Saturday, March 31, 2007

The $194 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Zero

Shark America Ten

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 200

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

I drove over fifty miles to Klamath Falls, Oregon, today, to do some shopping. It was a beautiful drive through miles of forest. It was a tragic drive in that so many Oregonians committed suicide of the soul.

This is the great divide; this is the great abyss; you Americans agree among yourselves that you have the right to torture God's One True Telepath, so you think that massive agreement makes it legal in the Eyes of God; or else you abandon God within that concept, I don't know if you are that stupid.

If you torture the Telepath, you are the chaff; if you do not torture the Telepath, you are the wheat. My being made audibly telepathic was fundamental part of Judgment Day. America has failed that Judgment Day test, miserably.

Look at it this way, you American put American military personnel in prison for torturing Muslim prisoners in Iraq. They tortured those prisoners in very much the same way as millions of you Americans torture me. Should God not put those millions of Americans into prison, too?

That is it, isn't it? You Americans have conned yourselves into believing this is between you and me, not between you and God. Damn, you Americans are stupid.

A father in a restaurant today led his whole family into damnation, all except his very old mother who was embarrassed by the smirk on her son's face as he and his wife and and his children tortured the Telepath, tortured him for the crime of eating breakfast in their presence. She saved her soul; they lost theirs; just like that.

I saw at least 50 people lose their souls in Klamath Falls, Oregon, today. There was nothing I could do about it. If I had tried to do anything there would have been a Telepath-torture frenzy, and at least fifty more would have bought a ticket to Eternal Damnation.

This is the other side of the Telepath-Torture game, Dear Reader. God put me, helpless, among you Americans, who mistakenly think you are the best people in the whole world; and just as you murder Iraqi and Afghani babies without a twitch of the eye, you torture me for the fun of it.

Everything is connected. Damnation and Salvation is the nature of this game. Obviously I cannot convince you; I can only damn you; that is the final commission Jesus gave all his apostles.

When I saw that "man's" smirk today while his whole family (with the exception of his elderly mother) tortured me while I tried to eat my breakfast, I said to myself, Sweet Jesus, that man is going to a dark pit of hell.

God hates the human smirk, Dear Reader, in the Eyes of God it is the ugliest thing a human being can do.

So, I was tortured a lot in Klamath Falls, Oregon, today. The opportunity to torture me is rare in Oregon, and the Oregonians wanted to show God they are as mean as the queers of San Francisco.

Well, they did not understand they were showing God what they are; but they were doing their cowardly evil in full view of God's Angry Eyes.

I'll tell you something today, Dear Reader, that you may heed or not, it is your choice not mine; I know more about God than all the Christian ministers and all the Christians priests, lumped together or individually, in this God-damned United States of America from sea to shining sea.

That is what all you psycho-fascist Americans are betting against.

Friday, March 30, 2007

The $193 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 203

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

You may have noticed a constant increase in the frequency of earthquakes since the recent fatal Japan quake, dropping a bit today.

As I have kept this unscientific record, I have noted an increase in numbers of quakes after major quakes; but not just local aftershocks, increased quakes all around the world.

Those Readers who know this work understand I am saying the coming death of this Earth by 2065 can be tracked in earthquake patterns; and that all earthquakes are interconnected.

I have since 1972 documented in advance almost all earthquakes 7.0 and above; my most outstanding and most important advance documentation was that of the earthquake that caused the great tsunami; and my advance documentation also anticipated the tsunami.

You may recall the tsunami earthquake momentarily stopped the rotation of the Earth and slightly altered the speed of Earth's rotation.

I suggest to you again that you plant as many vegetables as you can this year, because I.C. News is projecting a massive disruption of food distribution in December-January.

I.C. News has an outstanding record of accurate projections going back to the early Sixties.

If I.C. News' projection of serious food distribution disruptions this winter proves to be inaccurate, you will have lost nothing and gained some healthy food; if I.C. News' projection is accurate, your garden could save your life and the lives of your family.

This is a win-win suggestion, nothing radical to it, nothing patriotically incorrect.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The $192 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 211

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

What I know is not going to go away even though the American people torture and enslave me.

One thing I know is global warming is just a drop in the bucket of the perils facing this Earth.

I also know if it comes down to the death of this earth being preventable through the extinction of the human species, the human species will be killed off by those from elsewhere in the galaxy focused on keeping this Earth alive; and the rich and powerful will be killed off first; cutting away and cutting away until the quick feels the pain, as Jesus taught.

Something immense is happening, something far more immense than global warming; something far more immense than that beast that has since 2000 raised its ugly head over the world, Republican American Fascism. What is happening is a cascading series of events that will kill this Earth, and all life upon it, by 2065.

Is there something more important going on in your life?

So, let's see where we are today. The Smallville Miracle I am anticipating is still in the works, but slow in coming, like sunrise on a winter's day when you stand there shivering wanting the sun to rise but it takes its own sweet time.

So let's make the Smallville Miracle one of the several balls I am juggling, and go on to something else.

While it is quite late in the game, I think I will continue to try to interest you in survival; and if the world doesn't explode sooner than I think it will, and the damn doesn't break, and if the Republican American Fascists don't murder you all, you might still come out of this in good form.

Again, if you can possibly do so plant a vegetable garden this year. During World War Two Americans planted Victory Gardens. Americans would do well to plant Survival Gardens this year, because very likely food distribution will break down next winter.

I can't teach you how to grow a garden; but I plan to plant one myself in my own City Boy way.

Some things I could teach you might be useless because you would have no time to put them to use, such as reincarnation, for example. When there are no more wombs, what good is there is knowing how to find the womb you want?

We are way behind time. My schedule had me teaching you how to reincarnate by 1976, and proving the world is dying by about that same time; and by then I expected us to be talking in serious, functional ways about the paranormal science of the death of this Earth; but how was I to know you Americans would rather betray Truth than face it?

Sorry, I am a bit ticked off.

This secret work I do was never designed to be secret; what made it secret was that the American government and media did not want it to be known. The American government and media did not know what this work was, but whatever it was they did not, and still do not, want it to be known.

In the United States of America people are censored for what they might say.

It's enough to curdle my gizzard, watching you all die when I know you need not have died but for the stupidity of the people running your show. That you are sheep doesn't help, but that your shepherds are wolves in business suits really does you in.

If I were a free man, this late in the game, the first thing II would do is teach the Art of Time Travel. I would teach individual Time Travel, the focus being how to avoid bad futures.

I am sorry to say, Americans are really disarmed in that way, they flow into the future like leaves on a river; like they flowed into Iraq, tra la tra la; like they now flow into ignominious military defeat, tra la tra la; like they flow into Republican American Fascist dictatorship, tra la tra la; like they flow on down to Doom's Day, shish boom bah.

We Space Sailors believe knowledge is responsibility; and I would not have passed through all these years of American public abuse and tyranny if I did not know this Earth will be dead by 2065; and if having that knowledge did not place responsibility on me.

I will have that responsibility until the last human being dies, probably in less that 40 years; and then the investigation and review of that loss is going to take me eons. Earth is not the first planet to die; but we Space Sailors hope it will be the last.

How did Earth die? That will be the focus of my work after you are all dead. Hopefully, hopefully, the focus will be How did Earth almost die; but if hope were soap I'd be clean as a whistle.

What killed off the human being? In the end, I think, it was murder and the bearing of false witness; what you call war and politics.

Lookit, I had you psycho-fascistic Americans figured out six months into the game. I knew you were stupid about the future; and in practical terms I knew you were each as mean as three Kitten Hitlers in a Nazi Basket.

But for responsibility of knowledge I would have gone to where I am most happy when you began your torture-enslavement of me; deep into the wilderness, and kept my wife and raised my kiddies, chopped wood, raised crops, put meat on the table with sure rifle shot and a yard full of chickens clucking; and I would have let you die, all of you in about 40 years from now.


(You may not know this, but I have saved the soul of every wife and every child I have had in my scores of reincarnations. All it takes is teaching them how to swim, but that's another story.)

Knowledge is responsibility.

I could say, better to have been born in 1862 than 1939; but I was born in both, and I lived that life; marking the decades then as I had marked the centuries in previous lives, as I mark the years now; then the months; then the weeks; then the days; then the hours; then the minutes; then the seconds; until the human being is extinct, as sure as shootin', just like clockwork.

Reincarnation, that is one form of Time Travel. Christians don't like talk of it, but Jesus did it. Jesus' concept of reincarnation was quite the opposite of Eastern concepts. As souls developed through multiple lives they did not seek to exit the rebirth cycle, rather they served God as Journeyman Travelers.

Jesus knew, though, that Time Travel through reincarnation is a finite solution to an infinite situation; that this Earth would pass away, and when it passed away there would be no place for the reincarnationist to stand, no parents to choose or to chance upon, no wombs for rest and re-establishment, no birth canal to panic down; always panic, always panic, no matter how many times the reincarnationist entered life through that door.

This is the lesson of Jesus all Christians hide from. This Earth shall pass away...Jesus said it but they do not face it, instead they say all other humans but a select number of Christians will pass away, and then the Earth will be there's! there's! there's! because they are so good and God loves them so much.

They choose to believe the mad fairy tale which is Revelations over the words of the Master.

Frankly, the average horse has a better chance of getting to Heaven than the average Christian.

