Jews Jaws Nine
Shark America One
Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 138
Yesterday I reminded you that George W. Bush will destroy the world,; and then I introduced to you the God’s Space War code, “Empty Vessels”.
Before I continue to expand on the Empty Vessels code, I want to note for you the American submarine incident off Florida on March 13.
Apparently the USS San Juan was out of contact for several hours, a situation so alarming that search and rescue operations were begun, and the families of the crew were being notified the sub was missing.
This was later brushed off as unimportant, but I suggest it was very important, and that I would have documented it in advance had I not been in transition and unable to use the Intenet.
I don't know if I can prove this, if my computer keeps such a record, or if proof is even important, but prior to my going off line on March 11, in search of a home, I sent the following reminder to myself via AOL Alerts, to be delivered to my email in box on the morning of March 13, the day of the submarine incidence. The message read: "expect biggy".
I remind you the United States Navy is a primary target in God's Space War against the United States of America, and that on a quiet I level have now documented in advance two US submarine incidents recently.
The first incident was when the USS Newport News collided with the Japanese tanker Mogamigawa on Janauary 8, a very important event as I explained just after it occurred, with the handwriting of God clearly visible on the event.
Later information said the Newport News was sucked to the surface by the physics of the massive tanker passing over her, which if true reveals a surprising and apparently unknown submarine vulnerability.
I have seen no further information on the strange disappearance of the USS San Juan, except that the crew of the San Juan reportedly did not know there was a search underway for it; which seems to me to indicate another glitch in physics, possibly in communication physics but I suspect something more profound.
I again suggest the US Navy admit to its crimes against me, and pay me one million dollars per year since its attack on me in 1967; and in addition to that fine it surrender to me a commissioned US Navy vessel, preferably a ketch of about 40 feet, with a diesel engine, but I would accept something larger.
This indemnity is far cheaper than losing a submarine and its crew, which is what these two advance-documented submarine incidents seem to be leading to. Two shots across the bow, at least two reported in the news; it seems to me the next sub sinks with all hands.
Meanwhile, back on dry land, I was telling you about the God's Space War code, Empty Vessels.
In this use of the term, Empty Vessels, we are speaking of bottles and not ships; empty bottles, not empty ships.
In Medieval Europe an Empty Vessel was a person who did not know Jesus Christ; and since Roman Catholicism was the only Christian religion in Europe it meant any non-Catholic was an Empty Vessel; the “vessel” being the soul of the person.
The meaning of this term changes in this work's use of the Empty Vessels code.
Here an Empty Vessel means a person who knows of my status and existence as an audible mental telepath, and bears false witness against that knowledge.
Those who truly do not know about the one audible mental telepath in human history now walking the Earth are exempt from this Empty Vessels code, and are to be noncombatants is the great battle of Armageddon which will soon erupt near Mt. Shasta in Northern California.
It is God who will sort them out, not I.
Within this Empty Vessels definition there are perhaps billions of empty vessels on this Earth at this time, billions of people who know of my telepathy and America’s policy of torturing me and keeping me in enslavement, (though they may call that torture-enslavement something cute and fuzzy, something psychiatrically correct), but who are or are not aware of the importance of my having become audibly telepathic.
Take China, for example. Over the years I have come to learn there are many Chinese who know about my status, I mean in Communist China and Nationalist China, not Chinatown, USA, which has always been a hotbed of Telepath torture.
Early in America’s torture-enslavement of me, before the torture had become stylized, and when I was just considered a captured freak and it had not been decided how to treat me, two Chinese men wearing Mao suits came near me in Laguna Beach, California, clearly observing the phenomenon as if I were a fungus in a Petri dish or a cat on its back strapped to a vivisectionist’s table.
That was the only time I ever saw Mao-suited Chinese in America. It was obvious the American government was showing me off, even to its greatest enemies of the time.
I was reminded of this China Syndrome on my drive up Highway 5 from the Bakersfield area to the Redding area, for me about an eight-hour trip along Interstate 5, kicking back, enjoying the drive, listening to country and western music and daydreaming naughty daydreams about The Dixie Chicks.
Being an old dude I find necessary on such drives to stop at almost all the rest areas that come along about every 50 to 100 miles, for the purpose of what old timers of a previous generation used to call, “bleeding my bladder”; or “take a leak” as my father would say; or “tinkle” as Oprah would say; or “take a piss” as we the crude and crass say.
At one such rest stop I found my car parked next to a rental car occupied by Chinese tourists; which really struck me as a sign of the times; young, moneyed Chinese from a Communist nation which is apparently (emphasize the “apparently”) morphing into capitalism; Chinese in their early twenties spending thousands of dollars on luxury tourism although coming from a country where $100 a month is a common income.
Mao must be rolling in his mausoleum.
As I walked toward the restroom one of the Chinese young men fell in behind me and began doing his unpracticed version of the “Cowards’ Cough” torture Americans are so proud of.
