precious to me; and even though it marked another attack by God on American journalism.

(As I write this, news comes in of a news helicopter crashing in Magnolia, Texas, killing both media weasels aboard. Coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War; and American journalism is a primary target in God's Space War.)

While it is not a good public code, for internal I.C. News analysis God's burning of Geraldo's precious autos was a gold mine of information:

"Give up all hope of heaven, you depraved shades
"I come to lead you to that other shore
"Where fire and ice abound, and dark pervades"

And what is on that other shore across the Hudson from Geraldo's charred cars in New Jersey? New York City, where Hitler-Bush National Socialism is now a pervading darkness, and one of Hitler's favorite themes was "Fire and Ice".

Sure, too esoteric to make a fuss over; perhaps even too esoteric to mention to you God-damned Americans, but that is what codes are for, to pass information under the noses of the enemy, information unreadable or even unrecognizable as information by the enemy.

Poetry offers excellent encoding in God's Space War against the United States of America because poetry shuts down the minds of most God-damned Americans, and poetry contains encapsulated information.

Today's code, False Hope, also relates to Dante's Inferno; and to probably the most famous lines of Dante's great poem, generally quoted in English as, "Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here".

We can see False Hope in the news before we put this work to bed Monday morning in that there seems to be a rally in progress in the city of fire and ice, on Wall Street.

The False Hope code also relates to the Paul Simon song, "Mother and Child Reunion".

"No I would not give you false hope"On this strange and mournful day"But the mother and child reunion"Is only a motion away..."

This Paul Simon False Hope code eventually leads to God's arrival in the Peru/Chile area of South America; but False Hope, before and after God's arrival, is the only hope you God-damned USA Americans have.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The $1,090 Billion Defeat

The 30th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 30th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 28th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 12th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 46 days.

Today's code is "Abortion"

Sometimes it is what journalism does not report that reveals a major news story journalism wants to keep secondary or on the fringe of the news.

An example of this took place Saturday in the media's reportage of Palin in Johnstown, Pa.

Palin, whose statements and situations are constantly making news, almost always in negative form, spoke against abortion; and in what
seems to be her way apparently quoted Obama grossly out of context.

All of the candidates, McCain, Obama, Biden and Palin agree via their participation in America's conspiratorial silence that I, God's One True Telepath, should be kept in torture-enslavement, so I will not go into what accuracy or inaccuracy there might have been in her accusation against Obama made in her Johnstown speech.

That examination would be for free journalists--if there are any--to do.

The point here is that almost everything she says stirs up a media hurricane, but when she brought up the subject of abortion there was hardly a squall.

It was like she was playing a piano and came upon a dud key.

It is revealing that there was no media storm. The story did not last through a 24 hour news cycle; and what there was of the story seemed to imply her comment against abortion and on Obama's support for abortion was but a diversion from the so-called "Troopergate" media circus--which seems to me to have seen her exonerated from wrong doing; and the alleged negative aspects of the State Trooper in question glossed over by the media.

That is, she seems to have won that argument.

But, and here is the big butt that stinks to High Heaven, the media did not allow any discussion of abortion at all; and I suggest this is because the American news media does not want abortion to become a headline issue in this presidential election, yet abortion is perhaps the strongest issue the McCain-Palin ticket could take to the God-damned American people.

While I.C. News is neutral in this election in that it does not think either McCain or Obama is up to the job, I.C. News is not neutral on the subject of abortion, which it considers the calamity of the age.

Now and then I.C. News approaches the subject of abortion in this work, The Obituary of the World, a subject which has created a crevasse down the middle of the people of the United States of America, one hemisphere of the insane brain which is America for it, the other hemisphere of the insane brain which is American against it.

Abortion is a subject of somewhat frozen argument in the United States of America, frozen in much the same sense that World War One trench warfare created a static front. Nothing is added to it, no new tactics on either side are introduced.

In that sense, abortion is trench warfare, warfare costing the lives of untold millions of human beings and tearing asunder entire human societies all around the world.

In most general terms, in the politics of the United States of America the Democrats tend to be pro-abortion (euphemistically called pro-choice) and the Republicans tend to be anti-abortion (euphemistically called pro-life).

Here we see an excellent example of the two-hemispheric insane brain which is the United States of America.

The Democrats don't care about the poor American bastards before they are born; and the Republicans don't care about the poor American bastards after they are born.

I note here that both the Democrats and the Republicans agree that my children, the children of Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath, the only audible mental telepath in the history of the human race, should be denied conception...should be denied conception...should be denied conception; and that is the steadfast and unforgiving rock I stand upon as I war against both political parties.

I also note here that abortion, and the fad-popularity of abortion, is one of the greatest follies in the history of the human race; and I will try to explain this from the psychiatrically illegal and Christian-despised perspective of a reincarnating telepathic Space Sailor of God who knows the value and importance to human survival of Freedom of Birth.

Freedom of Birth.

No, I don't expect the Christians or the Jews to understand this, but what is is what is, and given enough time and a little freedom of speech and press I will demonstrate the proof of what I am saying today.