What the Christians have is a rock-solid, cemented-in misinterpretation of the teachings of Jesus; and as a result the Christians are one of the leading factors in the rapidly approaching death of this Earth, tra La tra la. Christians believe in murder, called by its pretty name, War, just as much as do the Muslims, and just as much as do the Jews.

There are eleven commandments for Christians; follow them, Christians, or you are not Christians at all.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The $191 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 200

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

No miracle in Smallville yet, but all three timing codes I buried in yesterday's report clicked off today, so this code clearly remains active.

Those timing codes were, "The President of Russia", "Ringling Brothers Circus", and "Hog".

Timing codes are a common tool in God's Space War; they are something like the sonar "pings" on a submarine that are constantly sent out to detect objects nearby.

Since we at I.C. News deal in future projections our timing code pings generally go less than 40 hours into the future, and if the timing codes are not clicked off by events, if the timing codes in some small way do not detect future events, we figure our Space-Time submarine needs a course adjustment.

Had yesterday's pings not bounced off small future events I would be thinking the big future event I am tracking--in this case the Smallville Miracle--was for some reason no longer in the offing, and I would say so.

That leaves me expecting the Smallville Miracle; which seems to be a major event.

In the news, or conspicuous because it is not in the news, George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists are in the process of blundering into a catastrophe bigger than the Iraq Catastrophe; even though that one catastrophe stemming from their stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq is by itself enough to sink the United States of America.

This is why I say George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists have caused the United States of America to commit suicide.

At this time George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists seem not to have the slightest idea of just how stupid their "New Order" scheme is.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The $190 BillionDefeat

Jews Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 188

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Dear Reader, Dear Reader, it seems to me something big is about to happen. I refer here to the miracle I have been telling you about.

I have been expecting what might be called a God's Space War variation on the American "smart bomb", a pinpoint miracle here in Smallvile, California.

I am now expecting it very soon, perhaps even today; if we consider today existing far west of Hawaii long after tomorrow comes to California; but don't hold me to that estimation of timing; God performs God's miracles in God's Own Sweet Time.

I expect this to be a positive miracle, something that will leave the people of Smallville with a rosey glow. I expect the miracle to be limited to Smallville, so limited that if the Smallvillains don't talk about it no one outside of Smallville will know.

Of course, I will report it, but who reads me? A friend in West Virginia, the President of Russia, and a clown with the Ringling Brothers Circus

While I have experienced many miracles, I don't recall having documented any in advance...well, something on Mars once, and I have named the locations quite a number of "UFO" sightings before they took place; but being that I am a Space Sailor and I can fly a "UFO" like a Hell's Angel can ride a Hog, that is no great miracle.

I am thinking along these lines because the parable God told me yesterday, and which I in turn told you, has ripened very nicely and seems to have pointed to today.

You may recall the parable, which was God's instruction of me, had me covering the streets of Smallvile with fruit so that I might make a good impression, but there was a man who sold fruit from a cart and my distributing free fruit was a hardship to him.

If you are interested in the language of God, or at least the language God uses when God speaks to me, take a look at how the parable ripened.

It snowed in Smallville last night, and Smallville was covered with an inch or so of beautiful snow.

Now, change the fruit metaphor in the parable, the fruit covering the streets, to the snow; and let's look for the man with the pushcart who experienced hardship because of the free fruit. What do we find? It was garbage pickup day in Smallville, and certainly the job of the swampers on the garbage truck was made a little harder by the snow.

So, well educated as I am in the language in which God speaks to me, understanding God's use of metaphor, I know God pointed specifically to this day, Tuesday, March 27, 2007, in God's instruction to me on Monday.

Therefore, it seems to me the Miracle of Smallvile is about to take place. Having hung my ass out in this manner, let's see what happens.

Monday, March 26, 2007

The $189 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 180

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

My plan today is to tell you a bit more about my quiet advance documentation of the fatal Japanese earthquake of a couple days ago, and what it might mean to you; but before I do that I thought I would pass on to you some instructions I got from My Old Pal God today.

The instructions were for me, not for you; but I thought you might like to read and interpret them. Christians, although I know they don't think much of me or my friendship with God, might enjoy this because the instructions came in the form of a parable.

In this parable, Virgil moves to a small town, just as I have moved to Smallville, California, and Virgil decides to introduce himself to the town by giving free fruit to all the people of the town; and he does that, he scatters beautiful fruit all around the town.

This seems fine, at first, because everyone is enjoying the free fruit.

However, there is a man who has a fruit cart, and it is his livelihood to push his cart around town and sell fruit, so Virgil's free distribution of fruit creates a hardship for him.

That's the parable containing some instructions from God to me. While I have an immediate interpretation of the meaning of this parable, I find it is best to let such instructions ripen for a time because the first meaning I think of is most often not the primary reason God had for giving me the instruction.

For example, this parable could turn out to be connected to the sign from God especially for the people of Smallville, which I have said I am expecting.

My first thoughts upon receiving the instruction went to my statement of yesterday that only about 30 out of 500 people have lost their souls since I came to Smallville, and my happy projection that that meant my estimation that 50 percent of American would their souls was far too exaggerated.

What I had meant to say, but got carried away with the happy news, was that only about 30 out of 500 Smallvillains had lost their souls for torturing me; and my thinking did not incorporate all the sins people might be carrying around other than their group torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

(I understand few Christians and no Jews consider America's torture-enslavement of me to be a sin; but it is.)

I meant "happy news" in that if I had my way there would be absolutely zero souls lost; but that's another story, and that opinion of mine was one of the things that led up to God giving me the gift of audible mental telepathy.

That is, God wanted to show me I had an over-glorified view of the human being; and that gift of telepathy gave me the opportunity to learn human beings would be mean as snakes to me if they found me helpless and alone.

As you may appreciate, meanness is not a quality sought after in Heaven.

God knows you human beings better than I; I am just a Space Sailor who has sailed here to help God save this Earth, this Earth so beloved by God.

So, I am going to sit on that parable for a day or so and let it ripen and see what it really means, if in fact in means something different than what I have explained.

Back to today's report. It is a strange coincidence, or so it seems to me, that the Height of Folly is exactly the measurement in feet and inches of George. W. Bush, the child-man who has caused the United States of America to commit suicide.

That may seem neither here nor there, we are talking about the rapidly approaching death of our Earth not the Oval Office Shame of the USA, but the Height of Folly of that foolish boy-man has destroyed this world, and left we Space Sailors, with but shards and pieces of human hope, to attempt to put back together.

Black Ugly, America's current Secretary of State, once called me "simple" because of the way I look at George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq and other Republican American Fascist policies and schemes.

Of course my soul remains in service of God's Truth and the bones of her soul lie scattered and bleached at the foot of the cliff she leaped off in service of the Height of Folly, saying it was worth America's murder of thousands of Iraqi children to hang the Boogie Man of Iraq.

Black Ugly, in her service of the Republican American Fascist coup that has attacked the United States of America, perhaps has more bends and twists in her thinking process than I, like the pipes of an amateur plumber who barely knows poop flows downhill; and in fact I am simple, a simple Space Sailor who has sailed light-years to be here for one reason and one reason only, the Law of the Sea commanded it.

To we simple Space Sailors the problem was simple, Earth was floundering, Earth was sinking, so we pulled alongside to see what we could do.

Sure to be sure we found madness and panic on deck, and pirates, and damned souls walking the plank, damsels in distress, so to speak; and many religious people who told us about God, strange things about God, God Who is a personal Friend of Ours, strange things that did not seem at all like God as we know God; and I never met one of these religious people who didn't think they knew more about God than I...and further, more about God than each other.

But that is still not the subject of today's report, that is just some sleep-dust that was on my eyes when I awoke and sat down here at this computer to point out my advance documentation of the fatal quake in Japan a couple days ago, and to explain to you how it may also have been fatal to you, if you look at the big picture of it.

The advance documentation was in my recent verbal images of Mount Fuji and the timing of my placing the sentence, "Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007", at the opening of each day's work. The sentence appeared just before the fatal quake.

In my simple Space Sailor way, my advance documentation of the fatal quake in Japan marked the conception, the insemination, if you can appreciate the metaphor, of the quake we Space Sailors call, "The Birth of the Blues", to take place on December 26, 2007.

We expect that quake to bring a dawning of the bad times to come to the dim mass mind of America.

Nine months of gestation to go, count them, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December, hence the birth metaphor.

We simple Space Sailors have explored galaxies through understanding the subatomic science of metaphor, which makes sense only if you understand the Universe is alive and responsive; that this galaxy, this great dance of billions of stars, is a living being..

So what I am saying here in my simple Space Sailor way is that all earthquakes are connected, and we Space Sailors are tracking the death of this Earth in part through tracking earthquakes; and when we are able to document (for our own benefit more than for yours) earthquakes before they take place we know we are on schedule, on track.

If we are on track then (more for your benefit than for ours) that means hopefully we can give good, solid warnings before California falls into the Pacific Ocean; and if we can do that maybe we can tell the psycho-fascist Americans on the East Coast when the Washington Monument will become the North Pole; thereby in our simple Space Sailor way saving a few million human lives as we attempt to keep this Earth afloat.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The $188 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 169

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007.

Movement is quiet. No one noticed our advance documentation of the fatal Japan quake, nor were they supposed to.

In Smallville, California, we can see the test building.

It seems a good day to spin a yarn.