He was obviously quite familiar with the Coward’s Cough, and that it is part of the phenomenon of America’s torture-enslavement of the phenomenal one man who is the only audible mental telepath in the history of the human race; but he seemed to have only heard about the Coward’s Cough, not actually heard it being used as an implement of torture.
He did a variation of that torture, part cough-part squeal, very difficult to describe; indicating he knew what to do but not exactly how to do it, like an idiot rapist raping for the first time and not quite knowing the right hole to violate.
To me, the great revelation in this event was, if this one random Chinese tourist knew that much about America's torture-enslavement of me, how many more Chinese know that much? Millions, one billion, two billion, more?
Suddenly I had perhaps billions of enemies I did not know I had; and in God’s Space War the greater the number of enemies the bigger the target. God's Space War is not unlike the approaching George W. Bush-created nuclear war in that sense.
(Dear Reader, Bush is intent on mass murder, the Republican American Fascist final solution to the overpopulation problem.)
I see great potential in the existence of massive numbers of Chinese who know enough about me to torture me on sight. I see the potential of filling those billions of Chinese Empty Vessels, now containing only the noxious gas of American lies about me, with the Intoxicating Truth of just why I became audibly telepathic and how I know this Earth will be dead in less than 60 years...and how the Chinese people can help save this Earth.
You see, Dear Reader, the Chinese do not know much about God, and in fact never have, and since the Communists attempted to bury the Spirit of the Buddha after they took power in 1948 (including their later rape of the Vatican of Buddhism, Tibet, in 1950) they know even less about God now than they knew before.
(American fundamentalist Christians will here quibble that the Buddha had no connection to God, but each and every one of them would be lucky to have one one-hundreth the connection the Buddha had with God, but that's another story.)
For a line officer in God’s army, such as I, this knowledge of the existence of potentially billions of Empty Vessels in China presents a remarkable military advantage. It tells me all that is necessary to save the Chinese, and save the world from the ecological disaster which is China, is show the Chinese God. This is not difficult; it is part of God's Space War strategy to reveal God's presence and concern for the world anyway.
But I digress, back in the States, suddenly right before my eyes was a Chinese Empty Vessel, perhaps 20 years old, nattily dressed in what Americans might consider San Francisco Gay, but what I assume is the height of Chinese new rich attire.
He wore a crispy clean shirt and slacks, and man-purse worn over his shoulder like Lovely Rita, Meter Maid, not a blemish on the cute bag as if it had just yesterday come out of a department store; nor was there a blemish on the Chinese tourist who tortured me, for that matter, other than he being a cowardly torturer; he was as clean and unblemished as if he had just come out of the Chinese Misfortune Cookie Cutter.
Presto! Revelation! A Chinese Empty Vessel who knew he was fortunate on his tourist trip to America to by chance come upon the famous (or infamous) audible mental telepath; the cute Chinese boy knowing he could boast when he was home among his friends at some fancy China-Yuppie fern bar drinking scotch mixed with green tea, that he, too, had coughed the Cowards’ Cough and caused the Telepath a little pain.
"Hao! Hao!", his yuppy chums pissing away their time on a dying planet would exclaim; "Good! Good!"
In doing so, however, this rude and callow Chinese gave me some excellent intelligence. He showed me that the torture-enslavement of me is well known of in China; interesting, considering what a closed society China is; and this knowledge put China on my Space War battle map. What used to be neural territory, even considered a potential ally, became a field of battle.
Any nation, no matter how big and no matter how small, no matter if it knows a little about God, or knows nothing at all about God, or thinks it knows a lot about God, is at war with God if it goes along with America’s torture-enslavement of God’s One True Telepath.
Simple enough for even the most stupid and most cowardly Telepath torturers to understand; but they don't understand, they don't understand, they don't understand, and God's furious anger upon them will come as such a surprise.
I was aware America’s torture-enslavement of me is known in many countries, from all the nations of Europe through Israel, through India, Thailand, Singapore and Russia, and apparently South and Central America and all the ships at sea; and I have long realized all those countries either agree with or bow to America’s torture-enslavement of me; but now China, too? Oh, what a lovely war! So many asses to kick, and all the Time in the Eternal Universe to do it in.
Of course, America controls the world’s Information Spigot about me, so, who knows what the Chinese or others around the world think of me? Perhaps people all around the world have seen a computer-generated US propaganda film of me murdering a baby while fornicating with a dog. I mean, I must have been accused of something in that zone of wickedness to have been tortured for 35 years by nations around the world.
Tomorrow I will introduce you to Smallville, California, where as I told you yesterday the battle of Armageddon will begin with a sign from God; a sign which will give the citizens of Smallville a clear understanding that they should turn their backs on America's satanic torture-enslavement of me, a clear suggestion they make a separate peace with me.
I will tell them how to do that when the opportunity comes along; and the same instructions will apply to all other Americans as well.
I fictionalize the name of the town, calling it Smallville, because I do not want the town to be victimized by hordes of lookie-lous and Christian nut-jobs when word gets out of the miracle that will occur here. So if the name of this town is revealed it will be the main stream news media that reveals it, not I.C. News; but more on that tomorrow.