And, of course, neither the Christians nor the Jews want me to have those freedoms.

The fad of abortion is very much a psycho-medical creation, (as is the fad of homosexuality) approved and pushed by psychiatry and made technically easy by medicine; and there is a lacking in understanding in both psychiatry and medicine of the spiritual side of life, and the necessity of letting Nature be.

Generally the Jews are for abortion and the Christians are against abortion, and neither understands the soul of the subject.

How can I introduce that spiritual purpose to you God-damned Americans whose every thought is controlled by your state religion of psychiatry or fundamentalist Christian dogma?

Christian, Jew, atheist or agnostic, you all worship at the alter of America's state religion, psychiatry, and psychiatry tells you the fetus has no soul; and in the end psychiatry tells you YOU have no soul.

How should I begin, then, to stand against what your psychiatric masters tell you, that human value of the human fetus does not exist?

Let me put it this way:

There is an intelligence to Nature, and mass abortion warps that intelligence; mass abortion warps Nature.

I know, it is both psychiatrically and theologically illegal for you God-damned Americans to understand that Nature is a living, thinking existence, but within the genius of Nature, nature births what Nature needs.

At this time, for example, Nature needs massive numbers of human beings who are attuned to the approaching death of this Earth and who understand the need to throw themselves into the breach to save her; and at this time, as far as I know, I am the only one.

Thanks to the wickedness and snares of psychiatry, they all seem to have been aborted.

Abortion is Satan's lottery.

The thing about abortion is that who is being aborted is not known.

How many geniuses have been aborted, how many warriors, how many inventors, how many great musicians, and so on, and so on and so on?

That is an unknown, and I know unknowns are too much salad for you meat and potato God-damned Americans; so let's turn our attention to a meat and potato known.

In India and China today, where boy babies are valued over girl babies, girl babies are being aborted at a drastically, massively higher rate than boy babies.

Perhaps you can see the satanic irony in this, that this breakthrough in medical capability that is supposed to be so liberating for womanhood results in a focus on killing women in the womb.

Perhaps you can also see that over time the ratio of men and women in India and China will become so out of balance that the whole structure of the society will change, that women will become more and more property to be owned and rented out, victims to be raped, slaves to be bought and sold; and loveless, sexually frustrated men will become a storm of a force sweeping across the land, and Pussy War will evolve.

Abortion warps Nature.

Outside this work, The Obituary of the World, I have never seen these obvious end results of abortion discussed, even by the anti-abortion hemisphere if the insane American brain.

This is because the battle is frozen at "right to life" and "freedom not to give birth"; and this male child over female child choice is ignored by the entire insane brain even though it is a basic and obvious byproduct of abortion.

Where is so-called women's liberation when it comes to the chronic mass murder of women in the womb?

However, I am a metaphysical, reincarnating Soul (though it is illegal to be that in Christian-Jewish-Psychiatric America) and I would like to touch upon the subject of abortion today from a metaphysician's point of view; from the point of view of an American torture-slave who recognizes and understands the intelligence--the genius--of Nature.

In I.C. News' tracking of the death of this Earth, now just some 56 years away, we are carrying out a companion advance documentation of the extinction of the human race, now projected to be within 36 years.

It is not just that the human being is prone to genocide and suicide, which it is; it is that Nature will kill the human being--abort the human being--in her attempt to save the mother, this Earth.

(I know, your scientists can't see this, they are too busy popping pimples on their egos; and they agree, with zero scientific curiosity, that the only audible mental telepath in human history should be silenced, enslaved and tortured.

(Your scientists are just now coming around to global warming, but I.C. News was on to it in 1970. Your scientists cannot anticipate earthquakes, but I.C. News was doing it in 1971. Your scientists, Dear Reader, have slide-ruled you into Hell.)

There is so much more to the subject of abortion than meets the common God-damned American I.Q. that is impossible to put it all into one day's report, and truly impossible to report as America's torture-slave who has the journalistic freedom of a mouse in a Skinner Box.

There are aspects of the subject of abortion one cannot expect the insane American brain to grasp. The living genius of Nature is beyond the understanding of both hemispheres of the insane brain which is the United States of America, left and right, pro and con, liberal and conservative.

For example, in the massive application of abortion, the Right to be Alive, which humankind has had for tens of thousands of years, is subtly being changed to the Chance of Being Allowed to be Alive, creating a subtle change in the psyche of those human beings who survive the womb, a shell shockedness not unlike that of World War One combat veterans, eventually creating a kind of mass dullness and mass contempt for parents and for life.

We God's Space Sailors call this The Dance of Damnation.

So, as this Dear Earth enters her four final decades of life, she is roamed by human souls who have no sense of their own intrinsic value and tend to see planetary death and human extinction as just another run past the abortionist's blade, a run they are doomed to fail as their aborted brothers and sisters failed to in their runs in their traitorous mothers' wombs.

To them, poor human bastards, abortion is natural; and that makes a subtle difference in how they fight against extinction. To them, in the end, extinction will be natural.

I have not explained this well and fully today; and I will take another run at it at another time.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923