It becomes more clear daily how this Earth will die. We can see clearly the Crack in the Egg. It runs east from Iran to Indonesia, then south to Australia and above Australia, east, and then turns back north along the Asian islands, the Philippines,.Taiwan, Japan, then thick along the Aleutians and down the west coast of North America and South America.

That is the Crack in the Egg. That is the Crack of Doom. There are other cracks, but that is the main crack through which pecks and claws the Chick of Calamity now, daily, as you live your life, speck upon the egg..

We look down our list of the damned. It is almost as if they all volunteered.

Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Bush, Bush. You can almost hear the sound of the Locomotive of Doom as it readies to leave the station.

Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Bush, Bush.

Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Bush, Bush.

Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Bush, Bush.

All aboard, You Damned Americans, all aboard.

Our estimation of damned Americans has been fifty percent, but in our test city of Smallvile, California, there are currently perhaps only 30 damned. Out of 500, that is not so bad; except for the 30, of course; it is bad for them, damned bad.

But there is relief to this; a feeling of relief, because we did not want to lose 50 percent of the American souls, and by extension that percentage of the souls of the human race; so it just may be, it just may be a job well done for me, and for all we Space Sailors.

I have never talked to you about what will happen to the souls who exist upon this Earth when this Earth dies early in 2065.

It is not what the Christians expect; it is not what the Jews expect; it is not what the Muslims expect; because those three are dancing on words that will not float when the planet sinks beneath them.

Those three claimants to specialness in the Eyes of God; they are the Tornado of War; they are the blackness in the blindness of the Human Soul.

Let me explain something to you. God will save the souls even of all the fishes. God will save Life itself.

The only creatures on this Earth, in all the history of this Earth, who will not be saved by God are those of that aspect of the human race it has been my duty to point out in this My Holy Life.

Now, let us proceed to what we are proceeding too.

Let us proceed to that point of realization, that sudden spark of understanding that enlightens the people of Smallville, enlightens the saved and the damned alike.

The horses of Smallville already know what is coming; but they nonchalantly graze away, the secret dancing happily in their beautiful hearts.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The $187 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 164

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007.

We take our Space-Time Submarine up to a far distant surface; we rise and fall with the swell; at the top of the swell we see Mount Shasta; in the trough we see the green foothills of northern California; our sub's engines are quiet; the smoking lamp is lit; there are very few psycho-fascist Americans around.

We are waiting for a sign from God, a sign that will change the people of Smallville from psycho-fascistic to honest.

It seems our suggestion that Americans grow huge private vegetable gardens this year has registered zero on the Interest Meter; and I think this may be because the art of future projection is stunted or unused in the Land of the So-called Free.

So, today I am going to tell you how to predict the future, not through a crystal ball but through common sense.

For example, a scientific report just out says hundreds of millions of people will be without water in ten years.

Think about it, look at the world and the forces of the world and consider the need for water around the world.

This means water will be gold in ten years. This means just as wars are now fought over oil, such as George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, wars will be fought over possession water within perhaps a decade.

Common sense. If the scientific projection is correct you can know one basic element of the future; if you think about what that projection means.

You can also project into the future by examining the past.

For example, I can with confidence project today that if the Republican American Fascists are still in power in ten-fifteen years, the United States of America will invade Canada for its water and its other natural resources, including its land.

That is, we can expect the Republican American Fascists to do in the future what they have done in the past.

This is common sense.

We can reasonably project into the future that Africa will be allowed by the non-African nations of the world to rot and decay through AIDS and other diseases; and that machinegun-level tribal/cultural warfare there will continue from today's profound disasters to beyond the beyond calamities.

We can reasonably project this future for Africa because the rest of the world is totally disinterested in the continuum of African events, and has been for centuries; and further the African tribal/cultural conflicts that have existed for centuries have become genocidal because the automatic weapon has replaced the spear.

Back in the USA, it is as easy as pie to project what George W. Bush will do in the future. The great question is will America allow him to dig democracy's grave?

Because George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists always lie to you, you can project into the future that they will continue to lie to you. The fascist does not change its spots; the forked tongue does not change its form.

There are two great lies the Republican American Fascists tell you every day, and those great lies are hidden among the innumerable big and little lies that the non-fascist aspects of the Democratic Party, and the non-fascist aspects of the Republican Party, and the non-fascist aspects of the news media try daily to uncover and prove.

The Republican American Fascists don't worry about lying to you, Dear Reader, because they know they can lie faster than their lies can be detected; and if a lie should be detected they know it is going to take months or even years to prove it is a lie.

Dig it?

The Republican American Fascists can sacrifice a thousand Attorney Generals; and after one Republican American Fascist Attorney General is ousted, after months or years of confrontation, they have another Republican American Fascist ready to become that cog in the Republican American Fascist wheel.

This is one example of what I mean when I say the Republican American Fascists seem to have outflanked the non-fascist aspects of the United States of America.

Now to those two great lies I mentioned above, the two great lies the Republican American Fascists tell you every day.

One, they say they support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. This is a lie; they do not; they openly seek the nullification of the Constitution and the establishment of a dictatorship of the rich over the poor.

Two, they mock warnings of the perils facing Earth and humankind, Global Warming being only the apple peel of that apple of disaster. This is a lie because they know with total certainty that those warnings are accurate, that this Earth is entering a period of great peril and cascading calamity.

Republican American Fascism is in fact largely based on that knowledge---on the knowledge that the Earth is in peril---and to the Republican American Fascist mind the solution to that planetary and human crisis is, in a nut shell, the murder of billions of human beings.

This is the Republican American Fascist's final solution to the overpopulation problem, just as mass murder was the Nazi's "final solution to the Jewish problem".

(The Republican American Fascists do not, of course, agree with me when I say this Earth will be dead is less than 60 years; and that is where God trumps the Ace up Republican American Fascism's sleeve, but that's another story.)

Returning to our subject for today, how to read the future.

It is not difficult to see into the future. Tomorrow is almost as easy to see as yesterday; but the same rules apply in both; don't distort the view with passions concerning what we want to have been and what we want to be. That is, don't fool yourself into thinking the past is different than it is, or that the future is easier than it is.

The advantage in looking into the future is that we can change it; but the past is but flotsam and jetsam behind us and we can only watch it drift away. The past, as we see it, is not even accurate.

You have learned this today as you have read this report: Water is water today; in ten years water will be gold. That is foreknowledge, Dear Reader. You can put that in the bank. You can invest in that in the stock market. You can run for President on that platform.

The future is not difficult to see, if you care to see it, and have the courage to see it.

Now let's end today's report with a future projection I am currently making using the technique I have been showing you today. It is totally apolitical but you will find, if I am right, that it will bear strongly on the politics of your life as we approach the end of December.

You may have noticed that I have begun running a reminder at the top of each day's report. "Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007".

I am running this reminder because there have been major earthquakes on December 26 for the last four years in a row.

I documented the second of the four in advance; that was the Great Tsunami quake; and I also documented the fourth in advance.

My advance documentation of the Great Tsunami quake was based on a different technique that my advance documentation of the quakes off Taiwan on last December 26.

The fact that I am possibly ten thousand times more telepathic than any other human being in history led to my anticipating the Great Tsunami quake about ten days in advance, pinpointing the date exactly.

You may recall reports of elephants and other animals fleeing to high ground shortly before the tsunamis hit land. My telepathic functions and the telepathic functions of those animals were working along the same lines; except my telepathy had me going to high ground, so to speak, ten days before their telepathy did.

(Of course, God came into play, too, but since I do not have a degree from Bible Banger University, I will save myself trouble and hold that information until another time.)

The Great Tsunami disaster is but one example of what it has cost the world for America to keep me in torture-enslavement because I am audibly telepathic.

Had I been a free man over the 35 years I have been America's torture-slave I could would have developed credentials, established credibility; and I could have warned of the tsunamis ten days in advance, and likely those hundreds of thousands of people---or at least a large percentage of them---would not have been killed.

On the other hand, my advance documentation of the quakes of last December 26 were not a result of telepathy but of observation, the same kind of observation I am suggesting you practice.

I look for patterns in events, like I look for a pattern of lies coming out of George W. Bush's mouth, and when I saw three quakes in roughly the same longitude taking place on December 26 three years in a row, I felt I could reasonably expect another quake on that date the next time that date came around--and I was right.

Of course, while no one else in the world accomplished this, any mention of my achievement by the American media might have weakened the bonds of torture-enslavement I live under; so, of course, no credit was given where credit was due.

So, why do I expect there to be a major quake on December 26, 2007, five in a row?

First, a pattern is a pattern is a pattern.

Second, I think the quakes are taking place on that date because of whatever stress and pull our Earth is experiencing on that date.

If I turn out to be right again this year, I will assume the same for next year; (and here is where the genius of it comes in); and if this December 26 factor continues to hold true I can project the day, and maybe even the year, that this Earth will shaken to its very foundations, probably leading to a shift in the locations of the North Pole and the South Pole.

So, Dear Reader, it is not in reading tea leaves that tells us the future; it is in reading facts.

Friday, March 23, 2007

The $186 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 146

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007.

George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists seek to create and profit from chaos, because out of chaos comes the New Order.

This is the first tactic with which Republican America Fascism intends to conquer the United States of America.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The $185 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 134

There is a lot of news today, news you need to know before it hits your TV screen and your community newspaper.

It is my intent to advise the people of the small northern California town I am now seeking refuge in, and people of small mountain-rural communities from Alaska down to roughly due east of Bakersfield, California, to plant an over-abundance of food crops this Spring, for their own use after the Republican American Fascists instigate nuclear war in December.

This is important because if I am right about this, food distribution will have broken down long before there is time to grow food crops next year.

That is, rural people should prepare to be self-sufficient from this harvest season indefinitely into the future.

If I am not right about this, if the calamity I am expecting in December does not take place, the people in these communities have lost nothing in growing an abundance of food, and will be better off than they are at this time; self-sufficient in food if they need be, and living well on home-grown, high quality food if not.

As it stands now there will be nuclear war in December; and America's West Coast cities will be hit hard.

This seems bound to happen because this is what George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists have planned; and the Republican American Fascists have so out-maneuvered any potential opposition, so outflanked the weak-kneed Democrats and the non-fascist Republicans, that the Republican American Fascists see smooth sailing into the future; saying bye-bye to the Constitution of the United States of America and hello-hello to the New Order.

Now back to this community I fictionally call Smallville and all other small rural communities east of the big port cities on the West Coast of North America.

There is a second element of this potential nuclear war calamity to be triggered by George W. Bush and his Big Money Masters. That is, small rural communities such as Smallville will very likely be inundated with refugees from such destroyed urban areas as San Francisco, Redding and Portland, Oregon.

Americans do not take well to refugees, as was best demonstrated during the Depression era migration of Dust Bowl farmers from Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, and other states to California.

Those "Okies" were held in contempt by Californians, and suffered much abuse and exploitation, perhaps best described by John Steinbeck in "Grapes of Wrath".

A smaller, more recent demonstration of this American dislike for refugees can be seen in America's profound dislike, distrust and destruction of the Hippies of the Sixties, who were in effect refugees of the spirit.

We can see this again in America's treatment of Katrina refugees. The last time I visited San Francisco there were newspaper stories about conflict between Black San Franciscans and Black Katrina refugees. The refugee women were called "Katrina Whores".

In general, the nation as a whole has failed the Katrina and other hurricane victims while Big Money has made big money on house trailers that were never used, and so forth; and Big Money plans to make GREAT MONEY by exploiting the land and bulldozing the homes abandoned by New Orleans' Katrina Victims.

If nuclear war breaks out as planned in the secret chambers of Republican American Fascism, and if West Coast cities are hit as hard as I expect them to be, little towns like Smallville could be faced with literally thousands of refugees; perhaps not immediately because they might be protected by winter snow, but as surely as Spring shall come so shall the refugees.

This, I suggest, could result in mini-civil wars as each community attempts to repulse the inflow of nuclear war refugees.

This brings us to one more important story I must report to you today.

There has been a strong further development in the approaching sinking by God of an American nuclear submarine with all hands.

Were I a free journalist and politician I would be directing my energies at preventing this approaching US submarine disaster, and heading off the nuclear war now penciled in on Bush's calendar for December; but as we have learned I cannot even stop cowardly Americans from torturing me in the night, or in the day, or at any time anywhere, so how am I to presume I can prevent America's nuclear suicide now some nine months away, and the loss of a nuclear submarine much sooner?

Adding evidence the approaching sinking by God of a US Navy nuclear submarine, I point to the British nuclear sub Tireless accident under the arctic ice yesterday. That was a God's Space War event; and it was documented in code, in advance, here, in this work, yesterday.

The codes are easily demonstrated but not easily deciphered.

I offer these codes on the news and intelligence markets. That is, I expect to be approached honestly about them and be paid for them.

This proof of my advance documentation of the Tireless incident can of course be stolen or ignored; and a US nuclear submarine can, of course, sink to the bottom of the sea.

The Tireless incident was the third submarine event I have quietly documented in advance since early January.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The $184 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Ten

Shark America Zero

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 139

There are no new God's Space War codes today. The Big Board is blank; no flashing lights at all. In our Space-Time Submarine we are running silent and running deep.

I, your friendly Space Sailor, the world-known audibly telepathic American torture-slave, has entered a northern California mountain town he has dubbed, Smallville, not as an insult to the town but for the town's own protection from the publicity that is bound soon to come; and my Old Pal God has asked me to walk the streets of Smallville gently.

God reminds me I am used to toe-to-toe-fighting with thousands of American psycho-fascists at the same time; and that here there are less than 500; and I will hurt them if I fight them.

All the people of Smallville know all the tortures America and the world inflicts on me, and those Smallvillains who practice those tortures are as skilled as the homos of San Francisco, but that is not to be the subject of this work at this time.

I look to my brother and mentor, Jesus, and he says, "Love them, Bro, and turn the other cheek". Not easy to do when you have been soldiering for thousands of years, as I have.

My mission, if I care to accept it, which I do, is to introduce to the people of Smallviile the Truth of what I am, and to attempt to make a separate peace with them.

I have been at war so long that putting down my blade is like removing my right arm; but I have put down my blade and my arm is still there; so I pick up a broom and sweep the floor.

The house I am living in is the reason I am here; I am here to help renovate it.

The two-story house is about 100 years old and has been boarded up for years. There is no heat. no stove, no kitchen sink, no furniture but the odd table and chairs and an old bed; and to make the toilet operable I bring in a garden hose from outside and fill its reservoir before each flushing.

All the rooms are stripped bare, and the walls are marked with what will be where when the renovation is complete; kitchen here, bedroom there, and so forth.

There is at least one resident ghost, a woman I got a glimpse of once, and who was careful to tell me she in kind and gentle ways she is living here.

I think she likes my being here; and is happy to know her home will be saved.

The house is full of noises at night, none of which she makes; but it is the wind flapping the paper over the upstairs windows, and the old wood creaking like an old man's bones on a cold morning.

When the ghost talks she is distinct from all of that.

I like the place. It is just my cup of tea. I like work. I don't mind roughing it. Of most immediate importance, being here allows me to live within my Social Security pension of less than $500 a month, because I work on the house in lieu of paying rent.

I like this kind of work, and already my dangerous symptoms of ill health, such as poor blood flow that would leave my feet fat and puffy, have disappeared because of this activity.

Light physical work is the Mother's Milk of the old; and I am old now, far older than I ever expected to be.

I have no TV, and I intentionally opted not to get the fabled 122 TV channels when I subscribed to Internet and telephone service.

While holed up in that motel for those past several months I saw enough TV to last me a while; and while I saw much TV that I had never seen before because I had never had cable, a lot of tits and ass and nutty newscasters, I can do without.

There have been long periods in my life when I have had no TV at all.

None until junior high school, none during college, none while in Asia for five years, almost none while wandering the streets of American tortured day and night because God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy. I had never seen any TV but NBC on a regular basis until events forced me to hole up in that motel a few months ago.

I think that is one thing that gives me the intellectual edge in my battle against American fascism in all its forms. I am not TV pre-conditioned, my mind has not been snatched by the mind-snatchers who creep in through the tube, and therefore I think thoughts outside the array of thoughts the consumers (consumers, not citizens) are conditioned to choose from; conditioned through that hypnosis machine, television.

The other thing that gives me an intellectual edge is God instructs me quiet a bit; and you know what God tells me most: "The Earth is Dying; Keep on Trying."

Earth dead by 2065; the human being extinct much sooner. Not a nice message I know, perhaps that is why the people don't like me.

My job is not to save the world, it is to write about the death of the world clearly and accurately before it takes place; and it is clear the really vile and cowardly treatment of me by the human race because I am audibly telepathic points to a very important reason why this Earth is dying, but that is only a small part of the story.

It is the opposite of the King Kong story's moral perhaps: The Beast killed Beauty.

My Old Pal God and I have been chatting about something lately that I thought you might find interesting; it concerns the division of labor between us; and that brings me to why God has asked me not to fight the people of Smallville.

I know, it may gall your gizzard for me to say so, but God and I and many others have been hard at work for years and decades and centuries and eons to save this Earth from the Death upon whose brink She now precariously tips; and it may surprise you that of those workers working who are not of this Earth I am the least audibly telepathic.

(This is to say there are many workers working who are of this Earth, but that's another story.)

So, if you are in a mood to kick Telepath Ass, I can introduce you to several million Angels who will break your eardrums with their telepathy if they start talking to you; and I warn you, they don't like you as much as I.

But I digress, we were talking about the division of labor between God and I.

Consider this: It is God's job to remember and my job to forget.

If I were to remember every dirty deed every psycho-fascistic American has done to me since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy I would now be as loony as Daffy Duck to the Tenth Power, and I would not be able to string three words together in a coherent sentence; and I would not be able to perform my first duty in that division of labor I mentioned.

My first duty, of course, is writing The Obituary of the World; the first words of which I put to paper in 1963.

Everything I see and everything I do is a part of that work.

On the battlefield, were those little machinegun bullets killing the world, I would ask myself.

Was that man in Rome beating his horse killing the world, I would ask myself.

Was the fact that there are fewer honest politicians in Washington than male horses in a cowboy movie killing the world, I would ask myself.

An obituary must say what the dead died of; and Earth, well, when you get down to it, Earth died of a billion little things.

It can be truthfully said, for example, that Earth died because the human race never figured out what to do with its excreta.

It can be truthfully said, as another example, that Earth died because the human race sucked out too much oil, thus throwing off her balance; and doubly killed Earth by burning that oil and sending its residue skyward.

So, when I was given my commission by God to write The Obituary of the World it was no small undertaking, nothing I could scribble down on a cocktail napkin over gin and tonics with the boys at the Press Club; it was a Life's Work; and my life's work is a big part of the division of labor between God and myself.

God moves mountains, I write about the movement of mountains.

Whether or not God will save this Earth is not within my division of labor to say; and even though I know the relationship between this Earth and God is in many ways like that between a wife and a husband; and having that knowledge I feel I can with confidence assume God will save this Earth whom God loves so much, that story is outside my current division of labor.

Let me put it this way: God has asked me to write the story of the death of this Earth as it will occur if God does not intervene; and without that intervention that death will occur by early 2065.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The $183 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 138

Yesterday I reminded you that George W. Bush will destroy the world,; and then I introduced to you the God’s Space War code, “Empty Vessels”.

Before I continue to expand on the Empty Vessels code, I want to note for you the American submarine incident off Florida on March 13.

Apparently the USS San Juan was out of contact for several hours, a situation so alarming that search and rescue operations were begun, and the families of the crew were being notified the sub was missing.

This was later brushed off as unimportant, but I suggest it was very important, and that I would have documented it in advance had I not been in transition and unable to use the Intenet.

I don't know if I can prove this, if my computer keeps such a record, or if proof is even important, but prior to my going off line on March 11, in search of a home, I sent the following reminder to myself via AOL Alerts, to be delivered to my email in box on the morning of March 13, the day of the submarine incidence. The message read: "expect biggy".

I remind you the United States Navy is a primary target in God's Space War against the United States of America, and that on a quiet I level have now documented in advance two US submarine incidents recently.

The first incident was when the USS Newport News collided with the Japanese tanker Mogamigawa on Janauary 8, a very important event as I explained just after it occurred, with the handwriting of God clearly visible on the event.

Later information said the Newport News was sucked to the surface by the physics of the massive tanker passing over her, which if true reveals a surprising and apparently unknown submarine vulnerability.

I have seen no further information on the strange disappearance of the USS San Juan, except that the crew of the San Juan reportedly did not know there was a search underway for it; which seems to me to indicate another glitch in physics, possibly in communication physics but I suspect something more profound.

I again suggest the US Navy admit to its crimes against me, and pay me one million dollars per year since its attack on me in 1967; and in addition to that fine it surrender to me a commissioned US Navy vessel, preferably a ketch of about 40 feet, with a diesel engine, but I would accept something larger.

This indemnity is far cheaper than losing a submarine and its crew, which is what these two advance-documented submarine incidents seem to be leading to. Two shots across the bow, at least two reported in the news; it seems to me the next sub sinks with all hands.

Meanwhile, back on dry land, I was telling you about the God's Space War code, Empty Vessels.

In this use of the term, Empty Vessels, we are speaking of bottles and not ships; empty bottles, not empty ships.

In Medieval Europe an Empty Vessel was a person who did not know Jesus Christ; and since Roman Catholicism was the only Christian religion in Europe it meant any non-Catholic was an Empty Vessel; the “vessel” being the soul of the person.

The meaning of this term changes in this work's use of the Empty Vessels code.

Here an Empty Vessel means a person who knows of my status and existence as an audible mental telepath, and bears false witness against that knowledge.

Those who truly do not know about the one audible mental telepath in human history now walking the Earth are exempt from this Empty Vessels code, and are to be noncombatants is the great battle of Armageddon which will soon erupt near Mt. Shasta in Northern California.

It is God who will sort them out, not I.

Within this Empty Vessels definition there are perhaps billions of empty vessels on this Earth at this time, billions of people who know of my telepathy and America’s policy of torturing me and keeping me in enslavement, (though they may call that torture-enslavement something cute and fuzzy, something psychiatrically correct), but who are or are not aware of the importance of my having become audibly telepathic.

Take China, for example. Over the years I have come to learn there are many Chinese who know about my status, I mean in Communist China and Nationalist China, not Chinatown, USA, which has always been a hotbed of Telepath torture.

Early in America’s torture-enslavement of me, before the torture had become stylized, and when I was just considered a captured freak and it had not been decided how to treat me, two Chinese men wearing Mao suits came near me in Laguna Beach, California, clearly observing the phenomenon as if I were a fungus in a Petri dish or a cat on its back strapped to a vivisectionist’s table.

That was the only time I ever saw Mao-suited Chinese in America. It was obvious the American government was showing me off, even to its greatest enemies of the time.

I was reminded of this China Syndrome on my drive up Highway 5 from the Bakersfield area to the Redding area, for me about an eight-hour trip along Interstate 5, kicking back, enjoying the drive, listening to country and western music and daydreaming naughty daydreams about The Dixie Chicks.

Being an old dude I find necessary on such drives to stop at almost all the rest areas that come along about every 50 to 100 miles, for the purpose of what old timers of a previous generation used to call, “bleeding my bladder”; or “take a leak” as my father would say; or “tinkle” as Oprah would say; or “take a piss” as we the crude and crass say.

At one such rest stop I found my car parked next to a rental car occupied by Chinese tourists; which really struck me as a sign of the times; young, moneyed Chinese from a Communist nation which is apparently (emphasize the “apparently”) morphing into capitalism; Chinese in their early twenties spending thousands of dollars on luxury tourism although coming from a country where $100 a month is a common income.

Mao must be rolling in his mausoleum.

As I walked toward the restroom one of the Chinese young men fell in behind me and began doing his unpracticed version of the “Cowards’ Cough” torture Americans are so proud of.

He was obviously quite familiar with the Coward’s Cough, and that it is part of the phenomenon of America’s torture-enslavement of the phenomenal one man who is the only audible mental telepath in the history of the human race; but he seemed to have only heard about the Coward’s Cough, not actually heard it being used as an implement of torture.

He did a variation of that torture, part cough-part squeal, very difficult to describe; indicating he knew what to do but not exactly how to do it, like an idiot rapist raping for the first time and not quite knowing the right hole to violate.

To me, the great revelation in this event was, if this one random Chinese tourist knew that much about America's torture-enslavement of me, how many more Chinese know that much? Millions, one billion, two billion, more?

Suddenly I had perhaps billions of enemies I did not know I had; and in God’s Space War the greater the number of enemies the bigger the target. God's Space War is not unlike the approaching George W. Bush-created nuclear war in that sense.

(Dear Reader, Bush is intent on mass murder, the Republican American Fascist final solution to the overpopulation problem.)

I see great potential in the existence of massive numbers of Chinese who know enough about me to torture me on sight. I see the potential of filling those billions of Chinese Empty Vessels, now containing only the noxious gas of American lies about me, with the Intoxicating Truth of just why I became audibly telepathic and how I know this Earth will be dead in less than 60 years...and how the Chinese people can help save this Earth.

You see, Dear Reader, the Chinese do not know much about God, and in fact never have, and since the Communists attempted to bury the Spirit of the Buddha after they took power in 1948 (including their later rape of the Vatican of Buddhism, Tibet, in 1950) they know even less about God now than they knew before.

(American fundamentalist Christians will here quibble that the Buddha had no connection to God, but each and every one of them would be lucky to have one one-hundreth the connection the Buddha had with God, but that's another story.)

For a line officer in God’s army, such as I, this knowledge of the existence of potentially billions of Empty Vessels in China presents a remarkable military advantage. It tells me all that is necessary to save the Chinese, and save the world from the ecological disaster which is China, is show the Chinese God. This is not difficult; it is part of God's Space War strategy to reveal God's presence and concern for the world anyway.

But I digress, back in the States, suddenly right before my eyes was a Chinese Empty Vessel, perhaps 20 years old, nattily dressed in what Americans might consider San Francisco Gay, but what I assume is the height of Chinese new rich attire.

He wore a crispy clean shirt and slacks, and man-purse worn over his shoulder like Lovely Rita, Meter Maid, not a blemish on the cute bag as if it had just yesterday come out of a department store; nor was there a blemish on the Chinese tourist who tortured me, for that matter, other than he being a cowardly torturer; he was as clean and unblemished as if he had just come out of the Chinese Misfortune Cookie Cutter.

Presto! Revelation! A Chinese Empty Vessel who knew he was fortunate on his tourist trip to America to by chance come upon the famous (or infamous) audible mental telepath; the cute Chinese boy knowing he could boast when he was home among his friends at some fancy China-Yuppie fern bar drinking scotch mixed with green tea, that he, too, had coughed the Cowards’ Cough and caused the Telepath a little pain.

"Hao! Hao!", his yuppy chums pissing away their time on a dying planet would exclaim; "Good! Good!"

In doing so, however, this rude and callow Chinese gave me some excellent intelligence. He showed me that the torture-enslavement of me is well known of in China; interesting, considering what a closed society China is; and this knowledge put China on my Space War battle map. What used to be neural territory, even considered a potential ally, became a field of battle.

Any nation, no matter how big and no matter how small, no matter if it knows a little about God, or knows nothing at all about God, or thinks it knows a lot about God, is at war with God if it goes along with America’s torture-enslavement of God’s One True Telepath.

Simple enough for even the most stupid and most cowardly Telepath torturers to understand; but they don't understand, they don't understand, they don't understand, and God's furious anger upon them will come as such a surprise.

I was aware America’s torture-enslavement of me is known in many countries, from all the nations of Europe through Israel, through India, Thailand, Singapore and Russia, and apparently South and Central America and all the ships at sea; and I have long realized all those countries either agree with or bow to America’s torture-enslavement of me; but now China, too? Oh, what a lovely war! So many asses to kick, and all the Time in the Eternal Universe to do it in.

Of course, America controls the world’s Information Spigot about me, so, who knows what the Chinese or others around the world think of me? Perhaps people all around the world have seen a computer-generated US propaganda film of me murdering a baby while fornicating with a dog. I mean, I must have been accused of something in that zone of wickedness to have been tortured for 35 years by nations around the world.

Tomorrow I will introduce you to Smallville, California, where as I told you yesterday the battle of Armageddon will begin with a sign from God; a sign which will give the citizens of Smallville a clear understanding that they should turn their backs on America's satanic torture-enslavement of me, a clear suggestion they make a separate peace with me.

I will tell them how to do that when the opportunity comes along; and the same instructions will apply to all other Americans as well.

I fictionalize the name of the town, calling it Smallville, because I do not want the town to be victimized by hordes of lookie-lous and Christian nut-jobs when word gets out of the miracle that will occur here. So if the name of this town is revealed it will be the main stream news media that reveals it, not I.C. News; but more on that tomorrow.

Monday, March 19, 2007

The $182 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Up periscope!

And now, Dear Reader, let us go to the final battle between good and evil, to the combat between one man’s truth and a world’s psycho-fascist lie; let us break the back of those who bear false witness against me.

And Dear Reader, Dear Reader, for those of you who believe in God, or want to, a special treat is on the way; a genuine sign from God particularly for a small town in Northern California…(but I say too much, I don’t want to spill the beans).

Your friendly Space Sailor has been at sea for about a week. He has sailed his Space-Time Submarine (let’s call it U-30, a raggedy assed old journalist’s joke) from the oil fields near Taft, California, up Interstate 5 to the rolling green foothills near Redding, California.

Through our periscope we see Mt. Shasta, the southernmost of three sister “extinct” volcanoes that punctuate the Pacific Northwest of the United States of America; first Mt. Rainier in Washington (where the first modern UFO sighting took place in 1947), then Mt. Hood in Oregon, then Mt. Shasta close up on California’s northern border.

(Three evenly spaced landmarks looking remarkably alike, reminding us that something important took place in this part of the world long, long ago.)

The image we see through our periscope is also remindful of the view of Mt. Fuji from the sea seen in Hokusai's print, the famed feathered waves, dynamic in the foreground, Fuji in the distance; but instead of Fuji, we see Shasta, and instead of feathered waves, we see pine-bedecked rolling hills.

Movie buffs might also recall the view seen by submarine captain Cary Grant in “Destination Tokyo” (1943), Fuji in the distance and Tokyo harbor all around.

(What a thrill that was for me, a boy of three, too young to know the difference between movies and realities, entering the theater, and then there I was sailor on that sub at the very doorstep of the merciless Japanese; whom I frequently dreamed of bayoneting or being bayoneted by. Children of war dream dreams of war.)

Today’s God’s Space War code is “Empty Vessels”; look around you, they are legion; but old business first.

The “Big Toe Amputation” code was fulfilled when George W. Bush was in Brazil. I cannot yet say exactly how because I have been away from the news and could not read between the lines; and besides, it is likely the bitter fact to which I refer was not reported in the news at all.

Big Toe is an old code for the President of the United States of America; it comes in a round-about way from the Japanese word for president. With apologies to the Japanese, I will spell it phonetically as, Dai Toe Rio, “Dai” meaning “Big”. “Rio” in this case meaning “Rio de Janeiro. ”.

You may recall this code was established quite some time before Bush’s visit to Brazil was announced. Certainly the visit of America’s faux-president to Brazil was already in the works when the Big Toe Amputation code was established, but I did not know that.

God gives me the codes; I just pass them on to you.

The Big Toe Amputation code was a risky code to track because it seemed to indicate Big Toe would be amputated, and the Secret Service is hostile to warnings of such events; but that was never the case, and had it been the case I would have said so clearly, as I did in my advance documentations of three presidential assassination attempts (Fromme/Ford; Moore/Ford; Hinckley/Reagan).

No, what took place is Rio was much more diabolical; there Big Toe amputated this Earth from the body of living planets in this galaxy.

Just how that was done I cannot report at this time because, as I said, I have been without news for a week; but almost certainly the foolish evil that was done was done in secret, and the news media knows nothing at all about it.

Regular readers may recall that a constant theme of this work since about 13 months before the 9/11 attack has been that George W. Bush will destroy the world. This is not a catch phrase; this is Truth boring in on you. George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Recall, the title of this work since 1963 has been “The Obituary of the World”.

If you look at Bush-Junior’s past works you can see his future works. In his wake lay chaos, pain, disaster and ineptitude: Iraq; Katrina, illegal immigration, uncaring care of wounded vets, rape of the Constitution of the United States of America, and pillaging of the treasury of the United States of America, and more crap still lies buried.

Everything George W. Bush touches turns to agony and chaos, and his touch of death will continue, and continue, and continue until the world is dead; and the Big Toe Amputation code tells us Bush touched a vital organ in Brazil; that is, he did a foolish or evil deed in Brazil that will suck the very life from this Earth.

(What secret agreement did that foolish fascist make? Ask him; tell him I told you about it; you will know he is lying if he pretends not to know my name.)

Killing this Earth was not Bush’s intention, of course; he plan was to kill only the poor so the rich would inherit the Earth; which is the basic plan of his master, the Big Money Occult; but he has foolishly misjudged even that evil game because he is unqualified for the office he inherited through Big Money manipulation, Bush family conniving, and Bush-governed Florida vote-tampering.

The next big step in Big Toe’s amputation of the world can be expected in December, when he instigates nuclear war.

Yesterday I received an expansion of this Big Toe Amputation code, which indicates the profound seriousness of the error “President” Bush made in Brazil, and reveals God’s contempt for Bush. It reads: “The person who shakes the hand of a person who shook the hand of George W. Bush is likely for find his hand shaking in Hell.”

That, however, is not the subject of this report; the subject today is the emergence of the God’s Space War code, Empty Vessels, and what it means to every person on this Earth who knows of the existence of God’s One True Telepath, or whatever I am called around the world.

Let’s approach that code tomorrow, when I will tell you how a Chinese tourist revealed to me a profound military secret of Communist China; and then I will introduce to you the little northern California town in which I am now living, to be fictionally called Smallville, where the battle of Armageddon will begin with a sign from God only this town shall see.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The $174 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 135

Today's code is, "The President's Brain is Missing".

Unfortunately, I cannot pursue this code because I must close down I.C. News while I move to a new home, hopefully to a happy place. It is deep in the mountains, and I love the mountains, so that is a good start.

I hope to be back on the Internet within a week.

In the news, The Associated Press reports today, "The harmful effects of global warming on daily life are already showing up, and within a couple of decades hundreds of millions of people won't have enough water, top scientists will say next month at a meeting in Belgium." The Associated Press and the scientists are catching up to where I.C. News was in 1963; but this AP story contains projections to 2080, and our Earth will be long dead by then.

On the sixth of this month I did a report on the current state of the world. While I rarely repeat work, I will repeat that report today.

The State of the World

This seems to be a good day to step back from the battle and take in the tableau of the battlefield; and step back from the battlefield and see what this war is about; not the puny and stupid war you see on television, but God's war to save this Earth from the human being.

The hypothesis of this work is this:

As it stands today, this Earth will be dead by 2065; and saving this Earth is 2,000 times more difficult than curing AIDS. By 2020 the cascading events leading to Earth's death will become as obvious to all on Earth as the listing of a torpedoed ship is obvious to its crew and passengers.

It is then the final test of the human being will begin. Does it conquer the demons within itself, or does it in madness and furious anger war against itself, blaming the death of this Earth on that part of itself, or this part of itself?

My becoming the only audible mental telepath in human history in about 1972 was a gift from God in the context of this crisis of planetary death; a gift to me in that it saved my life from the murderous venom of Richard Nixon, and gave me the journalistic scoop of all time; and a gift to the human being because through that audible mental telepathy I became the one and only uncensored, compromised voice in the media wilderness; I became a new form of media.

It is in this context that the United States of America took upon itself the sin of torturing and enslaving me, the messenger, the only audibly telepathic human being in the history of the world, God's One True Telepath, and in doing so brought the wrath of God down upon itself; as all shall clearly see as this story unfolds.

It is in the context of the rapidly approaching death of this Earth that George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq takes on a whole new and even more foul smell, because the focus on war and threat of war by the Republican American Fascists has misdirected lives, money, resources, energy and brains from the true and great crisis to the small and artificial crisis.

George W. Bush took the world back to the 12th Century, to the Crusades, to re-run that same stupid movie called "Christianity By The Sword" with his variation of "Democracy By The Sword", back to the 12th Century, loosing all the demons and ignorances of those times; not with one thousand years to recover, but with hardly one thousand months to save this poor Earth.

Such a pathetic epitaph now awaits Man: "The human being continued to fight over the pie while the pie rotted away."


Saturday, March 10, 2007

The $173 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Zero

Shark America Ten

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 140

A lot of people seem to be in a huff about the FBI's violation of some people's rights. The FBI has been violating my rights non-stop since at least 1967, and this bothers none but God and I.

The same journalists and politicians who are blah-blah-blahing about this "Patriot Act" violation by the FBI think any nasty thing the FBI does to me is just fine and dandy.

Threats of murder, threats of beatings, theft of documents, wild accusations, smug superiority, violation of my most fundamental constitutional rights; this is the FBI of my experience, and I have never been legally accused of, and certainly never tried and convicted of, a crime.

Before God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy I was one of the most pro-police people you could ever meet; but as soon as I was in a weak position the police became pigs in their treatment of me; and I must admit my opinion of them changed.

There is the old expression, "Power corrupts, and total power corrupts totally", and this corruption can be seen in police forces and government agencies around the world, the United States of America being no exception.

I have had two policemen armed with guns and badges knowingly and with forethought and planning charge me with a crime I did not commit; and in the process cost me thousands of dollars, and hours of physical labor, and the loss of my business. The great horror is I am not an exception in this; this is common.

There seems to be something about the type of people who go into police work, so many of them enjoy misuse of power and extra-legal punishment.

It is one of my duties as the only audibly telepathic Christian since Jesus is to know people by their works.

The police tell me they are very nice people, but they sodomize my life and laugh while they do it. Who am I to believe, the pro-police propaganda or the pain in my ass?

I think the police of the United States of America, including the FBI, should make an open apology to me and pay me compensation for their criminal activity against me going back to at least 1967.

I think America should understand that just like the misuse of power by the police has changed my attitude toward the police, the misuse of America's power has on near-infinite levels changed the world's attitude toward America

An injustice is never forgotten. When the victim dies God continues to remember it.

There is an Iranian saying which probably goes back to the days was Iran was called Persia, "There are no small enemies". America should understand this, because America's history from its outset has been to attack and bully the smaller and weaker.

World Wars One and Two were unique exceptions to this. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan were entered into on the false assumption that those nations were weak. A weak nation to America is like a worm on a hook to a fish.

Think about this, if I had been the son of a Mafia don rather than the son of a North Dakota farmer when I became audibly telepathic, the American people would have stopped torturing me after two or three of them were found sleeping with the fishes.

It is my helplessness that excites the Americans who torture me; it is the same excitement the rapist feels; and the child-murder feels, and the baby torturer feels.

The psychology of America in its torture-enslavement of me is the psychology of the baby murderer.

Last night's cowardly psycho-fascist American torturer drove a pickup from Redondo Beach, California, license number 7L54623.

Friday, March 09, 2007

The $172 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 149

As America's bad luck would have it, it looks like I will be without an Internet connection when the "Big Toe Amputation" code ripens. This almost certainly means Big Toe will be amputated.

I can track this event for two more days; then it's back on the road again for me; and it seems to me the critical codes will not be transmitted to me until sometime after Monday, after I have been forced to pack up my computer and go in search for a home. Americans so love seeing me living in a state of homelessness.

Oh, well, what the Hell, it's just another God-damned American losing his life and his soul; no more important than a fart in the wind.

I will decipher the Big Toe Amputation code for you when Big Toe is amputated or when I am a free man, whichever comes first.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The $171 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 140

We are killing time today, while Time is killing you.

The "Big Toe Amputation" code has been expanded to include "Brassiere, You Hold the Things that Are So Dear"; as of this were some kind of revelation.

Since my focus on these codes today would be good for America, it seems to be a good idea to turn my back on those codes today and review the sleep-deprivation aspect of America's torture-enslavement of me.

This aspect of America's torture of me goes on daily and has for many years; but while it goes on all the time it makes no sense to write about it all the time; boring for you and boring for me.

Also, America's torture of me is not the subject of this work, the death of this Earth is; and the cowardly, psycho-fascist hearts of the American people constitute but a thread in the tapestry of the story of Earth's death.

One reason today seems to be a good day to turn my back on the story of Satan's face, the American media and government; and report on the story of Satan's anus, the American people; is the increased torture of me by the government pig torturer today.

I received extra torture today from the resident government pig because I was thinking about recording the license number of the citizen volunteer torturer of the past two nights. The government pig torturer, who has freedom to access that room when it is vacant, threw a little torture tizzy because of those thoughts. He did this after the citizen volunteer torturer had left for work around 7 a.m.

So, since I have been tortured by the government pig for thinking about recording the identity of the citizen volunteer torturer of the last two nights, I might as well do what I was punished for thinking about doing.

The citizen volunteer torturer for the past two nights was the driver of a truck operated by McCahill's Bulldozer Service, owned by Josh McCahill, California license plate 6X03189. I will not record the company's telephone number or email address, both of which are on the truck.

The McCahill's driver's torture was typical citizen volunteer torture, nothing special; except in truth it was tantamount to participation in felony torture-murder.

Citizen volunteer torture tends to be perfunctory; government pig torture tends to be sadistic.

The McCahill driver would awaken me two or three times a night if I dreamed in shallow sleep. This torture seems to be considered an American right, if not duty. In effect this makes the United States of America the only country the history of the universe to pass a de facto law against dreaming

A couple of weeks ago I recorded a number of citizen volunteer torturer's license numbers here, and gained some most interesting insights as a result.

What I found was that citizen volunteer torturers staying in the next room had fear in their eyes if they saw I knew what car they were driving.

These Americans are so cowardly. They torture me, but are fearful of the slightest possibility their security of anonymity will be penetrated.

This fear in their eyes gave me very interesting intelligence.

For example, it told me my policy of recording licence numbers is so broadly known by people who do not read this site that random tourists who book into the next room know about it, and further are afraid of it.

I stopped recording license plate numbers because of that fear. It is my job to spread information, not fear.

There was a secondary bit of intelligence I picked up in recording the license numbers of torturers.

I discovered the license plate number of a government pig, 5XTD441. This government pig torturer was staying in distant rooms and letting himself into the neighboring room to torture me viciously all night, then apparently sleeping during the day.

Once identified, the cowardly government pig made a point of showing himself; I suppose it was a form of coward's boasting.

He hung around for about a week, entering the vacant room at night and torturing me through the wall; then he was apparently replaced by another government pig whose cover had not been broken. In any case I have not seen government pig car 5XTD441 for some time.

In effect, the United States of America has made it illegal to be an audibly telepathic human being, but has done this in the psycho-fascist way of punishing the telepath while the denying the existence of both the telepathy and the punishment. This is satanic.

If God were to do to the American people the equivalent of what the American people have done to me, God would damn them because their shit stinks.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The $170 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 146

The "Big Toe Amputation" code is still active. This may be regrettable for the expected target because this work will be taking a brief hiatus (time off to we working people) in a few days, and I may not be in a position to warn if the code becomes hot.

This is because your friend, Virgil, seems to have found a home where he can pay the rent with light physical labor. This is a boon on many levels, not only going from homelessness to home and from outrageous expense to low expense, but from inactive living to active working, work being the fountain of longevity for old dudes like me.

So, in order to establish that home I may be off line for a few days next week.

Even with this good development in sight, however, there is a strong feeling today there is something sad for America ahead; as if the mourning is beginning before the dead are dead.

Sometimes it is a pisser, Dear Reader, knowing the future of Man, knowing Man will be extinct within 60 years; and it is not all that nice seeing Man's present either; and damn if you don't want to cry when you see the misery of the history of the human being.

God sees every sparrow fall; God feels every sword cut; God lives every act of love and every act of rape, as it takes place.

By the way, there was a "man" convicted of child-murder in Florida today. If he committed that crime he lost his soul forever, and a thousand ministers and a thousand priests cannot absolve him of that crime no matter how they interpret the teachings of Jesus Christ. He is lost and gone forever. For that scum of a "man"; no redemption is possible unless he can raise that child from the dead and undo his rapes and licks and inserted fingers.

God is not stupid; God understands evil.

This bring us to what God told me some 13 months before 9/11, and what I have told you many times since, that George W. Bush, presidential murderer of Iraqi children, will destroy the world.

Destroy the world. This is not a catchphrase, no, this is a horrible fact; the result of a shallow man having deep power. Like that "man" in Florida, that "man" in the White House has irretrievably lost his soul for child-murder.

Have you ever noticed that everything George W. Bush touches turns to crap and pain; New Orleans, FEMA, dead soldiers' families, wounded vets, Iraq, America, the world? There is no end to this pattern, this pattern is the core policy of Republican American Fascism.

You can see in the works of Bush the wishes of Satan; in the grin-smirk of Bush you can see the smirk-grin of Lucifer, mirror images of two-facedness; Satan's cunning, Bush's bumbling; and in the end the result is the same: world murder, the murder of all children.

Perhaps you recall yesterday's last words.

"Such a pathetic epitaph now awaits Man: 'The human being continued to fight over the pie while the pie rotted away.'"

The great question, the horrible question, the question out of the Mouth of Terror, is: "Will it be the same tomorrow?" As long as I remain America's torture-slave, the answer to that question will be a resounding "Yes!"

George W. Bush will destroy the world. George W. Bush will destroy the world. George W. Bush will destroy the world. George W. Bush will destroy the world. George W. Bush will destroy the world. George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world. The world. The World. The world. The world. The world. The world. The World.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The $169 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 147

This seems to be a good day to step back from the battle and take in the tableau of the battlefield; and step back from the battlefield and see what this war is about; not the puny and stupid war you see on television, but God's war to save this Earth from the human being.

The hypothesis of this work is this:

As it stands today, this Earth will be dead by 2065; and saving this Earth is 2,000 times more difficult than curing AIDS. By 2020 the cascading events leading to Earth's death will become as obvious to all on Earth as the listing of a torpedoed ship is obvious to its crew and passengers.

It is then the final test of the human being will begin. Does it conquer the demons within itself, or does it in madness and furious anger war against itself, blaming the death of this Earth on that part of itself, or this part of itself?

My becoming the only audible mental telepath in human history in about 1972 was a gift from God in the context of this crisis of planetary death; a gift to me in that it saved my life from the murderous venom of Richard Nixon, and gave me the journalistic scoop of all time; and a gift to the human being because through that audible mental telepathy I became the one and only uncensored, compromised voice in the media wilderness; I became a new form of media.

It is in this context that the United States of America took upon itself the sin of torturing and enslaving me, the messenger, the only audibly telepathic human being in the history of the world, God's One True Telepath, and in doing so brought the wrath of God down upon itself; as all shall clearly see as this story unfolds.

It is in the context of the rapidly approaching death of this Earth that George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq takes on a whole new and even more foul smell, because the focus on war and threat of war by the Republican American Fascists has misdirected lives, money, resources, energy and brains from the true and great crisis to the small and artificial crisis.

George W. Bush took the world back to the 12th Century, to the Crusades, to re-run that same stupid movie called "Christianity By The Sword" with his variation of "Democracy By The Sword", back to the 12th Century, loosing all the demons and ignorances of those times; not with one thousand years to recover, but with hardly one thousand months to save this poor Earth.

Such a pathetic epitaph now awaits Man: "The human being continued to fight over the pie while the pie rotted away."

Monday, March 05, 2007

The $168 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 142

The Boys and I were teaching Birds to fly, and the Girls were dancing on a Fable.

The most important news story today is the blood clot in Dick Cheney's left leg. Such a condition is not difficult to treat, and I.C. News expects Cheney to come through this health incident in good form, and hopes he does.

The importance of this event is in our code "Big Toe Amputation" which we have been running for a while; and in our advance documentation of the Air Force Two's electrical problem which required an unscheduled landing in Singapore after Cheney's visit to Australia; and in the symbolic but not dangerous "attack" on Cheney in Afghanistan.

This clot incident should be considered the third shot by God across Cheney's bow.

Also of importance relative to Cheney's blood cot is yesterday's report on Big Money and God's asking me to talk about God more.

The matter of greatest importance in this situation is the state of Dick Cheney's soul; I mean here Cheney's danger of losing his soul for America's torture-enslavement of me.

God, I suggest, is speaking to Cheney, suggesting he use the forum of his office to call for an end to that wicked torture-enslavement.

Cheney is welcome, of course, to follow Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and many other ranking Americans into Hell for that uniquely American crime; but God is sending warning after warning, or plea after plea if you prefer, to Cheney to save his soul by freeing Gold's One True Telepath.

In this context I note I survived a double blood clot crisis brought on by America's torture-enslavement of me; after America forced me from my home of 15 years and required me to live in my car, to be harassed by cops for being homeless, and to eat junk food for many months; not at all healthy for a man in his sixties with a lifelong heart condition.

One clot passed through my heart and lodged in a lung, and when it did it dropped me to the street in a good imitation of instant death, and not one person helped me even though many "Americans" knew what had happened. The other clot stayed in my leg.

The cure was two weeks in a hospital (where I was tortured extensively by patients and staff); and a lifetime need to take blood thinners.

Other than advising Cheney save his soul by emancipating America's torture-slave, I would suggest he avoid eating spinach, which thickens the blood.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The $167 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 149

My Old Pal God has asked to do two things for you in the coming days; to talk to you more about God, which I rarely do because it is tantamount to being illegal for me to do so in the USA; and to begin tell you step by step how God will destroy Big Money in the process of saving this Earth and our human race from miserable death.

I have explained to you that God has determined to destroy Big Money; and along with that explanation I gave you evidence that I am right.

What was that evidence?

The evidence was naming for you the exact date of the China stock market plunge; but even in doing that I did not describe to you fully the intricate accuracy of the "Strawberry-Ichigo" code, the code that contained that advance documentation.

That code, given to my by God a few hours before I gave it to you, documented that event a full five days in advance; and placed that event in Asia.

No one else in the world could do that but I, the only audible mental telepath in human history.

This, of course, in addition to my having named dozens of major events in advance since America began its torture-enslavement of me in 1967, including the loss of the space shuttle Challenger, including the attempted assassinations of Ford and Reagan, including the 9/11 attack.

No one else in the world could do that but I, God's One True Telepath.

My source of information in all of this is God, as has been the case all my life, in the womb, and long, long before my conception. There is more to God than all the religious teachings and dogmas of this world put together can contain.

The American people have tortured and enslaved me, whipped and flayed me for some 35 years because I say God talks to me and I talk to God. I suggest that the fact that I do indeed talk to God and God does indeed talk to me makes what the American people have done to me a very dangerous gamble.

So, God has asked me to talk about God.

At different times there are different ways to talk about God; God who time and time again saves my life when Americans torture me to the edge of my grave; God who tells me the exact moment when a meteor will appear; God who tells me the world is dying, and patiently gives me proof after proof after proof, and asks me, "Virgil, do you have anything better to do than report this news?"

At this time, today, the best way to talk about God is to tell you about God's intention to destroy Big Money.

I don't know if I can tell you why God is going to destroy Big Money, but I will try; I don't know if I can even tell you what Big Money is, but I will try.

It is not the amount of money so much as the state of agreement within Big Money, the agreement of Ownership of the Destiny of the World.

This is an important sin, so I will say it again: The great sin of Big Money is the agreement of Ownership of the Destiny of the World.

But let's step back from this attempt at definition, that only gets us walking through propaganda muck and distorted history up to our knees; let's talk about what God is going to do to Big Money for Big Money's crime of stealing and murdering this Earth.

You know, Jesus wasn't just whistling "Dixie" when He said it was harder for a rich man to get into Heaven than a camel through the Eye of the Needle.

Let's approach God's "Metaphor of Attack" on Big Money, which you might incorporate into your thinking while you watch the snake oil TV financial wizards pontificating on the stock market shock, speaking in all their money wizard words, like a bunch of false priests discussing a false religion in the Pig Latin of the worship of Money and Power.

To understand why I knew about the China stock market drop, see God as telling me about it in terms of God's intent to cause it.

To understand God's Metaphor of Attack, see world-wide Big Money as a whale, and the China event as God's harpoon penetrating the whale's back.

Understand, if you have a few million dollars you are not Big Money, you are more like the alter boys serving the priests of the church of Big Money, or the choir girls Big Money preaches to and takes behind the alter.

Big Money manipulates the starting of wars; Big Money kills presidents and potential presidents; Big Money puts presidents in office, child-men like George W. Bush who are in no way qualified other that they are princes of Big Money. Big Money manipulates the direction of events.

Who profits from George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq? Only Big Money. There was no reason for invading Iraq other than to create for Big Money another money making war machine, and further steer this Earth toward greater war, toward greater accumulation of wealth and power by Big Money, and toward ultimate human disaster.

Big Money is the rebirth of royalty, and all that means; Big Money is the reestablishment of aristocracy, what the American Revolution revolted against.

The goal of big money is the return of the human being to serfdom; and then the spreading of nuclear plague that wipes out the teeming, squirming, laboring, wormy masses, and leaves Big Money free do divide the world like pieces of stolen-planet pie.

This is why God is going to destroy Big Money.

So, God's harpoon is in that whale, the Big Money whale.

Now let's take a look closer at this God's Space War Metaphor of Attack. See on your mind's movie screen a whale of sailing ship whaling days, who knows its back has been pierced a harpoon, but does not know what a harpoon is, and does not yet know the hit was fatal.

The whale swims along, puzzling over what has happened, feeling whatever it is it will correct itself like shark bites and hard times have corrected themselves in the past.

The whale is swimming strong with the harpoon in its back, and he becomes aware the harpoon in his back is attached to a line (though he does not know what a line is), and that the line is attached to the harpooner's longboat (though he does not know who and what these things are), and he is aware he is dragging the heavy longboat behind him (though he does not know what this means).

The whale has not yet become weary, become savvy, he does not yet know he swims inexorably to his death; to being taken, dead, aboard the sailing whaling vessel, and to being cut up, his parts being used for this and that, to the total of what he saw as his greatness and rulership of the sea becoming corset bones for ladies of fashion, and oil for the lamps of midnight lovers, and perfume for the noses of courting swains, and money in the pockets of whaling sailors to exchange for grog and whores back home in New England (which he does not know exists).

That is, as the whale still thinks it can swim away from the problem, Big Money still thinks God's harpoon just an irritant that will go away, and has no idea of the damnation that awaits it, and no idea, yet, that God is the harpooner who harpooned it.

Ironically, God's destruction of Big Money might just prove the existence of God.

That whale knows the harpooner better than Big Money knows God; and loves the harpooner more than God loves Big Money. Big Money is stupid about God; but God is wise to Big Money.

I want to point out again what I have pointed out many times before; Big Money knows about the rapidly approaching death of this Earth even though it tells you everything is just fine; and the plan of Big Money is to save the world for itself and its serfs and its palace guards by murdering Pretty Good Money, Little Money and No Money, thereby reducing the human population of this Earth by at least five billion.

Big Money is an international conspiracy against you, your parents, your children, your home, your peace and your life. To Big Money you are less than a fly on dung, you are the dung under the fly.

You and yours are the fertilizer for the fields of bounty of the New Order.